Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org

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  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org




    MPP300 The Turning Point

    Bella Cleodora 15770042

    Chatharin Yap 15543354

    Tan Jun Liang, Wilson

    Jonathan Hali

  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    Table of Contents

    1. ORGANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND................................................2

    1!1 The Turning "oint...................................................................................2

    1!2 #nternal $anageent..............................................................................2

    1 ! 3 % i s i o n ............................................................................................2

    1!4 $ission................................................................................................2

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  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal



    The Turning "oint &TT"' is the Christian hal()a* house )hi+h is spe+i(i+all* taes +are

    o( girls or )oen! #t is (ounded on 1--0 and doinantl* o((ers a re(uge o(* (or

    )oan (ro the drug addi+tion in /ingapore! Besides, TT" also o((er the shelter (or

    )oen )ho )ant to ha.e a (reedo (ro al+oholis, galing, and doesti+ .iolen+e

    &The Turning "oint 2013'! /tarting in 1--5, TT" in.ol.ed in Counit*ased

    ehailitation /+hee &CB' )hi+h gi.e the ore support (ro the /ingaporego.ernent! CB s+hee allo) TT" to pro.ide a+ti.ities and +ounseling (or (eale

    addi+ts in the last leg o( their prison ters! lthough TT" is ased on Christianit*, ut it

    is also a++ept (eales (ro other religions! #n addition, The Turning "oint has a+hie.ed

    the total residen+e o( 3-3 )oen sin+e it )as estalished, )ho ost o( the are 35

    45 *ears old! urtherore, to operate su++ess(ull*, TT" needs at least 7 (ull tie sta((

    &ur /ta(( 2013'!

    1.2 Internal Manageent

    1 . ! " i # i o n

    To help (eale sustan+e ausers and e6o((enders to (ro a li(est*le o(

    sustan+e ause and +oe at a hal()a* house that e6tends into a(ter +are to (a+ilitate

    so+ial integration! ur "rograe is ased on Christian prin+iples and .alues!

    1.$ Mi##ion

    We aspire to rehailitate (eale sustan+e ausers, prisoners and e6o((enders

    +oitted to our residential prograe * pro.iding ne+essar* help and resour+es

    to steer the to li.e addi+tion+rie (ree and e+oe responsile +ontriuting

    eers o( so+iet* )ith the support o( their (ailies and the +ounit*!

    1.% Current &trategie#

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    The Turning "oint +urrent strategies to su++ess(ull* (ree the drug addi+ts+riinal


    #n ters o( adission, The Turning "oint no) ore sele+ti.e than e(ore! #t onl*

    taes +are o( people )ho reall* )ant to (ree (ro drugs+ries! There are 2

    t*pes o( adission8

    dission (ro Changi )oan prison! Be(ore entering the house, the

    prisoner is ased )hether the* reall* )ant to (ree (ro drugs or +rie

    +oitted li(est*le!

    9ire+t adission! This adission is usuall* ased on the re+oendation

    (ro the (ail* or! Be(ore entering the house, the prospe+ti.e

    residents ust undergo the deto6i(i+ation pro+ess in the institute o( entalhealth and also ust undergo the session to deterine the

    )illingness to (ree (ro drugs or +ries!

    "ro.ide a rehailitation ser.i+es to su++ess(ull* +hange the ind o( residents to

    ha.e a drugs+rie (ree li(est*le!

    "ro.ide an a(ter +are ser.i+es to redu+e the relapse rate!

    urtherore, in ters o( areting and (undraising, The Turning "oint +urrentl*

    eplo*s soe strategies8

    Wesites, http8tturningp!+o

    /o+ial $edia &a+eoo8


    /elling hoeade +ooies and handi+ra(ts in the +hur+h

    1.' Current &er(i)e#

    1.'.1 Re#i*ential Reha+ilitation Progra

    Holisti+ 9e.elopent! This progra )ill enhan+e the resident

  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    elapse "re.ention ehailitation "rograe = /el(*! esident

    )ill undertae 20 sessions o( lessons on di((erent topi+s to in+rease their

    sel(estee and sel(iage!

    Counseling! This progra is held to address an* eotional issues )hi+h

    +an lead to lo) sel(estee!

    Wor Therap*! The resident )ill e taught the aing and handi+ra(t sill!

    Besides ais to e>uip the resident )ith )oring sill (or their (uture, this

    progra is also held to raise (und!

    ?du+ational, (inan+e, and +areer assistan+e!

    Counit* outrea+h! #n order to ae the resident (eel +o(ortale to

    intera+t )ith the +ounit*, the residents )ill undergo so+ial a+ti.ities

    ainl* to the nursing hoe!

    1.'.2 A,ter)are &er(i)e# ,or -/Re#i*ent#

    To pre.ent the relapses, The Turning "oint arranges a hoe .isits,

    en+ouraged (ail* support, aes re(errals to (ind )or or a++oodation,

    and other support that a* e needed! Besides, The Turning "oint has ade

    the pro.ision to assist the residents (inan+iall* in a++oodation!

    !. -N"IRONM-NT ANAL0&I&

    2.1 Internal -n(ironent &OT Anal3#i#4


    The Turning "oint is registered under

    #nstitution o( a puli+ +hara+ter "C', so

    it )ill attra+t the +opan* to donate

    Being the onl* one Christian )oenhal()a* house, ae TT" has no

    +opetitor (or resident ?6perien+ed anpo)er

    @uerous sour+es o( (unds, lie *ello)

    rion and +hur+hes


    The )esites is not uptodate

    The use o( (unding is not +lear sin+

    there is no annual report Anstru+tured and unplanned are

    plan Cannot guarantee the relapses rate

    the graduated residents Cannot dire+tl* pro.ide the shelter

    people )ho sho) up )ithout an* (u

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    /oe o( pre.ious residents usuall*

    return as a .olunteer, )hi+h +an e+oe

    a role odel (or all resident

    in>uir* and proper re(erral


    CC a+ti.ities in /ingapore, ae TT"

    +an ha.e +ollaoration )ith student to doa .olunteer Do!

    The )ide usage o( so+ial edia in

    /ingapore +an gi.e a prospe+t (or TT" to

    ha.e a +heap and e((e+ti.e

    +ouni+ation Apgrade their )esites, (or instan+e, add

    the online (und raiser (eatures! #t has a +han+e to pro.ide ore help (or

    *outh (eales addi+t in the (uture


    #n+reasing in(lation +ause the

    aintenan+e +ost in+rease through*ear!

    $anpo)er +opetition )ith other

    hal()a* houses The in+reasing rate o( re+idis. o.


    2.2 -ternal -n(ironent

    2.2.1 &ta5ehol*er

    The staeholders o( The Turning "oint are8


    esidents< (ail* or

    Board o( dire+tor and e6e+uti.e +oun+il eers ullTie sta((s

    %olunteer and so+ial )orers

    $anageent tea

    @eighors o( residential area





    "uli+ interest

    2.2.2 Co6etitor

    The Turning "oint does not ha.e an* dire+t +opetitor sin+e it ser.e the spe+i(i+

    residents )hi+h is (eale and ased on Christians tea+hing! #nstead, The Turning


  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    "oint )ill (a+e the +opetitions in ters o( (unding, .olunteer, and (ull tie sta((s

    )ith other hal()a* house, nael*8

    Mala3 7al,8a3 7ou#e

    Jai*ah Hal()a* House

    "ertapis Hal()a* House

    In*ian 7al,8a3 7ou#e

    The shra

    Bu**hi#t 7al,8a3 7ou#e

    Ereen Ha.en

    Chri#tian 7al,8a3 7ou#e

    Breathrough $ission

    Teen Challenge

    The Helping Hand

    2.2.! Ma)roe(ironent

    2.2.!.1 Politi)al/ingapore

  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    /ingapore is a de.eloped +ountr* )ith the satis(a+tor* e+onoi+

    de.elopent! #t has the highest E9" per +apita in the )orld &Choo

    2012', 5!5I (ro 20012012 &Trading ?+onoi+s 2012'! #n addition,

    /ingapore also has a lo) uneplo*ent rate! This eans that, in

    a.erage, /ingaporeans has a ediuhigh le.el in+oe )hi+h allo)

    the to allo+ate their one* (or +harities! An(ortunatel*, #n+reasing

    pri+e )ill o++ur due to in(lation, so the aintenan+e (ee is e6pe+ted to

    e in+reasing* *ear! #n(lation and high +ost in /ingapore

    also +an e+oe an inhiit (a+tor (or the /ingaporean to donate (or


    2.2.!.! &o)ial

    /ingapore has a ri+h, di.ersi(ied i6 o( +ulture and traditions, )ith

    large portion o( iigrants (ro the )orld &9utta 200:, 77'! #n

    ters o( religion di.ersit* and personal elie(s, the /ingaporeans see

    it as +ondition and to e tolerated and e.en appre+iated rituall* and

    +ulturall* (or its enri+hing >ualities &Lai 200:'! The stri+t la)s and

    regulations aout ra+ial and religious +on(li+t also redu+e the

    dis+riination prole in /ingapore &/ingapore Touris Board

    2013'! Thus it is not a prole (or The Turning "oint to ha.e a

    Christian a+ground! n the other hand, /ingapore has a lo)

    population gro)th rate, )hi+h is around 2I &World Ban 2013'! This

    situation is e6a+erated )ith the lo) nuer o( silled )orer )ho is

    needed to (a+ilitate the resident &/ingapore Business 2011'!

    This situation )ill ipa+t the .olunteer and (ull sta((s nuer (or non

    pro(it organiFation!

    2.2.!.$ Te)hnolog3

    The de.elopent o( te+hnolog* in /ingapore +an e said as trul*

    rapid! The ost .isile de.elopent +an e seen through the

    a++essiilit* o( internet! #n 2010, there are 77!:I users o( internet in

    /ingapore nternet World /tats 2013'! Thus, so+ial edia +an e

    used as a +heap and e((e+ti.e )a* o( +ouni+ation * the non

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    pro(it organiFation! Besides, the rapid gro)th o( in(oration s*ste in

    /ingapore also +an pro.ide the nonpro(it organiFation )ith a

    so(t)are s*ste to anage the dail* in>uiries and a+ti.ities! #n

    addition, /ingapore has u+h a++ess to an* est and ost edi+al te+hnologies a.ailale &?9B 2013'! Asing this

    te+hnolog* and edi+al e6pertise in /ingapore, TT"ue disease! /o,

    the turning point +an e less )orried aout the health issues o( the

    residents! urtherore, /ingapore also does not ha.e an*

    ountainsG ae it (ree (ro natural disaster +oes (ro the

    eruption! lood also rarel* happen in /ingapore due to the good

    )ater anageent * the go.ernent! There(ore, nonpro(it

    organiFation )ill e less )orried aout the loss due to the natural

    disaster! Con.ersel*, lo+ated in tropi+al area, /ingapore has a

    hot )eather alost* da*! Hen+e, the organiFations a* need to

    pro.ide the air +onditioning e>uipent &(anC' to eep the residents


    2.2.!.' Legal


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    Client Strategy Proposal

    under #"C &Bo 2012'! Besides, the go.ernent also e6epts the

    nonpro(it organiFation (ro pa*ing ta6es &Janus Corporate /olutions

    2013'! urtherore, the /ingapore go.ernent also does not set the

    iniu )age re>uireent! Thus, the organiFation +an negotiate

    )ith the sta((s aout the appropriate salar* )hi+h is suitale )ith the

    udget! #n addition, due to .er* stri+t la) and regulation, /ingapore is

    raned as the top +ountries in rder and /e+urit*, sen+e o(

    Corruption, and ?((e+ti.e Criinal Justi+e! This eans that

    /ingapore has lo) +orruption rate, so, it +an e said that the sta((s

    and .olunteer are less liel* to +orrupt! $, /ingapore

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    philanthropi+ re>uireents! s su+h, an* +orporations tae their Corporate

    /o+ial esponsiilit* seriousl* * the >ualit* o( li(e o( the lo+al

    +ounit* and so+iet* &Baer 2004'! #t a* range (ro sall to ultinational

    +orporations )ho )anted to re+ei.e attention in ters o( puli+ e6posure and


    '.$ &o)iet3

    The lo+al so+iet* near TT" +ould e+oe donors and .olunteers (or TT"!

    The residents are e6pe+ted to gi.e a huge ipa+t to the residents in TT", there(ore

    lo+al +ounities pla* an iportant role as staeholders (or TT"! Besides, the*

    +ould also e+oe the sour+e o( in(oration to puli+ as a )ord o( outh to gain

    ore a)areness in the puli+!


    :.1 Maintain Current Donor#

    :.1.1 Ta)ti); Relation#hi6 Mar5eting

    Target aret8 Current donors

    elationship areting is the strateg* that all a+ti.ities o( an

    organiFation to uild, aintain, and de.elop +ustoer relations &gari*a and

    /ingh 2011, 204'! #n relationship areting, the +opan* )ill (o+us onuilding longter relationship )here the target audien+e eer is

    en+ouraged to +ontinue his or her in.ol.eent )ith the organiFation

    &ndreasen and Kotler 200:, 320'! Building strong longter relationship )ith

    the areter is .er* iportant in the areas o( nonpro(it areting!

    elationship areting )ill (o+us on +urrent donors and the

    +ontinuous attention! o+using on +urrent donors is .er* iportant sin+e it is

    a proo( that the* ha.e soe interest in doing +harit* )hile also sear+hing (or

    ne) donors!


    To uild positi.e longter relationship )ith the donors!

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    To eep reinding the donors aout TT" and ae TT" a top o( ind

    +hoi+e )hen the* )ant to gi.e their +harit* (unds!

    /e+ure the (unds (or a longter period, espe+iall* (ro the +orporate



    /end TTP Online Dige#t

  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    stead* in+rease o( so+ial edia users in the )orld &Kang, Ki, and Ye 2012,

    27-'! With eas* and )idespread internet a++ess, /ingaporeans are

    in+luded as a hea.* internet and so+ial edia users! ++ording to Tan

    &2012', around ;:!1I o( /ingapore

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    or the +reation and aintaining so+ial edia it is (ree! n the other hand,

    in+reasing TT"M

    Target $aret8 Eeneral puli+, espe+iall* the *ounger +ro)d

    Cause related areting +an e de(ined as the pro+ess o( (orulating and

    ipleenting areting a+ti.ities that are +hara+teriFed * an o((er (ro the

    (ir to +ontriute a spe+i(ied aount to a designated +ause )hen

    +ustoers engage in re.enuepro.iding e6+hanges that satis(*

    organiFational and indi.idual &%aradaraDan and $enon 1-::, ;0'!

    Cause related areting is interesting (or a +opan* sin+e it )ill *ield soe

    o( ene(its (or the +opan*! The +opan* )hi+h is doing +ause related

    areting )ill enhan+e its +orporate iage and )ill lead to se.eral

    ad.antages, su+h as, in+reased sales, +ustoer retention, a++ess to ni+he

    arets, sta(( lo*alt* and redu+ed pri+e* &%anhae et al! 2010,

    2;0'! Besides, +ause related areting also e+oe a +hoi+e (or soe

    +opanies sin+e it one o( the C/ a+ti.ities )hi+h has a dire+t +onne+tion

    )ith sales! Thus, +ause related areting )ill gi.e a )in)in situation (or

    oth the +opan* and the nonpro(it organiFation!

    Wh* H=$

    H=$ is (ashion retail +opan* )hi+h >uite (aous in /ingapore! H=$ has

    a .er* positi.e perspe+ti.e o( C/, espe+iall* in en.ironentall* +ons+ious

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    apparel! urtherore, it also has a +oitent to strengthen the

    +ounit* and Doin hands to parti+ipate in +ounit* proDe+t! ne o( the

    +ause related areting that H=$ has done is ashion gainst #9/! #t

    +reated a spe+ial +olle+tion (or ashion gainst #9/ and 25I o( the sales

    )ill go to H#%#9/ pre.ention proDe+t &H=$ 2013'! Thus, it is possile (or

    TT" to ha.e +ollaoration )ith H=$!


    To in+rease puli+ a)areness o( TT"

    To gain additional (und


    "ropose H=$ to ha.e a spe+ial +olle+tion dedi+ated to TT" andsoe proportion o( its sales )ill go to TT" Attra)t Ne8 "olunteer

    :.!.1 Ta)ti) 1; A8ar* Cereon3

    Target8 Current .olunteers


    /ho) ppre+iation the +urrent donor

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    ?nhan+e the donor

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    Total Aount ?$:@

    :.!.! Ta)ti) !; "irtual "olunteer

    Target8 Eeneral puli+ &espe+iall* *oung indi.idual'

    #n this era o( te+hnolog*, the organiFation

  • 7/25/2019 Marketing Canpaign for Non-Profit Org


    Client Strategy Proposal

    "ro.iding additional ene(it to the .olunteer not onl* )ill attra+t ne)

    .olunteer ut also gi.e a )a* o( prootion (or the pri.ate se+tor )hi+h TT"

    +ollaorate )ith!


    ttra+t ne) .olunteer

    "ro.ide ne) to e+oe a TT"

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    TT"uents so+ial edia plat(or!

    Cinea 77I egarded as lo.ers!utdoor :-!2I High usage o( puli+ transport!

    &Bus 47!3I,$T 41!-I'9ire+t $ail Lo) usage, users spend 12 hours dail*!



    eains as lo) usage!

    "la+eased %ar* ased on the lo+ations, en.ironent

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    $edia and pur+hase eha.iour!

    %Ne&' Re(ea'e 2011)

    ro the in(oration ao.e, TT" )ould +hoose soe edia as the prootional

    +apaign su+h as utdoor or ut ( Hoe &H' and nline edia! /in+e

    an* people in /ingapore are hea.* users o( puli+ transport, it is a good thingto ha.e an ad.ertiseent there! TT" )ill distriute (l*ers )hi+h sho) gratitude to

    .olunteers and donors at TT"! The (l*ers )ould e distriuted at soe $T

    /tation su+h as, Cit* Hall $T station and lDuned $T /tation! The +ost )ould

    e the printing +ost and the +ost (or people that the (l*er! "rinting 4000

    (l*er )ould +ost /170! The laour +ost )ould e /-;0! There )ould e one

    person in ea+h $T station! The* )ould distriute the (l*er* Tuesda*,

    Wednesda* and Thursda* the +ourse o( one onth! The* )ould distriute :

    hours per da*s, 7a-a, 11a1p, and 5p7p!

    urtherore, it also sho)n that there is :2!3I Hea.* users o( #nternet =

    (re>uents so+ial edia plat(or in /ingapore! Thus, TT" should use so+ial edia

    plat(ors su+h as T)itter, YouTue and a+eoo to introdu+e ore aout TT"

    to puli+, to gain the puli+ a)areness! There )ould e YouTue stories that

    )ould e uploaded on YouTue and the* )ould re+ord soe a+ti.ities o( the

    .olunteers and upload it on a+eoo and Youtue! urtherore, T)itter )ould

    e used (or updating the dail* a+ti.ities o( the residents and .olunteers and also

    updating up +oing e.ents!



    The e((e+ti.eness o( so+ial edia plat(or +an e easured * the nuer o(

    lies and +oents (ro the general puli+! dditionall*, the easureent o( the

    poten+* o( (l*ers +an e done * doing the postad.ertising resear+h to no)

    aout audien+e re+ognition and re+all!

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    .2 Ta)ti) %; &hare TTP=# "olunteer -6erien)e

    Target8 Eeneral "uli+


    To sho) the puli+ aout .olunteer li(e in TT"

    To sho) the people ho) .irant and enDo*ale .olunteer li(e in TT" To attra+t the people to e+oe TT"

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    Client Strategy Proposal

    Con'tru7t'. 9ourna( o6 Re(ation'hi Mareting 10: 203823". /oi:


    Anrea'en+ A(an R. an Phi(i ,ot(er. 200#. Strategi7 Mareting 6or Nonrot
