Material Selection

    E    R    D    C    /    C    E    R    L    T    R   -    0    2      7  Advanced Materials Selection Guide for Lock, Dam, and Hydroelectric Plant Component s    C   o   n   s    t   r   u   c    t    i   o   n    E   n   g    i   n   e   e   r    i   n   g    R   e   s   e   a   r   c    h    L   a    b   o   r   a    t   o   r   y   Ashok Kumar, L.D. Stephens on, and Paul Will is January 2002  Approved for pu blic release; distribut ion is unlimited.


Material Selection For Dams

Transcript of Material Selection

  • ERD





    Advanced Materials Selection Guide for Lock, Dam, and Hydroelectric Plant Components




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    Ashok Kumar, L.D. Stephenson, and Paul Willis January 2002

    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  • High-Performance Materials and ERDC/CERL TR-02-7Systems Research Program (TR HPMS-02-1) January 2002

    Advanced Materials Selection Guide for Lock, Dam, and Hydroelectric Plant Components by Ashok Kumar and L.D. Stephenson

    U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Construction Engineering Research Laboratory PO Box 9005 Champaign, IL 61826-9005

    Paul Willis U.S. Army Engineer District, Portland P.O. Box 2870 Portland, OR 97208-2870

    Final report Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000

    Under HPM&S Work Unit 33238

  • 2 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Preface The study described in this report was authorized by Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), as part of the High-Performance Materials and Systems (HPM&S) Research Program. The work was performed under Work Unit 33238, Civil Works Advanced Materials Selection Guide, for which Dr. Ashok Kumar, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL), was the Prin-cipal Investigator.

    Dr. Tony Liu was the HPM&S Coordinator at the Directorate of Research and Development; Research Area Manager was Mr. Roy Braden; and Program Moni-tor was Mr. Andy Wu, HQUSACE. Dr. Mary Ellen Hynes, ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL), was the ERDC Lead Technical Director for Infrastructure Engineering and Management. Mr. James E. McDonald, ERDC GSL, was the HPM&S Program Manager.

    The work was performed by the Materials and Structures Branch (CF-M) of the Facilities Division (CF), CERL. The report was prepared by Dr. L.D. Stephenson, CERL; and Mr. Paul Willis, Portland District (retired). Mr. Martin J. Savoie was Chief, CF-M, and Mr. L. Michael Golish was Chief, CF. Dr. Paul A. Howdyshell was the Technical Director for this work unit, and Dr. Alan W. Moore was Director of CERL.

    At the time of preparation of this report, COL John W. Morris III, EN, was the Commander and Executive Director of the ERDC, and Dr. James R. Houston was the Director.

    DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional pur-poses. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of suchcommercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless sodesignated by other authorized documents. DESTROY THIS REPORT WHEN IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED. DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE ORIGINATOR.

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 3

    Contents Preface................................................................................................................................................ 2

    List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 Background......................................................................................................................... 5 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 7 Approach ............................................................................................................................ 7 Mode of Technology Transfer ............................................................................................. 8 Units of Weight and Measure ............................................................................................. 8

    2 Material Selection Issues for Civil Works Applications........................................................ 9 Composition and Properties ............................................................................................... 9

    Stainless Steels ............................................................................................................................. 9 Self-Lubricating Bushings............................................................................................................ 10

    Corrosion and Galling Issues ........................................................................................... 11 Problems Caused by Corrosion................................................................................................... 11 General Corrosion Behavior, Pitting, and Concentration Cell Corrosion...................................... 11 Galvanic Corrosion ...................................................................................................................... 13 Cavitation..................................................................................................................................... 14 Galling ......................................................................................................................................... 14

    Lubrication Requirements................................................................................................. 14 Problems With Loss of Lubrication ..............................................................................................14 Use of Self-Lubricating Bushings Versus Greased Bushings ...................................................... 15

    Ductile Iron Versus Gray Iron ........................................................................................... 16

    3 Materials Selection Guidance Tables....................................................................................18

    4 Summary and Recommendations.........................................................................................55


    Appendix A: Materials Properties Tables .............................................................................58

    SF 298

  • 4 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    List of Tables 1. Materials selection guidance for bulkhead and tainter gate components. ................. 20 2. Materials selection guidance for miter gate components. .......................................... 24 3. Materials selection guidance for miter gate machinery. ............................................. 28 4. Materials selection guidance for tainter valve components........................................ 32 5. Materials selection guidance for emergency gate machinery..................................... 34 6. Materials selection guidance for segmental valve machinery. ................................... 36 7. Materials selection guidance for emergency dam (wicket type) components. ........... 37 8. Materials selection guidance for gears. ...................................................................... 38 9. Materials selection guidance for shafts. ..................................................................... 39 10. Materials selection guidance for pins. ...................................................................... 40 11. Materials selection guidance for steel reinforcements for concrete.......................... 40 12. Materials selection guidance for hydroelectric plant components............................ 41 13. Materials selection guidance for piping. ................................................................... 44 14. Materials selection guidance for fisheries. ............................................................... 48 15. Materials selection guidance for traveling fish screens. ........................................... 49 16. Materials selection guidance for miscellaneous components. ................................. 50

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 5

    1 Introduction


    Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects can often benefit from the applica-tion of new generations of advanced engineering materials that are continuously being brought to market. Two of the more important materials in this regard are stainless steels and self-lubricating bushing materials. The Corps of Engineers has previously published technical information about stainless steel performance in Civil Works applications (Kumar et al. 1989), but self-lubricating materials were not addressed. This technical report updates available Corps guidance on selecting high-performance materials, including self-lubricating bushing materi-als, for locks, dams, and components of hydroelectric plants.

    Carbon steels and low-alloy steels have been the primary source for materials used to construct locks, dams, and hydroelectric plants. To a much lesser extent, components for such facilities have been fabricated from 400-series martensitic stainless steels (e.g., Types 410 and 416) and 300-series austenitic stainless steels (e.g., Types 302, 303, 304, 308, and 316). Although the 300-series stainless steels normally have excellent corrosion resistance in most freshwater environ-ments (see Appendix Table A-1 in Kamp and Schmitt 1966), their yield strengths (about 35,000 psi in the annealed condition) are somewhat low for many applica-tions. Furthermore, a number of locks and dams use bolts and nuts fabricated from the same 300-series stainless steels, and these have a tendency to pit in waters containing more than about 1000 parts per million (ppm) chloride (includ-ing Type 316, which is formulated with a small amount of molybdenum to resist pitting). They are also subject to oxygen-differential concentration-cell corrosion under deposits and in crevices. An advantage of the austenitic grades of stainless steel, however, is that they do not experience chloride-induced, stress-corrosion cracking at temperatures lower than about 150 F (Pecknar and Bern-stein 1977). They also exhibit excellent resistance to freshwater erosion corro-sion.

    The yield strength limitations of the 300-series stainless steels for Civil Works projects were originally overcome by using heat-treatable, 400-series stainless steels. Unfortunately, these alloys often do not exhibit the desired corrosion

  • 6 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    resistance. This is understandable because the metallurgy required to create a martensitic stainless steel allows only limited amounts of chromium (generally, an upper limit of about 14%) to be added to these alloys. The martensitic grades of stainless steel have a tendency to pit (Table A-1), galvanically corrode, crack due to stress corrosion, and experience concentration-cell corrosion in many fresh waters. In some cases, heat-treated, 400-series stainless steels have failed due to hydrogen-induced cracking because the components were only slightly overprotected by the cathodic protection systems designed to mitigate corrosion.

    Traditional stainless steels have certain mechanical property and corrosion be-havior limitations for lock, dam, and hydroelectric plant applications. However, carefully selected and properly specified stainless steels especially some of the newer alloys can be viably and cost-effectively used. These steels can reduce maintenance costs and improve the availability of equipment and facilities with-out significant concern for the various forms of deterioration that have been as-sociated with them (e.g., crevice corrosion, intergranular attack, stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, pitting, wear and galling, and galvanic corro-sion).

    As noted above, another important materials selection issue for Civil Works structures relates to the lubrication of moving parts in locks, dams, and hydro-power facilities. Specialized greases and oils have traditionally been used to lu-bricate the bearings and bushings used in these facilities. In purely functional terms this approach has been successful because such grease-lubricated equip-ment has been in continuous operation for decades. However, these greases and oils pose significant problems related to lubricant handling, disposal, and water quality degradation due to contamination by grease leakage. One solution to such problems is the use of greaseless bushings. These bushings generally em-ploy advanced solid coating materials that self-lubricate the moving parts with-out any grease or oil. Not all self-lubricating bushings are made of the same ma-terials and designed for the same applications. Therefore, material performance data are needed to select the proper bushing materials for a specific application.

    In order for the Corps of Engineers to realize the maximum life-cycle cost benefit from advanced materials that are now becoming more readily available on the market, project-level engineering and operations personnel need specialized technical guidance on application-specific material selection.

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 7


    The objectives of this work are to

    1. present stainless steel mechanical and material property data, provide an over-view of corrosion behavior, and provide general guidelines on using the various types of stainless steels for locks, dams, and hydroelectric plant applications

    2. discuss selected types of self-lubricating bushing materials, including presenta-tion of laboratory data on friction coefficients and wear rates obtained from two laboratory tests.


    Researchers selected 17 stainless steels that may reduce maintenance costs and are becoming more available for Civil Works applications. These may be catego-rized as follows:

    eight wrought austenitic alloys Carpenter 18Cr-2Ni-12Mn, Gall-Tough, NITRONIC 60, and Types 302, 303, 304, 308, and 316 three wrought martensitic alloys Types 410, 416, and 431 three wrought martensitic PH (precipitation-hardening) alloys 17-4PH, Custom 465, and Custom 450 the wrought semiaustenitic PH alloy 17-7PH the cast martensitic alloy CA-6NM the cast austenitic-ferritic alloy CF-8.

    In developing the guidelines the researchers drew on their individual technical knowledge and that of other experts within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This knowledge base was supplemented with additional information from vari-ous engineering guide specifications and as-built drawings.

    Guidance on the application of self-lubricating bushings drew significantly on two previous technical reports which documented the performance of various self-lubricating bushings. One of these reports (Jones et al. 1999) documented tests of 12 self-lubricating-bushings (i.e., Devatex I, Delrin AF 100, Fiberglide, Lubron TF, Karon V, Orkot Ltd TXM-M, TENMAT T814, TENMAT T12, Thor-don TRAXL HPSXL, Thordon TRAXL SXL, Deva Metal, and Devatex II) in edge loading, wet and dry conditions. The other report (Palylyk 1998) focused on the performance of three brands of self-lubricating bushings (TENMAT T814, Karon V, and THORDON TRAXL SXL) in the presence of foreign debris.

  • 8 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Mode of Technology Transfer

    It is recommended that the information and guidelines presented in this report be included in applicable Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS).

    Units of Weight and Measure

    U.S. standard units of measure are used throughout this report. A table of con-version factors for Standard International (SI) units is provided below.

    SI conversion factors

    1 in. = 2.54 cm 1 ft = 0.305 m 1 sq in. = 6.452 cm2 1 lb = 0.453 kg 1 psi = 6.89 kPa F = (C x 1.8) + 32

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 9

    2 Material Selection Issues for Civil Works Applications

    Composition and Properties

    Stainless Steels

    Corrosion behavior data, nominal composition, and mechanical property data for the selected stainless steels and their alloys are included in Tables A-1, A-2, and A-3, respectively (see Appendix A). Additional corrosion-related data are given in Tables A-4 A-6. Tables A-7 and A-8 provide information on erosion proper-ties and threshold galling stresses, respectively.

    Austenitic grades of stainless steel cannot be strengthened by heat treatment; they can only be strengthened by cold working. Martensitic and the PH grades of stainless steel can be heat-treated to microstructural conditions that provide a wide range of mechanical properties.

    Generally, the austenitic grades of stainless steel (e.g., NITRONIC 60 and the 300-series) have better overall corrosion resistance than the other alloys identi-fied in Tables A-1 A-3. Typical corrosion resistance, however, depends on heat treatment. For example, the corrosion resistance of 17-7PH stainless steel in both Conditions TH1050 and RH950 is superior to that of the heat-treatable, martensitic alloys. In Condition CH900, the general corrosion resistance of 17-7PH is comparable to that of Types 302 and 304 (Armco, Inc. 1984b). The corro-sion resistance of Condition A 17-4PH stainless steel and the alloy, when heat treated to its lower (albeit, still relatively high) strength levels, is also compara-ble to Type 304 in more aqueous environments (Armco, Inc. 1983). Similarly, the normal corrosion resistance of Custom 450 and Custom 465 are superior to that of heat-treated Type 410 and similar to that of Type 304 (Carpenter Technology 1971). Carpenter 18Cr-2Ni-12Mn can be used where corrosion resistance ap-proaching that of Type 304 is necessary, but higher strength after cold working is needed (Carpenter 1999). NITRONIC 60 is unique in that it has better corro-sion resistance to chloride-induced pitting attack than Type 316 (i.e., an alloy specially formulated for pitting resistance to chlorides), and also by outstanding

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    resistance to abrasion by suspended solids and to galling, and to cavitation when exposed to aqueous environments (Armco, Inc. 1984a). Gall-Tough also has high resistance to galling, see Table A-8, especially when mated with other Gall-Tough components (Carpenter 1999).

    Self-Lubricating Bushings

    The composition of a self-lubricating bushing for use in lock, dam, and hydro-power applications generally consists of a metal structure (such as bronze) with a bonded coating of solid lubricant. These solid lubricants can be polymers such as PTFE,* epoxy-based lubricants, or polyurethane-based lubricants. Also, some manufacturers of self-lubricating bushings have replaced the metal bushing ma-terial with other materials such as a fiberglass/epoxy composite. The solid lubri-cant may be applied as a coating of various thicknesses, or filled into holes drilled into the metal housing (EM 110-2-1424).

    Two reports reviewed for this study provide important data on properties such as wear rate and coefficient of friction. Table A-9 summarizes data from Jones et al. 1999 that were developed through laboratory experimentation. Table A-10 provides data on the properties of three selected self-lubricating bushings in the presence of debris, developed under laboratory conditions and reported in Pa-lylyk 1998.

    Qualitative field test results for self-lubricating bushings can be found in a re-port prepared by the U.S. Army Engineer District Louisville (Schultz 1997). Corps installations that currently use self-lubricating bushings or bearings in-clude Portland Districts Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Bonneville locks; Lock No. 10 at St. Paul, MN; Cannelton Lock at Louisville, KY; Dardanelles Dam at Little Rock, AK; Kentucky Lock Project at Nashville, TN; McNary Lock and Dam at Walla Walla, WA; and Rock Island Dam at Rock Island, IL (EM 1110-2-1424).

    * PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene.

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 11

    Corrosion and Galling Issues

    Problems Caused by Corrosion

    Selecting a material with inadequate corrosion resistance for a particular appli-cation can be an expensive mistake. Direct and indirect economic losses that can result from corrosion include the following:

    1. failure of equipment and associated damages (e.g., a tainter gate falls because hoisting cable bolts break)

    2. premature replacement of equipment

    3. overdesign requirements to allow for corrosion

    4. shutdown of equipment

    5. loss of a product (e.g., if a hydraulic piping system develops a corrosion-induced leak)

    6. contamination of a product

    7. loss of efficiency (e.g., reduction of heat transfer rates in cooling systems due to presence of corrosion products).

    Some of these indirect losses can cost much more than the difference between a material that would have performed satisfactorily and one that does not. There-fore, it is important to consider potential indirect losses due to corrosion when selecting materials.

    Corrosion can also constitute a significant safety hazard if stress-corrosion crack-ing occurs in critical parts of transportation media. In addition to these eco-nomic and safety aspects, corrosion is also important in terms of resource con-servation; many of the metals and materials used to make conventional steel and low-alloy steels are diminishing in the United States, and many of these materi-als are being imported from overseas at ever-increasing cost.

    General Corrosion Behavior, Pitting, and Concentration Cell Corrosion

    The excellent corrosion resistance of stainless steels depends on the formation and maintenance of an invisible, passive oxide film on the exposed surfaces. This allows the stainless steels to sustain potentials that are more noble (electri-cally positive) than they would otherwise be in the active (corroding) condition. In the passive condition, stainless steels have electrochemical characteristics similar to those of a noble metal such as gold. If this passive film is locally de-stroyed and cannot be readily repaired, pitting attack can be expected to occur in

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    certain environments (especially, chloride-containing, aqueous environments). Similar localized corrosion, in the form of oxygen-differential concentration-cell corrosion, can occur in crevices and under deposits (i.e., in occluded cells) where there is insufficient oxygen to maintain the passive film. The absence of oxygen in occluded cells causes the stainless steel to become electrochemically active (i.e., become anodic) and exhibit a negative potential relative to that area where the passive film is still intact. This form of corrosion can be especially deleteri-ous because it is usually facilitated by a large driving voltage between the pas-sive and active regions and an undesirable high cathode-to-anode ratio.

    Significant insight into corrosion behavior can be obtained by analyzing data ob-tained from anodic polarization tests conducted in a laboratory. In general, stainless steels have very negative primary passivation potentials and small critical current densities for passivation; normally, they passivate quite readily in aerated aqueous environments. Once passivated, the alloys will normally cor-rode at very low rates in accordance with Faradays Law and their passive cur-rent densities. If the oxidizing characteristics of the environment are overly powerful, alloys can be spontaneously polarized to potentials sufficiently noble that the alloy will be subjected to accelerated corrosion and pitting attack in the transpassive potential region (i.e., corrode at the high current densities associ-ated with the potentials more noble than the transpassive potential). The desir-able anodic polarization characteristics for stainless steels are low values of criti-cal current density for passivation; very negative values for passivation potential; low values of passive current density; very positive values for transpassive potential; and large potential differences between passivation po-tential and transpassive potential.

    Values of passivation potential, critical current density for passivation, passive current density, and transpassive potential for selected stainless steels in deaer-ated, l N* sulfuric acid are included in Table A- 4 (Segan et al. 1982). Adding chlorides to the test environment reduces the passive potential regions (i.e., the values of transpassive potential minus passivation potential) and increases the magnitudes of critical current density for passivation and passive current den-sity (Segan et al. 1982). Similar adverse phenomena occur, in general, when the temperature of the environment is increased and/or the pH is lowered. The dele-terious effects of high operating temperatures, acidic environments, and the

    * 1 N is 1 normal, i.e., 1 mole per liter.

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 13

    presence of chlorides on stainless steels have been verified and explained through laboratory testing. Additional laboratory testing has also shown that all of the stainless steels listed in Table A-4 spontaneously passivate in aerated Co-lumbia River water and corrode in the passive potential region at very low uni-form corrosion rates (i.e., corrosion rates associated with passive current density values of 2.8 8.2 x 10-7 ampere/cm2) (Segan et al. 1982).

    Galvanic Corrosion

    The initial driving voltage for corrosion of adjacent dissimilar metals can be es-timated when a galvanic series exists for the environment of concern. In gen-eral, larger driving voltages increase the initial rate of attack to the less noble alloy when dissimilar metals are metallically connected and exposed to a corro-sive environment. For example, the galvanic series in Table A-5 (Segan et al. 1982) shows that NITRONIC 60 has a potential of -0.327 volts referenced to a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), whereas ASTM A 36 steel has a potential of -0.574 volts. If the two alloys were metallically connected and exposed to this en-vironment, NITRONIC 60 (i.e., the alloy with the more positive potential) would be cathodic to the ASTM A 36 steel, making the A 36 steel the anode in the cor-rosion cell. The ASTM A 36 steel would experience accelerated galvanic corro-sion at an initial driving voltage of 0.247 volts (the potential difference between the two materials). As a result the NITRONIC 60 would, at least in part, be ca-thodically protected.

    The data in Table A-5 provide insight on the mitigation of galvanic corrosion. Materials should be selected so those that will be metallically connected will have similar potentials in the environment where they will be exposed. An al-ternative approach would be to electrically isolate dissimilar metals from each other. Galvanic corrosion problems can also be reduced by ensuring that the ca-thodic area is smaller than the anodic area. Large cathode-to-anode area ratios must be avoided if galvanic corrosion is to be avoided. Coatings used in conjunc-tion with cathodic protection also have been effective in mitigating galvanic cor-rosion.

    The initial driving voltage for galvanic corrosion will normally decrease with time because of polarization at the anodes and cathodes. This decrease in the driving voltage, in turn, reduces the galvanic corrosion current density at the anodes and lowers their corrosion rates. Table A-6 (Segan et al. 1982) lists the galvanic corrosion current densities obtained for equal anodic and cathodic areas of ASTM A 36 steel connected to selected grades of stainless steel. Based on these data, galvanic corrosion of ASTM A 36 steel is not significantly affected by

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    the chemistry or metallurgical condition of the stainless steel involved. The cor-rosion current densities for the ASTM A 36 steel vary between 1.4 2.5 x 10-5 ampere/cm2.


    Tests conducted in accordance with ASTM G 32 have allowed stainless steels and a low-alloy carbon steel to be ranked according to their cavitation resistance (Table A-7, Segan et al. 1982). Not unexpectedly, NITRONIC 60 had the best cavitation resistance of the materials evaluated. Similar cavitation-resistance results have been obtained for stainless steels exposed to jet-impingement by river water. The relative cavitation depth damages for NITRONIC 60, 17-4PH, Type 316, and CA_6NM were reported as being 1.0, 1.9, 3.7, and 6.6, respectively (Schumacher 1986). These data clearly indicate that cast NITRONIC 60 could be a viable alternative for CA-6NM where cavitation is a concern.


    When two metal surfaces are rubbed together under heavy pressure, and with-out lubrication, it is expected that galling (or even seizing) may result. The but-ton and block galling test has been used to evaluate the adhesive wear resis-tance of various stainless steels under nonlubricated conditions (Schumacher 1977). Specimens were considered galled if deep scoring and heavy surface dam-age were evident during examination of the surfaces at 10X magnification. The lightest load that caused galling was used to calculate the threshold galling stress. Threshold galling stresses for selected stainless steel combinations are included in Table A-8 (Schumacher 1977). The data in Table 8 establish that many contacting stainless steel combinations are highly susceptible to galling. More important, the data show that NITRONIC 60 can be used in contact with many stainless steels without concern for galling. Galling problems associated with the use of Type 304 nuts and bolts could very well be eliminated by fabricat-ing one of the components from NITRONIC 60.

    Lubrication Requirements

    Problems With Loss of Lubrication

    Loss of lubrication results in direct contact between two moving metal surfaces. The resulting friction is the main cause of wear in these parts. This results in

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 15

    material loss and damage that can cause equipment failure. High friction is also responsible for excessive heat generation and a loss of efficiency.

    Lubrication can be divided into three broad categories:

    1. hydrodynamic

    2. elastohyrodynamic

    3. boundary layer.

    Hydrodynamic lubrication occurs when a wedge of oil forms between the slid-ing metal surfaces, reducing friction to very low levels. Hydrodynamic lubrica-tion requires high sliding speeds to create internal pressure to support the load on the bearing.

    Elastohydrodynamic lubrication is used to describe the action of rolling bodies such as ball bearings. Similar to hydrodynamic lubrication, elastohydrodynamic lubrication creates high pressure to maintain a thin film of oil between the metal surfaces. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication also requires fairly high sliding speeds to maintain the oil film.

    When a bearing does not reach high sliding speeds or is subject to frequent starts and stops, the oil film will not fully develop, resulting in contact between the metal surfaces. This is called boundary layer lubrication and it is the most common means of lubrication in lock, dam, and hydropower applications.

    Use of Self-Lubricating Bushings Versus Greased Bushings

    A greaseless self-lubricating bushing uses a solid lubricant coating on the inner surface for protection from friction and wear. Solid lubricants are ideal for in-termittent loading conditions, as when equipment is idle for long periods of time, They are also useful for inaccessible locations where monitoring of liquid lubri-cants would be difficult, and in environmental conditions where contamination by oils or greases would be a problem, such as submerged in water (EM 1110-2-1424).

    The characteristics of solid lubricants allow self-lubricating bushings to be effec-tive at high loads and low speeds, resistant to deterioration in storage, and sta-ble in corrosive environments where oils or grease may break down. Also, self-lubricating bushings do not require lubrication distribution systems. However, for best performance, it is recommended that self-lubricating bushings be in-

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    stalled with seals wherever they may be exposed to water or other contaminants (Jones et al. 1999).

    Self-lubricating bushings do have several disadvantages compared to conven-tional oils and greases. First, they have poor self-healing properties. A breach in the solid lubricant film will not heal itself as oils and greases do. Second, the solid lubricants used in greaseless bushings have poor heat dissipation charac-teristics because they tend to be insulators with low thermal conductivities. Fi-nally, greaseless bushings tend to have a higher coefficient of friction than hy-drodynamically lubricated bushings (EM 1110-2-1424). This last disadvantage is probably not a significant problem in low-speed applications such as locks and dams, however, because the lubrication mechanism in greaseless bushings is likely to be designed as boundary layer lubrication rather than hydrodynamic lubrication.

    In order to ensure that self-lubricating bushings work properly, they must be mated either to a heated-treated steel shaft or a hard-chrome-plated medium- to high-strength steel shaft material such as 17-4 PH.

    Ductile Iron Versus Gray Iron

    When the carbon content of an iron-carbon alloy exceeds about 2%, there is a tendency for graphite to phase-separate and form a natural composite with the iron matrix. Both ductile iron and gray iron consist of an iron matrix that incor-porates eutectic graphite particles as a separate phase. However, the initial composition (see Table A-11 in Appendix) and morphology of the graphite in duc-tile iron differ from graphite in gray iron. Graphite in gray iron forms as chips or flakes that provide good damping properties, this flake morphology does not provide good resistance to crack propagation, and the overall toughness or ductil-ity is reduced (ASM Handbook, v.20 1998).

    Ductile iron is made by a process called inoculation, in which magnesium com-pounds are introduced to molten iron before casting. These compounds provide nucleating sites for graphite by forming intermetallic compounds with the mol-ten iron, and they allow the graphite to form nodules within the iron matrix. When compared to the graphite morphology of gray iron, the spherical nodules of graphite in ductile iron provide a greater elongation and tensile strength. There-fore, ductile iron is preferable for many structural applications (see Table A-12) (ASM Handbook, v.20 1998).

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 17

    Disadvantages to using ductile iron include the need for higher-purity raw materials and a lower mold yield. A high-purity melt must be maintained in ductile iron casting to ensure the growth of the graphite in a spherical shape. A lower mold yield than gray iron is caused by the need for risers during ductile iron casting. Overall, greater control and testing are required to produce high-quality ductile iron. Therefore, the production cost for ductile iron components tends to be greater than components produced from gray iron (Metals Handbook 1998).

  • 18 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    3 Materials Selection Guidance Tables The materials selection guidance for lock, dam, and hydropower plant compo-nents presented in this chapter is based largely on the professional experience of the following Corps of Engineers personnel and private-sector material selection experts: Henry Dollinger (Nashville District); Paul Willis (Portland District); James Bartek (Rock Island District); David Buccini (Pittsburgh District); Tho-mas Andre (Pittsburgh District); and Dr. James R. Myers (JRM Associates). Me-chanical property information was obtained from Carpenter Specialty Steel Data Sheets. Galvanic potentials for steels in freshwater were determined through laboratory investigations at ERDC/CERL. Information on self-lubricating bush-ings was drawn from previous and ongoing ERDC/CERL research on the subject for Corps of Engineers applications, and also from reports by Powertech, Inc., that document the results of laboratory testing. Complete citations for these sources are provided at References, page 56.

    The reader also should note that in selecting an appropriate material for a given application, the possibility of galvanic corrosion must also be considered. Com-ponents should not be coupled together if a significant net driving potential will result and lead to galvanic corrosion. For more guidance on this topic, the reader is referred to Chapter 3 under Galvanic Corrosion (pages 13 14). If the gal-vanic potential of a selected alloy is not given in Table A-5, then the galvanic po-tential of an alloy in the same family may be used. For example, the galvanic potential of Type 304 stainless steel may be used as a surrogate for Type 302 stainless steel.

    Materials selection for the following applications are addressed in this chapter:

    1. bulkhead and tainter gate components

    2. miter gate components

    3. miter gate machinery

    4. tainter-valve components

    5. emergency-gate machinery

    6. segmental valve machinery

    7. emergency dam (wicket type) components

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 19

    8. gears

    9. shafts

    10. pins

    11. steel reinforcements for concrete

    12. hydroelectric plant components

    13. piping materials and components

    14. fisheries

    15. traveling fish screens

    16. miscellaneous components.

    In the materials selection tables, all stainless steel selection recommendations are identified with a pound sign (#).

  • 20 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 1. Materials selection guidance for bulkhead and tainter gate components.

    Skin Plate Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Steel, ASTM A 514 (Grade A - UNS K11856, Grade B - UNS K11630, Grade C - UNS K11511, Grade E - UNS K21604, Grade F - UNS K11576, Grade H - UNS K11646, Grade J - UNS K11625, Grade M - UNS K11683, Grade P - UNS K21650)

    Diagonals Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Steel, ASTM A 514 (Grade A - UNS K11856, Grade B - UNS K11630, Grade C - UNS K11511, Grade E - UNS K21604, Grade F - UNS K11576, Grade H - UNS K11646, Grade J - UNS K11625, Grade M - UNS K11683, Grade P - UNS K21650) ,

    Horizontal Girders Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Trunnion Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class E

    Trunnion Bushings Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy UNS No. C95400

    Trunnion Housings Steel Castings, ASTM A 27,Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    J-Seals Natural Rubber*


    * Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas

    Bolts for J-Seals # Type 304 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 320, Identification Symbol B8, (UNS S30400)

    Nuts for J-Seals # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade Symbol 8S (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 21

    Trunnion Girders Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Steel-Reinforced Concrete

    Trunnion Yokes Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001), Steel, ASTM A 722

    Steel Tension Rods for Concrete Trunnion Girders # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Bottom/Embedded Seals Babbitt, ASTM B 23

    Wire Ropes # Type 302 Stainless Steel (UNS S30200), Type 304 Stainless Steel (UNS S30400)

    Rope-to-Gate Connections Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    ASTM A 242 Steel (UNS K11510)

    Wear Plates (under wire ropes) Steel, ASTM A 242 (UNS K11510)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Rope Sockets # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S41000)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 302 (UNS S30200)

    Keeper Plates for J-Seals # Stainless, Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    J-Seal Heaters Schedule 80 Steel Pipe, ASTM A 53, Type E or S, Grade A (UNS K02504) & Type E or S, Grade B (UNS K03005)

    Trunnion-Hub Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class H

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Seal Plate on Gate # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

  • 22 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Gate Arms Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Side/Embedded Seal # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Bulkhead Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 -UNS K02306)

    Bulkhead Dogging Lever ASTM A 711 (UNS G13300, UNS G41400, UNS G41420, UNS G41450, UNS G41500, UNS G43400, UNS G47200, UNS G51986, UNS G61200, UNS G86600, UNS G98400, UNS G13350)

    Bulkhead roller Steel Casting, ASTM A 148, Grade 105-85, (UNS J31575)

    Bulkhead Collar Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Bulkhead Bolts Steel, ASTM A 307, Grade A

    Bulkhead Bushings Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy UNS No. C95500

    Bulkhead Axle Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS K24245)

    Bulkhead Lifting Bar Steel Casting, ASTM A 148, Grade 150-135

    Wire Rope Adjusting Bolt # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, GradeXM25 (UNS S45000)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Grade 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH Stainless Steel)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Grade XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    Hoist Bolts # Type 410 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 193, Identification Symbol B6, (UNS S41000)

    # Type 416 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 581

    Hoist Nuts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade Sym-bol 8S (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60

    Flanged-Spiral Segment Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Safety Grating Aluminum Alloy Tubing, AA 6060, 6060-T52

    Hoist Frame Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 23

    Hoist-Chain Bars Steel Forgings, AISI 3140, class C (ASTM A 711, UNS G31400)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564 Grade XM-25 (UNS S45000)

    Hoist-Chain Pins Steel Forgings, AISI 3140, class C (ASTM A 711, UNS G31400)

    Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564 Grade XM-25 (UNS S45000)

    Link Chain DIN Standard 22252 Grade 2

    Pocketwheel # Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class K (UNS K24045)

    # Steel Castings, AISI 8620 (ASTM A 29, UNS G86200)

    Position Indicator Hand # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 167 Type 310 (UNS S31000)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Bolts # Type 410 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 193, Identification Symbol B6 (UNS S41000)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 581, Type 416, (UNS S41600)

    Nuts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade Symbol 8S (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60 Stainless Steel)

    Shear Pins Steel Bar, ASTM A 434, Class BB

    Shims Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Pinions Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class G

    Pinion/Hoist Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS K24245)

  • 24 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 2. Materials selection guidance for miter gate components.

    Skin Plate Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 242 (UNS K11510)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 -UNS K02306)

    Diagonals Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 514 (Grade A - UNS K11856, Grade B - UNS K11630, Grade C - UNS K11511, Grade E -UNS K21604, Grade F - UNS K11576, UNS K11646, Grade J - UNS K11625, Grade M - UNS K11683, Grade P - UNS K21650)

    Intercostals Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Diaphragms Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Horizontal Girders Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Gudgeon Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Gudgeon Bushings AMPCO 16 Aluminum Bronze self-lubricating bushings+

    + See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties. Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998).

    Gudgeon-Pin Hoods Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Gudgeon Rings Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Gudgeon-Pin Barrels Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Link Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 688

    Anchor Bars Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 688

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 730 (UNS K01502, UNS K01502, UNS K02000, UNS K04700, UNS K05200)

    Anchorage Wedge Blocks Steel Forgings, ASTM A 688

    Embedded Anchorages Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Pintle Bushings Sockets Steel Castings, ASTM A 29,

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 25

    Pintles # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 473, Type 303* (UNS S30300)

    # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CF-8 (UNS J92600); ASTM A 744, Grade CF-8 (UNS J92600)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564. Type 630 ** (UNS S17400)

    * Annealed. ** Brinell Hardness of 390 to 410.

    Pintle Socket Grease Lines # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Type 304(UNS S30400)

    # Stainless Steel Tube, ASTM A 269, Type 316(UNS S31600)

    High Pressure Neoprene Hose (with stainless fittings)

    Pintle Shoes Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-36 (UNS J03501)

    Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Pintle Base Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 60-30 (UNS J03000)

    Pintle Bushings # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630* (UNS S17400)

    Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy UNS No. C95400, Self-lubricating Bushings+

    * Brinell Hardness of 270 to 290 + #See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties.

    Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998)

    Miter Contact Blocks # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Steel, ASTM A 36 ** (UNS K02600)

    ** Preferably with Ceramic/Metal-Filled Ep-oxy Coating

    Filler Between Miter and Quoin Contact Blocks and End Posts of Miter Gate, and Between Contact Blocks and Embedded Steel Wall Retainers Epoxy Filler such as Nordbak Cast Zinc,

    ASTM B 6

  • 26 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Reaction Bar Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 1020 (UNS G10200)

    Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 1040 (UNS G10400)

    Quoin Contact Blocks Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-40 (UNS J02501)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65- UNS K02306)

    Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel** (K02600)

    ** Preferably with ceramic/metal-filled epoxy coating

    Quoin Contact Block Retainer Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Miter Contact Block Retainer Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Gate Seals/J-Seals Neoprene+

    Natural Rubber+

    + Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas.

    Sill Plates/Nosings Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    # Type 304 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240 (UNS S30400)

    Mitering Device Guide Rollers Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 ++ (UNS J31575)

    ++ With provisions for lubrication

    Mitering Device Bolts Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Mitering Device Bushings Aluminum Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Miscellaneous Bushings Aluminum Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Bumpers and Fenders Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Low Friction Butyl Rubber

    White Oak

    Creosote-Treated Pine

    Miscellaneous Bearings Aluminum Bronze

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 27

    Miscellaneous Bolts/Nuts Steel, ASTM A 307 *

    Steel, ASTM A 325 * (Type 1, - UNS K02706, Type 2 - UNS K11900, Type 3, Composition A - UNS K13643, Type 3, Composition B - UNS K14358, Type 3, Composition C - UNS K12033, Type 3, Composition D - UNS K12059, Type 3, Composition E - UNS K12254, Type 3, Composition F - UNS K12238)

    * Where bolts/nuts are not to be removed.

    Seal Heater Tubes/Pipes Copper Tube, ASTM B 88, Type K (UNS C12200)

    # Type 304 Stainless Steel Tube, ASTM A 269, Grade TP 304 (UNS S30400)

    Steel Pipe, ASTM A 53, Schedule 80, Type E or S, Grade A (UNS K02504) and Type E or S, Grade B (UNS K03005)

    Culvert Valve Piston Rods Monel, ASTM B 164, UNS N04400) ASTM

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S4500) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 314, Type 416 (UNS S41600)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    ASTM A 108, Type C 1045, or ASTM A 331, Type CR 4140 (CEGS 15010)

    Miter Gate Casting for Strut-Pin Connection (Machinery) Steel Castings, ASTM A 148 (UNS J31575)

    Miter Gate Pin Connection (Machinery) Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Bolts for Attaching Castings to Gate Steel, ASTM A 325 (Type 1 - UNS K02706, Type 2 - UNS K11900, Type 3, Composition A - UNS K13643, Type 3, Composition B - UNS K14358, Type 3, Composition C - UNS K12033, Type 3, Composition D - UNS K12059, Type 3, Composition E - UNS K12254, Type 3, Composition F - UNS K12238)

    Shear Pin Bushing Steel, ASTM A 663, Grade 45

  • 28 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 3. Materials selection guidance for miter gate machinery.

    Anchor Bolts Steel, ASTM A 307

    Angles Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Base Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Stud Bolts Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Turned Bolts Steel, ASTM A 307

    Steel, ASTM A 320, Grade L7 (UNS G41400)

    Hold-Down Bolts for Cylinder Steel, ASTM A 307

    Rack Bumper Rubber, ASTM D 2000

    Piston-Rod Bushing Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C92300

    Snubbing Bushing Steel Bar, ASTM A 675, Grade 45

    Sector Arm Steel, ASTM A 514, Grade F (UNS K11576)

    Steel ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Sector Arm Wheel Pin Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class K

    Sector Arm Bushings and Washers Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584 Copper Alloy UNS No. C92300

    Sector Arm Support Wheel Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Grade XM-25(UNS S45000)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    Cap Screws # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 193, Grade B-8

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 564 (UNS S45000)

    Sector Base Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Class 70-36(UNS J03501)

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

    Cross Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class D

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class K

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 29

    Cross Pin Steel Bushings Steel Bar, ASTM A 663, Grade 45

    Cylinder Heads Steel Castings. ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 60-30 (UNS J03000)

    Hydraulic Cylinder Base Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Hydraulic Cylinder Steel Pipe, ASTM A 106, Grade B * (UNS K03006)

    * With forged flanges

    Eyebolt for Sector Pin Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class D

    Fitted Bolts Steel, ASTM 307

    Flanged Spacers Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Class 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Strut Follower Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Class 105-85

    Gate End Castings Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Class 105-85

    Gate End Seal Retainer Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Class 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Gland for Hydraulic Cylinder Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 854 Copper Alloy UNS No. C92300

    Pistons Gray Iron Castings, ASTM A 48, Class 40 (UNS F12801) or Class 50* (F13501)

    * Used in Nashville District

    Gland for Piston Rod Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C92300

    Key for Hydraulic Cylinder Steel Bar, ASTM A 576, Grade 1040 (UNS G10400)

    Key for Piston Rod Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class B

    Steel Bar, ASTM A 576, Grade 1040 (UNS G10400)

    Spring Steel for Strut Steel Bar, ASTM A 689 UNS G86500, UNS G86550, UNS G86600, UNS G92600, UNS G86370)

    Piston Rod Nuts Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class B

    Wedge Nuts Steel Castings ASTM A 148, Class 105-85

  • 30 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Sector Base Plate Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Spring Lock Nut Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Sector Gear Pin Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class A

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class K

    Sector Top Plate Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Spacer (Ring) Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy UNS No. C95400

    Spanner Bolt (for strut) Steel bar, ASTM A 663, Grade 45

    Spanner Nut (for strut) Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class A

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class B

    Springs Steel Spring, ASTM A 125

    Pinion Shafts Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 4340 (UNS G43400)

    Brake Wheel Shafts Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 1045 (UNS G10450

    Spring Cartridge Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Spring Housing (for strut) Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Class 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Spring Rod Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Strut Pins # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 416 (UNS S41600)

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class D

    Strut Segment Body Steel Bar, ASTM A 575 and ASTM A 576

    Strut Segment Flange Steel Forgings, ASTM A 181, Class 70(UNS K03502)

    Strut Segment Clevis Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Class 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Studs for Sector Base # Stainless Steel ASTM A 193, Grade B6(UNS S41000)

    Stud Bolts Steel, ASTM A 307, Grade A

    Hydraulic Cylinder for Piston Cast Iron, ASTM A 48, Class 50 (UNS F13501)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 31

    Piston for Hydraulic Cylinder Bronze, Koppers B-19

    Piston Rod for Hydraulic Cylinder # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Grade XM-25 (UNS S45000)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    Ring-Spring Mandrell Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class G

    Vertical Roller Pins # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Horizontal Roller Pins # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Sector Gear Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

    Selsyn Drive Steel Forgings, ASTM A 711 (UNS G13300, UNS G41400, UNS G41420, UNS G41450, UNS G41500, UNS G43400, UNS G47200, UNS G51986, UNS G61200, UNS G86600 UNS G98400, UNS G13350)

  • 32 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 4. Materials selection guidance for tainter valve components.

    Skin Plate Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    # Type 304 Stainless Steel Clad for Down-stream Face, ASTM A 264

    Structural Members Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Trunnion Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Trunnion-Pin Bushings Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95400 (AMPCO 16)

    Anchorage Beams Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Seal Bolts # Type 304 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 320, Identification Symbol B8, (UNS S30400)

    Seal Nuts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade Symbol 8S (UNS S21800) {Armco NITRONIC 60)

    J-Seals Neoprene*

    Natural Rubber*

    * Preferably with fluorocarbon inserts for rubbing-contact areas

    Trunnion Housings Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Embedded Bottom Seals # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Bottom Seal Plates on Valve # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Valve Top Seal Neoprene

    Natural Rubber

    Culvert Valve Liner # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 ** (UNS S41000)

    **For high-lift locks

    Culvert Valve Connecting Strut # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Tainter-Valve Activating System Strut Arm Steel Pipe, ASTM A 53, Schedule 100, Type E or S, Grade A (UNS K02504) & Type E or S, Grade B (UNS K03005)

    Bell Crank Steel Pipe, ASTM A 53, Grade B (UNS K03005)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 33

    Hydraulic Cylinder Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Fittings for Strut

    Arms and Bell Crank Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Piston Rods Monel, AMS 4676, Monel K500 (UNS N05500)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Anchorages Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Bushings Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95400

    Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584 Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Self-lubricating Bushings+

    + See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties. Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998)

    Pins Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

  • 34 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 5. Materials selection guidance for emergency gate machinery.

    Anchor Bolts for Wire Rope Steel, ASTM A 307, Grade A

    Anchor Bolt Assembly Steel, ASTM A 307, Grade A

    Angles Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Axle Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Bearing Block (Roller Bearing) Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Bearing Pedestal Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Bearing Stance Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Blind Flange (for Bearing Cover) Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Shear Bolt Steel Bar, ASTM A 663, Grade 75

    Roller Support Bracket Steel Casting, ASTM A 27

    Bull Gear Steel Casting, ASTM A 27, Grade 60-30 (UNS J03000)

    Bull Gear Pinion Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 4 (UNS K24245)

    Bull Gear Rim Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class D (UNS K04500)

    Sheave Bushing Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95500

    Sheave Block Wheel Bushings Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95500

    Carriage Wheel Steel, ASTM A 36 * (UNS K02600)

    * With Type 304 Stainless Steel Rim

    Embedded Roller Track # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Drum Plates Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Drive Link for Indicator # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Drum Tie Bolt Steel, ASTM A 307, Grade A

    Machinery Base Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Spacer/Spool Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 35

    Sheave Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-36 (UNS J03501)

    Cartridge Wheel Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Rope Separator # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CF-8 (UNS S92600) and ASTM A 744, Grade CF-8 (UNS J92600)

    Separator Pins # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CF-8 (UNS S92600) and ASTM A 744, Grade CF-8 (UNS J92600)

    Drum Shaft Steel, ASTM A 304, Grade 4140 (UNS G41400)

    Carriage Wheel Shaft Steel Forgings ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS K24245)

    Reducer Shaft Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 4140 (UNS G41400)

    Roller Assembly Shaft Aluminum Bronze, ASTM B 150, Copper Alloy UNS No. C60600

    Sleeve Shaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Intermediate Gear Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Intermediate Gear Rim Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class G (UNS K24045)

    Bull Gear Shaft, Intermediate Gear Shaft, Bull Gear Pinion, Intermediate Gear Pinion Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS


  • 36 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 6. Materials selection guidance for segmental valve machinery.

    Anchor Bolt Assembly Steel, ASTM A 307

    Angles Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Arm for Magnet Mounting

    Indicator Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C90500

    Base Steel, ASTM A 36 Steel (UNS K02600)

    Bearing Bracket Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Class 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Bell Crank Assembly Pipe Steel Pipe, ASTM A 53, Schedule 100 Bushing Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148 Forgings Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Turned Bolts Steel, ASTM A 307

    # Type 304 Stainless Steel, ASTM A 320, Identification Symbol B8, (UNS S30400)

    Hold-Down Bolts for Cylinder Steel, ASTM A 307

    Bushings Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C90500 or High-Lead Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Cylinder Bracket Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Trunnion Bushing Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C90500 or High-Lead Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Struts and Clevises Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-40 (UNS J02501)

    Hydraulic Cylinder Steel Pipe, ASTM A 106, (Grade A - UNS K02501, Grade B - UNS K03006, Grade C - UNS K03501)

    Cylinder Heads Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 80-40 (UNS J31575)

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 60-30 (UNS J03000)

    Cylinder Rocker and Base Steel ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Gland for Hydraulic Cylinder Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584 Copper Alloy UNS No. C90500

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 37

    Hinged Bearing Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-36 (UNS J03501)

    Selsyn Keys # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Spindle Nut Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class H

    Spring for Strut Steel Bar, ASTM A 689 (UNS G86500, UNS G86550, UNS G86600, UNS G92600, UNS G86370)

    AISI 516H Steel

    Stop Plates Leaded Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C90500 or High-Lead Tin Bronze, ASTM B 584, Copper Alloy UNS No. C93200

    Strut Spindle Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

    Pillow Block at Fulcrum Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

    Pistons Gray Iron Castings, ASTM A 48, Class 40 (UNS F12801) or Class 50* (UNS F13501)

    * Used in Nashville District

    Piston Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Steel Pipe, ASTM A 524 (UNS K02104)

    Piston Rod # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S 17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Piston Rod Connecting Casting Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 60-30 (UNS J03000)

    Piston Rod Eyebar Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-36 (UNS J03501)

    Table 7. Materials selection guidance for emergency dam (wicket type) components.

    Structural Steel Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Link Chain Ductile Iron

    Dogging Device # Type 304 Stainless Steel

  • 38 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 8. Materials selection guidance for gears.

    Drum Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class G (UNS K24045)

    Countershaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class G (UNS K24045)

    Drum Pinion Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 6 (UNS K24245)

    Pinion for Reducer Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 6 (UNS K24245)

    Intermediate for Emergency Machinery Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 65-35 (UNS J03001)

    Bull (Rim) Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class 1

    Intermediate Gear Rim for Emergency Machinery Steel Forgings, ASTM A 290, Class C (UNS K04500)

    Tainter Gate Dogging Device Assembly Phosphorus Bronze

    Worm Gear for Tainter Gate Dogging Device Assembly # Type 304 Stainless Steel

    Bull/Tainter Gate Machinery Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 105-85 (UNS J31575)

    Tainter Gate Machinery Pinion Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class G

    Sector Gear for Miter Gate Machinery Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

    Selsyn Drive for Miter Gate Machinery Steel Forgings, ASTM A 711 (UNS G13300, UNS G41400, UNS G41420, UNS G41450, UNS G41500, UNS G43400, UNS G47200, UNS G51986, UNS G61200, UNS G86600, UNS G98400, UNS G13350)

    Tainter Gate Machinery Steel Castings, ASTM A 148, Grade 90-60 (UNS J31575)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 39

    Table 9. Materials selection guidance for shafts.

    Brake Wheel Shaft Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 1045 (UNS G10450)

    Countershaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS K24245)

    Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class F

    Drum for Emergency Gate Assembly Steel Forgings, ASTM A 711, Grade

    4140 (UNS G41400)

    Drum for Tainter Gate Steel Forgings, ASTM A 470, Class 5 (UNS K42885)

    Emergency Gate Machinery

    Bull Gear Shaft, Intermediate Gear Shaft, Bull Gear Pinion, and Intermediate Gear Pinion Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 5 (UNS

    K24245) Carriage Wheel Shaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 3 (UNS


    Reducer Shaft Steel Bar, ASTM A 29, Grade 4140 (UNS G41400)

    Miter Gate Machinery

    Ring-Spring Mandrell Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class G

    Emergency Gate Sleeve Shaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 291, Class 4 (UNS K24245)

    Tainter Gate Machinery

    Indicator Hand Shaft # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Bull Gear and Drum Shaft Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

    Emergency Gate Roller Assembly Shaft Aluminum Bronze, ASTM B 150, Copper Alloy UNS No. C60600

    Torque Shaft for Tainter Gate Machinery Steel, ASTM A 108

    Sheave Shaft for Emergency Machinery Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Class C

  • 40 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Table 10. Materials selection guidance for pins.

    Latch Pins for Tainter Gate Bulkheads # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 473, Type 431 (UNS S43100)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Hinge Pin for Valve Machinery Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450) Vertical and Horizontal

    Roller Pins for Miter Gate Machinery # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 410 (UNS S41000)

    Table 11. Materials selection guidance for steel reinforcements for concrete.

    Rods Steel Bars, ASTM A 322, Grade 5160* (UNS G51600)

    Post-Tension Cables Seven-Strand Wire, ASTM A 416 Steel

    Bars (other than ordinary reinforcement steel) Steel Bars, ASTM A 29 *

    Steel Bars, ASTM A 722 *

    Grout (for bars) Portland cement with shrinkage inhibitor

    * Fusion-bonded epoxy coated with sea-water service.

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 41

    Table 12. Materials selection guidance for hydroelectric plant components. Note: Referenced materials can be replaced with or equals.

    Generator and Turbine Shafts Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668, Grade D

    Francis Turbine Runner Kaplan Turbine Blades Cast Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A

    487, Grade CA6NM (0.03% max. Carbon) (UNS J91540)

    Fabricated Stainless Steel, ASTM A 176, Type 405 (UNS S40500)

    Francis Turbine Stationary Seals Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy No. UNS C95400 Stainless Steel

    Packing Box Shaft Sleeve # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60)(Plate avail-ability varies)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 693, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CF10SMnN

    # ASTM Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade Symbol 8S (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60)

    # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 747, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Wicket Gates

    Body Steel Castings, ASTM A 27, Grade 70-40 (UNS J02501)

    # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CA-6NM (0.03% max. Carbon)

    Sleeves # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 743, Grade CA-6NM (0.03% max. Carbon)

    # Stainless Steel Castings, ASTM A 747, Grade CB7 Cu-1 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Interior Grease Pipe # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Grade TP304 Series (UNS S30400)

    Wear Plates # Stainless Steel ASTM A 167, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

  • 42 ERDC/CERL TR-02-7

    Operating Mechanism Link Pins # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Generator Heat Exchanger Tubes Copper Alloy Tube, ASTM B 111, Copper Alloy UNS No. C70600

    Scroll Case Steel, ASTM A 516, Grade 60 (UNS K02100) or Grade 70 (UNS K02700)

    Steel, ASTM A 517, Grade F (UNS K11576)

    Intake Gates

    Hoist Cylinder Piston Rods # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steels Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Hoist Cylinder Pipe # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Grade TP304 (UNS S30400)

    Guide Track # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 167, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Roller Chains # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH) (Brinell 331 to 401)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 43

    Roller Chains, Pins, and Side Bars # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH) (Brinell 255 to 293)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 693, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 693, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Bearing Tracks # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 693, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 693, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Seal Bolts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 193, Grade B8, (UNS S30400)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 320, Grade B8, (UNS S30400) (Low Temperature)

    Seal Nuts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade 8S, 8SA (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60)

    Structure Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Trashracks Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Vertical Barrier Screens Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Piping, Fittings, Valves, & Miscellaneous See Table 13 on next page

    Basket Strainer Bodies Cast Iron, ASTM A 126, Class B (UNS F12102)

    Basket Strainer Baskets # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 167, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    Dielectric Unions Malleable Iron, ASME B 16.39

  • 44



    ERL TR


    Table 13. Materials selection guidance for piping. All dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise noted. See page 47 for additional notes.

    Group System Maxpress kPa

    Pipe Fittings Valves (see Notes 15 and 17)

    A Generator cooling(10) Service raw water Spiral case drain Spiral case fill Draft tube drain Unwatering and drainage pump discharge Turbine glands Water spray fire protection (upstream of deluge valve) Turbine air supply

    865 Less than 80: seamless copper tubing Type K solder joint. ASTM B 88m 80 and larger: ASTM A 53, Type E, Sch. 40 steel Schedule or thickness: see Note 7 sizes through 250 Sch. 40 sizes 300 and larger 10 thick wall.

    Less than 80: for copper tubing, wrought copper, solder joint ASME B16.22 or cast brass solder-joint ASME B16.18 Water hose threads: ASME B1.20.7 80 and larger: butt welding, steel, black, ASME B16.9 thickness same as pipe. See Note 12 Flanges: 1040 kPa forged steel, welding, flat faced when adjacent to cast iron valves and fittings see Note 10. MSS SP-44 Cast iron: flanged ASTM A 126

    Less than 80: bronze, solder joint in copper lines, threaded in brass Gate, globe, angle, and check: MSS SP-80. Ball valves: MSS SP-72

    80 and larger in steel lines: gate valves iron-body, os&y, flanged, MSS SP-70 Globe and angle valves: iron-body bronze mounted, os&y with renewable disc and seat ring, 865 kPa steam rating MSS SP-85 Butterfly valves: see Notes 1 & 20. MSS SP-67 Lift check: non-slam type, cast iron body, flanged for 865 kPa service, faced and drilled in accordance with ASA requirements, stainless steel trim with stainless steel helical spring disc shall be guided with two-point bearing, all wear-ing parts shall be replaceable. Ball valves: MSS SP-72 flanged, full bore

    B Potable water 865 Less than 80: same as group a 80 and larger: galv. Steel, welded joint ASTM A 53 Type E Sch. 40 see Note 5

    Same as Group A except 80 and larger pipe is galvanized. See Note 5

    Same as Group A

    C Water spray fire protection (downstream of deluge valve)

    1040 Galvanized steel ASTM A 53 Type E Sch. 40 less than 80: threaded 80 and larger: welded, see Note 5

    Less than 80: galvanized malleable-iron, threaded, ASME B16.3 and B16.39 MSS SP-83 80 and larger: Same as Group A except galvanized. See Note 5

    Same as Group A

  • ER



    L TR-02-7

    Group System Max

    press kPa

    Pipe Fittings Valves (see Notes 15 and 17)

    D Air conditioning circulating water See Note 8

    125 Steel ASTM A 53 Type E Less than 65: galv. Threaded 65 and larger: black welded

    Less than 65: Same as Group C, less than 80. 65 and larger: Same as Group A, 80 and larger

    Same as Group A

    E Building and roof drains Sanitary drains and vents Water discharges embedded

    Exposed: Seamless steel ASTM A 53, Type E Buried and embedded: Hubless cast iron CISPI 301

    Exposed: Screwed cast iron drainage, galvanized ASTM A 888 Buried and embedded: Same as pipe See Notes 3 & 13


    F Turbine vacuum breaker and sump vents

    Black steel, welded joint, ASTM A 53 thick wall See Note 7

    Same as Group A, 80 and larger None

    G Battery room drains Exposed: PVC U.S. Dept of Commerce Std. CS 207. Sch. 80 or acid-resisting "duriron" or rosiron" or equal


    Embedded: "duriron" or "corrosiron" or equal

    Same material, schedule, and manufacturer as pipe


    H Pressure sewage 700 Exposed: black steel, welded joint, Sch. 80, ASTM A 53 Buried or embedded: ductile iron, ASTM A 377

    Exposed: same as Group A Buried and embedded: AWWA C110 and C111

    Gate: iron body, os&y, flanged MSS SP 70 Swing check: iron-body brass mounted With renewable body seat ring 865 kPa Steam rating MSS SP 71

    Ball valves: MSS SP-72

    I Piezometer 865 Same as Group A, less than 80 see note 18 Same as Group A, less than 80 Angle valve: MSS SP-80 bronze, threaded

    K Governer & lub oil, circuit breaker and transformer oil Transformer oil Transfer systems

    1040 Seamless copper tubing Type K, ASTM B 88 See Note 9

    Same as Group A, less than 80 Oil hose threads: ASME B1.20.7, see Note 14

    Globe, angle, and swing check: MSS SP-80


  • 46

    Group System Max

    press kPa

    Pipe Fittings Valves (see Notes 15 and 17)



    ERL TR


    M Service airBrake air Draft tube depression air Bubbler air lines

    865 Same as group b. See Note 4 Same as group b Universal hose coupling: bronze, nfp(a) t3.20.14

    Same as Group A

    O Governer air Nitrogen

    4140 Sch. 80 ASTM A 106 galvanized steel, threaded ASTM A 312, Grade TP304, Sch. 40 stainless steel

    Less than 65: galvanized malleable-iron, Threaded 4140 kPa w.o.g. Min. ASTM A 105 65 and larger: forged steel 13800 kPa w.o.g.

    Globe valve: Bronze, 6900 kPa MSS SP-80

    Check valve: bronze, swing 6900 kPa w.o.g. MSS SP-80

    P CO2. See Note 16 R Governer air 7590 ASTM A 312, grade tp304, Sch. 40 stainless

    steel ASTM A 403 stainless Type 304 or 316 13800 kPa socket weld

    Stainless ball valve, socket weld, reinforced Teflon seat MSS SP-110

    S Hypochlorite solution PVC. U.S. Dept. of Commerce STD. CS 207. Sch. 80 See Note 2

    Same rating and manufacturer as pipe PVC

    Y Floatwells Exposed: same as Group B Embedded: asbestos cement with neo-prene gaskets, ASTM C 248

    Exposed: same as Group B Embedded: same as pipe


    Z Sleeves Steel, black. ASTM A 53 Sch. 40

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 47

    Notes for Table 13: 1. 865 kPa cast iron flanges with raised face flanges or wafer type valves should be avoided.

    2. PVC pipe 15 and larger only is covered under CS 207, smaller sizes should be manufac-tures standard.

    3. Group A copper elbows and all Group E elbows should be long radius or long sweep.

    4. Use galvanized steel pipe between compressor and aftercooler (same as Group C) for 65 and under low-pressure air.

    5. Welded galvanized pipe should normally be galvanized after fabrication.

    6. Full port ball valves are normally available through size 50 when required.

    7. Embedded lines open to tailwater or forebay without external provisions for ready shutoff should be extra-heavy steel (up to 15 wall) from the first valve to a point back in the con-crete approximately 1525. Other embedded lines should meet the same requirements from the first exposed joint back into the concrete at least 460.

    8. Once-through air conditioning water should be Group A.

    9. For copper oil lines, add separate group with required joints when temperature or pres-sure exceed soft solder joint rating.

    10. For Group A piping 80 and larger, use slip-on welding flanges or pipe and welding neck flanges or fittings.

    11. Use dielectric fittings between ferrous pipe or equipment and copper air and water lines.

    12. If specified wall thickness is unavailable, use the next heavier available (60 and larger butt weld fittings).

    13. In drain lines use combination Y and 1/8 bends wherever possible for branches from horizontal runs.

    14. Hose threads should have manufacturers tag showing thread specification.

    15. Valve and fitting should normally be same as line size.

    16. Refer to National Fire Protection Association requirements for CO2 pipe and fittings.

    17. Use rising stem valves unless otherwise indicated with packing and seat materials suit-able for service.

    18. Piezometer tubing embedded more than 150 may be Type K annealed with bent turns.

    19. Piping location terminology Buried: concealed in soil Embedded: concealed in concrete Exposed: accessible

    20. Butterfly valves should conform to Sections 5 14, American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C504, modified as appropriate for application. Seats should normally be Buna-N or equal, be located in the valve body, and field-replaceable.


    Table 14. Materials selection guidance for fisheries.

    Rearing Ponds Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 209, Alloy 6061, Temper T4 (UNS A96061)

    Directional Jets Schedule 40 Aluminum Pipe

    Exit Screens Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Alloy 6061 (UNS A96061)

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Alloy 5086 (UNS A95086)

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Alloy 5052, Anodized (UNS A95052)

    Fish-Handling Equipment (Spawning) # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 49

    Table 15. Materials selection guidance for traveling fish screens. Note: Referenced materials can be replaced with or equals.

    Rollers Alloy Steel, ASTM A 304, Grade 4140H, Case Hardened (UNS H41400)

    Bushings # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 631 (UNS S17700) (Armco 17-7PH)

    Pin Link and Roller Link Plates Epoxy-Coated C2162H Chain ANSI B29.4

    Chain Pins # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276 (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60)

    Cotter Pins # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 302 (UNS S30200)

    Sprockets Ultra High Molecular Weight Polymer with 2% Carbon Black (e.g., Holstelen Gur No. 413)

    Chair Tracks Ultra High Molecular Weight Polymer with 2% Carbon Black (e.g., Holstelen Gur No. 413)

    Structural Steel Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Wire Rope # Stainless Steel ASTM A 492, Type 300 Series

    Bolts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 193, Grade B8,(UNS S30400)

    Nuts # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade 8, 8A (UNS S30400)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 194, Grade 8S, 8SA (UNS S21800) (Armco NITRONIC 60) where galling is critical

    Screen Polyester Monofilament (PBT)


    Table 16. Materials selection guidance for miscellaneous components. Note: Referenced materials can be replaced with or equals.

    R.O. Slide Gate Piston Rods Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

    Steel Bar, ASTM A 108 (Small)

    Steel Bar, ASTM A 331 (Large)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705

    Superstructure for Power Houses Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Slide Gate Discharge Line for Temperature Control Doors Cast Iron, ASTM A 48

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, Temper H14 (UNS A93003)

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063, Temper T5

    Heating/Ventilating Louvers Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063, Temper T5

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 221, Temper 3003, Temper H14

    Handrailings Aluminum Tube, ASTM B 210

    Aluminum Pipe, ASTM B 241

    Floating Mooring Bitts

    Posts Steel Pipe, ASTM A 106, Grade B Schedule 160 (UNS K03006)

    Body of Bitts Steel, ASTM A 36 (UNS K02600)

    Filament Reinforced Plastic

    Grease Lines to Rollers* High Pressure Neoprene Hose

    # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Grade TP304 (UNS S30400)

    * Can be eliminated by using self-lubricating bushings+

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 51

    + See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties. Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998)

    Rollers # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Roller Axles # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 300 Series

    # Stainless Steel ASTM A 314, Type 300 Series

    Roller Bushings* Aluminum Bronze Casting, ASTM B 148, Copper Alloy UNS No. C95500 (Lubricated)

    Bronze Casting, ASTM B 22 Copper Alloy UNS No. C86300 (Lubricated)

    # Stainless Steel Casting, ASTM A 743, Grade CF-8M (Lubricated) (UNS J92900)

    * Material for shaft selection is critical. Can be replaced with self-lubricating bushings+

    +See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties. Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998)

    Floating Bulkheads Steel ASTM A 36 (vinyl coated) (UNS K02600)


    Water Supply Conduit Regulating Gate Hoist Piston Rod for Fish Ladders See R.O. Slide Gate Piston Rods

    Firehose Cabinets Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 209, Alloy 5005, Temper H15 (UNS A95005)

    Aluminum Alloy, ASTM B 209, Alloy 6061, TemperT6 (UNS A96061)

    Fish Hauling Trailers Tank Liners # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 167, Type 300 Series or ASTM A 666, Type 300 Series

    Drain Line # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Grade TP300 Series (UNS S30453, UNS S30940, UNS S30909, UNS S30941, UNS S30908, UNS S31040, UNS S31009, UNS S31041, UNS S31008, UNS S31653, UNS S31703)

    Circulating Water Pipe # Stainless Steel Pipe, ASTM A 312, Grade TP300 Series (UNS S30453, UNS S30940, UNS S30909, UNS S30941, UNS S30908, UNS S31040, UNS S31009, UNS S31041, UNS S31008, UNS S31653, UNS S31703)

    Waterstops Natural Rubber

    Polyvinyl Chloride

    Stainless Steel Wire Rope # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 492, Type 300 Series

    Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 167, Type 300 Series

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 240, Type 300 Series **

    Steel Castings, ASTM A 148 (UNS J31575)

    ** For wet locations; carbon steel drums should be coated with Elastuff 504

    Vertical Lift Gates

    Wheel Bushings* Bronze Casting, ASTM B 22, Copper Alloy UNS No. C86300

    * Can be replaced with self-lubricating bush-ings+

    + See Tables A-9 and A-10 for properties. Self-lubricating bushings should be mated with a shaft material of heat-treated, or me-dium- to high-strength steel such as Armco 17-4PH (Jones et al. 1999) (Palylyk 1998)

    Axles Steel Forgings, ASTM A 668

  • ERDC/CERL TR-02-7 53

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 276, Type 304 (UNS S30400)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A , Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Custom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Bar, ASTM A 564, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type XM-25 (UNS S45000) (Carpenter Cus-tom 450)

    # Stainless Steel Forgings, ASTM A 705, Type 630 (UNS S17400) (Armco 17-4PH)

    Cables # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 492, Type 302

    # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 492, Type 304

    Seal Heater Pipe # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 312, Grade TP304 (UNS S30400)

    Wheels Steel, ASTM A 572 (Grade 42 - UNS K02303, Grade 50 - UNS K02304, Grade 60 - UNS K02305, Grade 65 - UNS K02306)

    Steel Casting, ASTM A 148 (UNS J31575)

    Bolts and Cap Screws # Stainless Steel, ASTM A 320, Type B8 (UNS S30400)

    Nuts # Stainles