Marketing Strategies for Chiropractors


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Marketing Strategies for Chiropractors How to acquire more patients using online advertising & mobile marketing. Need Patients? We'll help you reach & acquire more local patients for your practice using the power of online advertising and mobile marketing! Through tested and proven SEO, social, mobile and online marketing strategies, we will get you more customers calling and walking through your doors. Get a jump start on your competition and download our free report that outlines the marketing strategies & techniques that we'll use to help you acquire more patients. Give us a call today for a free consultation and we’ll show you exactly how our marketing strategies will help you reach more patients and skyrocket revenue for your practice!

Transcript of Marketing Strategies for Chiropractors

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Marketing Strategies for Chiropractors

How to acquire more patients using online advertising & mobile marketing.

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Importance of Having a Proper Website ………………………. Page 3

Capitalizing on Mobile Marketing …………….………………… Page 5

Social Media Trends …………………………………………….. Page 7

Lead Generation vs SEO ………………………….……………. Page 9

Final Thoughts …..……………………………………………….. Page 11

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Importance of Having a Proper Website

Your website is an extension of your practice and represents your attention

to detail and quality of work. It should also be one of the main sources of

new patients for your practice. The look, feel and layout of your website will

ultimately determine its effectiveness.

Some of the most important components of your website are:

Its overall design and layout.

The presence and location of “contact us” forms.

Patient testimonials.

Links to your social media profiles.

Pictures of you and your practice.

The overall design and layout of your site is important because you want it

to be as easy as possible for your website visitors to find the information

that they are searching for.

Your website design doesn’t have to be “award-winning” by any means, but

it should definitely be professional and easy on the eyes. One thing to keep

in mind when choosing colors or a layout for your website is to try and

convey the same look and feel you would like visitors to have if they were

to walk into your practice.

In addition to your phone number, having “contact us” forms in multiple

locations on your website makes it easy for visitors to get in touch with you.

You should always have a “contact us” form on your homepage above the

fold. “Above the fold” simply means that visitors can see it as soon as they

reach your website and they do not have to scroll down to find it.

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It should go without saying, but you should also have a “contact us” form on

your “contact us” page. It’s also a good idea to have a “contact us” form in

the footer section of your website. The footer section will appear on every

page of your website and will assure that visitors will have a way to contact

you regardless of which page they are browsing at the time.

Having testimonials from previous satisfied patients will help boost your

credibility and put potential new patients at ease when thinking of

scheduling an appointment with you. You can have an entire page

dedicated to testimonials, but it also helps to have a few on your homepage

and/or in the footer section of your website.

Having pictures to go along with patient testimonials is a great idea, and

having video testimonials would be the best way to go, if possible.

Placing links on your website to your various social media profiles gives

potential patients the opportunity to read what others have to say about

your practice.

It also provides you with a way to keep your current patients up to date with

important news and information about you and your practice.

Having pictures of yourself and your practice posted on your website helps

remove some of the “mental barriers” that new patients may have when

walking into your practice for the first time.

The feeling of familiarity can help put a new patient at ease when dealing

with a potentially stressful and uneasy situation for them.

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Capitalizing on Mobile Marketing

In today’s world almost every industry is becoming more “mobile friendly”

because of the huge increase in tablet and smart phone usage. The

medical industry is no different.

Almost 50% of your current website visitors are browsing on their mobile

device. Practices that have a mobile friendly website are much more likely

to convert these visitors into patients.

Consider these statistics for just a second:

29% of US households own tablets, up from 5% in 2011.

64.7% of US consumers own smart phones.

70% of mobile searches are followed up with an action within 1 hour.

The average mobile phone owner looks at his or her phone 150 times per day.

The average text message is read within 15 minutes of being received.

The statistics above should be enough to show you that the world is

moving towards the use of mobile devices and as a chiropractor you are

going to need to move with it.

If someone browses your website on their mobile phone and they have to

pinch and scroll to find the information that they need, chances are they’re

going to leave your site and find one of your competitors that have a more

“mobile friendly site”.

Your mobile website shouldn’t be an exact clone of your current website, it

should only contain the most important and necessary information that

someone may need in order to get in touch with you and find your practice.

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You should include some of the important information that we mentioned

above, but it should be in a much more compressed and faster loading


Having a “mobile friendly” version of your website is one of the easiest

ways for you to have an advantage over your competitors and should not

be overlooked.

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Social Media Trends

As we mentioned above, social media gives you the opportunity to keep

current patients up to date with important news articles and information

about you and your practice.

It also gives potential new patients an opportunity to read what others have

to say about you and your practice and to witness how you interact with


There are a wide range of social media sites and it’s important to keep in

mind that you don’t need to have a presence on all of them. Some of the

most popular and the sites we recommend that you do have a presence on

are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Being active across these networks is critical. A social media profile that

hasn’t been active in a month or two is not going to generate any

interaction. You don’t need to post daily, but posting once or twice a week

is a good idea.

It’s well known that one of the components within the Google search

algorithm is the presence of active social media profiles. Having links on

your website to your various social media profiles will help boost your

website rankings not only within Google, but with the other search engines

like Yahoo and Bing as well.

Having a Facebook page for your practice will also give you access to one

of the biggest opportunities of generating new patients, the Facebook Ads


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Facebook has over 1 billion users and their ads platform will allow you to

target demographics of your choice. You can target based on location, age

range, income level, or a combination of all three.

There are also ways in which you can target certain groups and people that

have “liked” specific other pages.

We can help you hone in on a specific target audience and with a budget

as low as $5-$10 per day, you could see a significant increase in new

patients for your practice.

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Lead Generation vs. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to the success of your website

and its ability to generate new patients for your practice. It can be a very

meticulous and oftentimes it can be a frustrating process if you’re unfamiliar

with it.

There are many different factors that affect your websites rankings within

the search engines. Some of them have to do with the content that you

post, how you post it, and how often you post it. Some of them also have to

do with where else your content is posted online other than your website

and exactly how it’s posted there.

Improper search engine optimization can lead to penalties from Google and

the other search engines which can essentially blacklist you from their

rankings and be a potential deathblow to your practice. You should never

rely on inexperienced or unproven companies or individuals to perform your


Proper search engine optimization can cost into the thousands per month

and sometimes take a few months in order to see results. Any companies

or individuals that promise you first page rankings, fast results, or cheap

SEO should raise a red flag.

We offer search engine optimization services and can provide you with

references and examples of other companies whose website rankings

we’ve helped improve.

We also offer lead generation services if you feel more comfortable paying

per lead rather than paying for search engine optimization. We use a

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combination of our own websites, Facebook ads, and pay-per-click

marketing to generate potential new patient leads for your practice.

There are no upfront costs with our lead generation services and the leads

that we provide you with are exclusive, meaning that we do not sell them to

other practices and you won’t have to compete with other local


Please contact us with any questions that you have regarding search

engine optimization or our lead generation services.

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Final Thoughts

This report was meant to be an introduction to some of the ways that you

can generate new patients for your practice and we hope that you found it


If you have questions regarding any of the information in this report, would

like more information about exactly how we can help you reach more

potential new patients, or would like to see some samples of our work,

please contact us via the information below.

Ron Richardson


[email protected]