Map Final PDF - Purpose, Maps and Sources

Map Purpose Ben Levin Development within the Minneapolis Metro area is being spurred at high rates, especially along Portland Avenue coinciding with the new U.S. bank stadium development. The stadium as well as other multi story developments are slated to bring economic vitality into the city but pose a problem for bird populations, especially those that are non-native migratory species using the Mississippi as a free way for migration. In light of this issue which has found resistance with groups such as the local Audubon bird safe advocate group, I will analyze land development in the downtown Minneapolis Metro area suitable and intrusive to bird fly ways and local bird populations. To do this I will use data related to zoning, since some of the most intrusive land use practices for birds can be gleaned through the allotted planning area these zones will occupy. Looking at areas that are conducive to bird protection including the Eloise Butterfly and Bird Sanctuary, Thomas Sadler Bird Sanctuary as well as ecological corridors and regional park land. I will show the amount of bird refuge areas intersected by zoning and buffering other intrusive land development areas as a product of acres. This analysis can give a fuller picture of land that should be further protected aV ZHOO DV land that has become possibly jeopardized due to its proximity to human based activities. This Lnitial map displays the Minneapolis Metro area, and surrounding ecological features including ecological corridors. I chose this scale as a reference due to the ability to glance development zones downtown as well as ecological corridors and bird sanctuaries conducive to bird refuge areas. Key Dnalysis findings from performing operations within this maps features indicate that, 1,097 acres of regional park land in the metro area is not affected by intrusive zoning areas included in the map. A context map labeled map ‘B’ Shows the area extent from a smaller scale, revealing the urban core in context with ecological areas near the metro.

Transcript of Map Final PDF - Purpose, Maps and Sources

Map Purpose

Ben Levin

Development within the Minneapolis Metro area is being spurred at high rates, especially along Portland Avenue coinciding with the new U.S. bank stadium development. The stadium as well as other multi story developments are slated to bring economic vitality into the city but pose a problem for bird populations, especially those that are non-native migratory species using the Mississippi as a free way for migration. In light of this issue which has found resistance with groups such as the local Audubon bird safe advocate group, I will analyze land development in the downtown Minneapolis Metro area suitable and intrusive to bird fly ways and local bird populations. To do this I will use data related to zoning, since some of the most intrusive land use practices for birds can be gleaned through the allotted planning area these zones will occupy. Looking at areas that are conducive to bird protection including the Eloise Butterfly and Bird Sanctuary, Thomas Sadler Bird Sanctuary as well as ecological corridors and regional park land. I will show the amount of bird refuge areas intersected by zoning and buffering other intrusive land development areas as a product of acres. This analysis can give a fuller picture of land that should be further protected aV�ZHOO�DV land that has become possibly jeopardized due to its proximity to human based activities.

This Lnitial map displays the Minneapolis Metro area, and surrounding ecological features including ecological corridors. I chose this scale as a reference due to the ability to glance development zones downtown as well as ecological corridors and bird sanctuaries conducive to bird refuge areas.

Key Dnalysis findings from performing operations within this maps features indicate that, 1,097 acres of regional park land in the metro area is not affected by intrusive zoning areas included in the map.

A context map labeled map ‘B’ Shows the area extent from a smaller scale, revealing the urban core in context with ecological areas near the metro.

This secondary map shows the fly way areas including the Atlantic and Mississippi� that migrational birds use to traverse the state from a smaller scale perspective. Planned urban development boundaries indicate possible interaction between current and prospective urban development and fly way zones. Migrational water fowl species show correlative areas where bird wildlife traverses in relation to other layers.

Map Outputs/ Conclusion

Using a mix of buffering and intersects, most of the regional park land coinciding with the Mississippi river, is in tight proximity to the intrusive zoning types analyzed, including Industrial and Rail Ways. North and south of the Metro core is where this land use intrusion dissolves, with Columbia Heights to the north and the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife refuge to the south west. Overall, 1,097 acres of regional park land in the metro area is not affected by intrusive zoning areas. Looking at the downtown core there is a tight pattern of development near the river’s edge especially along the Portland avenue area that could serve to exacerbate further bird collision issues. There are currently no state wide standards for bird safe glass utilization. In conclusion, special attention to creating Rail and specified industrial zones along all Mississippi river developments should be a top priory for the city and state.)XUWKHU�IXWXUH�XUEDQ�GHYHORSPHQW�SODQV�DUH�LQD�GLUHFW�SDWK�ZLWK�D�SRUWLRQ�RI�WKH�0LVVLVVLSSL�IO\ZD\� Better connection from the existing corridor regions, sanctuaries and refuge areas should be utilized through careful implementation of urban parks and building features that deter bird deaths and foster movement through the corridor unimpeded.

Possible Improvements

To improve upon my maps there could be a few things done differently. Figuring out additional meaningful data layers including building areas that used non bird safe glass and the annual amounts or seasonal bird traffic in those areas could have been done. Also showing another context map of the Portland $venue areas could have been helpful since that is where most of the new concerned development is happening. Doing a few more operations including intersects with the fly ways areas and planned urban development might have been useful. Over all I thought the maps were a good initial look at the issue beyond what I have seen in this format so far.

All Maps Data Sources:

Name Source Extension Type 1) Metro Lakes and Rivers / MetroGISData finder/ Water Features / MetCouncil// Polygon Shape file.

2) Metro Regional Parks / MetroGISData finder /Recreation / Met Council/ Polygon Shape file.

3) Metro Building Footprints / ArcGIS Online / City of Minneapolis Public WorksDpt./ Polygon Shape file.

4) Planned Land Use Zones / MetroGIS Data finder / MetCouncil// Shape file.

5) Hennepin County Roads / MN Dot/ Lineshape file.

6) Trunk Highways / MN Dot/ Line shapefile.

7) Conservation Corridors / MN Geo Spatial Commons / Environment / DNR / Shape File.

8) Migratory Water Fowl, Feeding and Resting Areas / MN Geo Spatial Commons/ Biodata/DNR/ Polygon Shape file.

9) Land Use Planning Areas through 2030/ MN Geo Spatial Commons/ Planning/ MetCouncil/ Polygon Shape file.

10) State Boundary/ MN Dot/ Lineboundary Shape File