MAP-21 & Performance Measures · MAP-21 & Performance Measures ... Mara Campbell Customer Relations...

MAP-21 & Performance Measures: Why? What? How? Results? Mara Campbell Customer Relations Director May 2013 May 2013

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MAP-21 & Performance Measures: Why? What? How? Results?

Mara Campbell Customer Relations Director

May 2013

May 2013

Presentation Notes
My name is Mara Campbell, Customer Relations Director at the Missouri Department of Transportation – where we are celebrating our 100th year anniversary! Thank you for inviting me to come & talk to you about Performance Management at MoDOT and national performance measures, specifically MAP-21.
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• W&W of Performance Management • MoDOT’s PM Journey • Here we GO…National Performance


Presentation Notes
Today I am going to talk to you about performance management. Here is the agenda: First I am going to briefly talk about how we at the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) have conducted performance management over the years Then I will talk about what MAP-21 has in store for performance management
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The “WHAT “

Performance management is an ongoing, systematic approach to improving results through: • Evidence-based decision-making • Continuous organizational learning • A focus on accountability for


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• Tool used to focus on and increase performance

• Management tool to make the best decisions based on fact

• Planning tool to ensure the best use of resources and to meet objectives

• Accountability tool to drive performance throughout the organization

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MoDOT’s Performance Management Journey

• Developed Tracker in 2005 • Created Tangible Results and Values

collaboratively • Developed Performance Measures to show progress

Presentation Notes
We started Tracker in 2005 to measure performance and demonstrate results to Missourians. The Commission, Executive and Senior Management were committed to Performance Management from the beginning. They were involved in the development of MoDOT’s Tangible Results & Values. The Tangible results and values were closely aligned with customer expectations. Once the Tangible Results were created, staff statewide had input into the development of the Performance Measures, then were deeply involved in the collection and data analysis as well as the reporting of these measures.
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Focus on Customers’ Expectations

• Based upon our customers’

expectations • Show how well we are

achieving their expectations • Demonstrate transparency

and accountability

Presentation Notes
Tangible Results/ Values/ Measures are based on customer expectations. We then show how well we are achieving their expectations through our performance measures. Graphs easily demonstrate how well (and not so well) we are doing. This provides a transparent and accountable method to show the public how we are doing with the resources entrusted to us These need to be reviewed periodically as customer expectations and business needs change. We just revised our Tangible Results and Values to focus on our core deliverables – our customer’s expectations.
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• Quarterly review meetings

• Talk about strategies to improve performance

• Comparison to benchmarks

Presentation Notes
We have quarterly meetings to talk about what has been done to improve performance. Both senior management and statewide staff attend. This helps reinforce how each employee’s daily tasks affect results. We use benchmarks for comparison: We compare each other’s regions internally We compare ourselves to other DOTs We compare ourselves to best in industry Tracker has allowed MoDOT to be perceived as a transparent and accountable state agency in the eyes of our customers.
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Sustaining Performance Management

• Leadership commitment from start • Tied to customer expectations • Performance Measures driven

throughout MoDOT • Continuous change • Ready for national performance


Presentation Notes
How has MoDOT sustained Performance Management over the past 8 years with 3 different directors? Once leadership committed to it, it was driven down to each employee level so it is now ingrained in MoDOT culture. We conduct various customer satisfaction surveys each year so we are clued in to our customer expectations. We periodically look at the measures, the Tangible Results, the Values and ensure they are revised or replaced. With the recent passage of MAP-21, national performance measures are on the horizon and MoDOT is positioned to help shape these new measures as well as implement them in Missouri.
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HERE WE GO…. MAP-21 Performance Management

• 7 National Goals • 12 Performance Measures • Performance Targets • 3 Performance Plans • Performance Reporting

Presentation Notes
MAP-21 includes these 7 National Goal Areas with no performance measures for Reduced Project Delivery Delays. Safety Infrastructure Condition System Reliability Congestion Reduction Environmental Sustainability Freight Movement & Economic Vitality Reduced Project Delivery Delays We will talk about the 12 performance measures along with the Performance plans, Performance targets and Performance reporting.
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HSIP – Safety Performance Measures • Required Measures – all mandated by law

– Number of Fatalities – Fatality Rate (Fatalities/VMT) – Number of Serious Injuries – Serious Injury Rate (Serious Injuries/VMT)

• Recommended: – 5 year moving average – All Public Roads – Calendar Year

Presentation Notes
Let’s talk about the Performance measures with the first one being Safety - these are all required by law now so these are already being tracked. Serious Injury has no definition RECOMMENDED: Number of Fatalities – Five-year moving average of the number of fatalities on all public roads for a calendar year Fatality Rate (Fatalities/VMT) - Five-year moving average of the number of fatalities divided by VMT for a calendar year Number of Serious Injuries - Five-year moving average of the number of serious injuries on all public roads for a calendar year Serious Injury Rate (Serious Injuries/VMT) - Five-year moving average of the number of serious injuries divided by VMT for a calendar year
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NHPP – Pavement Infrastructure Condition Performance Measures • Required Measures:

– Pavement Condition of the Interstate System – Pavement Condition of the NHS

• Recommended: – Good, Fair and Poor Condition based on IRI – Pavement Structural Health Index

Presentation Notes
Pavement Infrastructure Condition Measures are not new for State DOTs to measure. Clearly defining good, fair & poor condition is important to ensure consistency. MAP-21 requires measurement of both the Interstate system as well as the NHS RECOMMENDED: Interstate Pavement & Non-Interstate NHS Pavement Condition: IRI to be collected for uniform 0.1 mile sections Rate each 0.1 mile as Good, Fair, Poor IRI: good if <95, Fair if between 95 & 170 & Poor if >170 Exclude sections where travel speeds preclude valid IRI measurement (less than 40 MPH) Pavement Structural Health Index Percentage of pavement which meets minimum criteria for pavement faulting, rutting & cracking
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NHPP – Bridge Infrastructure Condition Performance Measure

• Required Measure:

– Bridge Condition on the NHS

• Recommended: – Percentage of NHS Bridges in good, fair and

poor condition, weighted by deck area

Presentation Notes
Bridge Condition on the NHS is part of the requirement in MAP-21 RECOMMENDED: Percentage of NHS bridges in Good, Fair & Poor condition, weighted by deck area
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NHPP – System Reliability Performance Measures • Required Measures:

– Performance of the Interstate System – Performance of the NHS excluding the

Interstate System

• Recommended: – Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) – Reliability Index (RI80)

Presentation Notes
Performance of the Interstate as well as the NHS are both required under MAP-21. RECOMMENDED: Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) – Travel time above a congestion threshold (defined by State DOTs & MPOs) in units of vehicle-hours of delay on Interstate & NHS corridors Reliability Index (RI80) – Defined as the ratio of the 80th percentile travel time to the agency-determined threshold travel time
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CMAQ – Congestion Reduction Performance

• Required Measure: – Traffic Congestion

• Recommended: – Annual Hours of Delay (AHD)

Presentation Notes
Traffic congestion must be measured under MAP-21 under the CMAQ program. RECOMMENDED: Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) – Travel time above a congestion threshold (defined by State DOTs & MPOs) in units of vehicle hours of delay on Interstate & NHS corridors * These only apply to MPOs that serve Transportation Management Areas (TMA) with populations over 1,000,00 & that are nonattainment or maintenance areas
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CMAQ – Environmental Sustainability Performance Measure • Required Measure:

– On-Road Mobile Source Emissions

• Recommended: – Criteria Pollutant Emissions

Presentation Notes
On-road mobile source emissions must be measured under MAP-21 under the CMAQ program. RECOMMENDED: Criteria Pollutant Emissions – Daily kilograms of on-road, mobile source criteria air pollutants (VOC, NOx, PM, CO) reduced by the latest annual program of CMAQ projects * These only apply to MPOs that serve Transportation Management Areas (TMA) with populations over 1,000,00 & that are nonattainment or maintenance areas
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FREIGHT – Performance Measure • Required Measure:

– Freight Movement on the Interstate System

• Recommended: – Annual Hours of Truck Delay (AHTD) – Truck Reliability Index (RI80)

Presentation Notes
Freight is a new area to performance management, not consistently measured by the states, so a requirement to measure freight movement on the Interstate is part of MAP-21 RECOMMENDED: Annual Hours of Truck Delay (AHTD) - Travel time above the congestion threshold in units of vehicle-hours for trucks on the Interstate Highway System Truck Reliability Index (RI80) – Defined as the ratio of the 80th percentile total truck travel time needed to ensure on-time arrival to the agency-determined threshold travel time (e.g. observed travel time or preferred travel time)
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Performance Targets • National Minimum levels will be set for:

– Interstate Pavement Conditions – Bridge Conditions – Consequences if not met

• States and MPOs set targets to ensure consistency

• Need to define “Significant Progress”

Presentation Notes
Performance Targets are part of MAP-21 and are needed for each performance measure. National minimum levels will be required for both pavement conditions and bridge conditions. National Minimum levels for Interstate Pavement Conditions – BEING CONSIDERED: 20% Poor, to be validated based on further analysis National Minimum levels for Bridges: Less than or equal to 10% Deck area on Structurally Deficient NHS Bridges as a Percentage of Total NHS Deck area Coordination & collaboration is needed between MoDOT & MPOs to determine what the targets should be & to ensure consistency Targets may be different for rural & urban locations
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Performance Plans

• Highway Safety Plan – Required by NHTSA – Submitted yearly starting in 2014

• Risk-Based Asset Management Plan – Established by January 2014 – Planning process reviewed and certified by

USDOT every 4 years

Presentation Notes
Performance Plans are required for each program. Highway Safety Plan Required by NHTSA Submitted yearly starting in 2014 Risk-Based Asset Management Plan Established by January 2014 (18 months after enactment) Planning process reviewed and certified by USDOT every 4 years
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Performance Plans

• MPO/Congestion & Air Quality Program Performance Plan – Includes area baseline level for traffic

congestion and on-road mobile source emissions

– Describes progress made in achieving targets – Includes description of projects identified for

funding and how projects will contribute to achieving those targets

Presentation Notes
Each MPO serving a TMA (transportation management area) with a population over 1 million people representing a nonattainment or maintenance area must develop a performance plan: Includes area baseline level for traffic congestion and on-road mobile source emissions Describes progress made in achieving performance targets Includes description of projects identified for funding and how projects will contribute to achieving traffic congestion and emission reduction targets
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Performance Reports

• States report on progress toward targets – Within 4 years of enactment – Biennially thereafter – Insufficient progress toward NHPP/ HSIP

targets triggers corrective actions (not sanctions)

Presentation Notes
Performance Report are required by each state on their progress toward targets. First report is due 4 years from enactment – Oct 2016 Then every 2 years If there is insufficient progress toward these targets, there will be corrective action taken
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Timeline • Rulemaking currently underway • 90 day comment period after publication

Presentation Notes
The proposed rulemaking is currently underway, with a 90 day comment period after the NPRM is published. This table shows when the NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule) will be published along with when the final rule will be published. The plan is to have the same effective date for all of the final rules – targeted to be Spring 2015.
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What’s Next?

For more information, contact: Mara Campbell

Missouri Department of Transportation (573) 526-6687

[email protected]