Materia Medica Viva

278 British Homoeopathic Journal drugs are used in a suppressive way). Health is defined as freedom from pain in the physical body, a state of well-being; freedom from passion on the emotional plane resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and free- dom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with the truth, which last may only be achieved by con- scious effort. The measure of health is the degree to which an individual is free to be cre- ative. The author then relates the individual ener- gies to the universal, and speaks of the levels of dissociation, the nature and cause of disease, the organism's defence system and the directions of disorder or cure. He con- cludes by hypothesizing about the upsurge of AIDS as a syndrome of a greater pattern--the relentless progression of complex chronic dis- eases due to the destruction of the 'inner ecol- ogy' of the human organism. This book is well researched, with an impressive back-up of statistics, quotations from relevant medical sources and good diagrams. Whether or not one agrees with all his conclusions, it is a book that profoundly challenges complacency and stimulates deep reflection on where modern medicine is head- ing. It must be of welcome interest to all homoeopaths and other professionals whose work is based on energetic modes of healing in its truest sense. I recommend it as a thought- provoking, alarming and inspiring book. The sense of urgency it communicates is a reflec- tion of the spiritual crisis the author foretells if we fail to change our approach. Read it, and reflect upon the old Chinese proverb 'If we don't change our direction, we are sure to end up in the direction where we are headed.' ALICE GREENE Materia Medica Viva. Volume 1. George Vithoulkas. Mill Valley, California: Health and Habitat. ISBN 1-878415-01-8. Price $51. George Vithoulkas is acknowledged by many throughout the world as one of the foremost homceopaths of our generation. He has taught extensively, and in the past his teaching on materia medica has been 'leaked' and pub- lished as 'The Stolen Essences' without his blessing, because, we are told, he was not at that time satisfied with the material. This is the first volume of what is intended to be the definitive materia medica for a long time to come. As this 262 page volume covers only the first 26 medicines, from Abelmoschus to Ambrosia artemesia folia, it appears poss- ible that we are to look forward to about 99 more volumes before the work is complete! That is, if it is ever completed, and if the degree of detail presented in the first volume is maintained. The size of the task still await- ing completion is daunting. I understand that 8 more volumes are near to completion, but without curtailing the contents there is still a very long way to go. I hope that case histories, at least of the more important medicines, will be given priority. The author states his sources in the preface and in a 12-page References section at the end of the book. These include Allen's Encyclo- pedia, Hering's Guiding Symptoms, Hahne- mann's Lectures on Materia Medica, Clarke's A Dictionary of Materia Medica, Cowperth- waite's A Textbook of Materia Medica, Boer- icke's Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, the Radar computer reper- tory and others. Most valuably, he draws on his own experiences at the Centre of Home- opathic Medicine in Athens, Greece, and on its case records. Videotaped interviews are especially mentioned. Each chapter on a homceopathic medicine contains subheadings on the pharmacology, toxicology, physiological action, essential fea- tures (this is the part most derived from per- sonal experience), general symptoms and keynotes, associated clinical syndromes, caus- ations, relationships, antidotes, dosages used in Athens, examples of cured cases from the literature and the medicine's source name in English, French and German. The general- ities and keynotes contain subheadings on each part of the body in the traditional fashion. The material is exceptionally well laid out, with sensible use of bold type for emphasis, and smaller print for the less important parts. It is generally well written, although to English eyes the language is at times verbose and overpunctuated. There are a number of cross-references to other medicines which share symptoms, which is helpful, although even more would have been welcome. I have sought to find out what exactly is new in this work, and have chosen Aloe as an example. The chemistry, physiology and tox- icology are described more fully than in stan- dard texts, and illustrated with brief

Transcript of Materia Medica Viva

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278 British Homoeopathic Journal

drugs are used in a suppressive way). Health is defined as freedom from pain in the physical body, a state of well-being; freedom from passion on the emotional plane resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and free- dom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with the truth, which last may only be achieved by con- scious effort. The measure of health is the degree to which an individual is free to be cre- ative.

The author then relates the individual ener- gies to the universal, and speaks of the levels of dissociation, the nature and cause of disease, the organism's defence system and the directions of disorder or cure. He con- cludes by hypothesizing about the upsurge of AIDS as a syndrome of a greater pattern--the relentless progression of complex chronic dis- eases due to the destruction of the 'inner ecol- ogy' of the human organism.

This book is well researched, with an impressive back-up of statistics, quotations from relevant medical sources and good diagrams. Whether or not one agrees with all his conclusions, it is a book that profoundly challenges complacency and stimulates deep reflection on where modern medicine is head- ing. It must be of welcome interest to all homoeopaths and other professionals whose work is based on energetic modes of healing in its truest sense. I recommend it as a thought- provoking, alarming and inspiring book. The sense of urgency it communicates is a reflec- tion of the spiritual crisis the author foretells if we fail to change our approach. Read it, and reflect upon the old Chinese proverb 'If we don't change our direction, we are sure to end up in the direction where we are headed.'


Materia Medica Viva. Volume 1. George Vithoulkas. Mill Valley, California: Health and Habitat. ISBN 1-878415-01-8. Price $51.

George Vithoulkas is acknowledged by many throughout the world as one of the foremost homceopaths of our generation. He has taught extensively, and in the past his teaching on materia medica has been 'leaked' and pub- lished as 'The Stolen Essences' without his blessing, because, we are told, he was not at that time satisfied with the material.

This is the first volume of what is intended to be the definitive materia medica for a long

time to come. As this 262 page volume covers only the first 26 medicines, from Abelmoschus to Ambrosia artemesia folia, it appears poss- ible that we are to look forward to about 99 more volumes before the work is complete! That is, if it is ever completed, and if the degree of detail presented in the first volume is maintained. The size of the task still await- ing completion is daunting. I understand that 8 more volumes are near to completion, but without curtailing the contents there is still a very long way to go. I hope that case histories, at least of the more important medicines, will be given priority.

The author states his sources in the preface and in a 12-page References section at the end of the book. These include Allen's Encyclo- pedia, Hering's Guiding Symptoms, Hahne- mann's Lectures on Materia Medica, Clarke's A Dictionary of Materia Medica, Cowperth- waite's A Textbook of Materia Medica, Boer- icke's Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, the Radar computer reper- tory and others. Most valuably, he draws on his own experiences at the Centre of Home- opathic Medicine in Athens, Greece, and on its case records. Videotaped interviews are especially mentioned.

Each chapter on a homceopathic medicine contains subheadings on the pharmacology, toxicology, physiological action, essential fea- tures (this is the part most derived from per- sonal experience), general symptoms and keynotes, associated clinical syndromes, caus- ations, relationships, antidotes, dosages used in Athens, examples of cured cases from the literature and the medicine's source name in English, French and German. The general- ities and keynotes contain subheadings on each part of the body in the traditional fashion.

The material is exceptionally well laid out, with sensible use of bold type for emphasis, and smaller print for the less important parts. It is generally well written, although to English eyes the language is at times verbose and overpunctuated. There are a number of cross-references to other medicines which share symptoms, which is helpful, although even more would have been welcome.

I have sought to find out what exactly is new in this work, and have chosen Aloe as an example. The chemistry, physiology and tox- icology are described more fully than in stan- dard texts, and illustrated with brief

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post-mortem findings from a fatal poisoning. The clinical, causation, antidote and relation- ships are drawn directly from Clarke. Much local symptomatology is to be found in stan- dard texts, but some entries are from Kent or Synthesis. Where Aloe is the only medicine in a rubric has not been indicated, and, capriciously, some small rubrics are omitted. Aggravation from cloudy weather, mentioned in Clarke, and added to Synthesis by Vithoul- kas, is overlooked! Other symptoms, such as desire for apples, have been given more importance than they have in either reper- tory, having escaped entry in standard texts.

What is most interesting is the association of Aloe with the symptom of preoccupation with bowel habit, so common in the elderly. (No reference is included to it as a medic- ament for old age, although it is in the reper- tory). This is such a common symptom that it is surprising to find so little reference to it either in materia medica or repertory. Vith- oulkas illustrates this preoccupation with just those quotations with which any experienced physician is so familiar. If Aloe is genuinely well indicated for this symptom it will be a most valuable observation. Since it seems new, the sources and a list of other medicines noted to share it (Nux vomica, perhaps?) would have been welcome.

Altogether, I think the author has suc- ceeded in creating a valuable new materia medica, and I anticipate it will take its place alongside the great works of its kind. I doubt, however, that it, or any other book, will be the last word on the subject, for with the facility for correlating symptoms the computer now gives us, I anticipate a new generation of text material, all accurately annotated. Other hom~eopaths will provide new slants and insights, as Sankaran has recently done.

What is missing from this volume, because he plans to publish them separately, are Mr Vithoulkas's own cases. This I found dis- appointing. I would rather have had these than previously published cases reprinted, although references to the latter would have been valuable. Clearly, the number of options open to the author was great, and I under- stand that he was given quite conflicting advice about the degree of detail to be included and the order in which it is pre- sented. The layout of the present volume, although admirably clear, does lead to dupli- cation of some of the features of each medi-

cine. Sometimes important points are mentioned several times. Perhaps this could be avoided in later volumes without seriously reducing their quality.

The book is expensively produced, in a hard-backed cover, and only 2,000 copies are to be issued. This is somewhat puzzling, as surely Mr Vithoulkas will surely wish his wis- dom to be more generally available. Perhaps a cheaper, larger edition will follow, although I was informed upon enquiry that there are no immediate plans for this. Perhaps the high price will help to recoup the undoubtedly high cost of the team of research workers who have helped the author assemble his material and refine its presentation in English, who are generously acknowledged at the start of the book. The publishers, Health and Habitat, describe themselves as 'a not-for-profit edu- cational corporation.'

Yes, I definitely recommend this volume, and its successors, to serious students of hom~eopathy. Despite my minor criticisms I think it is indeed the valuable and important textbook for which we have been waiting, and that it is a success. Look out for, or press for, the cheaper edition which is surely bound to follow the present limited edition.


The World Travellers' Manual of Hom~eo- pathy. Colin B. Lessell. C. W. Daniel. ISBN 0 85207 2422. 338 pages. s

Dr Lessell spent 5 years preparing this book and his efforts have paid off with the wealth of colourful detail provided. Sketches taken from an exploring book written in 1873 give it an authentic nineteenth century feel, as if we were about to accompany Dr Hering along the Amazon. Called a 'manual ' it is almost an encyclopaedia in scope and gives a fascinating panorama of the myriad ways in which the unwary traveller may be infected, infested, stung, bitten, or envenomed, quite apart from the common ailments resulting from fatigue, sprains, heat and cold. From travellers' nerves and fractious children, sore feet and back strain, to typhoid fever and the bite of the Gila monster or the sting of the box jellyfish, no stone is left unturned. Advice on immuniz- ation and its homceopathic alternatives is included. There are chapters on problems relating to pregnancy, eye problems, and effects of the sun. More detail is given on the