Math 7th and 8th .pdf

The American In stitute for the Gi fted and Talented Mr. Daniel González Math 8 th  Grade Page 1 Name: …................................................................ Da te: ......................... Febr uary 3 rd , 2016 Rati onal Numbers

Transcript of Math 7th and 8th .pdf

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The Ame rican Institute for the Gifted and Talented

Mr. Daniel GonzálezMath 8th Grade

Page 1

Name: …................................................................ Date: ….........................February 3rd, 2016

Rational Numbers

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The Amer ican Institute for the Gifted and Talented

Mr. Daniel GonzálezMath 8th Grade Date: ….........................February 3rd,2016

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The Amer ican Institute for the Gifted and Talented

Mr. Daniel GonzálezMath 8th Grade Date: ….........................February 3rd,2016

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The Amer ican Institute for the Gifted and Talented

Mr. Daniel GonzálezMath 8th Grade Date: ….........................February 3rd,2016

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The Amer ican Institute for the Gifted and Talented

Mr. Daniel GonzálezMath 8th Grade Date: ….........................February 3rd,2016