Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2

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Transcript of Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2





    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    Whole Number 1

    Terms 1-4

    Number & Algebra

    Terms 1-4: Addition and Subtraction 1

    Terms 1-4 : Multiplication & Division 1

    Terms 1 & 3: Patterns and Algebra 1

    Terms 2 & 4: Fractions and Decimals 1

    Statistics & Probability

    Terms 1 & 3: Data 1

    Terms 2 & 4: Chance 1

    Measurement & Geometry

    Term 1: Length 1 / Time 1 / 2D 1 / Position 1

    Term 2: Mass 1 / 3D 1 / Angles 1

    Term 3: Volume and Capacity 1 / Time 1 / 2D 1 / Position 1

    Term 4: Area 1 / 3D1 / Angles 1

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2







    Addition &



    & Division

    Fractions &



    & Algebra

    Length Area Volume &


    Mass Time 3D 2D Angles Position Data Chance

    K 1


    3 4

    Yr 1 1




    Yr 2 1




    Yr 3 1




    Yr 4 1




    Yr 5 1




    Yr 6 1




    NB: Where a content strand has a level 1 & 2, the 1 refers to the lower grade within the stage, eg. Whole Number 1 in S1 is for Yr 1, Whole Number 2 is for Yr 2.

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2




    represent and

    order numbers

    to at least tens

    of millions

    Identify and

    describe factors

    and multiples of

    whole numbers

    and use them to

    solve problems


    Highest Common Factor

    Revise students understanding of HCF from previous term to gauge retention and

    understanding of key concepts.

    Provide exercises on HCF for students to complete, such as:

    Find the highest common factor of the following numbers:

    (1) HCF of 12 and 15 ________ (2) HCF of 10 and 8 ________(3) HCF of 20 and 15 ________ (4) HCF of 25 and 10_______

    (5) HCF of 16 and 24 ________ (6) HCF of 12 and 18_______

    (7) HCF of 50 and 15 ________ (8) HCF of 20 and 40_______

    (9) HCF of 18 and 30 ________ (10) HCF of 12 and 24______

    (11) HCF of 15 and 75 _______ (12) HCF of 25 and 50______

    (13) HCF of 8 and 24 ________ (14) HCF of 5 and 50_______

    (15) HCF of 12and 50 _______ (16) HCF of 8 and 100______

    (17) HCF of 14 and 16 _______ (18) HCF of 20 and 24______

    (19) HCF of 12 and 21 _______ (20) HCF of 27 and 15______

    (21) HCF of 10 and 30_______ (22) HCF of 24 and 32______

    (23) HCF of 48 and 12_______ (24) HCF of 13 and 15______

    In pairs have students compare their answers and discuss any d ifferences, resolving which isthe correct answer and why.

    Report back to class and discuss any difficulties that arose.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and



    Lowest Common Multiple

    The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.

    Example: the Least Common Multiple of 3 and 5 is 15, because 15 is a multiple of 3 and also

    a multiple of 5. Other common multiples include 30 and 45, etc, but they are not the

    smallest (least).

    Provide exercises on LCM for students to complete, such as:

    Find the lowest common multiple of the following numbers:

    (1) LCM of 3 and 4 _________ (2) LCM of 2 and 5 _________

    (3) LCM of 2 and 6 _________ (4) LCM of 3 and 5_________

    (5) LCM of 10 and 4 ________ (6) LCM of 3 and 9_________

    (7) LCM of 5 and 6_________ (8) LCM of 2 and 7_________

    (9) LCM of 8 and 6 _________ (10) LCM of 3 and 7________

    (11) LCM of 6 and 7________ (12) LCM of 4 and 9________

    (13) LCM of 8 and 10 _______ (14) LCM of 3 and 2________

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    (15) LCM of 4 and 5________ (16) LCM of 8 and 10_______

    (17) LCM of 9 and 6 ________ (18) LCM of 2 and 9________

    (19) LCM of 3 and 8________ (20) LCM of 5 and 7________

    (21) LCM of 10 and 5_______ (22) LCM of 5 and 9________

    (23) LCM of 8 and 12_______ (24) LCM of 10 and 2_______

    In pairs have students compare their answers and discuss any d ifferences, resolving which is

    the correct answer and why.

    Report back to class and discuss any difficulties that arose.


    Prime Numbers

    A Prime Number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself and it must be a whole number

    greater than 1.

    Example: 5 can only be divided evenly by 1 or 5, so it is a prime number.

    But 6 can be divided evenly by 1, 2, 3 and 6 so it is NOT a prime number (it is a composite


    Provide students with a hundreds chart and have them colour all of the prime numbers.

    Before starting ask students to predict how many prime numbers they think there is

    between 1-100.

    In pairs have students compare their answers and discuss any d ifferences, resolving which isthe correct answer and why.

    As a class check predictions and discuss.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, 100s charts


    Ascending Order and Descending Order

    In pairs provide students with six d ice. Each student takes turns at rolling all of the dice at

    once and then the two students use the numbers rolled to create the smallest number

    possible and record this. After three turns each, the students must then p lace their six

    numbers in ascending order.

    Repeat the above activity, but this time students must make the largest number possible

    with the numbers on the dice. When they once again have size numbers, the students

    should place these in descending order.

    Still in pairs, have students each roll the six dice and make their own largest number. Each

    time that the pair have created a number, they must make a statement about the numbersthat they have created in relation to their partners, ie:

    My number of 643221 is greater than __________ number of 554321, etc

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies,

    decrease number of dice


    Extension: use multi-sided

    dice and/or increase

    number of dice

    Dice, paper and



    Millionaire Place Value

    Students draw 4 joined boxes in a horizontal line. Squared paper will help. The teacher has

    a standard pack of playing cards with the picture cards removed. The teacher shuffles them,

    turns the top card and calls out the number. The students must choose a box to write this

    number in. The teacher also does this in secret. The cards are turned and called until all four

    boxes are filled.

    Support: provide prepared

    box sheets

    Playing cards,

    squared paper and

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    Students and teacher then display their number. Students who get a higher number than

    the teacher get 5 points. Equal to the teacher gets 3 points. Lower than the teacher 1 point.

    The teacher gets 10 points if he / she beats all the students!

    Note - a ten playing card is called as a zero.

    This game can be adapted to higher numbers by increasing the number of boxes or a

    decimal point can be added to change the numbers into pounds and pence.

    A further twist with 5/6 figure numbers is to offer pupils the option of switching round two

    of the numbers to increase their total.


    Partitioning and Place Value

    Discuss place value with the students and have them explain the place value of a given

    number from an example written on the board. Eg in the number 2367, what is the place

    value of 3?

    Explain to the students how the next step on from this is to partition numbers, for example:

    27 = 2 tens and 7units = 20 + 7

    156 = 1 hundred, 5 tens and 6 units = 100 + 50 + 6

    7310 = 7 thousands, 3 hundreds, 1 ten and zero units = 7 + 3 + 1 + 0

    Provide students with a series of numbers to partition independently.

    As a class check results and discuss di fficulties.

    Ask the students what happens to the place value of a number when a decimal point is


    For example: In the number 563.92, what is the place value of the 9 and the 2.

    Discuss tenths, hundredths and thousandths.Provide students with a series of decimal numbers to partition.

    As a class check results and discuss di fficulties.

    Support:provide students

    with number expanders

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and



    Big Day Out

    Select a well known Theme Park or local attraction. Obtain cost of admission figures and

    any additional costs that may be incurred participating in activities at the location. Put

    together a menu of possible snacks available to purchase for lunch.

    In groups provide students with a budget for their day out. Each group will have to plan a

    budget for the day which provides opportunities for a given family to experience as much as

    possible, whilst still having money to purchase lunch.

    Groups must record all purchases made and keep a track of this against the total budget.

    Each group reports back to the class on what their imaginary family spent their money for

    the day, the total money spent and change if any left over. They should also be encouragedto report on the fairness of the decisions they made for each family member, ie did some of

    them miss out on activities whilst others participated etc.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies,

    calculators to assist


    Theme park/local

    attractions price lists,

    paper and pencils


    Problem Solving : Joins

    Provide students with a series of 4 x 4 grids, for example:

    Support:concrete material

    to add totals

    Extension:increase number

    values and/or size of grid


    4x4 grids, colour

    pencils and lead

    pencils, paper
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some

    conventions MA3-1WM

    selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies,

    including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking

    investigations MA3-2WM

    gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution

    over another MA3-3WM

    selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and

    subtraction with counting numbers of any size MA3-5NA

    Background Information

    In Stage 3, mental st rategies need to be continually reinforced.

    Students may find recording (writing out) informal mental

    strategies to be more efficient than using formal written algorithms,particularly in the case of subtraction. Eg, 8000 673 is easier to

    calculate mentally than by using a formal algorithm. Written

    strategies using informal mental strategies (empty number line):

    The jump strategy can be used on an empty number line to count

    up rather than back.

    The answer will therefore be 7000 + 300 + 20 + 7 = 7327. Students

    could share possible approaches and compare them to determine

    the most efficient. The difference can be shifted one unit to the left

    on an empty number line, so that 8000 673 becomes 7999 672,

    which is an easier subtraction to calculate.

    Written strategies using a formal algorithm (decomposition


    An inverse operation is an operation that reverses the effect of the

    original operation. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations;

    multiplication and division are inverse operations.


    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: plus, sum, add, addition, increase, minus, the difference

    between, subtract, subtraction, decrease, equals, is equal to, empty

    number line, strategy, digit, estimate, round to, budget. Teachers

    should model & use a variety of expressions for the operations ofaddition & subtraction, & should draw students' attention to the

    fact that the words used for subtraction may require the operation

    to be performed with the numbers in the reverse order to that in

    which they are stated in the question. Eg, '9 take away 3' & 'reduce

    9 by 3' require the operation to be performed with the numbers in

    the same order as they are presented in the question (ie 9 3).

    However, 'take 9 from 3', 'subtract 9 from 3' and '9 less than 3'

    require the operation to be performed with the numbers in the

    reverse order to that in which they are stated in the question (ie 3


    Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply

    appropriate digital technologies to solve problems

    use the term 'sum' to describe the result of adding two or

    more numbers, eg 'The sum of 7 and 5 is 12'

    add three or more numbers with different numbers of

    digits, with and without the use of digital technologies, eg 42

    000 + 5123 + 246

    select and apply efficient mental, written and calculator

    strategies to solve addition and subtraction word problems,

    including problems involving money

    - interpret the words 'increase' and 'decrease' in addition

    and subtraction word problems, eg 'If a computer costs

    $1599 and its price is then decreased by $250, how much do

    I pay?'

    record the strategy used to solve addition and subtraction

    word problems- use empty number lines to record mental strategies

    -use selected words to describe each step of the solution


    check solutions to problems, including by using the inverse


    Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness

    of answers to calculations

    round numbers appropriately when obtaining estimates to

    numerical calculations

    use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers to

    addition and subtraction calculations, eg 1438 + 129 is about

    1440 + 130Create simple financial plans

    use knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to create a

    financial plan, such as a budget, eg organise a class

    celebration on a budget of $60 for all expenses

    -record numerical data in a simple spreadsheet

    -give reasons for selecting, prioritising and deleting items

    when creating a budget

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    Use efficient

    mental and

    written strategies

    and apply


    digitaltechnologies to

    solve problems

    Use estimation

    and rounding to

    check the

    reasonableness of

    answers to


    Create simple

    financial plans


    Mental Strategies

    Remind the students of the methods of addition and subtraction that they used during

    Term 1. Ask students for examples related to each of the methods.

    Provide students with the following 12 additions, in pairs select those they can do in their


    1. 314 + 53 2. 39 + 38 3. 146 + 194. 444 + 333 5. 533 + 388 6. 85 + 205

    7. 374 + 456 8. 678 + 99 9. 56 + 13 + 7

    10. 532 + 118 + 336 11. 60 + 20 + 30 12. 11 + 16 + 19 + 14

    Collect answers and discuss the methods the children used.

    Repeat for the following, 12 examples, reminding students that they are only identifying

    the sums they can do mentally:

    1. 277 23 2. 141 9 3. 340 130

    4. 527 311 5. 450 149 6. 510 250

    7. 87 38 8. 173 66 9. 277 178

    10. 600 180 11. 900 749 12. 871 165

    Ask students to look at the above two sets of questions again and this time complete the

    additions sums on paper that they were unable to complete mentally. As a class collectmethods and solutions. Discuss the different ideas and clues the students used.

    Provide students with the following questions:

    1. 140 + 60 20 2. 210 8 + 40 3. 64 19 + 2 4. 100 39 39

    5. 50 + 19 + 29 6. 43 + 17 30 7. 200 100 + 100 8. 750 + 50 50

    9. 200 87 + 86 10. 500 74 + 75 11. 124 + 58 56

    12. 315 + 47 44 13. 40 + 9 + 8 + 7 14. 136 14 12 10

    15. 110 + 9 + 19 + 29 + 39 16. 130 9 19 29 39

    Have students complete the first six questions and then discuss the methods used,

    discussing what they were able to mentally and what strategies they employed for the

    questions they had to do on paper.

    Repeat with the next six questions. Encourage students to think about what they are

    adding and subtracting to the first number. Use a number line to help them to see the


    Use the above for question 9 to show that 200 87 + 86 = 200 1 = 199. Emphasise the

    importance of this strategy is to avoid mistakes.

    Students complete the remaining questioning and discuss strategies used.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, number lines


    Addition With Regrouping

    Students need to be reminded that when they are adding numbers that have a sum of

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Addition Hunt BLM,

    clipboards, pencils,
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    more than 9 they must carry the tens amount over into the tens column when completing

    addition sums. For example:





    In pairs provide students with a clipboard and a copy of the answer grid; Addition Hunt

    (see attached).

    Place a serious of addition problems around the playground. Students set off in pairs and

    record their answer in the correct spot on the grid, demonstrating their working out. Whenthey complete each sum, they record whether they needed to apply regrouping to the

    question or not and then hunt for another sum.

    After a given time period is up, all students return to the classroom and revise questions


    whiteboard and

    markers, large open



    Subtraction With Regrouping (Decomposition Method)

    Students revise subtraction using the decomposition method for regrouping. Students may

    find the following rhyme useful for remembering what to do:

    More on TOP

    No need to STOP!

    More on the FLOOR

    Go next DOOR

    And get 10 MORE!

    Numbers the SAME

    Zero is your GAME!

    In pairs provide students with a clipboard and a copy of the answer grid; Subtraction

    Hunt (see attached).

    Have the students complete the Subtraction Hunt, as per the same format as the Addition

    Hunt game from previous lesson.

    After a given time period is up, all students return to the classroom and revise questions


    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Subtraction Hunt

    BLM, clipboards,

    pencils, whiteboard

    and markers, large

    open space
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    Explain the students that; Roundingis a mental math strategy for adding and subtracting

    numbers. When you round, you will likely need to adjust your answer to get the exact


    For example:

    - 23 + 58 can be rounded to 20 + 60 = 80.

    23 is 3 more than 20 and 58 is 2 less than 60.

    So adjust answer by adding 1.

    Answer is 81.

    - 76 - 40 can be rounded to 80 - 40 = 40.76 is 4 less than 80.

    So adjust answer by subtracting 4.

    Answer is 36

    Provide students with a variety of subtraction and addition algorithms to revise rounding

    to solve problems.

    Support:concrete materials

    to manipulate as required

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and



    Money Problems

    Provide students with a range of word problems, involving money for them to solve,

    examples may include:

    1. Lawrence gives $8.88 to Jessica. If Lawrence started with $94.28, how much money does he haveleft?

    2. Bruce has $81.65 and Rachel has $60.21. How much more does Bruce have than Rachel?

    3. After buying some tickets for $93.72, George has $8.33 left. Howmuch money didGeorge have to begin with?

    4. Rachel has $38.13 and Lillian has $9.40. How much more does Rachel have than Lillian?

    5. Deborah gives $3.60 to Charles. If Deborah started with $62.05, how much money does

    she have left?

    6. After buying some blocks for $76.35, Irene has $33.87 left. How much money did Irene

    have to begin with?

    7. Samuel gives $26.94 to Catherine. If Samuel started with $31.03, how much money does

    he have left?

    8. Andrea has $11.00 and Pamela has $6.19. How much more does Andrea have than


    9. Jacob had $109.85. He bought a shirt for $25.50, a pair of thongs for $7.98 and a hat for

    $11.36. How much money did Jacob spend altogether and how much money does he haveleft?

    10. Maddi washed the and earned $10.70, she mowed the lawn for $15.55 and babysat a

    neighbours child for $27.63. How much pocket money has Maddi earned? If she is saving

    for concert tickets that cost $75.50, how much more money does she need to earn?

    Students need to write a statement with each of their solutions, identifying the strategy

    they used.

    Support:provide concrete

    money to manipulate when

    solving problems

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and



    Revision and Assessment
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  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N

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    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N


    Regrouping: Y N

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    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    SUBSTRAND: Multiplication and Division 1 KEY CONSIDERATIONS OVERVIEW


    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies,

    including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking

    investigations MA3-2WM

    gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution

    over another MA3-3WM

    selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication

    and division, and applies the order of operations to

    calculations involving more than one operation MA3-6NA

    Background Information

    Students could extend their recall of number facts beyond

    the multiplication facts to 10 10 by memorising multiples

    of numbers such as 11, 12, 15, 20 and 25. They could alsoutilise mental strategies, eg '14 6 is 10 sixes plus 4 sixes'.

    In Stage 3, mental strategies need to be continually


    Students may find recording (writing out) informal mental

    strategies to be more efficient than using formal written

    algorithms, particularly in the case of multiplication.

    An inverse operation is an operation that reverses the effect

    of the original operation. Addition and subtraction are

    inverse operations; multiplication and division are inverse


    The area model for two-digit by two-digit multiplication in

    Stage 3 is a precursor to the use of the area model for theexpansion of binomial products in Stage 5.


    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: multiply, multiplied by, product, multiplication,

    multiplication facts, area, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones,

    double, multiple, factor, divide, divided by, quotient,

    division, halve, remainder, fraction, decimal, equals,

    strategy, digit, estimate, round to

    Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by 1 or 2

    digit numbers using efficient mental & written strategies &

    appropriate digital technologies

    use mental & written strategies to multiply 3 & 4 digit numbers by1 digit numbers, including:

    multiplying the 1000s, then the 100s, then t he 10s and then the

    1s, eg

    using an area model, eg 684 5

    using the formal algorithm, eg 432 5

    use mental & written strategies to multiply 2 & 3 digit numbers by2 digit numbers, including:

    using an area model for 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication, eg 25 26

    factorising the numbers, eg 12 25 = 3 4 25 = 3 100 = 300

    using extended form (long multiplication) of the formal algorithm,

    use digital technologies to multiply numbers of up to 4 digits

    - check answers to mental calculations using digital technologies

    apply appropriate mental 7 written strategies, 7 digitaltechnologies, to solve multiplication word problems

    - use the appropriate operation when solving problems in real-life


    - use inverse operations to justify solutions

    record the strategy used to solve multiplication word problems

    - use selected words to describe each step of the solution process

    Solve problems involving division by a 1 digit number, including

    those that result in a remainder

    use the term 'quotient' to describe the result of a division

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    calculation, eg 'The quotient when 30 is divided by 6 is 5'

    recognise 7 use different notations to indicate division, eg 25 4,


    record remainders as fractions 7 decimals, eg or 6.25

    use mental 7 written strategies to divide a number with 3 or

    more digits by a 1 digit divisor where there is no remainder,


    dividing the 100s, then the 10s, and then the 1s, eg 3248 4

    using the formal algorithm, eg 258 6

    use mental & written strategies to divide a number with 3 or

    more digits by a 1 digit divisor where there is a remainder,


    dividing the 10s and then the 1s, eg 243 4

    using the formal algorithm, eg 587 6

    - explain why the remainder in a division calculation is always lessthan the number divided by (the divisor)

    show theconnection between division & multiplication, including

    where there is a remainder, eg 25 4 = 6 remainder 1, so 25 = 4 6 + 1

    use digital technologies to divide whole numbers by 1 & 2 digit


    - check answers to mental calculations using digital technologies

    apply appropriate mental & written strategies, & digital

    technologies, to solve division word problems

    - recognise when division is required to solve word problems

    - use inverse operations to justify solutions to problems

    use & interpret remainders in solutions to division problems, eg

    recognise when it is appropriate to round up an answer, s uch as

    'How many 5-seater cars are required to take 47 people to thebeach?'

    record the strategy used to solve division word problems

    - use selected words to describe each step of the solution process

    Use estimation & rounding to check the reasonableness of

    answers to calculations

    round numbers appropriately when obtaining estimates to

    numerical calculations

    use estimation to check the r easonableness of answers to

    multiplication & division calculations, eg '32 253 will be about, butmore than, 30 250'

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    Solve problems


    multiplication of

    large numbers by

    1 or 2 digit

    numbers usingefficient mental &

    written strategies

    & appropriate



    Solve problems

    involving division

    by a 1 digit

    number, including

    those that result

    in a remainder

    Use estimation &

    rounding to check


    reasonableness of

    answers to



    Written Division

    Students solve problems that involve dividing a three-digit number by a one-digit number

    using written strategies, showing remainders as a fraction:

    Students solve division problems interpreting when remainders need to be rounded up egfinding the number of cars with four seats to take 341 people to an event, the solution

    would be 86 not 85 .

    Variation: Students use calculators to check answers and discuss.

    Support:concrete materials

    to manipulate as required

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, calculators


    Mixed Operations

    Students express each of the numbers from 1 to 100 using mixed operations.


    1 = 2 1 1

    2 = 2 2 + 1

    3 = 4 3 + 2

    4 = 9 3 + 1

    Extension: Students express

    a number using all 4


    Support:check with a


    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, calculators


    Mixed Operations Game

    In pairs, students are given a set of different-coloured counters each, three dice and agame board. Students create the game board by using any 25 numbers from 1 to 50. In

    turns, students roll the three dice, use these numbers with any operations to create a

    number from the board, and cover the number with a counter .The game continues until

    one player has three counters in a row in any direction.

    20 11 38 47 16

    19 17 8 15 12

    1 20 3 7 35

    26 42 34 43 49

    21 17 16 28 50

    Extension: Students use four

    dice and make game boardswith higher/lower numbers.

    The game could also be

    played with cards.

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper andpencils, counters, 5x5



    Rounding up division

    The teacher poses the scenario: A farmer has 49 eggs. He needs to put them into cartons,

    that each hold a dozen eggs, to send to market. How many cartons does he need?

    Possible questions include:

    - how many eggs will fit into each carton?

    - what strategy did you use to find the solution?

    - can you think of another way that the farmer could pack the eggs?

    Students record the strategies used. Students write their own problems involving division

    with remainders. They publish their work using a computer software package eg

    Powerpoint, Kidspix, Slideshow, etc

    Extension: The teacher

    poses the scenario involving

    larger numbers of eggs and

    different-sized cartons.

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, computers
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    Number Patterns

    Students are given a table such as:

    2 x8 = 16 16 2 = 82 x80 = 160 160 2 = 802 x800 =1600 1600 2 = 800

    They are asked to continue the pattern and describe the number pattern created. Students

    are encouraged to create further number patterns and are given access to a calculator.

    Further number patterns could include:

    10 x40 = 400 10 = 10 x500 = 5000 10 =20 x40 = 800 20 = 20 x500 = 10000 20 =70 x40 = 2800 70 = 70 x500 = 35 000 70 =

    Possible questions include:

    - what happens if you multiply a number by a multiple of ten?

    - what happens if you divide a number by a multiple of ten?

    - can you devise a strategy for multiplying by a multip le of ten?

    - can you devise a strategy for dividing by a multiple of ten?

    Support:individual support

    as required

    Tables of number

    patterns, paper and

    pencils, calculators


    Revision and Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies,

    including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking

    investigations MA3-2WM

    gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution

    over another MA3-3WM

    compares, orders and calculates with fractions, decimals

    and percentages MA3-7NA

    Background InformationIn Stage 3 Fractions and Decimals, students study fractions with

    denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 100. A unit fraction is

    any proper fraction in which the numerator is 1,eg , , , ,...............

    Fractions may be interpreted in different ways depending on the

    context, eg two-quarters ( ) may be thought of as two equal parts

    of one whole that has been divided into four e qual parts.

    Alternatively, two-quarters ( ) may be thought of as two equal

    parts of two wholes that have ea ch been divided into quarters.

    Students need to interpret a variety of word problems and translate

    them into mathematical diagrams and/or fraction notation.Fractions have different meanings depending on the context,

    eg show on a diagram three-quarters ( ) of a pizza, draw a diagram

    to show how much each child receives when four children share

    three pizzas.

    LanguageStudents should be able to communicate using the following

    language: whole, equal parts, half, quarter, eighth, third, sixth,

    twelfth, fifth, tenth, hundredth, thousandth, one-thousandth,

    fraction, numerator, denominator, mixed numeral, whole number,

    number line, proper fraction,

    improper fraction, decimal, decimal point, digit, place value,

    decimal places.The decimal 1.12 is read as 'one point one two' and not 'one point


    When expressing fractions in English, the numerator is said first,

    followed by the denominator.

    However, in many Asian languages (eg Chinese, Japanese), the

    opposite is the case: the denominator is said before the numerator.

    Compare & order common unit fractions & locate & represent them on

    a number line(ACMNA102)

    place fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 & 12 on a

    number line between 0 & 1

    compare & order unit fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,

    10, 12 & 100

    compare the relative value of unit fractions by placing them on anumber line between 0 & 1

    investigate & explain the relationship between the value of a unitfraction & its denominator

    Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition &

    subtraction of fractions with the same denominator(ACMNA103)

    identify & describe proper fractions as fractions in which the

    numerator is less than the denominator

    identify & describe improper fractions as fractions in which the

    numerator is greater than the denominator

    express mixed numerals as improper fractions & vice versa, through

    the use of diagrams & number lines, leading to a mental strategy

    model & represent strategies, including using diagrams, to add properfractions with the same denominator, where the result may be a mixed


    model & represent a whole number added to a proper fraction

    subtract a proper fraction from another proper fraction with the same


    model & represent strategies, including using diagrams, to add mixed

    numerals with the same denominator

    use diagrams, & mental and written strategies, to subtract a unit

    fraction from any whole number including 1

    solve word problems that involve addition & subtraction of fractions

    with the same denominator use estimation to verify that an answer is


    Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond

    hundredths(ACMNA104) express thousandths as decimals

    interpret decimal notation for thousandths

    state the place value of digits in decimal numbers of up to three

    decimal places

    Compare, order & represent decimals(ACMNA105)

    compare &order decimal numbers of up to three decimal places

    interpret zero digit(s) at the end of a decimal

    place decimal numbers of up to three decimal places on a number line

    between 0 & 1

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    - By pouring, and using any of these other glasses, show me exactly a thi rd of a glass of

    water? What fraction remains in the glass?

    Draw a sketch of the three tumblers on the board. Ask one student to add a line to your

    diagram on the board to show one-third of a glass.

    - Who can show me two-thirds of a glass by drawing a line on the glass I have drawn on the


    4. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs of a cup of milk. How many times can I make the

    recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?

    5. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs one-quarter ( ) of a cup of milk. How many times

    can I make the recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?

    6. Draw what would happen if I have 6 cups of milk and a recipe needs three-quarters

    ( ) of a cup of milk. How many times can I make the recipe before I run out of milk?

    7. Who can draw what would happen if I have 6 cups of milk and a recipe needs one-third

    ( ) of a cup of milk? How many times can I make the recipe before I run out of milk?

    8. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs two-thirds ( ) of a cup of milk. How many timescan I

    make the recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?


    Related Fractions 2 (One-Third, One-Sixth, One-Ninth and One-Twelfth)

    In this activity, students explore the relationships between the unit fractions and

    through dividing a continuous unit. They then express the equivalence between variousunits, as well as the relationship between the unit fraction and the whole.

    Write the fractions and on the board. Hold up a piece of wool approximately 90 cm


    - Using this piece of wool, how could you make one of these fractions?

    - Which of these fractions will be the easiest to make? Why?

    Select two students to demonstrate how to make one-third. Give the piece of wool to the

    two students and send them to a quiet corner to work on their demonstration.

    Distribute streamers or strips of paper or light card to each student. Explain that as well as

    creating each of the fractions written on the board, the task is to write a procedure using

    appropriate diagrams to allow other students to follow the methods developed.

    Have the two students demonstrate how they made one-third of the length of wool and

    justify why the answer is one-third.

    - Now that you have made one-third, which of the fractions on the board would be the

    easiest to make next? Why?

    Provide sufficient opportunities in the class discussion to clarify the result of repeated

    partitioning, say, halving one-third or finding one-third of one-third. Allocate the task of

    writing the procedures for finding and of a strip of paper.

    Have students share their procedures and ask students to explain what is the same and

    what is different about the procedures.

    Support:concrete examples

    of fractions, individual

    support as required

    Wool, streamers or

    strips of paper, paper

    and pencils
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    Revision and Assessment


  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies,

    including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking

    investigations MA3-2WM

    selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to

    measure the masses of objects, and converts between units

    of mass MA3-12MG

    Background Information

    Gross mass is the mass of the contents of a container and the

    container. Net mass is the mass of the contents only.

    Local industries and businesses could provide sources for thestudy of measurement in tonnes, eg weighbridges, cranes,



    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: mass, gross mass, net mass, measure, device,

    scales, tonne, kilogram, gram.

    As the terms 'weigh' and 'weight' are common in everyday

    usage, they can be accepted in student language should they

    arise. Weight is a force that changes with gravity, while mass

    remains constant.

    Choose appropriate units of measurement for mass


    recognise the need for a formal unit larger than the

    kilogram use the tonne to record large masses, eg sand, soil, vehicles

    record masses using the abbreviation for tonnes (t)

    distinguish between the gross mass and the net mass of

    containers holding substances, eg cans of soup

    interpret information about mass on commercialpackaging (Communicating)

    solve problems involving gross mass and net mass, egfind the mass of a container given the gross mass and

    the net mass (Problem Solving)

    select and use the appropriate unit and device to measure

    mass, eg electronic scales, kitchen scales

    determine the net mass of the contents of a containerafter measuring the gross mass and the mass of the

    container (Problem Solving)

    find the approximate mass of a small object by establishing

    the mass of a number of that object, eg 'The stated weight of

    a box of chocolates is 250 g. If there are 20 identical

    chocolates in the box, what does each chocolate weigh?'

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2




    appropriate units

    of measurement

    for mass



    Students weigh and record each item in their lunch box. Express each item in grams. Total

    the number of grams of their lunch. Compare with other students.

    Note: ensure the students have access to scales that can accurately measure small masses

    in grams. Have alternate arrangements for students with lunch orders.

    Extension: ask students to

    use kitchen scales at home

    to find the mass of their

    breakfast and dinner, then

    calculate the total mass of

    food for the day.

    Lunches, scales,

    pencils and paper



    Students collect and sort litter found in the playground and place it into garbage bags that

    have been labelled with categories of litter suggested during class discussion. Groups weigh

    individual garbage bags and determine the total mass for each category of litter, and the

    total mass of litter.

    Note:it may take more than one day to collect a significant quantity of litter.

    Variation:weigh empty garbage bins, and then the full garbage bins. Subtract the mass of

    the bin from the total mass to find the mass of litter.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    School litter, garbage

    bags, devices for

    weighing, pencil and



    The Average Lunch

    Students find the average mass of lunch eaten by the students in their small group,

    including fruit and drinks. Students use the measurement of each groups lunch mass, to

    calculate the total mass of all lunches for the class for one day. Express the total in

    kilograms and grams. Students then find how many 5kg crates would be needed for

    carrying the lunches for the whole class.

    Extension: discuss which

    group member is the closest

    to the average height and

    weight for students in the

    class. Using this students

    mass, calculate how many

    lunches would have to be

    eaten to equal the mass.

    Kitchen scales,

    pencils and paper,

    students lunches



    Students work in pairs or small groups to check the accuracy of kitchen and bathroom

    scales by using mass pieces. Students draw a table to record the measure of each mass,

    and comment on the accuracy of each instrument.

    Note:ensure the kitchen scales used are able to measure a mass of more than two


    Extension:if the scales are

    inaccurate, predict and

    measure what happens

    when the mass is increased.

    500gm, 1kg, 2kg

    mass, kitchen and

    bathroom scales,

    paper and pencils



    Students place each leg of a table on bathroom scales. Record the mass shown on each

    scale. Explain why/why not the combined mass shown will be a true measure of the tables

    mass. Find a way of checking the mass of the table. Predict what will happen if 10kg was

    placed on the table top. Trial and record the results.

    Note:ensure that all four bathroom scales are the same height.

    Support:individual support

    as required, questioning


    Small table, four

    bathroom scales,

    10kg mass for each

    group, pencils and



    Which Unit Would You Use?

    Students think of ten different animals, from very large, to small, and record this list.

    Beside each animal name, students write the unit of mass which may be used to measure

    each one.

    Students research the mass of several of the listed animals and record the results.

    Extension:students find the

    difference between the

    lightest animal and the

    heaviest animal; students

    find the number of small

    Access to research

    material on animals,

    paper and pencils
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    Note:students may need to be reminded that resource material can refer to both imperial

    and metric measurements such as ton or tonne.

    animals required to balance

    the mass of the largest



    School Bags Full

    Students in groups of four or five find the average mass of their full school bags. This

    measurement is used to calculate the mass of all bags in the class. Students predict the

    mass of all bags in the school.

    Extension:how many

    teachers bags or baskets

    make a tonne?

    School bags, scales,

    calculators, pencils

    and paper


    How Many Kids to the Elephant?

    Students find the mass of the average student in the class. Students estimate and then

    calculate, how many students would have the same mass as an elephant (average 4 tonne).Note:students should not be required to publically reveal their weight. Provision should be

    made for them to weigh themselves and record on a piece of paper and hand this to the

    teacher to use for final calculation.

    Support:individual support

    as required, questioning


    Bathroom scales,

    calculators, pencils

    and paper



    Students work in pairs or small groups to investigate:

    Were dinosaurs the largest living creatures ever? Students research the question and order

    the animals that they have studied, from heaviest to lightest. Calculate the difference in

    mass between the heaviest and lightest animals in the list.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Access to research

    material, pencils and



    Revision and Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    measures and constructs angles, and applies angle

    relationships to find unknown angles MA3-16MG

    Background Information

    A circular protractor calibrated from 0 to 360 may be easier

    for students to use to measure reflex angles than a

    semicircular protractor calibrated from 0 to 180.


    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: angle, arm, vertex, protractor, degree.

    Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees


    identify the arms and vertex of an angle where both arms

    are invisible, such as for rotations and rebounds recognise the need for a formal unit for the measurement

    of angles

    record angle measurements using the symbol for degrees


    measure angles of up to 360 using a protractor

    explain how a protractor is used to measure an angle(Communicating)

    explore and explain how to use a semicircular protractorto measure a reflex angle (Communicating, Reasoning)

    extend the arms of an angle where necessary tofacilitate measurement of the angle using a protractor

    (Problem Solving)Construct angles using a protractor(ACMMG112)

    construct angles of up to 360 using a protractor

    identify that a right angle is 90, a straight angle is 180 and

    an angle of revolution is 360

    identify and describe angle size in degrees for each of the

    classifications acute, obtuse and reflex

    use the words 'between', 'greater than' and 'less than' todescribe angle size in degrees (Communicating)

    compare the sizes of two or more angles in degrees, eg

    compare angles in different two dimensional shapes

    estimate angles in degrees and check by measuring

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2




    measure and

    compare angles

    using degrees


    measure and

    compare angles

    using degrees


    Lets Talk About Angles

    An ANGLE is an amount of TURN.

    - What unit do we measure angles in?

    We use the symbol to show degrees; like this 36 or 178 or 317.

    What is the size of this angle? What is it called?

    - What is the name of an angle smaller than 90?

    An angle less than 90 is called an acuteangle. (Angles < 90 are called acuteangles)

    - What is the name of angle larger than 90?

    An angle greater than 90 is called an obtuseangle. (Angles > 90 are called obtuseangles)

    - What about a line? Is it an angle?

    A line is known as a straightangle. (A straightangle has a measurement of 180)

    - What is the name of an angle larger than 180?

    An angle greater than 180 is called a reflexangle. (A reflexangle is > 180, but < 360)

    Estimate the size of these angles. What type of angle is it?

    Support:provide angle

    charts at desks for students

    who require direct


    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, rulers



    Recap last lesson. Ask students to name the angles discussed and to find an example of each

    if possible in the room. Discuss the measurement used to measure angles (degrees) andhow we find this measurement

    Give children a protractor each. Discuss what the students know about how to use a


    Explain how to use a protractor to measure angles using -

    Explain the importance of accuracy. The centre of the protractor must be exactly on the

    corner of the angle and the zero line of the protractor exactly on the arm of the angle.

    - Do we use the inner or the outer scale? Choose a student to explain why.

    Measure some angles together using the interactive whiteboard.

    Get each student to look at the protractor. Get them to look at where the centre, the zero

    line and the inner and outer scales are.

    Allow students in their pairs to experiment using the protractors measuring angles around

    the classroom. Ask them to find right-angles, straight lines, acute, obtuse etc.

    Now give them an angle each to measure.

    Support:individual support

    as required, particularly

    with manipulating

    protractor accurately

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, rulers,


    computer, IWB
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    - What is the angle? Write down all their answers on whiteboards.

    - Who was closest?

    - Who wasnt?

    - What do they need to do to improve? Repeat.


    Obtuse Or Acute

    A game to be played in pairs.Decide who will be acute and who will be obtuse.

    One student draws a straight line.


    The other student draws another line from the centre of the first line to create one acuteangle and one obtuse.


    The acute person estimates their angle and the obtuse estimates theirs.

    They then work out the angle using a protractor to find out who was the closest. The one

    who was closest gets a point.

    Students swap who draws which line and repeat the above activity 10 times.

    Support:peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, rulers,



    Investigating Angles

    Pose the following problem for students to investigate:

    1. Draw two lines that cross over each other:


    2. Measure the 4 angles created using a protractor.

    3. Repeat the process above 3-4 times.

    4. What do you notice?

    Discuss what the students discovered and create a list of generalisations that can be made

    about angles.

    Support:work in pairs Whiteboard and

    markers, paper and

    pencils, rulers,



    Revision and Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution

    over another MA3-3WM

    identifies three-dimensional objects, including prisms and

    pyramids, on the basis of their properties, and visualises,

    sketches and constructs them given drawings of different

    views MA3-14MG

    Background Information

    In Stage 3, the formal names for particular prisms and

    pyramids are introduced while students are engaged in their

    construction and representation. (Only 'family' names, suchas prism, were introduced in Stage 2.) This syllabus names

    pyramids in the following format: square pyramid,

    pentagonal pyramid, etc. However, it is also acceptable to

    name pyramids using the word 'based', eg square-based

    pyramid, pentagonal-based pyramid.

    Prisms have two bases that are the same shape and size. The

    bases of a prism may be squares, rectangles, triangles or

    other polygons. The other faces are rectangular i f the faces

    are perpendicular to the bases. The base of a prism is the

    shape of the uniform cross-section, not necessarily the face

    on which it is resting.

    Pyramids differ from prisms as they have only one base andall the other faces are triangular. The triangular faces meet

    at a common vertex (the apex). Pyramids do not have a

    uniform cross-section.

    Spheres, cones and cylinders do not fit into the classification

    of prisms or pyramids as they have curved surfaces, not

    faces, eg a cylinder has two flat surfaces and one curved


    A section is a representation of an object as it would appear

    if cut by a plane, eg if the corner were cut off a cube, the

    resulting cut face would be a triangle. An important

    understanding in Stage 3 is that the cross-sections parallel to

    the base of a prism are uniform and the cross sectionsparallel to the base of a pyramid are not.

    Students could explore these ideas by stacking uniform

    objects to model prisms, and by stacking sets of seriated

    shapes to model pyramids, eg

    Note: such stacks are not strictly pyramids, but they do assist


    Compare, describe and name prisms and pyramids

    identify and determine the number of pairs of parallel

    faces of three-dimensional objects, eg 'A rectangular prism

    has three pairs of parallel faces' identify the 'base' of prisms and pyramids

    recognise that the base of a prism is not always the facewhere the prism touches the ground

    name prisms and pyramids according to the shape of their

    base, eg rectangular prism, square pyramid

    visualise and draw the resulting cut face (plane section)

    when a three-dimensional object receives a straight cut

    recognise that prisms have a 'uniform cross-section' when

    the section is parallel to the base

    recognise that the base of a prism is identical to theuniform cross-section of the prism

    recognise a cube as a special type of prism recognise that pyramids do not have a uniform cross-section when the section is parallel to the base

    identify, describe and compare the properties of prisms

    and pyramids, including:

    number of faces

    shape of faces

    number and type of identical faces

    number of vertices

    number of edges

    describe similarities and differences between prisms andpyramids, eg between a triangular prism and a

    hexagonal prism, between a rectangular prism and arectangular(-based) pyramid

    determine that the faces of prisms are always rectanglesexcept the base faces, which may not be rectangles

    determine that the faces of pyramids are alwaystriangles except the base face, which may not be a


    use the term 'apex' to describe the highest point above the

    base of a pyramid or cone

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    In geometry, a three-dimensional object is called a solid. The

    three-dimensional object may in fact be hollow, but it is still

    defined as a geometrical solid.


    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: object, shape, three dimensional object (3D

    object), prism, cube, pyramid, base, uniform cross-section,

    face, edge, vertex (vertices), apex, top view, front view, side

    view, depth, net.In Stage 1, students were introduced to the terms 'flat

    surface' and 'curved surface' for use in describing cones,

    cylinders and spheres, and the terms 'faces', 'edges' and

    'vertices' for use in describing prisms and pyramids.

    Connect three-dimensional objects with their nets and other

    two-dimensional representations (ACMMG111)

    visualise and sketch three-dimensional objects from

    different views, including top, front and side views

    reflect on their own drawing of a three-dimensionalobject and consider how it can be improved

    examine a diagram to determine whether it is or i s not the

    net of a closed three-dimensional object

    explain why a given net will not form a closed three-dimensional object

    visualise and sketch nets for given three-dimensional


    recognise whether a diagram is a net of a particularthree-dimensional object

    visualise and name prisms and pyramids, given diagrams of

    their nets

    select the correct diagram of a net for a given prism orpyramid from a group of similar diagrams where the

    others are not valid nets of the object

    show simple perspective in drawings by showing depth

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    Variation: Students make prisms with a variety of volumes and discuss.


    Three-Dimensional Viewpoints

    The teacher prepares cards that show the front, top and side view of various prisms.

    Students label each card, naming the view. They then use the cards to construct a three-

    dimensional model, naming it according to the shape of its base.

    Students display their labelled cards and models. The other students in the class match the

    model to the cards.

    Extension: Students make

    their own cards and repeat

    the activity.

    Front, top and side

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    Revision and Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    STAGE: Year 5

    ES1 S1 S2 S3




    1 2 3 3


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    A student:

    describes and represents mathematical situations in a

    variety of ways using mathematical terminology and someconventions MA3-1WM

    conducts chance experiments and assigns probabilities as

    values between 0 and 1 to describe their outcomes MA3-


    Background Information

    Students will need some prior experience in ordering

    fractions and decimals on a number line from 0 to 1.

    The probability of chance events occurring can be orderedon a scale from 0 to 1. A probability of 0 describes the

    probability of an event that is impossible. A probability of 1

    describes the probability of an event that is certain. Events

    with an equal likelihood of occurring or not occurring can be

    described as having a probability of (or 0.5 or 50%). Other

    expressions of probability fall between 0 and 1, eg events

    described as unlikely will have a numerical value

    somewhere between 0 and (or 0.5 or 50%).

    The sum of the probabilities of the outcomes of any chance

    experiment is equal to 1. This can be demonstrated by

    adding the probabilities of all of the outcomes of a chance

    experiment, such as rolling a die.


    Students should be able to communicate using the following

    language: chance, event, likelihood, certain, possible, likely,

    unlikely, impossible, experiment, outcome, probability.

    The probability of an outcome is the value (between 0 and 1)

    used to describe the chance that the outcome will occur.

    A list of all of the outcomes for a chance experiment is

    known as the sample space; however, this term is not

    introduced until Stage 4.

    List outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely

    outcomes and represent probabilities of those outcomes

    using fractions(ACMSP116)

    use the term probability to describe the numerical valuethat represents the likelihood of an outcome of a chance


    recognise that outcomes are described as equally likely

    when any one outcome has the same chance of occurring as

    any other outcome

    list all outcomes in chance experiments where each

    outcome is equally likely to occur

    represent probabilities of outcomes of chance experiments

    using fractions, eg for one throw of a standard six-sided die

    or for one spin of an eight-sector spinner

    determine the likelihood of winning simple games byconsidering the number of possible outcomes, eg in arock-paper-scissors game (Problem Solving, Reasoning)

    Recognise that probabilities range from 0 to 1(ACMSP117)

    establish that the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes

    of any chance experiment is equal to 1

    order commonly used chance words on an interval from

    zero (impossible) to one (certain), eg equally likely would

    be placed at (or 0.5)

    describe events that are impossible and events that arecertain (Communicating)

    describe the likelihood of a variety of events as beingmore or less than a half (or 0.5) and order the events on

    an interval (Communicating)

    Learning Across The Curriculum

    Cross-curriculum priorities

    Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia


    General capabilities

    Critical & creative thinking

    Ethical understanding

    Information & communication technology capability

    Intercultural understanding



    Personal & social capability

    Other learning across the curriculum areas

    Civics & citizenship

    Difference & diversity

    Work & enterprise

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2



    List outcomes of



    involving equally

    likely outcomes

    and represent

    probabilities of

    those outcomes

    using fractions

    Recognise that


    range from 0 to 1



    Students are asked to suggest events that have a fifty-fifty chance of occurring. Students

    are asked where an equal chance event would occur on a number line marked from 0 to

    1. Students list events that have no chance, an equal chance, or are certain, of occurring.

    Students use knowledge of equivalent fractions and percentages to assign a numerical

    value to the likelihood of a simple event occurring eg fifty-fifty is the same as 50%, a five

    in- ten chance, , a one-in-two chance, 0.5 chance.

    Support:equivalent fraction

    charts for direct comparison

    and number lines

    Whiteboard and

    markers, number

    lines, paper and



    Running Race

    The teacher uses a game board representing a 1000 m track, with six counters (runners) at

    the starting line.200m 400m 600m 800m 1000m

    Runner 1

    Runner 2

    Runner 3

    Runner 4

    Runner 5

    Runner 6

    Students take turns to roll a dice and state the number shown on the die. They move the

    runner with the corresponding number 200 m (one square) eg if 4 is rolled Runner 4 ismoved 200 m (one square).

    The teacher allows the students to play for a few moves. Students are then asked to predict

    which runner will win.

    Possible questions include:

    - what chance of winning has Runner 6? 4? 3? 1? 2? 5? Why?

    - is any runner more likely to win than another? Why?

    Students then prepare to play their own games by predicting which runner they think will

    win. In pairs, they play the game. The teacher gathers all results. Students compare the

    results with their prediction and discuss.

    Support: individual game

    board to physically engage

    in activity. Questioning


    Extension: Students design a

    spinner to ensure that a

    particular runner is more

    likely to win than another.

    Game boards,

    counters, dice



    The teacher places one hundred counters into a paper bag, 70 red, 20 white and 10 green.

    A student takes out 10 counters without looking. Students predict the proportion ofcounters of each colour in the bag using this sample.

    Possible questions include:

    - how many of each colour do you think are in the bag? Why?

    - do you think your prediction is very accurate?

    Students return the counters to the bag and select another sample of 10. They make

    another prediction and compare this with that of other student.

    Students discuss the predictions and compare with the actual sample. They are encouraged

    to make up their own sample experiments using this as a model. Students discuss where


    techniques. Peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Counters, paper bag,

    paper and pencils
  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2


    sampling could be a useful tool.


    Sampling the School Population

    Students select a sample of a group of students and ask them to name their favourite food,

    TV program, etc. From this sample students predict school population results.

    Possible questions include:

    - would we get different results if all students in the sample were from Year 2?

    - were girls?

    - were tall?

    - had blue eyes?

    - what strategies could be used to ensure the sample reflected the whole population?- what examples of sampling are used in real-life situations?


    techniques. Peer tutor

    grouping strategies

    Sample student

    group, paper and



    Heads and Tails Game

    Students stand up and choose to be heads (place their hands on their head) or tails

    (place their hands behind their back).

    The teacher flips a coin and calls out heads or tails. If it is heads, the students who

    chose heads remain standing and the students who chose tails sit down; and the reverse

    for tails. Students standing then choose again either heads or tails. The game continues

    until only one student remains standing and is declared the winner.

    Possible questions include:

    - did your choice of heads or tails affect your chances of getting out? Why?

    - if the previous toss was heads, did this affect the chance that the next toss would be

    heads? Why? Why not?Students ideas are recorded and then checked by playing several more games, where the

    result of each flip of the coin is recorded, tallied and graphed. Students could try to record

    the information in a table, list or diagram.



    Coin, whiteboard and

    markers, paper and



    Revision and Assessment

  • 8/12/2019 Maths Program Proforma Yr 5 T2
