March 12, 1931 - Barrington Area Library


Transcript of March 12, 1931 - Barrington Area Library

^ P 5 a V . ; 2 5 0

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yet jfih ^onmnrity, | •

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jfaw i-

roaJ *

to di?

of ts<-

."' A3 '

us* P-


fey -c.'

-pas-'-(V * r< l " l

'J)' : '"-, » • * • ' :

.ritf'K " r >i«i -*htl • Bar:.-.. . , ht- . ' - '

11 :




j . , .

:h>. ...,|,<T

I.-,' - t h l 1

••1 iiidn

matin high-Barrington, onda wer|e

Tim f d a t , wjitjh. he} workers'

v eduipmeflt ¢) 11 Wednesday.

lants patrolmen, p lo;es a id townsliijp

itoil n an effort and Id-ways' but im-h ilrifted c M r he S i turday and



mi t it? railroads fro ii the st'orih.

nnnajed to break r, roads IMon-

nber-'of iria-jjiuke trijufk lini; wa.

ma i nil

the in1

" up

r tl 'y'

farm ta

•i) if

: waaj filial r wlitrh failed In

H snii/fl deep >• ti/\vii$hii>

b ticked, jftfii-and est HOPS

K •

-( ,1"

3 ! I I . :

:i l i l i p ' i ••-• | t : i r r i

•:<• I! Ul 11 • I .. i l l f lower

|}..Vf.'t r.'a i-

i art' over' th'i

>f i n ;tel-

\,> S\ ire I k i i i v i g e vt-liM i t y o f

Utile tlaJii-|i*\vi'i- i>r tele-.

• lr-iFier. local iTirlili'' Service

i-liyrtMl that .'tiih vicinity. ittlt» dajnagt! 1 i u»'s. > .ink county eaiily in the

nsr the roads s the mi'aKcr Ulld- IKTIlllt.

. (1 niachiiicry -ariii" the

<\\ r>

111011 nee

p r # e s t a n t < ii yfeek, th<

^»y urion, tag. j - l i 'he n 'rog a na^ur^ aim l i r

« €ir$t y, ^latch 3(^ at

: rnolated by I tl ret 88 to pbiBnJe we;kj piece<liin;

qng ea:h i t-ei: > ij)os will bie |! «f

jttjoae ol fo[m|r rice wil| be libi*-


k St'oit-1 Coursje

Mr: UfT.



It:!' h i i i

: civiirs<?

ralii idly Mj in-

.^ilmlc-l:-.-iiiiiiis /fOM-'•-i -ub^ir fm n ir- "ti. I>.| iiolil

l t -s IjMaiit.-.i ftariiiiK \\'wl-

•J."». irriiitcd in] >lft •• i-'tnrrsO; w ill 1)- ilii the"

ilti-1'. fath'rx nf that r i a t hi'..

V-. l i i - pnil of-^ -aill. Soreral


in IlariJnjpiMi, t activfk 4<'"Ut;



r.)( ; Th.-'

arul .-, t:ik::;;

' A- • *•• ,-i, 't> !.u. iraii.':;. •a.tli.->;in|v ,--. Mv of t t.-iik...:i -

• thin) .... (i<Virv.- |) IV Bliu-i ford wit). Wlowin;. tiQ<>st f.r Tarns-in. ^K'-ilar rm d a j . Apr Arectur , U!k ,¾ •

• i t

! I

-.:,.. I


\. Sh,

l i : t t

- i t ' l l

'.it rh. .

v l •vl l l ' In nfc ie

L*t s l' fe A:

•1 11 p lan I

[-0111111¾ > 6lHT-:a|fii«„*'

irst ci>ai-sV (IT- mi that h

U sci i lit u'ti as f'>r iin

iiifitiinum /ill he re inttfroKt

i tirtpsraiii.-' acli se?sion'

Of ummrn V(! bad

vj-ork.. he* ap-ii who «:0|irso;. n" i'men



• -:ia

a Ik i

Scout nii;

1 •.'•.', the

Tr. *". f«r th... X wssi"is of tl,i> W'Jnwil t , , ; r

I'hn; i,tr t l„

nnil> is divided ial p luses of adilrensqd by

der in jscout ssinn oi March scout e teejativc -a rouiioij wjll

Htives.' At the U'.diif .day, , ^ 1 .'g, 11. scf ut execmy-e Of rta. t ;)uncil ( f Hoife-

')*< y Ganf s.'*.llie-v»'k S.-.-mt Em-ntr'efr , m •Vi:r.ira will•'tpoa'k o i fGood

At h^ lasl1

m the ciiursp, \Vedne^ Stanl»y -Mill rtj field H'hicjjjo- cOuiicij 'Will • •omnittpes.' ; Speak-nd i.ndioiftM>i-doocs ('"»ipe w i l l f l i e ' n n -



A B a r j . 4 ^ - -,r a.

'"uasp proved?

ong p a g e

b iMs- l

i:aa. t.




U t i l e


- nho ik making

s ' i,ti„„i .i-f-M-y -J

in fast tr Kfrtholonje-w, '218

Tuesday h Coro-

he N e w Playing

*v>m i'ft bpfp l'il»t.,uvi[lp,

will v h



•Jr..;< l.j . ^'-•;• I.

--• An. ,-, -Mr. fi::

•:T*r,l . M r ,

' .1 -.¾,


Sou join/

Ml Flu I, >1 l eamiv City team i s 0

11" UcGraw dan of '"••niational league

r'<'an asoeiation •'itcuits, 'ucst'in '< its iiihle,tcK to

1 ^ft ionai 1'agnes. fonrierlj 'pitched

,•,1 ". M'* s<ssinp: ; ValWy/ I' " t l e r t » leajije, 'botK ;;!;;<><•>.,t ions. H e ^ . - .

'" hed- for t i h e B a r -tfani., H e later

1 Barrii igtoa I n -» . •• '

w i , l Jo in li%r 5 as tl|e regular


'••• An -V. A.



i".t" '''«•• pit •i> *cho.,i "'•'i'-r of

'"" ' i i tea,

* f i t i > In mo 4-'""•» April

"0 '!'<• is

copttl|chitjrck. 51 !•: Harrington ^ jCote lifis jn Will haye cl pitoirnup- ITnisday eveniii;

§ i l i be h' \i a f the St. | a l ctun l with Rev; J]

>ai| preachh %.\ Wfednepday ing Revf P. I. Jeischer will «

irst Bap is; church. 1 jljwj ve&ing ]tev. ;C| i t Orussel jwlll

at. • t i e - Si lei i - Jliang liijkl h > | t h e Oi od[ f riday - m |tj»i :e

^eld f roni f i to 3 p. m. a \\t ie Met^iodiit fcp iseo ial church at < rhl :h

all:fotir Wsi >ri -n ill speak ^i<f-T h | obsMTa;'io|i |)f Hply iV'e-k be! culm nat dJotai Easter i ioin-

... Aplil Si by a Ttaise servi « bt the jFirfit Balptfc : church whe h b | \ ' , II. i i . Koenig wil I ] retch.

Acco4li"ng| o 1 :ev. 1'. II. Beu Socre|tar|r of th i Mi listers' 1 lii. these a|e oitl; r tc ltntite arrange net npd a piore lettilel rrograqi vili printed |in a ilfitetj i« ;uft of The R Wii|

crdjvd •« tlmj jjioatrc luktp*' o: ut WJIS kcj) for inir


the trow iv;is Wei

rwir ^he mckt, ^'llie-markctl s«r?c thtrj best rei'piv [if'llf<)l-lHJUI«'( in recent di tc. phere in "The

A! luttp s u n c J20A.10 to. thfi riiigjfoni'' ixioi s) < In » l|oy scout the netrpfofi s o i ihe Lious clu given a; T i e L'stlov theafrt ThuYsd'a.r a id K-'idty eveninlbi, protjtf i>t th t tl -a vinjj attract^ >•» the playj ' - *

At lmisuou; d< to by 1,1¾ p«(i'Hoifs* fori^janc s, productit (ji. a &M> w l i e h woijk. 1 he i filled ..for | t fe

lin wli

liaidi f i r id j et ted wa i (et

,'atl >w th S 10 iV

Iflio; t a s u v\

her WH

$(«1.10 saw th

all expp>n !C.s; thorn moi -i tl asidit fori »atre'<vas rridhy ni c Friimait nisht.

t I, b

ta W e !


fi'oin tlio Liu 1a l bhsyj findiij)? it Lhe' nii|t(

forced 1 i t te i iu inc in »pit< not al l of

htfyond the

: re of. Received

of ndpo nt

'ihifj d,

iffc fj

situations there Wore Tll'e- show raiser, the local chiidijen, four to eig

flapper" play WJLS

of all local red in "Bar lie coilgejtato liege Fhfcppe r" hvi.i;


rtliip Iwiis a nioa Itilfcll: 'inltfi i: 'atifio ,-

no play should if the cast Ijlut

n iifiing in ag tt i eara, [and

l>y a draniatU r.>a(k.>r, Miss Barker, to iik iait in this.

feature \ ant a! high sola ol

gleJi'UuliLof 21 Baifriilgt'd en, ai d a (flapper || eljori ~~~ ' Jhttnts i

tiuccCssi lil

S f i

accolppi nr !>a "le: , n|th{ii

good chprusl

\ college business < n. of; 30 effenima ed merdhttnts |ii(l|pr!i

VrertJ s'nece'ssi ul Hni^ curtain attbacriot si The-audi Incl'.a'p parently ppp 'e!( ilited, the flippjfer chorus of t ie J ig Sjjf £ Retta Joijoritj olinost as mn ;b las) the pla:. JTlin eborus rec'ive (} i^veral cu^ta to paljls



Of tl|i (;he[ a CO,

al.<;< ai;l til il M.'(

not fact that niaii toi's were f ti astf in reality

(Llretlit for ,t»e only to meiabei s to the c o m u i t t e Impmbflrs, th nieri of wh'ch ve P :»' .1. V. C # i v der ,*cast ; .1. ,. Mundheiik, j s . O.' Plslggo ikd\>rtising; ,) Sass , tjeket sal >j and Wright costumes and ] ro ^erty. '

•'.. • A n u^ing|,Act.s : In additfion i> i i b e " play priope|

which w a s jfilli 1 • vitK genuine coipe^. ant . in I intriguing 'iair us.ngt special i jiitlirei was tpeikcd, by a tauftaj > a b | ifag^aidt. X c | r i j l 1(

f|!na A t ioit Jal lo\vj

HEBE imit u r •THe

Evang« Il i inos

c iv|! ejb wjll bold (inference -

nual sessii in.: ro n April 14 tto 1 ''' Salem chu rcb. '' CTiei commit^ » c n ^ tertainmeit i 'ut present y h bu,8jr finding hoi aes foi 180 to 190 < el state!.

mp: P. BT, 1 eufllcter atte id $ \ tty Evangelictl I ea»n{ess|hospil a.} meeting inj i :b;caiio fTue^lt ft Evangelici 1,1 ea tomfs\ hospi al cated neai jL; nftln Park and 'WfiscOil. si|i street an« ii at the prei tm itipe forming p am ! it > eiilqrge the j h<jspiti|l facilriies^; j i j '. |

The 'Siileii Evangelical school councl |i vhijch 'constejjs the officerj a id tefefchers mi\ the chprcJ^ ;iif h gd ar quar'ti ihg Meat ayleV mi ig„ M^rcl Ralph'! Sc ilodrb, p istor of Park Ba >ti« '< hu^ch, • Chic speak 'on son a! ibf se of mot day sehooji w4r|t,'_ M



there are i|ai able for toe

The Itu was atteifle dience wbit

A^stroig i J1 met the seooid «rfor{ ringtom liigl ichi

In spile c ; •theldem^nd this ;i : wSIl be veil atfend^l

|>r U^tB m<lr«|'good t^at^ft^m

ii d perfom into; night plr ee|ki4ii|on in' apprec atif

learly filled" thp b school aitti oiitun, /That t of the i ieai i f ; peat entei taij

as the (geqprpfl opinion of |b< w,it.



i« Jo-

< hurch )f Wjl

m?et| in •ly me«t-

1", It. e Hrile ;o- yfill

!nj SDo­

le of ti ckjfetslfJoSr [nee of itlwhBYr-

ill senior opjere.t' , confirm i tpe :<p

idne ents

^he. defunct' Pali :i ie,:I ake Z ir cb and tVauconda rajan a-1 ma r be y rt tteadn ihe near future ts |b> result of «c-tion which the I it ike countfr Circuit court has suggei *L r Back taxes >E $^2.234 |>wH county by the •< cevri rship ishort line may M settled f |r scarcefy eight c 11 ttf Jo i the d i. was indicated in c reui i, cour «|t W«JU; |cegan Saturday, { ;' T!|e, raikoac,' -wn< se p ctfuresdue wood, [burning; <<omloive v at -a joy to tov^rists beforf it!(eased o oration in 1910, led a 1 < i rt-b: eakin r msini iss life as paved rails ajnil freij h : trucks began!to cut d e m its local, m d-short haul freight wi-i;. | ] t wai, epbrted that when the c »mpnny n n oi|itiot moneyj to buy- :»il f< r ope -a ing ft> 'penses, the IOJBI crew of t i e little train confiscate < wj>m oudj i nd ais-carde4 fence posts to fire t ie locomo­tive boiler. I I T

ins'-circuit ^jirtj Attoility Paul MacGuffin, counsel, for Ifjron |H. Betriek, receivi rj a'sjkcd foi ii special sale ^rith perm sdjo* to buy 11 ie pr(op' erty back for aWtrliipre thpif The 'portion ol the .r&ilroa county has be si' oifered, f |he-' forest prctf<|rve | (Jisltrici

t i e !0r the $2,800, liar, it




Slrp,, Walter) avenue) has aft local and socb view and has department of last 10 days.

Mrs. Sears h< residents of most of whejn capable and undertake*!. Mns. Senrs {nti "her hom ciiltt0 ooope

epted . -lly «1 itor j fcjt The Re been in cba, g< of th^ti i he n swspal e,' for th«


N. $eari.

in, Gook sale to

|hafv'e news %o fi irnisi i

SOmethiiig f< r his lections, probal ly one' of 1 is venir$ of all, u-as receivc|

and Approved goverhnxent, folloivibg a nounifement three weeks

t Chicigo


uarters a headq regiment I A jneduille d

viciniW her nsl

etls l o iptr irljiiction t i, P(4rrihs ton d

alr« dy kn 3i ( r^ljable in an ' yot'k she

For he pi 'sfnt titi^e, take care (f u] will grcit

i|r»n i fjrOm l c<


Grove lofeition of

her work e-r appf

pie w

Jos. Rob erjtsou Gets French Honor )\|ledal

War col-best sou->y Jos»ph

I) . Robertson uf > Biirringtln last Fri­day from the Aferdulm, city g ivernment

' ly the Frei cl national

cretificate of th% by a receiv tive liofvice in

<>d by Mi . Robtjrtsoi i o r h l s iac

c ompaijied oi nlal, w a s


the Argonne di ive. from bronzel ta ken fre m ti wrecked cathelral at) Ve Kigiied by the mrgt maste-and Ithe certi: itiajx j appr French govern aienti

Mil. Robertb rro was w;i I ii infanjti;y wlieii ty mOved! ii lino in front ol Verdun s\ He mnaiujed tvjthlai^ icgiiJient until woijiulwl Oct. 10. J


i prise An-

a her from the 131st

'the Verdi u sector' of rhe m|(|di 1 is made

old battle din . ! i j is'j

the cityt d by the

AskCounty Pai to Country Fire Calls

Village firtj deqartmjents vrpiich l(iarc

their vicinity without pay cj' witho|ut any tax revenue to compeuiate,

jgciicrousljy rfspotded jto fanji Jfirejs air vicinity wit how y tax revenue to oompenjtate, may

in I the fu tum be r e m m e r a t i d byHjhe county iii w l k h the lire, oc u:s.

II . !>.' Kclsey rff Barriiirton .pro­posed at the L a k : , c o t n t y b^ard meet­ing that pr'ov isrioi > be nade t > pay % ii-lage and ci;y l ire lepartlaents ibr answering calls c utsid|e of tj e ,r mu ii-cipfllity limits. 3fr. [Kelstjr furtlio.r suggested that jropei-ty oy ners' o it-side i such limits pay a set! l^e' to re spondiiig'. fire di parti aents «nd tlint the' j'ounty^ nay 11< fe> .in ck f es wh ;re the property "owi c- • is itnabj • to pa f.

Tl ie Barringlo: i fire d ;pai t i ient l|iag been, called put iiequ»n:lyi :<i| l ire

rringtbn. farms and a c p a & 'S\i ea r I During the ments have outside theiir cansp excited, fiff triM. In thb mijnities; of !thc unprotected • N o action ha board jas yet .btJt action|Viill b<i tak


Tho Jew< that its salt ing Februai

rt-i|Is be-

Ihsd yea r maji jrj depi ifefi s !d t& van ft-er ci

f« r loniti. i n \ Iftmits pei s ills have ]i auscd. tit'c

ters to maW lung autl a uieceftsify nlpfcitinte he! Ionic com-

kpartme\itij| werc^ left

21, will be moije thajti a routine en< ioraement day,' nccortlink to.early in­terest trbteat la» become apparent through, the (filing o ' announcing of, four canlidates' for tiustees and thre^ candidate fdr presidtnt of the viliagq [hoard. '; ' - j J

To dite petiions have beet filed for.or intentions announced l y the foUowinjt candllates for the foalrd'tl Rudolph F. Kother, jSr., Eiarl 3i;tje, Dan B. ?omero], and Orvilfe MeJi eraj

Three &en-,a^ > can lidatesj for pfesi-dent of ihe bo*ril. Taey are. tltfe ores* entjhoWsr bit tbi offi<e, J. O. (patwal-i lader, ] J. J). ! A.' Grebe,- anil John Heinricli. IHaruld Spencer will M d Candida e (for (rusttp of the! library boa rd. | ' ' - ) j I

JrembferS of life b ard wb/oae.tern^i expire ihissprf lg are the president^ Miv lOidwallatier, Sandfort Riek^, RudolpI Kochtr, a id Dan B. Pom-erdy.jTne other pripent member^ of* the botjrd, whose,,i firms do not; em­pire at [this time at: John Carro|ll, V,!Hvi|}chroede|r, a4fl L. S. Wineg^i!,

be«nl tak it jlrHpni n


,',The initial J031 mce'tiiii ling ton; Bird Thursday o'cUck at

Gl. Ptygge The program vittj cpnsi i (; dre.<ls by i^harW jSaueis

evejning, Man the ^onte of iir



the 131st the battle 20, 1918.

pniiy and Kirnpnel,


den: of the fDjteslj pre»siv s of'Cook county, and lojcaliselecifii s by Mf . Heirjr L.Buthman.'

1 he annual printed plrbdram which is In charge Of, Jtfra, 1',. G. Wojrk, chairman of the progrui committee, will soon be r «dy [for m i li ag to mem beri : « i i

General Sch •oeder.


f the Bar-held on

19 at S and Mr;.

5 '#ofre avenur. of ,an ta-mperinttn-

mat ager- - D


liidicatponfi jth^t thitJijuri Boilnie $rWik)! country] c|ub| Waukegah, iafo .posfedi wa^ » en tions areixjiug

r .

WG < 3 0 t '

ase by

boardl +ill', be . i i report t that teti

ci i -culai 11 among resi doijb of the jatjy tbjectii g to the deal.

Jens A. Jensen Jeclarid thai be had beei informed'by phOne i h it such jeti' tions wejre ot t pu ( was n ible to s ate whit faction hid fat'artei I lie move _

lignera of the |peUti n i hase t ieir opposition to i t ie p u i b i s e on the claim ..that slid ( . a n ' i nprovement, while &&U ior by the e idefas as;* whole, beiefits only *fffw ^vho are interested in golf. )

Mr. Jensen i declared1 t iat Ithe fac­tion opposing the Bom i( Book >ur-chhae will attempt to s rcure'n«me4 of 185 per ctjntj of, pro»<|rtjy owper^ in the city.


ast Decern-At the annial ifieetin; ber, the follot ring tofficei(s| ^ew> elected for,J»31: j

President—Jamfs O. fMgge. Vicef-presii lefat-f-WillHn

well, | ' Secretary—Mrs. George

" Tfeeasurer--J^Trs W. 2

!«e ,UJ Bard-

Barrett! Preizel.1


in 1930, a Fo.r these of rtfutes 1930, ¢[,21

basket ball March 10''^re lar meeting legion post

A pictteti girls te4m Hie night


Final ar^ ance atLihbr Trunks, Uitfted


liminaryj'J£|a{ihe ing and Trunks David gamtj is

hi if tjeaci

for and, Americ |n



fucno; i IN ^L'CQ. SAL|ES

T:a Co., In I, reports f p r | t h e f o n r iroeks-ond'-i : „119:11, yn\^$Klvt,-

352.53,, as ^onptj-ed with )1400,490. 16 fbr parce l vyeek$iin 1 1 ^ , a de­crease of 8.22 p;r ceit. T Vaveiage number of|J,saleij] routes, fir panllel weeks in i IP 31'Was Sl,1MlUan«l in 1030, l,22ll'|

Sales ffotj! Ithe; first 'eigli 1031 were fe ,111(,265.48, 'a with $ 2 , 4 ^ 1 0 3 ( 4 2 , ^ n

the 19M w

n by i able, t hat


Burandt, village


a|nd whp -will that (Bowman

out of the vi l lage e that he can not

the office for rirj-


in addition to A> clerk.

Business Mr. Ilieke, t ie o ily member whose^

tertm v ill expire seek n-election,, explained bu lines j dutiiei with the Dairy <fo. keep him so mttoi of tht tint conscientiously seek other |erm. .

Mr. padwallftder had not planned to J be h, candidate i -fir president elf the Ibtlard for another term but' changed him mind in conformity i to thif wishes of his friendsi He has been p resident i of ;he boafd for twb terms and was .village clerk for seven ypars r rior to' this : irst election to the office of president.' I .

It :' , J I I- Announcements Made ffohii Heinlich, Barrington t.nd

CIiicag» attorney, is dnbtfier pront-nent candidate whose announcemeiit has already been imade in The' Re­view, II. D. A. iffrebe, local barA-

Connnued,on page 5 f , '

(In nt Extension ' on Assessments

1 1 . ii i

fA t i n , c extens ion has bce^h grantiid Liike^county property owners for 'lhe Kkymdlt of "all special assessment , tjijx-

je-t by action of the county board) o f isors^ this* week a t , Waukegai l ,

if 9.7-


of llibett§rvill4lAmei"«in las: [Monday right. >

l>gibn t?dm w tl play the t t»e higt e^bjbl gyii ^n

3 arch between' F

Fo|r|t i;herida!n. (the Talylot iefeaud th< ;IIou&s of

t ice this a i ikon. The thtr benjeflt of boy scouts

weeks of ! compt red ike pciod per cunt.

avero re nuni is 1,2 ;J4, a i k

lents for lhe i appear-illfe of t ib Taylor tatts chan|ii)n girls'

n|, cm the "night ~* completed i{p the TP!

ber in

ith a Wfs 2^m-


U n a


The drii[ jnd bjugle

iin)4 hijgel Mnth d Barrington, An erican ^egi may' join i hi gel ninth d for exhibition | atj tM Wo Chicago!

meetiiigl in' •

The plan

joins, a

';O..E.ifai[tniif,*HJ p . D X., E. ;St^n)(|r;a*t4iideo

which, plans inr the|cor{) cago Tuesjc iy aigl t at

vitll a t >, t h e | he,tt practice

'Friday jntgljt n ad before Thursday nigli; . ,

If! the II Inrr ingt i a i l

the schedu|(e jfjor the' ond Tuesday . I !

wi l l j >e Bejld, at in Icoji iJunc«)o|i • i

SC6tJTjfc( UR4 AT CfVl Lg f i l i e ni'stj B||y **'

meeting theatre1 in entertainm^nlj for announced 'by Johi ton chain jan. 11 troops 'sptnsbre^ jDhamber tf i lommk rington '"L^m clul

'! Broi ; Mrs. He ta ponsirt t Garfi«ld home'In ibotiy -wlls burial ii

I i

)e piit befp e the orpa

:,>ft. prauwco.






rps of n post strict (orps lid's far in

the 158,

rwaldt a ge leral.


«t|ing e post


l a id .

ne?rt next

rt-ianizaftn will be Uvery

on sec-

m HOIIOR ,.'1E«!BA^E

| t o ir! oMionor Tlte gitlow

^ tl a i no vie ie| sc uls, it was ^C- HI. Barring.

Iii Ie fop the M Barrjington


giving). foqr' paym1

Mien'tl nj;.sei| those

Kelsey, lm-

depression. Ire ordinijr-

" date July il,


super' as reportedly pefvisar. p \ ,., >

Tlii J action whic|h does not affect tnertl or re;ulai\jtaxek, was taken

is a measure to help. aijleUate finan­cial burdens durj ig Specirl assessment taxes" ily doe March 110. The d has bjten changed this

the propel ty owners ^nearly nbnths more in which toiftftike

ij>nt.l T ie , tvo per cent delin charge will n<St be added t!c the

nient tax [paj ments on any but not paid by July 1.

New Superintendent ; Rdiiresentatives of municipalities of

the county met wit lj the county board ljuesf ay urging1 ad option bf the plan, IJhe' 1 time estertsio; {is1 made possible by a jill passed last year by the legis­lature.' Courity Triasurer j . BJ M)3rse favored the, pjfan, its it will give Jhim atldit onal time to clean up his regu­lar ,irork ojn genenl' taxes. It Was estimated at the treasurer's office that bnly about onie-tbiid of the taxes had peen paid in. ; . J

W O. Petty oi Aiitioch ha s sue* (jjeedcd-T. Arthur Simpson as super­intendent of !publc schools! of Lake <fouii;y; as the rtsult of, action by

ie loard. Mr. Sinpson, who was de> at^d |by Mr. Petty in election llasl ill, has received an (appointmentl to

he1 itafb bokrd ol edijication effefctl\4 i his' week. His nsignation as countf mperin'tendeht took effect Wednesdajj.


.• • ! , - y - f . j i . Ellectric light rate reductions id 450

IUih>is communites are - proposed j in an ,implication'fil»l with ,the Illinois Com nerce Cbmmiiision by the Central llUfiiis Public J'S<rv'ice Company. , A saving of $200,J00(i to i t s customers is predicted by th; company j which |stat(s that the-cut consists of one cent per kilowatt :i h o u r b n the^ f i r s t | s'|fcep Iff i t t e v company's itandflTd commercial l ight ing r a W and the standard room jasw-- residence s >rvice - r a t e , ! with 'a (light rCadjnstmeat of the ( k i l o w a t t l'onrs supplied on the first! step, for

resilience aad rur | l resident,service^


I-1' • , i 1 i ! \ , ! l h e BrotherhoKl- class of the ,St.

Pad Evan^eKcal church heard an od-Iress given %y^\3. C. Koenig, a mis sibaary to Iijijia, at their meeting

Wednesday '^veniig. Mr. Koenig is a brbther of R4v. Hermann Koenig,; oaf itor of the; Baijrin|gton St. Paii*

chtrch. Mr. |Kbeiiig,|is|cbnnected,witli edt cational work among the natives of ImBa.

1 • , ' ; i The ninth.annual heart

l icitation of Ihe children ton pioyed to be a financial' success in spi le of | the resisting blizzard which iaged last , Satordaf, t h e suni of ,15¾.! a , which waV taken iti will, f-1

used Rr the Volunteers of Am««l< to briffi;- a id and Icomfoift fto poor 4«' ^inforlDBate children^ V ,' ] ' t 1 *« aiji impetus to inspire the chi

t<' put forth thei^ best- effbrl I imerchants in Barrington oP B rizes to thoBej jrhp' brought |ijt h est amount for their tags. The b ixe consisted of' wealing &ii-ro! Eered bir S. Lipofskyl;&i Son]; 4 went t o Newton Pahlke. fdr

in $13 .21 ; the second prize s t aid kit from the Fredluhfl apd i t w e n t t o ' ^ r y Koh'out

ivecT $10.0»; theltbjrd 'plrhfe air of roller shatjes from ardware Co. andl, it|went, to­ne Long wha ixeceivea" $4.54; fourth, prizej, was a. ponid ndy from Muler, Confection-

^it was, won I by Mae Ettera In: addition j to U children who for their taps

The Catww #

r^eived $3,27. grand) prizes fat least $3."

a ticket

Is .Son Will At Catlow ter*s

Other's Cry," which i s , oh til e a t Thje Catlow) theatre t o n i A t

riday, IS ^he talking picture vp > W n P f Helen Carlisle's nojrel of t;le

..ami n a m e , ' ' • : ' I ' " 1 ' A l l the pathos, and dramatic pdig<-

nanty. of {Ui^s Carl is le 's s tory are fait l i ful ly ilrec^rded in t h e ' cell^l|>id a d a j t i o n . jThe story 'rings, true frbin ever; r s tandpoint a n ^ ,for sheer drama anjd realisml, h a s y e t to be beaten since thfe advent -o f the sound medium. [ ( \ J i ck, Oakie:,,'and Jean1 Arthuri' play their first] | p icture, together in '"The Ga!nr Bus ter ," whfth ' T h e ' C a t l o w theatre wi l l j f e k u t e a$atttrda*y Qigl t ,

/Pftan Arthux's ii»ieS| haiye taken |her nios :ly into tbe rrlphn 'of mystery


odi'ilma,! Oakie lias.l.'of cbui'sej ijoii; c ^ n ^ t e d .'on cotaedy. ' "Th^e iGfuig Buster' ' jom^ theke players in a fie-turt j which' conbiiUa mysterious- uielo-d r a n a a D d comedy] ivifh thp ^oijiijedy Ipreilominating. ', | " j

'An "Our G a n g ' coiiiedy A\ith orher stjo; -t subjects w: U complete the bill .

Unless11-there is|'(i perfect uinler* • jstai t<lini between parent's a n d children '-je1 specially between! 'father a iuHson? .there can be no lapniiuiss , in the [fani-iijf-.. r • -. ir . -I'l

IIn{ "Father's: SonT iBooth Tlirk-ing ojn \ias{ given to, fclcsciwn a Itory which proves tbis coiji :entiou ju? a (plot f i l h d ' w i t h fiuinan interest. ' j

The cast includes i Leon Junihey, '*wis Stohe, Weni Rich, Mifckey

Bennett , , j,jFoh»l| Hal l iday, ' Ifejbert Da ulridge • and other*. "FfttHerV Son" ^omes^ to Irlie • Catlow tWatre no] t, Sunday and, Monday nights.)

A n entirely new and .different at-mo sphere is provided) for Olarh |Bpw in Jier latest picture-—''No' Limi f," w h e k wil l | be seen'at - ' .The Ci|tl>w the itre j Tuesday and - Wedndsd ay nig i t s of next week.* •' - i

"Her. Cawow h a a fjecurwl "Tli; Si-len; 'Enemy" foi} the annual benpfil

M*\-i b e efflaeiit | o


;A skjnitary seive^ d^rj.cti^o, Barrii n jton aw a'; .jtl j) N • _#iajw |«»4bi^ cpuntVy for a «di«ujnjr apjiirbx imaielyi Ijhrep'Wales' vai. s ^ c a | e A |y!Ha|ttjr; Fc^ua^n, chief a^MiW et i l W i r f the de|partmint;pfMlk' ,oi lUin)»i«j,

aii-ydrej s| • jlyW befpxc,jtl»' 14c«>. dvtcUrga»iai^»njW te toM4i public: achoo liUildiug jtfonda r etiejiV ing. ''! i • i'.' 1 \\l ' Is"* t," h {.1,1

The propo sit jto Wat subini tied a potoiihle s>lufebW'jso Ithe (ase which| the 11 tairj JeMri Hills! ftbunti club i ad sevi W Je?fcate. owners Barriiigton i re 'BUitii i* Wst^..,. villaglt from «n >fcpps!« duehtf; romiiiw s weif dispose pfWj]^>(p Flint creefc , The } w» wl id,' d # P 'H.V»f ) in "tte .Lake w t t M y i M i c t w»i er ,C4|h -j cuit 8'udge IW^iMJto.ilBhu-rtltir. ;,i: •

i.At the m tet hgi JMouday vni ;ht thje , principal s j i e?ke |a : |U^re . ^njankiJOfV \ itandirorthy, al ;trt«4« • • • ' - • • -Mr. Ifergusoi , Osl^kif m fbr- life comilo^nawj ! i | L>,

AltJOiiigb thu W W of! a ,««;& ta'ry di4tric iffta? ;tfcg IJpJJittcI al. coft* Isiderhtipn at |hei[,mjjlet|Mg ,p |eJri sjuj gestions, we:e

%\> • f t


for the vil la**; i ore , , itt'orn.ebj I . -

hej[, meeting

b#*ttH fir1

inhtalL1 a sep inife'fstyjrmj watcj

. ,, bate I. ^tber o ttlet,

sanitary d lust b'le

fated* b iiijuudrj

,1 C«

Byateio att-Mi...{ the d touched i >rionT - >frttjjtu4!e of the


hJr?Jse«t *at ' |^ | i» ?

et wiriMi- reasoi-

M r ' h r j i i n y j k y jvfents" Jivl ch'fcave

ierihiii i» cWnrt,.. ]^s.'}«pinibB|;.t: p 'pfii^i^

« V

•If i i

c I

1 1 V !•

r r* V) n


h r to chang > I Kef 1 osal plant wt

vj'as !t pparei t*;i roi citizens w b n » e l vjillae e. is wi Ilii k able' lem'am . J\ J Mf.l.Laniwcrtlb",

lining the p in :1pa| occuJRred during tliij t!he isuit h«B teen! stated that ,in tjiffs i [were e iti tle|f jjttyj some' rllief 1 (• i I ' j . 'Ciui|t ¢$$1 Hlgfl '' j-Jij| view"<

of Barring on c|ont||derabl( present dif po sal disp|>sitibu be moie'jec

Mhri. ijai

f i h e , M i that'll »- tiaB'Jjn'SreftSy '

Vfijifliga speqt ^1

i|uih|JiJi Idefeiilingl ^U >|sttl; pilhiit;' I TJI e ' <jther itbft feity'^ sewii fe ajfight

. .otnK:di)Lh||> tatigfitsti " 8^6.1^1^. snljinitt 'd



Ilife easde act vely , ti kik bea utifol ii ud of he Gat :lc,|» ^ wil be. he Stm

Ve tlio tei

Pb»P ¾

pfvor|» Actibn Among divofC(S which' hlaye >b|e(J!i

jgranted within t ie last tWo^eeks i s ; ^frjs. Elizabeth Via Hage|n Belknap of

from Thomas' A. Belknap, ;er, ' A suit for diverge

igainst- Charles' H. Pofep.of Banrftgtim by Mrs, Elsie'».

H a "i

l !' I

showl for p,e Jocat orglaniaatiou of) B o y S c t u t s . j J This ' .! willl -lie' presented T h u s d a y i a n d Ft ' ida^ March-19J20.


l i r e jrohn St'hwenJm? 118 WT.W<ii» strjet visited the bb<j»k' section of Mir-sl«U Field andOo. 4 4 t u r < , a y | l n T n n g

to hear ai ttalk 'l[j' | Marie,1 fira^nd Dtches^ of Russ ia ; who is Oik a u ;

thor of, one | of the| a>ost ,'remaj-kable bkgraphies o|f modern [times tbe f'EJtui-caiiqn bf A Brincess'f - j . j

Oiis' not^a woma a, was i tbe f i rst coisiri lOf/the'forajwfi'Caarj Nicholas ani iirliier boot sho tells of iferfal-mtst incredible twn'siflon fr im V guarded ilifa. into b e chaos of i?iir and' revolution; [!(.'' v I ' ,

Fn the much ttrospded boob room' Saturday moaning ihe talked |leaTrly with little accent, 4 i^ stated that she, waa -gratified to know that pet pie wire liking h|er boo|l. This is on< of! fchs new i books in the • Barrincton L ^ a r y . ; -j " ^ ' ' '• f *


Mrk *Ja

»i|»i gMi rnait , |222- (J.

s tec^. lMai i 1 Whkflt "hMI | i l-jnap | jbutl iuina -a, nousi' Heiidittijk-r; l l l e l . t h e i i *

-f — "• |TT L»ry krail; . M J of Mrs. mii


; ^a»;, the" l M'Aiv\|jie iin

r *. il Ii J


Romk \ H M'Mn,] Y&\ W«

v'3aW4fhy>, -^-^---hnd of Mrs J alfeph| tH iimyei Fr|deric 1.. B. F ^ i who

,lril utiiig ' C< miitj^tio iRofin," lj <i I ]Ent.\J<4inl>

[mollei-nisiia., !th«|.club'ri > . , ISei mtor Ji m >8 ,dei \9,l will ofljel Iqu.t." t , This Rptiu an | inspifji g attended' ) ' visitors eafh

W 0 M E J ' £ JOF-^]

., which


tyi4 &*..




WlM % con-;Liylng|

j ^^CaiilW/'^hb'idid, i i|i it] M char ijugly •i stow last ' Lugust lliiMicMuf- ay's ga:

' il i .' J" fl ilwerj1 ,''S!WM ', is eyeij fa W"m ' % ly'evenitj | j| tlubfifaiuh yi eager!

'['V'\ # ' ''


9*e Stl i f o l l S M ie^i 1( chgb will 'be ei tettalneil,, tin r

rS"u' i Bay. <wenf ing; at 7:?0. a M J^}[ fljjf|fjE|mh'ura|:

cftlege Woneni ]T. or [twenty fre' |M"p4 it)! °J?>ttK. s[ii>n|orisd' ' Pfple's i ? !h1,


Howard P.i Castle J«|turned \\fednes-dnyr night from Springfield, vfhere be spras one of .the spjeakers before the Senate in oppositionf to the.CfQrady bill to repeal) *he; state prohibit on'ent ft niement ,aflts, whl^h, atf a member ol the ,General Assembly, he' helped enact in 1910 "and ^621.

Case Drbpped j The doubl^ assaiiK' case whiich] in-

vl dved three men following a J mixup a! a "ne^rbyj country club, .lido -$een dropped.) CJharges \a , two| tl||ffer*nt justice courts against three djifferent nen were withdrawn! A mistake'was

^ade in an! item in [The Review - last! eek in which William Meredith wasi

ciUed Peter|. ' The! j;correcf n|ame is TTiiliam.

i ess of-; her -mother, ieaching heir home IOnnd .that) her mother Aad i iway :tf thj; ea rly Jfternoon

i' " ,i Called Home Miss' Fern Nicholajj a jteacheir in the

Junior department bf the.high school !yas called to her home in Cedajr Fall^, la., Friday because |>f'the sudden ill-

Miss Nichols on in fthe I evening

nted,'^ aii^Mrsl-


i ?

. - i

: ' IM

2lubl ^oaslet in^ r Hrogratti

I y, ^ fe_. Xoung eajgiilBtti-oflK M &*•' ;'PabJ

'Chi' ^ - ^ 1 1 , / - - 4 ^ , ^ - 1 ^ ildemai I [ilfejj rill'be ussisted. by

Jolhn L. lleiattotjsol^ist. JTherewiU be no adinj.'^onijand) jail tte Invited to attend. Tl e jbrbgribi is | s follq'^t

Our Co lei e fcjist.'l I -':" Luce's > a t o r )(1¾ !God Decius. . | /, ]\ \ i Ave , M iri i-4RaW<jl}p!' Vesper H; m. Solos Set Lift Tiling



rhe 'Lo ril Vow L< V

J-l Bach. ' Plafao

Hille.!,, 'Crroup, faf

cliib trio. A Ijops fa'i!pl-|^Smith.

Tijjio;: bui^bei-s,

Soni o: Jpyt ttitdttional Tbejdieef Catbed^l-HBti Sold* i el e t k 4 j o > n JrJ 0*e BI at' Slos*-*-Ware. Misirea> p f r g ^ } tai—Pi

Alnja Br! iter,!


b|y atteniing Mr. jSaite:

p|bonogrj ph joints.

The ubnijl riess wai di*

, , 1 . ,


,"i T L ".•^iial«b.

le Chamb*^ igardj Grill

N. 0| plan is-the one by

801^( B^BinessjT»lkc

u^jnfsBjTa k P ting of

ojf Com'njerfe jat'lthei'Gre 1 ueAiay'- ni{ htltoj, A; liarringtm. Tte' Mr. Bil l! of! thi Plati CoJ '!!*« ueajmrs; W(ell received

pb^rs.- -1 ' iwas i|.

sj to iliustTatie i\\ i .< (

at. W'nigola: ofafthJimr1-

Is i:






I : I -.UdAAsAJ

Lak^ Zurich

hflr b i r thday . M r s . T o i

iv.etj the- c«>

t'.Jl. n v j i r f r anjrl T . a t t e n d e d the ir t t T h u r s d a

W a l t e r - P r h e n li inpii i i armin c u a c c o u n t *>? i n j u r } ci used by d t u p p i n g e n i t , b r e a k i n g t w o

I 3

•yKecli and c f a r e w e l l j

. fount y t e a c h e r s n ipson in

\lv. . a n d Mir*. A i l i M I K Ida Jen? (MI a t t e n d e d "tl

j r ty ,'given - l y -Lakye f r i e n d s for T .

( fankegun Tl ursdjty

M r , tint) i lrw. E)liii«|r Kiidsinsjki J,' jn t lny . v i s i t e d , over.

•il | t C h a r l e s H u d s i u s l

M r . a n d 3j!rs. Artfhur fFifot'litii a r e born tUe. p a r e n t s « f a 'l ialy1 girl.

thy m o r n i n g at the H a r r i n g t o n ejtpl h o s p i t a l .

T h e "AM) C l u b siirjprteed Q j e s e T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g ill

t s o l a t i o l: prize:,

p o s i t i o n in

mr a n d H i g h e i t score

M r s .

0> R . T , meet 'evening:'

Iifn. OUE p o s t m a s t e r , ' h a s 1 »thtt p a s t

to bin

M r , and M r*. V e r p o n LU s i s t e r o f J f e . L u

l e i s e d f rom (jiiiiruntijne the »• tek,f

w a s

S u n G e n -

JMrsJ O t t o •hot o r of

I '-,

Wrest? liospita1, f,\ a n d fouji | e k p e e t s to r q thripi

tnade [ j i c s t e re-

D o c k e r y ing n J o -


M i s s M a r j irie G« Ury ha * a c c e p t e d B a r r i n {ton

Mr1, a n d M*s , G r a y d o n S t -novel , i n t o ' t ie/ H e r i j y B h i n d i n bu thejretnt- j i of M r . a n d H p e f t / f r o m

f M e s o n mei* tf tided ipas t t e n Height?!

> l r a y ,

H a n s officers' T h n r s d

C a l v i n I^xintis , II knoiitlij.-a n d )ltt. I toy

i w i t h 'bro

"Cr the wtM foi'onduy on , icrtxiiitl. of

M r s . Prejtzel rank P n n d

li k e Er id i iy

T u e t e n j ic l ier 1

it'll it is

Fh» '. T a n d V e a y


M i s s . V i r g i n i a Siljjwaldt k-ond a n d rent:

w e e k rjgtft foot

a. ga l lon / o f p a i n t mul l bones l

praWn and; iv i l l b e re* a s t of t h i s

C l a r w i l l k, f lat

Mrs , F r e d

h i i ighH6jt A r l i n g -iv e v e n i n g .

;v Id

w a s l inei

of B a r r i u g t o n af term ifin

p g l e m a n fey wil l l i i |t«ad. :

l l e n r y Si-H a r o l d H a

fednesday Iroat, in .1(

i f tage .


j M r . and 5 Mrs. A u g u s t

Hilarity visit*

[hi r f e G o o d IR-IC-

l t t !

A Me

s t o i m.

son of h'aii been

h o m e unt i l

tjeeompaijied Ho

i] ii to tll( l a r y M n r

mil d a u c h t e t , nded trie fu

s i s t er , , Park.-1

Mrs. A *m. Lut idwer an'd I . o b r i a n a n d d a u g h t e r ;

il M M A l m a i b o h w a n a t

M r


, M r s . neroj I^ena



I | O W > i S H I P

Pr iday e veil in 13,1 there \vil

k - t b a l l i n . the n I y p the . w

;efi(jol b o y s Ijc g r a d e s c h o o

F o l l o w i n g tin i tirlsj w i l l p l a y

fSi a l g a m e o f t l i l tlije h igh sel

b o y s . , .These of.. ilrtdrest; tQ e v e r } rmtn l v |! t'tfme o u t

Kp ers- of. o u r c<

on I ie

,^ite jofi the „ s n # V .#oij ij; the billed | c r i " a j . jhhe- "hwh'

f i M i r c i h »«»'

I* i s r iltjning i t s conl s c b i l i l for; the e'venihg Mr. l . i skai guarante* i pro* rain inc lud ing sj rei ture 1¾ Y o u cai'i't a f o n ehte -iu i u m e n t of mt

n >w d r i f t s to ifn; o h , t h e o ld

(son. 'Jwith a ( d ior, a «rtcc'< l»n }U«e m o u n

eL'kmnn, Lohm; ri, S t u r m ,

ar«j g o i n g t o

:ore_ o n r a t t e idaacje

r H a d t h e d a t e »f ilt tjo,<rur ntt -nt


jicliariged the di n r . -[Mr. K o g e i |*jr n iee t ing if

tefjif|t to w a r r a n (ifL the mee t in j

ahjd b o t h res i l t l d \vig f lndi i igs , terf

Pr jterovittig hi lift witlitii .


his- w e e * , riie g a t i c s Ijifol g j i i i , T h e : f | p i t 't!ween lite

| townsUip b | y s jjof • Mutji ij? g | » m | the hi jh

t l i | aAimni g-i]t)s. rep |ng; »'iW- li.e-

t»*>Ij.'b« jrs .and t !|e guJiH'! shouldl )be (in«|: in "the c o m -

d jwaiteh b e , uij| t y p l a y . ! •

|ou! a sp lendid .1 ipeleial f#ia-

tj> m i s s tihifl

i\ p l a y .

boy|s..hre ,ansi i m l y v a l t i n g Jftoi nelk 4>:.the>V tti. l inino; id t o o | fen [ c t | r y | ; ; P r p t | ) e c t s tsfjil fL'ttson, w i t h . ' i G ^ s e , B : - a | d -n i P o l l i n s , 1 0 * 8 *

> j h o s ( [lot tov ii la ^es


» Ijconi i P e a r ijcr a i idjMr, Avordii t»f! iM,c6u|a;

pro avej .&' r e a d i n g en- ;

" " d {styles. A r ^ Oi

t i i s - - paift' c f f ' j f te . Limb(1i?n*t*{cli tftei-1

Obmi i ig iBjac £.''"••• Th* l a t t e r paW «jf thje Rijogram w a s j

•gjirea oiei* to g (blip (sing jig l e d . byf M r . D o b e y a n d aj p e r nifteting with:

ipoke a feWj Elri in!

duirjei. e4n< r e a c h

c o « n < c f | o a lr i th w i t h Wiiucwnda e v e n i i g

, \V'! weVejiverlf K e i s l e r bacl< a* »i a-bseice-, 1 . )

T h s r e W a s p ' t i week S t u n ii a n d t o g i i e t b M beinf m e e t n g s j u: ik'Bs cjilled dent,

r e g u l a r out f i

p o u l t r y mee t Ing R o g e r s o f E gi i

ii U e . intcrest ln i ^Vlieji t h e dat(j ill g a m e w a s

c i iaduetcd <j> i ! March

_ tjl ose a t t e id-w f i s | f e t t h e bjas o t kjif?^n a h m t

r ,. w a a ] iut t h e g a m e bi « n o n Ave . Hvo ultl »f the p o u l t r y

i \ 'ill% r e turn rfor

pilrt of the pro-wa's g i v e n : o(()'ejJ u< the t o m e

fiiktl number j ivas i n j t i r u g e r . ^ h i s [tylfelsjljiow p u t on

hebr- d i s p l a y e d

IIHCS g i r l s . T h e

d i n g j b y J o s e p f )Ho^fed by a

' II : c l o t h i n g , c la s ittoii d r e s s e s

i t of t h e i r re D o B S e y t f u r n i s



is' suffieJent-beirtg Jleld b irds Tfere

\i\ qt i i torin*

cenMal- assehj ilyj p i o g r a m .jn/a's • t h e g y m ' i i a | i u | n | ^ast) F r i d a y

lg.'l T h e first

|us ralir

a s ; ampleted c lass: w n - k

ie) musi<

T Sor

l a s t w a s

no, o u r

e n i e n t li» t o u r n i m e n t ganiei

o ije p a y e d te

gla«| tc s e e Ethe l : a montji'B'

E m n


T l e r c Waiji.a i j i i

a l i \ ) > n d e : w h a t \& t h e | « i a t t e r ......_ Glttdjik K j o i p ? S h e Ki|s be^n a b s e i t inkrijy a l I t l i s 'veek. W e hot»e s h e V i l l jjie'lbaek n 4 x t veelj;.

rufn ayray e n d of the.

n|rj cla|ss U e e t i n g l a s t t e r t a i n i r s , ^Gladys T i n s .d id n«it h ^ v e

^ 0 sel M :ioinii. ' T h e schedule-ed t l jefe w i l t i iot h e c l a s s

jithri pre s i -bi

e n W e u c o n d a p d 1 id ce Z u r i c h to s e e t h e

h o m e p i n e ] cp tl>e s e a s o n w h i c h

c r o u d o u t from

r . „ _ played^ M o it ay erclmng, M a r c h 2 besweejn B l a n 1 :Wa!uconda.

Aji a n ojiener, c I t h e ] e v e n i n g t a k e Zurish.; i r a j l e B th »0l ptiji i ls a n d ! thei Fresbntej i (if J la p l a y e d B a r r i n g t o n l J u n i s r Hij;h s i h i o l teani; B a m n g -ton bnji q t i t c ''i j icnie . ! w i n n i n g fronn E l a , ; t h e ! s c i r e 11 the lend of t h e ha l f b c i n ; B i i r i i h g t c n 2 4 |and| E l a I s a n d t h e f ina l f core 4 I to] 3 f in f a v o r o f

'BariihgtiOii.''' [ : '• ' • T i e j l i p h ; A v e i g » t t e a m of W a u c o n d a

g o t t h e l e i d hi E l a a n d kepti i t throiigh<}ut t h e g i m e . £ a a n o t ' s c o r ­i n g the f i r it ha f. A ; t h e e n d |of t h e hal f tjiej s i o r e vi s TTauconda 5 a n d L a k > Z u r i j h . Of Wsjuco^ida d i ^ n q t

g a n e w i l l e \ r a scoije 1 Walicoridla 1

w i t h ! t lie siepre f o r a t thfe garni t ^e seore stpodMWau-f

c o m a l i i .nd 1'k 4 . ' • : • • ! •"• i •; ! T i e hearfrwe g i t ti^am; of El i i Wfts

a l so (tef|ea;«d I y W t u c o n d a ' s hjjavy-•Vreiirht«.| 3 h e gi me wak a q u i t e , a thr i l l er q n l t h e s tore w a s a c lose o n e t h n u g h i u l (the f r s t iha l f ; E l a i e j d h e r owi i Jn^ith \ ' a u t o n d a , t h e scckrej h c h g \Taucont] i 14 t o ^ l a ' s 9T Elal w a s a t a sMadqti] I t h i lakhalf«!Of;t i i6J

lpoonda! raisejfl ^et, ?ame fjinisiied wjthi

E l a 9.:- .--.i •:.-.. I

• w h a j t | is ; ijepcirf j f a . 'as"if»e ii*


hfs lprj t r e e of t i e

f i n


lo r ia tioh 15 ' P . ri ndent, i t

t i a g pro: tram


d e b a r ' nentpi b riijgehead' p l # n t < j | to Bijeait

a n n u a l t | e e a n d

T h ( 3 0 2 m




Milk Pit, Borde u or Carnation at thi

avy Beans {and Pied ed Michigan (Bulk)

ICC .Ekfra Faricjy Blue



ait" the; w e d d i n g ;ol . A l l tii *;[tish< rs . . . .._ .: 1 . .„ „. Osniond M i i l i l h i i o f London , \ v t o s |x ieet i tul ,


a s a i e s u l t idii-


in. •eirra, ie a l -

ii|t: |th*> spi l ing pjlanttng

IncL t n i t o o * t i r s e r v e I c a r d , u i c h a te o% 2 3 5 & »0 tree i iandl

s t o u b s a n d |« ilaes if >r t h e s p r i n g i n h e H e m o ' treesj l a s t

(jec>!rd n u m j ^ r ft V&$°ft ^ ° 1

m o » t ( bubli riterie4 '.- |,(. _[ : ' - \ - . •'.; '•.' \ •,;-( J i t tep ijng ill "< f[ the p l a iting! Beas»nL

ihale' , jaeiam A •.' C e r n a k :»i i f i*:by tjhe tfpetidic ! !w<a her , .-is e x » i e ? M ttt ijvilnels t h e s e t t i i i f o u t o f a h l l f i i i l -UcJn: iii w t i ees , k irubsf i inu • |V i e a j ln ^he: ;ff] e s t } p r i s e ft a . during. W 1 . : - ¾ m l o o s e r p lant ing! sc i sou, h«j poini ed lent, i s i n ! t i i e : f a i g ? • . . . ' • . ' ".!• - • . ; • • } : [ v -

MM l es C . Si u srs, g e p e r a l t Upe i in -(enjdeni o f t lie i M :st p t e s e*re (Ipstir cjt,

id tl e p l a n t h g w i l l be a <soatiipuiiir-t ;icj|» o i t h e gen ek i l refo'i e s t a t i )ii :1 'fil-

wfl ich q i s j i s f o n e o f i t s p r i n c i p a l h g of e x i s t i n g t i iB-ibject i t h e

ier a g i i i n s t . f i r e a .:jme« w.- ol Jeo • idding t o tl.tjt b"

j'Pr:S'#nt ttlau ized a l > n g the" n wajys ind )n >; M r / • S i x e r s . i n s i n g n o w u i«ler« p l a n I a l lowed si P a l o s area l a s

f ' ln i l i tde^j j in imn l igs j p a r t irleiij • a v e p u i ,

a r ^ a s i n d j a t ' J h o u s e ? a n d l g r a u

• i i th . s lat i I

i k>®...

I e t w e e n

,, i f* Stoics

lowest price

Rose (Bulk)

Extra F, T :y


Si-ntf CUr«—40/4--fclfc -. *^s t

Pancake Flou Ppllsbury'l Bist tor Light, Tendf ftincaket


lied Cross . Jyiaearoni or Speghetti

Good Luck . (pleomargarine +• New Style If

pi s«


i n /ear






laPiire^Who It y fools.

Full dfull live!



ifeflfsfti«jGoaraiitee Assj irds You I

esDine qual-i

tisfactk ii

u I meisure ;hjt packages^


or itione; r< funded,

..... ipia... _. purcla«e of tna iy

( o< '

rirgs lai nitely deernined ent reaemh and

$130(,00 o;t t of v ery thawand doltajrt sperl h i 9 pceriet is left

\ in'(de' tnnlty 4ofsumer|s pos-

i i

die t landariil of r< fit f«m|ly life. The purchitef ftri|s ma^e pos-

'post thine

been by in-means


par^ lot j l a n .'jret dvisb)

-Mel tmjfU pfese^v*

Ijiighwu. , •oj^h i n

C olntrac^l pa s t a t e rajles t i $ 1 5 5 , d o n e vi l le;

ThisJsaving maUesi'possit , " tejoiiiiM sent! it O M M < " elevation of


rt h wind is blowing. isii't exaggerating whsn she says 1 ha t lftlL io t T r i g g e r , | f l ' U l U ci ld Jl!, I U S

m Jmb*p 6%^sathy:$tU heat. | t * s so lean. I t ' s&xjarefreeand reliable. And

* » • - ^ V c 4 themaspic-and-span t^lllatd in the basement bfttetol mk i^al


me mm* **>m W J - t t e M A j , If ^ w U ^ 1&4 «4 ty

And Mrs. Uric- * JftlLlJ*sJi-j-J 'VRZHA^r ^ ^

a l s o

[s w e l l »s Set v i n j a s ing'. ba re s p i ts ind t y o f t h e l a i i d s c i i p e .

jng i s l i e ing cent ral-n area: i o f t i e h ig&» iks a n l f U l ; i / f ( i a l d laking of t h i ]plun>| !3B."i'.-. ** * » - ' -i r4»' tHoj

isu;ces5tuHy i n the

ie p l a n t i n g wi l l a t I>al e s t r ;et a fid t h e jvar ious p i c n i c 1 P r e s e r v e go l f j lub s t a n d s , I n e o o r e r a -

i n d coijinty l i igh ivay

fy ' t'hei1 • a p p r o a c a." I

d vision j or p n ^ i n f t e n

78 oute

' 1

l a s o i j

e ' - beer

s h r u b g e n e i a l f o r e s t

mended: .by t!ie! i m m i t t e k hea

a n d a l o p t c d oard

w( l l be;

p |ant -p r e i citi-j

del b y b}

l e t iby

t h e


•and "Ca-i's the••. ttfal coitjo be

of thej itvork Iwiil b e rg in ia i ind Char tilery

i n e s s P1 "eft ces B e i n g R e s u l s

is (:oah<<

• I


H* -• B t M B M B i m H W — I W —




" I •

«irtless he planttdsee

.-fl;-:;ia^i;;i ...... _: '•& i.: XMJE^flitJivira,1:^^

I; OWARD P. '&$?LE",'tice-fteaidtfttt;-: a.[:-y4, /.,. 1 r - r A|T.].lJiiiTSqH,,A3si8tt

1) o w a r ^ P . Gas;tl( > J> i iwyer ; ( i e o r g e J jHagf i i r , Iia^i 6 v «..iA*»i»p.ii. ^ e ^ s c h u i t . r r h e r ; ) H . D , iCelsey, SupaCvisor MCuba. 0?oj tnBlup; a ? d ; Waltt iB $ . Lftndwisri, ,Wt N , l iandwjijr & <M's- 'Ir ' i

E . ; -W, . .B i%, - .^a i in5*; , : :^ -., - m e r i t ; A . / W - i . ^ f e / e r t fnsurtt'pc«.i •V i l l i a m S<%n"?tli igci P a i n t i n g

, B; iunri'er, I Land! O w n e r ; E d w a r d & D e c o r a t i n g ? j WilHJam , 0 . W o l f f , SOq p o | Q t r | c t o r



/ •

• # ' t » *

^ ^ A R D C i s h i e r

j i a g e r

/. R o b r iimeir,


it a

' . - r : f . ••'. : r



.ii; •

• ' n i •', I

hi •:,-

res ident •' -»;..-


. .

jell weather becomes ; I l i en a i d Iamb-like by 11 aii'^ • wro rW j jbit,- 'ma itmfortaMe—never too h W

u s e / y o u know, me

1 1

JEfitrVed : --^-bjE'thfi •..--'

tjftnagel..'-i s h j e r ;

; | : ^ . , W , , ,

hills-and i




I i - if" j h» e '

lion- Ike Phone foi- one oi jur he a nd tell yo ,

.oimeljls f M m / hom^ with gas. - ^ e ^ ^ h i i v . ; s & ^ a t e S o f | "

JV i" • 'I ' '', < l (iyitp|oiit era 1 eat



• M r , Win. HOI.

^ ' ' T , ' ' .,,-: Ki.rk W


r u - r


,.(¾ lll-St i C ! ! ' " ", . - i ; ;.i!'-d eft'*'' "'•" " i . , - . .Ml f flt



..1 sdi-, l i t .

i ] < r-

.slett ojf Me-h e r e S a t u r

s p e n t 5 u p -


,-Jho i s t e n c h

:e, Wem . year; spent

he bfm 5 of

K.lmer, lunond, '

t ' t ' lug f IW'i'it


••,<• <' "• '

I •* ,:

TV v.' v / J O - ' - . i -

in n - ' r : " it* ! ' • ' '



.j •:,;..[ml h ^ p M a l . b j

il :, mi a troken vr i

fFoole fsT< 0(1.-. i ; - - ! r«" i-., T.V.irsday.

j . _.r:. • T i m e s • ¢. . . . ••rui'iit ." '.(.' • : ! N;;1-*"U

.. 'W.-.J.-^-i'lay . '••• ,-.-h i'i

v e r e


the _>,:„„ fell f r o m uhtr .> 1).' w a s v O i k -

•, the, h-'tise o w n c l ' a s t a k e n

I *.

.!• Il<


.•!)»• iti G r a r «

F , L . . I hnaL'o Fri<

a i'i,)

. ( ' t

S..t.-11-ila '


*b,-y. i'

i.'.,.. 11:

... ' . : , - k l

1 il.'MH'

l i- ln y ; ,1.,(. n

.11 ,,-.,-.1


rayirev'al ;d buried


reV>rt: Mrs. JJTa were u nited

Feb. 2>

the •ie

Vb. 2>, at „i,e„t ((fee week- Al witli hek'pj Wane >n, la. b>re. , ,

C!Jrr *y

-•oti r e fp r f i ed re , lf;itli r e t y t i

! . . ' (u! i - i r>

I i ' l i ln n inrncr ln>mi

i i, ;i ( i s i i - to l

11.:i.ll <>ii S a t

that '<'\ MHIW

•1 M..11.

Mrs. L y d i a ' l

The mother ,< I in Chieoji (,

. . . — -p. hospital pn day, following a i < peration for tured. appendix, l i te w a s abouj years of age, Sui jfi ringj him are, August, one dat m iterij' Lucille, four b o W Font k I services' w l l | t held at the home < b Tuesday aftei noln wtitb interment in V auqonda e< mi per y.

JMrs. Emil Da |nis spent the part Week a t the hpn e of Mr. and Mi8. Clyf e Harris in li »ertVville.

Mrs. F j a n k .Nfe lmeyer will < utcr-t a m ' 6 n Wednesdly afternoon, I amh 11, the "Afterno n Bunco Club *

Mrt?. Hugh Shj u on pf White. <at e, \Vis., & the fa' « ofj he»»d>m k ( r, Mjrs. Homer Lin Oln. , [

C. PJ TtiomaB * Ungues!} of-3 ibJr-tyJTille relatives t i i i week.-

Len. Geary set ife rl on jury a t (Vau kegan fhis wee£. j ] i |

? * il


re. ' Miifl, Gertrud

vig, of Woo* the ^ues^ of I In. Effie Franc 3Cs«


w i s Ed] Einhorn ,. on.Mondky : iota

ing. Mrs. Einh rn is aj daughtfr of "'rs. Finny Prait.

Miss Estdla I nryiof Waukej inj jg v siting* the CI 'ince' "errjr f imJy


[ Ed. Dunn ivi (wry I^riday.

t "Ray JMurphy i f o(f relafire9 hftn

Mrs! George (|.>rtrulle-.Sbbafi r

[red bvs paten s

rio is? the Chicai


h i t s

f ew i d a y s re«

t .Jain ' ' l | a r o n t 8 , M r . ai

" • i > a . v | J r M r » . r^»p B -o ' H K I R V S I T \ i e s d a y E v e n t ! ?

Mrf C . E . .1

^n lentertaine .... elnb last week

''"'•J j ttlttrte ilmnr-o M'V?d to entertai stonti iuerfts^ Il l icit«! refreshments vl.v. I 4erved before t ift


iniiKi-v (if j h e u * thoirtes. , i» fHi-apo. lif"- f J- I', nlv ,..1.,1).^.-1 Grantham. *l

i j i i t t i i ia . ui-teil

i n i . ( h u s i n

\V.,iikc;:ui> is v.-iili !ii- s i - f e r

''Mr I •.:,!•

• i ! , ' . .

Mrs \m\ ed

^raughton aiw .. r of MeHenrjj \

the former's^! utbter. M r s . h rt*ur "if'" lfroeli<>h in tfe Barringtot G

Hospital M^nla .' |

Eugene QotU e ; ot Thieago

Wl 'alt >n rei

t tly )\vHh_ his i rat id-

r {]iontes.\| V . A. j , ir|fi >«•

l ' injsr • is a


.Idliu I Jossol l

: , | c r Vlt


11)1,1 I I..,.,,, i iu i , i;i

- i 'a .( ;

t|«ke pinet\ on* S . t", at I the horn

Mtf. and M •». Jio live, west >f „

he birth of a [>aby girl born % „.„„. (Jay. 'Mrs*. Xe hiehekic was fo M i v ! Mis<c>Mary Pes >z ox t h e Flats.

p Mr, and Mis . Bert. Harris • .and f" M v s - (-'lyjleJHiijrris at Cohde

l>itnl at'Liber: y\'iiie last week.


•'llie r the

pent l -





ne al



BARRINGTO^ R S » [ " " J i i inn j i , i mill *'

Trophy Bssjielbalt


a deeisi

i i

iVoh S y Jnr ioji High lfeam;j.:!:od l » , u e To

1 I loftr-cbus

'HI i .ve vittojry ov r,

„ „ , ^mt Tie|sday a' the) Barringtot JunJioU Hig i

. --i-rr- 'irling on Heights l tst Ttie|sday Jaffernoon

J ball team elin:hed lihfi cha ap onishi



, played iuti tw«

«a^on with 's_7 This |aT& then as IOTSTJ' other

def «t s.' !



hi ir

t i h e W f «

'oi 1« rr.i ii


ri-'mli-il nv in

I r e n e i e i . a l

liinjiii' '•' i.V Sti­

ll" l i a s

sH|Ve'|-icin r . wi - ie


•11.1 .1 - ru in

ar i F r i


K l t n i i i |r;n(>fi;

.1(,1.11 ..Mia,

Irs. . li ' i .ce a r c m r si-1 Ool.'-'

^1 tlr,> i r n t i o n R r o w h h 12. ' .

G a r y . I n d . , K n t u r -hiih.

f'lunde Base •alle'd on Mr«s Mate hospital she recently 'i for 'inward g<

pyj|tud brother, J I [«iry Bai,eley

Sjladison. Wis., ni'erwjent. an o*p,

s , ijuiin< d a y .

1 M r . fttid y !•«» thje M"areh 5

Mjs^ Vera evening with Elgin

* Mrs. Geohje .lolt^ Uorwal it,

Mrs. Angi st Mrs, Amitnd t John Dornfr It

I !••< t.Tohn Dort ir J> of a bb>

-John Nechjri be. the village ani on

i im

,.7dhn Dortra Bit aii j^ (»f a son, friihrs

thjeir hoirto.

Iwko^v speiit Fr day >fipis.t Helen ' Ahi iit ,afc

I :llrs. jnssefi i v}sit( 'IMewlay afterjfooii.

Wltf lantr' di i!ni der| visite Mpnday leVen

thinned dow pionship ;a

Ithia we*k gue,s.ts depart' |d iz«s were axfar tan and Mrs,

Patm-k s day. [la eh p o r y "> * w * ' * a » f Mrs. Edith I W-n. Grimm," Colonel^ Moo'

ie, tee 'ri-hy

led os-

•tll -rttur h I the

er< i<n

w! rat

pigl iter, 1. tlrs.

Bai bless Wisconsin Barb ess is th«


Wisconsin • t ' i - ,» ; rowed his t l ike

.in.! |,K.U< tbp -an te : .nd has " ' R-IKISKI*

I si

B; ley last wc ra in barley. ess is th

the old W beards, but

it outyiehte (^Visednsinj riedlgre*. One i f o v h r

the: old Wiseorisin pJlikireft grows the si b e a r d F i r e SMOOTH ii bt

>t"-J i m p o r t a n t o f a l l , -v v « ^ . < 7 , « > , . , . o w , ^ , , .

K!„ 17u '"'-'"•••l-Vf1» growers averajgeiffiO bud%uTor,over. ChSCe

mu^firo i., taw bisbels. • :IR. • I , -

'*i<•!,,.,,-.:,r,.„h ;<- tnd aSBarbless , al io V e t o t l a r j e y i t n e Mi ••-train of Bar Hess, also Wisconsin jp«jdigree.)

RATE'S PRIDE OATS I . J}* m o s t Popular, of- all I W i w y , and i h e hiaiviest

jieltier Js Stat.'s Piide or Wisconsin Pedi?ree I No. 7.

» We have Stan iard .^er t i . f. - Stan lard, i | Certi-| . f N a n d Registered.Stocks. I -m many otJer varieties 1 vJa t Su Chanj e «MtMi | > w when priies-aife.'-W.

Olds' 141« tu T

I . 3. Old*' ( * l«ed W L „ „

"Wis A ' Seed Corn. Olds'R d River and

i * l Seed Potat< •OlflsMlGir2^ "L~


. ! Olds' Seed Whekt r ryw«*-(Wi i. PedTieii)

«i'st wheat for Wiscon- ' ><in and UJint is. I>>es not ?

• ' ' US i . • • • • I

I tjeat.. Fancy J-ontanl ,t <•'!•''•'. IT. ' • ' • f

,V" Hill Je , . u r e (;u i r I ' l l - 1 ¾ i'11'—^—

nickly Any of theiAboiril W i i * for 0 ^ Co 1 \Vr - k »1 UOt .Ml! i«UHl k \ • .i I [ -

| . V- llANDLi; CEftESANF'ffipiffiVKraiNCiS:

|,J A*k for' Oiefe'. : # i i ; tbulfa .-,.( . „ , - , ' ^ 'ihis-taitLis al l the aboVe-namei] tnd.

I Mi . . . ^ ^ Too},, , FertlUrtrii,fInsectl i . e» , • *•• •••' », •"'r. w r i t i n B ft«FJt»i»8 ck*: M , gl

j ' '->••• it f i led foi you,dir"*' '* 4"" " llageschulte

We ^ m S u p p l y Olds' S u f i s RJASpeHx, { Peas, ]F1 w , Rape, , Olds' $ i y Be*ns Sudan > V I « B owx n o w , o u w m

. Boek -h » t . Cane. r \ V«M«« 1>i k G<tfd Brand"

fliqmotli, AWM oithern Gro^rn

! Oldsr- Jveeii C IfeOdi •, Srundy

Gilds' I «rin 'Grass, [ BlufljGifass; ^ h l ^

I Phones,


er« or 450 r, * II .

of their conferbnte ajnjd w. the»itrophy,, i I '' ' I The Junior High1

ten conference games losing and has [dose 1 the victories In a rojw. indisputable ] lonbrs, team]had|at Isasij t$ f This is the,ftet3«^inii<jnisiip| to ^uuiqr High and i}oacli IV a t W b>ys jhavfe erei y rea^c a! to bf I road, A the tatcalent seasohfs n«frc. Thit trophy if 6n display Sn Bixltt 13 atttl will «knr the followiig eEgfavjing-

Cltiudii (3oni (Cap:.) Etifenfe Lfcita [, J Chir&jj Wl i te ' l ,• Frjiderlck liTeadt [ Arthur Workman E b i l!'ten ' Herbert Mdlenkimp Wjllarfl Watson < p « c i )

?ijm i of the lefeatela

p ace anil

In the last conference _ „ _ season t i e Ji niorltligh to's: their n|arest r i v ^ l f e j M M p therefore gained ladisputib e" Shim tlo chnnipipn^yhiiij honjbtfs.^ '

"Tljie regular schedule of h|bh boyt' bafekefljall tnu league ended t\ o weeks ago with Frank Pa^lik'i? te in' in fin it plaej?. luimHliately after t tat p$n captains wers chosen and stiren new teatos piitked for,tj|ie ajnni a totmni-nient. Tfhe seven toants ha)ve been


j .? i

rSTois year and come out on top bracket ) \ I j |

- The ififlP'ls of the almui|] class: toiienameht v i l l he hie) day pightp Match 14 in t ' gym., i On Saturday morning,

Seniors; be l t th Of 27 V> 1 1 Sophomores

the and 'byl'la


day pightp iMarci 14 jin gym. f i Qn [Skturdiy imbrnii _. . . . the preliminaries jvere plaj'ff. The


mni y - V . , f

f J


ishmen by Juniors

teore of i l l to 12 injtwo hard fougijt games. Tic > games will m phiyedi oi ij Saturdtj night. Following i? the sdiedule: Fi!shipten Sophomores, .7:30 p. m.; runlorsi Seniors, S:30 p. n j

Thegirl 8' atble tlo club of, the high school went for a sleigh rids Ties-diy afterhopn.' Se '<ral teadu rs were id, the part*. I | , ,

The Junior IHjtt school Hudfents hive a paper alsjo, '


• Mirioa Ryjan, tlniversijty! of |Uta co-ed etrned her way! through s choo[l this wirte? by driving a horse draw snow pluy over[v th4 sijdewijilks. l

Eljtort Oiobkett 1 0 [years old. broatlcaitSg solo numbersj over the radidj, and is the youngest member of the talented Crockett familjy, . "

Ed,»th Gtf pritchiard

inter-l Satur-scbool

March 7

a score 1 eat Ihe

and humorous), j r*e tweh lebted will takelptrt in a p)(j te^t, to bef given the hist . The winners of eft :h c^ass, v i] awards, ' ' "

Eighty-one seven h and eigiijh grade pnpils' have ehtere 1 the Jui i (r High declamatory contee:. The pt t imi: cdntetjt is' to he helt the last < f Ma. __, four contestants vil l be ch(s;n from

ich division ijoi atorkal; Id matic,

to Itwoi and e wj}l b«! bestwee i J V --i

Panthers a n l Da.v< C Iftm1 Panthers Ihnve

^nui v, - - T-T--JW I f

with Ithrae OPavlikii o « . itj

Anderson, they a te p|<k, d

t ie cfaantr

I •'?, a!

o i is

The f;our lowers in ._ are1 in a cdn«olatibn oi callnt? i t |a "ionsteltatjon Harry-- Wichtnan's |Wild<S Jf) to repept their plfrfornaj.c

held shine time Rudjr pavlik's

CagerB, ther a:t tnd su]>-

ChaH<y t oftz aiid

to( wifa the to( ni ig rour d; ig rouru,

oi^e b < y oirnament.

(ire1 dopid of last

during th<^last learned to write

Richard has1 retur

[iss Ifliratzler's The littl^ipeoul^ W room, grade' one] are' miich ijltterested in postoffic > dutjet , , Several < seks ago the; class ' isited h ! local 9 Bee and lpitrned much thad tjhey a r e j i o w put itne ipto practice i n their sclif>l work. They ha;vi made u )oosto boxes, postmen an J [carriers'

teaming1 "The DuJeh land posters arjs pe: th<> art! cjlasses

Fifteen children wfere absjeitt from Miss Miller's rooni l ionday l scause of the,' snow. | f j j

In this jroOm th»lubjeetMt tphasized this;month is Holland. The 1 t&Hs are

isvr days, l e tti i«L~

MARCH 1 2 , 1 9 i l - " " ' ''""!' »• " " " '

m^mma m


f, mail :aps and

t ley hate

Ulbrfel (f the t i r d grade ied aftfr a wee t' ( illness.

In Mrsj. Schrbejlet's rjooj fifth grades) f t transjpor jject has j been devieloped.«,

and 1 automobiles htve . constniction papt r, and

rork. i The ptip, n an air field

developed soon if

and' Hol-ng work d out ini

uw^.» ~ — ^ - v v u > -M • w . . ™ — — »11 t - vvi - . - - . —

U'agons, Jiainted t ta ;e eoacn< 3, colored posters; of ships <|f jdiff^ren|t| wuntries,

cut from :ree hand

working •o iect to be

*foujr and afion pro-

> Covered

new ijlollani


bard MI on tpe automobili In lesjs than

drjtye ii, ,-010:¾ "* '

id ejah ranee are pArUculafly] a pjpai'i nt in ere! 01 d Ijrpads and severe wea tber jnil » bet ivy

an it ] |ract|l< ally tl ic clnly expenU: lor rej t i|a was f . 1 r new pieto ji rin 1 :k and a new bearing for the! p ineritoi'.

The c a r carr ie I on average load ojf'. 12001, pc n ids of

thulrick gas: iny

i^wbeneyeif ^fany other ^.

a [year a new (Ford Tnlloxr Sedin was |i sevenly-thrie thonsand mpes taer a

5 pperating cost per xailfe was v« ry low

miiil and wasld i 'en 250 milei) daily. mevcr failed to £ o, When I was rieady," Uuref mau cajcr* «1 rating the ear.

1st wii iti ir «pven at 34 ilegree^ it 24 h iiiiles per gallon

ive a bulky load." owners report the e i irae

Fo|rd jitea one

f 'The star ier low zer >, times t

has the did The


s IT

•Pi wm h l I ,

Uni«e !pity -«f J Vermont- jsenior,^ SCOP _ . r o W o f a possible ©)0 fo win'We; national- intercollegiate ^omen's riflje cbamiji^nsbip. 7 - X I' j . 1 Blind, since birtyi in WairsaW; pi-l l O e i r , 1attd, Hymari J losen , ^8;- was «fr«<p! ij,„th" — , , was gra uated from a Brooklyn public seho completing "the eight-y(ar course a | litt l« ,^a6re thh^t ^thr,«• yearil'-wit an, average of 9 1 p»r cent '

WaiferiKennedyfeight -

- . I " i '

to iumjt :75 i'-JJ',l", " ' f • 3 titai Gr' iputfd tek,

ier, who main. •year-old1 Dei i-** attract!

wot thi» firs

Business, Col W^^tY[>i

r*\ ,¾.

1 • ! ? ' •%*

It cars most not sdjfbr

f rst time in a

! I

•ol its

the operating

. utmoS ecoioiay

, u u a m w K i juupujxu i A I W U ^ » C U I U £ { ^ > > # | *•• ' * D l , r ^ " y t o £ IVC y 3111 «

_gives you Raro\Rhiixi0Corif6rtVv; fhe test itsChallj^jguigpeffi amsjiriglow;

«. i ' •*

«5 )erate. Yp^' neat est



T e l M B a r H n g j t o

. iRidixtg Cwifort

Ysarof yourself |


' . .1

en Day


and N. , ''rr \!

s1 . ' i1 '• ' -• ' '• ' 4


4 *

ii? S


•fj *r

' i t .-M/'

, \ i

j *


M4; entpetat


i - i i . i - i



. « , ' - .

T h e new Buick en«t e is remaikably smooth, agile ac d poWerful, ww as d^pefidable.'AnD the oU temperature is regulatei attomaticall^ [gardless ofweadiel (or speed; furtherl assuring jxcepjtional stwniaaj^

m T m : :i' ,|r't!'iii' ,i-'r--'-' I , l i " ' New $itint Syncro-mesh Transmim

now i t indsrd on all ^ l ick k |odel4'makes i rv ' .>df, n o n # i s h geax^sh^ingJlt also permits,an i i^ .^ , rhieh givel] ou complete control of the car descefljding st

ulatei Bodies by Fisher ^ dosed c 4 wdiesbypuhera^|i^acioaLbei^tildlyiipl

' / d S Ii k * r f

mm »' '.' ' f 1

M r

' • %


I1 l.t\" M

« I'jC 1

cold andnbil

jue expensive carle ;Jtom !r,

Oothpess add Owmgto 'Oft £jgbtt\will

fine d. Moreovetv diey ire skilijolly

. ! 5

1» i ' < . -

e js found in every Bui

nsul i ted t o


diness • ' ^

V Aktlltfi wheels iq the frame, codt^biicing g read r to

M 1 j [


at j«ll speeds., \ ,.

tl Of]pwni$*m4^ri*9St Beit <b< comics



• - . i i « i T'r , 1)1(. ' " i ' ' , .


« • - •

• I i H" 1 V ,1 ^PI/ /


* "Nfrg^ifr^fc^ffi

. t

H !


? '

-JW»Wvf-*»*itt >«Wtsfert<M>MiA*fl

Kn erta'm Br+Igfi r

Club. • S^lety lain Sixteen

Party Mr-i. We-by

group! of sixteen pa^tyl Thurs4l.iy home on Rtis<ell

Present 30 Yeaj; Jewel at Ijodge

Leaf A.ufumn 620 held ty* res, evening, observed


ii'ki entertained A frieid

i i f t f n x K i


Ut ti bridge » at her

Rt'li'kiit "Judge iXo ilnr ntfetifig Monday

Mnreh li>- Wis lodge also the thirtieth; anniversary'of

one of its siHti'.r n embers. Sister May Boyer1 wai ' pre tenteti with her

Eyenr jewel by tl e lodge. After meeting: w is at journed Sister

•e» entertain* tl wi h playing bunco and then th<» go rats vere sweated at a large table decoi »ted with n profusion of colors- for.R<bekal|s

Birthday I,uneIJeon

v4r w. n. c ,The Woman

Wjednesdny aft«j rapdniates werf l*jrs lhating bi


s IMief rwooi. ' A

ini iated

served the, birtnUay l imcbe|n. i

/ii ** ' ti< iweddiifc

Fourteenth vl'eddtng Annivervry

)Mr. |in|il ,M|rs. I^uis* 'II

11 whet home casiom, orated went Williafn Miller orid i f Iation

ataii t celebrated thffir fourteenth

versary Si

^ixtlPn friends' plaj; pinochle

'nday, March. met at (their

For th,e oe-tble hifme was taliutifiilljj dee-ii; orihid and gfl een. Prize* o | Mis . G. H. ,i Cuhlmanj and

Hoffintnn. first) prizes; Louis niid Mre. Prank (Patridge, see


ifc£s. and Ted M);Cabe, conw-pftte.

Mi|>s pdrtlthir

florps met number of and mem-

thdays du&ng March

.street, busin&s tile cjnfjs teach|rs[ schoo


Keys* «4 Cla^s Plans Dinne

The IjCeystohcs class Suiidf v |school met at

wmm m Mmmmm$m!mmmmmmmm tf

P«r,onaI. ,i|/Mary |M

lilies ,of Sta-

tvl6n|Wy night meeting' plans

to serve a and officers

iomerime in t h | present enjoyed

ciail llour, ffHowi^ig tb<|

Lonnlbtry <phapt| WOl JE^tertftln

3^th AnoiversaU- c f Tborsdaj Club

(The Thursdi y cljib celebrated ' its thirty-seventh annhersary Thursday elenhi'g nt the home of Mr. and Mr«. Ay alter- SJeaVen s. 1 3 i ' W . Lsfke street.

' After the bam Puet h'e guests played <ard«. Mr*. IFrtnk i.caverns and Earl Power- w<>n'first p'izes and consola­tion j»ri**»-. w e e given to'Mrs. II. T. White and W< Iter Keave|n-.

P a l i ) F»r l)o^oth> Jeart Cooper

J Despltf the urday iiiimteed thy Jean <'«»i>f

Joani PWnjeroy Birtl $ y Party

Jo A Pomeroy cek'btjjtt^d her birth day atnjversary by jjntfjrtaining grou 1 < f 'f rionds Marcfl' oj

/ storm </f Siit-litrl| • sa

iuhtli btrtlulity. itt 11!» < % M . I H | ; . ' a if

celebrate her happy afttirno anil damn rcf|-«'<.lm|*»nt- i-onipb'led the llart.v.

Ill W

i . &. X. W. Womii .tteeting >l:^rc|

The Cli ivi^ » u ) Won^in'-j Inr piM'ting M a n h IS. M a r c h 11K-I111 chniniuiii. ,11» Ashley, Kil'/.ii ai i f ) (> I>i K- i

friends pi JDiwo-hered a ^ i e r }»iJme enue J6 help'

hs spent in piuie,^

Glee Club Pnfgram) Sunday

The Khnlujrst <-lfib nilf gi» ' a ihusic at $t. 'aid Sunday. Marifi !•"

college gi l l - I • aried pnigram Kittugelical chuj

lee [ of

.n's Club 11 18

& clul

t •„'

•• Ml - f e d

s i t r i i i .

fvoi-l'lnw-terii l iail-•wi^l'hold it- re;;ii-

•p. m.. Wi'diiesnny, >>.- committee for i>. (r F. Sprogue,

'JM Mi'.-damc- f l ing 1 1 . . t ^ 1 ' Lone. Stephen--,


past gpa Emmli afficiftel


{of the Salem the home of

Melow, Ii06f # . Hong' during

jk-eri made/for l in ler t6 the of th/ Bible

-"•at future. tasant so-



Mr. and Mrs June terrace waive

1 th* M

week the latder' ISnyder of AV

frs.( LueJla Pajrilll !',-i weVk-end

Uui^thorp, 2 |1 | ffra

frs. t . A. AJ Leonard Atkji

for theft homes Ytotk TMrsday, all several ihonths in th|

L«1J, Prairie avenpe

t il tc{ 0 . E, C. nlatrons and

rejaing. Mrs. t pat low willl

Stlza mm at Beloit c

amTTdl Par!

tine Douglass,

<a(*nt|y j initiated into Itnejiibership the pe^|it chapter of I i Beta Phi.

-MrsjC^ferman Kuhiffj^n 1 an'd familf, b<mh Mis} Faith remained ( h i )

»ng w h * e •erJitji

2(m a nil F a * Plal


\fith Mnrjorie Ej| Hvanston M

she attends N'

iberty street,

and Mrs. B«' Cook street,

Mrs. Will Sod<| and %Mr. a Sunday,

Bridge Party At Tavern

Mr-. FN 11 street -gave luncheon for Julit -'iin

i: Kntertains (• At Tavern

WVdneida.i} had eight bridge atj Ji g u e s t v Iw'lll

D y m o i i i l . w l i |


yalle, (.'hieaiji

L i iji.l l ie ,¾



M gji«>-t i |

lie'-' hcl-


the ladle- who ateteria nevt a-* follow 1:

ICMI. uies (iiruthorp,

(Mesijimes Parker,

1 The n.-tliie* of nssi-t at t|m M a n b l'tj-»l

Monday— rett. Welch.

Tue-da) -«lon.

Wednejidiiij—M j l larris . Kay or.

'Thur-il:n"-f-Mi-| .ty. 11.1).,

F r i d a . \ i — \ \

m a n . O H M M I .

t " a » h i e r — . 1 l r s . |G L i n e

The Uier.ftur« JlUin'oiH Jfcdfj lis siion-«<rin test. Kvjrj

I enter an orisi T)ie coi»ti>.sr 25, and (vr ti ringtoii WoiJian'»j

. bution toward t 'event.

o f K. .^Iiiiii

bridge part> iiuid women friends at afternoon.


.. Wirt. Lawij fog- luncheon

Tavern one o{| si- |er. Mr«. x a't the Hotel

Mnce a rid the

With La

eve her V i-f 1 •evi


* l

e n i


of « n |

and Mrs. Otijiirles Kuhlma1!! ^tughter, Faith j o'f , (were dinner guptsil of Mr. anil

Harrington, |)ll«fee, was re(

1 1


sjhit'r 0« the Ijiihcotn PaiJk state bank that :ity.

|/h cago, Mrs. lsp a week-en|d


W*. k



G. tjreeniiaes the week-end

MH «nd Mrs. T. Coolidge aven ie

The Methodist (fhuijcl h' ipi the Sfjwyer rJ>otu\ nojnl

\L. T r u a x ^ f 4S7 as theic /guests | uiothe/; Mrs. (


and Will

oj/C'bicngo speiilj r. and MrsV JI

ranklin stieet.

street,, visited -sir** ' * l

a sister of Mis , and Mrs,, E .

Aifcerman's mother in Syracuse, N]ew 'ter having spent

Aekerman home,

of Detroit, }Kck., iwith .his relatives,,

E). Cooper, 119 Ir. Greeflsides is

diss Kathetjiife vis ion st •eet lyiII | S i nday at Butferj dimapolib*, lnd



ftr. Huglj Huttow of Pot ijer's father, was


Mis? Hilda


eye of Des Mjeier, 512

iani Andersbn Mjr. a « 4 Mi-jr. / W t f r r ^ Meiejr,- 11(|> Cfolidge avenu

Milwaukee aitd Kahdoi and


my Mrs.

Jean, ofl the honte bf Mrs. Eipma s'tjreet


Society of the Id a work meeting Wednesday after-

Murphy of 515 I)i-apent Saturday aiid •' universityi i n ' I n -

J Sujndiy

ijne*, a t d M « Hough .streej: fete gi;4st» o:;

H i n 4 13K W. frjend


New (wood,

Mrs. Lines

Geneji-a Hi the 3U<thael Heese| spen£ Sundak' at Xellfe fchultfze, 12(8 ruei

Mr. dnd MJr . Ddnald mond, |nd. , ^pent patii) day at

s and relatives at

and^ daughter, t .Thursday a spett

Newton's lflO W

— , rday and „~t _ . .the home <jf M •». Groff's par-ents, 5([r. a^d'MJs. i enry Kincai 1,

Maid sfteef.

ffle weeli »1 rs. Williarti Ciok street.

Mrs. John Ildii

[Friday evening to spend a f e v luhlman, return

I nday raornirg Irthwestern uni

Cora Euler o\ was pleasantly g of last week'

fiends gathered hor a happy s u as*f passed

delicious hint-lietin \\as serve


|lr|<. Helen Mau m >ved to the hoibe r sister, Mrs. Ju > McLjennan, 3(10

unit street, Sntu

in t*|ti. 11 (i


niif ti-il)

IViv-hie A'irdvn of jl- in I-os Angel


Woman's Club


I .11 rs.


will }\cekt



a 1 ki(ub rial I


-duine-, Seavenw,

nine- It.iwson, Wei-

lie* 'Mi ("rat. Ackef-

departiiieiit of the [rittnAi of Women's Clubs

[oetry and plsy con-uieniber is eli^'lijile to iiiein or one net play.

The iTir-tJ-Jiatiomil poetry jipoak-ing cunlie-c] siio^s»)refl bj \ o r | h w e s -

li>-efi fi>r plays on March April 1. Thf Biir-

gluh' -ent a tun'tri-le fofl thi

tern uiiitrerjity 2 and jj. It wiiiijpn (iigh ecu pet i t ion, 'wi l l include the tion «tf 'the {sol dramati<| po»ftry lection lor [he on fife At J March \7>

- I|i ai|pra(siiig|

pi l l take place April open to men : and

fflmplicit pai)t8 concept

•diction In s-pirinsiringj

weitern uutversi

nyside 'avdnae. attend ] plfase Tlagge^

years or over/ <'om-interpreta-

l l i e ciMitestatjfs se Mm|N>titioii,>should be

orthpesltcrn univei^uty by

the performauee'* of e a c i spijakijr scifring will follow these' poipts: I

' • ' : i X ; siheerity; a grasp-of the beauty Of* voice and

thfse contests Xorth-ty {desires to cultivate

anjiindersdindirig of ' the power, of- the spdkqn ver e, to quicker sensitiveness to [beauty 1 nd ,>:> encourage a love for godd p«ietr;'.

Net a Covey rth.her sister,

Lake" street Miss Vera O u

Esther Wiseman her sister. All

day and Sunday, who is •MMI-«t, her hojue 1,

610 Grove )ij bs on a busiiiless

hi the remainder nal coiKi'ibutioi

pal ( tof bilu

1 n<i shoes am 'badly worn),

made ' by th

m la ta M | 1 Uti

en, l i

one-day coiifeijl'iice on "Parent ltlhitionship and tn|>'Child" ivrlfl be hiiil by the Ciiit'uaj|(» association <- l* t l ,



last en gam el

11 for p l l i j 11

rtram Schultat, |pn(ertained Sir.

and duughtcr, d Mrs. Jot n

«•{,'{1 E. V HUSMH1 Surprised 'Friday when several bf nt lifjrhome to

|(iirthdiiy. The playing bunco,


spent tlu> wieek-

Cpiicago Mrs. II. E

rs. Bn| !ch

Miss Ilager AVaukedan.





Stamper of Ivanhoe, arid MrsJ A. Sttimj er of Danbury, |q . , one visitors- at jth : home of Mrs. T. ,T.|Docke|ry, 1^0jG*rfield street.

Miss' i]unic{ ftefcs who is a student aild tcacpe'lt a t JEIijihurst college spent

|»i t f e home of Mr. and dottschalk, 43« N,

Ilarhett and children of



her mot|

Miss lincoln) avemle

A»resolo guests Kenneth Schwi

\n\ Su

Mrs. (sited reet,



K n of Eli

ed Bens'

11 account of »11-


|her in


kit the Biofae of Mr. and' Mrs. ivski, 1


ricfli of W. Lake, street. nday with Mr. and

cousin of Mr. Hein-

is. Gjfiesheiiner, 148 N.'

Spent Saturday Idt

|T.ilinde of AAV MJJIII »|trect i\> spen(|iii, • sei-eral days 'wi th

(ni^etka. r V

I jigpscjiulte, (arid Nlortih

'it;. Mrs. F ,ThUrsd]ny|

Mrs. Adam »11 >ad was a Ol


of CI liicago Sattirdny

Jennet k Ca

Mrs, Sadie oh'euuc spent Jlfrs. JosephinJ

iBjeke «lf| 042 P'TOSp^ct A ondu^' evening-'with < loldsinith of ^aijepgo.

f f"4Mif«lLy coiiperutiouJl Tlie commit

trip to the iln Elgin during

h. *AnyXw \\ Isliiii; my of/fiiese ai t ides Mrs,/York 270 M 'or

|1-U. Vffio will sei |il fur jtliem.



stluilj'; and pa grand hjtlh-oon|

I|J»uf.e, Saturday, M Ifr 10 morning sesS

]>r. Karl Mwinij fh> Human Mind']

ed at the study vis of the Julius 1

is chairman ra|eting.s.

Ueservations for j .( 0 and for the JiJ fO njiay be mad

Ajs iciution for, Chil| Eilucation. £17 | l


T lii' ^lext regulajjr meeting 0) man's club will

Ifaptist church at wjliiy,1 Ma'ijch 18.


was made upl

Mifh Helen rbad, is eonfii!

shoulder su ffattirdny.

Airs. Cora sr-U street, M

A. Car drove to

" > • ;

pencil*, wfi : irards.>lot]|

underwear, 'txl mligaziiie;:

iinmittee fl'ith es-sei

e will make \ veterans ho thrt last week

to con trih-will please Mrs. Sluth

i n g

ing 1 not

is for

\ ice its

-•pi-i i i

for |en|, educathiii iii

of dip, Palmer rclii 2k ' j

Ion is; in charge jpger' whose iiook

I was recently nc-jflub.' 'Michael 31. loseijiw'ald fouuda-

t hje afternoon

|he ^conference at' 'ncheon sessicn iit ! to1 the Chicago [l Stiuiljr and pnr-. Deiifporn street,

the be1 held at the

::«> a'clock A\red-

Uieh »g« s |

lirs Aliss Eleaii

a venue, "were ,or

of Mlltldeleiif ly, 42« X. Cook

of 12S AVu'verly ijipper AA'«ldii«.«s-

> 1



RjlwlanklL 129 AVur'crly e*I[ to h i V b o m e ' clu 1'afcn revived at! w

to |ork,

/ and M1I1.

I^Urs, Stella ffchwemm w i i Albert ItodgeJs.

Mrs'. Stella] i|esd«y in Ollcii


E. Bus­ier of 331 tella Strohac^i, Airs (laughter, Priscilla,

jFridajr afteru6on.

Frank Schwemm and pnuly nmved fnVm 'tljeir residence at

street| to the ^urm of St|i'obiieh, wher|e Air,

ake ijp tihe duties' of

ptrobdeh spent' A\>d-Bo w\ business, '

lg« , Miss Olg I/ 'liursday fro| i >he spent th Lome of her ( erson.

Aliss Dor. JJortlT- uvenite, Ijoomis, 418 j Fj ileturned last Iwl

lion 'fit the li| i | i e t t . j

Aiiderson retipned A\rausjiu, AA'is., where

ien days at 'the •ast .11 •lift her, Mrs. Gistj An-

30f y Jiagesehulte, and' Airs. \AVarrci|

.* AA'abhington , street^ ek frjiin Miami, Fla.,

^vhere they sfeiit a t|wo week's vaca-?m|e of JUr'st Mark 'Ben-

Kemr of Gilefeb' the home of

Donlea,^3< AA*r

714 E.

Dan day at| Henry

Geor?e 0:5s 1 a i d spr Alilwaikee, AA'i ., visit si 1 hiii mother, Airs, i nna Otis 1 Q<| iliijs Sifter, jM^s Grace Cantjon, 5))8, iij Saturdiy i


1 Lak<k Wis

home Wn<|

mother La'k

a nurse st bital, Chicago.


of Air oln avj*

bf HaiJi

,jn[ Ml 11 ,, ,\u I IjHf, j^.,,1 t f l u » 1 » I j t .1, ,. U M f M M

VBRtMTfilSTS H A L L By M A k t M A K S I

- 0}ie of tin 1 flimsiest 0^ all ejni ITroiJlery stitel es cons i s t s 'o f the 1 un­called blanket stitch -which is no 111-1 ibg more nor less, than a;|deep bit;-tennple stitch done coarsely so tla.'t the j material shows between the stitches. I t i s so-nnmed| because i t i s a practical stitch to usA1 in finijtbi-ing I off, blankets, in whiek case the work i* done with rather fine woolen yar^i. _ This stitch may tilso be used

If ! i 1

|l'Hi" I ' l l I ' |1NI I | j

rg spent Sim Mr. and Mi|s Main street.

Charles, bf

Coikk street,


Air. and. Airs. Arthur Ityons, a » D w i g l t Sciwtirt: of Chit ago w.r< week-snd guests at the. hone of Mr. and A rs. Jjihn S q b w a ^ , 1^2 AV. Lqke street!

Mr* Ti'ard tablet of bridgii tjhe hefme of M^l strect(.| H^ghfs^ Mrs. AbboW.

Nellie Rojbertspfl an|l Airs, it Ernst were htmtexses

140 N . Hagier Mrs. JosebhineJToff avenue, left tjhe IBarrjitigtoil Geneial hospiti 1 Aloiiday 1 fter havin; received medical atteuti6n for V weelf.

Roy Millar of ' Tich ta, Ktan., sptjnt Saturcay a i d Sunday at t h ; homejof his 1 sister, Mrs. E l l i ry iftiorp, 532 Division street, m te^artiri Su|nday for 'MantreiL Cafi], on a short bujsi nes-s, trip. 1 \

FrjdSty bv'eninglat Er,Ut oA AAr. L i M

hoiiori xi-tfre won Edward Kil-by $»d Mrs. AA^i

Mis . Or*n T n to her" home for btcai $e of illi

AHs. B


pron J sigriid

V M •

menlber 0



xel hal- b the piUt1

Vt I

niik trie;

H o n i e / o f j RepHesenti| prtrt lops(>p

jwleraiion AA1" >men|

yeaili, AlfS. Hi| of , < :astl< Don niiig t<> Retire.

A Ke ttucky| Whi to, is the 0

pointed Gio4anna|


M the

Mrs. Ta\ern

Juliji was

<|ver the vveet-epd.

home o'f I), m

Airs. .1. K. ?t ;ntice of 540|

ftreet* was 1 os ess ,to tw1^ ridge Sa^tur la,' evening.

Mrs. Lconjj feutledge Carroll) 420 June terrace! larrington, and C. J. Catlow, 112[Alain street, arrived by aiotor a t St . jpe «rsburg, Fla., for1 their

[trip through the south. |(irst visit on

' Mrs. Martij | Marvin, Jr., |aq<

Michaels guest i n

of Julie's Milwaukee

Fred Braiioi ind fabiily of 135 Garf iield skrceL « ei 9 dinger guests at the

Pomeroy on Sunday.

' I S. Hough tables of

Wells and children] d Katherine, and Mr^,

kn Snvitatioh has ' been i received . the AJayfaSc AVoman's club to (at-

tejid itfs iteeipijocity day program; on onday, Alarcbj 2S at 2 o'clock at the -yfair cijnuni|nity house, 45^0 Sun-

* Afembers wishing to notify Mrs. | R. G.

The I inlerm tional relations jday prograja 0 the Irving Park Woman's club will t e held Alarch 10 at the Irv­ing Park Pr>sbyterian church on Kecler

Mrtf. A i t h AJin|«n, chairman of the Philanthrdpic tommittee, reports that a ram turned


DjIo^gAtiHeUefj sum w a s given

of i l (Wi50 has been raised and oveV to p e Bed Cross Itund for

Fifty dollars! of .this by the Woman's club,

t<ui the |Mai

, A M n

has i^nal CH

wflievul to to b »comi

sta'lC of|

ve of be the

Sun flirst

Infe naticnal I and Prof&ssionjil elect »d pr -s'itlenil eil cf Wtmssii:

M ss } relBe Woi China,'is Cui iese ii'onjian| intei ne j >u tin Stat >« ho mital.

A ter j and flrryinj; pasjsengers and frciqht ajj-ross l)lie T ient fiver for 72

nnalr Rowbottom, S7, ngtori E n g . , t i s plan

11 coufi hree welt-ks

^eating bills

ss Lena Aladcsih PI illips, ^ e w attorney |nnd* presiilent of

(of Busiilegs ijceii


oijly h Carol]


iem and |j«st as efffctlve. lian a


wotrian, Airs. Allma ily o n ; of her sex who

is pHvilejed1 to perfi; hef name ijvith the title >f bisl op. |

Airs. ] Irene Gat ret,1 Safety direc tar of Cijvingtiin, K?.# ij» said t(f be the first and! 01 ily firf: nvanj to hold pos i ion in'an Amcri<an

King If oris o(E Bulgaria|

nt the l a r n n g

Mr. a t d Airs 1 im-w • 1 *

r. aiid Airs'. W i | pare its of a "sotj,

his. w i d e , Jfornier Pridcess of Italy, ci>inmander of three

Old tho ed|?e of, the j ery narro^- hem am: ill the needle ,witli( (

thread and] 'take your l| so that each one. goes hem, giving! a neat twitches running acre hein. ; I .Onc-Ho-threo stite|i 'variation of blanket I suggest it to i^ive anj finish for a dress of wool. X'se a fine qua1

threaded in a coarse

usual one-two-three stitjeb.

ijiaterinl , baste

«e-' enibr| lnnkct st

pver the little ro|

bs the n

one) showjn h e r e , donjtists of thrcfe fairly long stitches o f e v p length;,, followed by three shorter, stitcnesJ then three longer stitches', [and so on \o the end1. T/he second variatio 11 con-1

sist of a snort stitch, a mediUM-sizea stitch,, one a l i tt le Iongei and one quite long, followed by , a jdesc ;ndk g arrangement of the st i tches. ' T i e third variation consists of four«(itch a of-graded '< lengths tione 'eq thnt jy tu j begin with the longest and en}) ,wi h the shortest and then begin ,a,ga n with the longest. A fourth- possible arrangement consists of- a lone, stitch followed by txro sh.ot'ts, t H e n l lon& followep b9t two shoots and s<j on jto the end. ' I I '

'' - '' ' I i T

for Scout Leaders I, _ - — ; — . '' Continued froth page 1

I I .' ! L L immediately foltowrng th s tanks the

1 groups wil l divide! and under experi-lenced . ihstmcUrs study, tble parfictilajr

phaselof the work'th'ey are intertest*' in. R. T. Sundelium i s ^haiiman the, minumum training, EL R<] A n l e son, chairman/of approved I rain in and Herberfc/Walker i s fchaiimaii < cub trainijhg. : ] • " ' ' . '

[uge! Out Door Meet f j / ' . On/April 25 and 2 6 the group p n u * 'mjge overnight get together in on*>

t;he nearby forest , piresei ves i t ^whicb time! they •wUl pu^ into jrac* tice many of, the ihingii they, have M r n e d during the ejirlieij pai t of the

ourse. This season' will n m from arly Saturday aftertioon, until inime-

uiately following the didner! Sunday.' Although' details of f his meeting have not yet been competed [the training committee :announ'e<f tluijt it will lie One of the m/)st complete out-djobr training programs local men have |qvev participated hi. I i Following the week-oiiH fitting! the course will be brought to1 a close jwith a ladies night' meeting; and leaders round table program uti whlich time certificates wiljl be awaijdedjto those who have completed the bourse. Scout

W ' 1

officials (annbjttyse.ihai: the eim** 1. open| tq 'a l tAe i j^ver eighteen y e Z ", a g ^ j f a ^ e r a j j o f U o y ^ Sunday ^

linen I t i s tolled

Aferely in a Then idery tches

|mt|ire of


I ?.f|flfifcMf..|i»iidiiiM-

Fife ilAECH 15-iftj 1 l ewis Slonej " W ' h i 1

interest story Sing- 25c-S&j

• " ' " i n


Wftat a j f t r to avtbUtea to JthelmortJng . , . step into «g nipped trith rows of a* mm** botnes containiiig t i n s , dotting 1 waders and r ^ — ^ " * •• ^ r

tli•*-BOO)bvOaJB a f c n a a t t i e r A keen-else* * u b \ ahavin; 8 i a r t ^ f d » y ] 3 g ^ t . . . fcjr

j U g M M * * * wi ''75c i M

$1.00 Gem


35c^vin i C«am Raw

r i i

orgeitaMe teth salts l,S'..or

Mtrin^enK tafsplfa powderf well as tHlffrmmuim.

today, ba t

M |bathroi tn fragrant i«-

w l t b s o s p s

pfr 17$ 'B'E tomt DBtrcGiSTs


terhd PtiahnacisU Compound Prescriptions


22ttiaitMaii^ Street

' l^t waste- for all puiposes."«\h J[

ftrojai^ef Botlped* i m pr'?)' 1 T* J1 I 4 tit , ' A * T- ' I f

duces aJMitrf cleaw. bliife flante i,\i wfticii $$Lx*i iw^%i''i* water «4, a viiry $ho^ tinie. -'

'Thewattr Iie<i ei ifcfa.^ii]« ' Which lit 1}2:es ve ry jpbssll:Ijs ..jmh 'heat udiv <rf. thf ptl and1 f u | l theMOTe,ecopoinial' 7» \\mt

< PrOtanelisii'iiititraik^ft^fliF^ fcakeri fro**! {klblaiidtfJ.'M

' delivered mi us$& tUjna^J' eni \ya)fr iarexjpe i.vfi pip-.. . ^Thecorit^lett'i^yiatiw! :II is s^ffpr^nyi) idp/ ii| cost*,

^ I I If I t

r T» ' I 'hi jiUMiinl f -1» n«i* - 3 n .. mm*

p</jjf% S o * ,

coawe jj *P yefrd of T y icKoet ;

>, i ,To r k *Jfc 4 ¾ fto attend

U»e bad. oounett.

; \ .

. 1 "T !

Lit! -

Ir.rJhn o tv

, - ^ : 1




• full <.-W

Jtion, of


ifls* a,-


M > : * k

•Htelpirijg: pranditia'''

# : :






If - ;K h

CH 15*16 I r i t i s Stone "|

rjeati' Wim- | irtt |rest: sCory ! !iSjljt.t»'Hfs'|JijI W i


jM*taH 174$


No W | -! 2Oo40e

'fe NIGHT Y ' >NLY '; Adults, 50c

n ihm


Gas rpVp-h'&>:£arifcc H' 3 ,'c hk ho'rt, tin so! i ty] rypossi gas>ri|d tcalt • ' . / . " ai g|s

•&si4e,p& istaltajiijjn m cost 1

r, *


O S . oftrainefjjsj o f iga f fc i jeinuie

otjheH'ltUl H I i w d r v e -

" i 'j I E . cor "ff i-

w y o


rv W: r ; * -

local a»4j j Personal


tie '• " .irv

Mi;. r.t:''



• f t '• '•

} > • : '

I-T •'

.bK i f f ! • '

i i f . . " .

i.i- v-


. . . .-:1.-1111:

m 1 K

of tiltf •At in th<i : angelical

z fut a social


M. a,i.|n, t ••' tt-est

..iiivkcitp' of tWft

jper a t went

>atnnhiy to-cojlebrate .r.^ry with hfer huS-

* , , i ,-.111.( dovn- front their >.-... .,11-111. l . i o n l e r return •...-,11- --hi* was siowpftund] '-.'r,'at .liilie': T a t e r n ' u n t i l ",,. M r , a m Mrs. M a d d e r ,,,....,-, Mn.j minag«rs of the .... l.Jt|»> on ^qnii ret! Lake, W n , wh.-re i i summer they , ! irje yijmb T O£ wpalthly vi-iii-' who K<. the'e for the >t 'ii-liinrf vai'h yepn

i - — • — - ' i ' : '. •

\'l,t'.irt!iy of the local tele-rii.ii :i»rfc stfrted \s^t

I i

K,. !•

.• (,. th^ homej.of a' siA-,-1..11 t,> celebpate with <fir-r birthday, but at

I on icco«|nt ot the trt.rMuni to Harrington

..'•^n.iwb' ; way from

,,i..-.1100 of t i e Chicago Suntl.'ry si: owt.-d a picture

i[> being, bjiilti in the w-'hifl was) described

r-f »«ck ti'llirig that ->rui<trlj- i>f this place is ! ,i,,'in.'*T> on the worfe

M:-. F r s i k l i n :' Kvim -Y.irk

\ i.n.-r iiv.'i 1.. Tfi-v w M.-<y I. ] ,.., i i-jr t r,}'. .in a

Rudolph1, and prey-rented a

wVpIts flrflm^Irs.-.Kate


iitf -.ait, the east if ti ke posses-•ate'r they wifl i»v Harrington

i eiijrci purchased





TH y'Xp-T igliway

Cont^iu^d fi-Oui page

streets, of Ihd metrppoli^ became ,nvo lajle'j far op^n

work. I So*e Opjen ^uesdai'

Fred Net rinn, iJBtjate Jpttioj the Northw. st h]khway I IU ai • tonj reporti ft thijt 'cautioui i managed to g<t tliroiigh thi early Tuesd ly and that th^ was safe for : federal traffic , day evening j^fcttorista 'who between Chi :ni ;S, |nd Barring! day used R< uts 2jJ flnd the Ri and twtvele* t t^Wy modernt

The La|k« county rpads wire oben simultaneou ilj wjith the Coo) | couiity roads. Manj aldilioiial m^n w >re' nius-tered into se|rviite under ligWiijf

M:-. Wattor><>n Stealey •• .-r 111¾ plinniig to move

tin-: -prjtsr w ii!re Mrs. -•ill be V igagi'd in nujrse

i„rk i'Jr.C.>ok county. She' •nil \\t>n in parrington'

, town Sfi\il.-y • i> ,'.-. i.i t r:i (

•, in • "I *h ;'!.! -luff

hip or several connected,-with

jou rnal, i f Hie n-!iK<> and w i s of The Keview.,

W fire en and

.1.1 hnl A U

•;i « '


• II nil . Me.

t:tk -n a -liouMe St. Ji'etiTsburg.

nlh reason' in the

td the state has < rows < ut a i tfie roads. Tl ?re wf re

also a riuiu tet of Miotvbouwi' w)io' re-| mained tint 1 Monday noo'm ( > rosume1

their trave inj. The high si JOO| and' grammar • doom opened s Monday [ m< rningl There wni no day school §4 the Evangelicn c!

Mi-s. Phil cr at the

biy after-

nverly: are b-ine Jut (Hl Vlf. i-hi'-ktii' pojj. [•

,• n*<-ni;ereii from id tlie .quaran-

- 1

f.jilpi.- nJ the home .\ti--.'.f,4'n Il4nriv«h. 327 •-.T. Illiv -. .-H-ll ! : p . . j ) i , > V l

:-.11. t h -Mr. II 11.1

1..1.-- II


) " r . I'll.

t h r Mr>

V . M l l l l ' ,

mouths-old K.j It. Mnr-

gaining 1.-"

n . i h l 'l',i. -^,1:

i w f i i i m . i.. I,<-

-4' . -r: i l ija I

: • : : ! •

it ItbJ' t.. ,ii>.

15, S, ut again

-11--1,.-4 lit I

di'i.v of ^Ikis -1 reail-

i. T 1

i;i...-k.|. - A m u r>-t. n.<

' • i n -


1; I»n

Appjebee TOiite

ii School week IM;-

F . Khm-hiiowleri' a l l

Mr V<la S, ti'iidivl ljlie' exefu-

,'oiik County Tuesday,

tli.. < hicair:

ii: '"• l"ital

f"':."!'!:' <li«trict !'.,

K..r. m tli,

II. -t'>7 S . G r o v e 1 I. . Whjiegar at the

!»•• »k Park,

•i-'-icn . [issi.k^ary meeting

i!.. -Ar

a<k;6rdt Hdrold|

Oomnjissiou ?r Ittnry Pepper ing l a Ctnrty Supervisor Kelsek J j

. 1 l L j » Zurich Out Lalie Zu»cli whs like a gr< ut k»unyt

hamlets an< villages during t: |e ie^ent snpjv storm bit 'has dug itse f out of1

thp s,nowbi al sbccessfully. Jletry Branding, loijd pmmissiouel o | ilia

.nship, n id the state has < rews < i trying to c^a|i tfie roads. Tljf?re \t-|-

city lrt o d>f to. perfect fetting. riie flifflcOlti of may be iatlieiPd from tl the fiijst- 3»(«tiAi(le, which •'Pass Hi iv-bit an aokf haluWpitf ewsf, pi oveqat .in'onWatu'ia< ya hapl punv amDtcj|o. ,|-Vashi|igt(ta St

usual Sbu-I


B ib l | in Hop! L»ngv Lg«| The 'At ie-ict^n .Bible so tfety r»-

'"ceutly cw »iietid the first pijibllca-' tfo.tis of j hi four Gospel I in ]th«' languaRej >f the Hopl Indi [ti8. Fop* many Huoi tl 8 t ie proofs of [the 06S-pel^. p^ssi d ba< k and forth between tjie trans la:or andT.the jl eadquat-ters of tffiej sc|<jiety in ^' sw Yofki

he typet the task

text oi follows! ynquara It nnqw y lihaul-r. <


inti-oduct I Hr, Fergusjm, wh. , state eniineir, was in a positioi conduct . tlorough pr > tad con cilfMon :f he situati m. The stance of 3tr. Fergus in •( talk that;a smit try1 district ,v ottld *be ear, tircly ftosible md w a l l foW« the problem sati)factorily i!'anffi»eott ter­ritory OuW W incla ed within its boundry.

The aaps were prejttf ^ , py i A- 'It-Bo>n.sley, sa aitary eng iie >r foe Suhr, Berrymptt, ?edcrson i; Juljr, engin-epifing oncern. , 1 | ,

, S »nlt ury Distridts Work j ''There a « now 2 anitarp Idis-

trlcts, iiost of them including largo, cities, in f ie state <f [llihoin,'*; he sajd. "WhttB polities : iai noti entered too strongly they are ui ctionitg sat-is*aetorjly.»*

' 'Mr. Furgison outlini d lie necessary Steps in obtaining th: sanitarr dis­trict., j |Fi#st, siveral reliable eauineers must 'b >- c< Qsulted td cetermine the feasibility ( f the plat rom tlie'eln-gin'eerirg rtandpoint Second, the various ad'antages <f the proposal should be lefinitely *la!ed|with the propert r o vners wlj< Fould be ef­fected, Th in, after t e wdina: y pro­cedure of petitioning in t hear ng for objections, ;he propos tic a is Wed on by the peoflei. .| (

Mr. I Jevje *s was giv >n an op wrtun-itiy to stale that'th* ormiajr of a sanitar 7 ai jtrict won tl lave a favor­able, reictirn on,- the oriplainontsf

"I c m t ee no har n in for Mng a sanitar r 4ii itrirt," ,Mr S tvere t aid.

"Yoi aru gdli|iag a taxable] terri­tory aid you a>* als< ti king the fstep fiavorec by the la«v. I nrould suggest that ysu eave the so ution to- the forminir of a sanifar ' 1 istrictl 1 1 The fina result of: th t meeting was the di*ishn that 1 repreeentative conimil tee . if the Clvi j 1 *ague of Bar-ringtoi visit Judge Shnrtleff, report the dhusson of th. holiday nig[ht meeting, ai}d receive jidfise for f i i tpe action,

A.I B< Lidman Q3D First Addn U Vjfmi Slocum Lake, ,'Sec

Waiuconda- -A. IE.. PearsW& wi jt letfs 17¾ pirst A ldn lol'W on Slocum La ke, 8 e>. i3

Wa(iicoiijda--A. Si Z A, Bj Blifrwt'et ak' W|> oft SB qr Jof Uec itJ

H. J. Lag. ischu !te I e

5cot 'oilr [^anaU in S Scloilaf d bas four ((ana:

cojn|J»e| Ungfh of about |85ibttes. The (a l l JoDian canal connects tree neaiiir ontlnuo^is Hne jOfllloclw In Glenint ori, and is devot(|t princi­pally to[ to irist ] travel. J The Saute Is trup'o the Crimean c'ailal aerosis the penif svwa tif Kintyrei The Fortp and ,ClyS e capal, between Bowling and.Crral g<3nduth, dates,'1 rom 179b. The' tTal »n~eanal, a brdn h f>{ trie forth at J Dlyd€f, extends roiii nekr Fatfei|(kj 10 Edinburgh — Itoeky


At £ u n e d Clay Bi ick • Six .tb lUiaiiil or mor4 tears! ^gjo

so. ie

ling; hard iebs" In the sun. . . ... . It a'• brl it An<l the 1 aa,

u-aiiiiualjjEvef s i ic l tint time tli

.Methridist chttn^h -'t Tuj-sdiij- March. 17,

.1:1 ..[..MIS at t.;n oVlock. ••. b'nv,- from . the Barring •'i^ chtij-i-h n« 9 o'clock.

:' 'fir Ki aril. 1 missionatv • I'l' in.. and Mrs. E. y. ••in r,u.-lt noW, India, a rc-'""i.'iry, ivill s.ieak.

I M. th, U.

>«: ,i..r,



•b-li'l) Srl l «'•»». t



v a r f z i o f 142 . -W. Cbiy City, lad.,

'*" ciiled there by '• Will iam "Kite?

was Imiied Tuesday; ^hvvart i win. r e t „ y n h o m e

; l , : 'rt of HIP wertk.


1 ]jAGEEL£cTIi)N ^ R I L 21 flRlNCS OUT



u ~ M

• : ' " - ' m i i r t

''] <:i'i,!,\1 P i i: K-H-hit

,• L , •'• W l i l !& ''•"brlJi

from ,r, age 1 ., 1 ; J • "' j

a)so bet n announced

local plumbing coni a candidate for his

'mi of a number of the boardl

lii,,,h'r",-,a Tideni ^ Bar r in« . " l h ' \ b f e , i i u Q t candidati ^ "-•""•I terni as biard membei

i j , and MK Meihers-are can] ^ - l"f initial ».»a.„ a s i,^,.

1TGHIHG EHDS *:>Hn soothing Zemptauuedl

m • from the firit touch, akitisepttft -; r«j A>mo takes .the i t i ikg '

irl?r.yfut ° l m W r i t p fates, raaheS t rhn f >' otherTJrin ^fllictiona. Try 3 i .u l - l " r " , , t c h «« . neeKiig toes. vL;'T a,-tl other oitdobr, folio : u ^ i m r t n « ^ 1 5 0 £oF reliet from > i p 4 i . Douse it on ity-poisoniJie. Hm.ilns and dandruff fafle when safe,, fcfic Zexno is a l l i e d . 1 ¾ g r e a s e s razor-sin? irt. Alwaya A ZJrmo.nearl^ "he -ever you go, m druggist. 3¾. 6 0 p l . 0 0 T

in jenlous lore runner of

jbumed c ai hiits been reco ' ItsjUnventOr, first a

twte.\ no ffess.

fore m tbe {irelerll legion ofi irebitectfi land W idtrsl (fashioned I a rud« [block -of city hnd dried it tb a, losjt

" e dubbed e stuck!

utjit ;nized foi

11 i t 1

M ythol^gicJl Birds

rlURSDJiY, MARCH 12,193 iifmtm Mil 11 ii — i — , '.-,1.111111 Wtlli i I I . .'in

& fejer. 1 ne.hBD.$1C (I1

d a. ifflk f ThW of iCubf *

& Jf i k C , Town

^ D j HOjOO; of S1 r qr of

conddTCJ. K. Ebbef |WD |L t Add; i to the

t« fli' of;! ! Eli Does;

- > V

trade I w i ^ a r k Glarde^s, . "Wa iconda —D.

t>| J. S. Ha is Qhr) ee ( 9 . - r ' K

'abconda m J. Sl'Has Qj


Wf djr t»f Sec 23. . j | Bg.jPajhlnjiaii & wf b i 1 ] ] .

;?jt of & H. <*

i Mars^iajilJL& w f j j i v?ft j t tens h


chul L 2«nd Barringto

Cuba—A. JE. Bhuiiift II . 'S^gtrs 3t teu|

Lot 21y County CI srks Dl rfisjiot

W^uVonda;- -C. W. Q -. mquist & I y {

\rt ]li|te;np Schw^i'p 3*C Shi


sen P'eteft

i, al to, [lagei:


:<ni *rrac' i


mah &,jwf to J, WB m-, Lot 70, Hr3t Siflvatt rike SH 3.fji ^

reiniint—lj>F. Ittjuid et al

Waiconda- -L. "P. >-Bl Ik '&• Wf E. C-jBurige & wf jt I M H W I ) ?10: Lot 177{ Firs! Addnitu P iffiajns ]?Ati Sub on SWcuti Lake, fy s BSftnH 35.

>v>UConda-4-W. [ Pejai^ in & • ttf ft»

. 1 Harjk $1$rjo|i

Xjlfimlan % WD Ldt

s. Pafk Su»

O M s s t '*rre^» •' (0 Ei ufopi

5¾ ;^W 0*8/» .ydi | tht f longtoi In Jlcotlnntl,. which atr* cl>e|i tojsteHouslbtauty frbm L>eh ov< w p\\ity tt Mi. The ph ce wll h r history and legend i- > which go bacS to the earliest 9t Celtic, Cwlstlonlty. Its treeii claim. :o be the oldest, _ , thiBifi; specinen of vegetation In Europe!.


nch jl*n

,yon red

1 ties days few au-


"l4f;Hom('j Suj,

^.^ j io- l^ot l ;

Prcbiibly the beat 'known of the faibul lus firds of pAy were< the roc, whlct wak a bird sA tnormoub that It obiCur»d tlie sun rhere; ijt flew and carrl >daway men in its talons; the pnoet is , which k i s a Bird with a beauthul voice | n 1 a long tall like a pmebek's, * h eh was sup­posed to rise ifroii the ashes of tire; and the harpy, which was a terrible Mrd vftth'i woman's face and biea it ijtnd gre It ¢18ws like an eagle's, vhljclij puip(Bd' men who had slnn>d

JUiatef „ & * f

ap; mr <# >f wj.h"iiiioU &| wf

«FLJ. w. was gicD 1 ) ; Mw at if * W nr 6f See 2§, « | , 0 p t T s e ¥ 21

Fremont-M PlaHi , i hirsli«fc al to • Wnltnuui QCD Siiq r Lots 14^aid

3,jIvanhoe, Sect23, " ' , , maconda—Union Bk of"'fhgO to

, JB Broniell & \T. t Brobell jt %bVY *?P, Sundr/ l o t s ia1, Sundry Blkb |m Lh ;e View V llaj 8k> 24:

montf-H. fr. . ! « * • * 4 , w T t o A**, 1 ¾ 1 ^ . 3 t t € f t s CC>*106 SW it ULH ^'Jl13Q P ; 0< S?! V off Set* 26, 3¾ to/ X ¢. . Osnjonjil I L $70©,; * > 4

the 4oh

que«n Star.

lueen of H«*ven The E|yp;ians i i ' ialvjocatlons to

the deities used the, lt«rta|i TIQueen of Heaven," and iq J »nmlah 7:18 » is recorded; "In. th i itreets of Ju-dah aml the streei i >f Jerusalem, the children gather w iod and the fa­thers kin lie, the ttr;, ind the wotn-t en knead the dougj, 10 makte cakes to the qi een of huven"; aisal44: 17: "W? will c*rti inly perform • every wo :d ihat ha 11 ;one fd rfh out of,our mmth, to h/ ;n iticsnse un,to

of Jbe« v>, i ."-Washing-

B u / 4 0 Ij>aves of biiead Willi What

i tsa K isA't ne test ary to pi y; iOp pr more to get quality in a dentifri e. Iisterine Toot^ Paste, made b y the jlha ceri of Listeruje, comes t o j y o i in a 1 rj e tjtbe at 2 5 ^ l i t save4 you approximt te y J3 a year over 501 dfhtti orices. Buy it 111 gs you need with that s4vh g'-jbrea'd ft m sre ly a suggestion. Lambert Phslirmacal.Co



tt k ^9 Unifc 1 l i f e .

'Freniont^-R. I f p H T r s j t . G. If. Bot 4>l $«);, Lot 401 ii

n a^ldeWiii s


?t 25.

Wore 4¾ Bit*

use &. G. 1¾ se & \yV jitte Mi tVestem ilojje

The Reriew Job printing department hat' prepared •apply pt stock > signs jgeneral demand. Theat af« printed in/large, plain Itt-terp in htack ink on hmm white durdboard, {land 9x15 inches. 1 They are •ale 'at of Lami A Co. m feMftfte* "' are available: ' ; *\«





'—ra, wloo




" il'"|illn| _L Synchro non» Clcc!; i " I

T h e .bureau o f s tandards snjrs a Synchronous c l i c k , op-eiwiled <[" n

rlrcutt for which* It Is aesl«ii|ited nan neither p i n or lose', n«\ i>< net It must be kept In e.xatt stei ' v l t h t h e gehe'Otor tn - the p>wer liouse. However. If"ttie cu tent, ntops, the clifel; will step un!«MS \\ lias some auxiliary attichmetit u iteen It running- '

1 ri­ll,

• f i " J?


,' f

i S nail II lie bo.

me ;ery ok Cbrpornl" wnS F 'nnk' ti nktoti

brtfie lenerali, We civilian pfftMj &:ye(pdit sec«on

\ 1


H o n o r e d ,;« !

MkA t) ^ U t t t ' Hiw, if. Ber *rol t ftrshfej M i i m 4tf>le t »i

i a

If 3!

^ A W l & a . ^ j


Ira /Pleasai it—pei Com?

hUA. k\y

,n • • • » » » * * f k '»••

shape. fa at


> f

todri tormano

1928 WLLYSKNIG1 , DAN-Paint , uiholst tires excellent; itOtor


stery -and front motor j | s t overhauhm


....rf N CMCHrf-Paint ,-

uphol-, fair:

x tires, good: ti

j - . f I

B ..^rwVOIlditO OT^ I il

sow ifcHP«fHfcy 1M icks if -. *' *' i ' ' J

SE- 1926 CLD! andi H-TiiBS fine M ^ H ^ L r V 1

grOurid. Thoi $100

: . < * * * > » -• i t '

ilea pf jsei

1927 V >RD ,'f-rCta 1 and

ana| tir s excel barg lin

^akeninjfmrie—j /• Our repair d;partment \rffl ^se^vej.^iijprpmpt^r.

honest >v proierly. Come in.





' * / . ay/,

i m | i '

*;, ,1 .f


i lJCR body.RPaint Mot ' "

303 MaitCSt.


irt on.

1 M -

*• t

tj f ay an

/ ' " !

aitifuy STONErtlR

D 5 A l f E

Pol >S

B so

ARRIN & Batte

• ii i Z T ' '.ii '• VUtCANI Hough St. 5|' 1 Tel., Ban-in fr

' i 1


AW (A r.





•r t

A tip-an J-turn toast u

•Tilts sturdy Manjiing-Bp inaQ Toaster is finished in non tar­nishing diroi iepla|te. Wh^ 1 you jtip opca tj&( do<»k die j;«td 'turns automai icalij. (A $6 yiilue.)

1 toaster

$4. ligndy iial AM «U«i W ' ^ * this (hromp^atdd Hctpoint

.._ ister'ai ^c^ l^ i r ig t i ie foaW' Woinaticdl^ ( l^g^, |7 'va][uel



DE I 3S6 .f


101 for a t1?m<)n$tr(ftiiiiif wlthauf ob< gatfon, of any oh» *r| ffcl«W|W«ttM*

. ' 1

' 1,


allowance n the federal Sue-on Clea net (pictured :fe)i Its Wide nozzle

& design :d for quick, easy carp pt coverage. Yotir cld'cleanei brings, ttie regular price of 1134.30 dowe fa$?2ciBi--Ot| j! down th: "Little by ^rile*?iw^ r ,

tb $6


$3.50 allowance lie Federal Moto^

Cleaner that is lit sweeps. pictured.) By

aj; ia youc old he.: now you can j|d)isniwdeaner, datly priced .« 5<>,fot $41 cash

$2 down the ^byJittle"wa7.

•f 1 ' ' ' •a I

tor is built foi urifuliy si seat


)UI tsidc

vely |c»*M.||>, pefore ' la

ave*jf^ Enx»i|


price 'srj UnrsliA U p

' rr 'ii

I 1

.1-1 i ' 1





:. H. s c

r bargains


r , 1 ,

allowance ^^ftleralTJIelu^ C%n;r (pictured

^ith vibrating djiven brish

andjne r jstyle noa le. ** ies jeaninganitt-:asofii unutes. Rej jn-larly $56.50, your old

ner brings the down to $50.50

$2 do.

i yoiir Puj j , -

Se rvfee

"HERN ILUN ; jl B A R R I N G T Local Supferinten4erAj



'&£&H A.K.Wfi




I N.^iJ:]

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I r


l iagtoi

ppm^i^^lipi i^^^pi^ipipswp^fi i^i^^tgi i f^M^^K

. ' ( . -

3HED 1 8 » Editor and Publistei

WALTEHlt . \{fIN TERINGHAM Business] Director and, Foreman

Plnplished. every 1 Thu and enteredjas postofiice under

y 10(7110011 at ad-class matter at fke

of March 8,1879.




d i k t of thanks, resolutions of condolence,JoHt-r • letry. memorials, a id all notices of entei ai nenta

. er «o< li t , and church sale i and parties jiren foi to «uiu> •x* fcatefit will be chargea for. ' >. |

i | l | communications should be addressed 'to}th|e

BARRING' *>N REVIEW ^ wo mm cooKST, AuudNOT<|N. II^L.

i i t

tores, rnent



f .

1 jgisla-

years us nn-

NEW JBURDKNS PROPOSED repotted that tw Sity-eight of the stat

Aow in session hare bills pending for the s i tblish if unemployment ti jurance; involving a Sol al ex-

pe»ditire of some 75X) milion dollars. , yi I He the plans propo led in the different st te > vary'

eotneviat in detiils, in general they coatem; la e the imposition of a ^ermaneat; state--tax upon al taxable

1 Trope: tyTjthJs tax'to- be duplicated by. contffbuti mii from . emplfl i eral Natural ly , provision i s made for 1 ie( qsual board i bureaus and other) administrative person 16¾ under poUUi: tl Management, whiich v i l l thus become 1 !Wj agen­c ies J ( r p e n d i n g . publte moneys along l ines 1 tosjt pro-ductii > of political results ' •

S t i t e j n n d municipal taxes for the past f iw h a v e irown. at the rate of otfproxijnately |50Q mj lie aual l . • T b i s added inst irinee burden which is prsposed i s ow ami a half times'wjhat might be called t f e formal

* l u c r e i » . JN)t to be outdone b y the states, the FederJl gWern-

ment would also engage in unemployment , ins irajice, if bffls IOVV before CongreSi are enacted into h w. woulil pieuu moro'commhsions and bureaus, w th queni duplications! of governmental machinejy im lappi 1 r of administrative.Hetivities. TJhj»

It is pertinent tolask how Ion? the prodtu-ini of m ' papulation can continue to bear the burdfits which axe being placed upon them.


Tomorrow's mothers are showing more iutei est in the borne thtjjn in any other iiliase of their activiti s, iccord ing t: thfe report of a survey by home economi s ejxperts.

f.': tme-making I was tluj favored tl93Q ac t iv i t i 0 l tonqj organization of Testi 1



1 t1


*wm mmimtKimmii f*



thNVlJfS ^T»»tnmTTTTrrmn • m x r o S




j ' < . East Mail Street I

Sunday service] 10:45 al n. Sunday school, 9:30 a. 11. March 15—Subject: SubslanceJ

.Golden Text: Proverbs 3:9. ^onou; thy substance, and with tlje 1 firstfrui|:s increase.!

'Wednesday evening Jmeetiif, 8 p. m. Beading room and lendini; library a

street open to the public da ly except ft idaj o'clock noon to 4 p. m. Alt a Wednesd ly evening 0:45 to 7:45 and Saturday tjvening froii T to

11 \h< of

! SAINT JAMES, DUNDF E Every Sunday at 8:00 a. ro., Holy C 01 imu^iion. 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundiy, 10:45 ». m. Chofal

Eucharist. 1 I 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10:1^ a. m., Moping Prayer!

REV. S. B. S. GEi i t , Bector. and Sermon.

. 1 1 —

; ST. AICNB'S feunday, Low &fass|, 8 a. 11. and 10 a{ n .-Week days. Low Mass 7 1. m.

, Derotijona in honor, of th< 6acre4 H^arit, ^ Friday of ^ach month. Mass at 0 a m. i< Confessions, Saturday, 8 [H. m.

Baptism by appointment.^ J

te £<ord with all thine

10 :«. Hough from 12


As sopn l I 1 1 1

is the 'orcci of lifjs begin to :un< tion Within also begin tb fecnerafe a lull, a pody>hie|J id lo sertelas|its home, giVingi shel­ter aW proUction toithj kernel, the1 HviA^^he|art it |ts crater. vAt times the place! of habitation thus! evolve ample, the Jo -m of the si ately 1 be, itl is al\)sys a proda t, neve| nas 90 purrcjse of its o^Jn. Mo generated it, living center

1 i , T o the

MARC« 12,1931 • d •« ''

it, an organisni will


This conse-over-

ments ncteasing

-in Iclothes-whirhing,


tic * i ondmy were passet • hat-fc :o the home .-is reas tanci" comments Si|;i ufaclnrer Of Limit' ntilili

"] Tie" trend is shown in tJio lioim.' on head •,". ways tlu> report: easi«] than ever before eJectio-tii{iie wliich ant< nniticaMy and mixes merits, ""veset beat: 1 egss stirs dressing: eleai in a porcelain wa vrithliut. wringinp. it' is

lis in grade..and liif 1 : cooking-, milliner.vj a id 1 by 50,79« girls. "'. hi

iurin;: and of paramo int II, Aitofer. widely ki|iiK\



efectjio-taliie take most of I:!oitors in health'sul

22,9 3 qualified as artists, including dancer writ rs) and musicians, and 16,0.% pr6ved adep

a na-ehoo/s. domes-swing


stfikingly by tlH-- pA'dWminant tjie part of" fon>mT»> f's family

'Today its admini'-t^i 101 is| far With foods jnep.t ed by an

<-hop-. si ilid 1 hies and fruits, wlilp-

and ieilig'Si and cbrtljefi lii-r tub and dried f|r (jhe line

»nce of dnd the

by slice*

cream, , wished

no wonder a prepon frr favors hnme-mukiiig. . Spiimer washer

the huvdeiroutof faou ;ektiping. jects w;i»re won by 3

DENTALCHARITY rTjat can be more charitable during these 1 llijs of un-

tiS 5 girls, , jainWs, al) sports.

oyn^ent-than the free care of'teeth foi; *opie who1

not I piij!<-' The Ghi "ago, dental j society's fn un<i considerable clarify work this winti r.

in jl-Jiing tooth is. much more - nnnoyin empty .stomach, acconli: ig to a report from tl whi h for the pSst tw>> months Was been E'v

den tl'service to tire penniless' unemployed. <}f tl|>e more than 1,406 men and,women \\»o

\veekh th Were

have re-•| c inie has ceit :4 firee, service duriijg the eight

bees }hi pp<ratio.n., most of them, taoi 1 nithffr I>r. ,T. D. Mershimer,, Vbairnnib CHB C criuxmittee "of 'the society, states. A la of 1 jhool kjiUdron art also being treated

n rjtjactically every case the patient, aft* • t|reatment for tooth ache, asserts that he c(jn face h difi injlties'more cheerfu ly

Df. dll the puius man is heir to. lib aching to e tlje most annoyinj;. It imposes an abjwkt Iconstant, to*) ring; pain which kee|>s the suffer «•-in a'icc 1st ant state of rrritability and reacts to the- de rimentjo; b s morale ««4| hisj physical-well b<jing. 1

F" ' :

' clinic

hnn an clinic

hg free

nfAri ig ffrom )f the free ;ge number i •

ft K-ojiomic 1

ot th |seems


piL's SE< ;RET UNKNOT: ? I t may' be surprising to many to be • t< Id! t h i t the

* r i j t o of petroleun^. is, <n,e of the mi jor scien ifliMdyster-of today. Although scientists can anatyi ! if*, and de­

n e i t s ' c h e m i c a l pompositioi)',' tbey d ( | jjtot know i t s substance was originally a n i m | l ,

rganic matter. J 1;

scientist putrf tho question this w,

ich made our c » 1 , or from distilled essem e from fonder vegefa to 1 such as

I .

irons of animals of past aj es , or is It-from mere lit ion of carbon ; and bydr< gen that never were

• The answer 1 as not yet 1 een fou,n On one point, hov ever, there is. genera

ai Ithkt is on the fact thai like ol violin* 1 id «1 I oil is best. This i i said to act ount for i t of!the product of certain oil fields, njoti til ) Pennsylvania distt let; whose di posits ha 13W by nature during millions of rears,, :.

oil is only ooe of .many

the bodie i ctf millions

ag Wuch of tine to achiev i tbe sup: toe develop-f their cbaractt rn , I

things;; t at



H B our


[ Bible school, 9:! 10; Moriing -tnfolishi P. U.,]e:4S; and EJiening ssrvicej 7:3CL

! The theme in the niomng Will be, Things First; and in the evening, "'"> Vision." I;

The anthem by tjse cjioir viil be, "Sef k There will also b<t a duet| Montgomery.

A cordial welcoihe is e,xt ClfABLES

SAL3M E V A N G E L I G J and

ficers and teac'hers. ddren, juniors, young people

Christian Endeavor meet

who have no ehurc^ home, dial welcome.


:30 fi. m. ictory.

wi|l'| have helpful.

"The Christian Church will be the pastor's subject a. m. worship service.

Sermon subject or tbe will be: "First Failure, Thin 1 rectcd by Mrs. J. Mittzlaff making' the worship services

The Bible school will Le in sessioji Hobart Berghorn, s lperintei dent, assist et

thp "V To rid |of Today" )f tie sermoi for the 10)30

ended to a B.

10:33;, B. 1 Yf

'Put:ing First (bbjediei ce -to the

^e"3^ i le Lord," by Mrs. Thus and Afrs.

DRTiSSJEjL, Pastor.

pr inching service

We hiive classes

Pastor and people extern a hearty in

you io share, these!

and adults ings at G :4 i

Conic, yot

L B E U S q


I is an eiitboiate, ornate >t(oduct, as, for ex-ik. fHowivei, imposing tl tough this hull may • a cause.1; api rti from -the purpose,it serves it eov^r, sebaraied from'.the life principle which

a body canl at besjt continue but a short.tim«j; severed from the the hull swn falls apirt s(nd['ctuijibles to dust.

Writer it ai pents that the laws tof 'organismsi furnish thoughtful JCkristians a helpful toni logy ak thef seek to understand the relationship be-tWeen vital < Jhristianity and the GhHstian Ciuwa. Just ha naturaMy as the unfolding W( gerni, (ft in ncork'prckucW. a|i oak tree, tBe religion) oflJesus (arjSt, takiit f root fa tl t hcartp of His foMoVers, unites these into an ojrgaqi-

Jerii s Himself J aid, "I am the vfoe ye #re the Winches." ftor doei! the a nalo ry end here.) ErelmMime to1 time Head branches have

appeared wi bin the [CI ristian e^mmunjopjiiarring its beauty, impeding its progress. Ti is wood] is dead breausjj it has liecome separate^ from 'the living heart* the Christ. [Mor over, rot unfrequently parasites hi,ve atta<Jhed|them-selres to thefChrisiiajn Church, threatening lt< underbind it( vkilitjrl however, keen as a twjo-edgedsw( rd, the Gosrjei messjii ;e, preached w| th powerl is (tutting down these foreign Wrowths. Agaih, man;r devastating itornis bare swept over the Chujrch during its lorg and colorful history; but, sturdy ifs an oak, it haW withstood wind ind weather becaiisi; ts heart is sound. I Nevertheless, manj IrefusK to affiliate iritb, the phuicb- T6|y profess to see nothii k but dead wood; or, they say tley are repulsed by tlie! sham and hypocrisy of jibe parasii es. Stch people ovjiiiook the fact, that in spite of its shortcoming) ias aji urgt nizatioi, the! churjchi t ervetf a vital purpose as. it offers tome and si titer to th< spirit iof Chlristialnitj. ' ' - ' • j

I Friends !! The ct un hes of Barrington| i I'-ite «11 member^ of the Commun­ity who tbts far hive not definitely joined a Christian <ongregation 1 to af­filiate with fome 'group , Do it this Lente^i season! To 1 tand hajughtily or indifferently (aside vill only fajring loneliness of heart; isolation offers little opportunity for fruitful work. Take to) hear: the words of the disciple John: 'But if [we \ ralk in the ight,' as He is i4 t'bef light, we have fellowship one with

anotber, I ' , 1 7 r ' PRA Strong (Son of Got ! Savj; Thy Churchi Defend it arainst it|; enemies!

Renew it bg'Thy Sr)irjt! Uphold, wfe p'rajf JT^e, Thy liervapts as tbey eeek to

encourage u t}hey' arb n|o re than da; worktrsi as

lead the oh: 1 ilren of me:

which l|jhc u( lidst establi ' HBBMAXX

1 who earii istly spek tc

The) choir, di* vit{ 11 part in


at !}:30 a. m. by [Willing of-

ot {primary ehil-

I itation to Sucli h'H find a por-

METlIODISt "Bk"-t arc the sduls til at find a p|aj Within the telnple of thy grace; j Here"they behold thyjirentier rays. And seek thy face, a n't, learn thy ]ir<use.

If not wor»hipiig elsewhere, we molt Lente J

1 0 : 3 5 a. m. and 7,):30 p. n A growing cluuvh schoo at 9 : 3 0 a Interesting and helpful Interincdi.

league services at » : 4 3 \i. iju. ' Special Thursday evening services

M I L T O N A F K K E J U A X , S. T.

K, Pastor.

cordially invite Worship' Ilfolurs with uA ,at

u t<

1 1 .

t< and Epwortb.

SAiXTj PAUL EVANGElL Snjlday, March 15, 19 tl

9:30 a. m., Bible school. 10:30 a,, m.y Se -vice in 7:30 a.

glee club. m., ttneert b;r Elmhurst »., C\

Qerman. « « 1

Thursday, Jiarch 191 8 : 0 0 p. m., Meeting of the GIeai|nc|r's class a t tbe

home of Mrs. H e m * Biech.

* i ing March. B. , Minister,


College Women's


LIBRAM mws; ktiiixttxxxixzxxjxxxkxxx

Through the courtesy bf th|e edit Gentlenjian a dopy of their historical played ,at the1 library. I t ce lebrates anniversnry qf the publh ajtioit whic in 1831 as "The 'Sencsee Farner ."


1 1 M The Education 'of a Irinciss,. Ma

of Russia. This is h mo- ing latory 0 brilliojit woman., |This memoir, by oie vivorsr'of Bussia1ii aristocracy must c;r the intimate documents' written' by world! I

Grand Hotel by Vickl seller and in play1 form New York. Hugh Waljjole aays of Hotel with the greatest

of The Country itiber is being dis-l t le one hundretb began its career

Grand Duchess 1 courageous and of the few I sur-

ainly live among he great of the!

Bau m is a 1 international besti has had a fuccessful season' in

interest ' I high expectations <>f it, b it it |is a mj»r| original; and usual book than I had it s<t much is its remark nan ntiye is absorbing, bi t tl e| charac * s in, the inate the hook sd that one then.


Agreement, old wine, superior-

til* those of e been puri-

C1IARACT13R finest fiber i n a man's l e a r t |sl rdVtr|es*nted by

tie character.- A gootl charai ter i s woi :h bank account. Charactei ,can mak t t bank ac-

<v»i t u t a bank ace »unt cannot make' cha !a«ter« Tour scter i s w h a t yo 1 build ihjt • your J!if< t irougty the pples for which pou stand i 1 your fieri r j

- *$'' .'ate--a' man thinks«,l scf he livest-ano1 so is his>harac-

lfcr.'|We (may,misjmge or misunderstand » & other in the ordinary course »f events thjrough an impulsive1 act

f - ~ i raj iash remark, bit true character isijal nya revealed 1*e% the crhdal tesi of loyalty, faith aut trust te laid 1 are/ •> - r , - -1

seed I the

day work

Babbit fur is knovi[n by which is "jfabbit:

Tfte Upited States ifow hfas ISOjoob Indians; not in­line the Taminan* faltlw> J T


it :i "I read Grand hid formed father

More girls walk-I t iat persist' is the

eluding the Tammany bibe. TAuto Ositpnt Greot|er"

ing back< wcj -assume.

Among ^he many olher fallaciel idea that ifrsnibs^re fit for hums a (food

This is the season **en Cfengi es Sonal1 bine I ducks roost hopefully tinder tlie Federal pi in tree, 'i

A lot ofj the argument going on tl »nt corn pone an pot must have been' inipired by co U-likker. '

The author of }*Wliat Price Gloiy" wffl bcL^™, farmer. Elfl will fifa that theigler; < E farming « W w its price,, ,f ' • I " ' ' ' 'i

We rea l of a Navj aviator wh; 1 as made 10? par* chote jumps and has nevejc once fi Ued to reach , the ground.

Arabs believp that llhe sto*k has 1 • I 1

human heart. Any-

{trough,; Jesus nen. w



into the fellowship of the Christia

they di. Tliis we pray b (c E. K 0 E N I ( j j | ThJ


ST'XPAY, MA1: ICII 15 A#ny frojn

(Read IL ike 115:11 15:13.) Atd not njaiij youpger son fathered n took his jo iniey into } The prod gal in tjlie

tsin cesses was home. 1 He nobody knejw him lor H o w much ncss of cit

account of home, jln this beinit father. H i 1 house we, all bclo vfe go uwf fSreign thh country. If '"Prone to 4 in as t i e

,wu|rd," ?ai< Stern< means, hov ever, t int tiihs of cutiopity. Vf of Strang^ sight; ,• Tnat i s tht way It1

masterly Ial legory nt our Bibleh'['he huniaiji

he young could do

Home t. TekU Ldke

of the w is i4 to b implu 'Whr

ng.' W y from g. It is not

alijl i.s lie

1 Sx'l HI

tijtute and


days 1 together, aid

far time 0

r lun aw

•arclil te dm chat'gi

........ .-- are away from the ollvioili synihuliMii |of ful piualjjlr God is the,

nftcr the

countt y. ' his t i ­ny frtm

s he liked, 'or For hiin.

wicked-d"to jhi

shciildjiiiot be a.Ccei


. _ , comm«jniion.LAnd, servje Tliep, by Ii lpinJr them ijealjetf that

carry on the work of tM Kingdom upowe trusf, aild love Thee. Amen

Factor of Sf Paul Church.

ted foo easily. And if one finds,' himself in possession

u :h wealth, 01) tW(|i things h<

we 1( mo. ngs in nathe

fttite n-e an co\ et

j ew *e

he hone where ave him

Am lis a the fur

element. arks to fly up-

wouhljbe like. > t4eir bitter cost,

tney may the faricoujntry of sih sick hearls. It? i'i countryl Its food i swine, b\ut not for njip ' pall, forUlere is ia delight fbr childr>a 0 n<iver be ( t horn 1 c 1 tented in this stringej of conscie ice mean's natural. S • repei tni; <

Jack horn >, back t<p clong.

Prayer; Qur.HiiaVt

rue. 1 : tiie vic-

the thrill nt>atio|tts.

dejiictjiti' in the le beg inning {of

, . . pair heard that to eat of the ,fori>i<lden fmit ,would bring a1 novel exiirienee, Tlkey wanted to see what it] They found out t So did the young''main The far ctuntry ik 1 and want, and of sail Those who

:.\ of thi( parade. land ol ,wai|te, disillu si ionmi jnt:

wander it « re are foon <lps-hunger-l i ten. however,

seek to l i e it, tiey find

Its :Ueni ncj

Godl happ;

hast pro' Hout* of hearts art ffef, that And if Wi' bave'stru places, re<

iiled I a bun Love|, {V>ve 1 restrtin «i* go

all us fipce are our h< arts' triie

ni out

a land bf hobtc-j' not ibm <kvn

husk si fit for. 1 ilea fit res enduijing We can or (Ion

land, flhe pi that

meat! God,

red lily to omc. :5),-en today

give us gjrace and (fiy» "Ij1 v^H'ilrise! and go tip niy Fa)th«t? Ankai

MJlNDAtl : k h R c 3 j l 6 PiUars M hi Chu|hl

((Bead 1 Luke JS:2{ -32. «sx'tj iu(kq' IS :31. I oni tholu 1 •& evejr anil all tl at I hlave ! 1 tbinK

tlom in

lich }(ti is un-

a g< ing \|-here | wC

hly Fat|her, kvho for fthy Wayv aril

lantly 11 ourj our t|riijnd>bfing

tj destjatje hee,

while tb< prodii isi 'Well enough! faults1 f»r 001¾1

let us nit missith<|r SUL Ajid the; will' hire Itheir the parajje thei 1 timed

3 weIcon e and rother rot a

herited the

The elter brlotheH.has rjleen alused. It ig- tlrU that ' so ne faqljts of jtiein) eij. Ql are not always1 fa» a: might be, And th> di ;• good nan. Hifiift yed 8¾ , worked iard td k ep thi while his brother iv a 1 wastii stance wi th rfotouit Ivinr. ate pUI«H of ^oljty, and of church, j They ^ e U »11 [Me


lo; either ke»p it, tnl giye it N, ie> who are t in need. It is better ;i'*e it away. That i* an'act of •utauce. Jesufi intimates that it

tlso proxe, a wise prej ision. For tfiojl's j popr have eternal Ihbornacles, When they exercne hokpit llity.

Pnyer : Almigl ty God,, by whose iavjor or, forbean nee we have been llro|spered, (juide usf in the exercise oi <jiui| temporal 1 stt wardshiii, that ivt ma* .procure foi- ourselves ,tpose goodt Ihiigs which) are eternal. Amen.

^EDXESDAr, MAriOII 18 IteverHeti Fortunes '

<|R|>ad Luke 11(1 :10-31].) hat thou hi th] lifet^mv liy good things, find 'likew vil nd Th

th ing^;, and now he! thou 4rc tormented


] teniembei receivedst

\sn Lazartii (fomfortqd

* Hch mah. iat| no tit beggar laid at his Jiim I pitn<f

too gate.

evt n lute, a id Xowuthai their pisltions arj

ed lie a^ks a favcr of Luzjlru liom he nevsr sljo(ve;d kindness.

\vb all, Isomer or [later, lcarji it* is1 to suffer? And jvhat it! ip

H i e< the sic],

recognize 1 V nows hi:


to Miist wl at to n>ed a friem ? Soiiti'hdW, some • vl or; tjie iniqiiitlies of li! :e are to; bp ]ijht:d/0 That'does not mea» that \jp ih?ud re.s't contented |v it. 1,

< )o id; tions in the] assuran ;e of fut\i^ ^idiustment. It means jrcther! a cor-ilennation of present conditknfi. Those ivliol selfishly <|njoy their Ipresept diuily are'making1 a terriblu miatafci,

Tliej Bick «lnd needy poo: in sufferinf 1 oriel wrong. Ndw is th?! time, t ) 'i[;ht thesj; ithiugs,, if tie. Kingdom o|f Siid is to come. 1 I

Piayer J O Lord our GodJ bring ti> in cad thp scoping of ithenc that are at case j»nd ,the. contemp; of th» biodd; forget {not the heed;',' nor let the expectation of thefroor for our redemption. Amen,

THURSDAY, MiBJCEJ, 19 J Small Espectatbns

(Rend Luke 171:1-10.)1 Sa; \ We ate un; tta


rell ire a Mi»*liit&. "5*

Brayei: pui vboae j remises Tvalk ai rightly, faithful 1 ien ant we pray, hat t h ^ ifilt «oi»e 0 Uteiir aaijie. (iinen.

a fetst; loft the elflel ci|niiendaltii!a anl

atay*at-h une foi tk t te the' great Pl« afterfaU. ' n ' " ^ 1 ^ ^ 1


«L Jhose

* wimen

l! W IT ,T3ESD^fj (

Ijhe $hr*wjl Stielward <*?* M e | 15: m j bxt, ' lLi

16:8.) j rpt the chi dren of this wolrl a«e vlrise r lip tbe ijj- g enera tie u! thin, fi children of light J | T 1 ^ 1 ^ Pfr a W e P'esenb difficilties. For the steward van a nscal start to fihwh; :ptri ^pB ^ fn w m \s& d touch, 01' numb r i ! thel atory jt ii]\ char it< ..bseurtie,, Jib thestfe' ards foe ihoa4 l tint is Unun-nde not: h«s n iscalidj. Basdafe. are w i« f t*an honest 1 ien, for they iteOYunoi for 4»1 B tur« . j That c*™ H^gotteil ;^reaiti,| n ay be mtUiad {for

ippfStable serjiraiitB; j-w; 1 ive done a! which was otir dtj tj fo do.

Wssed are tpey that Tie make1 ourselves * M rubUs by^ovr jg^j j 6 h n |McKnightisetdl onSeC l a p deniands 6> life Ve raeou- tiou 17 and Samuel 4'adlUr on.Sec stives ,tot( higlilj. "We try t\> WkB'laikt tint we^are large pejditotsi tjm ,tle wo-Id. Spjwe (ome>t^ nianriand b|t to|r dis|appo|lnt|tn(!nts, • T ie Itimble at

th tijuer a'i|id wiasr. Gthe'4

yo. tlu?J#ortjh

tJtidelis b» fe labolrrid, (arid weljiri erJtered lat t tta ir labors. God Ha ^ >eej if gracious to us, ajnjl if'e sho.hd nol: presume'

Pf no satMactiln grfeotjer than th i t having1 «on| tin* du|y to tjhe best 0f

oni(r t|tb,iHtyi w f a t Jefeui tekchea1 hejre that we'shba L 1 « - J iu. _

' I t is oftei 1 IJDprity of joutL and

0W5 of a^majoiity, nbt a good histiry. virtues i i gratitqdef. c|rniq in 'poUtici wht>

low whjf that manj

ow servick. There


extjpc . littl ' 4

',; am thankful I am bjirided f . To thie fsuits you AIUST pc s* 8gf

ret I daily am reminded ; r Vou itfe blmd to rrtine, ah] yesf(' * rVhen y ja're wrong, J do not kn< w it, J, For to me 1 ybu'ra .,glV^ys igKt • Though to others yoit might sho'c it,

J IT It is hidden fronife \%% 1

|6f your failings, I Const ioua p^~-1 b

willblndedbefor; 4 | | To your armor's w

You're but Utuiuin tb] And xorn faults

Sut I'm thi N o t 1

nev#r s them no1

aker sjt>otr

'nother, ifAre.iito iree,

ul, little Mother, can^g^e!,

First WHU 1834;Wrri

try of 'village Sur­ly GaV-

Son, W1I-

i; iteres'tin'i village of

Early History rounding Territory rett Hi. Landwer to

> Ham >ji. Landwer,

The fi|-st known w^iite meJi to visit Bnrrington >vere ^Wse F. Miller and William Van Oxtftlal, pionteis w]ho came to this, locality and '<« *t led. on the school'scetfon in 1834t removing later to section 17 when the? Ieanit>d tbey had "sQuatted** <|n| state's ground. , j

This jind many other fttots1 including the date tb« Harrington was .organize!, are' in­cluded in a running bis^ortm! account kjintllly furnishe"d,,ThejKevi«v' by Wii-i|am M. Landwer. This history ' of Barrington was told to Mk -LhndWci bly his father, tlsarrett H. Lindwfr, and , will be. run in Tlie Ijteview in Weekly installments. The f 'rjst instajl ment follows: ' s ' . '

' • P a r t i • 1' 1 Previous to 18JW very tew if any

wh|te' men visited Barrington. It that year Jessie Ft Mijlerj and Wm Tan Orsdal arrived and settled tern portray on the schobl section on ac-cou»t of the timber thereon. When they came there were abojut. 500,, In* din is 'in the grove belonging * to the Pottawatomie tribe. The' Indians soob retired and subsequently (nly visited thi» town in smaller numb, irs at more and more distant periods.' M,r. Miller

Mr. Van Orsdal \trp< n learning iha\t they were on the sclool section removed, therefrom and st ttled upon Section "1?. , '

Tbere, appears to hav> 'been no other settlers in 18& but in «1835 Benjamin Irick arrived and settled on Section 20. Henry ClaWson settled! On,Section 2 and Phillip JHawley art rived and settled on Seetiqn"'12. ' |n

eiurans arrived ijiti t«4'to/wa during th s year,) Iti |1^8»L. & K; Mi>htu.ig and George !8. ibrown^njs(i(<ttW,on aection 19, lienXy' Smith 0:1 Section 8, Wifjiam J).| £|feem<in, on licctwni, Alvah .MiHor'tan^WHl thrve wins, on SsctSon'10, aid ^(onicn >VUmarth on Section 1 7 ' l n jli^O Lynwi Wnnkh-e |seftlM'0it S>jctt|bii>J2W -Ntyics Ham­mond "on Section 11% Itezfldjiji KIUK^ iey and his.fsan, IfLi iig'-'lcy on

r _ ~ , ,„..,u.r,. v,-, Sec­tion 2¾ U 183T Mrs'lButfklin settled on , e.etionl 10,' Freeman. Mirtin' 1 on Section % Benj. Richn^dsoji and GJ A. Applebee on Section 5 am Cbas.iDJ, Miller on Section 10, William Otik and family, • Dr. Hall, Thomas Per-, kins', John Giddings and Horace Jtos>

covtt tb at satisft c-and bejontent irtthl it. He 't chekpejtt is or I m mill ate us; te pointis tis ltd' thB big hi roodl to

ppihess.j Sip h a s i i s w a ^ s ; rigJo! eo isness h is noi e. Tl le wis e will et yi Tliere i s nofthltg eoniiigilo ^a.;! yv<& nave done our <lufy.

Pray«r.:(OJr':aeayeiiJjy'Sith«ir* wto dcat *ccept our humbh dntjr; guide as to labor-for lovsV «w^C sike, rejete-i tag «! onEy we have cone something to r thee, as tl tou li it iT *c >mmand s«L Aben. 4 '

1 ' "' FBH>1AV,J MAliCH SO Tfcelsiejnt Mj^niyi

<»ead tuk;e 17:11.1», Text, Liike lpl7.) WerA tliere a>lt ten cleaned? bit whera a*e the pilde?'

1 TJ. £~ > j-hi. _ • • . . . ttdiig t* .be

a Bliatnei 6»' bej ;jajtrities fni* One »f, t h e n w

I f was sflne «al«4"I don'tt

ii ago nsti iiieJ tor I don t rem>mberl thatl I lever Aid 11m a fajroj." We io lose friends

metime| by conferring, fever?, fhich reflects t i e taeinebi.of hunar

ure. An< it often [dolt9, as thotgl se w jtwi Gid h,s most ricilj

lessfed are the ones irho most forge! in*. ,.In<*heOT ielfitslfaesi ^ is e isj

enjoy the kift und f ifcge; the Giv sr j ld. ^ f j ^ F 6 , e iai"F *» e n ioy »« ier jt^laj fosgetfu'ltaesi. Perhndi

tjbie poor,, who have s Oil tie, are cjnes'wlMLaie r i t h i n gratitude; llKitayef: (Sranj: nnio u 8 with hj

9 J ,a %fr; to'oTe nee, a hd enabl di( ,to show ^ r jthai kful ids for al

t benefits by kiVftgup oursjelrt , tfty swrviie, ajid cjetbrfiilly anbiiitf

ng in^ll jbinga to j thji ,|dessed [n i i

rati iae^


iSectlfon SI, amV i\. j \ % 'Ki;igs!e> on 'Section 20.; i n w j ^ l . iJiihn ('. Allen

nd T. N'iGot5J4,sfttIeflaii Hee/ion U.1 ud Nefchn a,nd I I)nijfel[' 3 [ottfer.

and a

• f l U l i s f i .... ^__ , Junlj

Sectibii US, In (1842 ^eo, f. \Vatei man settled qn' (Section; 21 t nd frt .\V, Sladd An' Section gO, , ht ls4:i vha-Chui'eh, ctnd sons settled <iu J<i>cti«ii 23. 1 InMS^.Jbl iq 'Hfndrii'KMUIJ and, in 18471 Henry jMJundUenkcv Sr ^Min.-into the-.t'owjjship.- j, 1 <

|Hottae _ j ; iFli: Previous' to;, all''tne hfn'**"1

ereered in'this to^n wjere,oJ 1½ . bui durinri| ;this yetarj-'SJ W.' Kiijgsjffy erected a &mallJfram.e.^houst; the firi.t of the]kind >»> j ble townshi i* -It was-14x30 Ifeet in size, , Befon tbe yeat expirM,) four jorj fiv,e otter' fnrro houses [were eijecijed. ''*' I

In ISM) thie ikfld in.Aisj own came into market »a«td/ ita {Noyenber 1841 the school sjsction, was ,'st Idt From this titae to I860 tbeUrtt! t>ment and ' improvement of, the 'toWnSihip went steadily, forward.}, j , ; , ! • " / - ; *

I»']l850'the[ ]to\MLof Harrington Was ojgaiiissbd hilder()ihe € ?nt*ral law of P^ptuarylliaiHW?, i« pursuance of uLnoHceji'W'iue: BheriH bf Cook cbu M ; to , thi J lirti »|>itan is * of the town Mattjtijot ihe« ifiriha titants had-cone! 6rigina!Ily ^ a Massachusett« froilithe vicjifaf& Snallttany; from great Barr|ngW $h j ihsft ^tatc,' tienee the selectiohj'of % e nan; e, Bar 'iugfon iv the:p(;t«|wntlfM J | ( , '

Tbe Jnieet,$hfi to Wajo^* 1, wasiheM .•Aprils lSijp'Ia. *hfe:'sSio«l liouKe at 'thfl south ttolLJot Miner's 1 Stove, On being ca l l edM Otdfr "Witt am Allams was chosen rnodirkt iri and Jerome W Klngsfty clSk^jr-. 'ji" .' .

Some Hoi

# • • a

ih1 BUT difficult ^tasyto^yf%H<yyL|ohi

ttl«pKon«. rjc iaptybu frt < r« . to afritiul. %b bacon • ohfcgl, i and, finally,-ta«r iiapl StiB yoa you could Uay it, bit tlijg, wo*A papar look cold and dull. Howi ilfflpltr to ktck up our lalapho aay H far paVson and] hair Art 01 voice, tool Loan Dlftenct it qu/c{

i tl—r and tha rataa wsurtf U y

~ , ML act Ruth f m r i « h v * ' Jift ".{.•}

-l;iUiNoii4nu.-. i]--"'" TELEPHbNE COMPANY


' * ' 1

. rttfWca* 'I I


* _



tip I

old Coles county'html' ncoli faraity basjbeen'p

fqf ft ture' detelopthenti oriai tark^ tM state- of obtaii ed title to the'80 prfec the farm. The,flni H cur d recently and thi the wte" of the log cabl aklislfcd hifl^athSr' td , t | hid departure. |OT( 1 his olcendency into p The fflbin, accordinj was i ohibited at theiChic«go

v ^iitjeo;

1^. aeryi trivet tni Jt that gift

•icff.-jyrt Shletil iy

ic life, st irl lo ^;out %o rit .1

__ rtaiseV'iirtltj; wi|I ^ mtdi' :

I', call. \t

u M i r in 180¾. aird ^ifistiince. T j i c f a r m a st^tft pa'r|j.

A )lea forion-appropVt | f l |n; i l i5 AMtdc .to tm? jgeneical as^tejnpytp itjpo tsBile for lUinois;' to fiftet W in

' grain I* aicnmpfment of t ie ' S , J u to

1933 4JPast State Co«imft|nd«r, Daviisoh','of ISprjngfieid, ip . | i s ment, 'say that not m^ny encu: npnient^ will b( Jield", very proper thn.t the li%t ofj crtni of "the <t>i%*|i wariltWVJd sceni'S of tho e«Hy ljjfp of tjeifr

M e r befoi > ilhey: answer !tbf|j I! J , .(

Is L.ij&nni'fcifr IS ma tj on £ dikidn'i




A;i the request ofViwVjeroor 1 Kmiuerson, O. HeVrick 1 Jjjariihjjd) " <hie ..architect has Tjijetmri-d BSH

on t lie' erection Of f^i» mdre a « to tltr- Centennial fcb>iildiii(. spate' is needed f o r ^ h e stat« ^ t k i and. the filing of imr>prtnht doc i n / whit h "at present a r e ' s c a t t e n d in IOUH parts of the '^fa j te 'hdtse crtm iletetl bui lding' wobld fob m » low square affdrding plenty oE liglj^ nil our sides. The iesjiniat< d eofti the two new additioms had b<en.fV ut 5800 ,000 , I t j i n s htftjyW iie'ta nite !y ^ecjded to" auk \ tp* pr< * k

- eral assembly for )tneF nec*tS:.rj , proj irintious, but in, thfe 0 >(i tiofai

J t h o , « in charge i«J fliafl tbi> n(r ,woi ld be. an eeononiical fem^i'lo-i the work, i

, ^ , . ., »•

X overnor Louis i"iHie<l ^' proclamation $d«sslgna,l Apiil 17 and October. 10nSfnriW !

f«U bird and drbor,'<jgy« a; id Ull on tlio citiitcns'ot liltdois t > \-jinsi t w jconservaflon nna propa|gij<i«] tr^janthbiKl HfeJ


f rector Ralph P. RrndffJri 4 "fHiirtment of eonspntttiiiv, f thf t the water shorMigfr1 4" "* !"N

„»yj hjis uroflf from various'^ rf. ,of sjnte, wUl hamper the flshii(t Jl 1 W state this< spring. L r r u * j

.}>*< vents the, taking awnyjjif i'4l w i and may chuse loss of fi>h

• «W influtt of All and oth-r >i mUtcr into thjBlwater. f.

i i . ^ ^ 4 Hfeier ias ma le'«h«,l j*'Uig. appointments *to f*<fen\i { t"»s for theit^to of iUirt*^; fi

S ^ L ^ ? T S a b r a ; D a n ^ e f l j i attorney eastern <l


Birke, a i a w p ^ g i j , ^ '"'Wet, vice A . M T I

^,,*•»««: Anton * Hector -of

«ar lAL*5 . **»«>f«>««»ent ^

° * ^ t a l k K i n » e r e o n a n f i J t J agricalt ire,

8 1 0 ¾ . 1 ^ ^ 1 0 Commerce! 0o:

^rpota t loa to WegjmW*

«wa lrail#ays cpo|ne< ting rto to make joint »te

" O I 'Wight o « r the Ier li