Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131Page 1 12 – Enumerated Data-Types & Pass-by-reference.

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 1 12 – Enumerated Data-Types & Pass-by-reference
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Transcript of Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131Page 1 12 – Enumerated Data-Types & Pass-by-reference.

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 1

12 – Enumerated Data-Types & Pass-by-reference

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 2

Assignment• Object naming conventions:

txt – text box btn – command button pic – picture box

• Appropriate use of:– indentation– remarks– constants (no magic numbers)– variables (module level, and local)– procedures/functions– arrays– structures– enumerate data types

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 3

Project Files• Ensure that you submit:

– project file (*.vbp)– all form files (*.frm, and *.frx)– all module files (*.bas)

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 4

Session Aims & Objectives• Aims

– To introduce the idea of enumerated data types– To introduce the idea of passing by reference

• Objectives,by end of this week’s sessions, you should be able to:

– declare and use an enumerated data type– pass parameters by reference

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 5

Enumerated Data Types• Often need to use numbers to represent

things (coding)

• For example, curry: mild, medium, or hot• Could store text: "mild", "medium", "hot"

– takes lots of space (1 byte per character)– easily becomes inconsistent, e.g. "hit"

• Alternatively, use numbers to represent text:1 "mild"2 "medium"3 "hot"

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 6

Example 1: Curry v1Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load() lstCurry.AddItem "Mild", 0 lstCurry.AddItem "Medium", 1 lstCurry.AddItem "Hot", 2 picCurry.FillStyle = vbSolidEnd Sub

Private Sub lstCurry_Click() lblCurryCode.Caption = lstCurry.ListIndex lblCurryText.Caption = lstCurry.List(lstCurry.ListIndex) If lstCurry.ListIndex = 0 Then picCurry.FillColor = vbWhite ElseIf lstCurry.ListIndex = 1 Then picCurry.FillColor = vbYellow Else picCurry.FillColor = vbRed End If picCurry.Cls picCurry.Circle (1000, 750), 500End Sub

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 7

Example 2: Curry v2Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load() lstCurry.AddItem "Mild", 0 lstCurry.AddItem "Medium", 1 lstCurry.AddItem "Hot", 2 picCurry.FillStyle = vbSolidEnd Sub

Private Sub lstCurry_Click()Dim CuCo As Long ' Curry code CuCo = lstCurry.ListIndex lblCurryCode.Caption = CuCo lblCurryText.Caption = lstCurry.List(CuCo) If CuCo = 0 Then picCurry.FillColor = vbWhite ElseIf CuCo = 1 Then picCurry.FillColor = vbYellow Else picCurry.FillColor = vbRed End If picCurry.Cls picCurry.Circle (1000, 750), 500End Sub

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 8

Example 3: Curry v3Option Explicit

Const Mild = 0Const Medium = 1Const Hot = 2 Private Sub Form_Load()

lstCurry.AddItem "Mild", Mild lstCurry.AddItem "Medium", Medium lstCurry.AddItem "Hot", Hot picCurry.FillStyle = vbSolid End Sub

Private Sub lstCurry_Click() Dim CuCo As Long ' Curry code CuCo = lstCurry.ListIndex lblCurryCode.Caption = CuCo lblCurryText.Caption = lstCurry.List(CuCo) If CuCo = Mild Then picCurry.FillColor = vbWhite ElseIf CuCo = Medium Then picCurry.FillColor = vbYellow Else picCurry.FillColor = vbRed End If picCurry.Cls picCurry.Circle (1000, 750), 500 End Sub

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 9

Example 4: Curry v4Option Explicit

Enum TSpice Mild = 0 Medium = 1 Hot = 2End Enum Private Sub Form_Load() lstCurry.AddItem "Mild", Mild lstCurry.AddItem "Medium", Medium lstCurry.AddItem "Hot", Hot picCurry.FillStyle = vbSolid End Sub

Private Sub lstCurry_Click() Dim CuCo As TSpice ' Curry code CuCo = lstCurry.ListIndex lblCurryCode.Caption = CuCo lblCurryText.Caption = lstCurry.List(CuCo) If CuCo = Mild Then picCurry.FillColor = vbWhite ElseIf CuCo = Medium Then picCurry.FillColor = vbYellow Else picCurry.FillColor = vbRed End If picCurry.Cls picCurry.Circle (1000, 750), 500 End Sub

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 10

Exercise 1: EDTs• Create an EDT to store the following

classification of height: short, average, tall

• Create an EDT to store the following classification of publication: book, journal

Enum THeight Short = 0 Average = 1 Tall = 2End Enum

Enum TPublication Book = 0 Journal = 1End Enum

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 11

Variables and Memory Addresses• The computer keeps track of where variables are

stored in memory by using memory addresses.• Every byte (position) in memory has a memory


• In the above example the variable identified by the name x is stored at location 63542 (this is the address of the first byte of data allocated to the variable x)

23x IntegerIdentifier

Value TypeMemory



Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 12

Parameter Passing Methods • There are 2 ways to pass parameters to

functions and procedures:– Passing by Value: a literal value is passed

from the call to the definition (you have already used this)Sub p1(x As integer) …End Sub

– Passing by Reference: a variable’s memory address (a reference to the variables position in memory) is passed from the call to the definitionSub p2(ByRef y As integer) …End Sub

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 13

Why pass by reference?• It allows the value of the passed variable to

be changed– i.e. it allows functions and procedures to

change the value of things passed to them

• Normally parameters are for input data – only functions can output data via the return value

• Pass by reference allows data to be input and output via parameters

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 14

Example: Change the ValueDim a As IntegerDim b As integer

Sub P1(x As integer) x = x * 2 End Sub

Sub P2(ByRef x AS integer) x = x * 2 End Sub

a = 11b = 12P1 a ' What is the value of a?P2 b ' What is the value of b?

Pass by Ref

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 15

What can be passed• Pass by value – both literals and variables can be

passed (variables are substituted by their value)p1 y ' This is fine. p1 21 ' This is fine.

• Pass by reference – only variables can be passed (in fact the variable’s memory address is passed)literals cannot be passed – they have no memory addressp2 y ' This is fine. p2 21 ' This generates an error.

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 16

Example: Pass by Ref vs. FunctionSub P2(x As Integer) x = x * 2End Sub

Function F2(x As integer) As Integer F2 = x * 2End Function

Dim b As integer b = 4 P2 b ' What is the value of b? b = 4 b = F2(b) ' What is the value of b?

P1var x: integer

F1x: integer integer

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 17

Pass by Ref vs. Function• a procedure that changes the value of a single

parameter is equivalent to a function,– the procedure P2:

P2 b was equivalent to:

– the function F2: b = F2(b)

• However, – F2 is far more explicit,– P2 is a bit cryptic: not obvious that value of b changes

• this makes code difficult to read, which can lead to errors

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 18

Example: TotalDim Nums(1 To 5) As IntegerDim tot As integer

Function Total() As Integer Dim tmpTot As integer Dim i As integer tmpTot = 0 For i = 1 to 5 tmpTot = tmpTot + Nums(i) Next Total = tmpTot End Function

Nums(1) = 23Nums(2) = 17Nums(3) = 28Nums(4) = 12Nums(5) = 25tot = Total() ' What is the value of tot?

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 19

Example: AverageDim ave As Double

Function Average() As Double

Dim tmpTot As Integer

Dim i As Integer

tmpTot = 0

for i = 1 to 5

tmpTot = tmpTot + Nums(i)


Average = tmpTot / 5

End Function

ave = Average() ' What is the value of ave?

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 20

Two results?• Total and Average functions share a lot of


• Useful to combine them

• Problem:– a function can only have 1 output– This:

is not possible (in VB, or Delphi anyway)

double (average)integer (total)TotAve

Mark Dixon, SoCCE SOFT 131 Page 21

Example: Total and Average Sub TotAve(ByRef T As Integer, _

ByRef A As Double)

Dim I As integer

T = 0

For i = 1 to 5

T = T + Nums(i)


A = T / 5

End Sub

tot = 12

ave = 15

TotAve tot, ave ' What is the value of ave and tot?

TotAvevar T: integervar A: double