Masterclass in Self-Publishing by Nicholas Lovell (part 2)

Session 2: Session 2: How to make a How to make a profitable mobile profitable mobile social game social game
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At Interactive Scotland's Digital 2011 conference in Glasgow, Nicholas Lovell from Games Brief presented a workshop about self-publishing computer games, which has relevance for all digital media content creators. This is part one of three.

Transcript of Masterclass in Self-Publishing by Nicholas Lovell (part 2)

Page 1: Masterclass in Self-Publishing by Nicholas Lovell (part 2)

Session 2:Session 2:How to make a profitable How to make a profitable

mobile social gamemobile social game

Page 2: Masterclass in Self-Publishing by Nicholas Lovell (part 2)

Killers, Achievers, Explorers, Socialisers

Page 3: Masterclass in Self-Publishing by Nicholas Lovell (part 2)

KillersCompetitionTests of skillPvPGanking and griefing

It’s all about “beating” another human

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AchieversPoints, levels, trophies and stuffCompetition “with yourself”Who “gamification” was made for

Xbox Live AchievementsLevelling upGrind

Achievers want elite status, and to show it off

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ExplorersSearchExploreTake time DiscoverTransmedia-friendly

Explorers want to go where no one else has gone and know what no one else knows

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It doesn’t matter what they do as long as they do it with friends

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Everyone is a bit of everythingMy BARTLE TEST resultsExplorer (E.A.S.K.)

Explorer: 80%Achiever: 73%Socializer: 47%Killer: 0%

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Farmville satisfies Killers

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Farmville satisfies Achievers

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Farmville satisfies Explorers

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Farmville satisfies Socialisers

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High spenders and the rule of 0-1-100

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The rule of 0-1-100Zero:

Make the game free to play and funOne:

Make it really easy to spend $1One hundred

Make it possible to spend $100

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Ideas for $100 – take notesConsumables:

Energy, tractor fuel, potions, power upsAesthetics:

Status, self-expression, belongingProgress

Time for moneyShowing off


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The knife-edge balanceZynga successfully balances gamers:

Waiting (or Spinning their wheels)Spamming their friendsSpending their moneyVisiting sponsors

Done well, it’s great. Done badly, it’s cynical

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Group workTake the game you’ve already builtExplain:

What retention mechanics you will build in Gameplay Rewards Commitments

How you will deliver on 0-1-100 Free $1 $100 per month

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End of session 2End of session 2