Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring...

Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available

Transcript of Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring...

Page 1: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI)

EGU 2012, GI 1.3

April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria

Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available

Page 2: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

ICSU SCCID recommendation

Page 3: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

ICSU SCCID recommendation

OECD guidelines = data access and sharing policies

Page 4: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

ICSU SCCID recommendation

•Engage actively – publishers of all kinds together

– library community

– scientific researchers

•To – Document and promote community

best practice in the handling of supplemental material, publication of data and appropriate data citation.

Page 5: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.


• Data as a first class object

• Metaphors indicate a particular stakeholder perspective

Page 6: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Technical advances

From: C. Borgman, 2008, NSF Cyberlearning Report

Page 7: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.


Data Information Knowledge

Producers Consumers





Experience• Ecosystem

• Stimulate




Page 8: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Data perspective


Producers Consumers

Quality Control

Fitness for Purpose Fitness for Use

Quality Assessment

Trustee Trustor

Page 9: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Is this separation good or not?


Producers Consumers

Quality Control

Fitness for Purpose Fitness for Use

Quality Assessment

Trustee Trustor

Page 10: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Multiple approaches - generic

• Organizations

• Data Centres

• Publishers

• Release (e.g. like software)

• Linked data

• … (am not going to cover them all)

Page 11: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

An un-named US govt. agency

Page 12: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Pros/Cons - Data Centres (‘big iron’)

• Volume• Streamlined• Automation• Auditable• Reprocessing capability• Central authority• Funded

• Over-reliance on automation• Weak documentation• Use is assumed• Roles ill-defined, reputation?• Does not handle heterogeneity• Preservation ?• Overly focused on generation• …

Page 13: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Pros/Cons - Publishers

• Simple• Tested• Disseminated• Shifted burden• Imprimatur• De-facto preservation• Citable• Based on science norms

• Locked• Static/• Not machine

accessible• Cost?• Not scalable• Cannot verify use

Page 14: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Pros/Cons - Release (software)

• Many stages (alpha, beta, release candidate, release)

• Versioned• Documented and change

notified• Intends to couple user

feedback to developers• Packaged• Licensing well thought out • …

• Provenance implicit• Preservation poorly dealt with• Quality may be difficult to

determine• Attribution not part of the mind-

set• Derivative or embedded use

not always well defined• …

Page 15: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Pros/Cons - Linked data

• Scales• Built on web• Simple model design• Tested• Disseminated• Machine processable• No central authority• Heterogeneous• Use not assumed• Flexible evolution• Supports encapsulation

• Poor versioning• Poor auditing• No imprimatur• No preservation/ stewardship• Not human friendly• Heterogeneous vocab.• Changes data model• Unknown evolution• …

Page 16: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.
Page 17: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.
Page 18: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.
Page 19: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Setting of the roles and relations

• Yes it is about contracts… of all sorts…– But that’s a longer story.

Page 20: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Attributes in search of metaphors

• A new paradigm of Archive, Release, and Mediate that disaggregates the functions?

• Rapid, carefully versioned and described releases (like software)?

• Open software/web: Simple, Weak (least power), Scalable, Open?

• Active mediation between producers and consumers (like specialist shop keepers – a new role)?

Page 21: Mark Parsons (NSIDC) and Peter Fox (RPI) EGU 2012, GI 1.3 April 23, 2012, Vienna, Austria Exploring Metaphors for making Data Available.

Call to discussion

• Multiple metaphors, many considerations

• An ecosystem approach allows multiple solutions in a socio-technical system

• Significant opportunities for under-served data generators to get their data ‘out there’ perhaps publication (still a metaphor!)

• Consequences – it will be annoying for a while..

• Role(s) for professional societies, e.g. statements on data• Thanks for your attention - [email protected] ,

• Watch for our Data Science Journal essay on this topic