Marie Curie Day-Jan Anker-IAPP NUMECA

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    NUMECANUMECAs experience with Industry-Academias experience with Industry-Academia

    Partnerships and Patways (IAPP) programsPartnerships and Patways (IAPP) programs

    Presentation given at thePresentation given at the

    JournJourne Marie Curiee Marie Curie

    Ecole Royale Militaire, BrusselsEcole Royale Militaire, Brussels

    NovemberNovember66thth , 200, 20099

    J. E. AnkerJ. E. Anker, Prof. Ch. Hirsch,

    , Prof. Ch. Hirsch,

    NUMECA Int., Av. Franklin D. Rooseveltlaan 5,NUMECA Int., Av. Franklin D. Rooseveltlaan 5,

    B-1050 Bruxelles/Brussel, BelgiumB-1050 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009



    Brief presentation of NUMECA Int.Brief presentation of NUMECA Int.

    Importance of innovation and support for R&DImportance of innovation and support for R&D

    Experience from previous EU projectsExperience from previous EU projects Marie Curie AdComb-CFD ToK-IAP project (FP6)Marie Curie AdComb-CFD ToK-IAP project (FP6)

    Marie Curie COMBINA IAPP project (FP7)Marie Curie COMBINA IAPP project (FP7)

    IAPP projects Challenges and benefitsIAPP projects Challenges and benefits


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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    NUMECA Activities and locationsNUMECA Activities and locations

    NUMECA International s. a. was created in 1992 as a spin-off of Vrije

    Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

    Main activities:

    Development of software systems for the simulation of fluid flows

    Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software for

    analysis and optimization of fluid machinery and aero-nautical systems

    NUMECA Int. is a globally acting high-tech company:

    Employs globally 70 CFD experts and highly qualified engineers

    NUMECA Int. has its headquarters in Brussels and subsidiaries in

    Mons (B) and San Francisco (USA). Distributors located worldwide:

    Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, India, China,

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Preprocessing tools / Grid generation software:

    Task: Definition of geometry, boundary conditions,subdivision of computational domain in finite volumes (grid)

    Hexpress: Generates unstructured, hexahedral grids

    Autogrid/IGG: Automated generation of structured grids

    Flow solvers:

    Task: Numerical solution of the flow equations

    FINE/Turbo Flow Solver: Leading flow solver forturbomachinery applications using structured grids

    FINE/Hexa Flow Solver: General, multi-purpose flowsolver using unstructured hexahedral meshes

    Post-processors / Visualisation:

    CFView for visualization and evaluation of thesimulated flow fields

    Unique features:

    Flow Integrated Environments: Complete software packages with flow solver and pre- andpostprocessor (FINE/Turbo, FINE/Marine, FINE/Hexa)

    Turbomachinery modeling capabilities (Non-linear harmonics method)

    FINE/Design3D: Software for design and automatic optimization of turbomachinery components

    NUMECA - ProductsNUMECA - Products

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009



    ARIANE propulsion; cryogenic engines

    Objectives: Predict and improve performances;engine stabilization


    Aero engines; civil and military aircrafts

    Objectives: Wing-fuselage interactions, optimizeguide vanes and blades, understand aerodynamics

    Power generation:

    Gas and steam turbines; axial and centrifugalcompressors

    Objectives: Blade design; minimization ofexergy losses

    Environment: Flow around buildings, ventilation (HVAC), pollution

    Objectives: Architectural impact on the wind flow,emission prediction

    NUMECAs products Some areas of applicationNUMECAs products Some areas of application

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    NUMECA Some of our customersNUMECA Some of our customers

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Importance of innovation and support for R&DImportance of innovation and support for R&D

    Importance of innovation:

    CFD software systems need to employ

    state-of-the-art methods in

    Numerical and applied mathematics

    Computational physics

    Computer and engineering science

    to be as efficient and accurate as possible

    Being innovative and up-to-date in the aforementioned disciplines

    is a key element for the successful development of CFD software systems

    Importance of technological and financial support for R&D:

    Strong efforts in R&D are important for NUMECA to keep its technologicalleadership, remain competitive and to develop next-generation products

    Since efforts in R&D are cost-intensive, it is essential for an SME to obtain

    technological and financial support

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Experience from previous EU projectsExperience from previous EU projects

    NUMECA has been involved in several EU projects either as a partner or as

    a coordinator

    NUMECA has initiated and coordinated several projects:

    TROPHY (FP5) on hydroplaning simulation

    AdComb-CFD (ToK-IAP FP6) project (2005-2008)

    NODESIM (FP6) on non-deterministic simulations

    COMBINA (IAPP FP7) on combustion models for industrial applications

    Participation in EU funded research projects can be a difficult task:

    Certain level of recognition of the in-house technology is essential for the

    ability to establish a network

    Research projects are generally led by large enterprises (although the EU

    has specific programs to support the participation of SMEs)

    IAPP-program (FP6: ToK-IAP) is an excellent opportunity to establish

    contact and exchange personnel between academia and industry

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Goal of the Marie Curie AdComb-CFD ToK-IAP project (FP6) was:

    AdComb-CFD: Advanced Combustion Models

    for CFD Applications

    University partners provide industry state-of-the-art

    combustion models for non-premixed combustion

    Industry provides university partners with professionalsoftware and expertise

    Partners in the project:

    TU Delft, TU Delft, Univ. of Heidelberg,

    NUMECA (Coordinator)

    Knowledge transfer: RANS- and LES based combustion models

    Radiation modelling

    Software-engineering, professional

    validation procedures

    AdComb-CFD project Goal and PartnersAdComb-CFD project Goal and Partners

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    AdComb-CFD project MotivationAdComb-CFD project Motivation

    Development of the FINE/Hexa unstructured software package towards a

    multiphysics-multipurpose CFD solver

    Turbomachinery applications, conjugate heat transfer,

    fluid-structure interaction, acoustics

    Combustion (heat release, pollution)

    Radiation modeling

    Long term goal:

    Software package for the simulation of a

    complete aero engine including combustion chamber

    Situation before NUMECA obtained the AdComb-CFD IAPP project:

    NUMECA had profound expertise in CFD for fluid machineryand aerodynamic devices

    No in-house expertise on combustion modeling

    Acquisition of knowledge in combustion and radiation

    modeling was therefore necessary

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    AdComb-CFD project Results (examples)AdComb-CFD project Results (examples)

    Turbulent flame



    Gas turbine combustor:

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009



    COMBINA projectCOMBINA project

    COMBINA - Combustion Models for Industrial Applications (IAPP FP7)

    Development of combustion models for the simulation

    of aero-engine and stationary gas turbine combustors

    Transfer of knowledge program with leading European

    universities (The Netherlands, Germany, France, Turkey)

    Turkish SME will support the project by providingexperimental data from industry-like test cases

    NUMECA is coordinating the project

    The project is guided by an Industrial Observer

    Group (IOG)

    Representatives from companies in the energy sector(gas turbine) and in the aero-nautical field (aero-engines)

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Planning phase

    Definition of a project with partners that contributes to the global objectives

    of the European program

    Proposals require attention to both technical and non-technical issues

    Socio-economic impact

    Demand for novelties and innovative research in a ToK/IAPP project

    Start-up phase (after the proposal has been approved)

    Not all university partners are immediately able to find suitable post-docs

    which they can assign to the project

    Change in planning necessary to accommodate for problems with

    recruitment Reporting:

    Financial reporting can be difficult since the guidelines are open to


    Technical reports are easy to write

    IAPP projects ChallengesIAPP projects Challenges

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    Journe Marie Curie, Brussels, November 6th, 2009


    Industrys point of view experience from the AdComb-CFD project

    NUMECA has obtained state-of-the-art technology in modeling of non-

    premixed combustion

    Creation of a network of relations and potential partners within the

    European research community in combustion

    Source of creativity regular discussion with leading academic institutions

    has provided NUMECA with new innovative ideas

    Academic partners:

    Establishment of additional contacts with industry

    Development of combustion models from a software engineeringand industrial point of view

    Platform for testing of new combustion models for complex applications

    IAPP projects BenefitsIAPP projects Benefits


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    Journe Marie Curie Brussels November 6th 2009


    Strong efforts in R&D are important to remain competitive and to develop

    next generation products

    Since efforts in R&D are cost-intensive, it is essential for an SME to

    obtain technological and financial support

    EU programs offer unique possibilities to establish Inter-European co-operations, pathways and networks

    IAPP-program is an excellent basis for

    establishing contact and exchanging personnel between

    academia and industry

    increasing the technological expertise and know-how ofall partners involved

    supporting applied research

    providing industry with most recent results from

    the research community
