Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant...

Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee Health Travel Medicine Primary Care June 2013

Transcript of Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant...

Page 1: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Marte’ McCadden, ARNP

University of WashingtonEmployee HealthTravel MedicinePrimary CareJune 2013

Page 2: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Water & food precautions are necessary for anyone traveling to less developed countries.

Studies have shown that expatriates remained at a high risk of diarrhea for their first 2 years of residence in developing countries.

Persons at particular high-risk include: immunosuppression inflammatory-bowel disease diabetes taking H-2 blockers, PPI, or antacids young adults

Page 3: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

TD is the most predictable travel-related illness.

Affects 30% to 70% of travelers, depending on the destination.

Onset of TD usually occurs within the first week of travel but may occur at any time while traveling, and even after returning home.

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Bacteria - 80%–90%Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli

Viruses - 5%–8% enterovirus, hepatitis A, norovirus, rotavirus

Protozoa - 10% Cryptosporidium & Giardia intestinalis (aka Giardia lamblia)

Page 5: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to
Page 6: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Avoid unpasteurized dairy products.

Avoid any food of questionable preparation or origin i.e. buffets, street vendors, or rewarmed foods.

If peeling fruits, clean hands after peeling and before touching inside fruit.

Fresh fruits/vegetables are highest risk for TD.

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To clean vegetables, add fresh bleach (2-4 drops per liter) or iodine tablets until water is the color of dark tea. Soak for several hrs. Drain & rinse (w/ clean water).

Bismuth subsalicylate can be taken intermittently for prevention of TD. 2 tablets taken 30 minutes prior to eating may prevent TD.

According to CDC reduces TD by: 14-40%. Other studies: 65% protection rate.

Possible side effects: Black hairy tongue, black tarry stools, & constipation.

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Probiotics: (Lactobacillus GG & Saccharomyces boulardii) have been studied in small numbers of people. Results are inconclusive.

At this time, prophylactic antibiotics should not be recommended for most travelers.

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Hydration: Clear liquids. Consider Oral rehydration salts (ORS).

Loperamide: Stops peristaltic action for about 4 hours.

Start BRAT (banana, rice, applesause, & toast)-like diet as soon as possible.

Avoid milk products for 72 hrs after last diarrheal stool.

For moderate to severe TD take Loperamide & antibiotic.

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Ciprofloxacin 500mg po BID up to 3 days. Take with Loperamide. Stop when better.

Azithromycin 500mg po daily up to 3 days. Take with Loperamide. Stop when better.

In children: Azithromycin 10mg/kg/day x 3 days. For Cholera risk areas (Haiti / D.R.) Rx Azithromycin.

Single dose of 1gm.

Rifaximin 200mg TID for 3 days. Take all pills prescribed. Take with Loperamide.

Page 11: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Should not be used in pregnant or breast feeding women.

Should not be used in children under 18 years old & risk consideration for >60 years old. Increased risk of tendonitis & tendon rupture. Black box warning.

Altered cardiac conduction such as prolonged QT. Use with caution with patients on SSRI.

Page 12: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Alternative to Cipro in children <18 years old.

Altered cardiac conduction: Macrolides have been associated with rare QTc prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias, including torsade de pointes.

Increased cardiac risk with azithromycin relative to ciprofloxacin.

Page 13: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

A nonabsorbable antibiotic. Can be taken by patients on Warfarin & no adjustments necessary for hepatic impairment.

Adults and children ≥12 years.

Demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of TD caused by noninvasive strains of E. coli.

Warn patient’s may be expensive.

Prevention: Rifaximin 600 mg/d for 14 days safely & effectively reduced the risk of developing TD in US travelers to Mexico by 58%.

Page 14: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to
Page 15: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Increasing microbial resistance to the fluoroquinolones, especially among Campylobacter isolates. Places such as Thailand or India, where Campylobacter is prevalent.

Page 16: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Azithro and Cipro are considered Moderate Risk QTc-Prolonging Agents.

Some SSRIs (Citalopram & Escitalopram) are considered Indeterminate Risk and Risk Modifying.

The combination may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of other Moderate Risk QTc-Prolonging Agents.

Management: Avoid such combinations when possible. Use should be accompanied by close monitoring for evidence of QT prolongation or other alterations of cardiac rhythm. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Page 17: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Fluoroquinolones are associated with an increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. This risk is further increased in those over age 60, in kidney, heart, and lung transplant recipients, and with use of concomitant steroid therapy.

Tendon rupture can occur during or after completion of fluoroquinolone use; cases occurring up to several months after completion of therapy have been reported.

Page 18: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Only drink water out of a water bottle you break the seal on, don’t eat the ice, don’t brush your teeth in the water, and keep your mouth closed while showering.

Page 19: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

w w w . c d c . g o v / h e a l t h y w a t e r

Page 20: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Boiling water is the only treatment method that should kill all pathogens.

Water should be brought to a rolling boil for 1 minute.

At altitudes greater than 6,562 feet (>2000 meters), you should boil water for 3 minutes.

Page 21: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Varying degrees of effectiveness for pathogen reduction.

Depends on the pore size of the filter, amount & particle size of the contaminant, &charge of the contaminant particle.

Only filters that contain a chemical disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses.

Page 22: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Water filters use microfiltration to rid water of harmful bacteria and protozoa.

Water purifiers typically use microfiltration plus a chemical treatment to meet an EPA standard for eliminating viruses as well as bacteria and protozoa.

Purifiers are often recommended for international travel where the risk of viral contamination is greater.

Page 23: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Pore size of approximately 0.1 micron (pore size ranges vary by filter from 0.05 - 5 micron);

Very effective in removing protozoa

Moderate effectiveness in removing bacteria

Not effective in removing viruses

Not effective in removing chemicals.

Page 24: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Pore size of approximately 0.01 micron (pore size ranges vary by filter from 0.001- 0.05 micron;

Molecular Weight Cut Off (MWCO) of 13,000 - 200,000 Daltons.

Very effective in removing protozoa

Very effective in removing bacteria

Moderate effectiveness in removing viruses

Low effectiveness in removing chemicals.

Page 25: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Ultraviolet Treatment with pre-filtration is a treatment process that uses ultraviolet light to disinfect water or reduce the amount of bacteria present.

Very effective in removing protozoa

Very effective in removing bacteria

High effectiveness in removing viruses

Not effective in removing chemicals.

Considerations: The quartz lamp could break. Batteries can run out. (manufacturer recommends using lithium batteries.) Not effective in very dirty or gritty water unless it is prefiltered or

clarified. Light must interact with organisms in order to be effective.

Page 26: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Contact time, disinfectant concentration, water temperature, water turbidity (cloudiness), water pH, and many other factors can impact the effectiveness of chemical disinfection.

The length of time and concentration of disinfectant varies by manufacturer and effectiveness of pathogen reduction depends on the product. Depending on these factors, 100% effectiveness may not be achieved.

Page 27: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Chlorine dioxide tablets meet EPA guidelines for effectiveness against harmful waterborne microorganisms, including viruses and hard-shelled Cryptosporidium.

Alternate chemical treatment, but it is not effective against Cryptosporidium.It is also not advised for use by people with thyroid conditions or pregnant women.

Page 28: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

MIOX® systems use a salt solution to create mixed oxidants, primarily chlorine. Chlorine has a low to moderate effectiveness in killing Giardia, & a high effectiveness in killing bacteria and viruses.

Combination methods:If boiling water is not possible, a combination of filtration & chemical disinfection is the most effective pathogen reduction method in drinking water for travel use.

Page 29: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

In addition to using the appropriate drinking water treatment methods, you can also protect yourself and others from waterborne illness while traveling by paying attention to good sanitation practices:

Practicing good personal hygiene.

Wash hands before handling food, eating, and after using the toilet.

Hand sanitizer is as affective as alternative though does not kill all germs such as norovirus and C. diff.

Page 30: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

CDC Water Treatment Methods:


Sawyer outdoor products:

Page 31: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Bradley A. Connor, CDC Yellowbook, Chapter 2 Travelers’ Diarrhea. 5/2/13

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A Guide to Drinking Water Treatment Technologies for Household Use (accessed 3/26/13)

Juckett, G. (1999) Prevention and treatment of traveler’s diarrhea. American Family Physician 7/1999 60(1): 199-124

Martinez-Sandoval, Prevention of Travelers’ Diarrhea With Rifaximin in US Travelers to Mexico J Travel Med 2010; 17: 111–117

LH Chen; ME Wilson; X Davis; L Loutan; E Schwartz; J Keystone; D Hale; PL Lim; A McCarthy; E Gkrania-Klotsas; P Schlagenhauf (2009); Illness in long-term travelers visiting GeoSentinel Clinics. GeoSentinel Surveillance Network Publication: Emerging infectious diseases, 2009 Nov; 15(11): 1773-82

Page 32: Marte’ McCadden, ARNP University of Washington Employee … · 2019. 7. 25. · disinfectant matrix will be effective against some viruses. Water filters use microfiltration to

Martinez-Sandoval, Prevention of Travelers’ Diarrhea With Rifaximinin US Travelers to Mexico J Travel Med 2010; 17: 111–117

S Toovey; F Moerman; van Gompel A (2007). Special infectious disease risks of expatriates and long-term travelers in tropical countries. Part II. Infections other than malaria. Journal of Travel Medicine,14(1): 50-60

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA Drug Safety Communication: Azithromycin (Zithromax or Zmax) and the risk of potentially fatal heart rhythms accessed 5/2/13