Mariony Medina Observation Letter

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  • 8/9/2019 Mariony Medina Observation Letter



    Facultad de Artes y Ciencias

    Universidad de Puerto Rico

    Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez

    Apartado Postal 9265

    Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-9265

    (787) 265-3847 – Ext. 3064


    Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    University of Puerto Rico

    Mayagüez Campus

    PO Box 9265

    Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-9265

    (787) 265-3847 – Ext. 3064

    December 1, 2014.

    Mariony Medina

    UTD Observation

    Dear Mariony,

    This letter serves as documentation of my observation of your INGL 3103 section on October 22nd at1:30pm in Chardón 222. As we discussed in our individual meeting, you did a very good job in your

    observed teaching and you should be proud of the work that you are doing here in the Department of

    English. As a second semester Graduate Teaching Assistant, I was impressed with your strength and

    creativity in the classroom and your thought-provoking lesson on argument. Overall, this was a very good

    class and I commend you on your work as a GTA. Below are some strengths of your class and some

    suggestions for the future.

    The strengths of your class were:

    • All the students in the classroom heard your voice loud and clear.

    • You moved around the classroom, making great eye contact with your students.

    • Your activities and energy were fantastic and kept students motivated to learn and participate.

    • You had great control over your classroom. Students responded to you well and you were able to

    move your students into action with a fairly detailed lesson. They listened and followed directions

    and became deeply involved in the activity.

    • Your understanding of the material and how to relate with your students is an excellent asset.

    Your knowledge of the content area is noticeable and you should be commended for this.

    • Your activity required strong planning that went over a few days and you were able to keep

    students on task and create a very stimulating activity for them to use their oral English skills in

    the writing classroom.

    • You provided a good activity that made students use deep critical thinking and motivated them to

    use English in new ways to express their thoughts in a more academic manner.

    Some suggestions for the future:

    • The activity was excellent but had one flaw. All students were not able to participate in the

    argument portion and did not offer questions as part of the audience. In the future you should plan

    for all students to participate.

    • You have magnificent control of your classroom and considering that it is disproportionately male

    dominated, I see why you need the control. However, you need to have just a bit ore flexibility in



  • 8/9/2019 Mariony Medina Observation Letter


    listening to students’ needs. Their petition to work together in answering the question was a good

    one, but which may have taken up a bit more time. Even though you told them they should not

    • share answers, they did, so being flexible from the beginning would have shown your ability to

    negotiate with your students on these issues.

    • Also related to classroom control is how much talking you are doing compared to the student talk.

    At the beginning of the activity you seemed to be more in control and to talk more than needed.Sometimes its good to watch and let students take some of the control over the activity.

    • Last, and this is a problem all teachers encounter, there were two students sitting by me who were

    almost oblivious to the class activity. They sat in the back of the room discussing surfing while

    you were engaged with the other students. My question for you is: How can you make sure all

    students are engaged in the activity and when they are not how can you focus their attention?

    This was an excellent class and I think you are doing a fantastic job! Again, I was impressed with the

    depth of thinking your students used in the argument activity you planned for them. It is obvious that they

    have worked with you in other thought provoking activities such as this one. Keep up the good work andplease feel comfortable coming by to talk whenever you feel the need.


    Ellen Pratt, PhD.

    University Teacher Development, Professor

    Department of English

    University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez

    I read this evaluation and believe it is a fair assessment of my performance during the above mentioned


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    Mariony Medina Date