March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong...


Transcript of March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong...

Page 1: March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong reasons to change, Cody has improved his eating habits; he has reduced the quantity




March 2013

Page 2: March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong reasons to change, Cody has improved his eating habits; he has reduced the quantity


Kellogg West Partners with the American Cancer Society




Surplus funds generated by all Cal Poly Pomona Foun-dation operations go back to the University to provide

financial and facility resources to benefit

students, faculty and staff.

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. Inc.Ph: 909-869-2912Fx: 909-869-4549

Kellogg West Conference Center is working with the American Cancer Society to host a kickoff event for their Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) Research Program. The kickoff will take place on Monday, March 4th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Valley Vista Room at Kellogg West.

CPS-3 is a program designed to promote long-term cancer research and provide individuals touched by cancer with an opportunity to help other patients and their families. Volunteers who join the movement will “help to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.”

For more information, please visit CPS-3’s website at or call 1-888-604-5888.

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Norman J. Priest Scholarship RecipientsThe three exemplary student employees who were selected for the 13th annual Norman J. Priest Scholarship were honored at the Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, February 20 at Kellogg West Conference Center and Hotel.

Karina Diaz-Infante, Brenna Grabowski, and Jordan Kittleson were recognized for their participation and leadership in campus activities, community service, and Foundation work activities.

President J. Michael Ortiz read a bio of each winner and presented them with a personalized trophy.

Congratulations to the 13th annual Norman J. Priest Scholarship recipients!

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Kellogg West Shows Off Their New LookOn Tuesday, February 12, Kellogg West hosted an open house after spending weeks renovating their front desk, lobby, dining room, and lower-level exhibit lounge.

Over 150 guests attended the event, including some of their corporate meeting planners from CPP, Southern California Edison, Kaiser, Baldwin Unifi ed School District, and Western University.

“The event was very well-received and everyone who attended was not only complimentary of what we had accomplished, but also on the open house in general,” says Cameron Edmonds, Director of Kellogg West.

There was an array of delicious food and complimentary beverages for guests to enjoy. Additionally, 15 gift baskets from Dining Services and Conference Services were raffl ed. Prizes included various Kellogg West gear and gift certifi cates for lunch and overnight stays.

All areas were greatly praised—the lobby, front desk and conference center were admired for the contemporary design,

new furniture, and lighter hues. The light colored wood, white countertops, and overall design of the front desk, and the new light colored tile in the lobby caught everyone’s attention when walking through the door. Furthermore, the dining room received great feedback for its “very much needed” update and remodel.

“The new colors and contemporary furniture and design defi nitely brought this area into the 21st century, so to speak” says Cameron.

According to Cameron, the biggest attention-grabbers were the conference area photo panels and the new dining room tables, chairs, and beverage station.

“The changes in the dining room have already contributed to the booking of at least two weddings so far,” states Cameron. “The overall changes have shown what Kellogg West can (and should) look like. I believe it has greatly infl uenced everyone in a very positive way and has helped push ahead with more extensive renovations in our other areas.”

To enjoy a video of the open house, please visit:

To view before and after shots of Kellogg West, please visit:

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A Lasting Images cialageBy: Lily Ly & Darren Isomoto

One of the best ways to engage an audience through social media is by holding contests and games. It’s not something new to us. Since we fi rst launched the Bronco Bookstore’s Facebook over three years ago, we’ve grown accustomed to regularly

creating fun and unique contests to not only keep our current fans engaged, but gain new ones as well.

This month, we’re exploring a new area of social media contests by turning our attention to Instagram.

You may recall from a few months back that we placed Instagram in our list of Top 10 Apps. Nowadays, mobile devices are sporting some pretty high-tech cameras, so we’re more inclined to snap a picture at any given moment. With an app like Instagram, you don’t need to be a Photoshop expert to create and share some really dynamic images. Users turn to Instagram to not only express themselves visually, but to draw inspiration from the library of over one billion photos the app has collected from users around the world.

With this in mind, we created the “#CPPSpirit Instagram Photo Contest,” where we invited Cal Poly Pomona students to share an Instagram photo displaying Cal Poly Pomona school spirit. With the in-app photo effect tools that Instagram offers, such as its 19 photo fi lters or tilt-shift blur effect, the contest becomes more than just a photo submission, but a collection of visual art and creativity. With this, users are able to harness a greater pride and ownership in the photo they’re sharing with the campus community.

When they attach the hashtag “#CPPSpirit” to their photo, it enters them into the contest. Additionally, whenever anyone searches “#CPPSpirit” on Instagram, they’ll be treated to a beautiful collection of CPP school pride shown in various ways. We’ve already seen many entries from campus building/landscape shots to food photos at popular on-campus dining venues. Some entrants snapped a group picture with their fellow broncos wearing CPP emblematic clothing while others managed to get a photo with Billy Bronco himself.

With a contest through a photo sharing app like Instagram, you’re doing more than asking users to like, comment, retweet, or share a message. You’re giving them the opportunity to express themselves artistically. The lasting image that this contest will leave long after we’ve chosen the winners is a renewed, visually inspiring look at CPP spirit.

Page 7: March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong reasons to change, Cody has improved his eating habits; he has reduced the quantity


Cody Medina Loses It!

Before—Cody at the 2012 Health Fest

Service Manager Cody Medina has gained a lot from what he’s lost, and wanted to share his story of success. Now 50 pounds lighter from his previous 370 pound frame, Cody has a newfound motivation and outlook on healthy living.

Cody wanted to change his eating and exercising habits after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in early January.

“My weight was out of control,” Cody confesses.

In addition to his diagnosis, Cody was inspired to change his ways after the passing of his niece and nephew’s father.

“My niece and nephew need me around,” expresses Cody. “Their father’s passing made me realize that I needed to get my health back in order.”

Set with several strong reasons to change, Cody has improved his eating habits; he has reduced the quantity of food he eats, is now reading and understanding nutrition facts, and consuming around 1800 calories daily.

Cody has also increased his swimming exercises. He used to swim two to three times weekly, but is now swimming four to fi ve times weekly. His exercise regimen includes swimming 20 laps and walking in the water.

Cody has already noticed signifi cant results, but there have been many challenges along the way. The self-proclaimed “foodie” has always enjoyed barbequing, smoking meats, and baking, but has had to limit these practices.

“It has defi nitely been a challenge to change my ways in preparing food and really understanding nutrition facts,” expresses Cody.

Despite the challenges, Cody has experienced noteworthy change. Since implementing his new habits, Cody has already lost 50 pounds.

“I was a little astounded and defi nitely happy [when I realized I lost the weight],” says Cody.

After losing 50 pounds, Cody is now experiencing less back and knee pain, and has more energy than he did before.

For those who also hope to lead a healthier lifestyle, Cody recommends taking the time to truly understand food.

“Learn how to read nutrition labels, know the difference between good fat and bad fat, and watch your carbohydrate intake—carbs turn into sugar!” Cody advises. He also recommends avoiding overly-processed food, and preparing your own meals instead. “I know there is still a long road ahead of me,” says Cody. Although his journey is not over yet, Cody has a lot to be proud of!

Congratulations, Cody! Keep up the great work!

Cody today—50 pounds lighter

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errence DiepEmployee Profi le

Title: PC Support Specialist

Job Description: I help out with computer or computer-related problems. Th is can include computers not booting up, programs not working correctly, or printers not printing. I also help out with my superiors/seniors when they need an extra helping hand.

Length of Employment: Since January 2013

What I like about my job: I like being able to work with computers and learn new things about them. I especially like working with my superiors who help me out and always teach me new things.

Career goal: Th e most important thing for me is to be able to know and learn more about computers and computer-related things. Th us, my career goal is to always have a job where I am able to learn new things about computers and technology.

Length of commute: About 15 minutes

I have a talent for ... being able to “read the situation” and deduce things with small hints. I’ve also been told I’m good at Chess, although I doubt that myself.

My biggest challenge: Knowing when to quit, even if someone tells me not to worry about it anymore.

My biggest achievement: Graduating from Cal Poly Pomona in spring 2012 with my bachelor’s degree in CIS.

Favorite childhood memory: Going on trips every summer with my family and cousins.

Favorite food on campus: Qdoba and Subway

No one would ever guess: My friends and I won National History Day at the district level and competed at the state level in high school.

On weekends, I love to ... do various things with friends, such as go hiking, go snowboarding (during snow season), go to our usual restaurants, or just relax and do little things like play board games.


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Chinese New Year and Soul Food LuncheonLos Olivos hosted two successful luncheons in the month of February. On Thursday, February 7, Los Olivos and guests celebrated the year of dragon for Chinese New Year, followed by the delicious soul food luncheon on Thursday, February 21. Both festivities featured appetizing food options tailored to the specifi c theme, and had tables fi lled with succulent desserts.

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Food! Food! Food!

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Innovation Village Intern Spotlight: Corazon Lara from Titan Oil Recovery

Cal Poly Pomona student Corazon Lara practices her laboratory skills as an intern at Innovation Village’s Titan Oil Recovery. The time she spends at her internship gives her valuable experience that will ultimately help her achieve her career goals.

“My internship gives me something that I can use in the future,” declares Corazon.

Fulfi lling every possible opportunity to better her future has always been in Corazon’s nature; she is the youngest of fi ve siblings and the fi rst in her family to graduate high school and attend college. She is not only a fi rst-generation college student, but she has chosen to maximize her educational experience by double-majoring in microbiology and anthropology.

“Anything that makes you knowledgeable is valuable,” proclaims Corazon. “I strive to do and learn new things.”

According to Corazon, her unparalleled motivation stems from her family; her hope is to continue to inspire her 13 nieces and nephews, and help them realize their greatest potential.

“I wanted them to have someone to look up to and push them into higher education,” states Corazon.

Additionally, she wanted to further her education to make her parents proud.

“It’s a dream come true for my parents.”

While pursuing two challenging majors at Cal Poly Pomona, Corazon also focuses on her internship at Titan Oil Recovery. She has been an intern at Titan Oil Recovery for a little over two years and works there anywhere from two to four days weekly, depending on her current classes.

“Titan Oil Recovery is really fl exible with my school schedule,” declares Corazon. “They are really easy to work with.”

Her primary responsibility as a Titan Oil Recovery laboratory intern is to analyze various samples of bacteria from different oil wells in order to develop nutrients. These nutrients are then given to the bacteria so they can multiply, as the bacteria helps with oil production.

“I love the hands-on experience,” voices Corazon. “It makes me more dexterous.”

Strengthening her adroitness is incredibly benefi cial to Corazon, as she hopes to continue working in a laboratory after she graduates in 2014. She would like to eventually become either a clinical laboratory scientist or work in forensics.

“This internship is a good transition to the working-world,” declares Corazon.

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Her interest in science began at an early age when her father would bring National Geographic magazines home. Her passion has only intensifi ed since experiencing work life in a real laboratory at Titan Oil Recovery.

“I love to do anything with lab work,” she says enthusiastically.

She trusts that her internship at Innovation Village has provided her with something invaluable.

“I’m really happy to be given this opportunity,” expresses Corazon. “I was graced with it.”

Corazon’s dedication has helped her achieve educational success and acquire her internship at Innovation Village’s Titan Oil Recovery; these two accomplishments, along with her diligent personality, will certainly help her reach her future goals.

Innovation Village is a 65 acre research park on the Cal Poly Pomona campus. With its partner Trammell Crow Company, the Foundation has reached the milestone of 50% completion, and continues to develop the park. This public/private partnership not only benefi ts the campus by providing jobs and internships to students, but by generating revenue for the Foundation, which ultimately goes to the university.

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Tips: Your Family Disaster Supplies KitHurricane • Flash Flood • Hazardous Materials Spill • Earthquake • Tornando • Winter Storm • Fire

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Page 21: March 2013 FOUNDATIONNEWS · needed to get my health back in order.” Set with several strong reasons to change, Cody has improved his eating habits; he has reduced the quantity