March 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine



Articles submitted by members on Enchanted forest

Transcript of March 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

Believe in Yourself

and make it Happen!!

This had been the site Slogan

since day one when Breeze thought

of the site and we have held true to

that idea every since. Empowering

people to come above all that came

at them in Life. To help guide them

to a more peaceful resolution in

dealing with the daily life chaos it

can present on us. There are ways

to help manifest a healthier more

positive direction and happiness

with following a few steps in

doing so and on Enchanted Forest

is what we do along with it’s

members which many have been

with us since the beginning. Takes

time and little patience and

dedication to truly want it and

that’s when the Real magic comes


Thanks to all who have supported

us through time and all these years

with their help we couldn’t had

done it.

Breeze and Shadow

Mobile pages for those who use Mobile to visit Enchanted Forest!!

Ning Mobile Upgrade Redesigned mobile version goes live this week

This banner will appear on your phone and will update

you on latest activities on site, blogs and latest activities in groups.

Have also added "My Page"

This is in Beta stage so if you have any questions or

problems let us know so we can report it..

Thank you

Shadow and Breeze

Enchanted Forest Magazines

These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.

These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have

over 70 in our Scribd Library.

On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..

Just click on those and they will take you to the magazine.. no sign up required and

Free download.

If you would like to submit an article please check out our magazine group tab on

site menu. There will have the instructions on how to send in your article and want

to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read

with allot of helpful information.

Thank you

Shadow and Breeze

We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of

Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!

To come along to these chats join Times of classes below USA Central - 6 pm Eastern - 7 pm Western 4 pm Mountain Time 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am UK - Midnight

Emotional Mastery: Bringing Emotions Out of the Dark Ages

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Emotional Mastery: Bringing Emotions Out of the Dark Ages Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages. This has its analogy to the time when people's understanding of our Solar System was based upon the belief that the Sun revolved around the Earth, as it certainly appeared that way -- however, just the reverse was true. The problem was, as long as we believed the Sun went around the Earth, we were limited as to how far we could go in the Solar System. We find the same condition existing today in regard to the Emotional System. Society believes that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences in our environment. In essence: something happened and it made me feel the way I do. This belief, though it is certainly the way it appears, is just the reverse of how it really works. Remember the science experiment where you connected the two ends of a wire to the terminals of a dry cell battery? When an electrical charge flowed through the wire, a magnetic field was created around the wire. This was demonstrated by the pattern of the iron filings. The nature of any object with a magnetic field around it is to attract to it over a distance of space another similar object with a magnetic field around it. What happens to us as we embrace an emotional feeling is that it is first received by our brain, which converts it into electrical energy that flows through our body by means of the central nervous system. We can often "feel the charge" in our body associated with the experience of emotions. When this occurs an electromagnetic field is generated around our body which attracts to us another person who has an identical electromagnetic field around their body and the same emotional feeling in their heart.

For example, if we view the woman who drowned her two children with anger we will then encounter someone, perhaps while driving, who will express their anger towards us. We might think, "What did I do to deserve that?" Now we know. The emotional feeling came first, and it resulted in a corresponding event subsequently occurring in our environment!

Because society has the understanding of this relationship backwards, we have not been able to make much progress in the emotional area. Let's face it, although this age reflects great advancements in technology, the feelings in the hearts of men and women are still plagued by darkness. Believing that something or someone made us feel the way we do gives rise to the concept of victimization. To see self as a victim places the responsibility for our feelings on someone or something other than self. The real problem with this view is that if we are not responsible for having created our feelings, we are also unable to change those feelings and create new and different ones. This dilemma we face creates quite a struggle in life. Although we may externally struggle with different circumstances and situations, the emotional feelings associated with them are always the same -- frustration, resentment, anger, etc., etc., etc. It is as if we have fallen into quicksand, gotten stuck, and the only way we know to extricate ourselves is to struggle. What we find is that the more we struggle to get out, the deeper in we sink. This predicament is exemplified by compulsive behavior. The things we do that we desire to no longer do constitute our compulsive behavior. The characteristic of compulsive behavior is that it is reactive in nature. In other words, we have done it before we are consciously aware that we have done it. Since we do not like it, we get down on ourselves for having done it again. This only serves to feed and increase the intensity of what we did not like, so that it becomes a stronger force within us, compelling us even more to do it the next time. Then we get down on ourselves even more -- feeding more energy into it so that it comes back stronger the next time… The more we struggle to get out, the deeper in we sink. To state a simple rule: there is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. Understanding how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle. This understanding is the key to unlocking the emotional doorway to enter into the Kingdom of Heavenly Feelings within us, the creation of happiness in life, that we deserve to experience.


Posted by Michael Forbus

Even a moment of anger can be terribly damaging. By Master Hsing Yun Michael S. Wertz“To bear disgrace and insult” is the most important virtue a person can possibly cultivate, because the ability to forbear is enormously powerful, since a moment of anger can destroy an entire lifetime of merits. In today’s society, people often mistake forbearance for cowardice. Therefore, the inability or unwillingness to forbear anger has become a source of social and family violence. Spousal abuse, child abuse, and drive-by shootings result from the inability of people to control their emotions. If we want to have peace and order in our lives, reason must prevail over negative emotions. What does it mean to forbear? It is not very difficult for most of us to endure a moment of hunger or thirst. It is not very hard for most of us to bear the heat of summer or the cold of winter. However, it is very difficult for most of us to forbear anger. Even great men and women of history have succumbed to such a fate. By losing control of their emotions, many lost their ability to perceive things clearly and made irreversible mistakes that changed the course of history and profoundly impacted the lives of many generations. Therefore, the decision to forbear or not to forbear is a determining factor in one’s ultimate success or failure. If we wish to be successful in our undertakings, we must learn to hold back our emotions and be as thoughtful as possible in our actions and reactions. To forbear is indeed an act of courage and not a symbol of cowardice. It takes great effort and resolution to endure pain and hardship. It requires tremendous confidence to bear insult and disgrace without a hint of retaliation or self-doubt. In order for us to practice the virtue of forbearance, we must have strength, wisdom, and compassion. We must be willing to settle differences or disputes by means of reason and kindness. We must believe in tolerance and restraint as signs of goodness and bravery. Therefore, if we want to succeed in life and bring about a more peaceful world, we must learn to control our emotions and not to be affected by a moment of anger. From All in a Thought, © 2008 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Reprinted with permission of Buddha’s Light Publishing.


Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother.

Honor the Elders. Honor all with whom we

share the Earth:- Four-leggeds, two-leggeds,

winged ones, Swimmers, crawlers,

plant and rock people. Walk in balance and beauty.

Native American Elder.

Lets Get Crafty.... Spring is here time to start harvesting

Posted by Harobed

All gifts of nature can be added to our spells and each one you add wiil bring their own unique element to your spell! Spells are made powerful by the ingredients that are used and the way they interact with each other ,in other words the more you know the stonger your spells. The ingredients I'm listing today are NOT for consumption, but for use during spell casting. Blossoms picked and dried in the spring are good in spells of rebirth or renewal of energy! Roses have always been connected with love. A Rose represents the heart center, the appropriate colour for this use is dark pink or blood red .You don't need the whole Rose, a few petals will do just as well. Rosemarie invokes rememberance so if you were working a spell to reconnect someone to a loved one it would be an excellent choice as an ingredient. Parsley is great for use where there are health or anger issues as is Apple . .Mustard seeds ,Sassafras or money plant (lunaria) are great for money spells Lemongrass is for spells of Lust or involving Psychic Powers Clover and shamrocks can be used for bringing families together, protection from psychic forces and good fortune. Cactus spines or any thorn can be used in witch bottles for protection. Carry, burn,or bury to release their powers.

For strength and protection Wolfsbane ,Oak or fern all will do the trick All Currants (including a flowering currant), are excellent in spells involving fertility or to ease birth and labour pains. Hops is great for spells of Healing or Sleep Horehound is used for Exorcism and spells of Healing Mock orange ( Philadelphus) is great for putting an end to something in a happy and satisfactory way. Hawthorn leaves are strengthening and encouraging Juniper is used for Protection, Anti-Theft, and Exorcism

Psychic Workout: The Art of Zen Dishwashing Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Zen dishwashing? It sounds like an oxymoron, but the act of dishwashing can actually be a meditative tool. If you are a busy mom, workaholic, or someone that just never seems to find the time to meditate, then this might be the workout for you! Not only is it productive, but this exercise allows you to multitask by incorporating meditation into your chores. One of the primary focuses in this exercise is the pace and methodical washing of dishes. This is not an exercise in which you enter your meditation with a specific purpose or thought. This exercise focuses your attention on the dish alone, while you prevent other images or ideas from entering and interfering with this period of meditation. 1. First and foremost, send all of your family members out of the kitchen so you can have some “alone time.” 2. Select a fragrant dish soap that is aromatheraputic or just pleasing to you. You may even want to consider an earth-friendly, all-natural or biodegradable cleaning product. Fill your sink with nice warm soapy water and get out your scrubbing gear. 3. Before you pick up that first plate, pause for a minute and ground yourself. Feel you legs strongly planted into your kitchen floor. Draw energy upward into your legs, feeling a sensation of strength in your undertaking. 4. Slowly pick up that first dish and take note of it in great detail. You may want to identify its shape, texture, color, or the signature of the maker on the back. Notice the dish as if this was the first time you had ever looked at it. 5. Focusing entirely on the dish, begin to scrub in a consistent clockwise, energy-invoking direction. Keep your rounds evenly paced as you continue to wash in a circular motion until you feel a hypnotic sensation. Your mind should remain focused on the present actions and engaged in the task. Do you feel more relaxed?

6. Pick up the next dish and continue cleaning with the same process

7. When it’s time to rinse the dishes, turn on the water and take note of the flow of the water from the faucet. Feel the comforting feeling of the water and temperature. Allow your hands to frequently interact with the water as you rinse the dishes. 8. Once a dish is cleaned, consciously recognize the transformational process from “dirty” to “clean.” How does this make you feel? I know that this may sound like a silly question, but there is a reward in this process. Recognize the feeling of completion and pleasing appearance of the clean dish as a minor sensation of satisfaction. Your mind may begin to wander in this exercise, and that’s quite normal. One of the primary goals in meditation is to minimize or altogether overcome distractions, and stay focused on the task at hand. Transcend the initial repetition and boredom and begin to feel the joy of mindfulness. This process may take a little longer than usual, but there is much mental calmness and clarity you stand to gain. I encourage you to bring this level of awareness into your activities, whether it is mopping the floor, vacuuming or washing windows. Can you begin to imagine how fulfilling a dreaded chore can become? You may even find this new cleaning process so rewarding you might even consider your own zen cleaning business… imagine that! Learn to approach life with this state of mind, as it will make every act worthy of doing.


The record keeper crystal is recognized by a raised (or several raised) perfect triangles(s) located on one or more of the crystal faces. It should be noted that the quartz crystal is not the only crystal which is a record keeper; for example, there are a few rare ruby crystals, from the Republic of South Africa and from the Ruby Crystal Mine in India, which also exhibit this property. The record keeper is a crystal within which wisdom is stored. When one properly attunes to this crystal, the ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe can be psychically retrieved. These crystals have been consciously and purposely programmed by the beings who created the energies which have culminated in the actualization of life on this plane, and by their direct descendants (e.g., the Atlanteans and Lemurians). The purposes of accessing information from the record keeper are: To provide one with information concerning the origin of the human race, the human soul, and all that exists or has existed in ones reality; To facilitate the actualization of each person as a healing agent for humanity and the environment; and To allow one to incorporate higher knowledge, wisdom, peace, and love into this and other planets. Only those with open minds and pure hearts can access the information via attunement of the consciousness with the inner energies of the crystal. The information provided by the record keeper enhances ones light, provides for a deeper access to personal wisdom, and promotes a greater peace to be used in this world. The "three" of the triangles(s) located upon the face(s) of the crystal represents perfect balance achieved when the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of ones being is aligned with the love and purity of the highest spirituality. The triangular shape, of the "doors" which lead to the records, also symbolizes the third-eye, the creating, and the preservation of the state of perfection which serves as a pathway toward the enlightened state.

The information stored within the record keeper could be relevant or non-relevant to physical life on Earth. One must be open and willing to accept all information (even those concepts which one would judge as inconceivable) and must be capable (as we all are) of processing the information and applying it to this physical life. The record keeper crystal is usually a personal meditation crystal. Meditation with the crystal is easily accomplished by placing a triangle upon the third-eye. Subsequent to this placement, close the eyes, still and open the mind, initiate circular breathing, relax, and be prepared to receive the information. Another method of accessing information is to activate the triangle by rubbing the thumbnail across the triangle from top to bottom. This provides the opening. Closing-off the source is accomplished by the opposite manipulation. If one is meant to experience a record keeper, the universe will provide. The record keeper which "comes" to you contains the information which will be beneficial to your personal development and /or will provide information which will assist you in helping another.

Using Your Palm Chakras for sensing energy and healing

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

The chakra in the palms of the hands are powerful sensors and channels for vibratory information and energy, many adhere to the convention that the left palm receives or senses energy and the right palm sends it out. My experience is that both hands will send and sense energy, you can improve and focus these functions by using intention and by allowing the input and out flow. The most common healing use for the receiving function is to scan the aura or area for hot spots and other information it can also be used to "taste" the atmosphere for information about the general environment or a speaker or book or situation. The sending function is used for sending healing energy, clearing rooms, charging crystals and objects and as a channel for various energy functions and purposes such as for blessing, protection and thankfulness. While it is possible to raise and use your own personal energy for healing this can be draining. While it is indeed important to learn how to build up and raise the vibration of your personal "chi" it is far more effective for healing work to learn how to bring in spiritual energy and allow it to flow through you. Some of the ways of doing this such as Reiki and Drisana and Love stream for example are acquired by having attunements done to your aura that allow you to connect with and use specific healing energies. It is more common to call in and invite the energy by forms of intent such as effective prayer and via your high self and Companion Angel or Directly from God or other manifestation of High spiritual LIGHT and consciousness. There are many different systems taught for using and directing healing energies.

You are advised to simply make yourself a clear channel for the healing energy and allow it to flow through you with no direction on your part other that that the healing be for the highest good and seated in unconditional LOVE. It is emphasized that in most cases it is very important to remain neutral as to specific outcomes rather than attempting to impose your personal will to direct a specific outcome of the treatment though I do state internally what the situation is thought to be and if pain relief is sought. It is also possible following your intuitive and higher guidance as to appropriateness to move and remove and direct energy with gentle intention pushing or pulling holding the energy still or allowing it to flow directing tight laser like beams of energy to remove stagnant energy in a body and to mend tears in the aura for example. On the vibrational level the difference between sensing and sending is kind of like the difference between sucking and blowing. Not everyone does consciously sense vibrational energy you can still use healing energy even if you do not feel or see it.

Celebrating Spring and Your Good Health Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

Spring represents renewal and rebirth. Seasonal living shows us how to live in harmony with the natural cycles of our environment. As the earth is tilted so that the sun is directly over the equator, this signifies the start of the vernal equinox. This time of Spring has been celebrated over the centuries as the beginning of the rebirth period. The Spring Season is probably one of the most embraced and most significant of the season changes, for it denotes the start of new life, regeneration of nature and the renewal of the spirit. As an expression in nature, this is the time when crops are planted. Spring flowers bloom in fields, yards and parks. Gardens are filled with the luxurious growth of delicate petals of geraniums and hydrangeas to the fragrance of lilacs and tuberose. Brilliant bursts of sun showers water the earth. The brisk breeze of a new season scatters her seeds and the warmth of the healing sun plays a part in the renewal of the season. The renewal of the spirit is everywhere. This contagious expression of love, cleansing and outward energy is the catalyst for change. A time to awaken from the long and cold winter season of hibernation. The soul can find a new journey, a new found path and a fresh beginning in this time of Spring. Spring is the time to take a good look at our health and our lifestyle. Start by looking at the life around you. Are you living in chaos? Is your home in a shambles? Is there clutter everywhere? You may want to consider starting with a good decluttering session. Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, can help you to find order in your life. This is a good time of year to be more conscious about and take care of the liver, gallbladder, eyes and muscles. Change your herbal medicine chest to accommodate the season and include dandelion, burdock root and milk thistle. Start adding a bit more exercise into your daily routine. Your body can benefit from eating more seasonal foods, as well as lighter meals and foods to boost your metabolism. What is the best way to eat to optimize YOUR health? The temple, our physical bodies, are the only thing we have to carry the soul. When our physical bodies are not in proper working order, everything around us ultimately suffers. Our good health is all we have that stands between us and the aging process. The longer you keep your physical body in optimum health, the longer you have your temple to keep your soul on this plane. Detoxification is the best way to keep the body at its most ultimate working level. By enjoying a healthy, nutritional diet, getting good quality sleep and moderate exercise this can keep our physical form at it's best, always. Take the opportunities that are offered. Make the opportunities that are not. Find your priorities of life and give them merit. This is the best season to do this. This is the time when we gain energy to utilize the power we are given! ~Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac

Developing Intuition Posted by Barry Hesperus

Developing intuition involves openness to the direct subliminal experience of significant true insights, such as, alerting us to potential dangers, opportunities, or a true understanding of seemingly ambiguous situations, when such crucial insights may be hidden from the conscious mind. The direct intuitive experience of truths often functions at a subconscious or subtle level, unmediated by any proof or evidence derived from sensory experience or analytical reasoning, but instead arises from openness to the direct experience of subliminal impressions or energy patterns of unknown origin. This view of intuition as a direct, unmediated experience of subliminal impressions that reveal significant helpful true insights and clarifying discernment about matters that would otherwise be unclear or possibly misunderstood by us finds support in the Miriam-Webster online dictionary definition of intuition: “A natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: A feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully knowing why….Something that is known or understood without proof or evidence….quick and ready insight….immediate apprehension or cognition….the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.” []. The arising of intuition as a subtle impression arising from deep within our own individual being is also epitomized in the Bible by I Kings 19:12 alluding to a “still small voice.” The conscious mind and the information available to it through analytical reasoning and sensory data is only like the tip of the iceberg compared to the submerged base of the iceberg, metaphorically representing deeper subconscious levels of our being that are naturally more open and receptive to subliminal or subtle energy-impressions alerting us to the direct experience of significant realities and clarifying discernments that are hidden to the conscious mind.

Developing intuition is most likely to occur when our consciousness is relaxed, open,

receptive, fully immersed in the present moment of experience, not cluttered and

distracted by predetermined thoughts, presumptive beliefs, rigid expectations, other

mind chatter, and related exaggeratedly egocentric emotional dramas.

When the mind and energy-heart-feeling center are filled with narcissistic mental/emotional monologues, predetermined beliefs, and demanding expectations, that desensitizes us to much quieter, deeper intuitions coming from beyond the parameters of what we presume to already know. In this context, narcissism or ego refers to the conceptually defined false sense of presumptive identity, incessant self-preoccupation, and distracting mind chatter. The more that our conscious attention and heartfelt feeling energy are recoiled in various kinds of distracting egocentric self-involvement, the less conscious attention and heartfelt feeling energy we have available to detect subtle impressions intuitively arising from deeper levels of our own real individual being, beyond the ego, as well as relational insights arising as subliminal energy impressions through non-egocentric communion with other individuals and situations around us. Therefore, another related factor that contributes to developing intuition is to be deeply invested in heartfelt caring non-dualistic communion with other individuals and situations around oneself. Empathic communion is like a bridge that connects us to subtle fields of energy and experience arising within and around us. The insights that arise when we are alertly receptive to subliminal energy impressions arising within and around us can alert us to important information and helpful discernments that may be hidden from the more superficial conscious mind. That communion with subtle energy impressions arising in the actual present moment can go far beyond the more limited, restrictive, pool of accumulated information and predetermined beliefs available to the conscious analytical mind, often based on speculative interpretations that, in some cases, are only presumed to be present, but which may be only unfounded inferences extrapolated from past experience, future expectations, and unreliable conceptual abstractions of the present moment. Developing intuition also involves openness or receptivity to subtle impressions coming from the related core integrity level of our being, which subliminally alerts us to distinctive vibratory energy patterns that are directly experienced as feeling sound or unsound, reliable or queasy, true or false, right or wrong, wholesome/pure or unwholesome/foul, and so on. That is to say, the “still small voice of intuition” is naturally connected or related to the core integrity level of our being, which spontaneously, subtly, alerts us to what seems right or wrong in a given moment, consistent or inconsistent with the intrinsic purity, goodness, genuineness, wholesomeness, and integral wholeness of our own individual being, the related being of others around us, and the flow of all being, the indivisible integral whole web or network of life.

INTUITION IS THE KEY TO UNLOCKING OUR INNER TREASURE Developing intuition, and related subliminal noetic faculties such as, integrity, empathy, inspiration, and appreciation of true inner and outer beauty, alerts us to how best to follow or attune ourselves to what is most genuine, vital, and precious in us and in others around us, and guides us not to become sidetracked by spurious egocentric imitations or distortions of the true treasures of our real being. Developing intuition enables us to discern what is or is not truly consistent with the intrinsic goodness and greatness of our own being and all real being. We intuitively follow the winding trail of the energy pulse of our own real being and of our right relationship to others, like following an inner beacon, guiding us to explore, discover, and develop the true treasures of Being, life, or reality, within and around us. Following the uncharted mysterious call of our intuition wherever it may lead, from moment to moment, is how we discover and develop the sublime qualities that are latent or dormant within and around us, epitomized by the Native American precept of “walking in beauty,” as well as comparable terms for intuitive living consistently with our core integrity, such as, following the Tao, Dharma, Ma’at (ancient Egyptian term for righteous living), and “holiness.” Thus our intuition is like the unfolding call or energy pulse of our inner treasure, our true self, the beautiful “song, “dance” and “story” of our energy-heart and soul, gradually leading us Home to itself, metaphorically represented by the call to “follow the Yellow Brick Road” to the Wizard of Oz, or to follow the rainbow to the Pot of Gold that is its Source. Our developing intuition guides us to be open to constant re-visioning, or seeing ourselves and others in new ways, and encourages us to let go of old patterns of thought and behavior that are no longer right for us, so our perception and functioning becomes more flexible, liberating, empowering, vital, refreshing; but less stale, rigid, and restrictive. That openness to letting intuition move us beyond our old familiar comfort zones into limitless new possibilities or expanded horizons makes our life an exciting great adventure of endless exploration, discovery, and fruitful transformation, whereas the ego’s basic sense of insecurity, fragility, and inner insubstantiality induces it to cling to predetermined ideas, habits, and expectations, even when those no longer serve the further development of what is truly genuine, appropriate, vibrant, and fulfilling in ourselves.

The REAL story of Tynkata Bella and Pyotr (Tinker Bell and Peter Pan)

Posted by Storm ShadowBane

Chapter 1 The other chapters can be found on Enchanted Forest

The real story was over a thousand years old before it was ever written down. Tynkata Bella (her real name, real names have Power, remember) was the Sylvan Queen, she ruled over the Court of the beginnings of life, what humans would call Spring. She looked around her kingdom and realized it had become stale and boring, even the courtiers bored her, not even the constant battles of the Knights kept her entertained for more than a few moments. She needed a new distraction, something from somewhere else, but what? She had dallied with human males, they did not last long enough to be more than a fleeting interest, dying of old age or burning out in games. (Elven games lasted days and there was no rest periods.) Then, as she was looking upon a forest in the human world, she had an idea. A human woman was wending her way up a trail that was not often trod by solitary humans. The woman walked oddly, almost stumbling. And on her back was a child, an infant boy. The boy was handsome and strong looking. The woman was talking to the boy as she walked. "Now, Pyotr, we must hurry, lest we attract the eyes of the forest." Tynkata realized the woman was talking more to herself than the boy, mostly out of fear. "This, I can use. And the boy will live longer than an adult." Tynkata smiled to herself as she prepared to step into the scene. As she stepped out in front of the woman, she also unleashed her most powerful Glamour, dazzling the woman and stunning her into immobility. The woman, whose name was Vendi, froze in awe of the beautiful woman before her. When Tynkata spoke, Vendi had no choice but to listen.

"Woman, what do you want most in this world?" The Queen expected gold or fame or power. What Vendi said from her heart surprised the jaded Queen, "Peace and safety for my son. There is a warlord who has already taken my husband and our land." "Nothing then for yourself?" Tynkerbal asked. "No, only for my son. There is nothing you can do for me." Vendi replied, still mesmerized by Tynkata's Power. She opened her shawl, and there was a large wet stain of blood. "I am dying, beautiful lady." "Very well, I will grant this. I will take him to a place of safety." Vendi slowly handed Pyotr over to Tynkata. Then collapsed on the ground. Safety for the boy was not what the Queen had in mind, only pleasure and distraction for herself. Her lie to Vendi made her a thief. It also opened her up to failure. Feeling something akin to pity, the Sylvan Queen waved her hand over the fallen woman, and she changed. where there was human figure, suddenly was a small tree. She turned and noticed a retainer staring questioningly at her. She turned and looked back, then haughtily said, "I do not wish rotting bodies in plain view in my forest. Remember your place, Lord Hoke." And swept past him into her throne room. Over the next several months, Tynkata and her court kidnapped and enchanted several woman with children of their own, to nurse Pyotr. She would send them back when the baby was satisfied. Over the years as he grew, she changed from treating him as a pet, to be trotted out when she wanted to be entertained, to something like a fondness. And the day came when he pointed out a Courtier was planning to kill her. Pyotr spied a needle made of iron beneath Lord Hoke's cloak, "Why does Lord Hoke carry steel in the presence of the Queen?" Lord Hoke fled but as he passed by Pyotr, the boy tripped the elf. From that moment on Tynkata began to trust Pyotr. She taught him many Magicks and powerful warding spells.

Note from site :: If you like to see the rest of this story please check

out the site for more and the story of the 2 sisters as well.

By Earth and Stars Posted by §haÐðw

As I sit here and watch it snow Thought I want to touch on something pondered by many and that is about Earth and our Universe, Our existence here and our origins. as many look to the skies with a desire to "Go home" as many put it a Galaxy far away or a set of stars in a cluster far reaches from Earth. Many many stories come at us about these out side existence previous to one we are on now. with Earth and when things dont seem very peaceful and enlightening they tend to seek out wanting away. cant blame them I must say. some to believe they here on karma they must had done something very wrong to be here now and deal with what they are. Others here as observers maybe to help manifest a better future. Allot dont even take the effort to help with whats happening here but to just run away elsewhere. Take a minute reach for the stars step out in to the Universe and see that vision you have always seen or been givin. I feel many would be oblivious to what it was like back home on certain planets its environment much less how they survived or how far they were in progression of Life. Right now with Rockets and what is told to us it takes 2-3 days to reach the moon. so take your self a little further out. and look back at Earth, forget a minute about what you know goes on on this planet at this time.. but see it for as if was seen for very first time. as you would if you did ever see your supposed or called to home planet elsewhere. because you would not know what it was like but have an idea its a dreamy place unlike whats happening on Earth. do we know for sure? no. Do we know if we here on Earth are to help learn to help progress another planet that maybe yet behind due to its environment? no. so if you were way out in space and saw Earth for the first time would you feel same of it as you would if you had just came from a planet going through its own natural changes becoming unfit for life or survival.. Have to realize when your out in space your thousands of miles from the nearest star or even planet of this own galaxy. would spend most of your time traveling to a distant place and not know its present existence. Yes one would hope for some kind of worm hole take them there instantly but has yet came to be. so all these years we stare into space and see all those stars seemingly close but yet are not. I myself feel more to the Universe but Earth is apart of that. and should be treated as such no matter what is happening here..

what would one say if he or she found were here to help fix Earth and whats going on to only be here to give up on it. then expect to go back to their own planet with pride how would they help their own planet. just sit back drink blue lemonade? guess I am one who feels the need or the desire to be part of creation to see all get the best opportunity to survive when possible no matter what is going on that planet as many are not subjected to allot of those densities and due to our mindset imposed on us we became part of that density.. have to remind ourselves what Earth is. It is part of those stars so many so seek. but yet so easily deny it a chance , not trying, no effort but waiting and looking and waiting.. There maybe a day when out of no where beings from elsewhere show up because Earth does belong to the Universe. The Universe has every right to be here as well. Earth does not belong to the so called imposed powers of Earth now.. so do not keep giving them that power.. They have no right but are able to do so by imposing their will power on peoples minds subjecting them to fear into hiding just wanting to leave.. Earth and all its majestic one of a kind or one of many? we do not know as others are being searched out.. but even I fear humans getting hold of another planet look how they did this one. and allowed all that came to be. too busy seeking to be elsewhere. Be an example of change for the whole Universe as Earth is where we are for a reason and not some other planet. maybe a distant family depends on us highly to show them away or Earth just needs to be worked hard at being part of that universe and seen as majestic as the 7 sisters themselves.

making a scouring pad from vegetable nets Posted by Autumn

This is similar to the making shopping bags from old plastic carriers only instead of the shopping bags use the nets the veggies or fruits come in and make scouring pads instead. To begin with collect your nets and cut them into 1 inch strips and then tie them together to make a long 'thread'. Once you have your thread you can either knit or crochet them into a square or circle. Make them as large or as small as you like, and there you have it one scouring pad for free and a little less in the landfill. Will post picture if anyone wants to see one, (if camera co operates!) These make great gifts too and you may even get others to have a go.


Posted by Ha-nu

Now that we’ve made a post about all of the different types of crystals there are available, I thought it might be a good opportunity to talk about what we can use them for. Obviously, Crystals have many practical applications in the mainstream world. Did you know that all of our Computer Technology is based off of the core Element that Crystals are? Fyi – It’s Silicon, and that’s just the tip of the iceburg. So besides massive amount of Data Storage and Computing Technology, Crystals also can have an effect on your body too. It’s all about finding out which crystal is best for any particular scenario… and sometimes the easiest way to do that is just load on a whole bunch of them. Consider Crystals like Materia from FF7…. But now i’m getting off the main point. :P Here are 4 ways that you can use Crystals to facilitate healing in your body. Before we begin, let me share with you this prerequisite to using any and all of your crystals: Let them sit in the sun for several hours before you use them, this will charge them with the life-bearing energy of the sun, and it can be fuelled through the crystals into you. Now that your crystals are all charged, we can do the following :) 1. Keep them Close I know, I know, this is by far the most simple thing to do. Literally, just having the crystal on you is a charged piece of earth which will give you energy throughout the day. You can wear it on a bracelet, a necklace, a belt buckle, or even just put it in your pocket. Of course, if you really wanna go deep, do a Crystal Meditation. Lay a bunch of Crystals on your body as seen in the feature image above, and just lay down and relax for half an hour or so. You’ll feel fantastic afterwards :)

2. Make SpiritWater Spirit Water is the name I use for water that has had crystals sitting in it for an extended period of time. Allow a pitcher of water to soak with some crystals in it throughout the night, or even just for an hour or two before you drink it. The crystals will create an energetic infusion with the Water and the structure of the water will align energetically to the vibration of the Crystals. Honestly, you’ll never feel the need to drink Coffee again, Spirit Water feels so good to drink! 3. The Chakra-Bed When you go to bed, take 7 crystals (one for each chakra), and line them up under your mattress where your body would be when you fall asleep. Throughout the course of the night, your body will energetically connect with the vibration of the crystals, and you will wake up feeling fantastic! I have tried this dozens of times, and I have shared it with many people who always have the exact same results. Wake up in the morning vitalized, full of energy, and full of life! You won’t believe it until you try it. 4. Spread the Love Have you ever heard of “Ubuntu”? It’s an african phrase meaning “We are all One. How can one of us be Happy, if All of Us are Not?”. #4 is all about realizing that all around you are people in pain, people who are suffering, people who are in trouble. You have the ability to see it happening when it does, and you also have the ability to do something about it. Even something simple like giving a crystal away, tucking it into your friends backpack or purse can create energetic ripples through the fields of consciousness all around you, which can come back to you in tremendous ways. It’s the butterfly effect ^_^ If you are a part of everything, and there is suffering happening all around you, one of the best things you can do is to create a transformation and healing in the world around you. As the world heals, so too do you, and vice versa.

Correspondences: Spring Flower Magic Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

As spring arrives, our gardens begin to bud and eventually bloom. For hundreds of years, the plants that we grow have been used in magic. Flowers in particular are often connected with a variety of magical uses. Now that spring is here, keep an eye out for some of these flowers around you, and consider the different magical applications they might have. •Crocus: This flower is one of the first you'll see in the spring, and it's often associated with newly blooming love. The crocus is also known to enhance visions and bring about intuitive dreams. •Daffodil: The bright petals of the daffodil are typically found in shades of white, yellow or even pale orange. This flower is associated with love and fertility -- place fresh ones in your home to bring about abundance. Wear this flower close to your heart to draw love and luck. •Dandelion: The leaf of the dandelion is used for healing, purificaiton, and ritual cleansing. To bring positive change about, plant dandelions in the northwest corner of your property. The bright yellow flowers can be used in divination, or placed in a sachet to draw good energy your way. •Echinacea: Also called purple coneflower, this garden mainstay adds a little bit of magical "oomph" to charmes and sachets. Use it for prosperity related workings. Burn the dried flowers in incense, and use on your altar during ritual as an offering to deities. •Goldenseal: This sunny yellow flower is often found growing in the wild, alongside roads and in fields. Use it in money spells, or for business dealings. Work it into charms connected to matters of financial gain or legal issues. •Hibiscus: This lusty flower incites passion -- use it to attract love or lust, or for prophetic dreams about your lover. Burn in incense, or carry in a sachet to bring love your way. •Hyacinth: This flower was named for Hyakinthos, a Greek divine hero who was beloved by Apollo, so it's sometimes considered the patron herb of homosexual men. Hyacinth is also known to promote peaceful sleep, and guards against nightmares. Carry in an amulet to help heal a broken heart or to ease grief when a loved one dies.

•Lily: The Easter lily or Tiger lily is associated with all kinds of Spring connections -- fertility, rebirth, renewal and abundance. •Narcissus: Named for another Greek figure, the Narcissus helps promote polarity and harmony. Its calming vibrations bring about tranquility and inner peace. •Tulip: The tulip appears in many different colors and varieties, but is typically connected to prosperity. You can use the different colored variations in color magic -- use a dark strain such as Queen of the Night for full moon rituals, or bright red flowers for love magic. •Violet: In Roman myth, the first violet sprung from the spilled blood of the god Attis, who killed himself for Cybele, the mother goddess. However, today the violet is associated with tranquility and peace. The leaf offers protection from evil, and can be sewn into a pillow or sachet for a new baby. Carry the petals with you to bring about luck and enhance nighttime magic. Important: Remember that some plants can be toxic to pets. Before you plant or pick any of these, be sure to check to make sure it won't be harmful to your furry companions. A great resource to check is on the ASPCA website at Toxic &


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