Master Presentation PART 1 NCOA TBI CG edits (1)...(TBI) Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (ABI) Definition...

10/22/18 1 National Association of State Head Injury Administrators | Falls and Brain Injuries Among Older Adults Part 1: Connection, Prevention, and Resources October 19, 2018 National Association of State Head Injury Administrators | Keri Bennett (NE), Chair NASHIA Training and Education Committee Webinar Moderator Haleigh Cushen, NASHIA Membership Services and Training & Education Coordinator Webinar Organizer [email protected] National Association of State Head Injury Administrators | u No Cost to Attend u Certificates of Participation available through ª $10 for Members ª $15 for Potential Members u Recording Available ª Link included in a follow-up email ª Archived at and for later viewing ª Certificate of Participation will be available after viewing archive u Q & A at the end of webinar if time allows u Handouts National Association of State Head Injury Administrators | Objectives: u Impact and prevalence of falls and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) among older adults u Risk factors for falls and TBI u Fall risk and brain injury detection assessments u Resources and professionals available to assist individuals with preventing falls and TBI u Strategies for service providers working with older adults and with individuals with TBI National Association of State Head Injury Administrators | Presenter from National Association of State Head Injury Rebeccah Wolfkiel, M.P.P Executive Director NASHIA

Transcript of Master Presentation PART 1 NCOA TBI CG edits (1)...(TBI) Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (ABI) Definition...

Page 1: Master Presentation PART 1 NCOA TBI CG edits (1)...(TBI) Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (ABI) Definition of Acquired Brain Injury No external force to the head An external force to the



National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |



October 19, 2018

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |




[email protected]

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

u  NoCosttoAttendu

ª  $10forMembersª  $15forPotentialMembers

u  RecordingAvailableª  Linkincludedinafollow-upemailª  ArchivedatNASHIA.organdNCOA.orgforlaterviewingª  CertificateofParticipationwillbeavailableafterviewing

archiveu  Q & A at the end of webinar if time allows

u  Handouts

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Objectives: u  Impactandprevalenceoffallsandtraumaticbrain


u  RiskfactorsforfallsandTBI

u  Fallriskandbraininjurydetectionassessments

u  ResourcesandprofessionalsavailabletoassistindividualswithpreventingfallsandTBI

u  StrategiesforserviceprovidersworkingwitholderadultsandwithindividualswithTBI

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Presenter from National Association of State Head Injury



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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Presenter from National Association of State Head Injury




National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Presenter from National Council on Aging




National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Presenter from National Council on Aging



National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |



National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |


u  Only organization to represent State employees working to support individuals with brain injury and their families.

u  Founded in 1989

u  Membership:

ª  State Employees in Various Agencies

u  Public Health, Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid, Mental Health, Education, Developmental Disabilities, Aging

ª  Advocacy Organizations

ª  Health Care and Service Providers

ª  Individuals and Families with Lived Experience

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

WhatWeDou  Advocacy

ª  Funding:TBIActprograms(ACL/CDC);NIDILRRResearch;DODResearch;andVArehabilitationprograms

ª  Legislation:TBIAct;JuvenileJusticeandDelinquencyPreventionAct;OlderAmericansAct;ViolenceAgainstWomenAct;andmore

ª  CongressionalTBITaskforceandMarchTBIAwarenessDay

u  Trainingª  Webinars:ProfessionalEthics;PersonCenteredPlanning;PartnershipswithProtection&


ª  AnnualSOSConference

u  TechnicalAssistanceª  StateTA:StatePlansandStateSystemDevelopment;DedicatedFundingSources/TrustFunds;


ª  FederalTA:HRSATBIProgramTAC;ACLNationalCenterforAdvancingPersonCenteredPlanningSystems(NCAPPS)

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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |




1)  Educatestakeholdersonresourcesavailabletopreventfalls.

2)  InspireStatesystemsofcarethatidentifyandserveindividualsthathavesustainedafalls-relatedbraininjury.

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Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 15

About NCOA

Who We Are: NCOA is the national voice for every American’s right to age well

Our Vision: A just and caring society in which each of us, as we age, lives with dignity, purpose, and security

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How We Accomplish Our Mission

•  Innovative Programs: NCOA’s online and in-community programs empower individuals to take small steps that can significantly improve their daily lives.

•  Advocacy: NCOA works in a bipartisan manner to protect and improve federal programs that Americans depend on, like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act.

•  Partnerships: NCOA supports a national network of local partners that provide personalized services to help individuals stay healthy and economically secure as they age.

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NCOA’s Center for Healthy Aging

§  Goal: Increase the quality and years of healthy life for older adults and adults with disabilities

§  Two national resource centers funded by the Administration for Community Living q  Chronic Disease Self-

Management Education (CDSME) q  Falls Prevention

§  Other key areas: Behavioral health, physical activity, immunizations, oral health

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National Falls Prevention Resource Center

Increase public awareness about falls prevention Serve as the national clearinghouse for tools and resources Support and stimulate evidence-based programs and strategies

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National Resource Center Technical Assistance Activities

One-on-one support

Annual meeting

National Falls Prevention Database

Learning collaboratives Webinars Online tools

and resources

Best practices Networking Work groups

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National Falls Free ® Initiative

•  A thousands-strong and growing network •  National Action Plan developed in 2005; updated in 2015 •  Strong partnerships

–  ACL and the Aging Network –  CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control –  National professional and consumer organizations –  State and local public health entities

•  Falls Free® is a critical effort to meet Healthy People 2020 goals of reducing older adult fall-related ED visits by 10%

•  43 State Falls Prevention Coalitions

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Older Adult Falls in the U.S. Falls are common •  Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal

trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults. •  One in four Americans aged 65+ falls each year. •  Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every

19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall.

Falls are costly •  In 2015, the total cost of fall injuries was $50 billion. Medicare and Medicaid

shouldered 75% of these costs. •  The financial toll for older adult falls is expected to increase as the population ages

and may reach $101 billion by 2030. Source: CDC

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Older Adult Falls in the U.S.

Predictable •  Physical, behavioral, and

environmental risk factors

Largely Preventable •  Everyone has a role to play

and can make a difference within their own sphere of influence.

Source: CDC

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Basics

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BrainInjuryAssociationofAmerica-www.biausa.orgUnitedStatesBrainInjuryAlliance– www.usbia.orgNationalAssociationofStateHeadInjuryAdministrators-ArchivedWebinarsonTBI–

•  Fall-RelatedTBIsAmongOlderAdults.-Wednesday,September30th,2015

•  IntroductiontoTraumaticBrainInjury-Tuesday,September8,2015







AnABIisaninsulttothebrainthat•  Hasoccurredafterbirth•  Isnothereditary•  Isnotcongenital

•  Traumaticbraininjuryistheleadingtypeofbraininjury.•  Frontallobeinjuriesarecommon–Impairingexecutivefunction•  75%ofTBlsareconcussions•  Concussionsarealsoknownasformofmild-TBI



•  Infection(Meningitis,HIV)•  Neoplastic(tumor,cancer)•  Vascular(stroke,aneurysm)•  Metabolic(anoxia,hypoxia)•  Neurotoxic(leadpoisoning)•  Demyelinating/Dementing–(MS,Parkinson)


•  Falls•  Motorvehicle•  Sports/Recreationactivities•  Work/Industrialrelated

IntentionalCauses•  Assaultsorattacks•  Militarycombat–blastInjury•  Violentcriminalbehavior•  Homicide/Suicideattempts•  Domestic/Datingviolence•  Elder/Childabuse/Shaken










•  2.5millionEmergencyDepartmentvisits•  282,000TBIrelatedHospitalizations•  50,000TBIrelatedDeaths



35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 ≥75


2007 2013National Association of State Head Injury

Administrators |

Leading Causes of TBI General Population u  Falls – 40.5%

u  Unknown – 19%

u  Struck by/against – 15.5%

u  Motor vehicle – 14.3%

u  Assaults – 10.7%

Adults 65+ years u  51 % - Falls

u  22 % - Unknown (may include cases where senior abuse is suspected)

u  18 % - Other (e.g. assaults, struck by object)

u  9 % - Motor Vehicle Accidents

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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Demographics u  Overall population u  The two age groups at highest risk for TBI are

•  0 to 4 year olds •  15 to 19 year olds

u  Adults over the Age 65+ •  The fastest growing TBI population

u  Males •  Males 1.5 to 2 times more likely than Females to sustain TBI

u  Females over the Age 80+ •  Females more than Males likely to sustain TBI •  Female longevity

AdditionalRiskFactorsforFallsandTBI•  Structuralchangesinthebrain(e.g.,Atrophy)•  Complexmedicaldiagnosis

•  Visionchanges•  issuewithlightsensitivity.•  Blurredvision,especiallywithseeingupclose•  Doublevision,Decreasedperipheralvision

•  Dizziness,Vertigo•  30-65%ofpeoplewithTBIsufferfrombalanceproblems

•  Seizuresdisorder-developsin1in10peopleafterinjury•  ChronicpainmayoccurafterTBI•  SubstanceUseDisorders

•  10-20%ofTBIsurvivorsdevelopSUDwithinthefirstyearofinjury.•  Mentalhealthdisorders

•  50%ofTBIsurvivorsexperiencedepressionwithinthefirstyearofinjury.•  NearlyTwo-thirdsareaffectedwith7yearsafterinjury•  71%ofpeoplewithTBIarefrequentlyirritable•  Increaseriskforsuicidesthangeneralpopulation

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Risk Factors continued… u  Med Management challenges

ª  Issues with follow through or refusal ª  Side effects

•  Sedation (e.g., increases fatigue and/or balance impairments)

•  Blood thinners (e.g., Coumadin) increased bleeding w/ falls

u  Environmental hazards (Hoarding) u  Vulnerability for abuse and exploitation u  History of previous brain injuries (ABI/TBI)

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |


•  ED Services •  Specialized Inpatient Care •  Evaluation and Treatment by Medical


POST-ACUTE INTERVENTIONS •  Inpatient / Outpatient Rehabilitation •  SNF / Long-Term Care Facility •  Community-Based Supports

Cognitive•  CommunicationIssues•  PoorConcentration•  Disorientation•  MemoryProblems•  PoorOrganization•  SlowProcessingSpeeds•  PoorInitiative•  LackFollowThrough•  PoorJudgement

Emotional•  Anger•  Anxiety•  Depression•  Irritability•  PersonalityChanges•  InabilitytoControlEmotions

Physical•  Dizziness•  Fatigue•  Headache•  Motorimpairment•  Changesinsensoryfunctionssuchashyposensitivitytolightorsoundsorsensoryloss


Families&Caregiver•  Canfeeltrapped,isolated,abandoned•  Canbecomebetargetsofabusebysurvivor•  CanbeannoyedandimpatientwithsurvivorServiceProviders•  Mayendservicespre-maturelywhenlabelingsurvivorsasresistant,aggressive,disinterested,

notmotivated,lazy,ornoncompliant.•  Survivorscanovertimeburnbridgeswithserviceproviders•  Patience,accommodatingsymptomsofTBIandconnectingtobraininjuryservicescanhelp.

Brain Injury Detection Assessments

& Resources

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ImportanceOfScreening•  BrainInjuriesareasilentepidemic.•  Peoplemay“appear”normal.•  TheeffectsofaTraumaticBrainInjury(TBI)varyforeachperson.•  SymptomsofTBIsoftengoundiagnosed,misdiagnosedormistreated.•  Anundiagnosedbraininjurycanmaskotherillnessorconditions.•  Individualsmaynotknowtheyhavebeenexposedtoabraininjuryor

understandtheirlimitationsasaresultsofthebraininjury.•  Individualsarenotalwaysconnectedtobraininjuryservices.


•  TheHELPSBrainInjuryScreeningTool•  TheOSUTBI–IDMethod

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

TBI or Something Else?

u  Poor Nutrition u  UTI u  Bipolar Disorders u  Depression u  Substance Use


u  Sleep Disturbances u  Headaches /

Migraines u  Learning Disabilities u  ADHD/ADD

Conditions that may mimic symptoms of TBI include:


•  DetectsANYBrainInjury(ABIsandTBIs)•  CanbeappliedtoANYAgeorsubpopulation•  CanbeimplementbyANYperson–regardlessofeducationlevel•  InANYSetting


DetectionTool#2:OSUTBI-IDMethodOhioStateUniversityTraumaticBrainInjuryIdentificationMethod-  DevelopedbyDr.JohnCorriganandteamattheOhioValleyCenterfor

BrainInjuryPreventionandRehabilitation-  GearedforHealthcareandsocialserviceprofessionals-  Standardizedprocedureforelicitingaperson’slifetimehistoryofTBIviaa

3-5minutestructuredinterview.-  DetectshistoryoflifetimeexposureofTraumaticBraininjuries(Only)-  Assessapersonscognitiveandemotionalstate-  Canusedtoinformapproachoftreatmentandservicesbeingprovided-  Toaccessthetoolandeducationalvideovisitwww.

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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Interdisciplinary Approach u  Primary Care Physician u  Neurology u  Neuropsychologists u  Behavioral Health Services

ª  Psychologist ª  Social Workers ª  Substance Use Treatment

u  Rehabilitative Therapies ª  Physiatrist ª  Physical Therapy ª  Occupational Therapy ª  Speech and Language

Therapy ª  Recreational Therapy

u  Brain Injury Support Groups u  Case Management

u  Vocational u  Socialization Opportunities

ª  Day programs

ª  Senior Centers ª  Recreational groups

u  Transportation

u  Community Living Supports ª  Home Making Services

ª  Personal Care Aide

ª  Money Management


•  Independent,non-profitnationalorganization

•  Servesforallages,alltypesofbraininjuriessurvivors,families,caregivers,professionalsandnon-professionals.

Theycanconnectyouto:•  SupportGroupsforsurvivorsandcaregivers•  InformationandReferraltosurvivors,caregiversandprofessionals•  BrainInjuryPreventionPrograms•  EducationandAdvocacy

Strategies for Service Providers




ü Hypersensitivitytolightandorsound

Strategiesmayinclude:•  Frequentshortbreaksorrestperiods.•  Helpindividualdeterminebesttimeofdayforwork,


•  Presentinformationinsmallsegments,watchforsignsofoverload.

•  Startwithshortershifts,enduranceoftenbuildsintime.

•  Reviewsleeproutine•  Useofearplugsorglassestofilterlightorsound•  Adjustlightingwhenpossible•  Facilitateaccesstoquiet/lessstimulatingspaces•  Assistwithreinforcingrecommendationsmadeby

PT/OT/SPtherapistsandothermedicalproviders•  Cuingtomoveslowlyandusemobilityassistive/



CognitiveEffectsofTBIStrategiesmayinclude:•  Presentinfoslower,sayonethingatatime•  Bemindfulofpacing.Watchforsignsof"overload"or


•  Bepatientforresponse–Allowforprocessing•  Watchforfrustration,personfeelingoverwhelmed•  Adjustenvironment/decreasedistractions•  Developamemorysystem,routine/organization•  Memorybooks,calendars/smartphones•  Discussions-repeat,review,paraphrase•  Wellorganizedschedulesandroutines•  Clear,repetitivetasksanddirections•  Uselabels,highlightersand“ToDo”lists•  Haveappropriatebreaksandchoices•  Cleartransitionroutines•  Scriptsaboutsituations•  Monitorprogressandadjustasneeded



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Strategiesmayinclude:•  Remaincalmandmodelappropriatereactions•  Givesuggestionsformaintainingandregainingcontrol

•  Avoidsituationsthattriggeruncontrollableemotionalreactions,redirectwhenpossible

•  Encouragerestbreaks,reviewconsequencesofbehaviorwithsuggestionsonhowtoremedytheproblem/issue/situation.Praiseonceincontrol.

•  Redirectandmodelofsubstituteappropriatebehaviors•  Recommendgroup/peeractivitiestofacilitateappropriatebehaviors.Praisepositive

behaviors.•  Avoidsituationsthattriggeruncontrollableemotionalreactions,redirectwhen

possible.•  Establishboundariesandfocusonprogress.

•  Encouragecooperativebehavior•  Redirectinappropriatebehavior.Verbalizeimpactonothers.Holdindividual

accountablefortheirownactions,naturalconsequencesareavaluableteachingtool.•  Userole-playingtopracticeinterpersonalskills.

•  Avoidcomparisonstohowtheywerepriortoinjury.•  Considerpeerorgroupactivitiestofacilitateappropriatebehavior

Fall and Brain Injury Prevention Strategies

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Individual Prevention Strategies u  Education

ª  Dissemination of resources and information about their risk for falls.

u  Home and Safety evaluations ª  Declutter/organize for free unobstructed movement

ª  Improve lighting and visibility

ª  Replace or repair damaged flooring, rugs, stairs, railings, etc.

u  Medication Monitoring ª  Make sure that side-effects are understood by the individual and

monitored by the prescribing doctor(s)

u  Home Modifications ª  Installation of ramps, bathroom remodels, lifts, electric door opener, etc.

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Individual Prevention Strategies

u  Aiding them to make better-choices

Adjust their day to day habits in a variety of areas, including ª  Regular vision checks

ª  Acquire appropriate adaptive devices and medical equipment (from eye wear, mobility devices, transfer equipment, etc.).

ª  Wearing proper footwear when ambulating

u  Rehabilitative Therapies ª  Initiate or facilitate touch up of occupational therapy and/or physical


u  Balance Training Programs ª  with medical approval connect individuals to balance training programs

(e.g., Tai-Chi).

u  ...and more which will covered by our NCOA partners!

REFEFERENCES•  CenterforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)-•  CDC-•  CDC-•  BrainInjuryAssociationofAmerica-•  UnitedStatesBrainInjuryAlliance-•  Taylor,C.A.,Bell,J.M.,Breiding,M.J.,&Xu,L.(2017).TraumaticBrainInjury-RelatedEmergencyDepartment


•  OSU-TBI-IDMethod-OhioValleyCenterforBrainInjuryPreventionandRehabilitation-

•  HELPSBrainInjuryTool–NASHIAhandout-,D.Scarisbrick,R.Paluck,9/91,InternationalCenterfortheDisabledTBI-NET,U.S.DepartmentofEducation,RehabilitationServicesAdministration,Grant#H12800022.TheHELPStoolwasupdatedbyprojectpersonneltoreflectrecentrecommendationsbytheCDConthediagnosisofTBI.

•  ModelSystemsKnowledgeTranslationCenter–TraumaticbrainInjury-•  MassachusettsTraumaticBrainInjuryinElderswebcourse-

Gabriela Lawrence-Soto, Grant Project Manager Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)

Community Based Services Department Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP)

Email: [email protected]

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Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 56

You CAN change You CAN’T change

•  Physical inactivity •  Muscle weakness •  Home environment •  Vision •  Medication Use •  Fear of falling •  Social isolation •  Improper use of

assistive devices

•  Age •  Gender •  Ethnic background

Fall Risk Factors

Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 57

Risk Factors for Fall-Related TBI

•  Gender – men more likely to suffer moderate/severe TBI than women

•  Medication – older adults taking antiarrhythmic medication more likely to suffer a fall-related TBI

•  Activity during a fall – older adults who fall climbing stairs or transferring from a chair or bed are more likely to suffer a moderate/severe TBI compared to those who fall while walking

•  Direction of fall – older adults who fall backwards or sideways are more likely to suffer a moderate/severe TBI compared to those who fall forward.

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Fall-related TBI prevention

•  Fall prevention can help reduce incident of TBI

•  Example: Connecticut Collaboration for Fall Prevention –  Compared the rate of hospitalization for fall-related TBI in older adults (≥ 70

years old) between a treatment region or a usual care region.

–  Clinicians in the treatment region translated fall prevention protocols and procedures into clinical practice.

–  Rate of hospitalization for the treatment region was significantly lower compared to usual care.

–  Results suggest that engagement of practicing clinicians in the use of evidence-based fall prevention practices may reduce hospitalizations for fall-related TBI.

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Adverse Consequences of Falls for Older Adults

•  Serious injuries – traumatic brain injuries, hip and spinal fractures, brain injuries, broken bones, e.g., wrist, femur

•  Increased fear of falling and restriction of activities, social isolation, depression, helplessness

•  Decreased ability to function •  Loss of independence and reduced quality of life •  Increased risk of premature death

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Fall Risk Assessment: CDC STEADI Toolkit Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries (STEADI) Toolkit

§  Based on the AGS/BGS Falls Prevention Guidelines (evidence-based)

§  Materials for providers and patients

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Comprehensive Approach •  Screening •  Assessment of risk factors •  Intervention to address risk factors

–  Exercise – strength & balance –  Clinical – Geriatric care to address chronic conditions,

medication, vision, nutrition –  Home assessment and modification for fall hazards

•  Full tool kit available at

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Fall Risk Assessment: Checklist

•  Available at

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Fall Risk Assessment

•  Algorithm for fall risk screening, assessment, and intervention

•  Available at

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Fall Risk Functional Assessments

•  30-Second Chair Stand Test •  4-Stage Balance Test •  Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test •  Measuring Orthostatic Blood


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Postural Hypotension

•  Checking PH routinely in all elders is critical and often overlooked.

•  PH is defined as > 20 mmHG drop in systolic Bp or > 10 mmHG drop in diastolic

•  Does the elder report falling back into chair during sit to stand?

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STEADI Resources for Clients and Patients

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Falls Prevention Professionals

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Falls Prevention Professionals

•  Occupational Therapists

•  Physical Therapists

•  Home Safety and Modification Experts

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Falls Prevention Professionals •  Pharmacists

•  Community-Based Exercise and Fall Prevention Program Leaders (i.e., senior centers, YMCA)

•  Professionals in aging and health care (i.e., Area Agencies on Aging)

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State Falls Prevention Coalitions

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Falls Prevention Coalitions

Home Health Fire Department

EMS/1st Responders Professional Associations

(OT, PT, RN) Senior Housing

Many Others

Public Health

Aging Services Network

Health Care Providers

Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 72

National Fall Prevention Awareness Day (FPAD)

§  FPAD is held each year on the first day of fall: September 23, 2019

§  Raise awareness about how to prevent fall-related injuries among older adults.

§  View the FPAD Impact Reports for event, activity, and partnership ideas

–  Public awareness activities –  Professional education –  Physical activity events –  Falls risk screening fairs –  Medication review –  Enrolling older adults in evidence-based falls

prevention programs

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FPAD Resources

•  General Resources •  Marketing & Media •  Past Activities •  Advocacy •  How to Get Involved •  Visit

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Falls Prevention Resources

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NCOA Falls Prevention Resource Clearinghouse

•  Filter by Audience o  Older Adults & Caregivers o  Professionals o  Advocates

•  Filter by Type o  Document o  Video o  Template o  Webinar o  Image

•  Visit

Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 76

Infographics and Handouts •  Falls Prevention Fact Sheet •  6 Steps to Prevent a Fall Infographic •  6 Steps to Protect Your Loved One from a

Fall •  Winterize to Prevent Falls •  Osteoarthritis and Falls •  Osteoporosis and Falls •  Falls Prevention Programs: Saving Lives,

Saving Money Infographic

Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 77

Videos •  6 Steps to Prevent a Fall •  You Have the Power to

Prevent a Fall •  Medication Management Tips

and Strategies •  Navigating Outdoor Fall

Hazards •  18 Steps to Modify Your Home •  Falls Free ® Video Contest


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Caregiver Education

•  Why falls prevention is important. •  Caregivers can participate, too! •  Falls prevention basics. •  Step 1: Is it time to talk? •  Step 2: Who and how to talk to others who

may be involved. •  Step 3: Develop a falls prevention action

plan. •  Perspectives: You are not alone. •  Additional Resources.

Falls Prevention Conversation Guide for Caregivers

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Home Safety

Home Safety and Home Modification Resource Inventories •  Evidence-Based Programs, Best Practices in Home Modification

•  Home Assessment Tools

•  Home Modification Funding Resources

•  Visit:

Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 80

Medication Management

ASCP/NCOA Falls Risk Reduction Toolkit •  Falls Risk Checklist •  Falls Application Cases •  Communications Documents •  Build Your Referral Network •  Bibliography


Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 81

Medication Management

• o  Medication Use Safety Training for Seniors (MUST for Seniors): Toolkit provides educational

materials on avoiding medicine mishaps, managing side effects, and improving medicine use knowledge.

•  Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults

•  Medication-related interventions o  HomeMeds Medication Safety Program o  Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment o  Medication reviews and brown bags

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Join Us!

•  Visit and sign up for enews

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Improving the lives of 10 million older adults by 2020 | © 2018 National Council on Aging 83

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National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

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moderator on the chat board.

Page 15: Master Presentation PART 1 NCOA TBI CG edits (1)...(TBI) Non-Traumatic Brain Injury (ABI) Definition of Acquired Brain Injury No external force to the head An external force to the



National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Part Two Coming Soon Falls and Brain Injuries Among Older Adults, Part 2:

Partnerships, Programs, and Public Policies

November (Date TBD) @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Eastern

Part two will highlight community-based programs and prevention initiatives, state and community partnerships between professionals in the falls and brain injury prevention networks, and public policy connected to systems and partnerships.

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators |

Not a Member? Join NASHIA Today! Rebeccah Wolfkiel

Executive Director PO Box 1878

Alabaster, AL 35007 202-681-7840

[email protected]

Haleigh Cushen Member Services and Training & Education Coordinator

205-296-8783 [email protected]