March 2010

WWW.MAHANAILM.COM PAGE 1 SHEFFIELD GREENS GAINING MOMENTUM HUNG PARLIAMENT LOOMS AS TORY SUPPORT CRUMBLES Support for David Cam- eron's Conservative party has crumbled to its lowest point for nearly two years, leaving Britain on course for a hung parliament at the coming general election. Air pollution may be leading to the premature deaths of 35,000 people in Britain a year, nearly 50% more than has been previously admit- ted by government, a com- mittee of MPs has heard. The figure was used for the first time by environment minister Jim Fitzpatrick when giving evidence to the Commons environment au- dit committee. Continued p18.. AIR POLLUTION 'MAY CAUSE 35,000 DEATHS P5 In an interview to ILM news- paper Cllr Jillian Creasey said “I think Sheffield’s di- verse community is great and has alot to contribute to the city. The Asian com- munity is more tuned in with politics than their counter- parts”. Cont p 19... FIRST URDU & ENGLISH MONTHLY FREE NEWSPAPER OF SHEFFIELD ILM THE KNOWLEDGE E D I T I O N M O N T H L Y MAHANAILM@Y AHOO.COM 07894010808 07855514705 SHEFFIELD 2010 F R E E MARCH 1431H


March 2010 Edition

Transcript of March 2010



HUNGPARLIAMENT LOOMS AS TORY SUPPORT CRUMBLESSupport for David Cam-eron's Conservative party has crumbled to its lowest point for nearly two years, leaving Britain on course for a hung parliament at the coming general election.

Air pollution may be leading to the premature deaths of 35,000 people in Britain a year, nearly 50% more than has been previously admit-

ted by government, a com-mittee of MPs has heard.The figure was used for the first time by environment minister Jim Fitzpatrick

when giving evidence to the Commons environment au-dit committee.

Continued p18..



In an interview to ILM news-paper Cllr Jillian Creasey said “I think Sheffield’s di-

verse community is great and has alot to contribute to the city. The Asian com-

munity is more tuned in with politics than their counter-parts”. Cont p 19...





[email protected] 07855514705SHEFFIELD 2010





SOUTH Yorkshire's high streets are being hit by a rising number of empty shops as the recession continues to bite, statistics have revealed.Sheffield is the fourth worst-hit medium-sized shopping area in the country, with the proportion of shops unoc-cupied rising from 14.81 per cent last July to 21.02 per cent in December.

The percentage of shop units in Doncaster cen-tre during the same pe-riod grew from 9.1 to 19.5. There were also slight rises in Chesterfield, with the percentage of shops lying empty rising from 11.36 to 12.83, Rotherham, where 5.98 per cent of shops were empty, up from 5.26 per cent, and Barnsley, where empty shops rose to

4.62 per cent from 4.26 per cent. The statistics have come from a survey of over 700 town centres, revealed at the British Property Fed-eration Retail Summit.Liz Peace, chief executive of the British Property Fed-eration, said: "We must en-courage councils to make it easier for people to convert shops and people must ac-cept that we won't go back

to the high streets of yes-teryear." But Cllr Colin Ross, Shef-field Council cabinet mem-ber for employment, en-terprise and development, said: "The picture for Shef-field is definitely skewed due to the work being done to secure the Seven-stone site for a forthcoming £600m retail development. Overall, the rest of the city

centre is doing much better. As with every city Sheffield has seen some major na-tional retailers close busi-ness, however, we have been fortunate that many of these premises have been re-let. "As a council we're doing everything we can to attract people to the city's retailers and also to open up new opportunities”.

SHEFFIELD'S EMPTY SHOPS BLIGHT HITS 21 % SCHOOL CLOSURESThe Councils Cabinet has decided to proceed with the closure of Abbeydale Grange. After much con-sultation the decision has finally been made.Brantwood School a private girls school in Netheredge has gone into liquidation. Both school closures have effected the Asian commu-nity of Sheffield.


A new handbook for taxi drivers to help them pro-vide a better service to passengers will make its maiden voyage this week. The handbook helps drivers improve their basic skills, as well as communi-cation with customers and good customer service, in addition to procedures for lost property, cancelled bookings and health and safety. There are also tips on how to deal with difficult situations.


Measuring 7ft 3in nose-to-tail and weighing in at 17st.Giant George is de-clared the world's tall-est dog. This huge hound of-ficially entered the record books today as the world's tallest dog - standing more than seven foot on its hind legs. 'Giant' George claimed the pres-tigious title after Guinness Records officials measured

him up at 43 inches from paw to shoulder, or 7ft 3in when 'standing' on his back legs.The four-year-old great

dane weighs a staggering 17.5 stone and consumes 110lb of food each week.


KIDS COMPETITIONILM has teamed up with Cineworld to introduce a kids colouring competition. The best colouring picture will win 2 tickets to Cineworld to watch a movie of their choice. Please send in your coloured picture before 20th March to 4 Thorp Close, Sheffield, S2 4SL.

Name: .......................Age: ..........................Adress: ....................................................... ................................Tel: ..............................

Winner’s picture will be published in our next month’s publication.


*Quran gives basharat…..The Prophet (pbuh) is Bashir*Quran gives hiqmat…..The Prophet (pbuh) is Haqim*Quran gives wisdom…..The Prophet (pbuh) is the wisest in the universe*Quran gives knowledge…..The Prophet (pbuh) is the city of knowledge*Quran gives direction…..The

Prophet (pbuh) is the directive*Quran gives the way of life…..The Prophet (pbuh) is the pro-duction of life*Quran is speechless…..The Prophet (pbuh) gives you analogies*Quran tells the stories…..The Prophet (pbuh) gives you he-roesGod made Truth with many

doors to welcome every be-liever who knocks on them.Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding.Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago,

but still reach us with the ra-diations of their personalities.The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessi-mist stares at the thorns, ob-livious of the rose.To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do.Yesterday is but today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream.

Q u o t a t i o n s

For the first time in the history of the country, Pakistan competed in its first ever winter games at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancou-ver. The athlete, Muhammad Ab-bas aged 24, only 5’6” and said to weigh a slight 55kg is an Of-ficer in the Pakistan Airforce and the countrys first Alpine skier. We look forward to more ath-letic feats in the future.


A M J I D M A L I K ( L a w y e r )Advisor to several Pakistani polititions, whilst reading ILM Newspaper famous lawyer Amjid Malik appreciated the ex-cellent community work and congratu-lated the ILM team & said to continue the good work.

P a r t n e r s a n d C o m m u n i t i e s T o g e t h e rInspector Craig Patchett leads the Broomhall, Sharrow, South West Sheffield and Broomhill Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) that works closely with all partner agencies including Sheffield City Council. Sheffield Homes and Sheffield Futures to find solutions to issues that have been raised by the local community and affect the quality of life of residents.

The SNTs consists of sixteen uniformed police officers, two detectives and seventeen PCSOs and are based at two sites, one is Meersbrook Section Station on Chesterfield Road and the second is based at Crew Flats on Clarkhouse Road.

We are supported by other uniformed police officers based at West Bar & Woodseats Police Station, who respond to incidents in the area 24 hours a day. A team of detectives is also dedicated to South West Sheffield and Broomhill.

The SNTs hold regular Partners and Communities Together (PACT)

meetings, which everyone is welcome to attend, to enable you to tell us about the local policing issues that matter to you.

PACT meetings also offer you an opportunity to meet members of your local SNT and partner agencies. You will be able to obtain updates on local crime and policing issues, tell us your local neighbourhood priorities and have your say on how they are tackled.

Our focus will be to realign people’s perceptions of crime with reality and to make people feel safer across the city by tackling antisocial behaviour and crime on a local level. We have made a commitment to neighbourhood policing, but to be successful we need your assistance.

Inspector Craig Patchett said: “We are keen for all of the community to attend PACT meetings in their area and tell us what they are concerned about locally. We will then act on this information and update residents at future meetings.”

( P A C T )P a r t n e r s a n d C o m m u n i t i e s T o g e t h e r

m e e t i n g s

To get in touch with the team, you can contact us on Sharrow SNT - 0114 2963187 & Broomhill SNT- 0114 2964876 or e-mail: [email protected] [email protected].



(see website for details) Third Wednesday of each month. 17 Feb, 17 March, 14 April, 19 May, 16 June, 21 July.


Broomhall CentreBroomspring Lane at 6pm Last Thursday of each month 25 Feb, 25 March, 29 April, 27 May, 1st July.


The Old School South View Road at 6pm First Wednesday of each month - 3rd March, 7 April, 5 May, 2 June, 7 July.


(see website for details) Next meeting is 5th March and then 21st April, 19th May, 23 June, 21 July.



The “invention” of lan-guage is not known

except for references in the Bible. It is not known what language Adam and Eve spoke, but in the Bible it reads “whatsoever Adam called every living crea-ture, that was the name there of”. The divine origin of language in Islam is the theory that it is a gift from Allah to Mankind. In the Holy Qur’an we read “and He(Allah) taught Adam the names of All things....” (Su-rat 2, Verse 31). Today, there are more than 2700 different languages spoken in the world, with more than 7 000 dialects. In Indonesia alone, 365 differ-

ent languages are spoken. More than 1,000 different languages are spoken in Africa. The most difficult language to learn is Basque, which is spoken in north-western Spain and south-western France. It is not related to any other language in the world. Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world, followed by English. But as home language, Spanish is the second most spoken in the world.The youngest language in the world is Afrikaans, spo-ken by South Africans. After a mere 100 years, it is the second most spoken lan-guage in South Africa (Zulu

being the most spoken, the Zulu people being the larg-est ethnic group there).New languages develop as different cultures meet and mix. For instance, about 700 different languages are spoken in London. In some suburbs of London, English is now a second language. The same is happening - or has taken place - in cit-ies such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Singa-pore. Already the Internet and mobile phone texting are influencing the devel-opment of languages as people communicate freely across cultural and regional borders.The smallest country in the

world is the Vatican. It also is the only country where Latin is the official lan-guage.Somalia is the only coun-try in the world where all the citizens speak one lan-guage, Somali.The Berbers of North Africa have no written form of their language.Maybe the first Language through which Adam un-derstood the words of Allah, will be the same language on the Day of Judgment through which all people will understand, it may be what is called The Universal Lan-guage. The Almighty Allah knows best.

2700 languages spoken in the world

Prophet Muhammad (s) was born in 570 CE in Makkah (Bakka, Baca, Mecca). His father, Abdullah, died sever-al weeks before his birth in Yathrib (Medinah) where he went to visit his father's ma-ternal relatives. His mother died while on the return jour-ney from Medinah at a place called ‘Abwa’ when he was six years old. He was raised by his paternal grandfather 'Abd al Muttalib (Shaybah) until the age of eight, and af-ter his grandfather’s death, by Abu Talib his paternal uncle. 'Abd al Muttalib's mother, Salma, was a na-tive of Medinah and he was born and raised as a young boy in Medinah before his uncle Muttalib brought him to Makkah to succeed him. Many years before Muham-mad's birth, 'Abd al Mut-talib had established him-self as an influential leader of the Arab tribe ‘Quraish’

in Makkah and took care of the Holy sanctuary ‘Ka’bah’. Makkah was a city state well connected to the caravan routes to Syria and Egypt in the north and northwest and Yemen in the south. Muhammad was a de-scendant of Prophet Is-mail through the lineage of his second son Kedar. Ka’bah is the first house of worship built on earth for the wor-ship of Al-lah, the One True God. It was re-built (raised from the existing foundation) by Prophets Ib-rahim (Abraham) and Ismail

(Ishmael). Allah is the proper name of the One True God, creator and sustainer of the universe, who does not have a partner or associate, and He did not beget nor was He

begotten. Unlike the word god, the word Allah does not

have a plural or gender.Under the guardianship of Abu Talib, Muhammad (s) began to earn a living as a businessman and a trader. At the age of twelve, he ac-

companied Abu Talib with a merchant caravan as far

as Bostra in Syria. Muham-mad was popularly known as ‘al-Ameen’ for his unim-peachable character by the Makkans and visitors alike. The title Al-Ameen means

the Honest, the Reli-able and the Trustworthy, and it signi-fied the high-est standard of moral and public life.The mission of Prophet Muhammad (s) was to restore the worship of the One True God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, as taught

by Prophet Ibrahim and all Prophets of God, and to

demonstrate and complete the laws of moral, ethical, legal, and social conduct and all other matters of sig-nificance for the humanity at large. Quran was revealed om Prophet Muhammad.The first few people who fol-lowed this message were: his cousin Ali, his servant Zayd ibn Harithah, his friend Abu Bakr and his wife and daughters. They accepted Islam by testifying that:“There is no Deity (worthy of worship) except Allah (The One True God) and Muham-mad is the Messenger of Al-lah.”Islam means peace by submission and obedience to the Will and Command-ments of God and those who accept Islam are called Muslims, meaning those who have accepted the message of peace by sub-mission to God.




The Birthday of Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) was celebrated last month with brilliant community spirit. The Usmania Mosque sheffield Road held a number of jashans. Despite the heavy snowfall on the day there were a number of important guests including the city council leader and several Christian Ministers. This was true community spirit as everyone shared the importance of and significance of the event.

City Council leader, Paul Scriven in his speech said “I am very impressed with the organisa-tion of the event; this is a true dis-play of community cohesion and a celebration for all Sheffielders”. Mr Scriven commented that in the world we live in today community cohesion is important as some people will try to divide a united community. He said this day is just as important to the city as other religious days in a religiously and culturally diverse Sheffield. Paul Scriven went on to impress the au-dience by narrating a hadees

UNITY IN HOLY CELEBRATIONSregarding the Holy Prophet (pbuh) about community re-sponsibility and he displayed a good understanding of the Muslim faith in this sense.

Several Christian Clergy-men made some welcome comments that as we are

all part of the community of Sheffield, we all have a part in supporting and build-ing relationships. They said they would like to work to-gether with all faiths despite differences in beliefs and build upon the strengths of Sheffielders together.



An enterprising group of Muslims have got together to encourage the Muslim community to actively par-ticipate in social welfare and local community based projects. The group got together to create awareness about Is-lam and eliminate miscon-ceptions, at the same time giving something back to the community as a whole by supporting the Shef-field Children Hospital CT Scanner Appeal project.

The aim is to encourage fellow Muslims to contrib-ute towards this life saving equipment which benefits children of all communi-ties throughout Sheffield and the surrounding areas. Collections will begin on Friday 19th March in the mosques of Sheffield, em-phasising sermons on the topic of “charity begins at home”. The following day 20th March, the organisers have arranged for collections in

the city centre. All Muslims are encouraged to par-ticipate in the fundraising week and are urged to get sponsorship from schools and the work place, for the CT scanner. Sponsorship forms availa-ble from Cheryl Ridge of the Childrens Hospital Charity on 0114 2260713. Further details available from the organisers; Murtaza Awan 07703 104438, Asif Akram 07868 709567, Rizwan Ul-lah 07903 575037.


Sheffield fire-fighter backs BME recruit-ment driveA British asian firefighter from Sheffield is backing a major new drive by South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) to re-cruit more female and black and minority ethnic (BME) firefighters.

Tasab Nabi, a full time fire-fighter at Mansfield Road fire station, is backing SYFR's re-cruitment awareness

campaign, which bids to make the organisation more representative of the communities it serves. Tasab said: "Being a fire-fighter is a fantastic op-portunity to make a differ-ence to people's lives and serve a public which re-ally appreciates the work that you do”. A trainee full time firefighter earns more than £20,000 and almost £28,000 once fully quali-fied.


HOROSCOPES MARCH 2010(Mar. 21- April 20)

A very good month to patch up differences with friends and loved ones. Take the time to listen a little more then you have been recently. A very good financial opportunity is coming your way but it won’t be obvious. You will have the look very carefully or it will pass you by. Dreams this month will be very spiritual but extremely hard to remember.

(Apr. 21- may 21)Ever seen a ghost before? It is highly likely this month. How-ever you may not even realize what you are seeing. Someone who cared greatly for you but passed away will be watching over you. Be careful what you do when you *think* you are alone and unwatched! Dreams this week will be more focused on the problems of your day

to day life more than anything else. Some good insights can be gained from analysing them.

(May 22-June 21)Take some time to spend with a child this month. You will be glad you did, as you will learn something very important from them. Do not put off that spe-cial project, even though you have been thinking about it. You will save yourself a lot of hassles in the long run by just doing it now. Your romantic sit-uation is in a slump. Take time this month to try new things.

(June 22-July 22)Being shy is not a good idea. The person you are interested in is interested in you as well, but if you refrain from contact because you are shy, you will miss out. This would be sad because this would turn out

to be a long standing relation-ship. Be careful when working with anything heavy outdoors this month. You will be slightly prone to accidents.

(July 23-Aug 22)Being a good friend, you offer your help to someone who is in a bad situation. Be care-ful doing this, it will not be a very good idea. All the details are not disclosed and this will adversely affect you. A fellow employee is going to try to steal an idea from you. You can avoid this by keeping your ideas a little more private.

(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)Not a good month for you to be spending a lot of time outdoors. Try to avoid animals that are strange to you. Also, it might be a good idea to take precautions against cold and flu. This is

a particularly fragile month for you so you should be careful.

(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)You are considering start-ing a new project that has the potential to make you quite a bit of money. If this is what you want to do, then go ahead. Be cautious that you do not commit yourself to things you know you will not enjoy later. Your love life is looking much better this month.

(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)Are you interested in buying exercise equipment? Be very careful with this decision. Don’t buy things like this during this month on a whim. Chances are very good it will fall into disuse. Your love life could get dangerous if you go with your

instincts. Be true to the one you love, it will be better for you in the long run.

(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)The weather tends to give you the blues more than normal this month. It is ok, things will get better and you can get outside and finish that impor-tant project. A close friend is thinking of having an affair. Not a good thing, and will destroy his current relationship. You should try to discourage him from doing so.

(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)A co-worker is going to do something that endangers their job. You should try to help them even though you do not particularly care for that per-son. Sometime in the future when they return the favour you will be glad you did. A nightmare leaves you puzzled

most of the month. Try to ana-lyze this because it has a deep meaning for you.

(Jan. 21.- Feb. 19)Your guardian angel keeps you from making a most serious mistake at work this month, but does not seem to stop you from doing something stupid and memorable at home! Don’t let it get you down too much, in time you will laugh about it all! Dreams this month are full of insight that will help you in your love life.

(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)Being there for a friend, and being strong and supportive, will be one of the better things you have done in quite a while. Make sure you protect the ones you love from making similar mistakes that you have made. This will become obvi-ous when the situation occurs.



CREASESThe Government has pro-posed a rent increase for council tenants in 2010/11. The increase is set to cost local tenants an average of more than £100 a year ex-tra. This is 3.6% rise and described by the Minister for housing as ‘reasonable and affordable’ in the letter confirming the policy.


Sheffield City Council’s de-cision to withdraw funding from the Sheffield Racial Equality Council has been strongly opposed as dem-onstrators converged on the steps of the town hall earlier this month. Is this fair in a time when race relations have been put under strain following the election of a BNP MEP?


HAMRotherham Investment & development Office is con-tinuing to help to attract new specialist independent re-tailers into the town centre. The aim is to increase the range of shops and reduce the number of vacant units. This scheme is appealing to new businesses as well as existing retailers expanding

into the city centre. Seven grants have been awarded to far which help towards rental expenses in the first two years and also shop fit-ting costs and thus positive regeneration of the town centre.


Proposed changes to park-ing arrangements in the area surrounding Northern Gen-eral Hospital are upsetting local residents. The area would benefit by reduced noise and air pollutions, im-proved access to the area and less overall traffic. Lo-cal Burngreave Councillors are urging residents to raise their concerns during the feedback and consultation process.


Sheffield City Council is planning to make a stag-gering £500,000 cut in the parks budget for the year ahead. The Lib Dem lead-ers will present their budget earlier this month at a full council meeting but Labour Councillors are outraged as cuts will be made in main-tenance, grass cutting and tree planting.


Sheffield City Council has confirmed that they intend to freeze all councillors pay in the next financial year. Council Leader Cllr Paul Scriven thinks just as fami-lies have tightened their belts across the city so should councillors by reject-ing significant pay rises.


PACT MEETINGPartners and communities together:(PACT) Come and have your say. Shaun DavisEcclesfield Police Station0114 2964518Burngreave and Pits-moor: Sorby House, Spital Hill on the first Wednesday of every month at 6pmFirth Park, Fir Vale, Grimesthorpe and Wens-ley: Pakistani Advice Cen-tre, Owler lane on the first Thursday of every month at 6pmShiregreen and Win-cobank: Hatfield House Primary School on the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm


WARDS NEW BOILERSThe Government launched a boiler scrapping scheme last month offering £400 to trade in old inefficient boil-ers for new energy efficient

ones. The scheme has been a success with 54,758 households already taking advantage all over the coun-try and local Councillors are urging us all to snap up one of the remaining 70,000 available vouchers. Some energy companies have matched the amount and provided a big discount of £800 off the price of a new ‘G’ rated boiler


GREEN FUEL COMPANYCllr Paul Blomfield visited ITM Power, at their Atlas factory recently, as the Government’s Technology Strategy Board announced a £337,000 grant for the company. ITM Power is an energy storage and clean fuel company developing new technology to produce and store green hydrogen for commercial use. The government is investing in greener and alternative fuels as climate change is high on the world agenda. Mr Bllomfield said “We need to bring together the research excellence of our universities with the out-standing engineering skills of local industry to develop well-paid skilled jobs in new sectors like green technol-ogy.”

LEGAL CORNER Commercial Leases Q&A1 What is security of tenure?This is the means by which a business lease continues past the ex-piry date set out in the lease. The tenant is usu-ally referred to as ‘hold-ing over’. The lease can only be terminated by one of the procedures that are laid down in the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. The reasoning be-hind the legislation is to protect the goodwill that a business tenant builds up by running a business from certain premises.2 Which leases carry se-curity of tenure?In order for a lease to ac-quire security of tenure certain conditions need to be satisfied –1. The lease must be for a fixed term or for a peri-odic term 2. The premises must be occupied for business purposes 3.The premises must be occupied by the tenant Don’t forget that even if the lease complies with the above then there are still some leases that do not carry security of ten-ure such as1. Where security of ten-ure has been specifically excluded (this will be by way of a Court Order if the lease was entered into before 1st June 2004 or by following a prescribed procedure if after 1st June 2004) 2. Where a licence is granted rather than a lease – this is a grey area and there are not many instances where a true licence of business

premises can be Nazir Awan (Solicitor)

entered into. In a dis-pute a court would look at the actions of the par-ties rather than the label put on the document 3. Where the length of the fixed term lease beginning on the date the tenant took up oc-cupation is less than 6 months. Note particular-ly this runs from the date the tenant took up occu-pation – not the date the lease is entered into 3 Can the lease be end-ed early by the tenant?Save in exceptional cir-cumstances the tenant is not able to bring the lease to an end before the expiry date unless the lease contains a break clause4 Can the lease be ended early by the land-lord?If there is a break clause exercisable by the land-lord then yes – but bear in mind that the tenant may have security of tenureIf the tenant breaches any of the terms of the lease then the landlord can forfeit the lease.If the tenant becomes insolvent the the trustee in bankruptcy (or liquida-tor as the case may be) may well have the right to disclaim the lease.



Lord Nazir Ahmed says Pakistan and China are threatened by India to fulfill international agendas, but Kashmiris will not accept any op-tion other than right to self deter-mination

Barcelona, Spain

[email protected]



[email protected]

Crucible Snooker Tickets now on SaleTICKETS for the World Snooker Champion-ship at Sheffield's new look Crucible Theatre are now available to purchase. The tournament, which runs from April 17 to May 3, is one of the highlights of the sporting calendar, as the most pres-tigious and coveted title in snooker. To book your seats, call 0114 249 6000.

War is not healthy for children and other living beings! Yet there are some 20,000 active nuclear weapons that can be fired within a moment’s notice. Although about 45,000 nuclear weap-ons have been decommis-sioned they have only been partly dismantled and still pose a serious threat. This is a list of countries with the

most weapons of mass de-struction.No. Country . Weapons

1. Russia 13,0002. U S A 9,4003. France 3004. China 2405. UK 1856. Israel 1007. India 708. Pakistan 659. North Korea <10

Countries With Nuclear Weapons

Bollywood Mar 11 Phillum City: Starring John Abraham

Mar 26 Kaun Bola?: Starring Arshad Warsi, Dia Mirza

March 26 Paan Singh Tomar: Starring Irfaan Khan, Mahi Gill

May 28 Raajneeti: Strarring Nana Patekar, Ajay Devgan, Ranbir Kapoor, Vivek Oberoi

Bollywood with very few films releasing in March and no big budget film on the anvil.

Releases in MARCHHollywood 5 March Brooklyn’s Finest5 March Alice in Wonderland 12 March he Green Zone 12 March The Exploding Girl12 March Remember Me 12 March Greenburg19 March Vincere19 March Season of the Witch19 March Last Night19 March City Island 26 March The Eclipse26 March I Love You Phillip Morris26 March How to Train Your Dragon26 March Clash of the Titans


93.2FM 01142814082www.Sheffieldlive.orgMonday 7pm -9pm Aj Ka SabrangPresented by: Jawaid Qazi and Jawed Akhtar Tuesday 7pm-9pm Punjabi VirsaPresented by: Saberjeet Nagra Wednesday 7pm -9pm Aap Ki Awaz Presented by Sajjaad Ahmed Thursday Gazul Shaab 9pm-11pm Presented by: Javed Ahmed Friday 7pm-9pm Aaj Ki Shaam Presented by: Jawaad Janjua

66 WELGATE ROTHERHAM S60 2LR, 01709 300 400


It’s always inspiring to see youngsters having the ini-tiative to take a posi-tive step forward and make something of themselves in the wider arena. It’s even more excellent to see a member of the Pakistani com-munity in Sheffield taking an enterpris-ing move ahead. Lo-cal student Rakeeb Tufail, of Sheffield’s Handsworth Grange School, has strong ambitions to become a journalist and he is wasting no time, as he’s already mak-ing the effort to meet with prominent Asians in Britain and conducting in-terviews. His latest meet-ing was with the sporting personality Amir Khan the Olympic boxer. This is a

great example of someone at such a young age, taking

positive steps to pursue his dream. Today’s youth are free to empower themselves and if we can get more positive and inspiring role models

then any gateway is open to them with countless op-

portunities and professional ca-reers to pursue. It’s a great way to invest back into the com-munity and pro-mote our ethnic b a c k g r o u n d and culture, and banish the negativities that blight the faith of Islam, but also to engage youngsters in positive activi-ties. We want all our

youths to admire those who have excelled before us and realise dreams of their own, and pursue them in a way that will promote our community positively.


Amir Khan & Rakeeb Tufail




For your chance to win family tickets to a movie of your choice at cineworld in sheffield - Just answer two simple ques-tions and text your answer with your name and number to 07577813753 or email [email protected]

QQQ - How many screens are there at Cineworld Sheffield?QQQ - What was the name of the first man on the moon?

Entries must be recieved before 10th March 2010


THE HUMAN HEAD con-tains 22 bones, consist-ing the cranium and the facial bones. The cranium is formed by 8 bones. The face consists of 14 bones. You’re born with 300 bones altogether in the body, but when you get to be an adult, you only have 206.The cranium protects the brain, which, for an average adult male weighs about 1400 gram (49oz). The brain of Russian novelist Turge-nev, weighed 2021g (71oz), Bismarck’s brain weighed

1807g (64oz), while that of famous French statesman Gambetta was only 1294g (46oz). Female average brain mass is slightly less than that of males. The larg-est woman’s brain recorded weighed 1742g (61oz). Ein-stein’s brain was of average size.Brain power The human brains consists of more than 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) through which the brain’s commands are sent in the form of electric pulses. These pulses trav-

el at more than 400 km/h (250 mph), creating enough electricity to power a light-bulb. The brain consumes more energy than any other organ, burning up a whop-ping one-fifth of the food we take in.But consider this: for all the complexity of the brain, you still have only one thought at a time. Make it a positive thought.One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eye. We actually see with our brains, with the eyes basically be-ing cameras.

Human head and brain s ize

Report (Mushtaq Tufail) The MQM (Muttahida Quami Movement) has been caught spying red-handed smug-gling classified state docu-ments out of Pakistan. The often sensitive materials were passed onto foreign nationals thus violating the Official Secrets Act of Paki-stan. According to a report published in the press, Wa-seem Akhtar (MNA) a former advisor to the Chief Minister on Policing was caught with spying devices and equip-ment. The report states that

MQM members in Karachi were sending recordings of meetings with the President, the Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Interior Minis-ter. Recordings of meetings at the Rangers Headquar-ters in Karachi were also smuggled out of the country, compromising the security arrangements within the city. The information is assumed to have been imported via multimedia files via the inter-net of via airline employees arriving in London from Ka-rachi.








Air Pollution cont...The MPs were also told that air pollution - minute sooty particles emitted by motor transport, ships and fuel burning in houses and industry - may now be cost-

ing £7bn to £20bn a year.Government estimates of premature deaths from long-term exposure to air pollution have previously ranged up to 24,000 peo-ple a year, a figure calcu-

lated from 1998 data. But evidence given to the MPs by Professor Frank Kelly of University College London and repeated by Fitzpatrick today suggest the real fig-ure is 35,000.

Cont... Many of us may be unaware of what The Green Party actually stands for, but you may be surprised to know that it’s based around a shared vision of community based politics, social justice, a sustain-able future and they strive to work hard to close the gap be-tween the rich and the poor. They are aiming to create a just, equitable and sustainable local community in our city. In Sheffield we have just 3 Green councillors, all in the Central ward, but what a defeat for the Greens as they are gradually gaining a lot of support and people in their ward are more than happy with the results the Greens have given them. Ilm Newspaper met with Cllr Jillian Creasy to find out what the Green party are doing in Sheffield in the run up to the May election. The Councillors commented that Ilm Newspaper portrays is-sues and perspectives within the Pakistani community which

are not otherwise heard in the mainstream media. They highly recommended it to all readers citywide and are impressed with the diversity of Sheffield.Cllr Creasy was first elected as a Councillor in 2004. Profes-sionally a GP, she became involved with the Green Party during the 1980s but be-came active in politics follow-ing the events of 9/11. Her thoughts were that the world would never be the same again, and horrified by the reaction of the western powers resorting to war, Cllr Creasy joined the anti war protests and marches. Rob Unwin is a devoted Green Par-ty campaigner. He was a teacher but now works as an education office in the private sector and is especially active in promoting

diversities in education and sup-ports peace around the world. The Sheffield Green party like to go door to door and ask peo-ple problems which they face in

the city then tackle them by tak-ing these issues to council meetings. The councillors see the problems faced by the Pakistani commu-nity as the same as those faced in the White community. Hous-ing issues and anti social be-haviour are common concerns

faced by all communities they say. Cllr Creasy says that there may be a language barrier amongst people but the

Pakistani Community seems more informed about issues and are clear what they want and expect from the city coun-cil. Pakistani people are more organised and get together locally more than other com-munities, via mosques, where they discuss what’s happening

and what they want. She finds it very impressive that members of our community unite this way but for herself as a white female councillor, Cllr Creasy

feels excluded by the fact that the religion and lan-guage is not shared so it’s hard for her to get in touch and involved with these groups.The Green Party is the only political party which is saying the government should increase public spending. Both Cllr Creasy and Mr Unwin outlined the party agenda and

emphasised some of the most important issues. Greens say by making investments rather than cuts it will lead to jobs which generates more income for the government. Another point which they argue for is the rising cost of fuel. The party understands that the cost

is escalating while supplies are becoming more and more frag-ile and the country resorts to import energies from abroad. They say the government needs to take steps towards building infrastructure to be independ-ent and produce its own renew-able energy sources. Thus one of the most impor-tant points on the green party agenda is investment in alterna-tive energy. Although at parliament level, there are so far no Green MPs, but the process is gaining mo-mentum and we hope to get our first MP this year, says Cllr Jillian Creasy.So if any of us have never voted Green before, we can consider how well these councillors have worked in the Central ward.The party to many of us may have always seemed synony-mous with anti war and green energy campaigns, but through the likes of our Sheffield Green councillors, we see the party in a new light.





BY: SYED FAYYAZ H NAQVI [email protected]

07894010808 07855514705SHEFFIELD2010 1431H


G R E E N ’ S G E T T I N G S T R O N G E R

Zeeshan Naqvi of ILM Newspaper interviewing Rob Unwin & Cllr Jillian Creasy of Green Party

Mohammed Nadeem graduated from Derby University in Construction Man-agement. With his father Mohammed Bashir and brother Zain Mohammed

PRIVATE HIRE DRIVER AS-SOCIATION SHEFFIELDAnnual meeting to take place on Tuesday 16th March at 6pm. Venue is PMC, Woodbourn Road, Sheffield. All Sheffield taxi drivers are invited to at-tend. Food will be served after the meeting. From MUHAMMAD YASEEN, CHAIRMAN Private Hire Driv-ers Association Sheffield.

SPORTING EXCELLENCESheffield International Venues is celebrating after four of its facilities were officially rated as 'excellent' in a national industry awards scheme. Ponds Forge,

the English Institute of Sport, ice Sheffield and Hillsborough Leisure Centre all achieved the top rating in the 'Quest' assess-ments.

It is the first time SIV has achieved four 'excellent' ratings. Director of Business Develop-ment Sean Nolan said: "These awards demonstrate our contin-ued commitment to improve-ment and to provide the highest quality sports facilities and serv-ices to the people of Sheffield

and the region."Under the scheme, each facility receives a mystery visit and is tested on every part of its op-eration.


Lord Nazir Ahmed says New York, USA: “Mush-araf and anti Islam film-maker, Greet Wilders must not be allowed to speak in House of Lords, London”. After his tour of Barcelona, Lord Ahmed arrived to ad-dress an audience in New York where he asked the British Goverment to can-

cel both General Musharaf and Greet Wilders to speak at the House of Lords. He believes that such activites will increase a war of civi-lisations and create a di-rect clash between Islamist groups and anti-Islam fas-cist groups, not only in the UK but all over the world.

President Asif Ali Zard-ari on Friday ap-pointed gold-winning

Pakistan women athletes Naseem Hamid and Sara Nasir sports ambassadors to honour their extraordi-nary success.The 22-year-old Hamid be-came South Asia's fastest woman by winning the 100-metre in the South Asian Federation Games (SAF) in

Dhaka, while Nasir returned with a gold medal in Karate. "President Zardari has ap-pointed Naseem and Sara as 'ambassadors of sports' in recognition of their suc-cesses at the SAF Games and gave them one million rupees (11,777 dollars) each," Sports Minister Ijaz Jakhrani told reporters.Hamid told reporters: "I am overwhelmed by the presi-

dent's encouragement and it's a matter of great happi-ness for me that he prom-ised to send us for training abroad for future competi-tions." On Sunday, Hamid clocked 11.81 seconds to clinch gold in the 100-metre sprint in the SAF Games, becoming Pakistan's first female athlete to win the race in the competition's 26-year history.



More and more Asains should strive towards media in order to make their voice heard, said Dr Liaquat Malik

Chairman POAF, Pakistan Overseas Alliance Forum and DM Digital Television Network.

World Record beaten after 13 years. On May 21, 1997 in Chennai, Anwar had the highest individual score in an ODI match (194) for a phenomenal and unprece-dented 13 years, which now belongs to Sachin Tendulkar (200*). Sachin Tendulkar on Wednesday created history by becoming the first cricket-er to score a double century in one-day internationals

with abreath-taking unbeaten 200 to steer India to a mas-sive 401 for three against South Africa in the second cricket ODI in Gwalior. Ten-dulkar played an incredible and heart-stopping knock which came off just 147 balls, treating the capacity crowd at the Captain Roop Singh stadium to a stun-ning exhibition of strokeplay. It was not only Tendulkar’s

46th ODI century. He now holds the world record of 93 Centuries, 47 Test and 46 ODI’s.

FIRST EVER DOUBLE CENTURY IN ODIs Sheffield seems to have

developed a habit of pro-ducing great talent in box-ing. Israr Asif is a new kid in the hood who has started his professional boxing ca-reer with a fantastic win. He won his first professional fight on points. In an interview to ILM news-paper Israr said “I started boxing around 6 years at woodseats abc. Just over a year ago I decided that I wanted to try out profes-

sional boxing and had my

first professional boxing

fight last Saturday, which Allhamdulliallah I WON”. The fight sold over 300 tickets and there was a good local support. “the experi-ence was breath tak-ing. inshallah my next fight will be some time in april” he added. He wishes to follow the footsteps of a ex box-ing sensation Prince Naseem Ahmed.

Report: Zeeshan Naqvi.






[email protected] 07855514705SHEFFIELD 2010



SHEFFIELD SHOULD BE FIRST IN LINE FOR BUS IMPROVEMENTSLiberal Democrats on South Yorkshire’s Integrated Passenger Authority are set to propose that the Sheffield and South Rotherham area is promoted to first in line to be offered the chance to use Qual-ity Bus Contracts in order to see improve-

ments to local bus services.At the moment the South Yorkshire Integrated Passenger Authority (ITA) plan to offer Doncaster the chance to use quality contracts, which would see Councils able to regulate local bus services