Manual de programación 4 eje yuasa

SUFER PRODEX SERVO DR I VE PRECIS IO)i ROTARY TABLE o yuasa OPERA:IION & SERVICE MANUAL SPDX-5,6,8,1O,]_2,f 5 N \^/ DrvrsroN oF YUASA BATTERY (AMERICA), lNC. ' I"-O;;; Yuasalntcrnationat Yuasetnternshonat 10715Sp.nrgd8l. 4v... Unlt ,3 825 ftdth C€ss Ave., c/O RE.O. ll{TL ll.Jc. Santa F. Sg(tngc O\ 90670 2OO 8l Oarnorxl Slro€t T.t a3-C.r-8t!22 Westmont lL 60559 lvalpol. t'l^ 02O8r FAX: a3-0{4-8447 lel:70&98&€Ol Tel : 508€6&3€0 Tetor 89€-.1t3 FAX: 70&3&rO9l FAX : 5O8-6€O1513 020820



Transcript of Manual de programación 4 eje yuasa


    o yuasa

    O P E R A : I I O N & S E R V I C E M A N U A L

    S P D X - 5 , 6 , 8 , 1 O , ] _ 2 , f 5 N

    \^/ DrvrsroN oF YUASA BATTERY (AMERICA), lNC. '"-O;;; Yuasalntcrnationat Yuasetnternshonat10715 Sp.nrgd8l. 4v... Unlt ,3 825 ftdth Css Ave., c/O RE.O. ll{TL ll.Jc.

    Santa F. Sg(tngc O\ 90670 2OO 8l Oarnorxl Slrot

    T.t a3-C.r-8t!22 Westmont lL 60559 lvalpol. t'l^ 02O8rFAX: a3-0{4-8447 lel:70&98&Ol Tel : 5086&30

    Tetor 89-.1t3 FAX: 70&3&rO9l FAX : 5O8-6O1513

    0 2 0 8 2 0





    PARTS LIST( 2 )

    (3 )

    (4 )

    (5 )

    (6 )

    (7 )

    (8 )








    1 1



















    H0ll T0 SET I*IORK-ZER0





    2. FEED RATE










  • ROTARY TABLES SPDX-5 S P D X - 6 S P D X - 8 SPDX- 1 O SPDX- 1 2 SPDX- 1 5

    SI.JB TABLE O.D. 5.59" 6.97' 8.66" 11. 10" 12.72" 15.75',



    HORIZONTAL 110 176 2M 396 550 660

    VERTICAL 55 88 t32 198 275 330

    CEI{TER HEIftIT inch

    ( r m )



    5.LT' ,










    CLAIIPING FORCE( at 85 PSI) 44 lbs'ft 116 lbs'ft 159 lbs'ft 217 lbs'ft 289 lbs'ft 198 lbs'ft

    NET {iEItrIT


    II/SUB TABLE 70.4 101. 2 156.2 272.8 418 .0 692.0: : : : . : : . : : : . : : j : : : : : : : : : : : : : j : : : : : : : : . : : : , : . : . : : : : : : : : : : : : i : i

    i:i:ii:.l$-?.r,S:i::ilii::i.i:;i. l i t i : i : i . i i i i l i : : l l . . i i i i i l i i l : :

    :' :: : :: : : :: :: : ::': :::: :::; : : :: :::: :: :: i : : : : :: :: :: :::'


    ,i,i1,'t,. $4.1,$,ti:i ;,,,,',:,,i:.: : : : : r i t : u : i t : : : i1 : :1 : : : :1 : : l :' 11 : i : r : , : : : : : : .1 : : - l : i : : i . : l l 1 : : : : ' : : : :

    INDEXING ACCURACY (CUI,{ULATIVE ) 45', 45', 45', 45', 450 45',

    REPEATABILITY 60 60 60 6', 60 6',

    TOTAL SPEED REDUCTION r/90 1/180 /180 1/180 1/180 1/180

    llAx. sPm 2Orpm 16rpm l0rpm l0rpm


    NOTE 3 Sub tables are standard accessories , hovever , chucks are optj-onal accessories.


    l,l0DEL No. 585-005 585-106 585-108 585-110 585-112 58tr115


    0.D. 5.20' 6.570 8.27' 10.79" 12.20', 15.16"

    r.D. L.26' r.73" 2.49" 3.ilo 4.33" 5 . L 2 0

    INNER JA[|I J.12-1.18'J. 16-1.65").L&'z.Mo .16-3.46"J.2c-'4.25',1.5?-5.M'

    OUTER JAIII ).L2'4.L3o J.39-6.14").39-7.09").47-9.06").59-10.43',z. 13-13.31',

  • C O N T R O L L E R

    SPNC-300 , SPNC-500 , SPNC-700

    POlrrER S0URCE AC 220U 60H2, SineleSPNC-3OO 1 KVA

    phaseSPNC-500 ,700 3 .4 KVA

    TEI'{PERATURE0perat ing


    32" F--4" F-

    1 04'




    HUI,lIDITY 7ssVIBRATION I t lax. 2G (dur ins t ranspor tat ion)


    CONTROL SYSTE}I Semi closed loop system (Uv AC servo motor t l / feed back)

    DISPLAY Universal in segments

    RESOLUTOIN 0 .001 ' o r 10 " *se lec tab le by paramete r . (P09)


    I {AX. D IV IS ION (EQUAL) 999

    PROGRAI'I STORAGE gg steps X 7 memor ies.

    BATTERY BACKUP HoId l {enory for 10 years.

    PROGRA}I ENTRY SYSTEM By II{DI Keyboard system.


    SPNC-300( 20 rpm ) 0 .01 - 10 .00 , 20 rpm

    S P N C - 3 0 0 ( 1 6 r p m ) 0 .01 -10 .00 , 16 rpm

    SPNC-500 ,700 0 .01 -10 .00 rpmCOI'II,IAND SYSTEI'{ fnc renenta l

    ORIGIN RETURNHach ine o r ig in (ZERO) ,uork o r ig in (ZER0)

    *Can be comnanded from outside.

    EI'IERGENCY STOP Stops the whole system *Can be commanded frorn outsidePROGRAI{ JUI'IP Gan jump to a sub-program.

    LOOP COUNT 2-g9g

    KEY LOCK FUNCTION Disables f ront panel key operat ion. *By Parameter .



    execute al l progranmed steps autonatical ly.


    }{EI'IORY PROTECTION Disables progran change. *By Paraneter .SELF DIAGNOSIS By error codes.

    BACKLASH COI{PENSATION Can be compensa ted v i th in 0 .001" - 0 .999" *By Paramete r

    External S isnal input Outs ide star t , Emergency stop.

    External 0utput S tep F in ish S iena l (1 ,1A) , (2 ,2A)


    SPNC- 3OO SPNC-500,700

    DII'IENSIONS 16.53xL2 .01x10 .63 16 .53 xL2 .01 x 10 .63IIEIGHT (NET) 41 .8 l bs 50 .6 l bs

  • LO sa

    (oa a







  • l ^ l

    % n r fp y\&\n / E /

    d/8-,/ \i. \/A\ /?r - t lA I

    .a-\o o


    J .t7*@4,R\ B&

    )- * -o -0-1 (4i//U)' )) ril e, \ \R -@

    ddr)@-- \RE--a \ \!J-lg v -@6\ -a"-@


    l nU J

    IXnn ,I Av /

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    .@E-{E d"'@

    ,, &F ee,Q, etr / ) @- 1: .^ -\]'-b-. ."@- nl__-L.@-it{p^ 'E #-o }

    ' r ,-Ee



    Siz\ \ t\-=-,sJ;" \.)) n-//a \,: )@,U/L$\\\N" // \a V- -za

    ' U/ //- O, -otv //

    -\^\ / / @


    e-rS ;%5Rs


    { } 5 l\-/


    qn'G* 6


  • PartN o .

    PART NAI'{E Q ' t vS I Z E

    SPDX-5 SPDX-6 SPDX-8 SPDX- 1 O SPDX- 1 2 SPDX- 151 TURRET 12 V -RING 13 V -RING 1 t/- 1 70A v- 1904 v - 220L4 t|lORII IdHEEL 15 HEX. BOLT 8 I'16 x 18 l,16 x 15 H6X18 I'18 x 22 l'{8 x 30 l'18X 356 DOG 17 HEX. BOLT 1 l , {3X8 H4X8 --t l't4 x 10 -+ -,


    BEARING2 32910 32913 32917 32924 32928 32932

    I }IAIN BODY 110 LOCK K'ASHER I AIrrl0X Ari 13X AU17X Alri24X Akr 28X Ar{3 2X1 1 LOCK NUT 1 AN 1O AN 13 AN 17 AN 24 AN 28 AN32 (S )L2 PISTON 113 O -RING I G80 G 105 G 135 c 185 G 210 P280t4 O . R I N G I P 110 G 145 G175 c230 P 260 P31515 O -RING 1 s46 {s568-03ts80 s112 s132 1s568- 16316 BRAKE PLATE 1T7 HEX. BOLT I I'14 x 15 l'{5 x 15 + l,l6X 18 -) +18 OIL SEAL 1 Gl't608 27 KD75906)s951 106 KD13515013S160180 (1S1702001(19 O -RING 1 s125 {s568- 1 64[s568- 16r4s568- 17145568- 27f 45568- 27t



    2T THRUST PLATE 122 HEX. BOLT I l t4x 12 t'{5 x 15 -) l'{6X 18 -) J23 OIL GAGE 1 VA-01 + -+ -) -+ -)24 HEX. BOLT 1 * 1 . l t 6x8 l , l 8X1O -+ -) -)25 SEAL IdASHER 1 *2 . IJ65I {|ISSI --) --) --)26 HEX. BOLT 3 I'15 x 15 I{5 x 12 --+ i l sx18 I'15 x 2027 HETAL COVER 128 O -RING 2 s53 s50 s56 s65 s75 s8029 HEX. BOLT 2 H6X20 I'15 x 25 Ft5 x 32 H6X35 l,l8X 35 l ' l 8X40



    32 HEX. BOLT 2 l'{4 x 8 -+ -) -t + -)33 COVER I34 PACKING 135 EYE BOLT 1 l'{ 10 -t + tll2 + -)36 SI'{ALL SCREU 2 I'14 x 4 Irl4 x 8 -) -+ -+ I'14 x 637 INDICATOR 138 GUIDE BLOCK 2

    * 1. Taper p lug. (SPDX-5)* 2 . O R ine . (SPDX-5)

  • PartN o .

    PART NAHE Q ' t yS I Z E

    SPDX-5 SPDX.6 SPDX.8 SPDX- 1O SPDX- 1 2 SPDX.153g HEX. BOLT 2 H 6 X 1 O -+ -) -) -+ J40 HEX. BOLT 2 I't6 x 18 I'16 x 20 H6X 25 lr8 x 25 -) l,{8 x 304L SEAL IdASHER 2 I*r6S 1 -t -) u8s1 + +42 HEX. BOLT 2 l t 6 x8 + -) H8X1O -+ +43 HEX. BOLT 3 (H4x12 )t'15 x 15 l'{5 x 20 H5X 18 + l t5 x 2044 HEX. SET SCRETI 3 I'14 x 8 I't4 x 10 I'14 x 8 --t t't5 x 1045 ADJ.I ' {ETAL 1 * J .46 BEARING 3 6001 600 1 6002 6904 6004 600447 OUTER RING 2 FTRB 1 52[ GS 15 28 GS1730 GS2035 GS 254 2 GS254248 NEEDLE BEARING 2 FNTA 152I NTB1528NTB173ONTB2O35NTB 254 2 NTB254249 INNER RING 2 FTRBl52 Ir{s 15 28 lrrs 1730 ttls2035 IrrS 254 2 lt]s 254 250 I 'JORH SHAFT 151 PARALLEL KEY I 4X4X1 4x4x l t + 5X4X1 I -+ +52 hIOR}I I{ETAL 153 SPACER 154 SPUR GEAR (h') 155 I'IASHER 256 HEX. BOLT 2 l'{5X 15 + -t + + +



    58 I'IOTOR FLANGE 159 HEX. BOLT 4 Ft6 x Z0 I'ts x 18 I't5X 20 i l6x 22 + --t

    60 PARALLEL KEY 1 5x5x 1 5 -t -+ 5 X 4 X 1: --t -+

    61 SPUR GEAR (}I) 162 I ' IOTOR PACKING 163 SPRING IdASHER 4 r{5 -+ r{6 + -)64 HEX. BOLT 4 H5X 18 -+ -+ t'{6 x 18 -+ +65 SERVO HOTOR 1 Bl'1010 -t I BHO2O -+ Blr03066 QUICK COUPLING 1 TS4-01 + + -+ + +67 I{ INI PILOT LA}IP 1 vR3110-01R69 ROLLER 170 PLUNGER 1



    72 SI{ITCH BASE (A) 173 SIIITCH PLATE 174 FLAT TIASHER I l,l3 + + -t -) +75 S}IALL SCREI'' 4 lt3 x 18 --t + -+ +76 HEX. NUT 4 lt3 -+ + + + +

    * 3. Thrust screp. (SpnX-5)

  • PartN o .

    PART NAI'IE Q ' t yS I Z E

    SPDX-5 SPDX-6 SPDX-8 SPDX. 1 O SPDX- 1 2 SPDX- 1577 SPRING TIASHER 4 l'13 + -) + --)

    79 I I ICRO SIIITCH 1 v3-5100 + -) + -) -+80 SOLENOID VALVE 1 05081- 1 1-21-DC24U

    81 HOSE ELBOUI 3 H-5HLU-1 + -) + --t J82 SPRING PIN 1 c 2 x 10 -+ -t + + -+83 SPRING PIN 1 d2.5x1 -9 -) -+ + -)

    84 HEX. BOLT 2 l '{3 x 10 --) -) -+ + +85 I ' { ICRO SI$ITCH 1 v3L-510 i + J --t --) -t

    86 SI{ITCH BASE 187 HEX. BOLT 2 l'{4 x 8 --) + + + +91 I'{OTOR COVER 1g2 HEX. BOLT 6 (4) H6X 18 (M6 x 20) l'{5 x 18 l t6 x 18 -+ -)g3 HEX. NUT 8 l'{3 + + + + -)94 SPRING IiASHER 8 I'13 -+ J -+ -+ --t

    95 FLAT tTTASHER 8 lt3 -+ + + +96 RECEPTACLE I }{S31 02428- 21P97 RECEPTACLE 1 t'{s31 02422- 22P9 9 HEX. BOLT B l't3 x 10 --+ + + + -+



    101 I'IOTOR COVER CAP 1103 F UNION 2 KQE04-O' -) + + + +104 I,IUFFLER I KH.22 + + +105 NIPPLE 1 #03- L /4 + --) + -)

    106 SMALL SCREU, l , {4 X f ( ) (12 ) ( 10) (12) (r2) ( 14 ) ( 16 )

  • .i(;.S.'}....'..'',;.'u,.U.u.'n..r.e,..*.r'r.o..nt..i,.t.l.'&:'.'.,.i:.:.EH.,U.G.K'::.,,:.,irG.g,'N.t,E1lt.'tr",N.Gi

    l . L u b r i c a t i o n :

    To get the maximum funct ion and accuracy for long t ime, adequate lubr icat ion is

    ind ispensable.

    Fol lov ings are the specia l notes on lubr icat ion.

    a) Use lubr icat ins o i l featur ing excel lent f i lm st rength, h ieh grade rust -proof

    character is t ics and h igh ox idat ion stabi l i ty .

    b) l {hen supply ing o i l , remove the meta l cover @ and the Hex.BoI t @ to dra in the

    o i I . (As to SPDX-S, remove the meta l th rus t p la te @ and taper p lug @. )

    h lhen dra in i -ng, c lean up the cover @ to do dra in ing faster .

    Supply f resh o i l a f ter fastening the hex bol t o f the meta l cover and removing the

    o i l po r t cover .

    c ) Supp ly o i l up to the cen te r o f the o i l gage .

    Never forget to put back the o i l por t cover ,

    d) l r le recommend you to ref i l l every 3 months.

    * Recommended lubr ica t ing o i1

    V iscos i ty Grade : IS0 VG 68

    HAKER N A t{ E

    MOBIL I,IOBIL DTE OiI Heavy l lediun


    Hou to do chuck centerins : (OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES)

    hlhen us ing a chuck rnake sure to do chuck center ing before operat ing the uni t ,

    othervise the indexing aceuracy vi11 be affected.

    Never forget to do center ing especia l ly chen remount ing a chuck on the uni t .

    To do chuck center ingrchuck a test -bar or a vorkpiecerset a d ia l ind icator on the

    0 .0 . o f i t r l oosen the chuck mount ing bo l t s rand t i eh ten o r l oosen the ad jus t ing bo l t

    ( Iocated on the side of a chuck ) unti l the runout becones '(0" .

    l {hen the runout becomes "0" , t ishten the chuck mount ing bol ts to f ix the chuck.

    * SPDX- l5 has 6 pcs of chuck nount ing bol ts and no adjust ing bol t .

  • 1 )

    a )



    d )

    e )

    f )

    s)h )

    2 )


    Please conf i rm you have received fo l lov ing i tems.

    Contro l Box

    Rotary tab le

    I {o to r Pouer Cab le ( 16 .40 f t )

    Moto r Con t ro l Cab le ( 16 .40 f t )

    P o w e r C a b l e ( 1 6 . 4 0 f t )

    Remote in te r face Cab le ( 16 .40 f t )

    Operat ion manual-

    Inspect ion Sheet

    I J ipe o f f rus t p roo f o i l

    Never use th inner . t lhen

    wi th l i eh t o i l .

    nov ing the ro ta ry tab le ,use the eye bo l t .

    3 ) I ' lake sure the machine t ab le top i s f ree f ron bur rs o r f l ocs .

    4 ) I {hen us ing the ro ta ry tab le in ve r t i ca l pos i t i on , use the gu ide b lock .

    5 ) F ix the un i t on the mach ine tab le r r i t h C lamp bo l t s , e tc .

    6 ) Supply of a i r pressure for c lanping :

    The uni t is designed to c lanp a vork by the a i r cy l inder uni t .

    a) Set the a i r pressure for c lamping v i th in the range of ?0-100 PSI .

    b) lChen air is supplied to the unit ci th the solenoid valve powered off, unit clanps

    the spindle, and when the solenoid va lve is oor the uni t unc lamps the spindle.

    c) A1ways use a F .R .L . (a i r f i l t e r , regu la to r , and lnb r i ca to r ) to ge t c lean a i r .

    *Uhen clanping is not needed, air supply is not needed. l t lhen clamping function is not

    necessary , se t the P14(Parane te r ) on (1 ) .

    7 ) ldire Connections :

    Connect the uni t and SPNC-300 (or 500,700) v i th the motor pover cable and notor

    con t ro l cab le .

    Also connect the power cable to the SPNC-300 (or 500,?00) to supply AC-220U (60H2)

    s ingle phase.

    I ) fnterface vith an external nachine :

    t lhen in ter fac ing th is uni t c i th other machine, use the renote cable.


    S P N C - 3 0 0 ( S O 0 ' 7 0 0 ) S i d e Externa l Hach ine S ide




    O-rrn\ i srne FrNrsH STGNAL5t iC240V or less, lA or lsss)( ? ) - r





    .^. /-.L lhen l ine (3J and l ine ( t are oor the uni t makes indexing by one step, the

    re lay (RY-1 , RY-Z loca ted in the SPNC con t ro l l e r ) w i l l be on uhen index ing i s

    f in ished.

    The re lay which you vant to have turned on can be selected by set t ing the rc

    func t ion . (S re rc Func t ion P .20)

    I t is necessary to set the parameter P01 and P02 accord ing to the external machine

    t o b e i n t e r f a c e d w i t h . ( S e e P 0 1 , P 0 2 o n P . Z 7 )

    Use an external FIN mode as an output mode of l ' { signal of NC machine.

    In th i s case , se t pa ramete r P01 to 0N, P02 to 0FF,P12 to OFF and rc to 01 .

    Connect s tep star t s ignal l ines@"na@to the nornal open tern inal o f the re lay for

    l ' { function.

    { l lhen the step f in ish s ignal l ine@and @ """ connected to the U funct ion f in ished

    I ine ( ! t FIN) , i t w i l l command the CNC contro l to canceL l l funct ion and go onto the

    next b lock.

    . : : : : : : : : : : i : i : : r : . : : : i : : : t : : :

    ,,;{;,.S:,},:: :':':,:,:,:,l'i

  • f n th i s case , se t pa ramete r P01 to 0FF, P02 to 0FF, P lz to OFF and rc to 01 .

    Se t r c o f the f i na l p rocess to 00 o r 02 .

    ( t r lhen parameter P13 is 0N and rc at the f ina l process is set to 02, the buzzer

    sounds fo r one second a f te r comp le t ion o f the f i na l p rocess . )

    a) Step ( index) s tar t

    l lhen using a relay

    an external machine

    turned on af ter complet ion of

    turned of f whi le the external

    automat ic cyc le o f

    mach ine is opera t ing i

    s igna l (Never apply Vol tage to l ine @and l ine @ . )

    tha t i s

    and is


    S P N C - 3 0 0 ( S 0 0 , 7 0 0 ) S i d e

    L lhen ge t t ing the pos i t ion where the tab le

    automat ic cyc le o f an ex terna l nach ine by

    swi tch by s ta r t ing the mach ine tab le ) ;

    External l ' {achine Side

    is returned af ter conplet ion of

    a l imi t sv i tch. (Turn of f the l in i t

    SPNC-300 (500 ,700) S ide External l t lachine Side

  • b ) Step ( index) conp le te s igna l (ex te rna l

    The au tomat ic input sv i tch shou ld have

    nachine star t s ignal )

    a nenory funct ion by neans of a re l -ay.


    c) Emergency Stop

    Use the re la ly

    i s p ressed .

    AC or



    External | {achine

    Iess, 1AAuto

    or less)0ff

    SPNC-300 (500 ,700 ) S ide Side

    S igna I (Never apply vo l tase on l ines of @ and . )

    tha t uorks yhen the emergency s top sv i tch o f the ex ternaL nach ine

    IJhen you use the emergency s top sv i tch , c lear by the CE key o f

    0 0 ) c o n t r o l l e r , a n d t h e n r e t u r n t h e i n d e x e r h e a d s p i n d l e t o t h e

    (zgno) .(Note) I Ihen you us ing the energency s top f ron an ex terna l mach ine , the

    s u i t c h o f S P N C - 3 0 0 ( 5 0 0 , 7 0 0 ) v i l l n o t s t o p t h e e x t e r n a L n a c h i n e .

    2 4V

    SPNC-300 (500,700) S ide External i lachine Side

    1 ) Step Nunber

    N0.0L - 99 ( Tmemory Sys tem )

    Henory Capacity 99 S teps X 7 Programs

    t h e S P N C - 3 0 0 ( 5 0 0 , 7

    mach ine or ig in

    energency s top

    2) SPECIAL

    Hr 00


    End 99

    Arc 98

    nop 97

    JP 96

    rJP 95

    Con 94


    l'lachine Zero Return

    I/ork Zero Return

    Program End

    Arc Division

    Dvel I

    Progran Junp

    Return Junp

    Cont inuous Rotat ion


  • 3 ) Hernory Back-uP

    Li fe of Bat tery :

    The bat terY rnust

    l O y e a r s f r o m p r o d u c t i o n d a t e

    b e r e p l a c e d v h e n " b A L O " i s d i s p l a y d .

    @ :sPNc-3oo

    r i r\,

    Q)C I C L I

    tnJSTA RT


    l l T u F r l


    O Poeer Sc i t ch

    @ Star t key

    @ Disp ray @-@ Hemory No .

    @-@ S tep No .

    @ - @ F u n c t i o n D i s p l a y

    C-@ Ane le D isp lay


    ZER0 Return

    Henory Select Key

    Inser t Key

    Delete Key

    Clear Kev / IJork Zero Set KeY

    Data Entry Key

    Special Code Key

    Display Scan Key

    S t e p ( + ) K e v , ( - ) K e y

    sl i t for I .c . card (0PTI0N)

    @ Hode Select Scitch

    @ Energency Stop But ton

    @ i lanual Jog But ton

    K e : r & S w i i c t r e s :

    1 ) Pocer Sci tch 0N/0FF

    2) Star t But ton One Push causes

    3 ) Disp lay

    @ - A l lenory No. ( L-7 )

    C - B S t e p N o . ( 0 1 - 9 9 )

    1 s tep not ion.

  • C - @ F u n c t i o n D i s p l a y

    @-@ Ans le D i sp lav

    I n Dec ima l Sys ten : 35g .9gg ( gSg .9gg" ) M in imun

    Degree Minute Sec. : 359. 59. 5 ( f Sg ' 59 ' 50" ) l ' t in imum

    4) l lode Select sv i tch 3

    7 Flodes are avai lab le. Select r isht node.

    a) t l -Z 3 Machine Zero Return l tode

    R e s o l u t i o n 0 . 0 0 1 "

    Reso lu t ion 10"

    b) v-z :



    RUN :


    d )


    Th is rnode is used vhen mach ine Zero Return (Manua l ly ) i s needed.

    Push Zero re tu rn ss i tch in th is node to re tu rn the sp ind le to Hach ine Zero .

    t t rork Zero Return Mode

    Th is mode is used fo r re tu rn ing the sp ind le to the work Zero . In th is mode,

    press the Zero re tu rn swi tch to re tu rn the sp ind le back to the work Zero .

    ! Jog (H i Speed) l , {ode Th is mode is used vhen ioe feed is needed, and

    ! Jog (Lo , r Speed) Hode push the Jog But ton to jog the sp ind le head.

    Run Mode

    Th is mode is used vhen runn ing the en tered Program.

    Program Flodef ) PRG :

    This mode is used for enter ing program. ( i {hen the contro l ler is in th is

    node , the d isp lay v i I I be b l i nk ins . )

    g) PAR I Parameter l , lode

    This mode is used for set t ing the Parameter . ( tJhen the contro l ler is in th is

    mode, the d isp lay v i l l be b l i nk ing . )

    5 ) Energency Stop But ton :

    Press th is sv i tch in emergency to s top the uni t , and the uni t wi l l s toP

    immediate l ly ,

    l lh i te s topping, even i f th is sc i tch is pressed, the d isp lay s t i l l sholds the error

    code and does not respond to any fo l lov ing index star t s ignal .

    A f te r the un i t s tops , c lea r by the CE key o f the SPNC-300 (500 ,700) con t ro l l e r , and

    then return the spindle back to the machine Zero.

    Please note that an external machine cannot be stopped by the Emergency Stop But ton

    of the SPNC contro l ler .

    6 ) I {anual Jog But ton :

    The Jog But ton vorks only \ rhen the l t lode Select Sci tch is at JOG -H or JOG -L

    pos i t i on .

    Jog sv i tch is main ly used for set t ing a work ZERO .

    Push and Ho ld

    One Push

  • 7 ) ZER0 Return Swi tch: RETURNThis sv i tch vorks only vhen the node select sv i tch is in t [ -Z or W-Z posi t i -on.

    In i l -Z node , when th i s sv i t ch i s pushed , the sp ind le u i l l re tu rn to Mach ine ZER0.

    In l t l -Z mode , when th is swi tch is pushed , the spindle wi l l re turn to lJork ZERO.

    t r lhen th is swi tch is pressed , the spindle v i l l take the d i rect ion nearer to the

    des i red ZERO.

    B ) M e m o r y s e l e c t S r i i t c h :

    Th is sw i t ch vo rks on ly

    In pros lan mode (PRG)

    Up to 9g s teps can be

    The d isp lay shows the

    i n P r o g r a m l { o d e .

    , push the Memory Se lec t Key to ge t des i red Menory No.

    en tered in to one Memory .

    Hemory No. o f the Program vh i le i t i s be ing executed .

    t tI ) Inser t Key: I INS I

    This Key vorFT-nly in PRG node.

    This Key is used to insert a progran in a present progran. To insert a Program '

    ca l l the Step No. next to the Step No, uhere you Dant to inser t and press the Inser t

    Key. By doine that , "Hr 0" ' "F16.00" and " rc01" are inser ted there, and the stePs

    fur ther to the Step r rhere aboves are inser ted c i l l be renumbered autonat ica l ly .

    I f you have used upto 99 steps, the prev ious Step No.99 t r i l l be cancel led af ter the

    inser t ion.Af ter f in ish ing the inser t ion, change the "Hr 0" '

    'F i6 .00" and " rc 0 1" to the

    desi red progran.

    A s t o S P N C - 3 0 0 - 1 6 " F 1 6 . 0 0 " , b u t i n c a s e o f S P N C - 3 0 0 - 2 0 ' F 2 0 . 0 0 " a n d S P N C - 5 0 0 ' 7 0 0 ' F 1 0 .

    * Hoeever , i f you have used JP 96 (Junp Funct ion) in prev ious progran ' the SteP No.

    vhere you have connanded to junp cill not be renunbered, therefore change that SteP

    No, c i thout fa i l .

    10) Delete Key ! ft;;lThis key r rork#only in PRG node, and is used for delet ing a par t

    entered. To delete a par t o f the progran, ca l l the Step No. chere

    of program already

    you uant to de le te

    by Step (+) or ( - ) key, and press the Delete key.

    The step will be deleted and further steps vill be autonatically renunbered.* Horever, if JP 96 (Jump Function) cas used in the progran,the Step No. where you

    have connanded to junp nill not be renunbered, therefore' do not forget to renunber

    the Step No.

    11) Clear Key, llork Zero Set Key!a) Clear Key

    This key rorks only in PRG node.Uhen you rish to change the entered data, push this key to clear the data.

    The display shocs "CE ' and enter a nes data.After the display shocs "CE " and if you eant to recall the data before change, just

    push the Clear Key again.Also this Key j.s used for clearing chole entered progra[. In PRG node, push this and

    hold for 5 seconds. After clearing aII the steps No.01 through No.99 rapidly , the

  • display shovs Step No.01 aeain. Af ter c lear ing the uhole progran ' Loop count and

    rc are reset to " 1 " , Feed Rate (F) is reset to "16.00" ( l ihen P15 is OFF) or to

    " 8 , 0 0 " ( l l h e n P 1 5 i s 0 N ) .As to SPNC-300-20 (F) is reset to "20.A0" (shen P15 is OFF) or to "10.00" (vhen P15

    i s 0 N ) .In case of SPNC-500 and 700' (F) is reset to "10.00" (vhen P15 - is 0FF) or to "5.00"( c h e n P 1 5 i s 0 N ) .This key is used a lso for delet ing error codes (BC, Ed, EE, bALo, Brror) in Run l t lode.

    b) liork Zero Set KeyThis Key is used for setting the liork Zero,

    12) Data Entry Key:This Key rorks in PRG or PAR node.

    In PRG node, it is used for entering a progran.

    In PAR rnode, it is used for setting paraneter.(To set the P19, other nethod is used for set t ins. Refer to P.29 )

    13) Special Code Key !This Key uorks in PRG node to enter a special code. For exanple, rhen you want toenter Arc 98, enter 98 af ter pushing th is key,

    14) Disp lav Scan Key:This Key works in PRG or RUN l{ode.This key is used for changing the d isp lay mode,In Run mode, each t ine the key is pressed, the d isp lay e i l l shov posi t ion of thespindle, Step Size, Feed Rate, Loop Counts and then rc .In Program node, the d isp lay c i l l shoc Step Size, Feed Rate, Loop Counts, and thenr c .

    15) Step (+) Key, ( - ) XevThese Keys are used to move step numbers upvards and dorncards to see the contentsof entered Progran or Paraneters,These Keys work in PRG, RUN or PIR mode. (+) Key tiII move step nunber increased byone and (-) key vill move the step nurber decreased by one. Either of the keys ispressed and held for nore than one second, the key will repeat stepping dovnvardsor upcards at the rate of 5 steps per second.

    H O T 4 I T O S E T T H E W O R K - Z E R O :

    a) Set the mode to [d-Z node and return the spindle to the Uork-Zero by Pressing

    Key . Con f i rm the d isp lay shovs '000 .000 ' .

    b) Set the node to PRA node and caII P19 by usine PTt l n"r . Set the P19 to "0" (Pl9=0)I r F I

    bv pushins lzEft4 kev. E?n__r

    c) In ll-Z node, return the spindl.e to the nachine Zero by u"ine lftETUnd fuv.d) |love the spindle to the desired position where you cish to set as the tdork-ZER0 by

    using the Jog button or a progran.

  • Ftr le) Set the contro l ler to the PRA node to ca l l the P19 and press IZER$ Key.

    llhen a [dork-ZERO has been set, the disp]ay shocs the distance of the llachine Zero fron

    the lriork ZER0. (EX. If the }lork ZBR0 is 90' ' the display shons "270' " in the llachine

    ZERO ltode. )

    S P E C I A L C O D E S

    1) Hr 00: Machine Zero Return (Enter G 00)

    llherever the spindle is, the spindle vill return to the nachine Zero as soonas this connand is executed.

    2) Hr 0: l {ork Zero Return (Enter G 0)llherever the spindJ"e is, the spindle viII return to the l{ork Zero so soon as

    this connand is excecuted.t(Note) ldhen either of the connand (Hr 00 or Hr 0) is used, the spindle takes the

    direction near to the ZER0 when returning to the ZER0.

    3) End 99: Prosran End (Enter G 99)This is the code for "Progran End" .Uhen the controlfer steps upto the Step No. chich contains this code, thecontroLler wi l l re turn to the Step No.1.

    4) Arc 98: Arc Angle Div is ion (Enter G 98)This code is used to divide the desired arc angJ"e into 2-999 equal parts

    easiJ.y. Especially, when you rish to divide an individual angle (snch as10' into 3 equal parts) into equal parts, this special code is very useful.

    5) noP 97: DceI I (Enter G 97)l{hen this special code is used, the controller ril l reject the connand fronthe cycle start slitch and it ril l cause Progran dvell.The period (seconds) for Progran dwell, Loop count is used. The controflerrilL cause the delay for the seconds equal to 1/10 of the loop counrs.This c i l l enable the Progran dre l l for the seconds betreen 0.1 and gg.9


    6) JP 96: Junp Funct ion (Enter G g6)

    This step size is the connand for "Program Junp' .lthen this is used uith a loop count in a step, the controller ril] junp tothe specified step No. by the loop count.

    7) rJP 95: Progran Return Junp (Enter G g5)

    This step size is the connand for returning the controller to a step No. inthe progran. This function can be used only rhen "96" (progran junp connand)is used. lihen this is used in a step, the controller siII return to the No.nex.t to the step No. chere

  • 8) Con 94: Continuous Rotation (Enter G 94)The naxinun setting angle of the indexer is 540' , therefore, you cannotenter the step size nore than this, hovever, the rotary table wiLl nakecontinuous rotation vhen this code is used in a progran.

    The set t ing angle in the decinal isn ranses f rom 0.500' to 540.00 ' , and inthe sexagesinal it should be an integral angle fron 1" to 540'The tines of rotation can be entered by Loop Counts (between l and ggg.)

    Hovever , the range of feed rate r i l l be l in i ted beteeen 0.01-2.00rpn.(Note) llhen entering special codes, enter"G"and then enter the desired Special code.

    * Ex. Arc 98: Enter G 98.Arc 98 and Con 94 are so different fron others that;llgi/ can set angle.

    l c F lAfter entering G 98 or G 94 and pressing Scan key, lZER0l Kev cannot cancelt h e l G I c o d e s .PleaEE-refer P26. How to change a program.

    F - F u n c t i o n ( F e e d R a i e )

    The Speed of rotation can be controlled by this function.In the erased memory, F16.00 is s tored chen P15 is OFF (0) and F8.00 is s tored in a l lthe s teps when P15 is 0N (1) .

    As to SPNC-300-20, F20.00 is s tored chen P15 is OFF (0) and F10.00 rhen P15 is 0N (1)

    In case of SPNC-500 and 700, F10.00 is s tored ehen P15 is OFF (0) and F5.00 chen P15i s 0 N ( 1 ) .

    llhen you eant to change the feed rate, you can enter desired feed rate in each step.The value of feed rate shocs R.P. l l . (F=I6.00 means 16 rpm, F=0.01 means 0.01 rpn) .

    * F-Vafues can be entered are as folfowing range:

    Feed Rate Index SPDX-5 SPDX- 6 , 8 SPDX-10 ,12 ,T5F0 .01 - F2 .00 Can be se t every 0 .01 o o oF2 .00 F10 .00 Can be set every 1 o o oF 1 6 oF20 o

    L - F u n c i i o n ( [ - o o p C o u n i s )

    Loop counts are used for repeat ing a program stored in each steps.Erased nemory conta ins L-1, howeverr you can enter a nunber (2-999) to repeat yourprogram as desi red.In Run node, the d isp lay v i l l shon the remain ing nunber of the Loop Counts to berepeated.Arso, loop counts are used r r i th Specia l codes as fo l lovs.

    a) lr lhen used rr i th Dvell Function (noP 9?)Loop counts is used for set t ing the t ine for dcel l .The contro l ler wi l l cause the delay for seconds equal to L/ I0 of the loop counts.

    b) IJhen used with Program Junp Function (. lp 96)Loop counts can be used for enter ing the step No. to where the prograt r junps.

    c) l {hen used wi th Cont inuous Rotat ion Funct ion (Con 94)Loop Counnts can be used for set t ing the t ines for rotat ion.

  • r c - F u n c ' t i o n ( R e m o t e C . s n t r o f - )

    The index finish signal to be output can be obtained fron the pair of fines @ a @and @ & @ . The line for output can be seLected by settine rc. Values(rc = 00,

    01 , 02 , 03 , 04 ) .

    * The output means the re lay conta ined in SPNC-300(500,700) v i l l be 0N.

    rc =00 Nei ther the pai r o f @and @ nor the pai r o f (D- @ ' i i l l output s isnals .

    01 The pa i r o f O- @ outnuts s isna ls .

    02 The pa i r o f @- @ outeuts s isna ls .

    03 Bo th the pa i r o f@- @ and the pa i r o f @- @ w i f l ou tpu t s i sna ls .

    04 Nei ther of the pai r o f @and @ nor the pai r o f @- '@ wi l l output s ignals .

    but the nex t s teps are au tomat ica l l y executed .

    "0L" i s s to red in every s tep No. in the erased nemory .

    k lhen the mach ine is opera ted w i th loop count se t a t 2 o r more and i t i s opera ted by

    A r c 9 8 ( E p g A ) v i t h a L o o p c o u n t ( o v e r 2 ) , t h e o u t p u t ' s i g n a l i s a p p l i e d t o L i n e N o . G.^.

    and Q! a f te r f in ish ing each index ing . A f te r the f ina l opera t ion , the ou tpu t s igna l i s

    a p p l i e d a c c o r d i n g t o r c s e t v a l u e s .

    However , th is ou tpu t s igna l i s supp l ied on ly yhen the input s igna l i s app l ied by

    remote con t ro l cab le No . @ and No . @ , and i t va r ies accord ing to P 01 , 02 , I2 .

    C L A M P O P E N _ F U N C T I O N

    By us ing the Values 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 for rc Funct ion, the indexer c i l l not be

    clanped in the Step No. chere you have entered any of rc = 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and

    the unit raits for next connand for indexing, and ril] restart indexing upon receipt

    of next input of comnand.

    If one step contains more than one notion, above ciII cork on the last notionprogranned in the Step.

    rf next step contains End 99, the unit will be clanped irrespectivery of rc values.

    rc. = 10 No. output. Clanp is open and waits for next connand input.

    11 0utputs to@t @. Claup is open and cai ts for next input .

    12 Outputs t" @A @ . Clamp is open and eaits f or next input.

    13 0utputs to@a @ and to@& @ . Ctamn is open and vai ts for next input .

    14 No. outputs. Next Step sill be excuted antonotically with Clanp renaining


    * Hoceverr these funct ions cork only when get t ing input through the l ines@A@,

    and a l -so u i I I be va r ied by how you se t P01 , 02 , IZ .

  • ( M a n 1 - r a ] - o p l e r a t i o n f o r S P N C - 3 O O ' 5 O O , 7 O O )

    P r o g : r a m m i r r 8 ' E > < a m P l - e 3

    A progran connot be entered unless the node select s'r i tch is set to PRGposi t ion .

    ft-lSet the i l ode Se lec t Sc i t ch to PRG and ca l l des i red nemorv No . bv lSELI , and


    key and hold for 5 seconds to c lear the o ld Program.

    l i lhen enter ing a neu progran, fo l lov the next programming examPles.

    (Note) qthen the poeer is resuppl ied, never forget nachine Zero return.

    (Decimal System)

    (Degrees, Hinutes and Seconds)

    1 - : f N D E X I N G


    t "lSTEP




    Enter 90


    Press and hold





    Run the progran


    ( nlirun ).1.''11;.;n,:,:,:tri,i,:$lll:,1ili;il:,,

    for 5 seconds




    Pnnn.nnn (s rUov)



  • 2 .FEED RATE

    Press and hold for 5 seconds


    Enter 45

    Ente r 180


    Enter 135













    Run the program



    Press for 5 seconds

    (BL INK)


    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)


    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)


    P n n n . n n n ( S T E A D Y )


    {seruc-3oo- zo

    I SPNC-500


    F20 .00

    F10 .00

    F10 . 00




    01 (BLINK)

  • Enter 90


    f'#ll+ l



    lftspl m,rsEEggJ lscANl

    4 -







    Run the program




    :.*jii::.:::.:: :':.; ::; r: ;:;::'::: : i.:.:r':., :.:::.: :.::.;{..

    'E.1n,.' d.;1',,,,iir,.:1 i :'.iii: .g,ri,g', ( B L I N K )

    p n n n . n n n ( S T E A D Y )




    #i$i$ffitt*$ (BLTNK)

    P n n n . n n n ( S T E A D Y )

    E Q U A L C I R C L E D I V I S I O N


    Press for 5 seconds


    01Enter tr e8

    lDrsE IDr$l lftsPlLscANJ lscANl lscANl

    Enter 23







    Run the progran

    V ^ \tl


  • 5_


    (g ruY ) ARC ANGLE D IV IS TON

    01 (BL INK)

    Press for 5 seconds


    F,ISPIlscAN I













    Run the program

    l.l :.r,:t'i :,8.',,G'; il l':l :,:CI:l':oi :,lCI:;i i : i l i : : i : i i i i i r i i : i i i i i : i : : : i : : i i : i : : i i : i : : { i : : ; l : i :

    : : : i : i : i : i t : : : : i : i : : : i : : : : : : : : : : : i : i : 1 : : : : : : : : : : : i : : :

    i::,:i:ii:,il,illi'l'i:::,::9i.:,:S,:iii:l::ii:ii:,:;,iii.......'.................'... :::i.::.r:.i:

    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)



    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)

    (BL iNK)

    (BL INK)

    (BL INK)



    lftsPl |DISPIlscAN I lscANl

    Ente r 7

    Enter 90

    Ente r 90

    Enter 180


    @P n n n . n n n ( S T E A D Y )

  • l C 1 9 5 ( - J P 9 S ) i s u s e d f o r r e t u r n i n g t h e c o n t r o l l e r t o t h e n e x t h i s h e r s t e p N o .t_Jwhere JP96 has been en te red .

    Fo1 lov ing is an example tha t the

    progran i

    funct ion is used for us ing some step Nos as a sub

    N01N0 2N0 3N04N05N0 6rv0 7N08N09N10

    (tr tote)

    The Step No

    Change the


    N01N0 2N03




    N0 7




    6 - P F i O G R A M J U M P FUNC T ION

    I s J e6(Jee6)s t e p N o . t o a n y

    2 Specia l Step

    the con t ro l l e r

    S izes a re used .

    to junp f rom a

    is used for Progran

    d e s i r e d s t e p N o . i n

    Junp , wh ich a l lows

    the p rogran .

    JP96 L11

    JP96 L11

    E n d

    to where you c ish to junp

    display mode to Loop Count

    can be en tered c i th the Loop Count .

    v i th the d isp lay Scan Key and en ter the

    JP96 L B



    r J P - - - 9 5E n d 9 9

    End 99

  • (Note)

    1. 0nly one Return Junp conand(rJP95) can be used against one Progran JunP

    conmand (J P 96) .Idhen the controller is operating and junps to a step No. cith a Progran

    Junp connand, and if the controller receives another Progran Junp connand

    before receiving a Return Junp connand, the display riII shoc "Error" and

    the head v i l l s top there.

    2. In the example , to enter the data in the steps ' No. 11 through 17 ( these are

    used as a sub progran) , enter any step s ize in the Step No. 10 tenporar i ly .

    Af ter conplet ing data entr ies in the steps, No1l through No 17 ' recal l the

    step No 10 v i th the Step l l inus Key and enter "End99" in s tep No. 10,

    3. In the exanple , i f you have not entered " rJP95" in the step No. 16 ' you

    cannot return to s tep No. 5.

    H O K ' T O C H A N G E A P R O G R A M :

    1) Chanee the node to Progran node.

    r;;- F-=2 ) CaII the Step No. desired by usine l"ftl ." l.t-"l .

    3) Get the desired Display node by B[lRl x"r.

    4) Enter nee data there,

    5) Change the rnode to RUN node.

    P a r a m e t e r s

    P N O . FUNCTIONSP01 INPUT / OUTPUT CHANGEPO2 INPUT / OUTPUT CHANGEPO3 Actuate the l in i t Sv i tch(LS)for I ' lachine ZERO able (0) / d isable (1)PO4 Actuate the LS for over t ravel (0T) d i s a b l e ( 0 ) / a b l e ( 1 )P05 Double Remote Start d i sab le (0 ) / ab le (1 )P06 Cycle Start SIi l , ZER0 Return Stl , JOG SIi l able (0) / disable (1)PO7 Progran Change able (0) / d isable (1)P08 Remote Start fnput ab le (0 ) / d i sab le (1 )

    P09Dee / ll in /SecDecimal


    Display Change

    P10 Autonatic Cycle Start d i sab le (0 ) / ab le (1 )P11 Reverse !{otor Rotation cu (0) / ccL' (1)PL2 fnterface Relay Output ab le (0 ) / d i sab le (1 )P13 Buzzer Setting d isab le (0 ) / ab le (1 )PL4 Clanp Funct ion ab le (0 ) / d i sab le (1 )P15 Halve the max. Feed Rate 1 (o) / r /2 (1)P19 Sett ine the Uork ZeroP20 Backlash Compensat ion (Set t ing Range: 0-999 pulse)

    OFF : O ,ON : 1


    2 \ P 02 I. J


    1 ) Set the mode to PRA node.

    F-fiFt2 ) C a l l t h e P a r a m e t e r N o . p h i c h y o u w i t h t o c h a n g e b y u s i n g t h e | * | K e y .

    3 ) C h a n g e t h e P a r a m e t e r t o ' 0 ' ( 0 F F ) o r t o ' 1 " ( 0 N ) .

    (No te ) To use P19 o r P20 , Fo l lou the o ther ins t ruc t ions .

    P19 : Re fe r to "Hov to se t the l {o rk Zero" (P .29)

    P20 : Re fe r to "Back1ash Compensa t ion" (P .30)



    3) P 03: Actuate the LS for the nachine ZERO.

    tlhen this P03 is 0FF(0), l{achine ZERO Return can be done nanually or by a


    4) P 04: Actuate the LS for 0ver TraveI(0T).

    ldhen this is 0FF(0), the LS for 0T ci l l be disabled.r This LS for 0T is not furnished on a SPDX-Series Rotary Table.

    For Automat icl,lacine

    For NC l lachineFor Automat ic

    l {acine

    For Ex terna l

    l { a c h i n e C o n t r o l

    P 01 0 1 0 IP 02 nV 0 tI c OUTPUT

    oo, (10) 1 -14224

    01 , ( 11 )1 - 1 4 0.5 s 0 .5 s224

    02, (12)1 -14224

    03 , ( 13 )1 -14

    i . : : : : : ] : i ; r : i :i.:::ial: r: i:':-:'

    224 { : : . ia i : i : i : r : i

    04 , ( 14 )1 -14224

  • 5 ) P 05 : Doub le Reno te S ta r t .

    k lhen th is is OFF (0) , when the l ine betveen the wire @ and @ of the renote

    cable is c losed' the rotary tab le s i l ] nove by one steP.

    l {hen th is is 0N (1) , the rotary tab le c i l l not nove by one step unless the

    Iine betceen Q!,) and QJ is closed, opened, closed and opened.

    The line betfleen @ ana @ nust be closed for nininun 0,01 second and opened

    for nore than 0.1 second.

    This paraneter is used chen you rish to nove the rotary table by one step eith

    closing the svitch trice by the X-Axis novenent of a nachine table.

    6) P 06: Disables the Star t Sv i tch , the ZERO Return Sci tch and Jog But ton.

    [,hen this is OFF (0) ' the Satrt sritch and the ZERO Return Seitch and Jog

    But ton on the f ront Panel v i l l vork, hovever , r i I I be d isabled rhen P 06 is 0N

    (1), vhich viII prevent an operator fron touching these scitches by nistake

    rhen using renote control.

    7 ) P O7i Disables Progran change.

    l{hen this is OFF (0), a Program can be cleared or changed and also can be

    neuly entered. Hocever , when th is is 0N ( l ) , even i f you s ish to change, c lear

    the presnt progran or to enter a nec Progran, it uill be rejected and the

    display ril l shor, "Error". This Paraneter is used for protecting your Progran

    in the memory.

    llhen "Error" is displayed, press the Clear Key tcice to recall the previous

    8) P 08: Disables renote input .

    ldhen this paraneter is OFF (0), the rotaly table will nove by one step shen

    the Iine betueen the cires @ "na @ are closed. Then this is 0N(1) the

    renote input viII be rejected and the table eil.l not nove.

    9) P 09: Disp lay node Change.

    llhen this Paraneter is OFF (0), the step size ril l be displayed in degree/

    ninute,/ second. and shen this is 0N(1) , it ci}l be dislayed in the decinal


    10) P 10: Autonat ic Cycle Star t .

    lihen this is OFF (0) and receives a start connand, the table vill do onLy one

    step and cill not nove onto the next step until receiving next start connand.

    ldhen this i.s 0N(1), the table will nove onto nert steps autonatically byreceiving only one start connand until the controller get to the Step No.contains "End 99" and it wiII return to the Step No.l and raits for next startcomnand.

  • 1l) P 11: Revers ing l lo ter Rotat ion.

    t{hen this is OFF (0), the rotary table cill rotate in the direction as per the

    entered Progran, horever, the notor rotation will be reversed rhen this is 0N

    (1). Ithen this is on, the table wiII not return to the ilachine Zero even if

    you try "llachine Zero Return".

    12) P lzi Blocking of CNC Interface Relav.l r lhen i t is OFF (0), the lndex f in ish relav of cable N". O@ ana @@ i"

    operated by a conbinat ion t i th P 01 ' P 02 and re.

    lJhen th is Paraneter is 0N (1) , both f . in ish re lavs v i l l not oPerate.

    13) P 133 Buzzer Set t ing.tdhen this paraneter is 0N (1), the buzzer cill sound for one second at the

    sane tine that the index finish signal is output through the remote cable

    v i r e s , @ a n d @ . ( T h i s h a p p e n s o n l v ' r h e n r c i s

    " " : . . o 1 o . X " O : n L ,controller receives a signal input through the renote cable sires (!j and (!)

    then th is is OFF (0) , the buzzer v i I I not sound.

    14) P 14: Disables Clanping Funct ion.

    IJhen air is supplied for C]anping, set this Parameter OFF (0). l{hen this

    paraneter is OFF (0), the indexing cill be started ghen the clanp confirnation

    signal turns to "0FF" from "0N" after receiving an index start signaf.

    At this tine, the tining of the index finish signal cil1 be deternined as per

    the set vaLue of rc , hovever , i t r i l l be outPut af ter c lanP conf i rmat ion

    signaf becones on.

    tihen doine a "Lead milling" using the Clanping function, the clanP wiII open

    and vaits for the nert index start connand.I r )hen you do not use a i r for c lanping, P14 should be 0N (1) .

    lrlhen this is 0N (1), indexing will be started 0.25 seconds after receiving an

    index start signal and the index finish signal vill be outPut after finishins

    an indexing.

    15) P 15: Halve the rnax. Feed Rate.


    INDEX0 (o F F ) 1 (O N )

    SPNC-300 (2O rpm) 2 0 ( r p m ) 1 0 ( r p m ) SPDX-5

    S P N C - 3 0 0 ( 1 6 r p m) 1 6 ( r p m ) 8 ( r p m ) SPDX-6, 8

    sPNC-500 ,700 1 0 ( r p m ) 5 ( r p m ) SPDX-10 ,12 ,15

    16) P 19: liork zero Set,

    (Display of the Angle Distance to the t{ork Zero fron the nachine Zero)

    Uhen this paraneter is OFF (0),the nachine Zero and the ldork Zero are the sane

    trlhen the Uork Zero is set, the position of the Uork Zero against the nachine

    Zero will be displayed. Refer to P.16 for setting a liork Zero.

  • 17) P 20: Backlash Conpensat ion.

    The set t ing range of th is paraneter is 0-999 pulses. The volune of the

    backlash conpensat ion by oue pul .se is 0.001" (3.6" ) .

    Before shipping the unit fron our factory, the voLune of the backlash

    conpensation is to be entered, hocever, neasure the backlash at least at six

    places and enter the average of the backlash to the controller if the backlash

    is changed after long tine use.

    l{hen entering a nev backlash to the controller, refer to the follocing chart.

    N o . Back lash N o . Back lash N o . Back lash N o . Backlash

    1I 0 . 001" 3 . 6 " 11 0.011 ' 39 .6 " 21 0.021" l ' , 15 .6 " 31 0. 031" 1 '15 .6 "

    2 0 .002 ' ,7 ' r lt . L t2 0 . 012 " 43.2" 22 0.022" r ' 19 .20 32 0 .032 ' l ' 55 .2 "

    3 0 .003 ' 10 .8 " 13 0 . 013 " 46.80 23 0 .023 " r ' 22.9o 33 0 . 033 ' l ' , 58 .8 "

    4 0 .004 ' 1 A A nr = . ' t T4 0 . 014 " 50.4" 24 0 .024 " r '26.4 ' , 34 0 . 034 ' 2 ' 0 2 . 4 0r 0 . 005 " i 8 .0 " 15 0 . 015 ' 5 4 . 0 0 25 0 .025 ' l ' , 30 .0 " 35 0 . 035 ' z ' , 06.00

    6 0 . 006 ' 2 t .60 I O 0.016" 5 7 . 6 0 26 0. 026 ' l ' , 33 .6 " 36 0 .036 ' z', 09.60

    7 0 . 007 ' t R , aL a l o L L7 0 .01 7 ' r ' 0L .20 27 0 .027 " r ' 37 . 20 37 0 .037 " z', 13.z',8 0 . 008 ' 28.9o 18 0 . 018 " 1 ' 04 .9 " 28 0 .028 " l ' 4 0 . 8 0 38 0 .038 " z ' ,16.8 ' ,a 0 . 009 ' 32.40 19 0 . 019 " l ' , 08 .4 " 29 0 ,029 " r ' 44 .40 3g 0 .039 " T ' , 2 0 . 4 0

    10 0 .010 ' 36 . 0 " 20 0 .020 " 1 ' 12 .00 30 0 . 030 " 1 ' , 48 .0 " 40 0 . 040 " 2' 7.4.0 ' ,

    I T 1 A I N T E N A N C E & A D J U S T M E N T

    The unit has been fully inspected and adjusted before shipnent, however, follocingnaintenance and adjustnent are required after long use.

    1. Too nuch backlash (l{orn Gear Part)will cause a nachine vibration or chatterings andtoo snall backlash vill cause burns by developing a fever on the cor[ gear part.lihen the backlash is neasured far fron the adequate backlash, adjustnent is reguired.

    a) Hoc to neasure the Backlash!Place the unit in horizontal position and renoye the air hose (for clanp) to havethe unit to "UNCLAIIP" condition. Apply a dial indicator to a chuck jar near to theoutside of the chuck, and turn the chuck to the ri.ght and to the left, and read thedial for the backlash on the rorn gear part.

    The neasurenent nust be taken at 3 points and if the nininun neasurenent is uorethan the tolerance shocn in follocing chart, the backlash adjustnent is required.lJhen using a sub table(Face Plate), apply a dial indicator to the T-SIot ro neasurethe backlash.

    SPDX-5 SPDX-6 SPDX-8 SPDX- 1O SPDX- 1 2 SPDX- 1 50 .00059 0 .00071 0 .00091 0 . 001 2 0 .0014 0 . 0017

  • b) Hoc to adiust the backlash in the thrust direction!

    If the backlash has been found out of the tolerance, renove the netal .ou"r @ und

    app}y a dial indicator to the side plane of rorn shaft @ and neasur the backlash

    in the thrust direction by a) Hoc to neasure the Backlash'

    As to SPDX-S, the backlash can not be neasured.

    llhen doing this, the eorn shaft noves in the axial direction, adjust the shaft so as

    not to nove by following method.

    1) Remove the meta l thrust Platemeta l @ and t iehtening the

    o f the th rus t bear ings .

    Af ter making the adiustment ,


    @ , loosen the set scre ld @ of the adiust ing

    h e x . s o c k e t h e a d b o l t s l i s h t l y t o a d j u s t t h e c l e a r a n c e

    fasten the set screv @ to f ix the adiust ing meta l

    In case of SPDX-S' remove the meta l thrust Plate @, l oosen the hex .bo l t @ o fth rus t sc re$ @ to ad ius tthe thrust screw @ sl isht ly , and then t ighten the

    the c lea rance o f the th rus t bear ings .

    A f te r f i n i sh ins the ad ius tnen t , fas ten the hex .bo l t

    The meta l cover @ is not fvn ished on SPDX-5.

    2) Af ter set t ing the neta l thrust p late @ .

    Check if the backlash is in the range of tolerance bv applying a dial indicator to

    the side plane of the eorn shaft.

    c) Backlash adjustnent of the corn gear:

    In spite of no backlash in vorn shaft direction' backlash is stil l found on the

    table, that must be caused by shalloc engagenent of the eorm and the rorn cheel.

    1) Remove the netal .ou." @ and Ioosen the 2 bolts @ vhich are fixing the netal

    thrust p late @ sf isht Iv .

    The netal .ou"" @ is not furnished or SPDX-5.

    2) Remove the 2 bolts @ to.ut.a at the botton of the rnain body, and vou cill find a

    hex.socket head set screr Qp .To decrease the backlash, Ioosen the set screv A

    sl ieht ly and fasten the set screu B to that

    Ioosened extent . To increase the backlash '

    do i t in reverse order.

    Fasten A and B set screws s l ieht ly and t ighten

    2 bol ts @ chich are f ix ins the neta l thrust

    Plate @ af ter f in ish ins the backlash adiustnent .

    Af ter t iehtening the bol t @ , t iehten the A & B

    screus egual ly and t ighten the hex.socket bol t @(w i th sea l washer @ ) .

    (Note) After finishing above adjustnent, neasure the backlash again.

    AIso, if the volune of the adiustnent on the engagenent of the rorn and the uheel

    nill effect to the engagenent-of the spur gear fUl @a\ *a the spur ee"" (U) @ ,renove the notor cover fia di) and the notor cover @ , then nake adiustnent

    on the worn and vheel engagenent by putling the notor flange plate Qp up and

  • docn to get sone backlash betreen the two sPur gears. After that' nake adjustnent

    on the spur gears.Iihen doing this, be careful not to disengage these sPur gears. If these sPur

    gears are disengaged, the gear matching position eill be l-ost' vhich ril l cause

    the loss of the machine Zero.

    2 . Confirning Clarnping and Unclanping:

    The air pressure supplied to the self-contained air cylinder for clanping cill be

    also suppl ied to the cy l inde" @ tot Clanp conf i rnat ion to Press the p is ton, rh ich

    actuates the micro sv i tch @ for c lanP conf i rnat ion.

    Uhen the air pressure is released, the piston ril l return to the original Place and

    the nicro-scitch vill be off to confirn the unclauping.

    To replace the nicro svitch @ for Clanp confirnation and cylinder @ nust be

    done after renoving the notor cover.

    3 . I' lachine Zero Return:

    The spindle returns to the machine Zero by tak ing shor ter cay.

    The nachine Zero return wil.I be made by actuating the micro svitch by the dog

    at tached to the gheel .

    To set the dog, renove the o i l .ou"" @ located near to the eye bol t .

    The dog is located at around 270" .The dog adjustnent can be done for positioning (every 2' of the graduations on the

    turret) and angu.Iar adjustnent for searching the nachine origin.

    The or is in search angle is adjusted to be o i th in 45 ' -1"

    The adjustnent for the nachine Zero vithin 2' can be done by changing natching

    position of the spur gear (t{) and the spur gear (ll).

    4 . The volune of the Backlash conpensat ion by P20:

    The backlash is the total amount of that fron the engaged part of rorn and cheeL and

    the engaged part of a pair of spur gears.

    To deternine the volune of back.Iash conpensation, set the value of P20 to "0" first

    and change the display node to decinal systen.

    Then, rotate the table by f in the plus(+) direction by pressing the Jog plus key

    in J0G-L node.

    Next set a dial gage to the jan of the chuck or to the T-slot of the sub table and

    then rotate the table by 0.001' cith the Jog ninus Key until the pointer of the dial

    gage changes.

    For exanple, if the pointer changed often 18 tines step feed, the backlach on that

    par t is the anount of 17 t ines (0.017' ) .

    lleasure the backlash at the places in 60" interval and get the average of the

    backlash, and enter that average to the paraneter P20.

    I f the average is 16 t ines(16 pulses = 0.016' ) , enter 16 in to the paraneter P20.



    (nou suH cHEcK ERR0R)

    Turn of f the pouer and turn i t on.

    Repeat i t sone t imes. I f the d isp lay s t i l l shows the Error

    code, a R0l t must be out of order .

    Even after the R0ll is replaced, i f the "80" is st i l l

    d isp layed, return the uni t to YUASA.


    (Kev, Sci tch Trouble)

    Sone Keys or Swi tches migh t be le f t Pressed (excapt the CE key)

    Rep lace the de fec t ive or danaged keys or sv i tches .

    E3(Progran Check Error)

    A Progran or a paraneter misht be raplaced.

    Clear the Error Code by the CE key and check the contents of

    the program and the parameter .


    (Unclamp Error)

    Check the parane te r , P14 .

    SPDX table has an a i r c lamp funct ion and set P14 to 0(0FF)

    uhen us ing th is Clamp funct ion v i th a i r suPPly.

    Idhen you do not use the c lamp, do not supPly a i r and set the

    P 1 4 t o 1 ( 0 N ) .

    Fol lou ings are the possib le causes and adjustments nhen E4 is

    present uhi le running a program.

    This E4 nay be shovn vhen unclamP is a l ready comPleted before

    t ry ing to unclanp.

    Check i f the uni t is get t ing enough a i r Pressure.

    I f the pressure is enough, check the micro sv i tch for c lanP

    conf i rmat ion wi th a tester .

    In normal condi t ion, chen a i r is suppl ied for c lanP, the l ine

    betveen the p ins O and @ c i t l be on and v i l l be of f vhen

    the a i r is d is-connected.

    Then' renove the notor cover t id@and the moter cover @ ,

    and check the air hose and the piston chich Presses the micro

    scitch for clanp confirmation.

    Af ter th is , Check the solenoid va lve.

    The solenoid va lve is 3-por t , Nornal 0pen, SPr ing Return and

    DC-24V type.

    If the aboves are normal, renove the Control ler cover, check

    the RY-3 re lay. The RY-3 is work ing normal ly however , i f "84"

    is s t i l I d isp layed, return the contro l ler to YUASA.



    (Servo Alarm error)


    (Servo over deviat ion



    (Servo not ready)

    Turn of f the pouer and turn i t on.

    I f the d isp lay s t i l l shocs the error coder or i f the d isp lay

    shocs as soon as i t s tar ts , renove the SPNC cover . Conf i rn

    the alarming nunber of servo amp. (4 bit red LED or LEDT) and

    contact YUASA.


    (S top due to emergenc)

    s t o p b u t t o n )

    This nay be shocn when the energency

    panel of SPNC corks. Clear the Error

    return to the machine Zero.

    but ton on the f ront

    by the CE key and



    E d

    (Stop due to remote


    This may be shocn when a

    stop.Clear the Error Code

    nachine Zero.

    renote input instructs emergency

    by the CE key and return to the


    (S top due to

    o v e r - T r a v e l ( 0 . T ) )

    Th is may be shocn chen the 0 .T .p reven t ing L .S vo rks .

    The 0 .T .p reven t ing L .S . i s no t p rov ided w i th Ro ta ry tab le rbu t

    wi th T i l t ine table and Stra ight tab le.

    Clear the Error Code by the CE key and remove the dog f ron

    the L.S. c i th the JOG key and return to the machine Zero.


    (Bat te ry lo r vo l tage)

    When th is a la rm appears in the d isp lay , ba t te ry nus t be

    rep laced.

    Clear the Error Code by the CE key and input the parameter

    a n d t h e p r o g r a n a g a i n ; '

    Keep the poeer source 0N ch i le rep lac ing the ba t te ry r o f the

    parameter and the program c i l l be de le ted .

    E r r o r

    ( Input data error)

    lJhen an error data is input by nistake, this code displays

    the error after bl inking for two or three seconds.

    Clear the Error Code by the CE key and input the correct

    d a t a .