Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Join us each Thursday for Eucharistic Adoration from 4pm –7:00pm. Please keep our families who are ill and have special needs in our prayers. (keep us informed every 2 week Jacob Garcia Elaina Cooper Olivia Mosley Jeromy Drennan David Vergen Florence Sena Marlene Scherer Lupe Lovato Mary Rose Pearl Martin Garcia Sharen Winters Ramona Ramos Gilbert Travis Joe Perez Pam Russell Bill Campos Also continue praying for the chronically ill in our parish. Masses for the Week Sun. Feb. 2 Mon. Feb. 3 Tue. Feb. 4 Wed. Feb. 5 Thur. Feb. 6 Fri. Feb. 7 Sat. Feb. 8 Sun. Feb. 9 Our Church Food Bank for the Needy, needs the following items: Salt Can Meats Soups Cereals Peanut Butter Cooking Oil Sugar Flour Beans Rice Remember to Visit OUR PARISH WEBSITE hp:// Our Weekly Offerings St. John the Evangelist January 25th and 26th Weekend Offerings: $2,925.00 Weekly Budget: - 6,250.00 (3,325.00) Capital Improvements: $387.85 Memorials: $100.00 Our Weekly Offerings St. Ann’s January 26th Weekend Offerings: $301.25 Weekly Budget: - 452.94 (151.69) TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — There will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek (Malachi 3:1-4). Psalm — Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord! (Psalm 24). Second Reading — Jesus had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way to help the descendants of Abraham (Hebrews 2:14-18). Gospel — The just and pious Simeon proclaims the infant Jesus to be a revealing light to the Gentiles, the glory of the people Israel (Luke 2:22-40 [22-32]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 8:00am Parish Family (Stinnett) 9:30am Jeromy Drennan ~ Kathy & Louis Dodson 12:00pm Mendez Ramos Family ~ Sonia Mendez (Spanish) 8:30am Rosary 8:30am Rosary 6:30pm +Eva Perez ~ Irma Perez (Spanish) 8:30am Rosary 6:30pm +Adelaide Keller ~ Lucielle Meier Family 8:00am Schmitmeyer & Homan Families ~ Marian Homan 8:00am +Pete Aboytes ~ Dorothy Scherlen 5:00pm +Pete Aboytes ~ Jesse & Gilda Perales 8:00am Parish Family (Stinnett) 9:30am Fr. Jim Schmitmeyer ~ Parish Family 12:00pm Reynaldo Soto ~ Soto Family (Spanish)

Transcript of Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Page 1: Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Join us each Thursday for

Eucharistic Adoration from 4pm –7:00pm.

Please keep our families who are ill and have special needs in our prayers. (keep us informed every 2 week

Jacob Garcia Elaina Cooper Olivia Mosley Jeromy Drennan David Vergen Florence Sena Marlene Scherer Lupe Lovato Mary Rose Pearl Martin Garcia Sharen Winters Ramona Ramos Gilbert Travis Joe Perez Pam Russell Bill Campos

Also continue praying for the chronically ill in our parish.

Masses for the Week

Sun. Feb. 2

Mon. Feb. 3

Tue. Feb. 4

Wed. Feb. 5

Thur. Feb. 6

Fri. Feb. 7

Sat. Feb. 8

Sun. Feb. 9

Our Church Food Bank for the Needy, needs the following items:

Salt Can Meats Soups Cereals Peanut Butter Cooking Oil Sugar Flour Beans Rice

Remember to Visit


Our Weekly Offerings St. John the Evangelist

January 25th and 26th

Weekend Offerings: $2,925.00

Weekly Budget: - 6,250.00


Capital Improvements: $387.85

Memorials: $100.00

Our Weekly Offerings St. Ann’s

January 26th

Weekend Offerings: $301.25

Weekly Budget: - 452.94


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — There will come to the temple the LORD whom

you seek (Malachi 3:1-4).

Psalm — Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord! (Psalm 24).

Second Reading — Jesus had to become like his brothers and

sisters in every way to help the descendants of Abraham

(Hebrews 2:14-18).

Gospel — The just and pious Simeon proclaims the infant Jesus

to be a revealing light to the Gentiles, the glory of the people

Israel (Luke 2:22-40 [22-32]).

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7;

Mk 5:1-20

Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3;

Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43

Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6

Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12;

Mk 6:7-13

Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29

Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34

Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5;

Mt 5:13-16

8:00am Parish Family


9:30am Jeromy Drennan ~ Kathy & Louis Dodson

12:00pm Mendez Ramos Family ~ Sonia Mendez


8:30am Rosary

8:30am Rosary

6:30pm +Eva Perez ~ Irma Perez


8:30am Rosary

6:30pm +Adelaide Keller ~ Lucielle Meier Family

8:00am Schmitmeyer & Homan Families ~ Marian


8:00am +Pete Aboytes ~ Dorothy Scherlen

5:00pm +Pete Aboytes ~ Jesse & Gilda Perales

8:00am Parish Family


9:30am Fr. Jim Schmitmeyer ~ Parish Family

12:00pm Reynaldo Soto ~ Soto Family


Page 2: Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Weekend of Saturday

5:00 PM

St. Ann’s

8:00 AM

9:30 AM

12:00 PM


Feb. 1st/2nd OPEN OPEN Noah & April Ramos OPEN


Feb. 15th/16th OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN

Feb. 22nd/23rd OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN



Men’s Discussion Club and Eucharistic Adoration

with Fr. Jim First Thursday of Each Month

9- 10 PM Franciscan Room and Chapel

Parents of children and youth who will receive the Sacrament of First Communion and Confirmation this year, we ask you to bring the baptismal certificate to the parish office as soon as possible. Thank You.

If you know of someone who is homebound and would like for a Eucharistic Minister to bring Holy Communion, please call the Parish Office at 274-7064.

Once again this spring, the parish will be offering an Adult

Education Course from Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire

Ministries entitled Pivotal Players. It highlights the great

contributions of several saints and others to the rich tapestry of the

Catholic Church and the world. The program will take place on

Sundays at 11 a.m. in the audio visual room in the school. Kim

and James Mosley will facilitate the classes. Please join us as you

are able. The schedule is provided below.


SPRING 2020 – 11 a.m. – Youth Room

February 2nd - G.K. Chesterton – Part 1

February 9th – G.K. Chesterton – Part 2

February 16th – Me and My House – Sister Mary Michael

February 23rd – Flannery O’Connor – Part 1

March 1st – Flannery O’Connor – Part 2

March 8th – St Benedict – Part 1

March 15th – Spring Break – no class

March 22nd – Spring Break – no class

March 29th – St Benedict – Part 2

April 5th – Michelangelo – Part 1

April 12th – Easter – no class

April 19th – Me and My House – Sister Mary Michael

April 26th – Michelangelo - Part 2

May 3rd - Fulton Sheen – Part 1

May 10th – Fulton Sheen – Part 2

Adoration * Community * Theology * Service *

The next A.C.T.S. Retreat for Men Feb. 27 to Mar. 1.

Register at

Always a good option is ONLINE GIVING. It is simple, convenient and secure.

Visit our website at:

The 65th Annual St. John’s Spaghetti Dinner 2020

Will be on Sunday March 29th

This dinner takes the help of all parishioners, please plan to

be available to help with this, the parish main fundraiser.

The Church is using FLOCK NOTES, that is a text

and email message service and is free for

the users. If you would like to register to

receive messages, with church news like Mass

cancelations or special events, the number to

text is 84576 enter the message stjohn201. ATTENTION SENIORS 2020

It’s time to begin gathering names for the West

Texas Catholic paper which will honor the high

school Senior Class of 2020. Please call the parish

office to give your name, parish and school. We need

this information by March.

ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Sponsored by St. John’s Youth Group will begin accepting donations. The Garage Sale will be held on Friday March 6th and Saturday March 7th from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Begin gathering your stuff to benefit St. John’s Youth Group. Your generosity is appreciated.

Page 3: Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Acompáñenos todos los Jueves a

la Adoración Eucarística de 4:00pm a 7:00pm

Por favor tenga en sus oraciones a nuestros miembros parroquiales quienes se encuentran enfermos o tienen

alguna necesidad especial (infórmenos cada 2 semanas)

Jacob Garcia Elaina Cooper Olivia Mosley Jeromy Drennan David Vergen Florence Sena Marlene Scherer Lupe Lovato Mary Rose Pearl Martin Garcia Sharen Winters Ramona Ramos Gilbert Travis Joe Perez Pam Russell Bill Campos

También sigan orando por los crónicamente enfermos en nuestra parroquia.

Intenciones de la Misa

Dom. Feb. 2

Lun. Feb. 3

Mar. Feb. 4

Mier. Feb. 5

Jue. Feb. 6

Vie. Feb. 7

Sáb. Feb. 8

Dom. Feb. 9

Nuestro Banco de Comida de la Iglesia está necesitando:

Aceite o Manteca Sal Azúcar Latas de Vegetales Sopas Cereal Harina Carnes enlatadas

Recuerde visitar nuestra página de internet

Ofrenda Semanal Santa Ana (Stinnett)

Enero 26

Ofrenda Semanal: $301.25

Presupuesto Semanal: - 452.94



Primera lectura — Envío a mi mensajero, el mensajero de la

alianza; ¿quien se mantendrá en pie? (Malaquías 3:1-4)

Salmo — El Señor, Dios de los ejércitos: él es el Rey de la gloria

(Salmo 25 [24]).

Segunda lectura — Jesús quien se hizo totalmente humano vino a

ayudar a los hijos de Abraham

(Hebreos 2:14-18).

Evangelio — El justo y piadoso Simeón proclama que el niño

Jesús es una luz para los gentiles, la gloria del pueblo de Israel

(Lucas 2:22-40 [22-32]).

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Sal 3:2-7;

Mc 5:1-20

Martes: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3;

Sal 86 (85):1-6; Mc 5:21-43

Miércoles: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5-7;

Mc 6:1-6

Jueves: 1 Re 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Cr 29:10-12; Mc 6:7-13

Viernes: Eclo 47:2-11; Sal 18 (17):31, 47, 50, 51;

Mc 6:14-29

Sábado: 1 Re 3:4-13; Sal 119 (118):9-14; Mc 6:30-34

Domingo: Is 58:7-10; Sal 112 (111):4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5;

Mt 5:13-16

Ofrenda Semanal San Juan Evangelista

Enero 25 y 26

Ofrenda Semanal: $2,925.00

Presupuesto Semanal: - 6,250.00


Proyectos Mayores: $387.85

Memoriales: $100.00

8:00am Familia Parroquial


9:30am Jeromy Drennan ~ Kathy & Louis Dodson

12:00pm Familia Méndez Ramos ~ Sonia Mendaz


8:30am Rosario

8:30am Rosario

6:30pm Eva Pérez ~ Irma Pérez


8:30am Rosario

6:30pm +Adelaide Keller ~ Lucille Meier Family

8:00am Familias Schmitmeyer & Homan ~ Marian


8:00am +Pete Aboytes ~ Dorothy Scherlen

5:00pm +Pete Aboytes ~ Jesse & Gilda Perales

8:00am Familia Parroquial


9:30am Fr. Jim Schmitmeyer ~ Familia Parroquial

12:00pm Reynaldo Soto ~ Famlia Soto


Page 4: Masses for the Week Please keep our families who are ill ...

Fin de Semana Sábado

5:00 PM

Santa Ana

8:00 AM

9:30 AM

12:00 PM


1 y 2 de Febrero DISPONIBLE DISPONIBLE Noah & April Ramos DISPONIBLE






Club de Platica de Hombres y Adoración Eucarística

con el Padre Jim Primer Jueves de cada mes

9- 10 PM Salón Franciscano y Capilla

Llamando a todos los Padres y Abuelos!

“Yo y Mi Casa” (Bilingüe)

Como hacer crecer una familia católica, fuerte, con

Sr. Mary Michael Huseman

Cada tercer Domingo del mes en el

Salón de Jóvenes de 10:45 a 11:45am

Una vez más esta primavera, la parroquia ofrecerá un Curso de

Educación para Adultos de los Ministerios Word on Fire del

Obispo Robert Barrón titulado Jugadores Fundamentales. Destaca

las grandes contribuciones de varios santos y otros al rico tapiz de

la Iglesia Católica y el mundo. El programa se llevará a cabo los

domingos a las 11 a.m. en la sala audiovisual de la escuela. Kim y

James Mosley facilitarán las clases. Por favor únete a nosotros

como puedas. El horario se proporciona a continuación.


PRIMAVERA 2020 – 11 a.m. – Salón de Jóvenes

2 de Febrero—G.K. Chesterton – Parte 1

9 de Febrero—G.K. Chesterton – Parte 2

16 de Febrero— Mi Casa y Yo – Sister Mary Michael

23 de Febrero—Flannery O’Connor – Parte 1

1 de Marzo—Flannery O’Connor – Parte 2

8 de Marzo—St Benedicto – Parte 1

15 de Marzo— Vacaciones de Primavera – no clase

22 de Marzo—Vacaciones de Primavera – no clase

29 de Marzo—St Benedicto – Parte 2

5 de Abril— Michelangelo – Parte 1

12 de Abril— Pascua– no clase

19 de Abril—Mi Casa y Yo – Sister Mary Michael

26 de Abril—Michelangelo - Parte 2

3 de Mayo— Fulton Sheen – Parte 1

10 de Mayo— Fulton Sheen – Parte 2

Adoración* Comunidad* Teología* Servicio *

Próximo retiro A.C.T.S. para hombres del 27 de Feb. 27 al 1 de Marzo. Inscripciones en

Planificación Familiar Natural Método de Ovulación, en español

Sábado 22 de Febrero, 2020 a las 9:00 AM

Lugar: Iglesia St. John Nepomucene, Hart, TX.

Para mas información comuníquese con

Lupe Morales en Hart , TX al 938-2665

Una Buena opción es ONLINE GIVING. Es simple, conveniente y seguro. Visite nuestra pagina para registrarse.

La Comida Anual de

Spaghetti #64 de San Juan

será el Domingo 29 de Marzo, 2020

Este evento necesita la ayuda de todos los miembros de la

parroquia, por favor haga planes para ayudar en esta

actividad ya que es la mas importante para recaudar fondos

para la Iglesia.


De nuevo es tiempo de comenzar a recopilar los

nombres de los graduandos de 2020 para la edición

del periódico Católico West Texas de Mayo.

Si desean que su nombre este en el periódico, por

favor llamen a la oficina parroquial para dar su


VENTA ANNUAL DE GARAJE La Venta de Garaje estará patrocinado por el Grupo de Jóvenes y están aceptando donaciones. Comiencen a reunir las cosas que ya no quieran y que estén en buen estado, las pueden traer a la oficina parroquial. Gracias por su generosidad. La fecha será el Viernes 6 y el Sábado 7 de Marzo de 8am a 1pm.