Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center Patient Handbook · Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center 3...

Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center 3 South 4th Avenue Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 (641) 754-5151 Patient Handbook

Transcript of Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center Patient Handbook · Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center 3...

Page 1: Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center Patient Handbook · Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center 3 South 4th Avenue Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 (641) 754-5151  Patient Handbook


& Surgical Center

3 South 4th AvenueMarshalltown, Iowa 50158



Page 2: Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center Patient Handbook · Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center 3 South 4th Avenue Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 (641) 754-5151  Patient Handbook

Marshalltown Medical & Surgical CenterOur Mission

The mission of Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center is to createand continually improve services that respond to health care needs in

our community.

Our ValuesQuality, Teamwork, Integrity, Empowerment, and Compassion.

Dear Patient,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter (MMSC). We are grateful for the privilege of caring for and servingyou. During your stay we promise to provide high quality, cost-effectivehealthcare services consistent with your expectations, and with the capa-bilities of the ne physicians, nurses, technicians, and staff who work at MMSC. Our dedication to our mission and values is absolute. We ensureyou the highest level of quality care and safety.

Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center is committed to excellencethrough our many services that have earned us a distinguished reputationfor high quality and safe care. Our commitment to our patients is demon-strated in the many different programs and services we offer. Our com-mitment to the community not only includes caring for the sick, but alsopositively shaping the future of healthcare for our patients and the peoplein the communities we serve.

My sincere thanks goes out to the families we have had the pleasure toserve, to our physicians and staff whose experience and commitment arean inspiration, to our volunteers whose dedication ampli es what we can achieve, and to you, for choosing MMSC as your healthcare facility.

If there is anything I can personally do to make your stay with us morecomfortable, please feel free to call me at (641) 754-5145, or you may callany of the departments listed on the Telephone Directory page.

The physicians and staff of Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center, thankyou for allowing us to care for you.


Rob Cooper, CEO

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Speak Up ™

Everyone has a role in making health care safe. That includes doctors,health care executives, nurses and many health care technicians. Healthcareorganizations all across the country are working to make health care safe.As a patient, you can make your care safer by being an active, involved andinformed member of your health care team.

The program, Speak Up ™ encourages the public to:

Speak up if you have questions or concerns, and if you don’t understand,ask again. It’s your body and you have a right to know.

Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Make sure you’re getting theright treatments and medications by the right health care professionals.Don’t assume anything.

Educate yourself about your diagnosis, the medical tests you are undergo-ing, and your treatment plan.

Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate.

Know what medications you take and why you take them. Medication er-rors are the most common health care errors.

Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other type of health care organi-zation that has undergone a rigorous on-site evaluation against establishedstate-of-the-art quality and safety standards, such as that provided by JointCommission or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Participate in all decisions about your treatment. You are the center of thehealth care team.

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We Consider You A PartnerWe consider you a partner in your hospitalcare. When you are well informed, par-ticipate in treatment decisions and com-municate openly with your physicians andother health professionals, you can helpmake your care as effective as possible. Werespect each patient’s personal preferencesand values.

As A Patient, or Parent or LegalGuardian of a Minor Patient, You

Have the Right to:

• Be informed of your rights beforepatient care is furnished or discontinuedwhenever possible.

• Be treated kindly and respectfullyby all hospital personnel.

• Receive complete and current informa-tion concerning your diagnosis, treatmentand prognosis in terms you can understand.When it is not medically advisable to givesuch information, it should be made avail-able to an appropriate person on your be-half.

• An explanation of any proposed proce-dure or treatment. The explanation shouldinclude:

- a description of the nature andpurpose of the treatment orprocedure;

- known risks or serious side effects;- treatment alternatives.

• Know the name, identity and profes-sional status of the person providing ser-vices to you and to know who is primarilyresponsible for your care.

• Expect that a family member or rep-resentative and physician will be noti ed promptly of your admission to the hospi-tal.

• Participate in developing and

implementing your plan of care.

• Make informed decisions about yourcare.

• Have an advance directive, such as aliving will or a healthcare power of attorneyand to have hospital staff and practitionerswho provide care in the hospital complywith these directives. These documentsexpress your choices about your future careor name someone to make healthcare deci-sions if you are unable. If you have a writtenadvance directive, you should provide acopy to the hospital, your family and yourdoctor.

• Accept medical care or refuse treatmentto the extent permitted by law and to beinformed of the medical consequences ofsuch refusal.

• Have personal privacy concerning yourown medical care program. Care discussion,consultation, examination and treatment arecon dential and should be conducted dis-creetly. Those persons not directly involvedin the care must have your permission to bepresent.

• Expect that all communications andclinical records pertaining to your care willbe treated con dentially

• Access information contained in yourmedical records within a reasonable timeframe.

• Receive evaluation, service and/orreferral as indicated by the urgency of yoursituation. When medically permissible, youmay be transferred to another facility onlyafter having received complete informationand explanation concerning the need for andalternative to such a transfer. The facilityto which you will be transferred must rst accept the transfer.

• Exercise cultural and spiritual beliefsthat do not interfere with the well-beingof others or the planned course of medicaltherapy for the patient.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

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• Receive the best pain managementthat can safely be achieved. This includeseducation about pertinent pain managementprinciples, options, risks and bene ts.

• Know if your care involves any ex-perimental methods of treatment. If so,you have the right to consent or refuse toparticipate.

• Be informed by the practitioner of anycontinuing healthcare requirements follow-ing discharge from the hospital.

• Examine your bill and receive an ex-planation of the charges regardless of thesource of payment for your care.

• Be informed of the hospital rules andregulations applicable to your conduct as apatient.

• Receive care in a safe setting.

• Be free from all forms of abuse or ha-rassment.

• Use the Marshalltown Medical & Surgi-cal Center complaint process for submittinga written or verbal complaint to Patient Rep-resentative (641) 754-5287 our healthcarepractitioners or our Administrative Team.

• File a grievance with Iowa Departmentof Inspections and Appeals, Lucas StateOf ce Building, 321 East 12th St., Des Moines, IA 50319, 877- 686 -0027, regard-less of whether MMSC’s grievance policywas used.

• Receive a response within 7 days fromour hospital regarding your complaint fromthe Patient Representative or a member ofthe Management/Administrative Team.

• Refer quality of care concerns or pre-mature discharge grievances to the IowaFoundation for Medical Care, which isthe external peer review organization forIowa.

• Be free from restraints or seclusion of

any form that are not medically necessaryor that are used as a means of coercion, dis-cipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.

Restraint or seclusion may only be imposedto ensure the immediate physical safety ofthe patient, a staff member or others, andmust be discontinued at the earliest pos-sible time.

• Receive information about rights as aMedicare bene ciary at admission.

• Refer, at your request, bene ciary com-plaints to the Iowa Foundation for MedicalCare.

As a Patient, You Have a Responsibility:

• To provide accurate and completeinformation about present complaints, pastillnesses, hospitalizations, medicationsand other matters relating to your health,including advance directives, and report-ing whether you clearly comprehend acontemplated course or action and what isexpected.

• To follow the treatment plan recom-mended by the practitioner primarily re-sponsible for your care. This may includefollowing the instructions of nurses andother health care professionals as theyimplement the practitioner*s orders andenforce the applicable hospital rules andregulations.

• For your actions if you refuse treat-ment or if you do not follow the practitio-ners* instructions.

• To assure that the nancial obliga-tions of your care are ful lled as promptly as possible.

• To follow hospital rules and regula-tions affecting patient care and conduct.

• To be considerate of the rights ofother patients and hospital personnel, andfor assisting in the control of noise, smok-ing and number of visitors in your room.

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The Medical Staff

The physician who admits you isresponsible for directing your care whileyou are in the hospital. Your physician,as coordinator for your treatmentprogram, should be consulted if youhave questions regarding your illness.

Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter is a community owned, not-for-pro t hospital. We are one of Iowa’s lowest cost, highest quality health careproviders. We take great pride in thequality and compassion of our MedicalStaff.

The Nursing Staff

24 hour nursing care is provided by ateam of professional registered nurses,licensed practical nurses and certi ed nursingassistants. ANursingDepartmentDirector / Clinical Coordinator isresponsible for coordinating care oneach unit. Please feel free to contact yournurse or Department Director/ClinicalCoordinator if you have questions orconcerns.

Ambulatory Surgery Center(ASC)

TheAmbulatory Surgery Center, locatedon the third oor of the hospital provides care for patients before and after theirsurgical experience. Here a team ofspecialty RN’s and LPN’s ensure thereadiness and safety of the patientboth before and after their outpatientsurgical experience, providing care andeducation; involving the patient in theircare and assessing the ability to care forthemselves effectively after discharge.Each patient receives a post procedurecall toensure thepatient is managingwellat home. This provides an opportunity

to give feedback regarding their surgicalexperience and offer suggestions forimprovements or provide an opportunityfor the RN or LPN to provide additionalteaching or direction.

Cardiac Catheterization &Peripheral Vascular Lab

The Cardiac Catheterization Lab atMMSC comprises the most advancedpracticesandtechnologyin theprevention,diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.With premiere cardiologists from theIowa Heart Center the MMSC CardiacCath Lab services available include,but are not limited to angioplasty,Stent Placement, Drug Eluting StentPlacement, Aterectomy, Cardioversion,P acem aker s , Tr ans es op hag ea lE c h o c a r d i o g r am , P e r i p h e r a lAngiography & interventions.

The facility houses the necessaryfacilities and equipment to performhundreds of procedures a year.

Every minute counts when a cardiacepisode occurs. The MMSC CardiacCath Lab allows patients to receiveleading-edge cardiac care much soonerand close to home.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

The staff of MMSC Cardiac Servicesis specifically trained to assist withyour needs in the area of cardiactesting: treadmills, holter monitors andelectrocardiograms.

Also available is Cardiac Rehabilitation.Cardiac Rehabilitation is a programdesigned to provide monitored exerciseand education after your heart event.These services will be ordered by your

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physician. The staff is available Mondaythrough Friday.

For more information Call 754-5178.

Diagnostic Imaging

F o r m e r l yknown as X-Ray or Ra-diology, thisdepa r tmentprovides allofthe diagnosticimaging forpatients in-

cluding: X-Ray, Mammography, CTScans, MRI, PET/CT Scan, Ultrasound,Nuclear Medicine & Bone DensityTesting.

Most of these procedures are done on anoutpatient basis, however, a physicianmay order additional procedures duringyour hospitalization.

Our certi ed technologists will explain your procedure. We encourage you toask questions at any time.

Results of your procedure are readby a Board Certi ed Radiologist and reported directly to your personal orattending physician.

Registered Licensed Dietitians

The hospital has on staff LicensedRegistered Dietitians to meet yournutritional care needs during yourstay. They also can provide outpatientnutr ition counseling for medicalconditions and for weight reduction. Ifyou have questions about your diet callext. 5271 or from outside the hospital754-5271.


We r ea l ize tha t not eve r yonecommunicates via the same language.We have 24-hour access to in-personand telephonic interpreters for Spanish,and other foreign languages, includingsign language interpertation. If youneed assistance, please contact tjeInterpretation Services Department at754-5142.

If you have dif culty understanding or relaying a message to anyone at MMSC,we may have someone available whocan speak your language and help youcommunicate. Call Patient and FamilyServices at 5142 for details from 7:30am until 4:00 pm. After that help canbe obtained from the switchboard. Formore information, call the Patient &Family Services Department at 754-5142.


The MMSC Lab is open for outpatientservices Monday-Friday from 6:00a.m. to 6:30 p.m.. Saturday and Sun-day hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m.. Their telephone number is 641-754-5080.

MMSC Ambassador

The MMSCAmbassador isa combination of doormanand concierge. He is thereto greet and assist ourpatients and visitors fromtheir arrival at our frontdoors at MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Centerfrom 7:00 am until 3:00pm., Monday through Friday.

The opportunities to serve the public

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change every day. One day theAmbassador is helping family memberswho arrived at different times to nd each other. Sometimes it’s a grandparentlooking for a child who has come for aprocedure. Other times, it’s out-of-townpeople looking for friends and relativeswho are hospitalized at MMSC. Ormaybe you need help nding a parking space or getting out of your car, theAmbassador is there to help.

MMSC Co-Workers

All ofMMSC’s co-workers are dedicatedto providing the very best care possible.Some are directly involved in patientcare and others provide the support forthe direct caregivers. Both groups worktogether as a team to make your stayat Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter as pleasant as possible.


The MMSC Pharmacy provides ourpatients with their inpatient medicationneeds. The Pharmacists work closelywith the Physicians to provide the bestpossible medication regimen for ourpatients.The Pharmacists also provideeducation and support services for theMMSC Physician Staff and NursingStaff.

MMSC’s Pharmacy Staff has RegisteredPharmacists and Technicians to serve themedication needs of our patients. It isimportant that patients provide a currentand accurate list of all medications,including over-the-counter medicationsand herbals that you take.

Rehabilitation Services

M M S C ’ sRehabilitationServices offer

comprehensive array of services to meetour customers rehabilitation needs. Weare staffed with licensed professionalswho have credentialed specialties tomeet the needs of our customers.

Within the hospital, our professionalstaff is available to patients on all unitsto assist them in restoring their abilityto function independently and returnhome. Your doctor will order theseservices if you are in need.

Our state of the art outpatient facilityprovides PhysicalTherapy, OccupationalTherapy and Speech Therapy. TheOutpatient Facility is 13,000 sq. feet andincludes a therapeutic pool for aquatictherapy. A Fitness Club for formerpatients and public to pursue their tness goals is also available.. We are open Monday through Friday 7:30AMto 6:00 PM.

Respiratory Care

The Respiratory Care Departmentis staffed with specially trained andlicensed Respiratory Therapists.They are able to assist Physicians byproviding diagnostic treatment andmanagement services to persons withrespiratory diseases. Here at MMSC,we provide inpatient and outpatient carethat includes bronchodilator, aerosol andoxygen therapies; provide airway

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clearance/bronchial hygiene, vestand chest physiotherapy, monitoroximetry and measure nocturnal trends;perform patient assessments, provideairway management, and emergencyassistance; manage ventilators, BiPAP,and CPAP; provide a full range ofpulmonary function studies and bedsidespirometry.

Social Services

Our Patient & Family Services staffassists patients, their families and othersupport persons in meeting needs theymay experience as a result of illnessand injury. These include serviceswhich will assist you in your transitionfrom Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter to home. Patient & FamilyServices are available seven days aweek and there is no charge for theirservices.

Common Services Include:- Assisting with adjustment to illness and

loss.- Providing information regarding

community resources andyour health care options.

- Arranging for in-home services likehome health care, home-delivered meals and neededmedical equipment.

- Assisting with skilled nursing orlong-term care placementdecisions.

- Addressing insurance coverage and bene ts.-Addressing nancial concerns.-Support guidance in crisis situations.-Assistance with Advanced Directives

Women’s Care Center(Obstetrics)

The Women’s Care Center includes fourlabor and delivery rooms and 10 post-

partum/post-op rooms ,with anesthesiaservices and the latest technologyin fetal monitoring. It’s an addedcomfort to know that the comprehensivediagnostic and treatment resources areimmediately available. Each of theserooms offers a Jacuzzi tub to aid inrelaxation during labor. After the birth,mother and baby are transferred to oneof the 10 post-partum rooms, each ofwhich is family-friendly.

You can choose to keep your baby withyou in your suite or, whenever you wish,your baby can spend time in the nurserywhich is just steps away from you. Allsuites are located so that a nurse isalways nearby you and your newborn.

Our specially trained nursery nurses arecommitted to your baby and providecare in a fully equipped nursery. Thenursery has the latest technologicalinnovations in infant resuscitation,monitoring equipment, and security.When your infant is in the nursery,nursing staff are continually watchingover your baby.

To further enhance the comfort andsafety of patients in the Women’s CareCenter(WCC), MMSChas implementeda new electronic security access system.This system is used in conjunction withother patient safety programs to providea comfortable and secure environmentfor all.

Surgical Services/OR

The Surgical Services/Operating Roomat MMSC is located on the main oor. The OR has nine rooms and one Cesar-ean Section room in Obstetrics.

In addition we have one room for Sur-gical Holding. Patients come to Surgi-cal Holding from Ambulatory Surgery

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Center or Medical/Surgical oor for the nal preparation before surgery. Surgeons and Anesthesia will meet thepatients here before going to the Sur-gery room.

After surgery patients are transferred tothe PACU (recovery room) to be moni-tored for about one hour before return-ing to their room. We have 6 patientareas in PACU.

The staff of the Surgical Services/Op-erating Room provides optimum as-sistance to the surgeons in meeting theemergency, preventive, and restorativehealth needs of the patients. The Sur-gical Services/Operating Room staffprovides high-quality, competent, andcost-effective care with the respect forlife, dignity, and patient privacy.

Home Care Plus

Whether the need is for high-tech healthcare or a home health aide, we providethe appropriate level of care to meetthose needs. Home Care Plus’ familycentered approach provides support andeducation to all family members. Fromnewborn to the elderly, here are just afew of the services we offer:

· Professional Nursing· Home Health Aide· Physical Therapy· Speech Therapy· Occupational Therapy· Medical Social Work· Nutritional Counseling· Public Health Services:

Adult and Child ImmunizationsWIC/Child Health ClinicsSchool Immunization auditFlu ClinicsGroup TeachingFollow-up on Communicable

Diseases• Health Services Funded by Grants

Blood Pressure ScreeningsHealth Promotion Services

Home Care Plus will collaborate withMedicare, Medicaid(Title 19), PublicHealth, private pay or your insuranceprovider to provide appropriate servicesto meet your needs. This includesservices from: Registered Nurses,Home Health Aides, Physical, Speechand Occupational Therapists andSocial Workers. For eligible patients,Medicare will pay 100% of the cost forpart- time intermittent care provided inthe home.

Home Care Plus takes care of thebilling headaches so that all the patienthas to worry about is getting well.This includes researching, verifyingand processing insurance claims, aswell as itemizing all invoices to meetthe reimbursement requirements ofpayors.

To Contact Home Care Plus:(641) 754-6353

Volunteer Services

MMSC Volunteers are respectedmembers of the hospital’s team of“Everyday Champions”, and arededicated to provide services thatenhance the quality of health care.Volunteers are on duty to help you withyour requests from Monday throughFriday 6am-4pm. Saturday 9 am- 2 pmand Sunday 12:00 – 2:00 pm.

Please ca ll 6104 for Voluntee rAssistance.

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Wound Care Clinic

Do you or a loved one have a problemwith chronic or non-healing wound?The MMSC Wound Clinic may be ableto help you.

We treat persons with problem wounds,such as non-healing wounds, slowlyhealing wounds, diabetic foot wounds,pressure sores, leg wounds from poorcirculation, lymphedema and manyother types of wounds.

Our staff is specially trained in woundcare and will not only provide therequired treatment, but also educate youto learn self care to prevent reoccurrenceof these wounds.

We provide seamless wound care byworking with individuals and theirfamily, signi cant others, care givers, assistive living staff, other physicians,other health care providers, and otherfacilities.

Please consult your family physician orspecialist to inquire if MMSC WoundCare Clinic could be of bene t to you.

Call 754-5327 to talk to a clinic staffmember.

Sleep Disorders Center

T h e MM S C S l ee p Di s o rd e r sCenter provides Sleep Studies(Polysomnography).

This is the study to determine if youhave abnormal breathing episodes whileyou sleep. During the sleep study, yourbreathing oxygen levels, heart tracingand the different levels of sleep arerecorded. A quali ed sleep technician performs the test and

monitors your sleep through the night.A doctor who specializes in sleepmedicine will interpret the test and makerecommendations. The results are thensent to your personal physician.

Your physician will determine the bestway to help you, if you have a sleepdisorder. Call MMSC Respiratory CareDepartment:754-5056 (Your physicianmust order this procedure.)

MMSC Spiritual CareProgramSpiritual Care Volunteers

The Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter Spiritual Care Program offerseducated and trained volunteers toprovide spiritual care and support.This program does not seek to displacepatient’s primary spiritual resources,rather, it provides complementaryspiritual support. All personnel in theVolunteer/Spiritual Care Departmentrespect all religious and spiritualpreferences and collaborate withhospital staff to give patients the bestcare possible.

Spiritual Care Visitors assess spiritualneeds, to provide resources and tocontact local faith communities and orchurch upon request. Hours are from10:00 am until 2:00 pm. weekdays and1:30 pm to 3:30 pm on weekends.

Ways We May Assist You

Whatever your religious preferences,the Spiritual Care Program at MMSCcan provide spiritual support for youand your family and friends during yourhospital stay.

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There is a chapel located on the third oor in the SE corner of the Skilled Care Department. Please ask the Volunteerat the Visitorscd Entrance in the Lobbyfor directions. Visitors and patientsare welcome to access the AuxiliaryCourtyard located under the skywalk bythe hospital’s main waiting room. Bothareas are open at all times for prayer,meditation and times of silence.

One of our Spiritual CareVolunteers will be happy to:

-Accept you as a person of worth andvalue

-Respect your faith-Help you obtain information when

asked-Contact your minister upon request-Listen and understand your feelings-Spend time with you and care for

your spiritual needs.

An on-call volunteer chaplain isavailable for:

-Crisis Intervention-To be an emotional and spiritual

resource in times of crisis-Communication problems-Contacting your minister upon

request-Sorting through dif cult decisions

Please Call: If you are a patient, familymember or concerned friend and wouldlike to request a visit from a SpiritualCare Visitor or Chaplain, please dialextension 1628 using an in-housephone, or ask your nurse to assist you.

Contact Informaton

Spritual Care Of ce: 754-5023In-house extension: #1628Director of Volunteer Services:#5585

To reach a chaplain, urgent requestsshould be directed to a nurse who willcontact the on call chaplain.


Parking for patients and visitors isavailable in front of the hospital’s mainentrance and may be accessed fromeither 5th Avenue or Church Street.Parking is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week. All parking is free.Patients and visitors are cautioned notto park in the Emergency Departmentparking lot or areas reserved for phy-sicians, employees or doctor’s build-ing patients. There are handicappedspaces available. Please be sure to lockyour car.

Main entrances are open from 6 a.m.until 8 p.m.. If visiting from 8 p.m. to5:30 a.m., use the Emergency RoomEntrance.Volunteer information deskavailable in front lobby Monday thruFriday from 6 am until 4 pm.

TransportationRegion 6 and Marshalltown Medical& Surgical Center have developed aservice called PeopleRides. A medi-cal transportation system. The sys-tem is designated to provide low costtransportation to healthcare serviceslocated in the Marshalltown area. Allresidents of Hardin, Marshall, Tamaand Poweshiek Counties are eligible.The handicapped accessible van is ca-pable of transporting both wheelchairand ambulatory patients. To contactPeople Rides Call(641)752-6202.

Visitor Information

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should not visit patients.· Visits should be kept short.· Visitors may be asked to

leave the room during testsor treatments or when thephysician or nurse needs to seethe patient.

ChildrenChildren may visit patients on most oors and special units. However, we ask that children who are younger than14 be accompanied by an adult who isresponsible for the child’s behavior. Weask that children stay in a patient’s roomor lounge throughout their visit.

Staying over nightIf you wish to stay with your loved oneovernight, please discuss this with thenursing staff so arrangements can bemade.

Waiting AreasThere are specially designated loungeareas for visitors on each patient oor and on the rst oor in the Family Room and Lobby. Speci c waiting areas have been designated for families of patientsin the Intensive Care Unit, EmergencyDepartment.

A MMSC Volunteer is on duty in theFamily Room Monday-Friday 6 am to4 pm. The MMSC Volunteer is thereto assist families, that are waiting inthis area during their family member’ssurgery.

The MMSC Volunteer on duty keepsfamily members informed about theprogress of surgery and the patient’scondition.

Visiting HoursVisitors can be good medicine forpatients, and family members andfriends are welcome to visit. However,patient care and their well being areour primary concern at MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Center. To enhancethe quality of care, speci c hours have been established.

Visiting hours for most hospital unitsare 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. Thereare exceptions to these times in theIntensive Care Unit and Women’s CareCenter.

If you are visiting a patient who is beingtreated in ICU, there is open visiting toimmediate family 24 hours a day. Pleaseuse to door bell and intercom outsidethe ICU doors to check with the nursingstaff, prior to entering the unit.

If you wish to visit in the Women’s CareCenter, the Identi ed Designated Visitor is welcome anytime. Open visiting forthe rest of family and friends is from11am to 8 pm.

Visiting Regulations

· There is no smokingpermitting at MMSC. MMSCis a tobacco-free campus. Thisaffects both our indoor andoutdoor properties.

· Visitors must be dressedappropriately and must wearshirt and shoes.

· Visitors should maintain aquiet environment and avoidunnecessary noise.

· People with colds, sore throatsor any contagious disease

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Your Room

Your room is designed with yourcomforts in mind. Each room hasbathroom facilities, a television andtelephone. A handheld nurse call lightis located at your bedside, and eachrestroom. When pushed, your call willbe acknowledged and your nurse willbe noti ed. You also can control your room lighting and television from yourhandheld call light, or your bed rail. Askyour nurse to show you how to workthe controls.

Showers are available. Your nursewill assist you when medically able togo to the shower. Nurses will offer acomfort bath to all patients daily. Yourbed is electrically operated and can becontrolled from the buttons on the siderails.

Identi cation Bands

When you were admitted, you receivedan identi cation band to wear around your wrist. Please wear it at all times.You may receive multiple bands, thesebands are for your safety and allowshospital personnel to identify you andyour individual care needs.

The Gift Shop

The gift shop, operated by the MMSCAuxiliary and staffed by volunteers, isopen Monday – Friday from 9 am to4 pm; Saturday 9 am – 2 pm; Sunday12:00 noon – 3:30 pm. The shop hasgift items, jewelry, greeting cards,candy, toiletries, and owers. It also has a small coffee shop offering soup,sandwiches and other refreshments.


MMSC’s cafeteria is open for visitorsand staff dining Monday-Friday from6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 7:00 p.m.. Weekend hours are 11:15a.m. to 1:30 p.m.for lunch and 5:00 7:00 p.m. for dinner. The cafeteriais located in the basement level of thehospital.

Vending Services are available 24hours a day. Machines are located:

-Basement Across from Elevator A-1st Floor Across from Elevator C-2nd Floor In front of Skywalk-3rd Floor Garden Room-ER Waiting Area

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Please understand that, to insure yoursafety, you will be asked for doubleidentifiers on many occasions. Yourarm bands assist hospital staff with thatidenti cation.

Hospital Gowns

If you would like to wear your ownsleepwear instead of a hospital gown,in most cases you can do so. However,we ask that you wear a hospital gownfor all tests, examinations or procedures.Large sized gowns are available.

Your Meals

You may choose your daily mealsfrom the room service menu. If youhave special dietary needs, one ofour dietitians will visit you duringyour hospital stay to assist you withnutritional care and the food menu. Ifyou desire menu choices not offeredon the room service menu, please feelfree to ask if we have what you want.We would be happy to offer our diet-speci c cafeteria menu. Keep in mind that for some patients, there may besome dietary restrictions related to thediet ordered by their physician. Pleaseask a member of the food service teamfor a copy of this menu. If you havequestions, please ask a member of thenursing staff for assistance. If you wishto speak to a dietitian, please call ext.5271.

Menu Choices & Ordering

MMSC proudly offers Patient RoomService. To order from the menu, simplycall your choices to extension 1600.Please remember that we guaranteeyour food will be brought to youwithin a 45-minute time frame from

the time you place your call. If you areon a carbohydrate-controlled menu, ormedications that need to be taken priorto or after a meal, please press your callbutton after ordering your meal. Duringpeak room service times, there maybelonger hold times for Room Service. Ifyou call during these times, please bepatient.A Room Service Representativewill answer the calls in the order inwhich they come.

Guest Meals

Your family members or friends maywish to dine with you at bedside. Forthis reason, the daily menu is offered ata nominal cost. Please check with yourNurse to order guest meals.

Pediatric Parent Meals

We understand that having your childhospitalized is a dif cult time. During your child’s stay at MMSC, eachpediatric room will be given three date-stamped meal vouchers per day to beused at the parents’ discretion. Thesevouchers can be used in the MMSCcafeteria located in the basement. Thevouchers cannot be used as part of theRoom Service Program and can notbe redeemed for cash. Please give thevoucher to the Cafeteria Cashier.


Do not keep medication at your bedside,including over-the-counter products.(There may be exceptions to this,ask your nurse for clari cation). For safety, we encourage you to send anymedications home with your family.If this is not possible, your nurse willstore your medications, prescribed andotherwise, in a locked container outsideyour room. When you are released fromthe hospital, your nurse will reviewdischarge instructions for medicationswith you.

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Make sure all of your doctors knowabout every medicine you are taking(including herbal supplements and overthe counter medications).

Please inform medical staff about anyallergies and adverse reactions you havehad to medicines.

Ask for information about yourmedicines in terms you can understandbefore you receive them.

It is important that you ask your nurseimmediately if you have questions aboutthe medications you are being given.

Pain Management Services

At MMSC we take time to listen to andunderstand your individual reports ofdiscomfort and concerns. Whether yousuffer from temporary pain due to illnessor injury, chronic cancer related painor end-of-life pain, we are here to helpyou. MMSC’s program is built aroundbelieving the patient’s report of pain,and focusing on the potential bene ts of adequate pain management.

At MMSC, you can work with yournurses and doctors before and aftersurgery to prevent and alleviate pain.Pain control can help you improve yourlevel of comfort, reduce your lengthof hospital stay, and achieve greaterresults.

What is Pain Management?

Your goal of pain management shouldbe to completely relieve or minimize thepain to an acceptable level.

Pain Creates Anxiety . This makesmuscles tense up. Tension and anxietycan increase pain and make it hard tosleep.

Fatigue Sets In . This can drain aperson’s strength and lead to depression,which can worsen physical pain.

The Cycle Begins Again. As painincreases, so does anxiety. With eachtrip around the pain cycle, pain, anxietyand depression become more intense

Types of Pain

Acute Pain

Example; Postoperative Pain Acutepain is short lived. It usually lasts lessthan six months. Most often it is causedby damage to tissues and organs andsubsides as healing occurs.

Chronic Pain

Example: Arthritic Pain Chronicpain lasts beyond the normal healingtime. It is continuous or regularlyrecurring. Chronic pain is associatedwith prolonged healing

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Cancer Pain

Example: Cancer and/or Treatment ofCancer Cancer pain is associated witha malignant process. It manifests asrecurrent episodes of acute pain, chronicpain that continues, or a combinationof both.

Using Medications

There are a variety of pain medicationsava ilab le that your doctor canprescribe.

Patients with mild to moderate painmay receive relief from the use of nonnarcotic medications such as TylenolMotrin,Aspirin, Celebrex or Naprosyn.Patients who have tried the abovebut have continued pain may receivesuch pain medications as Darvon orDarvocet. Opiods and narcotics suchas Tylenol #3, Codeine, Hydrocodone,or Oxycodone are given for moderateto severe pain.

Patients who have severe pain mayreceive such opioids as morphine,hydromorphone, methadone, fentanylpatch, or levorphanol.

Often patients are reluctant to take painmedication due to fear of becomingaddicted, viewing the use of painmedication as a sign of weakness, or feelhopeless and that nothing can help.

Physical dependence is the physiologicphenomenon characterized by thedevelopment of withdrawal syndromefollowing abrupt discontinuation oftherapy or substantial dose reduction.

Tolerance is the body’s required amountof an opioid increasing in order toproduce the same effect as was producedwith a previous lesser dose. Toleranceis a physiological response and is not apredictor of abuse.

Addiction is a pattern of compulsivedrug use characterized by a continuedcraving for an opioid and the need touse the opioid for effects other than painrelief. Taking opioids for pain relief isnot addiction, no matter how long aperson takes opioids or at what doses.Incidence of addiction when opioidsare taken for pain relief is much lessthan 1 %.

Many people are convinced their paincannot be relieved. You must takeyour medication exactly as ordered byyour health care provider and reportimmediately if your pain is not beingmanaged by the treatment.

You may become constipated withnarcotic pain medication. Drink eight toten glasses of water a day. You may alsoneed a laxative and stool softener. Eatplenty of fruits and vegetables to helpyou get enough ber. Your health care provider may also recommend a ber supplement. Stay active as possible.

Non Medical InterventionsThere are many non-medicinal inter-ventions to treat your pain. These maybe used with or without pain medica-tion:

BreathingSit or lie on your back. ExercisesBreathe in slowly through your nosefor a count of 5. Hold it for a few sec-onds. Breathe out slowly through yourmouth for a count of 5, Repeat for 5to 10 minutes, concentrating on yourslow, easy breathing.

SpiritualTalk to your caregiver and family; tellthem what changes you need in yourhome life and how they can help. En-courage all your family members tovoice their concerns and needs. Try

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to have an optimistic attitude. Often,optimistic people feel less pain, or arebothered less by the pain. Controllingstress and worry can reduce your pain.

Progressive Muscle RelaxationLie down. Slowly tense, then relax yourbody’s muscle groups one at a time.Work on your feet and calves, thighsand buttocks, stomach and chest, handsand arms, upper back, shoulders andneck, face and head.

MeditationMeditation helps you to focus on oneword, object, or idea. Doing this canhelp calm you and decrease stress. Sitor lie down in a quiet place. Then, doseyour eyes, breathe in and out, slowlyand deeply. Concentrate on a singleword or soothing mental image. Con-tinue until you feel relaxed.

Visualization/Guided ImagerySet aside 15 minutes to imagine your-self in a relaxing place. Observe itssounds, scents, colors and tempera-ture.

MassageA massage helps you increase circula-tion, relax, release muscle tension andenjoy a sense of comfort.Therapeutic TouchA type of alternative healing usinghands-on and energy-based techniquesto balance and align the human energy eld. Body, mind, emotion and spirit are touched through this therapeuticprocess, and each individual is em-powered to participate fully in his orher healing journey.

Position ChangeReposition area to relieve discomfort.Pillows or a rolled up towel can assistwith positioning.

Heat and Cold TherapyTake a warm bath. Use a cold pack(do not put ice directly on skin). Coldpacks can help reduce tissue swellingand muscle spasm and improve rangeof motion. Alternate heat and cold.Moist hot packs, heating pads, etc.,can increase blood ow, reduce muscle spasm and provide relaxation.

ElevationElevate the area of discomfort, such asa foot, hand, etc. This can help to re-duce swelling therefore reducing pain.

Compression WrapsCompression wraps (ace wraps) canbe helpful for extremities by providingsupport and decreasing swelling.

ExerciseCan improve range of motion. It alsohas the added bene t of building strength, conditioning the heart andimproving metabolism. Exercise mayalso help your body produce naturalpainkillers, endorphins.

Start small and do a little each day. Nev-er initiate an exercise program withoutconsulting your physician. It can helpto reduce stress, sleep and give youmore energy, control weight, help youfeel better about yourself and healthieroverall. Do activities you enjoy.

HumorHumor leads to the release of endor-phins, which reduce the sensation ofpain and effect emotions. Humor hasalso been seen as means of anxiety re-duction, anger reduction and reductionof depression. Laughing often serves torelax tension.

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Patient Rights andResponsibilities forPain Management

-Patients have a right to pain control.-Patients have a role in

communicating their pain.-Patients should talk to their

physicians or nurses assoon as pain begins.

-Patients should not let fears keepthem in pain.

-Patients are involved in all aspectsof their care.

-Patients have the right toappropriate assessment andmanagement of pain.

-Patients will receive a writtenstatement of his/her rights.

Patient Safety

Patient’s safety is a priority at MMSC.Physicians, nurses, therapists, othercaregivers, and volunteers will work toprovide safe care while you are here andto protect you against accidental injury.We encourage all patients and familiesto help create a safe environment andoffer suggestions that could protectpatients

The single most important way you canhelp is to be an active member of yourhealth care team. At MMSC, patientsand families are encouraged to SPEAKUP if you have questions or concerns.

· Notice the medications you aregiven, and ask for informationabout them.

· Ask all health care workers whohave contact with you whetherthey have washed their hands orused a hand disinfectant.

· Find out why tests and treatmentsare needed, and what the resultsare.

· Follow the instructions given toyou by caregivers.

· No Smoking within the thehospital or on hospital grounds.

· No matches or lighters are allowedin your room.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a medication ordered byyour doctor. The liter ow (amount) of oxygen that you need is determinedby studies done at the hospital or yourdoctor’s of ce. Do not take off your oxygen unless your doctor, nurse orrespiratory therapist has told you to.

Oxygen itself is non ammable, but will increase the rate in which materialburns. For this reason do not smokewhen oxygen is in use.

Fall Prevention Program

At Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter, our goal is to make your hospitalstay as safe and pleasant as possible.To meet this goal we have developeda fall prevention program that includesidenti cation of patients at risk for falls and steps to prevent falls.

Patients that have certain illnesses,physical limitations, weaknesses orother medical conditions that increasethe risk of falls will be identi ed. This alerts the staff involved in your carethroughout the hospital that you are atrisk to fall.

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We need your help to safeguard youand your family member against falls.Please follow these guidelines while youare in the hospital:

· Ask the nurse or physical therapistif you can be out of bed up to thebathroom alone and follow theirinstructions.

· Ask for help before getting out ofbed if you feel dizzy, weak or if youneed help managing your IV polesor other equipment.

· Tell the doctor or nursing staff if youhave a history of falls.

· Wear non-skid slippers when gettingout of bed, if you do not have any,ask the nursing staff to get a pair foryou.

· Keep your bedside free of clutter anditems on the oor.

· Use the call light in the bathroom ifyou need assistance getting back tobed.

· Notify nursing staff if a spill occurson the oor.

· Ask to have objects such as bedsidetables, phone and call lights withineasy reach if you are not able to beup.

· If you require glasses or wearhearing aides, please use them.

We are here to help you in all aspects ofyour care, including your personal careneeds. Please call us if you need helpwith anything.

Our staff is committed to making thepatient care environment safe and aspleasant as possible for our patients.Be sure to ask the staff questions if

you have them. Asking questions andspeaking up makes patient care saferfor everyone.


MMSC is a Tobacco-Free Campus. Thisaffects both our indoor and outdoorproperties. MMSC is dedicated toproviding a smoke-free environmentfor all patients, employees, visitors andstaff. This policy complies with statelaw.

Internet and E-mail Stations

MMSC has made available internet ande-mail service available for our patientsand families. There are 5 Internet/E-mail stations available throughout thehospital.

Med/Surg Unit 2nd oorFamily Room on 1st Floor

ICU Family RoomWomens Care Center

Family Room

Free Wireless Service Is AvailableThroughout MMSC

Connecting Instructions:You need a laptop or notebookcomputer,or a personal digital assistant (PDA)equipped with a standard Internetbrowser andaWi-Fi compliant (802.11b)wireless card.

a. Check to make sure yourWi-Fi software and card areproperly installed.

b. Enable your wireless adapterc. Make sure that the DHCP is

enabled.d. Connect to the network: MMSC-

Public.e. Then open your web browser.

Now you’re ready to browse theinternet.

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Depending on your location, the television set in your room is controlled by yourhand held call light or hand held remote. If your television is not working properlyplease advise the staff.

The patient education channel is 55, please see the channel guide locatedin this patient handbook for Health Education Programs.

TV STATION CHANNELSChannel Station Channel StationNumber Number

2 KGAN (CBS) 36 ESPN23 QVC 37 CNBC5 WOI (ABC) 38 WE!6 KDSM(FOX) 39 DISNEY7 KWWL (NBC) 40 FOX Sports8 KCCI (CBS) 41 UNIVISION9 KCRG (ABC) 42 AMC10 KFPX (PAX) 43 COURT TV11 KDIN (PBS) 44 FOX NEWS12 MET (Local) 45 HISTORY13 WHO (NBC) 46 DISCOVERY14 LOCAL 47 LIFETIME15 HSN 48 VH116 KDAO 49 Comedy Cent.17 WB 50 TLC18 CSPAN2 51 TV LAND19 CSPAN 52 HALLMARK21 WGN (CHICAGO) 53 Animal Planet23 WTBS 55 The Patient Channel24 NICKELODEON 62 TV GUIDE25 USA 63 MSNBC26 The Weather Channel 64 CNN27 FX/SPIKE 65 EWTN28 TNN 66 TBN29 TNT 67 Home&Garden30 CNN HEADLINE 68 Food Network31 TOON 70 SOAP NET32 ABC FAMILY 71 SCI-FI33 MTV 72 BRAVO34 A&E 74 Speed Channel35 ESPN 76 CMT

77 E!

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Financial Services

T he Busin ess Off ice Sta ff o fMarshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter welcomes you to our facility.Your health and well-being is ourprimary concern. We hope that theinformation provided answers questionsyou have regarding our services, policiesand procedures.

The Business Of ce is open 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. To handleyour billing and collection questions.

The Registration Of ce is open 5:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday thru Friday, and8:30 am thru 1230 pm Saturday. TheEmergency Registration Desk is open24 hours a every day.

If you have questions regarding yourinsurance, you may contact an insurancespecialist as follows:Medicare 641-754-5132Blue Cross 641-754-5134Medicaid 641-754-5134Work Comp 641-754-5282All Others 641-754-5133

If you have questions regarding self payaccounts or uncompensated care, pleasecontact our collection department at641-754-5130

If you have other concerns regarding ourpolicies or procedures, please contactJean Barker, Director Business Of ce at 641-754-5124.

Uncompensated Care

Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter recognizes our responsibility toprovide uncompensated care to thosewho qualify. Uncompensated care

guidelines are based on Poverty IncomeGuidelines that are released annually bythe federal government. MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Center uses asliding scale up to 200% of povertyguidelines based on income and expenseinformation provided.

If you believe you would qualifyfor uncompensated care, contact ourcollection department at 754-5124 forinformation.

Emergency Services

All emergency patients will be treatedand/or admitted to MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Center, regardlessof their ability to pay for services.


MarshalltownMedical&SurgicalCenterwill submit your claim for services totraditional Medicare and will submit toyour Medicare supplemental insuranceand deductibles or co-insurance thatmay be due from the patient.

Medicaid/Title XIX

Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter will submit your claim forservices to Iowa Medicaid as requiredby regulations. It is the responsibility ofthe patient to present a current eligibilitycard at the time of service. Failureto present this card could prevent usfrom billing and this would make theguarantor responsible for payment ofthe account.

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Commercial Insurance

As a courtesy Marshalltown Medical& Surgical Center will bill up to twoinsurance companies on your behalfif you have furnished to us the properinsurance information. MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Center expectspayment or an explanation of bene ts from your insurance company within 45days from the ling of the claim. After 45 days the guarantor will be personallyresponsible for payment.

Workers Compensation

Your employer must approve theWorkers Compensation coverage priorto billing of the account. We will notbecome involved in disputes betweenyou and your company other than tosupply requested information.

Third Party Liability

If you have been injured in somemanner, another party may have somelegal responsibility for your injuries.Although this is a matter betweenyou and your attorney and the partyresponsible for the injury, MarshalltownMedical & Surgical Center will bill theliability carrier on your behalf. If youare a Medicare or Medicaid recipient,health care laws require that we bill theliability carrier rst.

Health Information Management

Health Information Managementmaintains your medical records andworks to insure that they are accurate,complete, and con dential, as well as available for continuing to care to thosewith a need to know. If you need copiesof your records for yourself, or need

them sent to other healthcare providers,we’d be happy to help. The departmentis open for non-emergent release ofinformation requests Monday throughFriday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..

For those of you with AdvanceDirectives concerning end-of-life issues,we welcome any advance directiveinformation you may have prepared.Even if you havenot been a patient yet atMMSC, we keep it on le for you should it ever be needed. For more information,call 641-754-5044.

LifelineLifeline Helps People Live


In an emergency, one touch of yourportable help button will bring helpwithin minutes. With Lifeline, helpis always at your ngertips, 24 hours a day.

Early intervention and getting helpquickly makes a real difference in theevent of a medical emergency such asa heart attack, stroke or fall. Throughearly intervention medical outcomes canbe improved and suffering is reduced.Lifeline offers peace of mind andindependence to the user, and providesrespite and reassurance for concernedfamily and caregivers.

For information on the Lifeline programin our community,

Call Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter Lifeline:641-754-5007

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Telephone Information

The Main Telephone number for Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Centeris (641)754-5151

Patient rooms may be called directly from the outside by dialing 754-5- andthe room number. Since patient room assignments may change, your relatives andfriends should check with the information desk for your correct room number.

Following is a list of phone numbers which may be helpful to you.

To access an outside line, press “9” then 7-digit telephone number. To dial in-housenumbers, dial the last four numbers.

Main Number 754-5151Administration 754-5145Billing Information 754-5117Cardiac Rehab 754-5178Chaplain 754-5023 or in-house ext. 1628Emergency Room 754-5040Environmental Services 754-5020Food and Nutrition Services 754-5050Gift Shop 754-5148Greeter Escort 6104Insurance Information (SHIIP) 754-5399Interpreters 754-5142Lab 754-5080Lifeline 754-5007Lost and Found 754-5020Patient Information 754-5152Patient Representative 754-5287Patient and Family Services 754-5142Physical Rehabilitation

Outpatient 754-6120Inpatient 5039

Public Relations 754-5281Skilled Care Center 754-5368Social Services 754-5142Volunteers 754-5093

Concerns regarding the care received: If you have questions or concernsabout your care, speak to your nurse, the unit charge nurse or unit nursingdirector. If you feel the need to discuss your concern further, you may contactthe following: Patient Care Advocate (Hospital)at 754-5287

For more information about Marshalltown Medical & SurgicalCenter visit us at

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All areas shown above are Tobacco-Free.MMSC Rehabilitation Services and MMSC Clinics in Conrad, Mar-

shalltown, State Center, & Tama/Toledo are also Tobacco-Free.

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Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center3 South 4th Avenue Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 (641)754-5151