Market research

JamaraRoyle Market Research sm=HBHMDFQzCtkX1YPVdG0egP_2FeaT77rz_2FAw9MvkC4jkEA_3D Here I have created a survey to gather up information on the type of things my target audience like. I wanted to get a sense of what they would like to see in a music video so I can make it based on their ideas to engage them more. Here I have asked what their ages are. Most of the people who responded were between the ages of 14 – 25 which is my target audience as I have an understanding that people between those ages are more likely to listen to an Indie genre. The The majority of the responders were female. Meaning my I have to make my music video appeal to more females as they seem to be the majority of my target audience. However the remaining 30% are male and I will also try and use devices and techniques in my video that I wanted to get an idea of what genre my target audiences were into. The majority went with Indie and Rock which is excellent because the song we will be using is very Indie and once could argue it is Indie Rock but it is more Indie Pop. The last 20% chose soul which is

Transcript of Market research

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Market Research

Here I have created a survey to gather up information on the type of things my target audience like. I wanted to get a sense of what they would like to see in a music video so I can make it based on their ideas to engage them more.

Here I have asked what their ages are. Most of the people who responded were between the ages of 14 – 25 which is my target audience as I have an understanding that people between those ages are more likely to listen to an Indie genre. The final 20% is 50+ which means I will also have an older audience so it would mean I need to appeal to them as well to gain more of a mass audience.

The majority of the responders were female. Meaning my I have to make my music video appeal to more females as they seem to be the majority of my target audience. However the remaining 30% are male and I will also try and use devices and techniques in my video that will also engage male audience.

I wanted to get an idea of what genre my target audiences were into. The majority went with Indie and Rock which is excellent because the song we will be using is very Indie and once could argue it is Indie Rock but it is more Indie Pop. The last 20% chose soul which is far from my Indie genre however I will try to make my music video equally as appealing to those who don't particularly like the genre.

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The majority of the people I surveyed said they watched music videos but 30% said they don't. So when I make my video I will make it very interesting so that it will intrigue someone who wouldn't usually watch a music video.

This chart is fairly equal in all the answers apart from the 10% who watches music videos everyday. The majority of people watch music videos every week, month or when they're in the mood (Other responses). I wanted to get a sense of how often my target audience watched music videos to get an idea whether of not they would watch mine. I think from the equal 30% of answers my video would be watched within the first month of relase.

The highest percentage was 30% for characters. Most videos have strong characters that the audience can identify with and my music video will have one of those characters as there will be many people who have experienced bullying before and will be able to relate to the girl in my video. Narrative and Characters will be the focus devices of my video as they have highest percentage and that will engage more viewers if there's a good narrative and string characters. All the other elements will be included as well so I can reach out to all of my target audiences.

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Most people said they preferred a performance based video than a linear narrative or an abstract narrative. In my video, I intend to have a linear narrative showing the events of a day in a girl who's being bullied. The narrative will also be abstract because there will be flashbacks and dream sequences that make the video seem slightly confusing. However after having performance as the highest percentage there will be performance based scenes in the video to engage my audience.

I then asked if they did know the band what song is their favourite. They went for two of the songs we aren't using so my aim is to make a engaging video to the song were using so my video can gain a broader audience.

I asked the surveyors if they knew the band Imagine Dragons as that is the band we used the song from. 80% replied yes while 20% said no which means I need to aim for a younger audience as it seems it's only the younger audiences who know who they are.

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This research has shown to me that I need to engage a target audience of females 14-25 as they seem to be my main audience. My music video will have a Linear/Abstract narrative and will also include some performance based footage. I will also include a relatable narrative with a strong female lead so my target audience can identify with her.

Finally I asked what media platform they watch music videos on. The majority chose YouTube which means I should put my video on YouTube as it would be the most agreeable choice to gain more viewers. I would also put it Vevo as well to reach all of my mass audience.