Map Kibera at YETAM training

Digital Mapping in Kenya, a case study of Map Kibera YETAM workshop, July 21, 2010 GroundTruth Initiative OpenStreetMap photo:


Map Kibera and Voice of Kibera background presenting July 21, 2010 at YETAM training, Kwale

Transcript of Map Kibera at YETAM training

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Digital Mapping in Kenya, a case study of Map Kibera

YETAM workshop, July 21, 2010GroundTruth Initiative



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• Geography terminology

• History/background of Map


• Voice of Kibera platform

• Questions, comments and


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What is geography?

• The study of patterns and

process that take place on the

earth‟s surface

• Everybody experiences their own

geography each and every day!

…citizen geography!

(also known as neogeography)

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History of new geography tools

(new media) in 60 seconds…

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GIS, GPS, Mapping…

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (information management for geography)– ArcGIS $$$

• Global Positioning System (GPS)

• Digitize and Geo-reference

• The expansion of:

– The internet

– Cheap GPS devices

– Software that is less technically demanding (on the user and data processing)

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Internet mapping

• Google (or Yahoo! or Microsoft)

proprietary software

• Open Street Map (free software)

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Internet mapping cont.

• Open Street Map

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Free and Open Source

• Data and/or Software itself is free

• Anyone can use it and customize it

• What else do you need to think about?

– Human resources, skills, time, training, etc

– Technical customizations (vs out-


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Kibera 500,000 people(?), 2.5 km2

was a blank spot on the map

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Existing Datasatellite imagery

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Partners and Allies

NGOs/CBOs: Social Development Network (Infonet), Carolina for Kibera, KiberaCommunity Development Agenda (KCODA)

Broadcast and Community Media: Pamoja FM, Kibera Journal, KiberaWorldWide

Tech Community: Ushahidi, OpenStreetMap

Funding partner: Jumpstart, International – American NGO

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* Recruited MappersRecruited Mappers

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* The MappersThe Mappers

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Map Kibera

• Uses Open Street Map (free and

open source)

• GPS devices (more on this


• Phase I and Phase II

• Walking Paper

• Digitizing and georeferencing

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Mappers took to GPS Surveying naturally

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* open data ... all about potentialPotential of Open DataCan be a little abstract in Kibera

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How does Map Kibera benefit or

impact the people in Kibera?

• Develop Entities and Skills

• Kibera Mappers

• Kibera News Network

• Citizen journalism

• Voice of Kibera

• SMS Reporting

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Phase II

• Health

• Education (informal)

• Security (focus on girl‟s


• Water and Sanitation

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Voice of Kibera

• Uses the Ushahidiplatform to aggregate data and maps the info on the Map Kibera map

• Ushahidi does not run the website; VoKAdvisory/Editorial Board runs the site


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Customized - Voice of


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What is Voice of Kibera?

• Non-profit and independent community information

sharing platform by, for and about Kibera

• It uses a. articles, photos, videos and SMS b. a

unique information mapping tool and c. moderation

of content to ensure accurate reporting

• A unifying and catalytic agent to contribute to

positive change in Kibera and Kenya

• A citizen journalist website sharing the real

story of what Kibera is

• Aims to fill current information gaps in terms of

emergency and accurate information adding location

data when relevant

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One website, lots of

media!• Media on the site

• Video: creating videos and posting on the site

• Examples: Kibera News Network & Kibera TV

• Photos: featuring work by local photographers

• Reports: sending SMS to 3002 or submitting online

• Twitter: see „tweets‟ about Kibera

• Local Media

• Report may be featured in other media

• Creating awareness through radio and print

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Sending in Reports

There are two ways you can

submit reports:

1. Sending an SMS to 3002

• Make sure SMS includes the word

“Kibera” and as much detail as

possible, including location.


on the website.

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SMS Reporting• Send message to short code, 3002, including “Kibera” in the text [cost: 5 KSH]

• SMS Reporters

• Possibilities of things to submit:

• Things happening right now in the community whether good or bad (e.g. a fire, street festival)

• Info about local organisations (e.g. events)

• Opinions on local businesses or services (e.g. experience at a clinic)

• Other news and events

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SMS Demo

• Submitting a report

using SMS

• Include “Kibera” and as

much detail as possible,

including location in


• Send the message to 3002

• Check the site to see

your report!

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Kibera News Network (KNN) partnership with KCODA)

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Future plans…

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Expansion – to other locations in Kenya

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• Engaging with youth – resources

(paid vs volunteer)?

• The map is not enough

– The digital divide is both

infrastructral and social

– Otherwise, you're simply

contributing to status quo of


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• large agencies (UN, govt) are

very interested

• how to support them without

simply allowing them to co-opt

the work the citizens are doing

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• without extra effort, open

source and open data really

just means, open to the elites

which is not actually open at


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Regynnah’s story

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Other tools

• Budget tracking tool

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Constituency Development Funds (CDF)Budget Tracking Tool (SODNET) http://www.opengovernance.infoSMS 3002 with constiuency#issue (eg: matuga#education)

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Other tools cont.

• Huduma

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• Open Street Map (open source data)

• Ushahidi (open source software, but remember other inputs needed)

• FrontlineSMS

• Budget tracking tool (3002 plus constituency #issue 3002: kwale#water)

• Huduma

• Flip cameras (YouTube)