Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009

THE LIT THE LIT TLE MAG TO TLE MAG TO KEEP IN Y KEEP IN Y OUR BAG OUR BAG Iss Iss u u e 14 e 14 November 2009 November 2009 see our ad on page 6 see our ad on the Back Page Caravaca de la Cruz see pages 2 & 7 Traders Directory and Index on page 25


Monthly magazine for the Mar Menor area, containing interesting articles and useful information, telephone numbers etc, for residents and tourists/visitors to the area

Transcript of Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009

Page 1: Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009


IssIssuu e 14e 14November 2009November 2009

see our ad on page 6see our ad on the Back Page

Caravaca de la Cruzsee pages 2 & 7

Traders Directoryand Index on page 25

Page 2: Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009

2 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

Please mention Mar Menor Focus when contacting any of our advertisers

Caravaca de la Cruz, more commonlyknown as Caravaca, is a town in thenorthwest of the Province of Murcia. Thetown is very old, and having many his-torical buildings is of National TouristicInterest. The main attraction that I wentto see was the Castle of Santa Cruz.The castle was commissioned by theKnights Templar and was built in the15th century. Inside the castle ground isthe astounding church – the Sanctuaryof the Santisima and Vera Cruz. Thechurch is very ornate inside, with lots offine carvings and gold decoration, a verywell worthwhile sight for all to see.

In May of every year, the town holds awine festival, where horses are decoratedand race along the castle ramparts. Thetown becomes extremely busy at this timeand you would need to arrive very early toget your space to view the festivities.

The town itself has many bars, cafe's andrestaurants for all tastes. After a visit tothe Castle, take a walk down to the mainTown Hall square, where you will find aselection of gift shops selling many itemsof a religious nature and products con-nected to the town. This area also has anumber of café’s and restaurants, alongwith more in amongst the many smallnarrow roads around the old centre. Inparticular, we found a very nice butnaughty cake shop!For a different day out, if you are visitingthe inland parts of the Murcia region,this town should be on your list. There isa website: with a linkto an English page.

On the approach to Caravaca, the Castleis prominent on the skyline. It is sign-posted but there are a lot of narrowwinding streets leading up to it. There islimited parking on the castle ramparts,particularly good for people with limitedwalking ability.The walk up to the castle is reasonablysteep, not for the faint hearted! Saying that, it is well worth the effort.From the Mar Menor region, this is aneasy hour and a half drive, partly usingthe A30 towards Murcia and taking theC415 to Caravaca, passing throughAlcantarilla, Mula and Bullasby David Billington(Read more about the history and fiestasof Caravaca on page 7)

Visiting Caravaca de la Cruz

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3the Mar Menor FOCUS

email: [email protected]

Elvis’ DinerTex / Mex Menu

BOOKING ADVISED Tel: 630 466 417 bar hours - 608 066 936 24 hoursGALERIAS EL FLAMENCO - (behind Zoco), La Manga del Mar Menor


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Now serving authentic Indian Food alongside our regular menu

DAVE VINCENT on your SPECTRUM RADIO 106.610.00am - 1.00pm Monday - Friday

NEW OPENING TIMES - THURSDAY to SATURDAY 7.00pm - lateSUNDAY OPEN ALL DAY (Closed Monday to Wednesday)

Page 4: Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009

4 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

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Our deadline for adverts, to ensure insertion inthe next issue is the 20th of the month.Payment, in full, is required prior to the

advertising deadline.Disclaimer: ‘Mar Menor Focus’ does not accept responsibility for the standardof goods or services given by it’s advertisers and does not endorse, unless statedotherwise, any company or individual published in the magazine, or any views or

opinions expressed in any articles. ALL THE ADVERTISEMENTS designed by the Mar Menor Focus magazine

for use in its publication remain the property ofMar Menor Focus and may NOT be reproduced in any other publication

without our prior written consentPublished by Robert McKinley, C/Himilce, Cartagena, Murcia 30385. X5128759N.


Distribution points include:Bars, Restaurants, Golf Clubs, Shops, EstateAgents, Tourist Offices, Post Rooms, Tabacs,Supermarkets and more, throughout the Mar

Menor area, coastal and inland.Advertising Rates

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WWeellccoommee to Issue 14 of MMaarr MMeennoorr FFooccuuss, tthe magazine for the Mar Menor coastal area,

Thank you to our readers for their continuing support and feedback, and our contributors forsharing their knowledge of the area, its historyand culture, allowing us to keep the magazine

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The annual Race for Life will take place on

Sunday 15th Novemberat Playa Los Narejos Norte

Los AlcazaresSSttaarrtt ttiimmee 1111..0000

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All proceeds will be donated to MABS (Cancer Support Group)

Murcia/Mar dontt hhavee tto run, wallkkiing iis alllloweed!

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5the Mar Menor FOCUS

Page 6: Mar Menor Focus Edition 13, November 2009

6 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

Largest Buyers & Sellers ofQuality Used Furniture.House Clearances& Removals

Baby Hire: Cots, Safety Gates,Pushchairs, Car SeatsOffice space available,

Secure storage space available

Bob and Caron, 00 34 968 136 50100 34 626 253 569

[email protected] Cabo de Palos Km 1, El Algar

La Manga, Cartagena, 30366

A time4A change



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7the Mar Menor FOCUS

The HistoryCaravaca has been given the title holy city bythe Vatican, a title shared with only four othercities in the world Jerusalem, Rome, Santiagode Compostella and Santo Toribio de Liébana.This is related to the famous legend of theCaravaca cross which the city is named after. During the 12th and13th centuries the citychanged hands many times between Christianand Muslim rule. In 1232 when the city wasunder Moorish Muslim rule the Moorish chief-tain Zeytb Abuzeyt held a priest, calledChirinos, captive. The chieftain ordered thepriest to say mass as he was curious to see aChristian mass. As Chirinos started to preparefor the mass he realised one thing was missing,a cross, all crosses in the town had beendestroyed by the Moors. The Priest told thechieftain it would be impossible to say masswithout a cross. Zeyt became angry andaccused the priest of lying, at this, according tolegend; two angels appeared carrying a twoarmed cross. On seeing this Zeyt fell to hisknees and converted to Christianity, later hewas baptised. Of course this is a legend,nobody knows for sure what really happened. It is certainly accepted as true that there was aChieftain called Zeyt, the priest Chirinos andthe cross.

The Cross ofCaravaca is soimportant it hasbecome thesymbol of thetown and can beseen every-where, howevertoday’s cross isnot the original.

Around 1932, just before the Spanish civil war,the original went missing. No one knows forcertain who stole it, but the theories are many.Some say the Vatican took it to keep it safebecause of the impending civil war, othersaccused are local brotherhoods or local busi-ness men, or even secret sects of the KnightsTemplar who used to guard the cross originallyand built the sanctuary where the cross is kepttoday.

After the civil war the cross was not returned sothe town asked for help from the Vatican. Acopy of the cross was donated by the Pope andwithin the reliquary there are two pieces of thetrue cross that Christ was crucified on. When hewas a cardinal the present Pope Benedict XVlvisited Caravaca on the 1st December 2002 forthe benefaction of the cross, this was as a sub-stitute for the late Pope John Paul ll who wastoo ill at the time to make the journey. The citycan now celebrate the perpetual year of jubileeevery seven years, the next year being 2010.

FiestasCaravaca is home to some of the most spectac-ular fiestas in all of Spain, surrounding themysteries of the cross and Caravaca’s heritage.Every May there are marches, concerts andparades, but the racing of the wine horses as apart of the Blessing of the Wine ceremony isunique. This has a medieval origin and power-ful horses make a 10 second dash up to theSanctuary of the Cross. This has become a greatcompetition and the intricate embroideries thatclothe the horses take a whole year to make.

During the rest of the year visitors can visit TheMuseo de la Fiesta which has delightful dis-plays of the colourful embroideries and cos-tumes that are so important to the towns annualcelebrations. The museum is housed in the ren-ovated 16th century Palacio de los Uribe. Thereare also three other museums in the town andmany elaborately decorated churches andmonuments to visit.For families, there are municipal indoor andoutdoor swimming pools and parks to enjoy.

Caravaca de la Cruz

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Jumilla is a traditional Spanish town over anhour’s drive from the coast, so not many Britishtourists find their way here. First impressionsare that Jumilla is very quiet, until you open thedoor to one of the local cafes between ten andeleven in the morning to find it packed withlocals having their desayuno - consisting ofcafé con leche and tostadas or fritillas - and alltalking at the top of their voices to try and makethemselves heard above the racket. It’s notunknown to see workmen sitting at the barhaving a glass of brandy or a beer with theirbreakfast, though John and I usually draw theline at that!

We like to treat ourselves to menu del dia onceor twice a month. Costing between 8 and 10euros for a salad, three courses, bread anddrinks, with coffee to finish the meal, it is anaffordable treat especially as we don’t need toeat much in the evening after our huge lunch.Our favourite spot for menu del dia is “BarParaiso“, which gives us a wide choice of dishesfor each course, although we have to concentratehard as the waiter rattles off the list of availabledishes, none of which are written down to helpus. Only “Cerveceria London” has its menu deldia chalked up on a blackboard outside so youcan see what is available, although in a coupleof other places the waiters have the choiceswritten down on a pad in case you can’tunderstand their rapid Spanish.

Tuesday is market day in Jumilla, so that iswhen we are most likely to hear other Englishvoices, as expats from thecampo visit the market.Although the central markethas a lot more stalls withinthe covered mercado and inadjacent streets, we preferthe smaller market in ourbarrio of San Juan. Thestall holders there know us,so we sometimes get extrafruit or vegetables thrown

in and prices are rounded down, which withthe current exchange rate is a boon forimpoverished pensioners!

The tradition of the siesta is alive and well inJumilla, so we usually take a trip to thesupermarket in the afternoon when we can beguaranteed shorter queues at the checkout.All the other shops are shut, and the majorityare also closed on Sunday, including thesupermarkets. You can of course find apanaderia open on Sunday morning for freshbread, plus some Latin-American shops ifyou run short of anything else.

We prefer to buy table wine at Silvano Garcia,our local bodega, rather than the supermarket:by taking our own plastic bottle we can buy 2litres of a very drinkable red wine for theprincely sum of 1.60€. Bodegas and restaurantsin Jumilla will be celebrating the 4th SemanaGastronomica from 7th to 15th November: formore details see www.rutadelvinojumilla.comParticipating restaurants are offering a glass ofwine and tapa gastronomica for 2€. John and Iintend to sample most of them!


Retiring The Olé Way is the intimate, honest and inspiring story of Sue and JohnWalker’s move to their new home in rural Southern Spain.

The book is available at Amazon and from all good bookshops, at a cost of £9.99.

Main Market in Jumilla

Live Music at the BodegaHotel Luzon - taken at lastyears Semana Gastronomica

Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

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The aim of the sudoku puzzle is to insertnumbers in the boxes so that: each row,column and 3x3 box contain oneeach of the digits 1 through 9.


A Codebreaker is a crosswordpuzzle with no clues! Instead,every letter of the alphabet hasbeen replaced by a number,the same number representingthe same letter throughout thepuzzle. All you have to do isdecide which letter is repre-sented by which number! Tostart you off, we reveal thecodes for two or three letters.When these letters have beenentered throughout the puzzle,you should have enough infor-mation to start guessing wordsand discovering other letters.




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Línea Directa launches two special offers for its expatriate customers

Foreign residents in Spain who take out a car insurancepolicy with Línea Directa will enjoy one month’s freeinsurance.

In addition, policyholders who are already Línea Directacustomers will get two months free insurance if they take out insurance on a new car.

Faithful to its vocation as a leader and innovator, Línea Directa has recently launched, and onlyfor foreign residents in Spain who do not speak Spanish, two exclusive special offers: 12x11,which offers its new customers one month’s free insurance, and 12x10, aimed at expatriates whoare already Línea Directa customers. This offer gives them two months free insurance whenthey take out a new policy on a vehicle which is not already insured with Línea Directa.

Another benefit which Línea Directa offers its foreign customers is that they can use all its servicesin English and German. As a result, customers can take out their policy, make any type of enquiry,present claims, send documentation and enjoy 24 hour assistance, all in their own language, witha single call at a time which is convenient for them. In addition, Línea Directa offers its foreignpolicyholders a translation service when required for dealing with repair garages.

These benefits can be added to the others which all our customers enjoy when they take out thirdparty or fully comprehensive insurance with Línea Directa; cover such as Legal Support,Personal Injury Claims, Direct Service or Vehicle Occupant Insurance, which are included inall policies completely free of charge.

But there are extra benefits which Línea Directa customers can enjoy, among which are included:

Línea Directa began to operate in Spain in October 1995 and is currently the market leader indirect motor insurance sales in Spain. It is the company which has maintained the highest growthrate in its sector, due to the fact that in only fourteen months, it has become the third largestSpanish motor insurance company, with over 1,660,000 customers.

Línea Directa’s business model focuses on the use of direct channels (telephone and Internet)which reduces handling times and costs, cuts out the middleman and offers its customers aquality service at highly competitive prices.

For more information, go to (English version) or call 902 123 104

12 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

Travel assistance from kilometre 0, which provides technical road assistance 24 hours aday, both in Spain and abroad.

Three weeks use of a courtesy vehicle for expatriate policyholders if their vehicle is offthe road while being repaired, as opposed to the limit of 7 days which was previously offered.

Recovery of the points-based driving licence and fines management, which guaranteeslegal support towards traffic fines which result from breaking road safety regulations andwhich lead to the driving licence being withdrawn or an economic sanction. Policyholdersalso receive up to €500 for attending the road safety re-education course which allows themto recover their driving licence if they have lost all their points.

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Cartagena by TrainFor an easy trip into Cartagena, the localtrain service is a good alternative to takingthe car. The service is reliable, efficientand above all, cheap. Running at leastonce an hour it is roughly a 30 minutejourney from Los Nietos to Cartagena,with stops at most of the villages along theway. (see timetable and map below). There is easy, free parking at any of thethree stations in Los Nietos. The trainterminates in Cartagena, with the stationconveniently situated a short walk from theport. (This is a dedicated line serving onlythe Cartagena - Los Nietos route, so nodanger of getting lost).The return fare is 2.20€, normally paidonce on the train.The conductor will giveyou two tickets, these are for opening thebarriers in Cartagena, and a receipt, whichyou need to hold on to as it serves as yourreturn ticket.Once in Cartagena the port is an interestingarea to explore and there are plenty ofplaces to stop for coffee or lunch.

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16 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

The region of Murcia is fast becoming the top golf locationin Spain for both residents and tourists alike and asreported in last months edition we at Mar Menor Focus are delighted to announcethat we have secured the services of local golf expert Mike Probert, who is theauthor of a Golfing Guide to Murcia to write a series of articles of interest to golfersand this series continues with:

'Mike Probert Talks Golf ' Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services).

For more information, tuition and discounted green fees, tel: 0034 966 704 752 or661 345 931 or e-mail [email protected]

or visit us at our web-site on

This stands for three of the key elements of the golf swing namely:

a) Postureb) Gripc) Alignment

PostureThe correct posture will allow the rest ofthe moving parts of the swing to co-ordi-nate properly and avoid the need fordown swing corrections.

With correct posture you should have theweight is positioned across the balls ofyour feet rather than the heels or thetoes and the 'butt' end of the club shouldbe approx 6 inches away from your beltbuckle.

GripThe grip is by far the most important keyfundamental in the basic golf swing.

The hands must operate together in theswing BUT they do things, the left handprovides the strength and therefore theclub is held in the palm of the hand andthe right hand applies the 'hit' and there-fore the club is held more in the fingers.

AlignmentIt is essential that your feet, knees, hipsand shoulders should align with eachother and point parallel to the target,NOT at it.

Simply visualise two railway tracks withthe club head passing down the line ofthe outer track which is pointed at thetarget and the feet being positioned onthe inner track aligned parallel to thetarget line.

If these sound PGA fundamentals areused in conjunction with a good ball posi-tion and takeaway a good swing withtempo should result and be repeatable.

Hasta Pronto



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Why Use Resort ChoiceEstablished for over 5 yearsFully licensed for management and rentalsFull insuranceMulti-lingual staff and websitesRegistered with Murcia tourist boardOffice based All keys locked away and alarmedAccept all major credit cardsAll work guaranteed and invoicedEach property certificated with Murcia tourist boardState of the art reservation software in many languagesRental contracts with leading reservation agenciesEmergency cover 365 days a year, 24 hours a dayMembers of PNAG rental guarantee programmeHard working and honest

Services IncludeProperty ManagementKey HoldingHoliday RentalsLong Term RentalsLocal Tourist InformationCleaningLinen ServiceProperty InspectionsLegal Airport Transfers24 Hour Guest ServicesGeneral Maintenance and RepairsSecurity GrillsAir ConditioningPlumbingElectrical workPainting and DecoratingSwimming Pool andGarden MaintenanceAlarmsTranslation Services

Property Management. and Rentals

Tel: (0034) 968 545 204 - (0034) 680 650 471UK Freephone: 0800 316 6181 - Fax: (0034) 968 970 212

Email: [email protected] - Website:

Resort Choice (Resort La Manga SL)Avda. Mar Menor, Edif, Geranio Bajo 14, 30384 Mar de Cristal, Cartagena, MurciaCompany Reg No. B30780316 – Registro de Empresas y Actividades Turísticas A.MU.209

Car Hire Holiday Insurance Attraction TicketsProperty Snagging Reports Complete Furniture PacksLegal and Financial ServicesBooking Activities inc.Tennis and Golf

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Christmas books - We are now in the Christmas present buying season and this year those thathelp reduce the shopping bills will be much appreciated. So why not buy 'Your Garden in Spain- From planning to planting and maintenance' which includes many cost saving ideas, 'GrowingHealthy vegetables in Spain' and' Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain' which will help the recipientsave money as well as living better and healthier.

Herbs in Your Spanish GardenBy Clodagh and Dick Handscombe,

Practical gardeners & authors living in Spain for twenty five years.

No garden in Spain should be without herbs,whether you are a resident or absentee gardener.They have so many uses and can be planted inthe garden, in containers/window boxes or interracotta herb barrels. The benefits are as follows:1. Many varieties of perennial herbs such aslavenders, rosemary, thymes, sages, chives andbay etc are naturalised Spanish plants and aretherefore easily established. Most importantlythey are among the most frost and draughtresistant plants.2. Many annual herbs such as basil, parsley,and dill can be raised from seed or purchased assmall plants each spring and are reasonablyeasy to care for in semi shaded positions.3. Interesting collections can be built up. Forinstance there are many varieties of mint andover 800 varieties of sage!4. Wherever planted they can be regularlytrimmed for using in salads, cooked dishes andfor healthy infusions. Lamb chops or shankscoated with garlic and freshly chopped rose-mary, fresh basil with pasta and oreganochopped over slices of freshly harvested toma-toes soaked in virgin olive oil can't be beaten fortaste. Nor can a poleo menta made from freshlyharvested leaves.5. Planted along paths, within mixed flowerbeds, on a rockery or in a dedicated herb gardenthe leaves and flowers add perfume to the garden,which in turn attract many species of butterflies.6. Herbs can be harvested for hanging inbunches or mixing into potpourris to providenatural aromatherapy effects on the naya or inthe house

7. Co-planted on the vegetable plot they can beuseful attractors of beneficial insects (rosemaryand lavender), in attracting pests away fromcrops (sage, dill, fennel and coriander), thebasis of natural insecticides (garlic), fungicides(horsetail) and the basis of valuable natural fer-tilizers (comfrey, borage and nettle).8. If we sprain a muscle mountain walking orgardening we find that a rue infusion or comfreypoultice are quick acting gardeners remedies.What other type of garden plants can be of somuch benefit for relatively little outlay! If you have inherited a rough coastal patch, amountainside or woodland full of naturallygrowing herbs you have a head start on others!Our book 'Your Garden in Spain' describes andillustrates the most popular 25 herb plants,many of which can be easily propagated atalmost any time of the year.Success requires only a fertile, free draining,gritty, non clayey soil and potting compost,regular watering of perennials until establishedand daily summer watering of herbs in containers.A regular short back and sides will stop thembecoming leggy and woody. Some herbs suchas mint and the wonderful scarlet floweredpineapple sage can spread quickly so plant themwhere you are happy for them to expand, plantin containers sunk into the ground or keep in alarge container near the kitchen door.

If like us, you become a herb enthusiast itis worth sending off for the Chiltern Seedscatalogue ([email protected], 00441229 581137) which lists many varieties ofMediterranean herbs not found in Spanishgarden centres.

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Across1 Muslims or Arabs at thetime of the Crusades (8)6 Classic Gershwin songfrom 'Porgy and Bess' (10)11 Trained cook of the high-est class (6,4)12 Kilted Highlanders'pouches (8)13 Poisonous alkaloid intobacco (8)14 Measure of an engine'soutput (10)15/27 Crossed by day-trip-pers in the Pacific? (13,8)18 Controversial modernBritish artist, won 1995Turner prize with 'Motherand Child Divided' (5)20 Sort of bars favoured by

gymnasts? (8)23 Total loss of strength andvitality (10)24 Script of a film (10)27 See 1529 Swiss mountain peakfamed for its north face (5)30 Smash musical from aVictor Hugo novel (3,10)34 Italian director of 'LastTango in Paris' (10)36 Competent in mathemat-ics (8)38 Hard reddish-brownwood (8)39 Impulsive fire-starter (10)40 US composer and lyricistof 'Begin the Beguine' (4,6)41 Person with a specialappreciation of beauty (8)

Down2 Kind of harp playedby the wind (7)3 Constellationnamed after mythicalGreek princess (9)4 Boredom (5)5 In credit (7)6 End of the Earth'saxis in Antartica (5,4)7 Avaricious person(5)8 French-built, short-range guided missile(6)9 One who uses vio-lence for politicalcoercion (9)10 Composer of'Fingal's Cave' over-ture (11)16 Sheer stockings (6)17 Sap-sucking insect(5)19 General killed atthe Battle of LittleBighorn (6)

21 Group of usually vol-canic islands (11)22 De Gaulle's birthplace (5)25 Terminal conductor ofelectricity (9)26 Jewish day of fasting(3,6)28 Maze, home to the myth-ical Greek Minotaur (9)31 Spanish red wine dilutedwith fruit juices etc. (7)32 Short passage takenfrom a book, etc. (7)33 Texan city on Mexicanborder (2,4)35 Church vault used forburial (5)37 Infectious disease affect-ing salivary glands (5)

TIME FOR A BREAKthe big puzzle

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The size of modern homes is increasing, andmore owners are choosing the latest designs inluxury bathtubs with ‘in-bath’ showerheadsinstead of separate showers.

However, a shower is definitely more energyefficient as it uses less water and electricity, soit is also more environmentally friendly. Inmany instances it is also more practical, andabove all, safer!With an increase in the age of the general pop-ulation, the necessity and practicality of anenclosed shower is obvious.

Easy Shower is a company which is based inthe region of Murcia, run by FernandoEsquembre Gomez, and it is experiencing aboom in sales due to its experienced fitters andproduct quality.Easy Shower doesn’t just specialise inenclosed showers, they also supply productsthat make it easier for the elderly or infirm touse a shower safely. For example, Easy Shower stock a wide rangeof shower chairs that are fixed and fold flatagainst the wall. Their company director com-mented, “we can change your old bathtub for amore practical shower enclosure in just a fewhours, including installing an anti-slip productthat makes your tiles stay safe.”

An important aspect of Easy Shower’s businessis the company’s insistence on hiring fullytrained staff. “Many people are not aware justhow dangerous it can be to employ someonewho is not qualified to undertake a job, such aschanging a bathtub for a shower. Many of thecalls we get are from individuals who need us tocome out to repair work that has been done byothers who were not qualified to do the job.”

Easy Shower, whilst based in the region ofMurcia, work across several regions, includingAlicante, Almeria and Albacete, where lots ofsatisfied clients have benefitted from this newenergy-saving and safer way to shower.

Why not make your home safer this Christmas?Order your new shower enclosure now fromEasy Shower and benefit from the ease andconvenience of walking in to a shower ratherthan trying to step over into a bath.

The phonelines for Easy Shower areopen Monday to Sunday, including bankholidays, so don’t delay, call 968 572 120or 667 948 202 for more information.

Bath to shower in a few hours

The fact is that many accidents occur eachyear in the bathroom whilst stepping in or out of a bathtub.

A shower is definitely more energy efficient.It uses less electricity and water and is farmore environmentally friendly.

See our adon page 17

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Mar Menor Focus Business DirectoryYour business here, under the heading you choose

for just 60 euros a year!Call Mar Menor Focus on 968 145 572 or email: [email protected]

STARAIR, Air Conditioning Sales, installation& Service, Tel: 679 573 643 (page 27)

CD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT968 563 598 (Page 31)

BAR APICOCO Playa Honda 968 563 958 (Page 5)

BAR EL SOL Plaza CavannaLa Manga Strip, 968 563 899 (back page)

BRAMBLES BAR Playa Honda610 622 249 (page14)

DOLLY’S BAR, Plaza Bohemia, La Manga (page 6)

ELVIS’ DINER, Galerias El Flamenco (behind Zoco) 630 466 417 (page 3)

LA HERRADURA Asador ArgentineoCtra de la Palma, Cartagena968 531 887 (page 27)

NOBBY’S CANTINA, Nuevo Puerto BelloLa Manga, 968 564 551 (inside back page)

PADDYWACKS IRISH BARLa Manga Strip 968 563 648 (page10)

PEPE’S BAR Mar de Cristal (page 20)

Clinica Dental ALEMANALa Manga 968 175 300

MARUJA Garden Centre/NurseryCabo de Palos Tel 968563 905 (page 31)

SHAPE & TONE - Toning TablesChiropractor - Masseur - Chiropodist,Los Alcazares 661 002 648 (page 27)

ASSSA INSURANCE - Los Belones968 153 396 (page 15)

DAVID MASON Insurance Services (page 9)Funeral planning (page 10)Los Belones, 968 137 719 / 659 226 112

LINEA DIRECTA Car Insurance902 123 161 (page 13)

RICHARD HOWARD Insurance Services,Los Belones 968 13 72 59 (Page 3)email:[email protected]

IBERBRIT LEGAL, La Manga Strip968 337 392 (page 27)


RESORT CHOICE (Resort La Manga) Mar de Cristal, 968 545 204 (page 18)

EDEN International Independent Property AgentsLos Carmenes, Gran Via Km 330380 La Manga, Murcia, SpainTel: 0034 968 143 185 Fax: 968 143 755email: [email protected] (page 6)

OLYMPIEZA, apartment cleaningC/La Loma, Torrevieja, 675 021 669 (page 28)










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26 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

A TIME 4 A CHANGE, Quality used furniture,El Algar - 968 136 501 (page 6)

DJ’S MINI MART Los Belones 617 029 321 (page 9)

HONDAMAR SupermercadoPlaya Honda 968 56 43 68 (page 31)

THE FURNITURE STORE Poligono Ind. Los Alcazares. 968 582 546 (page 31)

MISSING LINKS (Cornish Pride) (page 10)Los Belones 620 562 973 / 650 267 650

THE CORNER SHOP English SupermarketLos Belones 650 638 726

THE GREAT GOLF Co. La Manga ClubTel: 968 338 333 (Page 19)

696 BOUTIQUE Nuevo Puerto BelloLa Manga 968 564 879

SIGNS & GRAPHICS, La Manga, 667 821 082

MARIA LINARES Spanish Lessons968 133 331 / 678 936 110 (pages 30/31)

AQUA ADICTA968 545 193 / 659 434 811 (page 32)

CHARTER MUFFY - Mar Menor Cruises616 523 800

INTERPRETER Available, call JOSÉ on Tel: 968165565 / 626690873 (page 33)

VALA ESPANIA, Car & Marine Valeting,Tel: 666 817 069

CABO MANGA Ctra Cabo de PalosLa Manga 968 146 364 (page 28)

VALERIE’S NOVIAS, bridal gowns &Accessories, C/Mayor 9, Pilar de Horadada966 766 689 (page 31)

PHOTO VIDEO SPAIN, wedding/eventsKeith Nicol, 609 063 614








Local MarketLocal MarketssMondaySan Pedro del PinatarSucinaTuesdayLos BelonesLa UnionPilar de la HoradadaLos AlcazeresMil PalmerasWednesdaySantiago de la RiberaSan Javier

San Javier Autocine(car boot sale)ThursdayLos UrrutiasLa palmaTorre Pacheco (Balsicas)San Pedro del Pinatar (Lo Pagan)FridayEl AlgarLlano del BealPilar de la Horadada

SaturdayLos Alcázeres (Los Narejos)Torre Pacheco (Dolores)San Javier Autocine (carboot)SundayCabo de PalosLos NietosSan Javier AutocineTorre Pacheco (Roldán)

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS In the next edition of MAR MENOR FOCUS - Call now on 968 145 572

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27the Mar Menor FOCUS

Iberbrit LegalSolicitors and Chartered Accountants



Fax: +34 968 563 224email: [email protected] -

Conveyancing.Integral Tax advice for Individuals and Companies.Annual Tax returns for property owners.Social Security advice.Spanish Wills.

Preparation of the NIE-Identification number of foreigners.Spanish Residency.Financial advice “Mortgages”Power of Attorney.


Iberbrit Legalare located on La Manga Strip at:Gran Via s/n – Km 1.5, Edificio Monterrey – Iberbrit Legal office, PO BOX No. 163 – 30380 La Manga – Cartagena

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28 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

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NeuteringAll dogs have a right to a caring home and toomany puppies grow up to become homelessdogs. For this reason all dogs should beneutered. Both males and females recoverquickly after surgery and are usually back tonormal within a couple of days. Be sure to fol-low the vet's advice during the recovery period. Neutering has health benefits as well. Spayingfemales under a year of age reduces the risk ofbreast cancer, the most common cancer toafflict female dogs. Unless spayed, older bitch-es risk developing a dangerous pyometra (apus-filled womb). Spaying also prevents falsepregnancy that can occur after a season (symp-toms are moodiness and milk production).Drugs are available to suppress heat or preventpregnancy after accidental mating, but thesecan have side effects.In males, neutering makes both prostatic diseaseand some cancers less likely. There is also lessrisk from fighting or accidents while roaming.Many owners worry that their pet will becomefat after neutering, but this is easily prevented bycorrect feeding .Over-feeding, not neutering, isthe real cause of obesity. Neutered animalsrequire less food, therefore reduce the amountfed after neutering and weigh your dog regularly.Occasionally, older spayed bitches may leak alittle urine whilst sleeping, but this can be easilycontrolled. Neutering can be done at any age but, for thegreatest benefit, should be done under one yearof age. A bitch cannot be spayed during a heat,when producing milk during false pregnancy orafter whelping. Your vet will advise on theexact timing. How can I tell if my bitch is in heat?During heat (or oestrus) a bitch becomesattractive to male dogs and, if mated, maybecome pregnant. One of the first signs is interestfrom male dogs. The vulva (genital area) at theback swells and there is a bloody dischargewhich later becomes clear. Some bitches lick

this away, so ifyour bitch is licking, investigate. There is a riskof pregnancy throughout oestrus, therefore keepyour dog on a lead.

Help! My bitch has been "caught" by amale dog!A course of injections can be given to preventpregnancy, but must be given quickly (within acouple of days of mating). It is also possible tospay a bitch in very early pregnancy. Contactyour vet immediately to discuss the best option.

VaccinationCan protect your dog against killer diseases,including distemper and parvovirus and is like-ly to be essential if your dog may go into board-ing kennels. Several initial injections arerequired, followed by regular (usually annual)boosters. Each injection contains a mix of sev-eral vaccines against as many as seven differentdiseases. Your dog should not be taken outsidein areas where other dogs have been until thevaccination course is completed. Your vet canadvise how long to wait. However, researchsuggests it is beneficial for puppies to socialise(that is, to learn how to cope with a range ofsituations and experiences, and how to makefriends with other dogs and people) whilstyoung, before vaccination is complete. Discussthe risks and benefits with your vet. Many vetsnow run puppy classes where puppies can learnto socialise with minimal risk of disease. Kennel cough is not usually dangerous, but canbe a nuisance. A vaccination is available and isoften required for a stay in kennels.

Vaccinations may be controversial, but thediseases they prevent are still around and stillkill. If you do not know if your pet has beenvaccinated, it does not hurt to repeat the course.Depending on circumstances, some componentsof the booster vaccines may not be neededevery year. Your vet can advise. Taking a bloodtest to measure protective antibodies may behelpful.

Basic Healthcare for Your DogIt is wise to take an interest in canine health, but alwaysthink about your information source. Remember, there arelots of old wives tales about dog health! If in doubt, ask thevet. Never give human medicines to pets.

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30 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

Learning Spanish with Maria Linares

You can find the answers in the following issue.A new group of beginners and intermediate students recently started. Now the summeris over and the days are getting shorter it is the right time to start up new projects andactivities; I hope that learning Spanish will be one of them. For more information on my Spanish courses: Weekly lessons, Residential Courses andSpanish for Business please go to, feel free to contact me on:968 546 859 - 678 936 110, or email me at [email protected]"Just book now to assess your Spanish level free" MMaarriiaa LLiinnaarreess,, SSppaanniisshh tteeaacchheerr

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31the Mar Menor FOCUS

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J u d y ’ s G i f t S h o pJ u d y ’ s G i f t S h o pwill be at Shape & Tone, Los Alcazeres

every Tuesday 10.00am - 4.00pmNon Members Welcome

Most Gifts at Half Price

33the Mar Menor FOCUS






OVERSEAS HOLIDAYDo you want to escape the heat of the Spanish Summer Sun

and enjoy a "cool" holiday in New Zealand?Go-Kiwi Travel UK Limited

offer discounted Self Drive Motorhome and Car Rentals; Hotel / Motel Passes issued by Go-Kiwi, Go-Koala

& Golden Chain also escorted Coach tours from Kirra,Mount Cook Line and AAKings.

For fullll cconttacctt deettaiills plleeasee or

Do you have something you want to sell? a car - a job - or property to advertise?


Phone us on 968 145 572 or email:[email protected] with the details

Line ads €5 per month, (up to 30 words) - box adverts from €8 +IVA

INTERPRETER AVAILABLESpanish national (10 years in England) with fluent English.For hospitals, doctors, police, banks, solicitors, schools, ITV, etc.Translation of documents. Sympathetic and totally reliable.

Cartagena and surrounding areas, Mar Menor, FuenteAlamo, Torre Pacheco. Other areas considered.

From 15 euros per hour.

Landline: 968165565 - Mobile: 626690873 (ask for JOSÉ)

Notice To All Dog OwnersDo you want to go away?

I will take care of your dog, Large or small not a problem,

my home is their home when theystay with me, with all home comforts.

Please NoteThis is a private house in Playa Paraiso, not kennels

Established 4 years, References availableTel Joanne 620 460 557


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34 Telephone: 968 145 572 the Mar Menor FOCUS

EMERGENCY NUMBER - 112Useful NumbersUseful Numbers to kto keep by the phoneeep by the phone

AMBULANCE - 061GUARDIA CIVIL - 062La Manga del Mar Menor 968 563 222 La Unión 968 560 011San Javier 968 335 920San Pedro del Pinatar 968 180 610LOCAL POLICE - 092Cabo de Palos 968 337 238Cartagena 968 128 877El Algar 968 135 695La Manga del Mar Menor 968 337 300 La Unión 968 560 051Los Alcázares 968 171 919San Javier 968 570 880San Pedro del Pinatar 968 188 092NATIONAL POLICE – 091Cartagena 968 320 722FIRE BRIGADE - 112Cartagena 968 128 880Los Alcázares 968 171 782MARITIME EMERGENCIES – 900 202 202MEDICAL CENTRESCosta Calida 968 142 060El Algar 968 135 510La Manga del Mar Menor 968 142 125Lo Pagan 968 184 728Los Alcázares 968 575 800Los Belones 968 137 476Portman 968 548 064San Javier 968 191 866San Pedro del Pinatar 968 187 865

HOSPITALSCartagena: Santa Maria del Rosell 968 325 000Naval Hospital 968 327 400Murcia:Virgen de la Arrixaca 968 369 500J.M. Morales Meseguer 968 360 900San Javier:Los Arcos 968 570 050

AIRPORTS ( 966 919 000San Javier (Murcia) 968 172 000BUS STATIONSCartagena 968 505 656Murcia 968 292 211San Pedro del Pinatar 968 182 942RAILWAYSFEVE 968 501 172RENFE 902 240 202UTILITY COMPANIESTelefonica www.telefonicainenglish.comIberdrola (Electricity) 901 202 020 www.iberdrola.comAquagest (Cartagena) 968 122 600Aquagest (San Javier) 968 572 112LOCAL TRAFFIC OFFICE(Cartagena) 968 500 883PROVINCIAL TRAFFIC OFFICE(Murcia) 968 256 211ITV Cartagena 968 538 219CORREOS (POST OFFICE)www.correos.esGeneral Information 902 197 197La Manga 968 564 981BRITISH CONSULATE 965 216 022SUPPORT GROUPSMABS cancer support 968 432 525email: [email protected] MMM 968 570 059www.helpmarmenor.orgANIMAL RESCUENoah’s Arc 699 352 818www.noahsarcmurcia

APAH Rescue 630 422

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