Manor Green Operational Protocol during Covid19...

Manor Green Operational Protocol during Covid19 Pandemic

Transcript of Manor Green Operational Protocol during Covid19...

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Manor Green Operational Protocol

during Covid19 Pandemic

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Part 1 – General Guidance and Principles .................................................................................. 3

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Prioritisation of places ........................................................................................................... 4

1.3 School grouping into bubbles ............................................................................................. 4

1.4 Covid19 symptoms ................................................................................................................. 5

1.5 Shielding .................................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 6

1.7 Temperature checks ............................................................................................................... 7

1.8 PPE .............................................................................................................................................. 7

1.9 Hand washing and hygiene .................................................................................................. 7

1.10 Risk assessments ................................................................................................................. 8

1.11 Behaviour management ...................................................................................................... 8

1.12 Student medication ............................................................................................................... 9

1.13 Resources ............................................................................................................................... 9

1.14 Student arrival and departure arrangements .............................................................. 10

1.15 Parents and visitors in school ......................................................................................... 11

1.16 Student transport ................................................................................................................ 11

1.18 Curriculum focus ................................................................................................................. 11

1.19 Lunch and break arrangements ...................................................................................... 12

1.20 Room ventilation and outdoor activities ....................................................................... 12

1.21 Soft play area/ball pit ......................................................................................................... 12

1.22 Assemblies ........................................................................................................................... 12

1.23 Swimming .............................................................................................................................. 12

1.24 Library and IT suite ............................................................................................................. 12

1.25 Fire evacuation .................................................................................................................... 12

1.26 First aid .................................................................................................................................. 13

1.27 Raising concerns ................................................................................................................ 13

Part 2 – Specific Guidance for Parents ...................................................................................... 14

2.1 Actions for Covid19 symptoms ......................................................................................... 14

2.2 Notifications ............................................................................................................................ 14

Part 3 – Specific Guidance for Staff ............................................................................................ 16

3.1 Actions for Covid19 symptoms ......................................................................................... 16

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3.2 Staff medical circumstances .............................................................................................. 16

3.3 Staff with childcare issues .................................................................................................. 17

3.4 Working in bubbles ............................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Staff who don’t work directly with students................................................................... 19

3.6 PPE ............................................................................................................................................ 19

3.7 Travel to work ......................................................................................................................... 20

3.8 Staff room ................................................................................................................................ 20

3.9 Attendance Recording ......................................................................................................... 20

3.10 Working in students homes and other duties ............................................................. 20

3.11 Other employment .............................................................................................................. 21

3.12 Safeguarding ........................................................................................................................ 21

3.13 Radio Channels ................................................................................................................... 21

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Part 1 – General Guidance and Principles

1.1 Introduction

This protocol sets out guidance for parents and staff during the Covid19 pandemic. It will

apply until we are able to return to normal operations.

The school is gradually reopening in line with government guidance. We are sharing our risk

assessment and this operational protocol should be read in conjunction with it to inform

everyone how the school will operate when we start increasing our student numbers on the

8th June.

Opening the school during an on-going pandemic is complex. We cannot eliminate risk as

identified in the risk assessment; however we are making every effort to make it as low as

reasonably practicable in the circumstances.

Guidance and resources for remote learning will continue to be provided for students not

attending school; some changes may be made to how this is delivered

The school leadership team commits to being honest and transparent with all parents and

staff. We have been very clear that social distancing is not achievable in a setting such as


It may be updated at any time in line with advice from Government, Public Health England,

the NHS or RBWM. The school may also make changes as we gain experience in managing

the risk in these unprecedented circumstances. We will re-publish both documents each time

it is updated, highlighting the areas which have changed. Parents should remain alert to

communications from the school about any changes.

All government guidance on Covid19 has been considered in the writing of this document;

where we have deviated from the advice we identify this. Additional guidance is referenced

for specific items. The main guidance used has been the following:




National guidance for parents can be found here:



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1.2 Prioritisation of places

Under the Government’s definition of vulnerable, all Manor Green students qualify as they all

have an EHCP. It is not possible to offer all students a place until we are able to resume

normal operations. It wouldn’t be safe and we do not have all our staff available for work

due to shielding and self-isolation recommendations.

We have asked parents to complete a detailed survey to help us risk assess, prioritise and

ensure co-operation with the guidelines. From these questionnaires we will begin to

gradually offer more places. We will also continue to have conversations with parents to

make assessment of their individual circumstances to enable us to prioritise those most in

need of a place while they are limited.

Our priority list is as follows:

1. Vulnerable and Key Worker children (already our priority)

2. Children whose parents need to return to work or face financial hardship

3. Children whose parents find meeting their care needs or managing behaviour

extremely challenging

4. Children who are not engaging in home learning

We will not be offering places to students who meet the government criteria of clinically

extremely vulnerable until the government guidance changes.


We can offer places to students who meet the government definition of clinically vulnerable,

if parents are willing to accept the risk is medium as per the school’s risk assessment. We

strongly recommend parents seek medical advice in making their decision based on their

child’s individual medical needs.


1.3 School grouping into bubbles

Groups of the same staff will work with the same students in the same classroom as much

as possible, these will be referred to as school bubbles. These won’t resemble the classes

we had before we had to close; however we will attempt to match students to staff members

who are familiar with them. For some students it is essential that staff with specific training

are matched to them, where this is the case they will be matched.

Bubbles will initially contain no more than ten people in a classroom at one time, there may

be more than 10 people allocated to a bubble to where some are part time. This number is

subject to change.

A teacher or HLTA will be assigned to lead the group wherever possible. If this is not

possible an experienced SSA may lead with the support of their Head of Department. There

may be times where we have to mix bubbles for safety purposes, e.g. a fire alarm or an

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emergency. There may also be times when bubbles overlap unintentionally. School staff will

keep up-to-date and accurate records of any instances where bubbles interact, are mixed or

overlap for tracking purposes should we have a case of Covid19.

The use of corridors for staff and students walking around different areas of the school will

be reduced as much as possible by restricting use and staggering the use of communal

areas for break time. Staff should ensure 2m distance is observed by everyone in corridors

wherever possible. Crossing another bubble briefly in a corridor is not counted as an

interaction as long as there is no contact made.

Specific toilets and changing rooms will be allocated to each bubble. No one is to use

different toilets other than the ones allocated. Non-class based staff will use the toilets by the

conference room and the staff room.

Members of the school leadership team will be assigned bubbles to provide physical support

when required and any interaction outside of this will be recorded for tracking purposes.

Because we can’t move staff around to cover absence, if a member of staff calls in sick for

reasons not Covid19 related, WE MAY HAVE TO CANCEL A STUDENT’S PLACE AT

SHORT NOTICE . If this happens, a member of the Leadership Team will contact the

student’s parents/carer as soon after 8am as possible.

1.4 Covid19 symptoms

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the


a new continuous cough

a high temperature

a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

If a child or adult shows symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19, then the whole bubble that

the person is in will be sent home and they MUST self-isolate for 14 days unless subsequent

testing gives a negative result. The school is being more stringent in this regard than the

government advises due to the needs of our students.

If other cases are then also confirmed at the school, PHE will advise the Headteacher on

next steps/possible closure.

1.5 Shielding

The government has defined two categories of clinically vulnerable people as follows:

Clinically extremely vulnerable applies to people with cancer, severe respiratory

conditions, rare diseases such as sickle cell, people on immunosuppression therapies and

women who are pregnant with significant heart disease.


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Clinically vulnerable applies to people at higher risk of serious illness from Covid19

because of health conditions such as liver disease and diabetes.


Because of the risk posed to both these groups in our school community we will not be

having them on our school site at present, nor will we have onsite people who have a

member of their household who is clinically extremely vulnerable.

1.6 Testing

Anyone aged over five with symptoms of coronavirus is now eligible to book a test. Anyone

experiencing a new, continuous cough; high temperature; or a loss of, or change, in their

normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia) can book a test.

A coronavirus test can be booked here:

Essential workers in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland, can apply for priority testing

through GOV.UK. A coronavirus test can be booked here:


POSITIVE. This means if someone develops symptoms, everyone in their bubble will be

advised to self-isolate for 14 days or until we get a negative test result. This school protocol

doesn’t follow government guidance in this regard because we know some of our students

will not submit to a test and our inability to follow social distancing measures increases the

transmission risk within the school bubbles.

If the suspected case receives a negative result, the whole bubble can return to school the

following day.

The household members of people isolating for 14 days do not need to do so as well, unless

the child, young person or staff member they live with subsequently develops symptoms.

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1.7 Temperature checks

The advice to schools is that temperature checks are unnecessary as they aren’t an

accurate measure of infection. However, the school is told it must ensure no child with

symptoms attends school. So in order to make every attempt to ensure this, we will be using

an infrared forehead scanner to take every child’s temperature before they are taken through

the school building. One scanner will be issued to every bubble. Any temperature of 37.8 or

over will be deemed too high. The scanners can give a false reading when used outside, so

children being transported by parents will have their temperature checked before leaving the

vehicle, there are more details in 1.4 on how this will operate.

Children will also have their temperature checked before they use the swimming pool.

1.8 PPE

Government advice is that face masks are not recommended for school; however due to our

inability to maintain social distancing most of the time, some people, both staff and students,

may choose to wear them. There is evidence to suggest that they are beneficial in reducing

the spread from people who are carrying the virus but are not symptomatic.

However, we must stress that face coverings SHOULD NOT BE WORN IN ANY


DIRECTED as it may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission.

If chosen to be worn, face masks must:

cover both nose and mouth

not be allowed to dangle around the neck

not be touched once put on, except when carefully removed

be changed when they become moist or damaged

be worn once and then discarded or washed

hands must be cleaned after removal

People using fabric facemasks should bring a plastic bag with them to school and put the

used facemask in it to take home and wash every day.

Staff are required to wear further PPE in some circumstances and should refer to the PPE

section of specific staff guidance at 3.6. Full Government guidance is here:



1.9 Hand washing and hygiene

Regular use of hand washing with soap and water or use of hand sanitiser is essential for

everyone. Sanitiser dispensers are placed in every classroom.

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Everyone attending school should WASH THEIR HANDSs before they leave to travel

between school and home and wash them once again on arrival at their destination.

To clean your hands you should wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running

water and soap and dry them thoroughly, or use alcohol hand rub/sanitiser ensuring that all

parts of the hands are covered.

Everyone should be encouraged to AVOID TOUCHING THEIR MOUTH, EYES AND NOSE.


SNEEZING. If one is not available, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand.

Dispose of tissues into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately clean hands with soap

and water or use a hand sanitiser. Cloth handkerchiefs should not be used.

Everyone attending school should wear easily washable clothing and WASH THEIR

CLOTHING DAILY. If this means students are not able to wear school uniform, this is

acceptable. Everyone should SHOWER/BATH EVERY DAY as soon as possible on return

home from school.

The Facilities’ team will provide additional cleaning services during the day. Staff may also

be asked to clean and sanitise spaces and equipment after each use. Full method

statements for cleaning will be provided to staff undertaking this role. Further guidance on

cleaning is here:


1.10 Risk assessments

The whole school Covid19 risk assessment is published alongside this document and needs

to be read in conjunction.

Individual students have been risk assessed and these have been shared as required with

Local Authorities in line with the following guidance:


1.11 Behaviour management

Students’ behaviour support plans will be updated as required to take account of Covid19

measures and identify strategies we will put in place to help them manage the changes. If

non-symptomatic students present behaviours which may increase the risk of droplet

transmission (such as spitting or biting) staff should wear full PPE.

Due to the manner in which Covid-19 is transmitted, staff need to ensure that a dynamic risk

assessment is carried out for any behavioral incident that may require a physical restraint to

be implemented.

1. Given that we have a much reduced cohort of students in school, staff should use the

additional space to their advantage. If a student is in crisis but can be safely left in a

class room, then move staff and the other students out of the room. Where possible,

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encourage students in crisis to use this additional space to help them calm, e.g. an

outdoor area or spare class room.

2. If there is no option but to carry out a physical restraint, then ensure this is done by

two members of staff. PPE (which will be provided to departments) should be worn

where possible if there is a known risk that the student may spit or bite. However,

staff members must be mindful that some items of PPE may increase risk of harm to

themselves in other ways, e.g. a visor could cause injury to the wearer if grabbed or

others if thrown

3. If the student does begin to spit or bite whilst restrained then they should immediately

be taken to a calm or safe room; staff will not be expected to continue with a seated

or standing restraint.

If there are frequent episodes of spitting or biting by a student then the Leadership Team will

need to review the safety of staff and other students and this may result in the student

having their offer of being taught in school temporarily withdrawn.

If calm rooms are required, they MUST BE FULLY CLEANED before being used for another

student. Staff should contact the site team as soon as they are vacated to enable this.

1.12 Student medication

The administering of medication whilst in school will follow the school’s usual procedure.

Bubbles will be issued new medication folders and receipt books as if they were a new class.

Parents should send medication in in the usual way. You are reminded that RBWM school

transport will not transport medication and you will need to arrange to drop this off with

bubble staff on the first day back, if not before.

If sunscreen is required, it would be helpful if parents/carers could apply this at home. Staff

can reapply if required wearing PPE as for changing, but we would like to minimise the

contact where possible.

1.13 Resources

Sharing of resources should be avoided as much as possible and students should be

allocated resources they will regularly use such as pencils and rulers. All resources must be

cleaned/sanitised regularly by staff using them. Soft toys and material items, items with

intricate parts or that are difficult to clean, will be removed from classrooms and stored until

the risk has passed.

All non-essential items will be removed from classrooms and stored to make cleaning easier.

Resources going to and from school to home should be avoided as much as possible and

staff should not bring in additional resources from their homes.

Wheelchairs and other aids that are required to be shared between home and school will be

cleaned by class staff on arrival and departure. We suggest that parents should do the


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1.14 Student arrival and departure arrangements

Staff members will meet children at their transport vehicle and escort them into school. If

parents walk to school, a member of staff will arrange to meet at a designated place at the

allotted time. Parents will be asked by staff if there have been any symptoms noticed in the

student or anyone in their household. If there have been, the student will not be admitted

into school and the family will be advised to isolate in accordance - see 1.4.

Parents/carers that are transporting their child should arrive on site no earlier than 0900 and staff will collect these students at 0915. These students will have their temperature check done inside their parent/carers' car and must wait inside the car until staff come to do the check. School transport should arrive no earlier than 0915 with these students being collected by staff at 0930. Students must stay on their school transport until collected, but their temperature check cannot be performed on the school transport vehicle and instead should be done as soon as they are inside a school building and as near to the entrance as possible therefore preventing a potentially unwell student from walking around the school (please note, carrying out the temperature check outside can give an inaccurate reading) For vehicles dropping off/collecting students in our Early Years and First School department, they will be directed to park in our first school playground. All other vehicles will park in the main car park and will be queued as normal. Departments will use the following building entrances to collect/drop off students: First school playground entrance: Early Years and First School (Oxenbury, Andreae, Rosen, Browne, Hargreaves, Donaldson) Main building reception: Towards Independence (Blume, Zephaniah, Dahl, Wilson, Hughes) and Key Worker Bubbles (Handler, Rowling, Seuss) Main building swimming pool entrance: Secondary Link Invictus main entrance: Specialist (Freedman, McKee, Gravett, Llenas) and Independence (Blyton, Milligan, Pratchett, Tolkien, Murphy) Invictus back entrance: Primary Link If a student based in the main building needs to be isolated due to symptoms of COVID 19 then they should be taken to the medical room. For students in the Invictus building they should be taken to the Light Sensory room next to the main entrance. Any student presenting with symptoms will need to be collected by their parent/carer or other nominated person; they will NOT be able to go home on school transport if this was how they came to school. All students being collected by parents/carers will be taken out to go home at 1415 (if this earlier finish time impacts on parent/carers' work hours, this can be reviewed on a case by case basis). Students travelling on school transport will be taken out to go home at 1430. For students that become anxious waiting outside for their transport, they can be kept in class with a member of staff until it is confirmed that their transport is on site.

If parents arrive outside of these times for whatever reason, they should CALL RECEPTION

AND WAIT IN THE CAR OR AT THE MEETING POINT until they are greeted by a member

of staff.

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1.15 Parents and visitors in school

Parents and carers who escort their children to and from school MUST NOT ENTER THE


Essential visitors may visit the school maintaining social distancing. Visitors will not be

allowed to enter classrooms when students are present unless they are the emergency

services. No-one with symptoms will be allowed to enter the school.

1.16 Student transport

For students who are transported to school by taxi, every effort must be made by Local

Authorities for them to travel separately or only with children from the same bubble as them.

If this is not possible, any bubbles that have to go into isolation will also impact bubbles of

children who share transport.

1.17 Reception

Parents/ carers and transport providers are NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE TOILET IN RECEPTION. The outside toilet near the pool entrance may be used. Reception will not provide drinks to anyone. Visitors will be asked to give their name to reception staff who will sign them in and out. Visitors will not use pens and signing in sheets. No passes, stickers or lanyards will be issued. The reception windows will be opened the minimum amount possible and only sufficiently to be able to hear the person on the other side. Double parking logs and other records will be completed by reception staff so that pens and stationery are not shared. School staff should approach reception from the interior window in the foyer, maintaining social distancing. School staff may not enter the reception area via the office. All enquiries must be dealt with at the reception windows.

1.18 Curriculum focus

The curriculum will focus on student wellbeing through Nurture principles. This will include

reviewing all students Boxall Profile targets in line with their current needs and provide

targeted intervention. The focus will remain on physical and emotional safety and move on

to rebuilding relationships. This will be class specific taught through numerous mediums

depending on their needs.

Children in Early Years will also focus on the Prime Areas from the Early Years Foundation

Stage curriculum.

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1.19 Lunch and break arrangements

The school kitchen will be open and lunches for students must be entered on the school

system in the usual way. Staff wishing to have a school dinner need to advise the kitchen by

10am so they can be included in the numbers.

Food will need to be collected from the kitchen by one member of staff and will be brought to

the students in their classrooms.

Staggered timings for lunch and break playtime will be implemented with each bubble

assigned a specific area for them to use.

1.20 Room ventilation and outdoor activities

Doors should be propped-open if it is safe to do so, and rooms need to be well ventilated.

Windows should be open. More outdoor activities are encouraged and spaces allocated to

bubbles so they can ensure they do not crossover with other groups as much as possible.

Outdoor play equipment and climbing frames must be wiped down by class staff after use.

There will be daily cleaning of all outside play equipment by site staff.

School trips are suspended due to the risk of Covid19.

1.21 Soft play area/ball pit

Bubbles are only permitted to use this area when timetabled, this is to allow cleaning with

fogging equipment to be undertaken between different groups.

1.22 Assemblies

Assemblies will not take place until the risk from Covid19 has passed.

1.23 Swimming

Swimming will continue to be timetabled with students from the same bubble using the pool

simultaneously. Changing rooms will be alternated to allow them to be cleaned thoroughly by

site staff following every session. Lifeguards will maintain strict social distancing to ensure

isolation of bubbles is maintained.

1.24 Library and IT suite

The library is not to be used as the books can’t be disinfected adequately.

The IT suite may be used by students and staff in bubbles during timetabled times only. PCs

and keyboards must be wiped with sanitising wipes by class staff after use.

1.25 Fire evacuation

Fire evacuation drills will not be scheduled while this protocol is in place. If the fire alarm

sounds, the school will need to be evacuated as normal with bubbles keeping their distance

from each other as much as possible at the meeting points. Contact with other bubbles will

need to reported for tracking purposes.

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1.26 First aid

There will always be at least one first aider on site. If there is a requirement for a first aider to

be called to a bubble, staff should request it over the radio stating if there are Covid19

symptoms or not. For Covid19 symptoms the first aider will don full PPE before attending the

patient. If it is not Covid19 related then PPE will be as required for administering medicine.

See 3.6 for further details of PPE requirements. See first aid policy appendix for full details.

1.27 Raising concerns

Anyone who has concerns about the school’s operations during the Coronavirus pandemic

should raise these with their Head of Department or a member of LT.

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Part 2 – Specific Guidance for Parents

Parents/carers who are unsure of anything or have any questions should contact Warren

Griffiths either by email [email protected] or on the phone 07944


2.1 Actions for Covid19 symptoms

At Home

If your child develops obvious symptoms you MUST INFORM THE SCHOOL WITHOUT


You will be required to have your child tested by applying for a test as outlined in section 1.6.

If your child tests positive YOU MUST INFORM THE SCHOOL AND FOLLOW THE

GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE. Your child will not be allowed to return to school for at least

seven days or while they are still displaying symptoms.

If your child will not submit to a test, you will be required to follow the guidance of a

confirmed case as a precaution.

As many of our students can’t always communicate how they are feeling, we ask parents to


can’t always pinpoint why their children may be behaving differently, but you know your

children well and if you notice they don’t seem themselves it is best to be cautious and keep

them at home. We need to keep our whole school community safe by being alert to these


At School

If your child develops obvious symptoms while at school, they will be isolated immediately in

the medical room and you will be contacted and asked to COLLECT THEM AS SOON AS

POSSIBLE. You are required to provide the school with an alternative contact details of

someone else who would be able to collect your child in these circumstances should you be

un-contactable for any reason.



2.2 Notifications




WHO TESTS POSITIVE You should do this by contacting Warren Griffiths by ringing 07944

635443 as soon as possible so that attendance at school of those affected can be cancelled.

In the case of your child showing symptoms, the school will then notify all other people in

that bubble that they are required to isolate for 14 days or until a negative test result is

received. We will not name the individual with symptoms to other parents; however it may be

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possible to identify who is unwell by process of elimination. We ask that the PRIVACY OF

THE INDIVIDUAL CONCERNED IS RESPECTED and posts on social media do not

speculate or name anyone.

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Part 3 – Specific Guidance for Staff

3.1 Actions for Covid19 symptoms

Staff and their households

If any staff member develops symptoms they should remove themselves from school

immediately and self-isolate at home for seven days. You must inform your Head of

Department as soon as possible. If the absence extends beyond seven calendar days, a fit

note must be provided.

If anyone living with the staff member develops symptoms the staff member should remove

themselves from school immediately and self-isolate for 14 days.

Staff must report their absence on the absence telephone messaging system before 8.00 am

in the usual way.

Upon return to work this absence must be entered in Self-Service as Covid-19.

Staff will receive full pay during such absences.

Guidance on isolation is here:



Isolation means staying in your home and not going out. This includes arranging for

someone else to do your shopping.

Students who fall ill whilst at school

If a student has symptoms and is waiting to be collected, they should be isolated in the

medical room or Invictus sensory room depending on where they are based, with at least

one member of staff with the door closed and a window open. If this student needs to go to

the toilet before being collected, they should only use the toilet in the medical room or

immediately next to the sensory room. The whole area including the corridor will be closed to

other staff and students until fogged with disinfectant.

Full PPE should be worn with students who are showing symptoms until they are collected

from school as outlined in 3.6.

First aid records must be kept and should include which staff were present and what PPE

was used.

3.2 Staff medical circumstances

Staff who are vulnerable should not attend work and self-isolate for 12 weeks or longer as

per Government/NHS guidance. Medical evidence/NHS letter must be provided to HR.

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Staff who are shielding a clinically extremely vulnerable person living with you will not be

expected to attend the school and should work from home where possible for 12 weeks or

longer as per Government/NHS guidance. Medical evidence/NHS letter must be provided to


Staff who are pregnant or aged over 70 should not attend school as they fall into the

vulnerable category.

Staff will continue to receive full pay whilst unable to attend the workplace; they are expected

to work from home during their usual working hours.

If a staff member has someone in their household who is classed as vulnerable (but not

clinically extremely vulnerable), including a pregnant person, they are able to come to



Staff who meet all three of the criteria determined by Asthma UK and as set out below

should not attend the school and should work from home:

You have asthma, AND

You are taking certain extra controller medicines as well as a preventer inhaler (for

example, you are taking Montelukast, salmeterol or formoterol, or you are on a

combination inhaler like Seretide, Fostair, Symbicort, Flutiform, Fobumix, DuoResp

Spiromax, Combisal, Sereflo, Sirdupla, Aloflute, AirFluSal, Relvar Ellipta, Fusacomb or

Stalpex), AND

You are taking continuous or frequent oral steroids.

You should also not attend the workplace if you are receiving biologic therapy for severe


If you suffer from asthma but do not meet all three of the criteria above, you are allowed to

attend work. Because there is such a variety in the degree to which people who’ve been

diagnosed as having asthma suffer from it, the school is not in a position to decide if it is safe

for you to attend work or not. Some staff members have told the school they believe their

asthma is mild and they feel safe to come in, other members of staff may be unsure. For

staff members who are unsure, you need to contact your GP for advice.

Medical evidence/NHS letter must be provided to HR if you are not attending work.

3.3 Staff with childcare issues

School staff are key workers and their children should therefore be offered a place in the

relevant school or nursery. Staff whose children have been refused a place in a local school

should let the Headteacher know and the Headteacher will discuss the matter with the

relevant school.

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Staff who rely on family members or private childminders who are no longer available should

seek alternative childcare arrangements where possible to enable them to attend work.

When all options for childcare have been explored and have failed the staff member may

work from home balancing work and childcare. This may mean working at times when

children are asleep or otherwise occupied. Some staff may decide not to send their children

to school for health and safety reasons and the above working from home and balancing

childcare arrangements will apply in such cases.

Where it is not possible for staff with childcare issues to work flexibly at home, unpaid leave

will be granted.

Staff who have childcare on some days but not others should inform their Head of

Department of their availability to attend school. Likewise staff who need to adjust their start

and finish times to drop-off and collect their children from school should inform their Head of


3.4 Working in bubbles

Staff will be allocated to a bubble taking into account their knowledge of the students as well

as their household and travel arrangements.

Social distancing between staff who do not work in the same bubble MUST be maintained at

all times, the only exception to this would be the event of an emergency.

Staff should make reasonable attempts to maintain social distancing from staff members in

their bubbles; however the school acknowledges there will be various situations where this is

not possible.

Any instances where bubbles have come into close contact with each other must be

reported in our Covid19 bubble tracker spread sheet so that we can track contact in the

event of a Covid19 case. An interaction is defined as an occurrence of one or two people

who aren’t normally in the bubble coming into contact; for example, LT providing physical

support, someone providing first aid or students physically interacting in communal spaces.

A breach is defined where two bubbles have come into contact and involve multiple people

to the extent that the integrity is lost. An example of this might be joining two bubbles in one

space due to an emergency.

Staff must not attend the school site to complete admin tasks on days when they are not

scheduled to work, as this may result in compromising our separation efforts. The school

remains open until 6pm daily, so please work flexibly with your hours to achieve this. Please

seek permission from your Head of Department if you wish to attend the school site after

school hours with the reason and which rooms you will need to access. You will need to

complete the online staff register when on site. Please sanitise any surfaces or equipment

you have used before leaving.

Each bubble will have a radio and will be told by their Head of Department which channel to


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If a member of the LT is required, staff should contact their assigned leader by phone or on

the radio in the first instance. Leaders will be covering several bubbles and will need to

maintain distancing as much as possible.

3.5 Staff who don’t work directly with students

Staff who don’t work directly with students may work from home. If attendance at the school

is required, social distancing in offices and meeting rooms should be maintained as much as


The Facilities team will be required to attend the school as usual.

NB: Social distancing is not possible for staff who work directly with students.

3.6 PPE

For staff working directly with students or in facilities, PPE will be provided. This includes:

disposable gloves

disposable aprons

cloth facemasks

fluid resistant surgical face masks

hand sanitiser

Disposable gloves, aprons and surgical facemasks are for single use only and should be

disposed of immediately after use with one student.

Personal Care and Administering Medication

Staff undertaking personal care which may involve contact with body fluids, administering

medicine or first aid must wear PPE including:

fluid resistant surgical facemask

disposable gloves


Caring for students showing symptoms

When caring for students showing symptoms until they are collected from school, full PPE

must be put on as soon as possible including:

fluid resistant surgical facemask

disposable gloves

long sleeved disposable gown


All disposable PPE must be placed in the clinical waste bin in the medical room once the

student has left the site. Visors should be left in the medical room for full disinfecting.

Staff must ensure they follow the guidelines for using PPE found here:

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3.7 Travel to work

Staff who do not live in the same household should avoid car-sharing if possible. If you have

no choice but to car share, please notify your Head of department who will place you in the

same school bubble.

If you travel to work by public transport you are advised to travel to work by other means if

possible – walking, driving or cycling. Please inform your Head of Department if you will be

travelling by public transport so that consideration can be given to your start and finish times

to avoid peak travel times. Be aware that journey times may be longer and services less

frequent. Try to start or end your journey using a station or mode of transport you know to be

quieter or more direct. For instance, walk the first or last mile of your journey, or alight at an

earlier station, where this is possible.

You are advised to wear a face covering whilst using public transport. This must not then be

used in school. You should dispose of it before entering the school or seal it in a plastic bag

you have bought with you and take it home with you for washing at the end of the day.

Government advice on use of public transport is here:


3.8 Staff room

Use of the staff room for relaxing during breaks will NOT BE ALLOWED. Bubbles will be

allocated a separate space to use or they may go outside if they are able to maintain their

distance from other bubbles.

Staff must maintain social distance when using the staff room for other purposes.

All crockery and cutlery used should be returned to the kitchen, placed in the dishwasher or

washed up and put away immediately after use.

Sharing of food and drinks must be avoided and staff should not make drinks for each other.

PCs in the staff room should be wiped with sanitising wipes before and after use by different

staff members.

3.9 Attendance Recording

By 10-00 am each day the Bubble leader must email Warren and Kay that days attendance.

Kay will then update SIMS and Warren will update separate reporting required by the DfE.

3.10 Working in students homes and other duties

Staff who are not required to work with students in school may temporarily be assigned other

duties such as administration or cleaning.

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Staff who are willing, may be asked to work with students in their homes. This will be in pairs

and a risk assessment will be carried out before commencement which will be shared with

all parties. Prior to undertaking a visit, a phone call should be made to ascertain whether any

member of the household is suffering from symptoms of coronavirus.

3.11 Other employment

Staff who have a second job in a care facility, hospital or respite facility should notify their

Head of Department.

3.12 Safeguarding

In order to maintain social distancing, for the remainder of the academic year staff will no

longer be required to complete a safeguarding form. Instead staff should call Warren Griffiths

immediately on 07944 635443 to discuss the concern. Once a conversation has taken place,

staff will need to follow this up with a brief email outlining the concern so that there is a hard

copy record.

In cases where the child may need to be observed, in the first instance Warren Griffiths will

liaise with the relevant Head of Department so that bubbles and social distancing are

maintained as much as possible. However, depending on the severity of the concern it

maybe that Warren Griffiths may need to see the child in person.

As continued standard practice, Warren Griffiths will record all concerns on the student's

safeguarding record to ensure compliance

3.13 Radio Channels

For the remainder of the academic year the following radio channels should be used. All

members of the on-site leadership team will be on Channel 13 so please switch to this if you

need to speak to your respective department lead.

Channel 1: Facilities

Channel 2: Reception

Channel 3: Specialist (Freedman, McKee, Gravett, Llenas). On site leadership: Sarah


Channel 5: Early Years & First School (Oxenbury, Andreae, Rosen, Browne, Hargreaves,

Donaldson). On site leadership: Shelley Thomas/Joolz Scarlett

Channel 8: Towards Independence (Blume, Zephaniah, Dahl, Wilson, Hughes). On site

leadership: Viktoria Kincses

Channel 9: Key Worker Bubbles (Handler, Rolwing, Seuss). On site leadership: Warren


Channel 10: Independence (Blyton, Milligan, Pratchett, Tolkien, Murphy). On site leadership:

Amelia King

Channel 12: Link (Primary and Secondary). On site leadership: Helen Hannam

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Channel 13: Leadership Team