Material Declarations For Any Environmental Regulation



Assent Compliance host regular web casts. This is the first presentation in our Spring 2012 Web Series on Material Declarations For Any Environmental Regulation. Visit for more information.

Transcript of Material Declarations For Any Environmental Regulation

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c u s T o m s o l u T i o n s f o r c o m p l i a n c e [ r e a c H | r o H s | c p s i a | r s l | p r o p 6 5 ]

Product Material declarations for any

environMental regulationassenT compliance

Krystal Noseworthy-BaKer pHone: 613.882.1429

[email protected]

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c u s T o m s o l u T i o n s f o r c o m p l i a n c y [ r e a c H | r o H s | c p s i a | r s l | p r o p 6 5 ]






• IT




• ProgramImplementation


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c u s T o m s o l u T i o n s f o r c o m p l i a n c y [ r e a c H | r o H s | c p s i a | r s l | p r o p 6 5 ]







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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?reacHAnyproducersorimportersofarticlesplacedonthemarket1intheEUmustdeclarethepresenceofanySubstancesofVeryHighConcern(SVHCs)inanarticleinaconcentrationexceeding0.1%w/w.

1. TestReportsarenotarequiredcomponentofthedeclaration



• EngineeringAssessment


Article 33 – Source of compliance requirement:

Duty to communicate information on substances in articles:

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1. Any supplier of an article containing a substance meeting the criteria in Article 57 and identified in accordance with Article 59(1) in a concentration above 0,1 % weight by weight (w/w) shall pro-vide the recipient of the article with sufficient information, available to the supplier, to allow safe use of the article including, as a minimum, the name of that substance.

2. On request by a consumer any supplier of an article containing a substance meeting the criteria in Article 57 and identified in accordance with Article 59(1) in a concentration above 0,1 % weight by weight (w/w) shall provide the consumer with sufficient information, available to the supplier, to allow safe use of the article including, as a minimum, the name of that substance.

The relevant information shall be provided, free of charge, within 45 days of receipt of the request.

What does this mean?



1 Article 3.12 of the REACH Regulation specifies:

Placing on the market: means supplying or making available, whether in return for payment or free of charge, to a third party. Import shall be deemed to be placing on the market;

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?reacH – example

AMERICAN ZETTLER, INC.75 COLUMBIA •ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 • 949-831-5000 • FAX 949-831-8642

To: Supplier Reach Team

From: Ed Edsinga

Date: 10/27/2008 Release date2/12/2010 Revised6/29/2010 Revised2/14/2011 Revised6/25/2011 Revised

Subject: Reach Directive

Supplier Communication of SVHC _ EU Regulation EC 1907/2006_AMERICAN ZETTLER INCORPORATED

Reach Directive declaration: Valid for all American Zettler Inc. companies:American Zettler, Zettler Magnetics, Zettler Controls, and AZ Displays.

American Zettler products supplied to customers do not contain any of the reportedsubstances listed in the SVHC_EU Regulation EC 1907/2006 “list of substances” fromOctober 28, 2008, added substances f rom January 13, 2010, June 18, 2010 & December 15, 2010. (Candidate List of Substances of very High Concern – total 53substances).

Zettler procures articles (not chemicals) which are not intended to release any substance under normal and reasonable foreseeable conditions of use.


Ed EdsingaEngineering Manager

Not updated to the most recent SVHC list but the format and necessary elements are otherwise present

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subsTances of Very HigH concern in producT x

cas number # of parTs subsTance117-81-7 156 Bis(2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate)(DEHP)84-74-2 3 Diisobutylphthalate(DIBP)115-96-8 6 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate(TCEP)

•Safe Use Instructions


» DEHPisaknownreproductivetoxin2andshouldhavesafeuseinstructionscon-sistentwithaclassificationasaknownreproductivetoxin.Therecommendedsafeuseinstructionsare:


• Pregnantornursingwomenshouldavoidcontact


» These safe use instructions are only recommendations and are not explicitlynecessarytoincludeintheSVHCdeclarationofProductX.Theminimumrequire-mentundertheREACHregulationistheSVHCsubstancenameandproduct.

2 Support document for identification of Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate) (DEHP) as a substance of very high concern.European Chemical Agency. Oct 2008

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• Diisobutylphthalate(DIBP)

» DIBP is a known reproductive toxin3 and should have safe use instructionsconsistentwithaclassificationasaknownreproductivetoxin.ItisrecommendedthatproductscontainingDIBPabove0.1%shouldbeusedwiththesamesafeuseinstructionsasDEHPcontainingproducts.


» TCEPisaknownreproductivetoxinandaknowncarcinogen4andshouldhavesafeuseinstructionsconsistentwithaclassificationasaknownreproductivetoxinandcarcinogen.ItisrecommendedthatproductscontainingDIBPabove0.1%shouldbeusedwiththesamesafeuseinstructionsasDEHPcontainingproducts.

3 Agreement of the Member State Committee on identification of Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) as a substance

of very high concern.

European Chemical Agency. Nov 2009

4 Member State Committee support document for identification of Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate as a substance

of very high concern.

European Chemical Agency. Nov 2009

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?roHsTheRoHSregulationisactuallyquiteabitmorespecificthanREACHintermsofthedeclaratoryrequirements.TheoriginalRoHSdeclaration (seenon thenext slide) isnot especially complexhoweverRoHSII,theRoHSrecast,ispartoftheCEMarkingDirectivewhichmeansthereare2majorcomponentsmakingitsignificantlymoreintensive:

1. EU Declaration of Conformity

a. GeneralRequirements:

i. No…(uniqueidentificationoftheEEE)

ii. Nameandaddressofthemanufacturerorhisauthorisedrepresentative:

iii. Thisdeclarationofconformityisissuedunderthesoleresponsibilityofthemanufac-turer(orinstaller)

iv. Objectofthedeclaration(identificationofEEEallowingtraceability.Itmayincludeaphotograph,whereappropriate):

v. TheobjectofthedeclarationdescribedaboveisinconformitywithDirective2011/65/EUoftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncilof8June2011ontherestrictionoftheuseofcertainhazardoussubstancesinelectricalandelectronicequipment(recast)

vi. Whereapplicable,referencestotherelevantharmonisedstandardsusedorreferencestothetechnicalspecificationsinrelationtowhichconformityisdeclared

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vii. Additionalinformation:

viii. Signature

» Signedforandonbehalfof:

» (Placeanddateofissue):

» (Name,Function)(Signature):

» NOTE:DeclarationmustbetranslatedintothelanguageorlanguagesrequiredbytheMemberStateofthemarketonwhichtheproductisplacedormadeavailable

2.Technical Filea. TechnicalDocumentationaccordingtoModuleAofDecision768/2008

i. Descriptionofproductandfunction

ii. Listofharmonizedstandardsused

iii. Resultsofdesigncalculationsandexaminationsused

iv. Testreports

B. Fundamentals

i. Thedocumentation shallmake itpossible to assess theproduct’s conformity to therelevantrequirements,andshallincludeanadequateanalysisandassessmentoftherisk

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• IEC 62476–Guidanceforevaluationofproductswithrespecttosubstance-userestrictionsinelectricalandelectronicproducts


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3 June 2011

Declaration of RoHS Compliance Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. declares that our products are in compliance with Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment, including all applicable amendments. The hazardous substances are:

Mercury (Hg _1000ppm), lead (Pb _1000ppm), cadmium (Cd _100ppm), hexavalent chromium (Cr6 _1000ppm), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB _1000ppm), polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE _1000ppm), decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE _1000ppm), octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE _1000ppm), pentabromodiphenyl ether (PentaBDE_1000ppm).

These substances are not intentionally added but may be present as impurities and do not exceed the maximum allowed value. However, some products may contain lead (Pb) as deemed permissible under the RoHS exemptions, namely:

• Lead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based alloys containing 85% by weight or more lead).

• Lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signaling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications.

• Lead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices). Product specification sheets that show the status of lead-free/RoHS compliance are available on our website at Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. bases its knowledge of the substance content of its products on information provided by third parties such as suppliers and test laboratories. Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information. Frank Stupnik Environment Compliance Engineer

CE Mark Technical File Information.

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?conflicT mineralsSummary:

•Disclosure on use of specific conflict minerals

• 3TGs

» Tantalum(ColtanOre)

» Tin(CassiteriteOre)

» Tungsten(Wolframite)

» Gold

» OthersdeterminedbytheSecretaryofStatetobefinancingconflictinDRC

•Origin: DemocraticRepublicofCongoandadjoiningcountries

» IforiginatedinDRCCountriesORcannotconcludethatconflictmineralsDIDNOToriginateintheDRCcountries



» IfyoucandeterminethatyourconflictmineralsdoNOTcomefromDRCoradjoiningcountriesthenyoudisclosethisdeterminationtotheSECalongwiththereasonablecountryoforigininquiryusedtomakethisdeterminationintheannualreport.

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• If a product uses conflictminerals from theDRC/adjoining countries or the companyDOESNOTKNOW,aConflictMineralReportmustbeprovided.


•Theeffortstodeterminethemineorlocationoforiginwiththegreatestpossiblespecific-ity– required to exerciseduediligence inmaking thesedeterminations in theConflictMineralsReport.

EICC and GeSI – the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative have developed a reporting template to enable a common means of collecting sourcing information.

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?conflicT minerals – example

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?cusTom requiremenTsExtendedProducerResponsibilities(EPRs)canbemoreeasilyidentifiedasCustomRequirements.TheseusuallyincluderegulationslikeREACHandRoHSbuthaveadditionalrequirementswhichcaninclude:

a. Radioactivesubstances

b. Asbestos,RefractoryFibers(somecoveredbyREACH)andCeramics

c. JIG

d. Proposition65

e. Somemayevenaskforafullmaterialdeclarationastheirrequirementorhaveyouen-rollinaprogramlike

i. SonyGreen

ii. AgilentTechnologies’GeneralSpecificationfortheEnvironment

• YoucanseeintheGSEaveryextensivelistofsubstancesGSEExample

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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?full maTerial declaraTions


See Example on following page

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managemenT regulaTions for THe enVironmenT-relaTed subsTances To be

conTrolled wHicH are included in parTs and maTerials – ss-00259 for general

use, eleventh edition (copyright 2012 sony corporation)

Table 4.1: List of “Environment-related Substances to be Controlled (‘Controlled Substances’)”Cadmiumandcadmiumcompounds Trisubstitutedorganotincompounds(includingtributyltin


Leadandleadcompounds Dibutyltin(DBT)compounds Di-isononylphthalate,Di-isodecylphthalate,Di-n-octylphthalate,Di-n-hexylphthalate,

Mercuryandmercurycompounds Dioctyltin(DOT)compounds “1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid,di-C6-8-branchedalkylesters,C7-rich”,

Hexavalentchromiumcompounds Asbestos “1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid,di-C7-11-branchedandlinearalkylesters”,


Specificazocompounds Bis(2-methoxyethyl)phthalate

Short-chainchlorinatedparaffins(SCCP) Formaldehyde Hydrofluorocarbon(HFC),Perfluorocarbon(PFC)

Polyvinylchloride(PVC)andPVCblends Specificbenzotriazole Ozonedepletingsubstances(ODS)

Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate(TCEP) Dimethylfumarate(DMF) Perfluorooctanesulfonates(PFOS)

Otherchlorinatedorganiccompounds Berylliumoxide Boricacid,specificsodiumborates

Polybrominatedbiphenyls(PBB) Berylliumcopper 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol

Polybrominateddiphenylethers(PBDE)(includingdecabromodiphenylether[DecaBDE]) Cobaltdichloride Bis(2-methoxyethyl)ether

Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCDD) Diarsenictrioxide,Diarsenicpentaoxide N,N-dimethylacetamide(DMAC)


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WhAT ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS?elecTronic reporTing on THe riseTSCA:



• TSCAsection5–noticesofcommencementorimport(NOCs)correspondenceandotherdata



Undertheproposedrule,organisationswouldsubmitthisdatatotheUSEPAthroughtheagency’sCentralDataExchange (CDX).Theywoulduseanewweb-basedreporting tool, theChemicalInformationSubmissionSystem(CISS),thatwillbemadeavailablewhentheproposedrulebe-comesfinal.


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Why ArE MATErIAL dECLArATIONS bEINg rEquESTEd?1. Eitheralegalrequirement(EUimporters,SECIssuers)

a. AsseenbytheREACH,RoHSandConflictMineralsregulatoryrequirements

2. Contractualrequirementoftheirdownstreamusers(whoarelikelyEUImportersorSECissuers)

3. Customerrequirementsusuallycomefromlargercompaniesthataretryingtocoveralltheirbases


i. ChinaREACH

ii. US,California

• Proposition65


iii. Japan–JapaneseExistingandNewChemicalSubstancesInventory(ENCS),TheChemicalSubstancesControlLaw

iv. TaiwanECN

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i. REACHRegistryofIntentions

ii. REACHCandidateListProposals

iii. TurkeyChemicalsManagementRegulation


i. SIN-list

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hOW dO I dEvELOP A STrATEgy TO MEET ALL Of ThESE rEquIrEMENTS?1. Determinewhichrequirementsactuallyapplytoyourcompanyandyourproducts.

2. Assessthecurrentregulatoryprogram

a. Doesyourcompanycurrentlyhaveanyprocessesinplacewherecompliancedataiscollectedortestedfor?

ii. Standards

iii. Regulations

iv. ISO

b. Doyouhaveexistingdata?

i. RoHS


c. Canyouaddquestions/datarequeststotheexistingprocesses?

d. Doyouhavetheresourcestocollecttheextradataandtakethenewnextstepsofcompliance?

i. Communication

ii. Notification

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iii. ProductMarking

iv. ProductDocumentation

3. Prioritize

a. Productsheadedtothoseregulatorymarkets

b. Productsbeingplacedonthemarketaftertheapplicableregulatorydeadline

4. DevelopaDataCollectionplan

a. Who?

b. How?

c. DataStorage?

d. Processfornon-responsivesuppliers

i. Follow-upfromanotherdepartment?

ii. EngineeringAssessmentforparts

5. DevelopaDueDiligenceplan

a. SupplierDeclarationVerification

b. Testing?

6. DevelopaDeclarationTemplate

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dECLArATION PrOCurEMENT frOM yOur SuPPLy ChAIN1. Educationofsuppliersisvitaltosuccess

i. Vendoreducationontheregulations

ii. Vendoreducationonthecomplianceprocess



2. Clearstandardsofacceptability

i. Appropriateregulatoryreference

ii. Appropriatedate

iii. CompanyLetterhead

iv. Appropriateindividualwithincompany

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3. “Rollingup”supplierinfo

i. Manual

ii. Electronic


a. Product

b. Component

4. Howtodealwithnon-responsivesuppliers

i. Increasepressure


ii. Bringinotherdepartments

• Longer/Betterrelationshipwiththesupplier

iii. EngineeringAssessment

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USA: P.O. BOX 115 - Oskaloosa, IA 52577-0115 (U.S.A.) / Tel: 641/673-5000 * Fax 641/673-5100UK: 10 Kelvin Drive- Knowlhill – Milton Keynes – Buckinghamshire MK5 8NH – UK / Tel: +44 (0) 1908 327700 Fax: +44 (0) 1908 327706

Date: June 2011,

From: Joe Caligiuri, Product Compliance Specialist

To: To whom it may concern

RE: Interpower Corporations’ Status on REACH

Interpower Group of Companies strives to keep our customers informed with the most up-to-date information of changes to safety standards or European directives such as the new REACH directive.

REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use. It deals with the Registrations, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council). The new law became effective June 1, 2007.

The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. This directive is similar to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations in the United States in that the manufacturers of chemicals are required to register what they manufacture, how much they manufacture or import, and any ill affects the chemical could cause to humans or the environment.

Based on our research, Interpower products are not affected by this regulation. Interpower does not manufacture chemical substances or mixtures of chemical substances in containers. Our products do not contain substances which are intentionally released during their use.

To our knowledge, our EU approved products do not contain any of the substances which are on the “substance of very high concern” and in accordance with Annex XIV of EC 1907/2006. If any Substance of Very High Concern is identified in our products for use in the EU, Interpower Corporation will take all necessary actions to make the required notification to our customers.

If you would like to research this directive further, please visit the website: for more information. If you have questions pertaining to any of our products, please email your request to [email protected].

Joe Caligiuri Product Compliance Specialist Interpower Corporation

• CompanyHeader• Appropriateindividual• IncludessomeinformationonREACH•GivestheactuallinktotheCandidateList•Dateisnotcurrent

inTerpower cusTomer reacH leTTer-1

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Subject: European Union Regulation (EC) 1907/2006. Updated December 19, 2011. Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. (REACH) The subject directive undertakes the identification and definition of chemicals of concern, andpreparation of said chemicals, that are contained in products for use in the European Union. Itdetails registration obligations of manufactures and suppliers to assure compliance. The shape, surface and design of our products (articles) are paramount to the chemical composition. LYN-TRON products are deemed articles, as defined in the REACH Directive.Articles are exempt from REACH unless they release a SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) asidentified in the regulation. Lyn-Tron, Inc. does not manufacture or distribute any products that contain these substances.No chemicals or substances are intentionally released from Lyn-Tron’s products. Lyn-tron, Inc. products are Halogen free. For these reasons, Lyn-Tron products are considered articles that are not affected by theREACH Directive. They do not require registration. -- Paragraph 32 and Chapter 2 (3.3) Sincerely,

Michael E. QuinnExec Vice President

• CompanyHeader

• Appropriateindividual•Dateiscurrent• InaccurateunderstandingofREACH


lyn-Tron reacH sTaTemenT

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• CompanyHeader• Appropriateindividual• Includesappropriateregulatoryreference•Dateiscurrent

momenTiVe sVHc – rTV167 2012-01-16

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• CompanyHeader• Appropriateindividual• Regulatoryreferenceisweak•Dateiscurrent

pde cae reacH cofc

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Semtech Corporation • 200 Flynn Road • Camarillo • Ca • 93012 • Phone (805) 498-2111

Customer Information Request

Customer Information Request: CR-001079

On behalf of Semtech Corporation, I am pleased to provide you with this final report that closes your request for information. Your request consisted of providing compliance statement of our products as listed to REACH Directive, EU Regulation EC1907/2006 including recent addition of SVHC candidate list of substances published by ECHA (European Chemical Agency) in October 2011. Herewith Semtech Corporation is pleased to declare that the devices supplied to you, P/Ns SR2.8.TCT and RClamp0504F.TCT, do not intentionally use, contain/exceed 0.1% weight by weight or add any of the substances contained within REACH Directive as specified in the table below. Semtech Corporation is pleased that we are able to accommodate your needs and look forward to a continued and successful business relationship. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely,

Roya Reader Semtech Corporation Quality Customer Service Specialist 200 Flynn Road Camarillo, CA 93012 [email protected] Office: (805) 389-2742 Fax: (805) 498-3804

• CompanyHeader• Appropriateindividual•GivesthetableofSVHCsasofdatenoted•Dateisnotcurrent

semTecH cr-001079 cae reacH sVHc declaraTion

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hOW CAN ASSENT hELP? consulTing serVices•ManagethecompliancetoROHS,REACH,CLPandotherEnvironmentalstandards








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• Companyrequirementssummary–WEEEandRoHSassenT TecHnical reporT – roHs – weee

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rohsoverall CompliaNCe proCess

[producTs placed on markeT before January 2nd, 2013]

step 1: DetermiNe parts iN sCope

step 2: CoNDuCt supplier survey oNparts iN sCope

step 3: Due DiligeNCe

step 4: DeClaratioN roll-up

Has suppliercompleTed

surVey afTer 90days?

proJecT manager To deTermine parTs in scope using sCope DetermiNatioN proCess

proJecT manager To adminisTer a supplier surVey on parTs in scope using supplier surVey process

proJecT manager To apply due diligence according To Due DiligeNCe plaN

single cerTificaTe of conformiTy creaTed wHicH lisTs THe exempTions as applicable.

proJecT manager To creaTe TemplaTe for roHs cerTificaTe of conformiTy and make aVailable for clienTs based on supplier surVey and due diligence resulTs

using CertifiCate proCess.

proJecT manager To iniTiaTe esCalatioN proCess



eND proCess

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flammabiliTy compliance cerTificaTion

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hOW CAN ASSENT hELP?sofTware serVices•Automatically gather environmental compliance data from your supply chain (Declarations,


• Platformforsupplierstoenterenvironmentalcomplianceinformation



• Instantlyisolateproblemareasbasedonproducts,partsormaterials.

• GeneratecompliancedocumentsforEnforcementagenciesanddownstreamusers.

• Actsasaplatformforinternalteamstomanageenvironmentaldataandmakeinternaldeclara-tionsbasedonobtainedinformation:

• EngineeringOverride


•Free model for large cap companies looking to implement a software platform with their supply chain

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