Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)

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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)




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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


    1 7

    Early morningswere her favorite time of day, the only time shed

    come down by herself and walk among the people outside. Marlene

    loved being close to those who really knew the towers, the ones who

    belongedhere: the retirees, who always woke early; the workers, out of

    their apartments before eight AM to get to their shit jobs at fast food

    chains, Jiffy Lubes, downtown garages, gas stations; even the people

    coming home from nightshift work, these were the people she re-


    She held her fur around herself, pulled it tight to her neck andfaced into the wind, looking out at the parking lot. Some of the re-

    tirees pushed rolling carts toward the bridge that crossed the train

    tracks to Fresh Pond Mall and Star Market, where theyd buy their

    food for the week with food stamps, welfare checks. The social secu-

    rity helped too, but it was the combination that enabled them to get

    by, and sometimes that wasnt enough. In her pocket she had an en-velope of crisp twenties, ready to give cash to any who asked, whoever

    had a need. In the early mornings, shed be sure to give money only

    to those truly in need.

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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


    She watched a rusty Toyota pull in from the street and find a park-

    ing place. Its driver got out slowly, a tall man dressed in thick Carhartt

    layers, coveralls and a jacket over that. He worked at Logan. Theyd

    spoken once. Everyone knew who she was, she expected, but some of

    them were polite enough to pretend they didnt. Even with the fur.

    He worked loading and unloading planes for UPS, packing boxes

    to ship through the night. The last time shed seen him he walked

    fast, comfortable; now he limped, moved slowly toward her building.

    He lived with his wife, a cleaning woman who worked days and sec-

    ond shift. They saw each other only on the weekends.

    As he came up now, his hat low over his face, he barely met

    Marlenes eyes, just offered a short nod.

    Your walk, she said. What happened? Her hand instinctively

    went to the envelope in her pocket, even seeing on this mans face

    that hed be too proud.

    Fell, he said. Few weeks back. He stopped in front of her.

    Tall and wide. She guessed hed weigh two-fifty, maybe more. He

    played basketball somewhere, at some point. Shed seen him with her

    brother at the courts.

    You played with Malik, right?

    He nodded. Timothy. He pulled off a glove and offered her hishand. His cold, hard skin scratched her palm as she shook it, but she

    looked him in the eyes. Morning. Nice to see you. He took his hand

    back and pushed it into a pocket, then turned to resume toward the


    He didnt get ten feet before a boy, a kid who couldnt be more

    than twelve, thirteen, turned out from behind one of the pillars. Howlong had he been there? Without saying a word, the boy held up a

    baggie and took a bill from the mans hand. Timothy didnt even stop

    his forward progress, just accepted the exchange like a worker would

    accept a free paper at the T.


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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


    Alright, the boy said. Have a good one. Then he saw Marlene

    and his smile disappeared. He ducked behind the pillar.

    Stop, she said. Come here.

    He did as he was told, looking up with a blank face. Yes, Miss

    Marlene, he said.

    Who are you?

    Jeremy. Im Jesses boy.

    Jesse: one of her runners, a guy barely Maliks age whod been a

    few years ahead of her in school.

    How old?


    You go to school?

    He shrugged. Most days. This week school vacation. From the

    smoothness of the exchange with Timothy, she knew his attendance

    record wouldnt improve when vacation was over. He saw what she

    knew. I go or I dont go, he said. Them teachers dont care. They

    think I stupid.

    Hows your math?

    Good enough, he said, holding out a roll of cash.

    You know him? She nodded at where Timothy had been, and

    the boy told her he sold to the man every day.Since the pain, he said. This what he need to get by. He pat-

    ted his other front pocket.

    What you carry?

    The boy held out in his hand: dime bags, twenties, nickels, a few

    baggies with red and yellow pills that she took.

    What are these?You know. Ups, downs. They the regular, like Dunkin Donuts.

    Marlene wanted to say no, to take the pills away from the boy,

    from the people in her building. But she knew if she did theyd get

    them from someone else. Shed talk to Malik about it.


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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


    You holding rock? she asked. This was what she really wanted

    to know.

    No, maam. He shook his head, looked down. If they want

    that, I say go get it from him. He pointed at the far tower, the 412.

    They do it?

    He nodded.

    They come back after?

    He shook his head. No. Huh uh. They get that shit, they dont

    come back. Thats why you should hookmeup with it. Help sales

    like Christmas.

    She gave him back the pills. Go home, she said. Tell your fa-

    ther I said youre not working today, and that next week you go back

    to school.

    The boy looked like she just took his best friend. I hate school!

    You need it, she said, gripping the top of his head and turning

    him back toward the building. Now go inside and get warm. Get

    some sleep. Play a game or something.

    She watched him go slowly, stubborn, looking back over his

    shoulder a few times to see if she was still there. With any luck she

    wouldnt see him out here again. Hed be back, she knew, but if she

    didnt see him then it wasnt a direct challenge to her authority. If shedid see him, then Jesse would have to sit down for a listen.

    She turned back to the parking lot. Nearing eight oclock, the

    traffic was slow. Those who started work at eight were long gone,

    those who started later would be coming soon, heading for the trains

    and buses. But for now there was a lull. She watched her world. To the

    right, at 410, she saw quiet action: an old man pushing a cart and aboy around eighteen leaning up against a car, waiting to sell.

    To her left, she could see 412, Rocks house, and a man running

    out of the building pulling on an old, tan jacket. He had a beard and

    a short afro, his body stocky but strong. It was Clarenceone of


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  • 8/8/2019 Marlene Surveys Her World - Seth Harwood (excerpt from YOUNG JUNIUS)


    Rocks closest boys. Malik had told her to watch him, said he wouldnt

    be afraid.

    In his hurry, Clarence didnt see her. Just ran for his car, a gold

    Olds 98, that he started hard, backed out hard, and then tore out of

    the lot in, taking a right on Rindge and heading toward Mass Ave.,

    away from Route 2.


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