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  • 8/10/2019 Material STA


    Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology, book edited by Ramesh K.Agarwal ,

    ISBN 978-953-51-0150-5, Published: February !, 01 u"der ## B$ 3%0 li&e"seA List of new technologies and operational improvements for green aviation

    Recently, Aerospace International, published by the Royal Aeronautical Societyof U.K., has identified 25 new technolo ies, initiati!es and operational i"pro!e#"ents that "ay "a$e air tra!el one of the reenest industries by 2%5% &'(. These 25

    green technologies/concept areas are listed below fro" Reference &'(.

    )&'( Aerospace International* The Green Issue , Aerosociety, U.K., +arch 2%% .-

    1. Biofuels /hese are already showin pro"ise0 the third eneration biofuels"ay e1ploit fast rowin al ae to pro!ide a drop#in fuel substitute.

    2. Advanced composites /he future co"posites will be li hter and stron er than

    the present co"posites which the airplane "anufacturers are ust learnin to wor$ with and use.

    3. Fuel cells # 3ydro en fuel cells will e!entually ta$e o!er fro" et turbineAu1iliary 4ower Units )A4U- and allow electrics such as in#fli ht entertain"ent)I 6- syste"s, alleys etc. to run on reen power.

    4. Wireless cabins /he use of 7i# i for I 6 syste"s will sa!e wei ht by cuttinwirin # leadin to li hter aircraft.

    5. Recyclin # Initiati!es are now underway to recycle up to 859 of an aircraft:sco"ponents, includin co"posites # rather than the current ;%9. %9i"pro!e"ent o!er current aircraft.

    (. )icro'ave dissipation of contrails Usin heatin condensation behind theaircraft could pre!ent or reduce contrails for"ation which leads to cirrus clouds."
  • 8/10/2019 Material STA


    Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology, book edited by Ramesh K.Agarwal ,

    ISBN 978-953-51-0150-5, Published: February !, 01 u"der ## B$ 3%0 li&e"se*. +ydro en,po'ered aircra ft #

  • 8/10/2019 Material STA


    Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology, book edited by Ramesh K.Agarwal ,

    ISBN 978-953-51-0150-5, Published: February !, 01 u"der ## B$ 3%0 li&e"seliders, or day# D R aircraft. Additionally, solar panels built into the upper

    surfaces of a