Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226...

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO STATE OF OHIO, ..7o,1 5 32 Appellee, vs. KIMBERLY RAUSCHER, Appellant. On Appeal From The Marion County Court Of Appeals, Third Appellate District Court of Appeals Case No. 9-06-42 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF JURISDICTION OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970 Fax: (740) 387-3406 COUNSEL FOR APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Jason Warner Prosecuting Attorney 233 W. Center Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-4817 (74) 382-5274 F AUG 15 20L17 CLERK OF COURT SUPREME COURT OF OHIO COUNSEL FOR APPELLEE, STATE OF OHIO

Transcript of Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226...

Page 1: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970


STATE OF OHIO, ..7o,1 5 32Appellee,




On Appeal From TheMarion County CourtOf Appeals, ThirdAppellate District

Court of AppealsCase No. 9-06-42


Robert E. Wilson #0015226WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A.132 S. Main StreetMarion, OH 43302(740) 387-0970Fax: (740) 387-3406


Jason WarnerProsecuting Attorney233 W. Center StreetMarion, OH 43302(740) 387-4817(74) 382-5274

FAUG 15 20L17



Page 2: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970


TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... ........................................................................................................I


STATEMENT OF THE CASE AND FACTS .............................................................................4

ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSTIONS OF LAW ....................................................8

Proposition of law No. I: The State does not comply with R.C. 4511.19 when itfails to obtain a blood sample within the time limit prescribed by Section4511.19(D)(1)(b) ..................................................................................................................8

Proposition of law No. II: The State does not substantially comply with OhioAdm. Code 3701-53-05 when it fails to prove the blood sample was drawn incompliance with the requirements prescribed by the Department of Health . . ..................10

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................13

PROOF OF SERVICE ................................................................................................................13

APPENDICES .. ............................................................................................................................14

A. Court of Appeals Opinion in State v. Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App. No. 9-06-42,2007-Ohio-3339.

B. Journal Entry in State v. Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App. No. 9-06-42, 2007-Ohio-3339.

C. Ruling on Motion, State v. Rauscher, Marion Municipal Court, filed May 11, 2006.

D. Journal Entry, State v. Rauscher, Marion Municipal Court, filed August 2, 2006.


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This appeal concerns the sufficiency of proof of compliance with legal requirements for

blood alcohol testing under the "per se" provisions of R.C. § 4511.19. It implicates requirements

set forth in the statute as well as requirements in the regulations promulgated pursuant to the

statute. The issue is not whether the alleged compliance was substantial but whether the State's

evidence was sufficient to establish any level of compliance. The doctrine of substantial

compliance "does not relieve the state of its burden to prove compliance with the alcohol-testing

regulations, but rather defines what compliance is." State v. Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100

Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶27 emphasis in original. The criteria for compliance are set

out in R.C. § 4511.19 and Ohio Adm. Code 3701-53-05.

The statute provides,

In any criminal prosecution * * * for a violation of division (A) or (B) * * *, thecourt may admit evidence on the concentration of alcohol * * * in the defendant'swhole blood, blood serum or plasma, * * * at the time of the alleged violation asshown by chemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within two hours of thetime of the alleged violation." R.C. § 4511.19(D)(1)(b).1

Thus, the statute requires that Kimberly's blood had to be drawn within two hours of her

operation of the motor vehicle.

The Ohio Administrative Code provides:

"(A) All samples shall be collected in accordance with section 4511.19, orsection 1547.11 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

1 The statute was amended effective Apri14, 2007. The statute now provides, "In any criminalprosecution * * * for a violation of division (A) or (B) * * * the court may admit evidence on theconcentration of alcohol * * * in the defendant's whole blood * * * at the time of the allegedviolation as shown by chemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within three hours of thetime of the alleged violation." R.C. § 4511.19 (D)(1)(b), emphasis added.


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"(B) When collecting a blood sample, an aqueous solution of a non-volatileantiseptic shall be used on the skin. No alcohols shall be used as a skin antiseptic.

"(C) Blood shall be drawn with a sterile dry needle into a vacuum container with asolid anticoagulant, or according to the laboratory protocol as written in thelaboratory procedure manual based on the type of specimen being tested.

"(D) The collection of a urine specimen must be witnessed to assure that thesample can be authenticated. Urine shall be deposited into a clean glass or plasticscrew top container which shall be capped, or collected according to thelaboratory protocol as written in the laboratory procedure manual.

"(E) Blood and urine containers shall be sealed in a manner such that tamperingcan be detected and have a label which contains at least the followinginformation:

"(1) Name of suspect;

"(2) Date and time of collection;

"(3) Name or initials of person collecting the sample; and

"(4) Name or initials of person sealing the sample.

"(F) While not in transit or under examination, all blood and urine specimensshall be refrigerated." Ohio Adm. Code 3701-53-05.

Thus, the State was required to prove (1) use of an aqueous solution of a nonvolatile antiseptic on

the skin, (2) use of a sterile dry needle to draw blood into a vacuum container with a solid

anticoagulant, (3) sealing the blood container in accordance with the appropriate procedure, and

(4) refrigeration of the blood specimen when it is not in transit or under examination. State v.

Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶ 21

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure the accuracy of the alcohol-test results. State

v. Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶ 21, State v. Dickerson

(1986), 25 Ohio St.3d 64, 65-66. Because a conviction under the "per se" offenses in R.C.

4511.19 turns ahnost exclusively on the result of such a test, accurate testing is critical. Against

these values, is balanced the burden of cost and inconvenience. It is important to note that there


Page 5: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970

is a constant, inherent and inevitable tension between expedience and due process. The

requirements set forth in the statute and the regulations make it more difficult for the government

to obtain convictions. But that is the balance struck by the legislature and the Department of

Health. The burden on the government is more than offset by the benefits that accrue in the

accuracy of the test, justice, and public trust in the judicial system.

This appeal squarely presents substantial constitutional issues regarding proof of

compliance under the "per se" provisions of R.C. § 4511.19. Central to the concept due process

of law is the requirement that a criminal conviction be supported by sufficient evidence. This

case presents an opportunity for this Court to clarify what is sufficient proof of compliance with

R.C. § 4511.19 and Ohio Adm. Code 3701-53-05. It also presents substantial constitutional

issues regarding the separation of powers and judicial restraint. It is undisputed that R.C. §

3701.143 charges the director of health with promulgating regulations that will ensure the

accuracy of blood-alcohol test results in an R.C. 4511.19 prosecution. This Court has warned:

"A court infringes upon the authority of the Director of Health when it holds thatthe state need not do that which the director has required. Such an infringementplaces the court in the position of the Director of Health for the precise purpose ofsecond-guessing whether the regulation with which the state has not complied isnecessary to ensure the reliability of the alcohol-test results. This approach furtherprecipitates conflicting decisions from lower courts and impedes the public policyof achieving uniformity and stability in the law." State v. Burnside, (October 22,2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372 ¶33, citing Painter, Ohio DrivingUnder the Influence Law (2003), Section 9.3, 116.

This case is of public and great general interest because it is an issue of fundamental fairness that

will touch a large number of people and because it will impact the public policy of uniformity

and stability in the law.


Page 6: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970


Sometime in the early morning of September 2, 2005, Defendant-Appellant, Kimberly

Rauscher was involved in a one car accident on State Route 203 near County Road 107 in

Marion County. (Tr., p.5, 6, 10-11) She called 911 for assistance. At 3:36 a.m. Highway

Patrolman Steve Walsh was dispatched to the scene. (Tr., p.6, 10, 11) When he arrived at the

scene, Kimberly already was on a stretcher, about to be transported to Marion General Hospital.

(Tr., p.8, 14) His only contact with her at the scene was to ask her who she wanted to tow her

car. (Tr., p.14) At the scene, he interviewed witnesses who either saw or heard the crash.z (Tr.,

p.13) Then Trooper Walsh went to the Hospital to interview Kimberly. (Tr., p.15)

At the Hospital, while Kimberly was strapped to a backboard, Trooper Walsh took her

statement by writing his questions on a piece of paper and then writing Kimberly's answers under

them. (Tr., p.15-16, Defendant's Exhibit A) He did not ask her what time the crash occurred.

(Tr., p.15-16, 17) He did not ask her about making a 911 call. (Tr., p.17-18) He didn't ask her

how long she had been at the scene of the crash before he arrived. (Tr., p.18) Defense counsel

asked the Trooper, "Did you ask her, at any time, anything about times to determine where she

left from, what time she left, approximately what time the accident might have occurred?" He

responded, "No, I didn't." (Tr., p.17)

The Trooper testified he requested that Kimberly supply a blood sample. She agreed.

(Tr., p.8) He handed a State Patrol blood kit to a person he believed to be a nurse to draw blood.

(Tr., p.8) The Trooper then completed a Property Control Form stating the blood was collected

at 5:05 a.m. (Tr., p.9-1 1) The Trooper testified he didn't know what had been done to Kimberly


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before he requested a blood sample. He didn't know whether the Hospital had already drawn

blood. (Tr., p.19) After the blood sample was drawn, he placed it in the mail to the Crime Lab.

(Tr., p.21)

Kimberly was charged with a violation of R.C. § 4511.19(A)(1)(a), Operating A Motor

Vehicle While Under The Influence of Alcohol, as well as Failure To Control, in violation of

R.C. § 4511.202. On the January 9, 2006, Trooper Walsh received the blood test results. They

indicated.085 grams by weight of alcohol per one hundred milliliters of whole blood. An

additional charge was filed alleging a violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b), which prohibits driving

with a blood concentration greater than .08 grams.

Kimberly pled Not Guilty to all three charges. A Motion to Suppress Evidence was filed

on October 27, 2005. It sought to suppress all evidence obtained as a result of the arrest because

the State failed to comply with the two-hour time limit set forth in R.C. § 4511.19(D)(1)(b) and

because State failed to follow the collection procedures set forth by the Ohio Department of

Health Regulations.

An evidentiary hearing was held on the Motion on May 4, 2006. The State presented the

testimony of Trooper Walsh. He was the only witness at the hearing. The Trooper testified he

was dispatched to the scene at 3:36 a.m. and that he wrote 3:34 as the time of the accident:

"because in my experience, the time that you get the call and thetime of the crash, there is a couple of minute delay. The crashactually occurred at a given time and then you are dispatched to it,and that's generally about two minutes". (Tr., p.7)

On cross examination, he testified:

2 Defense Counsel asked Trooper Walsh if he had any statements from those witnesses. Hestated, "I don't have a copy of the crash in front of me right now so I don't know the answer tothat." (Tr., p.13)


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There was an accident that you investigated, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you know what time - it was a one-car accident, correct?

A. Right.

Q. The vehicle went off the road and rolled over?

A. Yes, it did.

Q. Do you know what time that occurred?

A. I received the call at 3:36.

Q. Do you know what time that car rolled off the highway?

A. Prior to 3:36.

Q. Do you know when prior to 3:36 it rolled of the highway?

A. I wasn't there, so exactly, no, I don't.

Q. Do you know, or can you testify with any degree of certainty, as to whetherthis blood was drawn at 5:05 a.m. from Kimberly Rauscher was drawnwithin two hours of the time that car left the highway?

A. I received the call at 3:36. The blood was drawn at 5:05." (Tr., p.11)

Trooper Walsh testified that the 911 call goes to the Sheriff's Office where someone calls the

State Patrol Post where a dispatcher contacts the Trooper. (Tr., p.7) He believes the accident

occurred "shortly before 3:36" because he listened to the 911 call and Kimberly stated she had

just crashed her car. (Tr., p.12, 13) Trooper Walsh admitted that he could not say how long

Kimberly was at the crash scene prior to calling 911. (Tr., p.18)

On May 11, 2006, the trial court denied the Motion To Suppress. See Ruling on Motion,

p.1, attached to Appellant's Brief as Appendix C. On August 2, 2006, Kimberly withdrew her

plea of Not Guilty and entered a Plea of No Contest to violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b). The

charges based on R.C. 4511.19(A)(1) and R.C. 4511.202 were dismissed. The Trial Court found

her guilty and sentenced her to thirty (30) days in jail and a fine of $1,000.00 with twenty-seven

(27) days of the jail time and $600.00 of the fine would be suspended upon the condition that she


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attend a three-day jail alternate course and abide by the laws of the State of Ohio and the

subdivisions for a period of one year. In addition, she would have to pay the court costs and a

six-month suspension of her driver's license was invoked. See Judgment Entry, p.1, attached to

Appellant's Brief as Appendix B.

On August 2, 2006, Kimberly filed her Notice of Appeal with the Third District Court of

Appeals. She assigned the following errors:











On July 2, 2007, the Third District affirmed the decision of the trial court. See State v.

Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App. No. 9-06-42, 2007-Ohio-3339, attached to Appellant's

Brief as Appendix A. The Court of Appeals found that there was "competent credible evidence

to support the trial court's finding that Rauscher's blood was drawn at 5:05 a.m. and that the

earliest documented time for the violation was 3:34 a.m." Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App.

No. 9-06-42, 2007-Ohio-3339, ¶13. The Court opined that the trial court reasonably inferred "the

phrase `just had an accident' indicates that the 911 call was very near in time to the accident."

Id. Because Kimberly failed to provide any other explanation for her statement, it affirmed the


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trial court's ruling that the blood was withdrawn within two hours of the alleged violation

pursuant to R.C. 4511.19.

The Court of Appeals also found that the State had established substantial compliance

with the Ohio Administrative Code regulations. State v. Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App.

No. 9-06-42, 2007-Ohio-3339, attached to Appellant's Brief as Appendix A The Court of

Appeals found substantial compliance was established by Trooper Walsh's testimony that a

person he believed to be a nurse drew the blood, that person used an iodine swab which

contained no alcohol, and that the blood was inserted into a sealed vial which contained an

anticoagulant. The Court of Appeals concluded the trial court did not err in denying Kimberly's

motion to suppress. From this judgment, Kimberly now appeals.




This issue was raised at the trial court by a Motion to Suppress Evidence. Appellate

review of a motion to suppress presents a mixed question of law and fact. When considering a

motion to suppress, the trial court assumes the role of trier of fact and is therefore in the best

position to resolve factual questions and evaluate the credibility of witnesses. State v. Mills

(1992), 62 Ohio St.3d 357, 366, 582 N.E.2d 972. An appellate court must accept the trial court's

findings of fact if they are supported by competent, credible evidence. State v. Fanning (1982), 1

Ohio St.3d 19, 1 OBR 57, 437 N.E.2d 583. The appellate court must then independently


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determine, without deference to the conclusion of the trial court, whether the facts satisfy the

applicable legal standard. State v. McNamara (1997), 124 Ohio App.3d 706, 707 N.E.2d 539.

DUI offenses are prosecuted within a statutory and regulatory framework. State v.

Edwards, (December 7, 2005), 107 Ohio St.3d 169, 2005-Ohio-6180, ¶ 10. The Statutory

framework provides,

"In any criminal prosecution *** for a violation of division (A) or (B) ***, thecourt may admit evidence on the concentration of alcohol * * * in the defendant'swhole blood, blood serum or plasma, * * * at the time of the alleged violation asshown by chemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within two hours of thetime of the alleged violation." R.C. § 4511.19(D)(1)(b).3

The statute also provides: "The bodily substance withdrawn shall be analyzed in accordance with

methods approved by the director of health ***." Id. Ohio Courts of Appeals have

"characterized R.C. 4511.19 as a legislatively created exclusionary rule analogous to the

exclusionary rule established in Weeks v. United States." State v. Edwards, (December 7, 2005),

107 Ohio St.3d 169, 2005-Ohio-6180 ¶10, internal citations omitted. Thus, it bars the

introduction of evidence that has been seized without compliance with the statute and the


In this case, the State offered nothing but speculation that Kimberly operated her motor

vehicle within two hours of her blood sample being drawn. The Trooper could have obtained

evidence from her when he interviewed her. But, he did not. The State could have produced the

testimony of witnesses who saw or heard the crash. But, it did not. This is not a novel situation:

3 The statute was amended effective Apri14, 2007. The statute now provides, "In any criminalprosecution * * * for a violation of division (A) or (B) * * * the court may admit evidence on theconcentration of alcohol * * * in the defendant's whole blood * * * at the time of the allegedviolation as shown by chemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within three hours of thetime of the alleged violation." R.C. § 4511.19 (D)(1)(b), emphasis added.


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"It is generally known that the issue of whether a specimen was collected withintwo hours of the alleged violation is most likely to arise in accident scenarios,where the operation of the vehicle was not witnessed by police. If the time of theviolation is not affrnnatively established by the state, suppression of the testresults for purposes of R.C. 4511.19(A)(2), (A)(3), (A)(4),.... In accident cases,the time of operation might be otherwise established by witnesses to the accidentor even through the defendant's own admissions. Circumstantial evidence alonesuch as allegedly fresh tire marks...or even leaking radiator fluid...usually will notaffirmatively prove compliance with the two-hour requirement. However, if theState is able to conclusively show that the accident and corresponding vehicleoperation could not have occurred more than two hours earlier than the time of thespecimen collection, it has met the burden. For example, witnesses passing by theidentical location of the accident prior to its occurrence, but within two hours ofthe time the specimen was collected, might testify that at the time they were at thescene, there was no accident and the defendant's vehicle was not present " Ohio

Driving Under The Influence Law, Judge Mark P. Painter, Section 7.4, Page 111.

Here, the State simply did not provide competent evidence probative of compliance. The Motion

to Suppress should have been granted.




An appellate court must consider whether the facts in the instant case demonstrate

substantial compliance with the Department of Health regulations under a de novo standard of

review. State v. Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶8.

Resolution of this issue requires an examination of the blood-testing procedures in Ohio

Adm.Code 3701-53-05.

R.C. § 3701.143 charges the director of health with promulgating regulations that will

ensure the accuracy of blood-alcohol test results in an R.C. 4511.19 prosecution. Because a

conviction under the "per se" offenses in R.C. 4511.19 turns almost exclusively on the result of

such a test, accurate testing is critical. R.C. 4511.19(D) governs the admissibility of alcohol-test

results. It provides that a defendant's blood, breath, or urine "shall be analyzed in accordance


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with methods approved by the director of health by an individual possessing a valid permit issued

by the director of health pursuant to section 3701.143 of the Revised Code." R.C. 3701.143

requires the director of health to "determine, or cause to be determined, techniques or methods

for chemically analyzing a person's blood." Pursuant to the statute, the Director of Health

promulgated the following alcohol-testing regulations in Ohio Adm. Code 3701- 53-05:

"(A) All samples shall be collected in accordance with section 4511.19, orsection 1547.11 of the Revised Code, as applicable.

"(B) When collecting a blood sample, an aqueous solution of a non-volatileantiseptic shall be used on the skin. No alcohols shall be used as a skin antiseptic.

"(C) Blood shall be drawn with a sterile dry needle into a vacuum container with asolid anticoagulant, or according to the laboratory protocol as written in thelaboratory procedure manual based on the type of specimen being tested.

"(D) The collection of a urine specimen must be witnessed to assure that thesample can be authenticated. Urine shall be deposited into a clean glass or plasticscrew top container which shall be capped, or collected according to thelaboratory protocol as written in the laboratory procedure manual.

"(E) Blood and urine containers shall be sealed in a manner such that tamperingcan be detected and have a label which contains at least the followinginformation:

"(1) Name of suspect;

"(2) Date and time of collection;

"(3) Name or initials of person collecting the sample; and

"(4) Name or initials of person sealing the sample.

"(F) While not in transit or under examination, all blood and urine specimensshall be refrigerated."

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure the accuracy of the alcohol-test results. State v.

Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶21, citing State v.

Dickerson (1986), 25 Ohio St.3d 64, 65-66, 25 OBR 86, 495 N.E.2d.


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This Court has held that rigid compliance with the alcohol-testing procedures in the Ohio

Administrative Code is not a prerequisite to the admissibility of alcohol-test results. Burnside

¶22, citing State v. Steele (1977), 52 Ohio St.2d 187, 6 0.O.3d 418, 370 N.E.2d 740 (the failure

to observe the subject for a "few seconds" while the officer exited and walked around his patrol

car did not render the test results inadmissible.) This Court has also held, absent a showing of

prejudice to a defendant, the results of a urine-alcohol test administered in substantial compliance

with Ohio Adm.Code 3701-53-05 are admissible. State v. Plummer (1986), 22 Ohio St.3d 292,

22 OBR 461, 490 N.E.2d 902, at syllabus (a three-to-four-hour interval without refrigeration did

not render the test results inadmissible). Most recently, this Court held In State v. Burnside,

(October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, this Court held, "The state does not

substantially comply with Ohio Adm. Code 3701-53-05 when it fails to use a solid anticoagulant

in a blood test." The Court observed, "Our conclusion that the state must establish substantial

compliance rather than strict compliance, however, does not relieve the state of its burden to

prove compliance with the alcohol-testing regulations, but rather defines what compliance is."

State v. Burnside, (October 22, 2003) 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, ¶27

Here, the State produced no medical personnel. The Trooper's testimony was only a

guess that the person drawing the blood was the "nurse", that a non-alcoholic antiseptic was

used, that a sterile needle was used, that there was a chain of custody presented, that it was

analyzed in accordance with the Department of Health regulations, and that while not in transit, it

was refrigerated. The record indicates that the only thing he can testify about was that he gave

the person drawing the blood a package swab identified as iodine, that the blood was put into a

gray container and signed by the person and later shipped by him to the laboratory. The State

failed to produce the person who collected the specimen and the person who analyzed it.


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For the reasons discussed above, this case involves matters of public and great general

interest and a substantial constitutional question. The appellant requests that this court accept

jurisdiction in this case so that the important issues presented will be reviewed dn the merits.

Respectfully submitted,

^e-^ ^^^. ^ ^'''--9Robert E. Wilson (0015226) by K in 1 . Collins (0029811)WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A.132 S. Main St.Marion, Ohio 43302Telephone: (740)387-0970Fax: (740) 387-3406ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANTKIMBERLY RAUSCHER(Counsel of Record)


The undersigned hereby certifies that a true copy of the foregoing Memorandum InSupport of Jurisdiction was served upon Jason D. Warner, Assistant Law Director, at his officelocated at 233 West Center Street, Marion, Ohio 43302 by ordinary U.S. Mail, postage prepaid,this 15'h day of August, 2007.

Robert E. Wilson (0015226) b Kevin P. Collins (0029811)ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANTKIMBERLY RAUSCHER(Counsel of Record)


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E. Court of Appeals Opinion in State v. Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App. No. 9-06-42,2007-Ohio-3339.

F. Journal Entry in State v. Rauscher, (July 2, 2007) Marion App. No. 9-06-42, 2007-Ohio-3339.

G. Ruling on Motion, State v. Rauscher, Marion Municipal Court, filed May 11, 2006.

H. Journal Entry, State v. Rauscher, Marion Municipal Court, filed August 2, 2006.


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MUNICIPALCOURT rHUt n`07/30/2007 10:18 7403825274









JUL - $ 2007

CASE NO. 9-06-42


CHARACTER OF PROCEEDINGS: Crinc►inal Appeal from MunicipalCourt

JUDGMENT: Judgment Affiirmed



ROBERT E. WILSONAttorney at LawReg.#0015226132 South Main StreetMarion, Ohio 43302For AppeIIant

JASON D. WARNERAsst. Law DirectorReg. #0066451233 West Center StreetMarion, Ohio 43302For Appellee

Page 18: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970

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Case No. 9-06-42


{¶1} Defendant-appellant Kimberly Rauscher appeals the judgrnent of the

Marion County Municipal Court.. For the reasons that follow, we affirm the trial


{12} On September 2, 2005, Rauscher ca.Ued 911 to report that she had

"just" been in an accident. The Maxion Post of the Highway Patrol dispatched

Trooper Walsh to the single car accident at approximately 3:36 a.m. Rauscher

was taken to the Marion Hospital. At the hospital, Trooper Walsh read Rauscher

an implied consent form and Rauscher consented to a blood alcolxol test. Trooper

Walsh then supplied a blood Icit provided by the Highway Patrol, and a nurse

collected Rauscher's blood. Trooper Walsh filled out the property control form

which indicated that the blood was collected at 5:05 a.m., and he mailed the blood


{13} Rauscher was charged with operating a vehicle while under the

inftuence of alcohol in violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(a), and failure to control in

violation of R.C. 4511.202. After Trooper Walsh received the blood test result of

.085 grams by weight of alcohol per one hundred uvlliliters of whole blood, he

also charged Rauscher with operating a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of

alcohol, in violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b).


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(54) Rauscher pled not guilty to the charges. Rauscher then filed a

motion to suppress the blood alcohol test. The trial court subsequently denied the


{¶5} On August 2, 2006, Rauscher pled no contest with a stipulated

finding of guilty to the violation of R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(b), and the remaining

charges were dismissed. The trial court found Rauscher guilty. The trial court

sentenced Rauscher to thirty days in jail and a fine of $1,000 with twenty seven

days of the jail sentence and $600 of the fine suspended if the defendant attends a

three day jail alternate course and abides by the laws of the State of Ohio and its

subdivisions for one year. The trial court also ordered a six month drivers license

suspension and court costs.

{1[6} It is from the trial court's judgment denying Rauscher's motion to

suppress that Rauscher appeals and sets forth two assignments of error for our




{17} In her first assignment of error, Rauscher argues that in order for the

blood alcohol test results to be admitted the blood must be drawn, within two houzs


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of the accident. Rauscher argues the state failed to preesent evidence that the blood

was withdrawn within the time requirements, and thus, the trial court erred in

denying her rrAotion to suppress.

{18} "Appellate review of a motion to suppress presents a mixed question

of law and fact." State v. Burnside, 100 Ohio St.3d 152, 2003-Ohio-5372, 797

N.E.2d 71, at ¶S. When deciding a suppression motion, the trial court assumes the

role of the trier of fact, and thus, the trial court is in the best position to evaluate

the evidence and the credibility of witnesses. Td., citirtg State v. Mills (1992), 62

Ohio St.3d 357, 366, 582 N.E.2d 972. Accordingly, "an appellate court must

accept the trial court's findings of fact if they are supported by competent, credible

evidence." Id., citing State v. Fanning (1982), 1 Ohio St.3d 19, 1 OBR 57, 437

N.E.2d 583. However, an appellate court must review the trial court's conclusions

of law under a de novo standard and determine "whether the facts satisfy the

applicable legal standard." Id., citing State v. Mc.Narnara (1997), 124 Ohio

App.3d 706, 710, 707 N.E.2d 539.

{Q9} R.C.4511.19(D)(1) provides,

In any criniinal prosecution * * * for a violation of division (A)or (B) ***, the court nxay admit evidence on the concentrationof alcohol * in the defendant's whole blood, blood serum orplasma, *** at the time of the alleged violation as shown bychemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within two hours


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Case No. 9-06-42

ol'the time of the alleged violation."

R.C. 4511.19)D)(1).'

{¶10} In the present case, the trial court found that Itauscher made a 911

call at 3:36 a.m. on September 2, 2005. During the 911 call, Rauscher stated that

she "just had an accident." The trial court further found that Trooper Walskt was

dispatclled to the scene and that he noted the time of the incident as 3:34 a.m.

because he allowed for an approximats gap of two nainutes for the call and for

dispatch to contact him. The trial court determined that the earliest time

documented for the violation was 3:34 a.m. arnd that Rauscher's blood was

collected at 5:05 a.m. Accordingly, the trial court found that the blood was

collected within the two hour limit provided by statute.

{111} After reviewing the record, we find that there is competent, credible

evidence to support the trial court's determination. Trooper Walsh testif'ied that he

was dispatched to the accident and that Rauscher was the driver of the vehicle.

The 911 tape reveals that .Rauscher called 911 and stated that she had "just had an

accident." Trooper Walsh testified "(Itauscher) said she just crashed her car and

that call came in just before 3:36." There was no indication that 12auscher lost

' The statute has been amended effective April 4, 2007. The statute now provides, '7n any criminalprosecution *"` for a violation of division (A) or (B) *•* the court may admit evidence on theconcentration of alcohol *•• in the defendant's whole blood *'' at the time of the alleged violation asshown by cbemical analysis of the substance withdrawn within three hours of the time of the allegedviolation." R.C. 4511.19 (Dx1)(b), emphasis added.


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consciousness after the accident occurred. In addition, Trooper Walsh testified

that he was dispatched to the accident at 3:36 and that he wrote down the time of

the accident as 3:34. According to Trooper Walsh, "911 goes to the Sheriff's

Office, the Sheriff's Office calls the Patrol Post, the Patrol Post will dispatch an

officer. That generally takes about two minutes." Trooper Walsh further testified

that Rauscher's blood was drawn at 5:05

{¶12} Although the accident naay not have occurred exactly at 3:34 a.m.,

Rauscher's statement to the 911 dispatcher can quite reasonably be taken to mean

that the accidettt occurred only a short time before her 911 call, wlrich would

indicate that the blood was taken well within the two hour limit. The accident

would have had to have occurTed over 29 minutes before Rauscher's 911 call for

the two hour time to have expired, and there simply is no evidence to indicate

anything other than the accident had occurred shortly before the accident was

reported at 334 a.m.

{513} Since there is competent credible evidence to support the trial

cou,rt's finding that Rauscher's blood was drawn at 5:05 a.m. and that the earliest

documented time for the violation was 3:34 a.m., we must accept the trial court's

findings of fact as true. The trial court drew a reasonable inference that the phrase

"just had an accideztt" indicates that the 911 call was very near in time to the

accident. The defendant failed to provide any other explanation for her statement.


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Accordingly, we fmd the trzal court did not err in ruling that the blood was

withdrawn within two hours of the alleged violation pursuant to R.C. 4511.19.

{114} Rauscher's first assignment of error is ovezxnled.



{¶I5} In her second assignnaent of error, Rauscher argues that the

prosecution failed to provide evidence to show substantial compliance with the

blood testing requiremetlts. Specifically, Rauscher argues that the officer's

testimony was only a guess that the person drawing the blood was a"nurse", that a

non-alcoholic antiseptic was used, that a sterile needle was used, that there was a

chain of custody present, that the sample was analyzed in accordance with the

Department of blealth regulations, and that when the sample was not xn transit that

it was refrigerated.

{116} The prosecutiou has the burden of proving substantial compliance

with the regulations in the Ohio Administrative Code. State v. Glenn, 3d Dist. No.

13-04-15, 2004-Ohio-7038, at ¶10, citing State v. Plummer (1986), 22 Olzio St.3d

292, 294, 490 N.E.2d 902. The Ohio Supreme Court has limited the substantial

conapliamce standard in Plummer to "excusing only errors that are clearly de


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miniznis." Burnside, 2003-Ohio-5372, at ¶34; Glenn, at ¶10. Once the

prosecution establishes substantial compliance, the burden shifts to the defendant

to demonstrate that the defendant is prejudiced by anything less than strict

conapliance. Burnside, 2003-Ohio-5372, at ¶24, citin.g State v. Brown (1996), 109

Ohio App.3d 629, 632, 672 N.E.2d 1050.

{¶17} At the beginning of the suppression hearing the following discussion


Mr. Wilson: The issues, Your Honor, in this case center aroundseveral tbings. Whether the two-hour time liruit was adhered toas required by the statute. In other words, whether the bloodtest, if the blood test, in this case, was taken witbin two hours ofthe time of the aUeged driving and the second aspect of it iswhether it was collected properly.The Court: so those are the two main issues?Mr. Wilson: Those are the two maiu issues.

{118} In addition, the following discussxon occurred at the end of the

suppression hearing regarding the issues being challenged:

Mr. Wilson: * * * I guess we may ask the Record to stay open.My understanding is we are here on whether the blood wascollected in two hours. (Inaudible) was it collected correctly.There's been some questions about when it was received in thelab and so fortb and if we need to present evidence on that, I'mgoing to have to get somebody from the lab and I did notarrange for that (inaudible).The Court: Mr. Wilson, at the beginning of this Hearing, I havedown in my notes that it's the two-hour limit collection of theblood test and whether it was collected properly. Are youtaking this further into the lab?Mr. Wuson: Wheu it was received In Columbus and the analysisdown in Columbus- - no (inaudible).


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The Court: Okay, so you're just leaving it with the officer'scollection and the trooper's collection?Mr. Wilson: Yeah, and with that we rest, Your Honor.

(119) At the suppression heaxing, ltauscher's attorney specifically limited

the issues to whether the blood was collected within two hours of the incident and

whether the officer properly collected Rauscher's blood. Accordingly, we find the

issues regarding calibration, chain of custody, aud the analyzing of the blood

sample have been waived for purposes of appeal.

(120) Under R.C. 4511.19(D)(1), "on,ly a physician, a registered nurse, or

a qualified technician, chemist, or phlebotomist shall withdraw blood for the

purpose of determining the alcohol **°° content of the whole blood, blood serum,

or blood plasma." Further, Ohio Administrative Code 3701-53-05 provides,

"(B) When collecting a blood sample, an aqueous solution of anou-volatile-antiseptic shall be used on the skin. No alcoholsshall be used as a skini antiseptic.

(C) Blood shall be drawn with a sterile dry needle into a vacuumcontainer with a solid anticoagulant, or according to thelaboratory protocol as written in the laboratory proceduremanual based ou the type of specimen being tested.


(E) Blood * * * shall be sealed in a manner such that tamperingcan be detected and have a label which contains at least thefollowing information:

(1) Name of suspect;

(2) Date and time of collection;


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(3) Name or inltials of person collecting the sample;and

(4) Name or initials of person sealing the sample;

(F) Whi1e not in transit or under egam.iuation, a,ll blood ***shaU be refrigerated.

{121} At the suppression hearing, Trooper Walsh tesdfied that he opened a

blood kit and had the nurse draw the blood and insert the blood into a vial.

Trooper Walsh further testified that the blood kit had an iodine swab, that he saw a

nurse use an iodine swab, and that there was no alcohol in the iodine swab.

According to Trooper Walsh's testimony, there was an anticoagulant already in

the sealed tube. Trooper Walsh further testified that after the nurse draws the

blood "[t]he nurse signs off on a stopper cap sticker, an evidence sticker. The

nurse who drew the blood, what time it was drawn, and he hands it to me."

{122} Furthermore, Trooper Walsh testified that the blood was collected at

5:05, that he packaged the sample in accordance with the instructions in the

blood kit, that he mailed the paclcage to the OSP Crime Lab, and that he put the

blood sample in the mail at 7:15 a.m. The Ohio Adrninistrative Code only

requires the blood to be refrigerated when the blood is not in transit or being

analyzed. See Ohio Admirustrative Code 3701-53-05(F). The two hours and ten

minutes that elapsed between the time the blood sample was collected and the

sample was placed in transit constituted substantial compliance with the Ohio


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Case No. 9-06-42

Administrative Code. See Village of Gates Mills v. Wazbiraski, 8th Dist. No.

81863, 2003-Ohio-5919, at ¶54 (holding that the failure to refrigerate a blood

sample for three hours constituted substantial compliance).

{¶23} The trial court found that the Trooper observed the nurse collecting

Rauscher's blood into the kit the Trooper ktad supplied. The trial court fiuther

found that an anticoagulant was in the tube prior to the collection, and the nurse

sealed and labeled the tube. The trial court also found that the Trooper packaged

the sample and mailed the sample that same day.

{124} After reviewing the record, we find that the prosecution has

established substantial compliance with the Ohio Administrative Code regulations.

Trooper Walsh testified that a nurse drew the blood, the nurse used an iodine swab

which contained no alcohol, and that the blood was inserted into a sealed vial

which contained an anticoagulant. The Trooper furtlter testitzed that the blood

sample was labeled, packaged, and placed in transit within two hours and ten

minutes after the blood was withdrawn. Moreover, Rauscher has failed to show

that she was prejudiced by anything less than strict compliance. Accordingly, we

hold that the trial cnurt did not err in denying Rauscher's motion to suppress.

{1[25} Rauscher's second assignment of error is overt'uled.


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Case No. 9-06-42

{126} Having found no error prejudicial to appellant herein, in the

particulars assigned and argued, we affizm the trial court's judgcaeut,

Judgment Affirmecb

SH4,W and WILLAMOWSICI, J.J,, concur.

I heret)y cedlN thla to ht a true copyot the orIglnal on flle le thls oBlceon:

JUL - ? 2007

Julie M. Kagel, Clerkar hl

gy Deputy


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CASE NO. 9-06-42


For the reasons stated in the opinion of this Court rendered herein, the

assignments of error are overruled, and it is the judgment and order of this Court

that the judgment of the trial court is aft"uxned at the costs of the appellant for

which judgment is rendered and that the cause be remanded to that court for


It is furtlter ordered that the Clerk of this Court certify a copy of this

judgment to that court as the mandate prescribed by Appellate Rule 27 or by any

other provision of law, and also furnish a copy of any opinion filed concurrently

herewith directly to the trial judge and parties of record.

I hereDy Cdrtlly Ihlo to be i true copyot Ihe orlRlnol on tlle in Ihls otflceon:

JUi. - 2 2oa7

Julie M. Kagel, Clerkarlo n hio

ey epury

DATED: July 2, 2007/jlr

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V S.



MUNOIPA"'CooRT SE NO: TRC 05 06286



On May 4, 2006, this came on to be heard upon the Motion of the Defendant to

Suppress the evidence seized regarding compliance with O.R.C. 4511.19(D)(1)'s two

hour time limit and the collection procedures of said statute and the Ohio Department of

Health regulations. The State of Ohio was represented by Assistant Marion City Law

Director, Brent Yager, and the Defendant was present and was represented by Attomey

Robert Wilson. Thereupon, testimony was heard and evidence was taken.

The first issue raised by the Defendant in his Motion to Suppress is that the blood

was not collected within the two hour time limit as required in O.R.C. 4511.19(D)(1), and

therefore, should be suppressed.

Upon testimony and evidence submitted, the Court finds that at 3:36 a.m.

on September 2, 2005, the Defendant made a 911 call stating that she "just had an

accident" on State Route 203 in Marion County, Ohio. Trooper Walsh was dispatched to

the scene and noted the time of the incident as 3:34 a.m., allowing for an approximate 2

minute gap for the call and the dispatch to reach him. No evidence was presented

showing that the accident occurred at any other time.

In any criminal prosecution for a violation of O.R.C. 4511.19 (A) or (B), the

Court may admit evidence on the concentration of alcohol, drugs of abuse, or a

Page 31: Marion, Prosecuting Attorney Jason Warner OF APPELLANT, KIMBERLY RAUSCHER Robert E. Wilson #0015226 WILSON & KOCHHEISER CO., L.P.A. 132 S. Main Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 387-0970

combination of them in the defendant's blood, breath, urine or other bodily substance at

the time of the alleged violation as shown by chemical analysis of the substance

withdrawn within two hours of the time of the alleged violation. O.R.C. 4511.19. The

evidence in this case showed that the earliest documented time of the alleged violation

was 3:34 a.m. and that the Defendant's blood was collected at 5:05 a.m. This is within

the statutory two hour limit. ,

This brings us to Defendant's second issue that the Defendant's blood was not

collected properly, and therefore, the test results should be suppressed.

According to the testimony, the Defendant's blood was drawn at the h;ospital by a

registered nurse. The Trooper testified that he opened up "our blood kit" and gave the

tube, which already contained anticoagulant, to the nurse, and then, xvisually observed the

nurse draw the Defendant's blood, use an iodine swab to clean t^iie Defendant's point of

blood draw, cap the tube with a gray stopper and sign off or.i the stopper. The Trooper

then filled out the Property Control Form, indicating the date and time of collection as

5:05 A.M. September 2, 2005, packaged the blood sample, and mailed it.

When a person submits to a blood test at the request of a law enforcement officer

under section 4511.191 of the Revised Code, only a physician, a registered nurse, or a

qualified technician, chemist or phlebotomist shall withdraw blood for the purpose of

determining the alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug content of the whole blood, blood

serum, or blood plasma. O.RC.. 4511.19 (D)(1). Further, Chapter 3701-53 OAC Rule 5

requires that when collecting blood, an aqueous solution of non-volatile antiseptic (no

alcohol) shall be used on the skin; blood shall be drawn with a sterile dry needle into a

vaccum container with a solid anticoagulant; blood containers shall be sealed in a manner

such that tampering can be detected and be labeled with the name of the suspect, the date

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and time of collection and the name or initials of the person collecting or sealing the

sample. In this regard, the nurse was observed by the Trooper to collect the Defendant's

blood into the kit he supplied. The Trooper testified that the anticoagulant was in the

tube prior to the collection and that the nurse sealed the tube and labeled it accordingly.

The Trooper further testified to his packaging the sample and mailing it that same day,

thus immediately putting it into transit. This is complies with the Ohio Revised Code and

the Ohio Department of Health's regulations.

It is therefore the ORDER of this Court that Defendant's Motion to Suppress is

denied and the evidence will be admitted. The case will proceed to trial.


Assistant Marion City Law DirectorRobert Wilson, Attorney for Defendant

J `fC) CLiENTs'}^`TO A7TY

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...4__....,..^.;^^F:'"i,^'"'_ . ..


State of Ohia/City of Marion . CASE NO.



OFFENSE: 44 1- ll/ /^


[_Defiffd-ant was advised of the charge(s) and possible maximum ponatties.

Defendant acknowledged receipt of a copy of the Complaint.

j] /75efendant entered a plea of Guilty.Defendant entered a plea of No Contest, with a stipulated finding of Guilty.

[ Defendant was advised of all rights as required by Traf°nc Rule 10(D) and/or Criminal Rule I 1(E), and the Courtdetermined that Defendant's waiver of all rights was made knowingly, intelligently and vohustarily in compliance withState v, Watldns 99 Ohio St. 3d 12, 2003-Ohio-2419.

[] fendant waived his/her right to counsel.[ Defendant was by counsel.

^f daat was given opportunity to speak before senteaacing.

[ Defemdant has stated that sh s a ci&m of the United States (ORC 2943.031).

() Jn cases where original charge was Assault, Domestic Violence, Aggravated Menacing, Menacing, or Inntimidation of aCrime Victim or Witaess, the Prosecutor has failed to confer with the victim, because the Defendant pled at arraignment,

' [ Plea acospted. [ f -'Finding of (3uilty

=[ ] Defindant is indigent[ ] Finding ofNot Guilty

The Court having considered the principles of sentenoing outlnmed in R.C. 2929.21 and the factors set forth in R.C. 2929.22,


days (Suspended^ Credit Enforced 3 ,Jail time to be served CONCLIRRENT/CONSECTPIVE to

The Court finds that Defendant has the ability to pay:

j,^^FdNE: $ ^© 0 0 (Suspended $ ^.j2p7 State Costs and Court Costs.

hi accordance with O.R.C. 2929.28(D), judgmeat is hereby rendered against Defendaot and in favor of the appropriate politicalsubdivision or legal enti6y for the fiuanoial sanctions imposed herein. ^ X^^ s. ^ ^^

7pthroz'P,h^ ,

OPEEYtAT®R'S LICENSE: Suspended for a period of Effective "[ ) Limited privileges granted beginning •[] Defendant must provide proof of and maintain required insurance (FRA) for limited privileges to be valid; '[] Defendaut must make timely and consistent payments on fines, cewt costs, and 3a:Y Atternate Frogram fm for

limited privileges to be vatid;[] Defendant must pay all fines and court costs in full by for limited privileges to be valid;

Defendant must only opeiate motor vehicles that have restricted license plates for limited privileges to be valid.

or because the victim, though notified, failed to appear for scheduled hearing.

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.[i]/ C®A^IRiII1ViTY C®NTR®d. SANCTIyl31^S:( year(s), subject to the following terms and co oas:

[Ir^dant shall abide by the laws of the State of Ohio and its subdivisions.[rJ' De^ndant shall attend and comptete a court-approved Jail Alternate Program and any follow-up counseling that may

be ordered.[] Defandant shall take the Domestic Assessment Test and shall attend and complete any program of intervention,

tresbnent, or counseling ihat may be ordered.Defendant shall obtain a assessment at Marion Area Counseling Centeror any other state•certified agency and shall attend and complete any follow-up counseling that may be ordered.Defendant sball makerestitutiar as documented for the Municipal Court Probation Department in the amount of$ (plus applicable service charges, if any) toforand shall show proof to the Municipal Court Probation by Payments shall be made at therate of at least $ per until paid in fiilL

[] Defendant sball make restitution in an amount to be documented for the Iviunicipal Court Probation Deparlment for thecosts of prosecution incurred by any law enforoment agency involved in the investigation of this matter, at the rate ofat least $ per until paid in fu1L

[] In aceordance with O.R.C. 2929.2^(D), judgment is hereby rendered against Defendant and in favor offor the restitution ordered herein.

[] Defendant shall obey aU terms and conditions of a supervised probation until the supervised probation is completed.[] Defendant shalt perform hours of community service work.[ J Defendant shall stay away from and have no contact or communicatioi•< of any kind, in any manner with

except as follows:[] Defendant shall stay away from[ l Defendant shaIl complete a state-certified program of alcohol/drug counseling.

Defendant shall not conswne or possess any alcoholic beverage.[ 7 Defendant shall not consome or possess any illegal drug and/or drug paraphernaGa.

Defendant shail not operate any motor vehicle without a valid Ohio operator's license.[] Defendant shall not operate any motor vehicle witSout required and proper insurance.[ J Defendant shall comply with all requ9rements of Ohio Revised Code § 955.22 with regard to the proper confinement

and insurance of the dog(s) subject to this case and any vicious dog(s) which he/she owns, keeps or harbors. Proof ofsame shall be shown or provided to the Marion County Dog Warden within thirty (30) days. If Defendant fails toprovide said prooi said dog(s) are hereby ordered forfeited to the Marion County Dog Warden.

f l Defendant shall strictly comply with all terms and conditions of any protection order casrrelxtly pending in which he/sheis Hsted as the Respondent unless or until said order is officially modified or terminated by the court.

[] Defendant shall comply with any orders or requirements of Marion County Children Services and/or the MarionFamily Court relative to the children involved in the within case.

[ l Other ORDERS:



Copnsel for Defendant