Marketing your Business Online- Social Media is a maze.

2014 Online Trends

Transcript of Marketing your Business Online- Social Media is a maze.

2014Online Trends

Who is your customer?Where do they hang out?What are they looking for?

Content Video Images

Here are some major trends you can’t ignore.

Here are somemajor trends

that you can’t ignore.

Let’s do it one at a time

But first. . . 1- What’s your Pie in the sky goal?

2- What are your objectives?

3- What is your strategy?

4- What tactics will you use?

There are no magic wands,no hidden tricks,and no secret handshakesthat can bring youimmediate success,but with time, energy,and determinationyou can get there.Darren RowseFounder- ProBlogger


Choosing Social Platforms

189 million of Facebook’s users are"mobile only”

Is your content mobile friendly?

Lots of people.Share news that they care about.

This demographic has grown 79% since 2012.

The 45–54 year age bracket is the fastest growing demographic on both Facebook and Google+.

For Facebook, this group has jumped 46%.

For Google+, 56%.

The fastest growing demographicon Twitter is the

55–64 year age bracket.

•Google likes you better with Google Plus•Google+ feeds the Google giant•Improves your SEO •Organic search results

What the Plus?!?

•Female audience•Great visual content•Link to blog posts•Motivational graphics•Link to Videos•Playlists

•Started as iPhone App, Oct 6, 2010•Stylized mobile photo and video sharing•Acquired by Facebook for $1 billion Apr 2012•Share on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flikr•Comment, follow, like, tag

YouTube reaches more U.S. adults aged 18–34 than any cable network.

Use your Images and Your VoiceUse your Phone

Do you have Video Content

New users daily.

Not participating as much on the lighter social sites.

Who is your target market?

Where to start?- Choose 1 place to start- make your content findable- Put it in your time budget- Set goals for each piece- Create the schedule- Think of some topics or themes- focus on the reader- Call to action as appropriate- Purchase cycle- Connect with others- is your content shareable?

Did you pick one?Facebook: Use if: reach a massive audience with a diverse array of content types.

Twitter: Use if: You have frequent updates or content with a “timeliness” factor.

Google+: Use if: You have a physical location and want to appear in local search results.

YouTube: Use if: Your business could benefit from product demos, testimonials, or putting a human face to your brand.

LinkedIn: Use if: You are in a B2B space, or you want to speak to a more professionally-oriented audience.

Pinterest: Use if: You want to target a female audience and have great visual content.

Instagram: Use if: You can create interesting visual content on a regular basis.

Thank you!Let’s continue the conversation. Call or email me.

Andrea Hamilton
