Mark 26-28. The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦...

Mark 26-28

Transcript of Mark 26-28. The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦...

Page 1: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Mark 26-28

Page 2: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution◦ Physical◦ Spiritual◦ Mental

The Crucifixion is central to Christian belief

From the Greek pascho = to suffer

Page 3: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Begins on Palm Sunday◦ When Jesus enters Jerusalem

Ends on Easter Sunday◦ When Jesus rises from the tomb

Page 4: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Duccio di Buoninsegna, c. 1255-1319Panel from the reverse of the

Maesta, 100 x 57 cmMuseo dell’Opera del Duomo, Siena

Page 5: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

New covenant replaces the old covenanto Based on death and resurrection

Eucharist/Communion◦ “Take, eat; this is my body…this is my blood of the

covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matt. 26-28)

◦ Consubstantiation Symbolically the body and blood of Christ◦ Transubstantiation Literally the body and blood of Christ

◦ Hocus Pocus – parody of the consecration of the Catholic Mass

hoc es corpus = this is my body

Page 6: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

“The Last Supper” scene from Jesus of Nazareth◦


Page 7: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Dirk Bouts, c. 1410-1475Panel, 180 x 150 cm

Sint-Pieterskerk, Leuven

Page 8: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519Fresco, 460 x 856 cm

Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

Page 9: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Juan de Juanes, 1510-1579Oil on panel, 116 x 191 cm

Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Page 10: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Nicolas Poussin, 1594-1665

Canvas, 117 x 178 cm

National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

Page 11: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

In the Garden of Gethsemane Displays the human side of Jesus

◦ Internal Conflict “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me;

yet not what I want but what you want” (Matt. 26:39) Predicts the disciples’ desertion

◦ Failed three times◦ “Could you not stay awake with me one

hour?...the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26: 40-41)

Page 12: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Andrea Mantegna, c. 1431-1506Panel, 63 x 80 cm

The National Gallery, London

Page 13: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Judas Iscariot◦ 30 pieces of silver◦ Arrived with “a large crowd with swords and

clubs, from chief priests and the elders of the people” (Matt. 26:47)

◦ Betrayed with a kiss “The one I will kiss is the man; arrest him” (Matt.

26:48) Shows Jesus’ acceptance/forgiveness

“Friend, do what you are here to do” (Matt. 26:50)

◦ Hanged himself

Page 14: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Caravaggio, 1573-1610Canvas, 133.5 x 169.5 cm

The National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin

Page 15: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Anthony van Dyck, 1599-1641Oil on canvas, 344 x 249 cm

Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Page 16: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Caiaphas◦ High priest

Looked for testimony against Jesus◦ “Tell us if you are the Messiah”

“You have said so” (Matt. 26:63-64) Blasphemy

“He deserves death” (Matt. 26:66)

Page 17: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Gerard van Honthorst, 1592-1656Canvas, 272 x 183 cm

The National Gallery, London

Page 18: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

“Though all become deserters because of you, I will never desert you”◦ “Truly I tell you…before the cock crows, you will

deny me three times” (Matt. 26:33-34)

Page 20: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Pilate – Roman governor◦ Examines Jesus and decides he is innocent◦ The Jewish leaders and crowd demand death

Pilate’s wife warns him of her dream◦ “Have nothing to do with that innocent man” (Matt.

27:19) Pilate gives them a choice

◦ Save Barabbas (a criminal) or save Jesus The crowd screams for Jesus to be crucified

◦ “He took some water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves” (27:25)

Jesus is flogged and handed over to be crucified

Page 21: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

“Jesus is Condemned before Pilate” scene from The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ◦

Page 22: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Hieronymus Bosch, c. 1450-1516

Panel, 75 x 61 cmStadelsches Kunstinstitut

und Stadtische Galerie, Frankfurt

Page 26: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Simon (man from Cyrene) carries his cross Golgotha

◦ Place of a Skull◦ Offered wine mixed with gall

Refused it INRI

◦ “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” (Matt. 27:37) Jesus dies

◦ “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46)

◦ Curtain of the temple is torn in two, from top to bottom Separation of God and the people

◦ The earth shook, the rocks split◦ Tombs opened and bodies of saints were raised

“Truly this man was God’s Son!” (Matt. 27:54)

Page 27: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

“It is Finished” scene from Jesus of Nazareth◦


Page 28: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Raphael, 1483-1520Oil on panel, 318 x 229 cmMuseo Nacional del Prado

Page 29: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Andrea Mantegna, c. 1431-1506Panel, 67 x 93 cm

Musee du Louvre, Paris

Page 30: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Mathias Grunewald, c. 1470-1528Panel of the Isenheim Alterpiece, 269 x 307 cm

Musee d’Unterlinden, Colmar

Page 31: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Diego Velazquez, 1599-1660Canvas, 250 x 170 cm

Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Page 32: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

What happened?◦ Tau cross (shaped like a T)

Patibulum (cross-arm) 110 lbs – forced to carry from the prison to the place of

execution Stipes (upright portion)

◦ Titulus (small sign) stating the victim’s crime Carried at the front of the procession

Page 33: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Hematidrosis (bloody sweat)◦ Very rare phenomenon◦ Occurs under great emotional stress

Tiny capillaries in the sweat glands can break, misxing blood with sweat

Page 34: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Experienced extreme blood loss during flagellation◦ Causes Jesus to fall

Simon of Cyrene (not the disciple) carries the patibulum the rest of the way

650 yards from the fortress Antonia to Golgotha

Page 35: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Offered wine mixed with myrrh (mild painkiller)◦ Jesus refuses

Nails driven through small bones of the wrists (radial and ulna), not through the palms◦ Heavy, square, wrought-iron nail

Nail driven through the arches of both feet◦ Knees moderately flexed

Slowly sags down putting weight on wrists and the median nerve; alternating with weight on the metatarsal bones of the feet

Page 36: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Cramping causes it to be impossible to push up◦ Pectoral muscles are paralyzed and intercostal

muscles are unable to act◦ Air can be drawn in but cannot be exhaled◦ Carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and the blood

stream This causes the cramping to stop for a short bit, which

allows him to push up and breathe “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are

doing” (Luke 23:34) “To the “good” thief, “Today you will be with me in

Paradise” (Luke 23:43) To John, “Here is your mother.” To Mary, “Woman here is

your son” (John 19:26-27) “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew


Page 37: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Back tissue is torn as his back moves up and down

Pericardium slowly fills with serum and begins to compress the heart◦ Struggles to pump blood

Breathing in small gulps of air Dehydrated

◦ “I am thirsty” (John 19:28)◦ A sponge soaked in posca (cheap, sour wine) is lifted

to his lips, but he doesn’t drink “It is finished…Father! Into thy hands I commit

my spirit” (John 19:30; Luke 23:46)

Page 38: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Commonly the legs were broken to keep the victim from pushing himself upward◦ Jesus was already dead

For assurance, the legionnaire drove his lance through the fifth interspace between the ribs, upward through the pericardium and into the heart◦ “And immediately there came out blood and water”

(John 19:34) From the sac surrounding the heart

Did not die of suffocation, but of heart failure due to shock and constriction of the heart by fluid in the pericardium

Page 39: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Joseph from Arimathea◦ Asks for Jesus’ body (from Pilate)

Covers the tomb with a large stone Mary and Mary Magdalene sit opposite the

tomb Tomb is guarded by Pilate’s soldiers

Page 40: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1399/1400-1464

Panel, 111 x 95 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Page 42: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Angel rolls back rock from tomb◦ Guards are afraid and become like dead men

Speaks to Mary and Mary Magdalene◦ “He is not here; fore he has been raised…Come,

see the place where he lay” (Matt. 28:6)

Priests say his body has been stolen by the disciples

Page 43: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Jan and Hubert van Eyck, c. 1385-1441 and 1366/70-1425Panel, 71.5 x 90 cm

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Page 44: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

“Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe” (John 20:25)

Page 45: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Caravaggio, 1573-1610Vanvas, 107 x 148 cmNeues Palais, Potsdam

Page 46: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Giotto, c. 1267-1337Fresco, 185-200 cm

Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Page 47: Mark 26-28.  The events and suffering of Jesus before and including his trial and execution ◦ Physical ◦ Spiritual ◦ Mental  The Crucifixion is central.

Attributed to Giotto, c. 1267-1337

Panel, 45 x 44 cmThe National Gallery, London