Mass of the Holy Spirit

Mass of the Holy Spirit 21 July 2013


Slideshow for Mass of the Holy Spirit

Transcript of Mass of the Holy Spirit

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Mass of the Holy Spirit

21 July 2013

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REMINDERS1. Let us observe SILENCE during the

Eucharistic Celebration.2. Kindly switch off or put your mobile

phone on silent.3. For proper and solemnity of the

celebration, we have our ushers and usherettes to guide you during offertory and communion.

4. We encourage you to join the singing. Remember whenever we sing, we pray twice.

We greatly appreciate your presence to give our gratitude of

Time,Talents and Treasure to our God Almighty

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Entrance Song

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And with your


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Penitential RiteI confess to almighty

Godand to you, my

brothers and sisters,that I have greatly

sinnedin my thoughts and in

my words,in what I have done,

and in what I have failed to do;

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through my fault, through my fault,through my most

grievous fault;therefore I ask

blessed Mary everVirgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.

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Kyrie, EleisonChriste, EleisonKyrie, Eleison

Lord, Jesus you came to gather the

nations Into the peace of

God’s kingdom

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GLORY TO GODGlory to God in the

highest And peace to his

people on Earth

Lord, God , Heavenly King

Almighty God and Father

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We worship you, we give you thanksWe praise you for

your gloryLord, Jesus Christ ,

Only son of our Father

Lord God, Lamb of God

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You take away the sins of the

worldHave mercy on usYou are seated

at the right hand of

the Father, receive our


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For you alone are the only one,

You alone are the lord

You alone are the most high

Jesus Christ ,with the Holy Spirit

In the glory of God the Father


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LITURGY of the WORDFirst Reading:

Acts 2:1-11

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Thanks be to God

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Responsorial Psalm:

Lord, send out your

Spirit and renew the face of the


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Second Reading: 1 COR 12:3-7; 12-


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Thanks be to God

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And with your


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Glory to you

O Lord

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Gospel Reading:

John 20:19-23

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Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

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NICENE CREEDWe believe in one

Godthe Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth

of all things visible and invisible.

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We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only-begotten

Son of God,born of the Father

before all ages.God from God, Light

from Light,true God from true

God,begotten, not


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consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.For us men and for

our salvationhe came down from

heaven,and by the Holy

Spirit was incarnate of the

Virgin Mary,and became man.

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For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

He suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

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and is seated at the right hand of the

Father.He will come again

in gloryto judge the living

and the dead.His kingdom will

have no end.

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We believe in the Holy Spirit, the

Lord, the giver of life

who proceeds from the

Father and the Son,who with the Father

and the Son is adored and glorified,

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who has spoken through the prophets;

We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.We confess one baptism for the

forgiveness of sins.

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I look forward to the resurrection of

the deadand the life of the

world to come. Amen.

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Prayers of the Faithful

Lord, Send us


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Symbolic Offerings

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And with your


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We lift

them up to the Lord

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It is right and


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holy,holy,holy Lord

God the power, God of might

Heaven and earth are

Full of your Glory

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Hosanna in the highest

Blessed is heHe who comesIn the name of

the LordHosanna, hosanna

in the highest

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We remember how you love us

To your death and still we celebrate

For you are with us here

And we believe that we will see you

When you come to your glory Lord

We remember , we celebrate

We believe

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For the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory are yoursNow and forever

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And with your


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Lord. I am not worthy

that you should enter

under my roof, but only say the word and my soul

shall be healed

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Lord. I am not worthy

that you should enter

under my roof, but only say the word and my soul

shall be healed

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Prayer to INA

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Turn to me thine eyes, Oh most loving Virgin of Peñafrancia and have mercy on my soul that comes to thee, full of repentance. Protect my family, my relatives, my friends and benefactors. Intercede for your devotees, both the living and the

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dead especially for those whom I am most obliged to help.Pray for me, console me and save me. In my hours of peril, adversity and afflictions, above all, in the hour of my death, appear before your Divine Son to help me and defend

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me. Tell Him that I am your devotee that having complete trust in your protection I kneel before your miraculous image to ask for your powerful intercession. Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for me, help me, console me and deliver me from all evil. Amen.

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And with your


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Thanks be to God

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