March 2013 Tybee Breeze

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March 2013 Tybee Breeze

Transcript of March 2013 Tybee Breeze

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The Tybee Breeze is a monthly publication that comes out on the 1st of each month and is available in racks & outdoor boxes throughout the island all month long. It is also available to view in its entirety to perspective visitors online, as well as, mailed out to subscribers all over the U.S. The deadline to advertise is by the 15th of the month prior. Our goal is to provide a fun & entertaining magazine for all ages. If you would like to contribute by writing a story, letter to the editor, suggesting a story, or advertising, contact us using the information above. By submitting photos to the Tybee Breeze, you are authorizing the Breeze to use, reproduce and display photographs. Some of the articles in the Tybee Breeze are fiction. Views expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the Tybee Breeze. The Tybee Breeze assumes no responsibility for typographical errors or omissions. All ads contained within the Tybee Breeze are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. The Tybee Breeze reserves the right to edit or refuse any articles or advertising submitted to this publication © 2013. All rights reserved.God Bless America & God Bless Our Troops!

OWNER/PublishER:sundi Marino

EditOR:Margie Mclellan

layOut & dEsigN:sundi Marino

PhOtOgRaPhy:Julia Foster

advERtisiNg salEs:sundi MarinostaFF Cat:


tO gEt iN tOuCh:Call: (912) 257-2254

subscribe: $29 to P.O. Box 2505 Tybee Island GA 31328Email: [email protected]

Web: tybeebreeze.comliKE us:

Tybee BreezeEstablished 2002

The word “Junkanoo” was derived from an African slave named “John Canoe” in the 17th century. He was instrumental in having one day set-aside when the slaves were free to celebrate, make music and dress themselves in costumes they made from various items saved all year such as bits of paper, feathers, colorful leaves, and shells. The first drums were made from wooden barrels with cured goat or ship skin stretched and nailed over one end with the other end left open. Other musical instruments were fashioned from cowbells, seashells and items found on the Island, or discarded by the plantation owners. The year 1976 ushered in a new era in Junkanoo in the Bahamas. A brass section was made part of the musical backline. Most major Junkanoo groups boast of having a brass section to accompany the traditional goatskin drums, cowbells, horns and whistles. The biggest celebrations are on “Boxing Day” (December 26th) and New Year’s Day. Junkanoo Groups perform throughout the night, presenting a spectacle of sound, colorful costumes, and parades throughout the city called “rushes”. These rushes last as long as 24 hours! Barabbas and the Tribe debuted as an “A” category group, being judged solely on music and performance but after bringing years of innovative techniques in music and costuming to Nassau, they have returned to the spirit of Jukanoo and are bringing the fun with a flair in the “B” Category grouping. Junkanoo World in Nassau is owned by Quentin (Barabbas) and Maureen Woodside and is one of the largest suppliers of Junkanoo materials; providing jobs &

training for many at-risk youth who also perform with the group as members of Barabbas and the Tribe. The Woodsides devote much time to mentoring young men and women from the island and in so doing have created a world-famous group of performers. They have performed at major sporting events, including

the Super bowl in Miami and in Dallas as well as other major events throughout

the United States. They are true ambassadors of good will for the Bahamas having performed in the Savannah St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Tybee Island Irish Heritage Parade for the last ten years as guests of Jack Flanigan’s, “The Crab Shack.”

Barabbas and the Tribe, Junkanoo Performers

Cover photo courtesy of Travis Sayre and inside

photos by Sherri Simmons.

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Rose Line Exhibit at the Dragonfly Studio to Benefit TIMA

City of Tybee Island r e s i d e n t Margie Rose aka Malkah, along with the professional e x p e r t i s e of SCAD g r a d u a t e artist Denise

Elliot-Vernon, is showing 8 small oils at the fine arts gallery, The Dragonfly Studio located at 1204 E. Hwy. 80 on Tybee’s North End. The major part of the proceeds will benefit the Tybee Island Maritime Academy scheduled to open this August K-4 thanks to the incredible drive and integrity of Carolyn Jurick, Dr. Cindy Cupp, and the charter school

f o u n d i n g /g o v e r n i n g board. “A school is the heart of a community”, states oil painter Rose, “and Tybee r e s i d e n t s are grateful for this oppor tunity of a fresh start for new life.” Rose, with a Masters from Duke U n i v e r s i t y

has spent her life creating art schools in the atelier (open studio) style since a kid in Philadelphia where she was born to Savannah native Helen Levington Spiers and University of PA lawyer and school teacher Dr. Edmund Spiers. She has continued with this passion and mission from Kiburu village in Kenya, East Africa 1969-1970 to Deer Isle, Maine in the 1980’s and Jerusalem in the 1990’s. The show is entitled, ‘Peace by the River’, the 8 oils are a small portion of a retrospective that recently toured the Coastal Empire. “It is

good to begin this exhibit here on Valentine’s Day,” continues Rose, “a day for the heart…and in a time when folks are seeking a new kind of love, one that incorporates community understanding, peace and education.” The focus of the style Rose calls ‘observant’ is light: inside as well as outside. The artist is the prism to refract the light into the colors of the rainbow in order to realize the connection of the arts with science and the study of nature, cultures and society. There will be a Gallery Opening party Saturday night, February 23rd. All are invited. The Rose Line Exhibit will continue through the end of March. For more information please call (912)786-4431 or visit

Peace by the Riverpeace by the river

a school by the seaa place

for science researchand healthy livinga school of fish!a school of art

Tybee Island Maritime Academy:a school for the heart

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Books to Check out this month at The Tybee Island Branch of Live Oak Public Libraries:

FIcTIon“Alex Cross, Run,” by James Patterson“The Arrangement,” by Mary Balogh“Breaking Point,” by C. J. Box“Calculated in Death,” by J. D. Robb“Family Pictures,” by Jane Green“Frost Burned,” by Patricia Briggs“Gotcha!” by Fern Michaels“The Guardian,” by Beverly Lewis“Let the Dead Sleep,” by Heather Graham“Night Moves,” by Randy Wayne White“Six Years,” by Harlan Coben“The Storyteller,” by Jodi Picoult“The Striker,” by Clive Cussler

nonFIcTIon “Banished,” by Lauren Drain with Lisa Pulitzer“Baseball as a Road to God,” by John Sexton“Between Man and Beast: A Tale of Exploration & Evolution,” by Monte Reel“Big Data,” by Victor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier“Decisive,” by Chip Heath“Her: A Memoir,” by Christa Parravani“The Pope’s Last Crusade,” by Peter Eisner“Raising Cubby,” by John Elder Robison“Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us,” by Michael Moss“Sum It Up,” by Pat Head Summitt“What We Talk About When We Talk About God,” by Bob Bell“Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill,” by Michael Shelden

To check availability of any of these titles, visit our online catalog at

Tybee Branch Library405 Butler Avenue, Tybee IslandPhone: 912-786-7733 Fax: 912-786-7734Hours: Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays 2-6; Tuesdays 10-8; Wednesdays 10-6Branch Manager: Laurel Beecher Powers

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Still Quiet: There have been no called missions this year.

First I would like to apologize to the faithful and thank everyone for their Thoughts and Prayers during my recent illness. With a huge loss of mobility in my

fingers this article is bound to be short and sweet. The first of the year is always slow for missions but is not an indicator of what 1-A has been doing. We recently installed our 2013 slate of officers, and hosted the

January M.R.S. National meeting. Congratulations to our new Skipper Mr. Tony (Fu) Voigt who has taken the Gavel from Mr. Elliott Roughen. Elliott did a great job in 2012 and we thank him for his year of OUTSTANDING Service.

Told you it would be s h o r t … I will let a few pictures tell the rest of the story…Hope to sea y’all soon.

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Welcome Daylight Savings Time back this month with the beginning of the 2013 Third Thursdays on Tybee series - the “homegrown” concerts created for those that live, work and play on Tybee. The spring series kicks off March 21 with the Ogeechee River Rounders (A.K.A. The Rounders) from 5:30pm – 7:00pm at the Tybrisa / Strand Roundabout. The Rounders are a five piece acoustic string band that play a collection of American Old-time, Traditional Country, Bluegrass, and folk songs. Hank Williams Sr. will come to mind for many of you. Hailing from the Statesboro / Bulloch County area, members play often at bakeries, cafes and during Savannah Folk Society First Friday for Folk. The group is comprised of young professionals and parents, so their performance is sure to please all ages as they perform downtown. Bring a chair, stroll the shops and grab a bite to eat while you enjoy the music outdoors. Businesses in the corridor welcome you to stop in while you are enjoying the free entertainment. More information is

available on Third Thursdays on Tybee’s Facebook page. Sponsorships packages are available. Plus, donations are accepted during the performances to assist the BHT Program’s efforts to host community based activities throughout the corridor. With the coming of spring, guests to the island are arriving and the Tybee Island Information Provider Program begins again Memorial Day weekend. As a local, you have a wealth of information to share with those that visit your hometown. Being an Info Provider is a way for you to be recognized and help out even more! If you are interested in spending a few hours walking around downtown and / or “manning” the Info Booth at the Roundabout to share your knowledge of and love for Tybee with visitors during the peak season, call me for more information. Did you know that over 37 groups partnered with Tybee Beautification Association and the city over the course of just one year to help Keep Tybee Tidy? Data collected during our grant cycle for combating litter reflected such figures as: 14,987 cigarette butts, 1,726 straws and 951 plastic bags were picked up. Kudos to the volunteers that help keep our roads and beaches clean. More organizations continue to partner with TBA/COTI such as Savannah State University, Gulfstream, etc. It takes all of us to lighten the pickups and put litter in its place to Keep Tybee Tidy! Help carry the message that wind and rain transport litter to our waterways and becomes marine debris which threatens the health of marine life, humans and our coastal heritage. Enjoy the month and remember how wonderful it is to be on Tybee. There is always something to do and to experience in our community…nature, culture and, of course, doing business with your neighbors. The Economic Restructuring Committee is proud of the support “BUY LOCAL TYBEE” has received over the past few years. As our community continues to grow and more people decide to call Tybee home, you too can be part of keeping Tybee – Tybee by being an active with BHT Program committees. The program follows a balanced, long lasting approach to improve the quality of life for those that live, work and visit Tybee Island through a healthy business corridor and enhance the cultural experience while preserving the community’s barrier island heritage. For more information about the Better Hometown Program, upcoming special events and “Door-to-Door Corridor News”, sign up for the monthly BHT Newsletter by visiting the BHT Program’s webpage ( Here’s to you and the nostalgia of Tybee! Chantel 912.472-5071 ([email protected])

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Illustration by Mallory Pearce

CoyotesBy Mallory Pearce

Coyotes (Canislatrans) were originally found only in the west. The main deterrent that limited coyote expansion were wolves, which would kill coyotes when they confronted them. Since the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park, the coyote population has declined. Coyotes are still there but they have had to learn to avoid wolves. The wolf is now gone from most of the U.S., so gradually the coyote has extended its range east. The canine species, unlike the wolf, has learned how to coexist with human neighbors. By the 1980’s the coyote was common throughout the U.S. and most of Canada but they had not yet invaded the southeast. Since that time the coyote has dispersed through the south and is now common in Georgia. Finally the coyote has come to Tybee! Coyotes have adapted to living adjacent to people, usually avoiding and hiding from people. Although there are incidents where coyotes have bit people, these cases are rare. These coyotes had become habituated to people and had lost their fear. It’s been estimated that about 10 cases of coyotes biting people have occurred per year, whereas there are 4.7 million cases of dogs biting people per year. Normally coyotes are no threat to people and can be scared off or chased away. Tybee’s Police department sponsored an information talk presented by Lynsey White Dasher , urban wildlife expert, from the Humane Society. She had studied coyotes especially the population in Chicago (about 2000).Ms. Dasher made two main points: 1. Avoid leaving food around your house – pet food, garbage, food scraps, etc, which can attract coyotes so they lose their fear of people.2. Scare coyotes away by hazing: loud noises, making threatening actions by hand motions, squirt guns or hoses and chasing them. Do not run from coyotes. If we are to coexist with coyotes, it’s important that they are always fearful of us. Coyotes are predators but their usual prey are rodents and rabbits. According to some studies, 60% of their diet. They can be useful in controlling rodent populations. Coyotes will also eat fruit (20%) and carrion. Deer are part of their diet but a single coyote cannot handle a deer. A group of coyotes can bring down a deer, however they will gather to consume a deer carcass left by hunters. They will prey on raccoons (8%) and opossums. These mammals have some ability to defend themselves. Coyotes are opportunists and prefer easier prey like mice and rats. Coyotes will prey on small dogs and cats and many Tybeeites are concerned about the safety of their pets. Ms. Dasher suggested if you’re walking a small dog and you see a coyote, you should pick up the dog and scare away the coyote. Several times on Tybee, dog owners have scared away coyotes that were stalking their small dogs. I know of at

least one case when a coyote grabbed a small dog. The dog was running about within a fenced yard. The owner was at the other side of the yard. A coyote leapt the fence, grabbed the dog and ran. A large dog was released and chased the

coyote who dropped the small dog and fled. After treatment by a vet the small dog survived. Ms. Dasher said that you should never leave your small pets alone. Keep your cats inside or walk them on a leash. Many dogs are larger than coyotes and coyotes will avoid

them. Dogs have been used to chase & kill coyotes. If a dog comes close to a coyotes’ den, they may attack to defend their pups. Sometimes coyotes and dogs will mate and produce half-coyote pups known as coy-dogs. In most cases coyotes have been observed just walking by. Unlike wolves, coyotes are monogamous not usually pack animals. A pair establishes a territory and raises a family. For a brief period there is a “pack” parents and grown up “pups.” Then the young go off to establish their own territories. Coyotes usually hunt alone or in pairs. Coyotes prefer semi open country, some tree cover plus open areas, whereas wolves will live in deep forests. Developed areas with farmlands plus forested areas are the perfect habitat. Much of coyotes’ habitat is dry (desert) or semidry (chaparral). Tybee’s habitat is unusually wet for coyotes. Coyotes are good swimmers. If coyotes develop rabies or some other disease, they can become dangerous. Locally, raccoons & otters may also become infected with rabies. If you observe a rabid animal, call the police; it’s against the law to fire a weapon within the city limits of Tybee. Police are still investigating the shooting of a coyote on our island. The police have set traps to catch the coyotes. If they catch one it will be sent to Chatham County to be humanely euthanized. However, no coyotes have been trapped. They are very smart animals and have leaned to avoid traps. Police Chief Bryson has said that the method they use to control coyotes will vary, according to the situation. If the coyote is rabid or other wise dangerous, it will be shot. In other situations hazing might be the appropriate action. Ms. Dasher was brought in not only for the public but to train the police about coyote control. According to Bryson, there have been few calls to the police about coyotes. Coyotes have been trapped, shot and poisoned, yet they survive and thrive. The evidence indicates that when the population declines, the females produce large litters (12 instead of the usual 4 to 7 ). Fort Pulaski has coyotes, a pair that produces pups. If we eliminate the local coyotes, others will probably return. Coyotes learn how to avoid people and it’s possible that we may always have a few of these canines that have learned how to stay out of sight. The canine that originally inhabited the southeast was neither the gray wolf nor the Coyote but the red wolf (canis rufus). This canine is intermediate in size between the wolf and coyote and was often rufous or black in color. It’s a highly endangered species, only 150 survive, mostly in captive breeding programs. 26 are living wild in the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge on the coast of NC. You can see the red wolf in the zoos in Jacksonville, FL or Nashville, TN.

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By Carolyn Jurick

Tybee Island Maritime Academy’s (TIMA’s) Open Enrollment continues through March 31, 2013. Please go to and complete the enrollment form for your child. You can register online or go to City Hall or the Library to complete forms. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or go the FAQ page on our website. Open House was a huge success! We had 109 prospective students and parents. Thanks to the Lighthouse, Georgia Tech Robotics, the Navy Club, Propeller Club, YMCA, Gray’s Reef Marine Science (NOAA), the Coast Guard, and all who were there to welcome the students and let them know how they would be involved with the school.Principal Interviews are under way. We had 28 people apply from all over the U.S. The interviews will continue until we find the best possible fit for the school. Teacher applications are online. As soon as the principal is chosen, teacher interviews will begin. TIMA will hire Georgia-certified teachers. For certification purposes, TIMA will follow the requirements of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to verify evidence of competencies. Teachers and teacher assistants will all meet the “highly qualified” standards of the NCLB Act. In the event that a certified or provisional teacher is not available, a long-term substitute will be hired to assume the assigned duties and responsibility of an instructor. A long-term substitute may not serve more than 45 days before a certified teacher is employed. Only Georgia-certified instructional personnel will be hired to teach special education students and limited English proficient students. All TIMA employees will be required to comply with the fingerprinting requirements of Georgia statutes and rules relating to criminal background checks. All offers of employment made by TIMA are contingent upon the successful completion of a background check. Criminal record checks will be conducted on all personnel in accordance with state laws, GA State Board rules, and rules of the Professional Standards Commission. TIMA will work in partnership with the SCCPSS Campus Police Department in order to complete this process. All TIMA employees will be “at will” employees. TIMA will participate in the Georgia Charter School Association’s Job Fair on March 2, 2013 at Oglethorpe Charter School. The TIMA Governing Board will meet on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm at City Hall.

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Bernie Goode has been writing for the Breeze for seven years. Readers with questions or comments are encouraged

to write Bernie at [email protected]

Mayor’s Report for FY 1911 – Part 2

This will be the second half of Mayor Lovell’s report on the Town of Tybee’s accomplishments during Fiscal Year 1911. “15th Street was widened full width and made to slope from Main Street to beach. To do this, it was necessary to take up the old gravel walk, also plank walk and lay entire distance with an 8 ft gravel walk. “16th Street was opened full width and sloped off to beach and this proved to be a big job, it being necessary to move a large amount of sand to fill up the valleys that had formed. An 8 ft gravel walk was laid to beach and Palmetto trees planted along both sides.” [Early Tybee beautification project.] “Chatham Avenue West from Inlet [train] station to a point beyond Alley #3 was built up on the marsh and a 4 foot gravel walk laid a distance of about 1250 feet. Cypress [?] trunks [?] were placed under embankments to drain water.” [Before the Venetian Terrace housing project could be built by the Tybee Beach Company in the 1920s, it was necessary to fill the area south of 12th Street, west of Jones Avenue, and northeast of the Back River since, but for some small hammocks and a strip of high ground along the river, this area was all marsh and tidal creeks. The fill was obtained by dredging the marsh area along Horse Pen Creek west of what is now Venetian Drive. But that’s a story for another day. The reason I tell you now is to give some meaning to why portions of Chatham Avenue had to be “built up on the marsh” as the Mayor mentioned in the above work item.] “On Chatham Avenue East we continued to construct a 20 foot road way from the beach to Inlet Station – but convicts were taken to Savannah when the work was about half completed. This work was preparatory to making a paved roadway to the beach – thus doing away with the plank walk in rear of the [illegible]. “A private walk 10 ft wide constructed of gravel between beach Lots 98 and 99 Ward 5 – from Main Street to Beach – we laid a 10 foot gravel walk from Inlet Avenue to connect with this walk. [This area is near what is now Izlar Avenue.] “On 16th Street from Inlet Avenue to South End Jail we graded and laid a 4 foot gravel walk. [No, I do not know where the jail at the south end was located; maybe someone will tell me.] “During the high March winds the advertising sign boards on the west side of Main Street, were blown down – and only a portion of them have been rebuilt. They now are obstructing Main and 15th Streets, and in rebuilding they were placed on private property. [I don’t know what this means but it does tell us that signs on Tybee have been

an issue for a long time.] “During the past year building operations were quite active. The following building permits were issued – 1 - Brick Power House; 1 - Galvanized Iron Power House; 11 - one story houses; 7 - two story houses; 1 - 110-room concrete hotel; 1 – 80[?] by 100 Pavilion and Bath Houses; 2 – Enlarged Piazzas; 1 – addition to and 3 Piazzas [?] “The Chief of Police reported 33 arrests during the year – 28 Disorderly Conduct, 2 Larceny, 1 Contempt of Court, and 2 Burglary. “The Scavenger and Lighting Departments were run in a satisfactory manner. We were hoping to make arrangements with the Hotel Tybee Co to furnish electric light for our streets – But they were not prepared to make a satisfactory contract. “The Chatham County Board of Education maintained a Public School during the year – using the Town Hall for school rooms. “As new cottages are erected around Post office station, the need of a sewer is felt more and I trust our finances will permit of this construction very soon. “Shortly after the close of the Summer Season – reports of cottages being broken into were frequent. In only two instances where anything other than liquor taken. I employed special detection to apprehend the guilty parties - but without success. “Our expenditures have been somewhat heavier than usual but your Treasurer’s report will show there has been no waste. [I will spare you of the details of the Treasurer’s report but will tell you that the Town started the year with cash on hand of $1,279 and finished with $1,106.” Signed R.P. Lovell, Mayor

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obfuscateThis word, according to Webster’s, is defined thusly: (1) to make dark or obscure, (2) to confuse, or (3) to cloud. I believe all three apply this month. So why do they do it? Why do some securities brokers try to sell you financial products you can’t understand (and you wonder if they do either) or seem so complicated? Why do insurance salespeople attempt to sell you certain kinds of life insurance and never explain the downside to you? And those mortgages - why do some of them have so many gotchas you’re not sure if you’ll ever pay it off? Most of the time there’s really only one reason and that is to obfuscate, or confuse you into thinking that the people selling these financial products know what product is best for you; but truth be told oftentimes it’s the product that makes the salesperson the largest commission. Now I’m not here to bash all salespeople and make them want to hate me. I use them all the time. I just want them to be more forthcoming with information, and I especially want them to tell me what happens in the worst case. That’s why I do my best to educate myself on their products before I ever talk to them. The product(s) I’m working on right now are the ones that protect my home here on the island. I originally had three different types of policies but am now down to two. The original ones were homeowners, wind, and flood; the current ones are homeowners and flood. The new homeowner’s policy includes protection from wind damage at a cost less than what I was originally paying for two separate policies, but these policies are still very expensive. Tybee is considered a high risk area, although it does make you wonder when we haven’t been hit by any severe damaging weather in a long, long time. After reading about some of the nightmares people hit by Super-storm Sandy have had, though, it made me think, “How good is the coverage on my home?” Check out your flood insurance policy. Everyone on Tybee is required to have one because we’re all in a flood zone. As an introduction, go to the exclusions section of the policy. You might be surprised to find that “water or waterborne material that backs up through sewers or drains,” among many other things that can happen to cause loss to your property, is not covered by this policy. Also, if you’re not already aware, check the backside of your latest water bill. There’s information about FEMA eliminating subsidies toward flood insurance and rates rising 25%/year “until they reflect the full-risk rate.” What does that mean to us on Tybee? Now open your homeowner’s policy and turn to the exclusions section. What surprises does it hold? You might want to schedule an appointment with your insurance agent to discuss some of these things. So live below your means, read the fine print to eliminate obfuscation, and have some fun along the way. E-mail me at [email protected] if you have questions.

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March is here and it’s time to get out your green because the spring season is now upon us. This month we will welcome many visitors to the island for spring break, the Irish Heritage Celebration Parade on Saturday March 9th, and of course the Savannah St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday March 16th. The Tybee Visitor’s Center is stocked up and ready for the busy season to begin. The new Tybee Island Vacation Planners have arrived, and have been sent out to all the regional Visitor Centers. We will be hosting customer service training classes in April. Please watch our website for the scheduled dates. We will also send out e-mails to invite all the businesses on Tybee to attend. We encourage everyone to send their staff. If you haven’t been to our website lately, please take a peek. As of January 2013 we launched a new design that has a cleaner look, and is more user friendly for our visitors to the site. As mobile usage continues to soar it was important to ensure that the site is compatible to iPhone’s, Android’s, and iPads just to name a few. Please take a look at and let us know your feedback. In February we were fortunate to have fantastic weather for our annual Mardi Gras Tybee celebration. This year Mardi Gras weekend kicked off with Crazy Man Crazy at Coco’s Sunset Grille on Thursday, February 7th. Friday evening revelers were treated to another fete at Fannie’s on the Beach where guests noshed on traditional Cajun fare and danced to the sounds of Voodoo Soup. Finally, on Saturday, Tybee was drenched in sunshine as Mardi Gras was celebrated island style. Visitors enjoyed an all-day street party featuring performers from Angela Beasley’s Puppet People, Club One, Aaron Matthew, and SCAD, in addition to several local bands and musicians. At 2 p.m., Tybee’s popular Beach Chair Brigade led a march of colorful costumes, floats, and characters for the Mardi Gras Tybee parade. This year, the parade passed in front of the main stage as it rounded the corner at Butler Avenue onto Tybrisa Street. The Tybee Pearl closed the parade with a Mardi Gras vow renewal led by the very colorful

Tricksie Turner. Couples left the stage and visitors danced the afternoon away with instruction from the Savannah Ballroom Dance Studio. As the sun set the island, visitors dispersed to explore all the nightlife Tybee has to offer. If you are interested in getting more involved with the Tybee Island Tourism Council, we are seeking participation from Tybee businesses for the Restaurant, Retail, Tours, and Attractions Committee (R.R.T.A). We’re always looking for volunteers for special events in particular the Tybee Island Pirate Fest so please get in touch with us if you’re interested in helping out. Have a great Tybee day!

Lindsay Fruchtl, Marketing [email protected]

Casey Slone, Special Events [email protected]

Kim Webster, Operations & Sales [email protected]

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The Savannah Cookbook; Cindy Jacobs, Southern cuisine expert; and Tybee Island’s own seafood master, Bonnie Gaster. Last year’s Seafood School sold out very quickly, so be sure to reserve your spot now! The always popular “An Evening of Oysters and Wine” at Marlin Monroe’s returns once again on Friday, April 12, featuring an assortment of delicious oyster dishes with perfectly matched wines designed to complement your oyster feast. The festival’s signature event, the “Grand Wine Tasting,” will be held on Saturday, April 13th at the Tybee Island Lighthouse, showcasing wine tastings and culinary samplings from the area’s favorite eateries, silent and live auctions and live music. The festival’s finale event, “Sunday Champagne Brunch,” will be hosted this year by The Crab Shack. Sip Champagne and feast on a scrumptious buffet of homemade delights, including scrambled eggs, grits, deviled crab bites, country ham, chipped pork sliders, a beef round carving station, Bahamian mac and cheese and more! Come hungry and be sure to save room for an assortment of decadent desserts! Tickets for all Tybee Wine Festival events are available 24/7 at Tybee Post Theater members receive a 10% discount on all tickets, so if you’re not already a member, why not sign up and save! Membership forms are available at There you can also purchase an engraved brick or star, sign up to be a volunteer, join our mailing list to receive information about what’s going on with the theater or simply show your support by making a donation.

Greetings from the Tybee Post Theater! Tybee Island was packed full of bargain hunters on February 16th due to the huge success of the Tybee Island-Wide Yard Sale. Thank you to the 37 residences and businesses who signed up to be on

the map and a special thank you to founding partner Ralph Douglas Jones and Fish Art Gallery for helping to administer and promote this wonderful community event! The Tybee Wine Festival has been on sale since February 1st and tickets are going fast! This year’s festival, taking place from April 10 - 14, features five days of incredible wine and culinary events. Our newest addition to the schedule, “Wining and Dining - The Art of Pairing,” will be held on Wednesday, April 10 at the Tybee Island Social Club. A wine connoisseur will lead attendees through a specially-prepared five-course meal, each course perfectly matched with an assortment of fine wines. Here you will learn the dynamic of each culinary and wine flavor! Thursday, April 11 features the return of “Seafood School” at the Tybee Lite Shrine Club, with this year’s demonstrations concentrating on “Seafood Treasures from the Golden Isles.” Learn to prepare scrumptious seafood dishes from these fabulous cooks: Chefs Kelly Yambor and Jeremy Diehl of Elizabeth on 37th; Sallie Ann Robinson, author of Gullah Home Cooking the Daufuskie Way; Damon Fowler, author of Classical Southern Cooking and

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Hope you enjoy, Chef Espy Sighs or Moans ~ [email protected]

IRISH ONION SOUPThe French may have invented onion soup, but it took the Irish to give it a flavor of its own. I use Guinness or Murphy’s Stout to give the traditional soup not only a hearty deep , rich color, but also a unique malty flavor (Guinness, non stout works best). Instead of the traditional of Gruyere cheese, try it with Merrygold Swiss or Blarney cheese for topping.

InGrEdIEnTS:2 Tbsp. unsalted butter

2 yellow onions, halved lengthwise and sliced crosswise into 1/2”pieces3 Tbsp. Irish whiskey

1 Tbsp. granulated sugar1- 1/2 Tsp. kosher salt

1 -1/2 Tbsp. all purpose flour1 clove garlic, finely chopped

1/2 cup Guinness beer, let sit for a few minutes before adding6- 1/2 cups beef stock or broth

1/2 Tsp. black pepper8 -3/4 inch slices of a day old baguette

8- 1/4 inch slices sharp cheddar (preferably Irish) Publix or Fresh Mkt.

dIrECTIonS:In a large skillet set over medium heat, melt the butter. once the butter has melted and the white foam subsides, add the sliced onions. Cook, using a wooden spoon to stir occasionally, until onions are golden brown, about 20 minutes. Add the Irish whiskey. If you have a gas burner, carefully tilt the pan toward the flame to flambé the onion whiskey mixture. If you have an electric cook top, use a long match to flambé the whiskey. Add the sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions turn a darker shade of brown, 4 to 6 minutes. Stir in the kosher salt, all purpose flour and finally chopped garlic. Cook until the garlic is fragrant, about 2 minutes. Then while stirring, pour in the dark Irish beer. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the beer is reduced by 1/3, about 5 minutes. Add the beef stock or broth, remaining1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper. Bring the soup to simmer. reduce the heat to medium-low and lightly simmer 20 minutes. Adjust an oven rack to the upper middle position and heat the broiler to high. divide the soup among 4 oven safe bowls and set them on a rimmed baking sheet. To each bowl add 2 bread slices. Cover each slice of bread with 2 pieces of the sharp cheddar. Set the baking sheet on the upper-middle baking rack and broil until the cheese is melted, golden and bubbling, about 3 to 5 minutes (watch cheese carefully, as broiler intensities vary). remove from the oven and let cool for a few, it will be extremely hot. Serve it up and Erin go Bragh! Hope this will be warm and comforting after all of the revelry.

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Chuck took Bobbie and I fishing for spot tail bass down in McIntosh,

minus the spots?

Dan and Jim caught a few on a beautiful February day.

The Mosquito Ditch GhostI’m not a big believer in Ghost, but I have had a couple of strange encounters since coming to Tybee 30 years ago. The first was about that long ago on one of my first nights stay on the island. An old girlfriend and I had driven down from her home in Atlanta. It was sometime during the winter and back then most everything was closed. We had arrived late in the night, and after riding around for awhile we finally got someone at the Cobb apartments to answer the bell. Why we wound up with a room upstairs that had 12 beds and must have slept 20 people, I don’t know, maybe it was all they had. We settled in a small front room, it had the only small black and white TV in the joint. It was all windows; we could hear and see the waves crashing against the old sea wall. Sweet! I’ll fast forward to around 4am when I was awakened by the sound of that old TV, off the air. I could hear everything very clear, the waves, the TV, my heart, but I could not move. I tried desperately to open my eyes, nothing worked. I felt as if something or someone was standing over me. After what seemed a few minutes I broke free, or maybe was released? I sat straight up in bed scared to death. No one was there, just my gal lying next to me fast asleep. I have no idea what all that was exactly, a bad dream I hope, but it was all too real for me! Fifteen years later I would find out that our ghostly friends not only reside in dwellings, but also hang out in the river also. I tell this ghost story each time I take clients through the Mosquito Ditch. This small tidal cut connects the Back River to Tybee Slough. Each time I make sure everyone on board bears witness to my chill bumps that appear without fail as we move slowly through the ditch.Late one summer afternoon I was returning from a solo fishing trip at Doc’s Drop, as I slowed to enter the ditch, I could see a boat several hundred yards away that appeared to be anchored in the ditch. It was a high spring tide, and you could see for miles across the marsh. After a few twists and turns, I approached the boat and its lone occupant at idle speed. The boat was not in the ditch, but up in a small feeder creek. A Young man sat motionless with his feet hung over the starboard gunnels. I found it odd the young boy, 10 or 12 years old, had a snorkel and mask atop his head. What on earth was he doing? Who was he? The boat also got my attention; it was old, 1950’s

to 60’s. It had a low rounded windshield with high fins rising off the rear gunnels. I later looked around on the web and found boats that looked similar with names like: Sea Lark,

Custom Craft or Westerner. The motor was blue/grey with the name brand Evinrude written in cursive on the cowling (silver). At about the closet point our boats would pass, he raised his hand to say hello; I raised mine back. Not a word was spoken, as we stared at one another. I now wonder if he thought I looked out of place also. Normally I would have said something to the young man, but for some strange reason, all I could do was stare. I passed just 50 feet or so from him before the next few turns in the ditch had my back to him for only a few moments. I turned to take a second look and poof, nothing, the boat and young man had vanished without a trace. I cut my motor and began to drift, looking for some sign of the boat. No sound of an engine, not a ripple on the water, just gone! It was a spring tide; you could see a boat running for miles, if there was a boat?I’ve never seen the boat or boy again. I did go as far as asking some of the old-timers if maybe way back a young boy had

drown or went missing? Nothing! So the next time you are passing through the ditch, pause, take a look around, and you to might encounter this friendly ghost of the Mosquito Ditch. Oh yeah, I was sober that day, which reminds me of a gigging trip with two friends one night. I was a passenger, and may have had a scotch whiskey or two? This was my first and only encounter with an alien space craft. Holy S#@T! Do you see that? It’s a damn flying saucer! Shut up! Turn off the lanterns! Call Fat Daddy, its right above his campsite! I went on for awhile; my buds even called Fat Daddy and had him go outside to look at this thing. Fat Daddy didn’t see anything. By that time, Stumpy and Noodle were picking each other off the bottom of the boat. Laughing, they turned off the lanterns. Seemed I had been looking at a day marker reflecting off the lanterns and moon light! HMMMM the things that happen in the river?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! See ya in the river, Capt. Stan

About the Captain: Captain Stan Allen (alias Fred) owns & operates Marshland Inshore Fishing Adventures, a local guide service that runs

out of Chimney Creek Marina (The Crab Shack), on Tybee Island. Captain Stan has been a Tybee resident for over 28 years. Stan is a

professional redfish angler for and a pro staff member at Contact info: 912-786-5943 ~ www. E-mail [email protected].

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Tybee Island Garden club is having a spring plant sale!

It is happening on the grounds of the lighthouse, under the beautiful oaks, at the cottage. The TI Garden Club is grateful for the opportunity to use this incredible venue and wish to thank the Tybee Island Historical Society for having us. We could not have picked a better location, and date, Saturday, April 13! This is the same day of the Wine Festival, in the morning (9:30am -2pm). We look forward to having many people learn more about our organization and maybe even join us! We will be selling a variety of plants and vegetables. Garden Club members are busy growing, for sale, a variety of heirloom tomatoes, unusual peppers (both sweet and hot), complete salsa gardens, herb gardens, beautiful zinnias, sunflowers, petunias, and gorgeous marigolds! Tropical plants, decorated vine wreaths, and garden art will also be available for purchase. We will accept cash, checks, and major credit cards. Many people will ask where our funds will go. The TIGC has four gardens on our island that were planted and are maintained by the club. Our newest, at the recycling center, is our biggest. The garden under the trees at the Guard house is our smallest. Future gardens around the island are being planned by the club. Come by the day of the sale and we will gladly talk to you about them.

So save the date, April 13, and some space in your garden, and come by and visit. We are sure that you will like what you see!

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2nd Annual chili cook off Results

By Alaina Loughridge

On January 26th, if you were not at the Wind Rose, you were not

having a good time. The Second Annual Chili Cook Off was held to raise money for our own Ryan Buttimer. It was freakin’ historic! The Fire Marshall couldn’t have squeezed in there. People and chili were everywhere! Take My Hand, along with the help of all of Tybee, raised just over $5,000!!! $5,000 really? Holy chili fest Batman! I have never seen such support, love and hard work that brought sooo many people together to raise money for this kid. It’s mind boggling! There are so many people to thank, but first let me give you the low down on the winners. First place went to Mark Klein (I swear it wasn’t rigged!), second place to Ann Currington, and third place to Stephan McLain. We had a non-traditional chili winner this year and it was Ian Parmee. With 21 entrants, it was stiff competition. The bake sale was also a huge deal. I have never seen so many cakes, cookies, loaves of bread, chili and people all under one roof. There are so many people that contributed to this event. We want to thank everyone, but if I forget your name, I apologize. This is also in no particular order (God, I feel like I am making a Ryan Buttimer acceptance speech for an Oscar Award): Every bar on Tybee donated something, whether it was booze or money. Every bar! Thanks also to the Sam Adams Band, and especially to our Hooterville auctioneer, Gordon Hill, who did a fantastic job! Thanks also to Belinda McLain and Debra Brady Robinson for donating art work for the silent auction. A big thank you also to Beth of Beach Bum Boutique fame because she simply couldn’t stop donating. More thank you’s to Roy, Cal, Roma and Michelle (tee hee … really) for selling a ton of tickets for the various drawings. To Claire Price, you rock the ticket selling world! To Chris, Jennifer and Kiah, you people know how to keep things rolling and made the event a well-oiled machine. To our judges, J.T., Brain, Sprout, Peggy and Anne, your stomachs deserve a huge applause especially after trying Diablo Dug’s toxic chili! To all of those who baked your hearts out, thank you! To everyone who submitted their chili for judgment, thank you! To everyone who wrote a check, paid a lot of money for a cake, bought a ticket, sold a ticket, spread the word, donated anything, THANK YOU!! To raise this kind of money in January on Tybee in the off season is truly a historical and epic event. Over $5,000!!!! Ryan loves you all and appreciates everything very much. Imagine what we could do if we really put our minds to it?

JunkanooBy Alaina Loughridge

It’s Junkanoo time! Come St. Patty’s Day, Tybee and Savannah will be blessed with the appearance of Quinton “ B a r a b b a s ”

Woodside’s Bahamian Junkanoo Tribe. We have seen them for years, but do we know who they are? What is Junkanoo? Good question. The origination of Junkanoo or Jonkonnu is up for serious debate. Whether you believe that John Canoe, a West African Prince, outwitted the English and became a local hero who rose up and declared a celebratory period of time for his people during the Christmas holidays or if it is developed from the days of slavery when in the late 18th Century many enslaved people were given three days off at Christmas, which they celebrated by singing and dancing in colorful masks, travelling from house to house, often on stilts, the tradition has survived and represents a joyous celebration of freedom. The Bahamian people work year round on their costumes and floats so they will be ready on Boxing Day and New Year’s to party in the streets. Typically the floats and costumes are created of crepe paper that is meticulously glued to fabric, cardboard or wood. They usually consist of a headdress, shoulder piece and skirt, which are elaborate and brilliantly colored. The music is the most important part of Junkanoo. The rhythmic combination of goatskin drums, cowbells, whistles and a separate brass section create a powerfully exotic beat that absolutely prevents you from sitting still. Every year Jack and Belinda Flannigan of Crab Shack fame invite Barabbas and The Tribe to Tybee to help us celebrate the St. Patty’s week festivities. Barabbas and his crew work year round on their costumes, floats and dance routines. In Nassau, I was privileged enough to be invited to tour several warehouses where people were hard at work on their floats. The floats are huge, beautiful, inspirational, awe inspiring and a lot of hard work! After the tour our group was invited to attend a practice rehearsal. It was glorious!! The bonfires were blazing, Jack Daniels was flowing, and hundreds of people were gathered to dance and play music. The music was so emotionally intense it set my soul on fire! The throbbing beat was so powerful you can’t help but be swept away in the magic of it all. On March 9th, we will be invaded by Junkanoo! The Tribe will be here through the 16th and we will be dancing in the streets the entire time. Now that you have been informed, you will truly be missing out if you do not get off the couch, put your dancing shoes on and go shake your butt with our Bahamian friends. It is an experience you can’t miss!

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Mallory and I caught Amtrak -Palmetto to our nation’s capital Washington DC. We had tickets to the 57 Inauguration Ceremonies, thanks to Congressman Jack Kingston and his staff. Wonderful seats on the west front of capital grounds in the blue section. It was a beautiful day with

temperatures in the 40’s and rising to high 50’s by parade time. Four years ago at President’s Obama first inauguration it was 9 degrees and warmed up to 20’s. This year the crowd was smaller about by 500,000 people. We were surrounded by interesting people like a Texas State Representative and his wife.

An Iowa union worker who walked and made phone calls on behalf of the president. A college professor from UCLA who teaches healthcare administration. A cute young Latino couple from New Mexico. Everyone was upbeat and excited to be present for this historic event. Security was very tight. Mallory and I had lugged beach chairs to DC for the parade after the swearing in. Metal detector agent told us chairs are not allowed, then the security officer pointed to the amnesty barrel. The amnesty barrel operated on the “honor principle”. The barrels were full of prohibited items; coolers, duffel bags, sticks, backpacks, and chairs. After the ceremony ,the idea is to collect our belongs from the barrel. We never made it back to our amnesty barrel, we never saw our chairs again. Too many people, we were unable to maneuver towards our amnesty barrel, no worries, were tired of carrying them around anyway. I wonder what happens to all that stuff. We were happy and thankful to be at Obama’s second inauguration. Being in presence of 800,000 Obama lovers helps me

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when she finished my face looked clean, refreshed and bright. Do yourself a favor and go see Sherri. Rev. Julia Sierra Wilkinson grew up on Tybee, she celebrates one year as an Episcopal Priest at Christ Church Savannah as she prepares to marry Rudy Reyes in April. We all wish the blessed couple much happiness in their life together. Rudy is a Harvard educated administrator for the Diocese of Georgia, the first Latino to hold such a position.

All Saint’s Episcopal Church had a great Mardi Gras -Gumbo and Pancake Supper for Fat Tuesday. A great time had by all. Nancy Lee won the contest for the best Gumbo at the Mardi Gras supper.

remember many people love the president. Living in Georgia it’s easy to forget 57% of country voted for Obama. No trip is complete without a shopping spree. Merchants were selling everything Obama- fashion purses, tee-shirts, jackets, caps, mugs, key rings, buttons, mints and bobble head dolls, just to name a few items. I collected my share. We really never own anything, we use it, then everything eventually wind-up in the universal amnesty barrel.

Norma Day, motivational speaker, author and model spent several days on Tybee in February. She attended the island prayer breakfast, Mardi Gras Pancake, Gumbo supper and played “screw your neighbor” card game to the Legion. Norma is open to a new relationship. Any gentleman considering dating a lovely successful woman like Norma call or email me. No riff-raft need apply. Sherri Simmons, retired educator,

photographer and artist has begun a new career. Sherri is a now an esthetician. I went to her shoppe The Manicured Mermaid located 204 First street next to Jiggs Insurance and the laundry mat. Sherri gave me a derm- abrasive facial it felt wonderful and

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“March Madness” has once again hit the island. And so it is with the Ladies Auxiliary with early spring activities. First, BARGAIN hunters mark your calendars for March 23rd for a HUGE Garage Sale. New, like-new, or gently-used items will be available. The sales will be at the Legion Post beginning 8:00 am until 12:00 noon. “Early birds” set your clocks for some buys you don’t want to miss. Secondly, our annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt is will be March 30th this year at Jaycee Park beginning with a start time of 1:00 pm. This is an event that we look forward to each year and it is a fun time for all. Children participation ages for the

The month of March, like every month of the year, has its notable events that occurred in our military history. In March of 1931, Congress approved “The Star Spangled Banner” as the official national anthem. Unofficially, Americans had been singing Francis Scott Key’s song since the War of 1812. In March of 1945, The U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima destroyed the last enemy resistance and occupied the island. This bloody month long campaign cost the United States more than 20,000 casualties and almost the entire Japanese garrison of 23,000 was annihilated. Admiral Nimitz said, “Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue. More Marines received the Medal of Honor for their bravery on Iwo, than any other campaign or battle in history. March 15, 1973, Headquarters, US Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) closed in Saigon. Southeast Asia Operations would transfer to Thailand. On March 29th of that same month, the last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam. Meeting the deadline set by the Paris Peace Talks, the last of the 2500 American servicemen left Saigon’s Ton Son Nhut Air Base for home. The American Legion Post 154 will be

having an “after party” following the Tybee Irish Heritage parade on March 9. We will be serving corned beef and cabbage. The fee is $5.00 for food and LIVE MUSIC!! Come on by!! Starting this month, we are adding a spaghetti dinner. It will be on the second Thursday of the month beginning March 14, 5pm-7pm. The cost will be $8.00. Please join our ranks in the Legion, the Sons of the American Legion, or the Ladies Auxiliary. Call the Post (786-5356) for information Remember, the chicken dinners will be held the first Thursday of each month, 5-7pm, cost is $8. The SAL fish fry is held the third Thursday of each month, 5pm-7pm, cost is $8.00 Bingo is on Fridays at 8:00pm. Cards go on sale at 7:15pm. The Legion and Auxiliary meet on the second Monday of each month, with social hour (and food) starting at 6:00pm. The meeting is at 7:00pm. The Sons of the American Legion meet the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm, social hour at 6:00pm. As always the canteen opens at 5:00pm every day except Sunday. We close on Sundays unless there is a special event

egg hunt are infants to ten. And lastly, we have had such a remarkable response to the Auxiliary cookbooks that we ordered another printing that is now available. These are unique Tybee gifts or remembrances and can be attained from any member or by calling the Legion at (912-786-5356). The Ladies also host Bingo food every other Friday night. And the “highly” acclaimed Legion Burger is served each Friday. Everyone is invited.We continue to look for new members interested in joining the fun and fellowship Of the Ladies Auxiliary Post 154. If you are interested call the Legion at the above number for additional information.

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What Do Josephine Baker, John D. Rockefeller 3rd,Margaret Mead, coretta Scott King and Toni

Morrison Have in common?

By Paul Swift

When my wife recently received an invitation to attend a party on a yacht moored at the Savannah Yacht Club, she told me she’d heard it was one of the most enviable boat clubs on the Eastern Seaboard. Mary’s invitation also read, “And Spouse.” While I was ironing my pants for the occasion, I got to reminiscing about the few wealthy and famous people I’ve met or known. That’s what the persons in the title have in common. They’ve all had the pleasure of meeting me. The richest person I’ve ever known was John D. Rockefeller 3rd. I was one of his personal program officers. Wealth flowed from the Rockefeller family like water over a mill. JDR was a miller. He said more than once that he was just a steward of an inherited fortune. He was the only full-time philanthropist among his five siblings, as well as a very unpretentious one—-unlike, say, his brothers Winthrop, Nelson and David. For example, JDR flew to Louisville, where I was working on a corporate responsibility program. The aim was to bring together local CEOs (Barry Bingham Sr. of the venerable and liberal Louisville Coururer Journal ampus and street activists. At a meeting with the young people, the blacks kept referring to “The Man.” JDR gently interrupted them, “Who is this ‘Man’ you’re talking about?” In unison, the blacks replied, “You da Man!” We all laughed. Yes, JDR was a little naïve when it came to popular culture. At a meeting with “The Man,” one of us asked him if he had heard of the Beatles. “Yes, but why are you bringing this up?” Another mentioned John Lennon’s name. “Yes, I think he’s the lead Beatle. But why are we talking about him?” “Well, Lennon’s wife is named Yoko Ono. President Nixon is trying to deport both of them. We’d like you to intercede.” “Why me?” Thanks to the Asia Society, which JDR founded, the artist Yoko Ono came to the United States from Japan on a scholarship. “So, in a sense,” one of us said, “she’s your responsibility. You brought her to a country that is now trying to deport her.” As chairman of the President’s Population Commission, a post he was appointed to as the founder of the Population Counsel, JDR knew Nixon. He replied, “Draft a letter of support for this young lady, and I’ll sign it.” JDR asked me to represent him at a small lunch meeting at the United Nations. When I exited the elevator, a protocol officer introduced himself and politely asked me to wait a few moments for one other guest. Just then, Margaret Mead stepped out of the elevator, a short woman with a tall staff. After the introductions, Margaret said to me, “Young man, let me treat you to the finest Bloody Mary in the world. The protocol officer escorted us to the diplomatic lounge while he parsed the number of countries in which Margaret Mead had enjoyed Bloody Marys. I imagine there were a number of impressive

persons from around the world in that large, sunny lounge, but I was drinking with probably the most accomplished and interesting one among them. And Margaret told me she thought I was funny. “Funny ha-ha or funny as in odd-- perhaps an anthropological aberration?” I asked.“Both,” she smiled. The lunch itself was a let-down after that. Coretta Scott King was the hostess. The gracious lady brought us together so we could suggest how to find money to build the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Atlanta. I had been to countless meetings like this. Dealing with people looking for money was an occupational hazard working for one of the richest men in America. I tried catching Margaret’s eye, maybe go down and see if the diplomatic lounge’s Bloody Marys were still up to their reputation. Instead, I looked across the East River to the huge neon PEPSI-COLA sign and day dreamed. Of the five famous people I’ve encountered, three of them are black women. When I was an administrator at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Toni Morrison was a visiting professor. I was assigned to make sure she had everything she needed and could find her way around. We’d shoot the breeze, never about literature, before and after her lectures and readings. One evening I walked her out to her car, which was a modest Mercedes-Benz sedan. She was slightly embarrassed that she had a driver, a chauffer. Toni explained that she had night blindness; she had to be driven down the river to her home in Nyack. “Well, to redress history, I hope you sit comfortably in the back and the driver is a honky.” She laughed, “Well, as a matter of fact, I do sit in the back so I can get a little work done. And I prefer the term white.” When I was 19 years old and living in Paris, I visited my girlfriend in the Dordogne, where she was working in an orphanage. One day the chaplain took us to meet the legendary cabaret star Josephine Baker at her nearby estate, Les Milandes, which was her own orphanage. Josephine had adopted about a dozen children from around the world. She poured us tea and coffee and pointed out which pastries she had made herself. Then she nudged me to help her in the kitchen. Once there, she handed me a couple of bottles of beer to open. “I imagine a strapping American boy like you would prefer beer to tea.” She happily and proudly took me on a tour of her zany castle to peek in on her napping children. Like the others in my small band of the famous, she was at once kind, classy, and as friendly as a next-door neighbor.

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SPIDER BEETLES – Spider beetles are 1/32 to 3/16 inches long. The abdomen is globe-like and behind the head and is constricted in attachment to the rest of the body. Of the four types known the ‘Hairy Spider Beetle’ is red-brown with white patches on each wing. The ‘white marked spider beetle’ is red-brown as well with yellow hairs on the length of their body. The ‘Australian Spider Beetle’ is mainly dark red-brown and has yellow-brown hairs on the length of the body. The ‘Brown Spider Beetle’ is basically all brown. This breed is known to be scavengers and feed on a wide variety of plants and animal food. They are mainly a produce pest in the northern most states and are nocturnal.

VARIED CARPET BEETLE – Varied carpet beetles are 1/16-1/8 inches long and are oval shaped. They are spotted with gray-yellow brown colors and have white scales with two bands at the top of the head. Underneath the body is yellow to gray. They can feed on a wide variety of foods which include silk, feathers, book bindings, wool, carpets and plants. They are strong fliers and enter the home though open doors and windows.

SAW TOOTH gRAIn BEETLES – Saw toothed grain beetles are small, dark brown and slender and are about 1/8 inches long. Their name comes from the characteristic of their saw-like teeth that are apparent behind the head. They can be found in many stored products that include dog food, sugar, bread, flour, cereal, macaroni, nuts, fruits, dried meats and biscuits. Habits include hiding in cracks and crevices and entering opened packages of unsealed products.

RED AnD COnFuSED FLOuR BEETLES – They can enter buildings in spring and early summer. They can also infest cheese, dry pet foods, feathers and dried foods. They avoid light areas during mating season.

CLICK BEETLES – Click beetles are long and narrow. They can be brown to black in color. There are a few southern species that have small spots that glow in the dark. Adults can be found on leaves, flowers, and rotting wood. Most species are agricultural and garden pests.

LEAF BEETLES – Leaf beetles are large and in a wide varied family of beetles of some 1474 varieties in North America. They are approximately ¼ inches long and mostly brightly colored. Most leaf beetles feed on non-wooded plants. Both farmers and gardeners are family with this insect.

SOLDIER BEETLES – Soldier beetles are rectangular and long in shape and are usually yellow-brown or blackish in color with bright highlights on the head. They feed on leaves, flowers, nectar and pollen.

TIgER BEETLES – Tiger beetles are brightly colored and iridescent. They can mainly be found in places such as beaches, lake shores and wooded trees. They are fast predators when chasing down prey and have very long legs. They also fly when approached.

COnTROL – Supplemental control for these insects can depend on the actual type and the habits they may have. Pest applications for control can include aerosols, liquids, and dust formulations. Indoors should be applied in crack and crevices and an outdoor application around the general perimeter. Outdoors should include an application around the general perimeter.

Drink Of The MonthInGREDIEnTS:

2 1/2 oz strong, hot coffee1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey

1 tsp brown sugar1 oz whipping cream


InSTRucTIonS:Pour the coffee, Irish whiskey and brown

sugar into an Irish coffee glass or mug. Stir well. Float the cream on top.

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Spring is just around the corner. With the arrival of spring, means the arrival of nesting sea turtles. With the arrival of nesting sea turtles, means the 9th annual Turtle Trot. This year the Turtle Trot will take place on Sat., April 27. Due to a high tide mid-morning, the race start time will be at 7:30 am. The Turtle Trot, a 5K beach run, is a fundraiser for the Tybee Island Marine Science Center to fund the Tybee Sea Turtle Project. Funds raised will provide supplies for the upcoming nesting season, educational materials for the Lights Out Campaign, and the cost associated with caring for Delta, the science center’s baby loggerhead sea turtle. The Turtle Trot started out as a way for the science center to gain funding for the promotion of the importance of keeping our beaches dark for nesting females and the emerging tiny baby sea turtles who need a dark beach to find the ocean. Over the past nine seasons, the Trot has grown into a fun, family event. We have seen the race entries increase significantly since the inaugural year. That first year we had 32 race entires, most of which were friends and family of project volunteers. Last year we had nearly 700! Race info can be found at and at Interested participants can pre-register online or at TIMSC by April 17. Register by April 17, to

be guaranteed a one of a kind Turtle Trot Race T-shirt. Online race registration will continue until noon on Thurs., April 25. Day-of registration will be available the morning of the event from 6:30-7:15am on the Tybee Pier. Pre-Registered packets can be picked up the night before the Trot at the science center from 4-8pm or on the pier the day of the race from 6:30-7:15am. The Turtle Trot is a 5K beach run. The start and finish line is located at the first crossover on the north side of the Tybee pier. The route will head north for a bit over 1.5 miles, turn around and proceed back south towards the pier. The award ceremony will take place on the pier around 8:30. Music to be provided by the local Keith and Ross Band. You will want to stick around after the Turtle Trot because the Georgia Sea Turtle Center will be releasing a live, rehabilitated, sea turtle. The release will take place between 9-9:30 shortly after the race award ceremony. The release area will be set up on the south side of the pier. Promote your business, consider becoming a sponsor of the Turtle Trot. Sponsorships are $100, $250, $500, and $1,000. If you are interested in sponsoring the Turtle Trot please contact [email protected]. Hope to see you all on Sat., April 27. For more info contact the TIMSC at

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May 2012A-J’s DOCKSIDEAre you looking for a great place to eat that’s on the water where you can enjoy some of the finest food on the island? A place where you can kickback, relax & enjoy your favorite beverage while watching the dolphins play in the back-river? A place where you can watch some of the best sunsets North of Mallory Square? Come to 1315 Chatham Ave. on the back-river. We’re just the place you’re looking for. Voted Best Outdoor Dining and Best Overall Restaurant 2012! Live music Fri., Sat & Sun. Nightly dinner & drink specials. Happy Hour Daily 5-7pm. 912-786-9533.

BERNIE’S OYSTER HOUSEWe offer a variety of food: sandwiches, chowders & seafood. We have a full service bar. Come join us & try one of our famous Mason Jar Bloody Mary’s. Join us on our outdoor patio. We have T-shirts, koozies & shot glasses. Thur-Sat 6-10pm live music. Happy Hour Mon-Thur 4-7pm, 50¢ oysters (raw only) & 12oz. draft beer for $2. We have a great staff that is always ready to please. Samuel Adams Band every Fri. & Sat. Call 912-786-5100 for take-out & more info. If you are in Historic Savannah, stop & visit our other Bernie's at 115 E. River St.

BENNY’S TAVERNThe Coldest Beer in America! Tue. open pool tables. Wed. pool tournament 7:30pm. Sat. pool tournament at 2:30pm w/Ms. Molly. Karaoke Thur - Sun w/Footprint in the Sand. Come party w/some of Tybee’s characters: Tess, Linda, Joanne, Bobbie, Ricki, Nicki, Bo & Flower Wanda. Kim & Bob are in the Kitchen. K & B Kitchen Now Open! Mon-Sat 10:30-2:45am; Sun. 12:30pm - 2:45am. Come check out our new menu: Kickin’ Chicken & Bangin’ Steaks! Wi-Fi. Voted Coldest Beer 2008-2012 and Best Karoke 2011! It’s a Tybee Thang! 1517 Butler Ave/Downtown Tybee 912-786-0121.

BREAKFAST CLUBWinner of 20 consecutive “Best

Breakfast” awards. Free wireless/purchase. We are centrally located in the heart of the commercial district at 15th & Butler.

COCO’S SUNSET GRILLELocated at Lazaretto Creek Marina next to Captain Mike’s Dolphin Adventure. Open daily at 11:00 AM. Rooftop dining overlooking Lazaretto Creek-Fresh local seafood-Sunset toast every evening. Tuesday Trivia; Friday Live Music; Saturday Game Day; Sunday Bar Bingo. 912-786-7810

DOC’S BARLive music Fri. & Sat. 9pm - till, Sun. 6-10pm. Tue. $1.50 domestic beer. Sun. nights Shag contest. Great food & good fun! Beach, Boogie, Blues & Buffett music. Doc’s Bar is the oldest bar on Tybee, and still the center of the universe. Voted Best Local Musician Roy Swindelle 2011! Find us on Facebook.

FANNIE’S ON THE BEACHCelebrating 20 years of food, fun & spirits...Oceanfront! You can’t miss the pink roofed restaurant on Strand near 17th St. (3 stories high) 2 open-air decks in the sky for an incredible beachfront view. Voted Best Sunday Brunch & Bloody Mary 2011! And we boast the best frozen drinks on can bet your Fannie! We’re open for lunch & dinner everyday. 912-786-6109 for take-outs.

HUC-A-POO’S“Where the Mind and Spirits Meet!” Open daily for lunch & dinner 11am until. Located off Hwy. 80 in the shops at Tybee Oaks. Mon. nights, we have trivia! Join us Wed. nights for the Cornhole Tournament. Live music Fri. & Sat. nights. Join us on Sat. & Sun. for our awesome Bloody Marys! Voted Best Overall Bar in 2011 and Best Pizza 2011 & 2012! 786-5900.

MACELWEE’S SEAFOODLooking for the place to watch ships sail? Join us at MacElwee’s where the freshest seafood is prepared to order. The view is great from our porch & the entertainment

is priceless. Local beer battered shrimp & steaming buckets of oysters are just the start of a fun packed visit. Children are always welcome & the Trout Treasures (kid’s fish dinner) is the most requested item. If it’s steaks or chicken the land lover in your group craves we offer hand-cut rib-eyes, filets & a grilled chicken breast or better yet chicken fingers. Nothing pre-battered or pre-cooked in our kitchen. Chef Greg offers a pasta special & local catch daily. We strive to provide the service you expect at the prices you can afford. No reservations needed. Voted Best Steak 2012. Visit We look forward to serving ya!

MARLIN MONROE’S SURFSIDE Come dine in the dunes at our bar & grill. A hidden oasis on Tybee Island. Located at the Beachside Colony on Butler Ave. Beautiful ocean views. Serving steaks, seafood, burgers, great salads & more. Voted Best Margarita 2012! 912.786-GRIL.

QUARTER SPORTS BAR & GRILL“Tybee’s little local dump with a really big attitude.” Locally owned & operated since 1990. THE place to be for sports, food, fun and “Licka Drinks” on Tybee. Dish Network Satellite for those hard to find games. Pool tables, dart boards... and have I mentioned FOOD? From burgers to snow crabs, we’ve got it. Get here early for our Happy Hour Specials like $5.75 wings 4-7pm Mon-Fri. Raw & Steamed oysters by the dz. Open Mon-Sat 4pm-3am; Sun 12:30pm-3am. That’s also the hours we cook, so early or late we’ve got you covered. See our menu in this magazine. Voted Best Burger 9 Years; Best Wings for 9 Years; Best Happy Hour for 3 Years; and Best Local Hangout 2 Years! Under 21 allowed until 9pm. For to-go orders call 912-786-8966.

SPANKY’S BEACHSIDESeafood, seafood and a lot more! You can’t imagine! Come in & check us out! Tybee’s Best Seafood (Shrimp, Grouper, Scallops & Mahi) fresh & local hand cut

steaks, pasta, huge hand-pattied burgers & the biggest Chicken sandwich in Georgia! Call for prices on our party platters & all your catering needs. Our upstairs deck is open to rent for parties! Come & enjoy a great atmosphere with the best Tybee has to offer in food & the friendliest staff on the island. Voted Best Family Friendly Restaurant 2010 & 2011, and Best Chicken Fingers 2011 & 2012! 912-786-5520.

STING RAY’S SEAFOODA local favorite! Tybee’s home for blue crabs, beach music & beer! Come join us, you’ll be happy you did, as the tradition continues with the Ray’s serving you with great pride their best & freshest award winning seafood. Voted Best Seafood, Best Place to Watch Tybee Parades, and Best Place to Watch UGA Play 2012! Come sit down with us in a comfortable & relaxed atmosphere on our outdoor deck that is the perfect place to watch bands, parades, and to people watch on Tybee. Or join us in our indoor ding room for even more comfort & fun. Live music 7 nights a week. There are many favorites on our menu with a variety of seafood selections. Gift certificates make the perfect gift & are always available. Open 7 days a week 11am-until. 912-786-0209.

TYBEE TIMECool off at Tybee Time! Specializing in frozen cocktails. Voted Best Daiquiri 2004-2012! We have 10 different daiquiri machines. We have 13 TV’s! We are THE HEADQUARTERS for all current sporting events! Every hour is happy at Tybee Time! Open 7 days noon-3am. 912-786-7150.

WINDROSE CAFEAre you hungry, thirsty and looking for a very laid-back atmosphere; not in that particular order? Come on down to the Wind Rose Café! Located down front in the middle of Tybrisa, Wind Rose is exactly what you are looking for. Celebrating 16 years in business and having the reputation for the best lunches on Tybee makes it the place to be. The classic home

March 2013 WhaTs hOT On Tybee . . . Where TO gO . . .

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made daily lunch specials include shepherds pie, turkey & dressing, Southern fried chicken, livers, gizzards, soups, baked ham & several other yummy dishes. Not to mention the standard menu that includes an excellent seafood selection and the best cheeseburger on the entire planet! Happy Hour rocks down front with $1.50 draughts, $2.00 domestic bottles and $2.00 well drinks. Let us help you put your happy face on! Stop in and have a fantastic meal, wash it down with an excellent cocktail and be entertained by our fun loving kick ass bartenders and phenomenal cooks. Our kitchen closes at 7 p.m. during the weekday so if you want to rock the special, come early. Weekends our kitchen is open later! For daily special info or just plain ol’ info call 912-786-6593. Voted Best Lunch 2012!

WhaT TO dO . . . WhaT’s gOing On . . . island enTerTainMenT, evenTs


Tides For Tybee Light



March 9th 3pm - TYBEE IRISH HERITAGE PARADE. Tybee Island’s fun, family-friendly parade to celebrate St. Patrick’s

Day. Dress in green & join in the fun. Parade starts at City Hall and proceeds down Butler Avenue to Tybrisa Street. This is a free, family-friendly event and is open to the public.

April 10th - 14th - TYBEE WINE FESTIVAL. The Tybee Post Theater will host the 5th Annual Tybee Wine Festival from Wednesday, April 10 through Sunday, April 14, 2013, offering something for everyone – from wine lovers to culinary enthusiasts – amid spectacular Tybee Island surroundings.

April 27th 7:30am - 9TH ANNUAL TYBEE TURTLE TROT. Fund Raiser for the Tybee Island Sea Turtle Project and Kick-off of Coastal Georgia’s Sea Turtle Nesting Season. Join us in kicking off Georgia’s sea turtle nesting season with our 9th annual Turtle Trot 5k beach run! Registration is $25 for non-members and $20 for members. Pre-register by April 17th, 2013 and receive a free

t-shirt. Awards are given to the top three finishers in each age group, and to overall male and female winners. Sign in starts at 7:00am.Loggerhead Sea Turtle Release! After the race, the GEORGIA SEA TURTLE CENTER is releasing a Loggerhead Sea Turtle patient back to the ocean from Tybee! You’ll also have a chance to meet their mascot Scute and learn all about sea turtles at the GSTC’s Education Station located in front of the Tybee Island Marine Science Center.

Tybee Optimist Club Annual Yard, Bake, and Bike Sale Fund Raiser. St. Michael Church Parking Lot, 8th Street and Butler, March 23rd, 8am-1pm. Rain date March 30th. All proceeds go to youth programs.

NOAA’s dolphin expert, Cheryl Bonnes, is the featured speaker at The Dolphin Project’s DOLPHINS & DESSERTS social on Saturday, March 9th at 7:00 pm with scrumptious desserts and refreshing beverages. Don’t

miss this great opportunity to hear about the wild Bottlenose dolphins in our coastal waters. $5.00 donation appreciated. Stewart Hall, First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Avenue. Reservations: dolphinsanddesser [email protected]. For more information: www. thedo lph inpro jec t .o rg , thedolphinproject@gmail. The Dolphin Project is an all-volunteer, non-profit research, conservation and education organization founded in 1989, dedicated to the protection of wild Bottlenose dolphins and their environment.

DOLPHINS & DESSERTS...The Dolphin Project volunteers are hosting a social on Saturday, March 9th at 7:00 pm featuring scrumptious desserts, refreshing beverages and an informative program by Cheryl Bonnes, NOAA’s Marine Mammal Education Coordinator. A great opportunity to hear about the wild Bottlenose dolphins in our coastal waters. $5.00 donation appreciated. Stewart Hall, First Presbyterian Church, 520

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Homemade Cheesestraws 20dz. $30.

Call Bill 912.655.6342

Live Oak Public Libraries Presents Ellen O’Leary Acorns Storytime at the Tybee Library for children ages 0-4, Tue. 11am. 786-7733 for more info.

Chapel by the Sea Baptist Church

Reverend David Laughner Services:

Sunday School 9:45amSunday Morning Worship 11amSunday Evening Worship 7pmWednesday Bible Study 7pmButler Avenue at 9th Street

Tybee Island, GA 31328 912-786-4647 or

God About’s Senior Ministry

is on the 3rd Tue. of each month.

All Saints’ Episcopal Church *All Are Warmly Welcomed*

The Rev. Helen S. White, Vicar Service Sunday at 10AM

Coffee Hour at 11AMWe are located at 804 Jones Ave,

two blocks west of Butler Ave.Call 786-5845 for more info or

email us at [email protected]“Who ever you are, where ever

you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is a place here for


St. Michael Catholic Church Father Thomas J. Peyton

Mass and Confessions Schedule:Saturday: Vigil - 6pmSunday: 8am & 11am

Daily: Mon-Fri 8am; Sat 9amConfessions: 5-5:45pm on Sat. or

by appointment801 Butler Ave.

Trinity Chapel United Methodist Pastor Hank Perry

Sunday school is at 9:45amSunday Worship is at 11am

911 Butler Ave.

For more info contact the church office at (912) 786-4491

Special Worship Services:Sunday closest to Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day at the pier

at 8:30am. All are encouraged to attend!

Tybee Church“The Place Where Pirates Worship”

Flip flops & smokers welcomed.Every Sun. 10:00am at the

Benny’s Tavern -

Encouragement, worship music & prayer. All included.

MEN BEHIND THE SCENEMen’s Inter-denominational Prayer

Breakfast the 1st Sat. of each month at 9am. Call Jim Monaghan

897-2666 for more info

ChuRChEsaNNOuNCEMENts, ClassiFiEds, Just FOR Kids, aNd islaNd ChuRChEs

Just FOR Kids

OuR tybEE givERsThe American Legion

www.legion.orgLadies Auxilliary

www.legion-aux.orgSons of the American Legion

The Beach BumsJack Boylston 912-786-5655

The Burton 4-H

Coastal Pet

Tybee “DAC”

The E.S.A (Eastern Surfing Association)

Friends of Cockspur Island Lighthouse - Harvey Ferrelle at

[email protected]

Tybee Island Garden ClubMeetings are held at 4pm on the 2nd Sun. of each month Sept. -

May. Location [email protected] Page: Tybee Island

Garden Club

The Tybee Island Historical Society 912-786-5801 or

[email protected]

The Tybee Island Sea Turtle Project 912-786-5917 or

The Marine Resue SquadronJoey Solomom at

[email protected]

Tybee Islnd Optimist ClubHelen Wilson 912-786-5890

The Optimists meet at the Sunrise restaurant the 1st & 3rd thursday

of each month at 7pm

TAPS - Tybee Arts Performing Society

Tybee Beautification Assoc.912-786-9688 or

The YEEPIES (Youthful Energetic Enthusiastic People Involved in

Everything!) 912-786-9622

Tybee Island YMCA912-786-9622

XI DELTA CHIDiane Ring 912-786-4867




FOR salE

Office space for rent $500/month at

1010 Highway 80 East. Call 912.786.5853.

March 21-24, 2013: Georgia Nature Photographers’ Assoc. 4th Annual Photo Expo will be held at Ocean Plaza. World renowned nature photographer & Canon Explorer of Light Adam Jones will be the keynote speaker This will be an exciting event with lots to see and do. Three full days of field trips, learning sessions & fellowship. We will have vendors, door prizes & much more. Visit to register.

House for rent year round. 505A Miller Ave. Garage/

carport incl. No pets, 2 bed 2 bth, furnished kitchen,

w/d conn., $1050 a month.

Call 912-201-1053.

Room for rentLooking for female 50-65 to rent room on Tybee, private

vanity area, shared common areas,

smokers ok. Call 912-257-0720.

RN and Lactation Consultant available for home care for

elderly or infant. Call Mary @(912)856-3526

Scooters for sale49CC, different colors.

Call 912-257-9617

2 Bed 2 Bath house. Must have step in shower, dining room

and be available annually Dec 15th to April 15th Mature non

smoking female. Call 401-742-0000.

Washington Avenue. Reservations: dolphinsanddesser [email protected]. For more information: www. thedo lph inpro jec t .o rg , thedolphinproject@gmail.

Love dolphins? Learn amazing facts about our local Bottlenose with an informative and entertaining program embedded with video and dolphin vocalizations. Interested in helping with dolphin research to keep them safe and healthy? Stay a little longer and attend our research training workshop sponsored by The Dolphin Project - an all-volunteer, non-profit research and education organization founded in 1989. The program and workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 20th at Palmetto Electric at 111 Mathews Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC. Dolphin program: 10-11am. Training workshop: 11am-noon. The program and workshop are appropriate for ages 10 and up. Dolphin-related books and merchandise will be available for sale –all proceeds going to dolphin research. Must be 16 and over to participate in research surveys. No reservations necessary. For more information: [email protected] or

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Februaryriddle & answer

Answer: The postman (mailman).



10 - Daylight Savings Begins20 - First Day of Spring

24 - Palm Sunday26 - Passover

29 - Good Friday31 - Easter

Take away my first letter; take away my second letter;

take away all my letters, and I would remain the same.

What am I?

No one wants me, but once you have me

you can’t get rid of me. what am I?

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Rating Level -Medium

Pirates Puzzle Answer February

The answer key will be published in the next edition.

*Did you know the answers to the Pirates Puzzle crossword can be

found in the Tybee Breeze itself? So if you’re having trouble,

look through the stories again!!

Across 3 April brings what festival? (4)

7 Screw your who? (8)

9 37 groups partnered with Tybee Beautification Association and the city over the course of just one year to help Keep Tybee? (4)

10 The turtle trot raises money for what? (11)

12 The Legion’s annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt will be at what park? (6)

13 Live by your what? (5)

Down 1 10th year coming to Tybee? (8)

2 Esthetician at the Manicured Mermaid? (6)

4 They are here on Tybee? (7)

5 Tybee volunteer that passed away last month? (4)

6 Host to the Chili cook-offs? (8)

8 It’s March get out your what? (5)

11 The Mosquito ditch what? (5)

12 Went to Obama’s inauguration? (5)

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StarFish ScopesMarch2013

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)You will find that it is true - every thing is better with the addition of either chocolate or garlic.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)Fortune will smile upon you. That’s what it does when it’s just thought up a real corker.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)You will make the bold move from fidgeting to twiddling. Just please be careful.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)You will make some new friends. One of them will be on some sort of “sacred quest”, which will make a good ice-breaker.

cancer (June 21 - July 22)You need to work harder on your friendships. Why, you sometimes don’t even like yourself that much, do you? Be nice to yourself - buy yourself some flowers or a nice gift. And stop suspecting yourself of having an ulterior motive!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)A label you find may give you much happiness this week. Hearing clicking noises in your head is not a good sign for you today.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)Your selfish ways will not improve this week as you win a sizeable jackpot on the lottery. “Deliver us from evil” they said. Perhaps this week would be a good time to start living as though this were possible.

Libra (September 23 - october 22)Your slogan for the week should be “Carpe Diem”, or “Seize the Day!”. Once you seize it, give it a good shake, just to prove you mean business.

Scorpio (october 23 - november 21)Nothing ventured, nothing gained, is the rule for now. In fact, “nothing” will play a very large part in your future.

Sagittarius (november 22 - December 21)Someone will ask you if you like Swing music. That’s when you’ll have to be a bit creative, if you don’t want to look ignorant. I generally shrug and say “I don’t know - I don’t really spend that much time on the porch.”

capricorn (December 22 - January 20)Time and time again you are asked to wait outside the room whilst the “adults” discuss your situation. This time, make sure you are one of the “adults”.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)You’re not jinxed so staying in bed all day is not going to work. Ten to one may seem like fair odds, but then how likely are you to be able to successfully breed Pandas with Llamas (a Panama).


SunriseFebruary 9, 1947

SunsetFebruary 15, 2013

2-Russel Butler; 4-Frank Kohel, Jan Fox & Linda Lamas; 6-Janice Elliott; 8-Hailey Thurman

9-Chris Padgett & Robbie Wood; 10-Linda Springer11-Bonnie Kline & Christina Lavoie

14-Betty Lou Futrell, Evely Wood, Jules Cantin & Warren “Hodad” Mulligan; 16-Joe Inglesby

17-Pat Locklear; 21-Tommy Clark & Angela Caldwell22-Zeb Thurman & Alan Elliot; 23-Savannah Cartee

& Henry Levy; 24-Joe Wilson; 25-Lisa McKenzie26-Tom Groover; 27-Ryan Drossopoulos

28-Steven Cheek; 30-Julia Pearce31-Brian Anderson, Woody Hemphill & Tom O’Toole

5-Darren & Leigh Owens9-Paul Rhodes & Marsheila Bush-Rhodes

14-Stan & Linda Springer


SunsetJanuary 13, 2013

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