Marinus cilt freight forum prez 16 nov12

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Freight Operators Forum

Freight Priority

Planning for a National Freight Network

Tauranga Transport & Logistics Forum 16 November 2012Marinus La Roo

#Planning for Freight: Reducing the cost of doing business in NZ

Improving the efficiency of freight supply chains is a key government objective.

Productivity Commission found that improving productivity & reducing transport costs will make our exports more competitive & the goods we buy cost less.

Improved freight efficiency will grow NZs economy & benefit us all!



NZTAs approach to improving freight efficiency

Bring freight producers and transport operators into the planning discussion. We need to better understand freight supply chains (both insights + data). We will use this to adapt our work to assist businesses to innovate & reduce their costs.

But we need sector solutions.

#Why a Freight Plan?

Private sector want a better idea of the public sectors long-term planning & investment intentions.Greater certainty (for both infrastructure, land use & regulation) will enable better decisions.A common view of the future (challenges & opportunities) will also ensure the public sector makes good investment decisions.

The freight system is shaped by many decision-makers



The Big Questions for NZHow can we improve freight efficiency?How will changes in international shipping affect New Zealand supply chains?How can we develop a smarter regulatory system? How can we ensure land use & freight transport planning are better coordinated?How can we manage the GROWING freight task?What are we missing?

#Some initial answers...Carry more freight with fewer tripsIdentify + better integrate the strategic freight network: coastal & international shipping routes, ports, local roads, highways, rail, inland freight facilitates.Better land use & network planning A new regulatory paradigmGrow Auckland & Canterbury.

#Freight Plan ProcessFreight Plan Proposal Document released & discussions begin (underway in UNI work with Strategic Alliance, South Island, Central very soon).Summarise feedback Collate sector views & data to test feedback Follow-up discussions to agree on common view, priorities and principles Inter-regional and national plans endorsed. Plans will guide decision-making, not bind parties.

#QuestionsContact: [email protected]
