Manisha's Book



Manisha's online portfolio

Transcript of Manisha's Book

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• Places and their influences

• Road to Brandcenter

• The Know-who’s

• Why Communications Strategy?

• Events

o Small things lead to bigger problems! A cultural change

through a rather political event

o Breaking the conventional wall in a rather unconventional industry

o The marriage season

o “Economic crisis? What is that?”

o Smartphone-ism

• Cultures

• 10 minutes with Raju the Rickshaw Guy

• Team work and leadership

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We moved to Mumbai, India during the Gulf War in 1990 due to the instability

in Kuwait. Our family lost two members; my father and his brother died

during the war. My mother started working immediately after the death of

my father to support the family. I lived with my paternal extended family and

did one year of schooling in Mumbai. The teachers at school mainly spoke the

‘Hindi’ language while conversing or teaching even though the school was

English speaking. This in turn polished my bilingual language skills, which was

otherwise dominated by the English language.

Soon after, we moved to Dubai, for better opportunities in terms of career,

and upbringing of the children in the family. Although I was exposed to a

different lifestyle, a balance was maintained due to a familiar environment and

people. The quick shift taught me how to adapt to situations and learn with

optimism at a tender age where perceptions dominate reality. Overcoming

the challenges faced during this period, for instance, 10 of us living in a one

bedroom apartment, among other obstacles, made me a stronger and an

empathetic individual at a young age. Nevertheless, I continued to achieve

success academically and socially, influenced by the simple, optimistic and

enthusiastic spirit that the city held. I was encouraged to participate in

extracurricular activities like traditional dancing (Kathak) and Karate. I also

learned how to play the piano which complemented my interest and passion

toward music.

2 years later, in the year 1994, my mother and I moved to Toronto,

Canada for the next four years to live closer to my maternal

relatives. I was exposed to various ethnicities in my school and

neighborhood. While being a part of an absolutely different

environmental setting, I learned to understand different cultures.

Initially I faced the challenge of being accepted among my peers

because of things like my accent, the way I dressed etc. However,

I overcame this challenge due to my natural curiosity to learn

about, understand and adapt to my surroundings. My tendency to

ascertain anything that came my way increased. Being an active

and energetic pre-teen, I continued to engage in a variety of

activities, like, baseball, ice hockey, and skiing, outside academia.

In turn, my overall confidence to adjust to various situations further


I moved back to Dubai at the age of 15. The decision was taken

by my mother who wanted to be closer to a comparatively united

and dependent environmental setting essential for a single parent

raising a teenage girl. During this transition, I identified two

distinctive social settings; an individualistic culture where personal

space and privacy are dominant and a collective culture that

primarily focuses on cohesive communities. Learning how to create

a balance between the two proved beneficial as I came back to a

city that was witnessing major cultural and lifestyle advances.

The year 2002 was monumental due to my high school graduation

with academic honors, being a member of the national champion

basketball team, and an award winning dancer apart from being

an avid keyboardist and guitarist.

The overall character of Dubai has influenced me in many ways. I

feel that if Dubai was a person, she would belong to the same age

group I fall in; between 25 and 30. The city is stylish, indulgent,

sociable, yet simple in ways and extremely friendly. She lives in

the now. She is very outgoing and open minded. However, she

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has some reservations being a part of the Middle East family

who are comparatively orthodox and hold a traditional mindset.

She accepts criticism and understands that many around her are

concerned about her well-being. Some are even doubtful about her

nonchalant ways finding her unrealistic at times. She recognizes

that there is a lot to learn but still carries a non-giving up and an

optimistic attitude. In a span of nearly 14 years, I have seen the city

grow with an unbeatable ambition to be recognized, respected,

and become a success story in a very short time. Observing the city

bloom with extreme alacrity has inspired me to follow my dreams

and ambitions in a similar way. Dubai has influenced a similar

attitude within me. There is always something to learn. Then, there

is always something to share from what you have learned. The

‘impossible is nothing’ attitude of Dubai inspired me to step into a

new chapter with utmost confidence.

I funded my own undergraduate studies with a study abroad semester at State University

of New York, Buffalo, NY. The New York experience was thrilling as it allowed me to live on

my own. The independence and living away from parental influence allowed me to make

my own decisions. Living alone allowed me to test my culinary skills. I realized my interests

and abilities in cooking and baking as I became more experimental with the available

limited resources as a student. I learned how to control my finances and create budgets

without the help of my superiors. The strong surroundings of the school enhanced a

sense of responsibility and a strong locus of control. The widely spread out class schedules

taught me how to manage my time well. The program provided the opportunity to learn

things that I have always loved doing and held a deep ardor for. I registered for a painting

class as an elective. As an amateur artist learning the fundamentals of painting was an

opportunity I did not want to miss. This was especially because such classes were not

available at the university in Dubai. The experience was unique and certainly unforgettable.

It provided me a chance to channel my artistic ability into a concrete deliverable.

On another note Buffalo is a very quite city compared to the where I have resided before.

The comparatively modest lifestyle in a relaxed setting encouraged an unpretentious and

humble attitude quite contrary to a convenient and socially savvy lifestyle in Dubai. The

study abroad program fine tuned my personality and I became the person I am today with

the help of instances and opportunities that may seem otherwise menial. Moreover, this

experience opened my eyes to the world beyond the shell of my home, city, and country.

I would like to take the liberty to include my frequent visits to New York City during my

time at SUNY Buffalo. I most certainly agree with all those who call the place magical.

Some cities instantly make you want to let your hair down. New York is one such city

where, as you discover parts of it, you discover parts of yourself. There is no place that

inspires me more than NYC and I dream of living and working here at least for a part of

my life if not the rest of it

The situational and geographical changes over the 26 years of my life have not only been

life altering but also shaped me into a confident, creative, optimistic and experimental


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My passion for advertising and a ‘go-getter’ attitude combined with my work experience

led me to take the next step. It did not take much thinking to decide that I want to further

my education in the field because it provided me with an opportunity to heighten my

knowledge in the specific field while being able to employ whatever I have learned so

far. During my university research I found that the Brandcenter is showcased on a brilliant

level for the Advertising industry. Aside from the prestigious awards, the Sixty magazine

justifies the work and talent that come out of the school.

Going by past records and the reputation of its faculty, I hold a firm opinion that my

education, skills and talent can be given best shape by studying for a Master’s degree

in the communications strategy track at Brandcenter. This perception is also backed by

the unanimous testimonials received from 3 alumni members that I spoke to during

my research. I have been told that the experience at Brandcenter

is holistic. Every student gets to understand what the other

department within an ad agency is about aside from the specific

field of study. It is not far away from a real work environment where

endurance, teamwork and leadership skills are tested and polished.

This heightened my interest towards the school as my primary

goal is to learn in an environment that does not take me far away

from professional reality. The courses involve a learning of what is

important today rather than existing theories. For e.g. classes like,

digital engagement, principles and strategies of modern media are

some that caught my attention. In addition, I realized that a lot of

learning involves working with and for real brands in classes like

Investigating Consumer Culture.

My passion for communicating brands to their best potential backed

by working in the field of advertising for three years has developed

me into a confident and competent self-starter. I have an increased

enthusiasm to obtain continuous understanding and knowledge in

order to translate my passion into an actual product that I can be

proud of. Thus, Brandcenter fits well into the basket.

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While researching, I shared my thoughts about certain schools with a friend/colleague. His immediate thought

was that I should speak with Karen Walker. Karen, who is also my colleague at TBWA (and graduated from

Brandcenter in the copywriter’s track), introduced me to a whole new way of perceiving a school. “Those

were the best two years of my life”, she said about Brandcenter. She credited the school for shaping her

character, confidence and career path. Her instant encouragement and enthusiasm was fresh and the vibe it

provided was exactly what I was looking for to select my preferred school. Karen and I have worked together

on several projects. She has always brought great ideas and brilliant writings to the table. Even though I only

know her professional, I have extreme respect for her overall attitude. When I spoke to Karen with regards to

my intention of applying to the Brandcenter, she immediately advocated the idea. She feels that the program

is a perfect fit for my caliber.

Also, during the process of applying, I was introduced to yet another inspirational alumnus, Ayasha Alghas.

Ayasha also worked with TBWA\RAAD as a planner. She graduated in the communications strategy track

and enigmatically quoted Karen, “Those were best two years of my life”. “I will sell it you like a drug”, is

something else she said. We spent 2 hours talking about the program’s offerings, and the resulted outcome.

Of course, an individual who has succeeded by facing and overcoming challenges will not hesitate expressing

it. A realistic experience was shared that included long hours, less weekends, and exigent projects and

assignments. In all this, her excitement of reminiscing with the experience combined with my excitement of

passionately wanting to experience the same overpowered everything. Ayasha is a very insightful person and

truly inspires me to follow my dreams.

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Personally, I would describe myself as a jovial, optimistic and

sociable person. I am easily adaptable to situations and can

communicate with people from all walks of life effortlessly.

My curiosity and enthusiasm to learn about different things

and people along with the need to connect with them wires

my avid interest in the creative field of advertisement. It urges

me to explore beyond the realms of undergraduate studies

and strengthen my knowledge and passion further. After

having successfully graduated with a Bachelors in Business

Administration specializing in marketing, I now wish to

pursue a Masters in Communications Strategy to imbibe a

more holistic and strategic approach to business and brand

communications planning. Communications strategy - or as

many term it, strategic planning is gaining importance in the

marketing world and is playing a critical role in the modern

day culture.

It has become imperative to understand the ever changing

consumer behavior. To link it with brand behavior and make it

work is the ultimate challenge. An advanced education in this

discipline prepares forward thinking professionals for a career

in cutting edge management communications by providing

the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively face the

challenges of the 21st century business and communications

environment. It has become imperative for professionals to

understand the rapid and constantly changing marketplace

and be able to implement sound marketing strategies, solve

business problems and creatively build revenue earning brands

for businesses worldwide.

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Last year for me has been a mixed bag. The year started off on a positive note. I was finally working on a profile that fit my caliber perfectly.

While I was on an ambition high, the situation outside my world was filled with anxiety. At a time where everything seemed bumpy on a

macro level, optimism and courage among people increased. 2009 defined new cultural as well as social trends. Thus, instead of focusing on

conventional events I chose five topics that focus on everything that created a certain level of impact in my life.

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SMALL THINGS LEAD TO PROBLEMS\A CULTURAL CHANGE THROUGH A RATHER POLITICAL EVENTDuring the global economic crisis, India has deservingly received

approbation regarding an opposite upward economic trend. While

the world is lauding on the evident potential of the country, there are

certain obstacles that hinder to the growth of the nation. Ironically, the

bloom has been accompanied with various challenges in the last year.

The Mumbai attacks were undoubtedly the most disturbing event. It got

termed as the ‘9/11 of India’. Indians all around the world were shaken

and felt an increased sense of responsibility and unity. Moreover, the

event gave rise to a lot of speculation among the Indian youth within

and outside the country. The event became thought provoking. In turn

the younger generation started questioning the political lucidness of

the nation.

In retrospect, while Indians from various ethnicities, cultures, religions,

came together to protect their city of Mumbai and their nation in turn,

a far right political party within the state decided to take their religious

fundamentalism)to a whole new level by contradicting these intentions.

Some may consider these as political hindrances indirectly affecting the

economic growth; I find them culturally bound – a disruption of India’s

celebrated multicultural ethos. Here is why:

Within the political system of India, there are multiple parties that

support various common causes. India being the largest democracy in

the world, depends on its citizens to form a governing party. A party that

wins 50 percent of the votes is considered the governing constitution.

Other parties consequently become opposing or supporting groups. Shiv

Sena are one of the state political fundamentalists broadly favoring

increased influence of the Marathi speaking community, the original

natives, in Maharashtra.

Commonly known as ‘The Sena,’ they have been actively involved in

improving the infrastructure in the state particularly in the financial

capital of Mumbai, which resulted in a significant boom in the city.

However, a nation that lives by the motto ‘unity in diversity’ was shaken up

by their actions that encouraged the very contradictory divide and rule policy.

Instead of supporting the Mumbai attacks as a national event, ‘The Sena’ have

taken advantage of the incident and focused on a personal issue of “Mumbai

for Marathis” creating apprehension in the minds of ordinary people. Even

national icons like Sachin Tendulkar (a successful cricket player), Mukesh

Ambani (a shrewd businessman) and Shahrukh Khan (a Bollywood icon)

have been targeted because they have not subscribed to their parochialism.

For instance, Shah Rukh Khan who is also the owner of an Indian Premier

League (IPL) cricket team, was attacked and forced to publicly apologize for his

statement that suggested a friendly welcome of Pakistani cricket players into

the IPL. ‘The Sena’ blew this out of proportion and reacted by burning posters

of the actor’s upcoming movie down along with violent strikes that stopped the

movie from running in theaters. Their overall justification to such agitations are

that ‘outsiders’ pose a threat to the state. These ‘outsiders’ even include migrant

Indians from different states of India.

It is shameful that in an otherwise flourishing nation, Indians are being told

by political parties like the Shiv Sena that Mumbai is not for Indians but for

‘Marathi’s’. It disrupts the spirit of the Indian Constitution that allows all Indians

to settle anywhere in the country. Being an Indian citizen and a Mumbai migrant,

I consider this as one of the most culturally relevant issues of the recent past. If

every state were to toe their line of thinking, then India will soon disintegrate.

Nevertheless, this event has a positive outcome. It has allowed for cultural unity

instead. With the help of national media channels, these events have pulled the

citizens of the nation culturally closer. Residents – ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’- and

even non resident Indians like me have raised a unanimous concern toward the

antics of such political fundamentalists. Being the largest democracy, citizens

have used their right to freedom of speech and protested against such behavior.

My favorite part is that Indians all around the world are finally realizing that

such small and illogical issues are actually the cause behind the bigger issues.

And, action is bound to be taken.

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Client servicing or Account management is the only daily client

facing department within most advertising agencies. They

present themselves as the face of the agency. At the same

time they act as the voice of the brand they work with. Due

to this reason, most agencies are very selective in employing

people within the department. Considering that the Middle

East is an Arab region, the account management team in most

agencies holds an Arab dominated lineup. Top management,

account directors and even the junior account executives

in the early years have mostly been of Arab origin. To some

extent, this was accepted and justified as it allowed for an

ethnocentric atmosphere which was considered essential

for better understanding of the local culture. The downside

was that other nationalities, especially in a multicultural city

like Dubai, hardly received the opportunity to showcase their

ability and expertise of the field. Although efforts have been

taken to involve people of other descents, they are marginal in

comparison to the Arab dominated population in ad agencies.

The year before last has been personally fruitful for this reason.

While working as a junior planner at Publicis Graphics, I received

a call from TBWA\RAAD (a creative agency within the Omnicom

Group and one of the top ad agencies in the Middle east) to

interview for an account management position. I had been

following their work among other creative agencies and found

it very inspiring. For me, it was an opportunity to work with and

manage big brands. I was aware of the challenges arising from

the typical lack of diversity within such departments and took

it in circumspect. Surprisingly, apart from the unconventional

office layout, the agency already had a mix of cultures which

was otherwise a very rare sight at the time.

My meeting went extremely well and I was offered the job. After a couple days of

joining, I took the liberty to ask my group Account Director what made them select

me over other candidates. And, to this she said, “Our agency spells disruption. It is

all about breaking conventions and introducing a unique and unused idea to the

table. You managed to follow suit even before being a part of the TBWA family by

taking a plunge at the opportunity without falling prey to the cultural block with

your non-giving up attitude.” That was a personal achievement culturally relevant

and I have been disrupting ever since.

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Recently, I was called in by my cousin brother (a successful DJ) to take

a close look at his laptop screen. He usually does this when he wants

to show off his new girl interest, or make me listen to an amazing

compilation he created on his mixer. However, this time it was a picture

of me, on a profile that looked very unfamiliar. As I looked closer it read

my age, vital statistics, interests and characteristics. I do not prefer

sharing such information even on my facebook profile, so it felt like

my privacy was invaded. It further went on to talk about the kind of

boys I would like, where I would like to live etc. Seeing where this was

going I looked at the URL and realized I was advertised on ‘Shaadi.

com’, an Indian match making website for arranged marriages. Apart

from the infuriation that made me go red in the face, I was extremely

inquisitive to know who would perform such an audacious act to post

my profile without my consent, and assume my interests in men and

preferred locations!

To satisfy my curiosity I went on to check for any contact details and to

my surprise (and relief) it was my mother playing the match maker. Her

justification was a very earnest attempt which comprised of securing

my eternal happiness by finding the man of my dreams - who I may

eventually get married to - through the internet!

Last year was a funny one. Turning 25 years old, achieving great heights

at work, making the most important decision to further my education

were accompanied by some worrisome family members and an overload

of wedding invitations that I received from my friends from all over the

world. Yes, the marriage season was on. Every time I got a call from a

friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a while, I could predict the subject of

the conversation. Except for one friend who called to let me know that

she won a lottery of a million Dirhams! This, of course, worried my family

as I was nowhere close to the ‘M’ word – Marriage, not millionaire.

Coming back to the point, last year was a year where most of my

conversations outside work inevitably revolved around weddings and

marriages. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that ‘shaadi’, the word for

marriage in many Indian languages, is the first word a child understands

after ‘mummy’ and ‘papa’. To an Indian, marriage is a matter of karmic

destiny. As soon as a girl turns 25 years old, marriage should be her

utmost priority. I call it a culturally relevant event not only because

90% of my friends got married or engaged last year, but also because I

was strongly coaxed to consider it as well.

I attended eight weddings in the last year, three of which were

‘destination’ weddings. All of them were weddings of my close friends.

One can imagine how many weddings I didn’t attend. I don’t believe

marriage is a bad thing. To me, it is a beautiful cohesion of two people

who are willing to spend the rest of their lives together. Due to the

above mentioned societal obligations, it has become a trend that

everyone my age is compelled to follow irrespective of whether they

are ready for the commitment or not.

Typically, Indian weddings are a ‘week-long’ event. If you are close

to the bride or groom, apart from dressing up in nothing less than

glittery traditional outfits, it is mandatory to hold a dance/musical

performance for the couple on the day of the ‘sangeet’ (musical

ceremony). Be a part of all traditions carried out, and finally bid the

bride farewell or welcome her into her new home. Being a part of

eight ‘week-long’ weddings throughout the year surely turned out

to be culturally relevant. I say this not only because it took most of

my time aside from work but also because it was the most talked

about topic around me. My friends, family, community and even my

colleagues spoke about marriage, asked about marriage, or simply

ended up getting married.

This events relevance also lies in the fact that it is an obligation

one must fulfill. Marriage raises a combination of excitement, hope,

concern and worry within my family. Being single and focused on

my career to them seemed like denial on my part. A denial from the

sorrow I would otherwise face seeing everyone around me saying

“I do”. The concerns of an Indian family in this context are highly

bound by the culture and society trends, so I understand their thought

process around the subject. After giving it a lot of thought, I used a

creative yet sensible rationale backed by a persuasive presentation

to convince my simple minded family how marriage was not the only

thing on the agenda of a 25 year old woman. And I did a pretty good

job at it!

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Recently, I was called in by my cousin brother (a successful DJ) to take a close look at his laptop screen. He usually does this when he wants to show off his

new girl interest, or make me listen to an amazing compilation he created on his mixer. However, this time it was a picture of me, on a profile that looked

very unfamiliar. As I looked closer it read my age, vital statistics, interests and characteristics. I do not prefer sharing such information even on my facebook

profile, so it felt like my privacy was invaded. It further went on to talk about the kind of boys I would like, where I would like to live etc. Seeing where

this was going I looked at the URL and realized I was advertised on ‘’, an Indian match making website for arranged marriages. Apart from the

infuriation that made me go red in the face, I was extremely inquisitive to know who would perform such an audacious act to post my profile without my

consent, and assume my interests in men and preferred locations!

To satisfy my curiosity I went on to check for any contact details and to my surprise (and relief) it was my mother playing the match maker. Her justification was

a very earnest attempt which comprised of securing my eternal happiness by finding the man of my dreams - who I may eventually get married to - through

the internet! Last year was a funny one. Turning 25 years old, achieving great heights at work, making the most important decision to further my education

were accompanied by some worrisome family members and an overload of wedding invitations that I received from my friends from all over the world. Yes,

the marriage season was on. Every time I got a call from a friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a while, I could predict the subject of the conversation. Except

for one friend who called to let me know that she won a lottery of a million Dirhams! This, of course, worried my family as I was nowhere close to the ‘M’

word – Marriage, not millionaire.

Coming back to the point, last year was a year where most of my conversations outside work inevitably revolved around weddings and marriages. It wouldn’t

be a stretch to say that ‘shaadi’, the word for marriage in many Indian languages, is the first word a child understands after ‘mummy’ and ‘papa’. To an Indian,

marriage is a matter of karmic destiny. As soon as a girl turns 25 years old, marriage should be her utmost priority. I call it a culturally relevant event not only

because 90% of my friends got married or engaged last year, but also because I was strongly coaxed to consider it as well.

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If 2000 was remembered as the year the dot com bubble burst,

and if 2006 was the explosion of social networking, then 2009 can

undoubtedly be remembered as the year of the “smartphone”; it was

last year that we – the residents of the Middle East – warmly welcomed

this complex piece of circuitry into our lives.

As the status of this tiny little region gained affluence in global circles

– through various factors like change in oil prices, to the exponential

increase in the global awareness of Dubai – it suddenly seemed

like the world was watching us. Suddenly, we had to keep up with

our counterparts in the West (and I refer to the West as it has been

agreed by general consensus that the West is the most technologically,

scientifically and socially advanced region on planet Earth today).

Now there were many ways we could put ourselves at par with them.

We could invest in research and development to increase our intellectual

property. Or, we could invest in education to increase our intellectual

capital. However, the decision was easy – we made the smart choice

(well, I know I did) of splurging on smartphones. Hello there, my lovely

iPhone’s and Blackberry’s!

The arrival of the smartphone was heralded with pomp and vigour.

And, why not? With the likes of major players pushing ahead with their

expansion into Asian markets, and lower rates enabling a higher rate of

affordability, it seemed like everyone I knew was flashing around one

of these lovely devices, while flashing a look that suggested “What-

you-don’t-have-one? Sheesh-you-are-so-out-of-it!” Not wanting to be

kept out of the loop, and perhaps bowing to social pressure, I gleefully

jumped onto the accelerating bandwagon and happily put my name

to a Blackberry Curve (update: My loving family has now expanded to

include a sleek Apple iPhone too!)

At first, the blackberry was officially introduced (I say officially because a

set of “I want to be ahead of them all” people already obtained means

to get their hands on this device). The increasing demand and inquiry

brought about the official launch of iPhone in a blink of an eye. A little

late don’t you think? It doesn’t matter. Within seconds, professionals,

homemakers, spoilt brats, cab drivers and even secondary school

students were walking with their heads down and eyes glued to this

fancy gadget.

While technology helped reduce the effort needed to keep in touch with

friends and colleagues – from a painstaking level to merely a few hits

on the keyboard – it seems that our desires to be connected even more

instantaneously were never-ending. To satisfy those cravings, hardware

manufacturers allowed us to move our interactions to the next level;

they facilitated the transfer of our neat, little online social environments

onto the tiny screens we cuddled in our palms.

Life was easy when Facebook came along – it did not require me to

get up from the comforts of my cozy armchair to be connected. Yet,

life became even easier when I could access this information on my

cell phone, anywhere and everywhere, whenever I wanted it. At work,

my gadgets helped me become a productive warrior. I could finally

reply to email the minute it reached my inbox (as my Blackberry

would automatically download it from my mail provider’s server), thus

decreasing time lag. I could also update my schedule and share it with

relevant friends and colleagues in real-time – gone were the days of

showing up for a meeting - that had been cancelled – which you had

not been informed for. I am still in constant discovery of what these

magical devices are capable of. There is an obvious reason why they

are called smart phones.

Nevertheless, where do we go from here? The advocates of such

technology stress the importance of and value of always being in touch

with our loved ones, while highlighting the increase in productivity

brought about in the workplace due to faster connectivity. It is indeed

quite true that our lives have been impacted tremendously by their

integration in our daily activities. Yet, I often pause and wonder – will

these newfound digital interactions completely replace our physical

interactions? Have we reached a stage in our evolvement where

shaking a colleague’s hand has merely become the same as poking the

same person on Facebook? I hope not.

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Making sense of today’s subcultures can be overwhelming.

So many subcultures, each with its own alternative world of

taste, fashions, music, and attitudes exist around the globe.

Subcultures are accurately defined and classified in countries

like the United States of America, Australia, India, Japan, Britain,

and the list could go on. High schools comprise of subcultures

like nerds, and jocks, universities have sororities and fraternities

while societies comprise of subcultures like, ghetto, punk, emos

among many others. These and many other subcultures have

developed and prevailed over centuries.

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I live in a country where subcultures are not listed, defined or classified like

they are in many places. Nevertheless, having the opportunity of living across

continents I am aware of and identify certain subcultures that I have come


United Arab Emirates is Muslim country that is comparatively more liberal

than the others around the region. There exists a huge mix of cultures. Arab

nationals, expat Arabs, Asians, South-east Asian, Europeans, and Americans

are some of the most prominent cultures present and living in the country.

Moreover, there is an equal mix of individual and collective cultures. A balance

exists between single working individuals, nuclear and joint families. Hence,

even though the subcultures aren’t clearly defined, they very well exist.

On a broad level I participate in the expatriate youth subculture of Dubai.

The youth subculture provides an identity outside of that ascribed by social

institutions such as family, work, and home. There are various youth subcultures

in Dubai. Mostly, they are different in their ethnicities with similarities in their

lifestyles. The expatriate youth culture in Dubai that I belong to consists of

young professionals - of the South East Asian decent - in their mid twenties

and early thirties; working or taking care of the family business. The latter is

more prominent. I, for one, belong to the former group. The uniqueness of this

youth subculture is that we live with our parent irrespective of age and marital

status. It is considered a given. I consider this subculture a bit close to the new

romantic and glam subculture in terms of lifestyle and fashion. Maintaining a

healthy social life is of utmost importance within this subculture. More often

than not, I am compelled to take time out of my busy working schedules and

family obligations to regularly meet friends and acquaintances over fine-dining

experiences, parties and short trips. Fashion and lifestyle are inspired by the

glamorous lifestyle of celebrities; western and south-east Asians. Presentation

matters. Fitness matters. Brands matter. Although the overall attitude of the

youth subculture is compelling, there are certain elements that allow freedom

of choice. Most participants are newly married or engaged to married within

the culture. A very few are single.

Another set of subcultures I participate in are the artists and dancers subcultures.

Painting and dance are my passion. Amid a busy work schedule and an active

social life, I try and take time to participate in different art exhibitions, and

doodle nights. Art for me is priceless. Hence, I gift my work out to people who

matter to me. I have been part of the dancers’ subculture since a very young

age. While the participants and degree of participation has changed over a

period of time. Dancing remains a part of my life. I have, learnt various forms of

dance, performed, competed and even taught this form of art. Currently, I am

back to learning. On Tuesday evenings I attend salsa classes which I thoroughly

enjoy. These subcultures may not be strong in this part of the world. But, the

nature of these subcultures has compelled me to stick around.

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Music is a world where the elements of rhythm, tone, harmony, melody and

poetry coalesce with emotions, solitude, intellect, and spirituality. It is both a

solitary and a social act. It ups ones senses. Good music for me is like opening

my eyes to a beautiful morning, or discovering the best chocolate cake I’ve

tasted so far. Better yet, it allows me to connect with my loved ones, like it

allows some to connect with their community, some with their nation or even

the entire world. Music has an ability to subtly influence our thoughts and

feelings. There is a magical energy, a sense of purpose and a direction that it

imparts. Moreover, it gives a gratifying sense of meaning in what seems like a

meaningless world.

To me, music is all this and more. I come from a family of amateur musicians and

avid music lovers. I grew up listening to and appreciating various genres and

forms of music. Music in general has influenced my life in many different ways.

It is a space I rest in. It complements my ever growing passion for dancing.

It allows me to test my vocal skills. My curiosity towards the unique sounds

produced by various instruments urged me to learn the piano and guitar.

Choosing my favorite music is much more difficult than I had anticipated. When

you listen to over twelve hours of music each day you tend to incorporate every

type of music into your life. With much time and thought, I decided to do justice

by mentioning one from each genre that I enjoy, solely because, each one of

them play a different role in my life.

To begin with, I enjoy soft rock. The combination of the acoustic guitar and

meaningful lyrics backed by unique yet intense vocals allows me to step back

into a calmer place. Jason Mraz is a particular favorite. His music, videos and

online journals have a way of communicating with the audience like nobody

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else. There is perkiness to his music that sends a blithe vibe. His songs are

beautiful in a simple and honest way. They are candid. His voice complements

the character of his songs. ‘A song for a friend’, ‘Live high’, ‘Life is beautiful’,

are my favorite tracks among others.

On a lucky day where I have the opportunity to provide my full attention to one

thing at a time, I turn up my modest yet efficient sound system and listen to

some beautiful contemporary Indian fusion music. There is something magical

about amalgamation of instruments like the traditional tabla, percussions,

sitar, flute, with more international instruments like the guitar, piano etc.

Karsh Kale is one such producer/composer who has managed to achieve

perfect synchronization within this genre. If you are for experimental and

unconventional music, this one is an absolute listen.

Another similar genre that provides the same mood settings is progressive/

vocal house and lounge music. They fall in between long drives, some weekend

afternoons and nights out with friends at roof top or lounge bars. I was

introduced to this genre by my first cousin who is a renowned local DJ. What

interests me about this genre is the blend of electronic music, various beats

and unconventional vocals. Technology has taken music to a different level. It

is fascinating how music can be created through anything with the help of a

machine. My cousin passionately shared the story of how a New York based DJ

Knuckles would add drum beats to classic or disco music in clubs in the 1980’s.

The clubbers loved this mix and house music (the name was given for what was

played at the club) only ameliorated from then on. Deadmau5, David Vendetta,

are some of my favorites.

I grew up watching Bollywood (Indian for Hollywood) movies. One thing

I learned over the years is that no matter how realistic Indian cinema gets,

music and dance will never leave it. This genre has played an important role

in shaping my interests around the two forms of art. Although, I appreciate

commercial Indian music, two artists that have played an important role in

enhancing my ardor toward the same are A.R. Rahman. I can easily say that

A.R. Rahman for me is the most talented musician I have come across. His

music touches my soul. His compositions have a way of arousing my senses.

They are versatile yet classic. They are contemporary yet traditional. Rahman

may be internationally known for his award winning music for the movie

‘Slumdog Millionaire’. However, for me, his brilliance in his work goes all the

way back to his music from movies like ‘Bombay’, ‘Roja’, ‘Taal’ among others.

A R Rahman is also the genius behind the famous composition of the Airtel

cellular phone Ad that millions of people have heard. In fact, in my opinion,

the beauty of the Ad campaigns for Airtel heavily lies in its music composition.

Being an avid music lover, I am open to any form of music (although I am not a

big fan of heavy metal). Hip Hop music is a genre I listen to and dance to more

often than not. Black Eyed Peas, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, and Alisha Keys

are some artists I adore.

I am a person of music. A day without music feels empty. Music has a powerful

way of paying with our moods. It lightens uplifts, mellows, motivates and even

becomes your friend in times of sorrow. The one thing common about all the

above mentioned preferences is the creativity with which each are produced.

They are different, meaningful and experimental. They are me.

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It all started when I was watching an Indian movie, in which the female

protagonist held the book in her hand in one scene. It had an attractive cover

with a very unique name. At that point in time I finished reading some great

books, like ‘God of small things’ by Arundati Roy, ‘To kill a mocking bird’

and the Kite Runner. It was only natural to visit the book store after such

contagious reading with an urge to instantly find another book just as good

to fill their place. This was my next pick. At first I was surprised and rather

intimidated by the 900 plus page novel. It didn’t look like that on screen.

But, the name ‘Shantaram’ written by a foreign author Gregory David Roberts

heightened my curiosity to know what was inside.

I have an inclination toward books that have unique names; names that are

ambiguous enough to make me want to peek inside. Some books turn out

to be interesting; some just don’t hit the spot. But, this book took to a new

level of liking and with no hesitance whatsoever I can say that Shantaram is

currently my favorite piece of literature. It stirred my mind and soul with every

page. It was more than just an interesting read; it was an experience that the

story provided.

“It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about

love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an

instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realized, somehow,

through the screaming of my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody

helplessness, I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or

to forgive them. It doesn’t sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite

of the chain, when it’s all you’ve got, that freedom is a universe of possibility.

And the choice you make between hating and forgiving can become the story

of your life.” When the first page stared at me with such words, it became

hard to put down the book.

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To sketch a summary, Shantaram is a semi auto-biography about Gregory

David Roberts who characterizes himself as the protagonist Lindsay, ‘Lin Baba’

or ‘Shantaram’. He writes about his story after escaping from high security

prison in Australia and fleeing to Bombay (Mumbai), India with a fake New

Zealand passport. During this experience he makes friends with people

who have nothing in common, falls in love, gets introduced to the world of

prostitutes, gambling and black marketing, and meets a motherly woman who

christens him “Shantaram”, or man of peace. He talks about how he survived

being jailed, beaten and shot at. While narrating his experiences, Roberts lets

the reader realize the journey of a violent and destructive man, who finally

finds peace within himself due to various influences in the form of people,

places and situations.

Aside from an extremely gripping story, Roberts, describes the culture,

the characters and the city itself in the most unique yet lucid manner. The

exceptionality lies in the fact of how a foreigner has taken a plunge into the

deepest of Indian society’s complexities and also done a successful job of

understanding the fundamental unifying theme which revolves around the

true sense of freedom. He writes with empathy and affection for the seamy

side of Mumbai city. There is acceptance and love, an underlying humanity

that comes from having experienced the worst of it. It is clear that he admires

India and its people for who they are but never hesitates a moment before

showing things that are obviously wrong or funny bringing a droll angle to the

elaborate and otherwise serious story. For instance, Roberts creates a harmless

parody around the way his friend and tour guide Prabaker makes an effort to

speak and take pride in the English language, or, how he observes, adapts and

is amused by different unfamiliar gestures like the side to side headshaking

that indicates agreement. It is this honesty and simplicity that compelled me to

read the entire book without skipping a page.

With each role Roberts manages to shed equal light on the situation, the

people he encounters during the phase, and how they impact him.

Another aspect of this book that proves to captivate my interest is a detailed

description of the systems that operate within the country. These range from

police, currency, gold, drugs, prostitution and the slums. This was the first book

I read that talks about prison torture and gives deserved attention to the slum

life in India on such a diaphanous level. Being a non resident Indian citizen,

these details not only serve as facts about the country, but they provide a

sense of attachment and empathy considering these structures belong to the

country I belong to. It encouraged me to learn further and observe the city I

visited often with a different perspective. I never gave a second thought to the

slums, except to make sure I held my breath every time I passed it. I thought

they must be mad to come to Mumbai to live like this.

Finally, I will give most credit to the beautiful way the book is written. Although

the writing gets too poetic for my taste at times, it fits well within the realm of

the story. Roberts has succeeded in romanticizing a true and rather brutal story

while articulating it the simplest possible manner.

Shifting back to books related to advertising, I recently completed the ‘Art of

The Idea’. A must read for every individual with minimal inclination toward

creativity. This book brings the simplest observations into learning that

would make one go “Hmm, I never thought about it like that!” I am

attached to this book for two reasons. One, it is written by the creative

head of TBWA worldwide, John hunt. Two, all the proceeds go to the

Room 13 charity that encourages less privileged children to explore

their creativity and talents.

I have now started to read ‘Eat Love Pray’ by Elizabeth Gilbert and I

will not be surprised if it turns into my next favorite. I’ll have to see

about that.

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We have grown up listening to our parents advising us not to speak

to strangers. In fact, I am sure I will give my children the same exact

advice. However, in the present day and age, and as we grow older,

making conversation with an unknown individual becomes a part of

our daily lives. Through social networking mediums, we manage to

talk to several strangers along the way. Of course, talking to strangers

face to face still remains a tendency people limit themselves from.

At the same time, no matter how open minded we become, we

subconsciously decide who to talk to or not based on our instinctive

judgment and perceptions.

I have spoken to many strangers along the way. Some have become

friends or acquaintances, and others have just left a memory; mostly

pleasant ones. This particular incident is a recent one that is not only

worth remembering but also worth sharing.

I was visiting Mumbai City in December 2009. After four years.

Overall, the city was a pleasant surprise; cleaner roads, cleaner air,

less pollution were among other revelations. It encouraged me to

do things I would otherwise think twice for. Maintaining this spirit, I

decided to opt for a ‘rickshaw’ ride instead of calling a cab to head

to the other side of the city. As a non resident Indian, we are often

told to be careful while speaking to a shopkeeper, a street vendor

or cab and rickshaw drivers to avoid being taken advantage of. It

is a generalization that people have formed through experiences or

just plain paranoia. However, on this particular day I decided make

conversation while enjoying the ride.

To begin with, he was taken aback when I asked his name. He went

on to say that in the ten years of his profession as a rickshaw driver

nobody had asked his name. Raj and I asked each other where we

were from. When he asked me what I did for a living, assuming the

complexity of my role, I chose simple words. “I help create ads like

those”, I said in the Hindi language pointing to a massive billboard

displaying an ad for Nokia. “You work in an Ad Agency? That must

be exciting, except for the long hours no?” he said enthusiastically

in ‘Hinglish’ (a mix of English and Hindi words). It was my turn to be

taken aback. In fact, from then on, the conversation was only filled

with eyebrow raising moments for me.

Raj is about my age. He knows the English language fairly well.

He explained that most of the rickshaw drivers acquired basic

knowledge of the English vocabulary because of the culturally

diverse and touristic characteristics of the Mumbai city. He finished

his high school education at the age of 17 and dreamed of pursuing

his undergraduate studies with a majors in marketing ever since. He

was driving the rickshaw to save enough money to finally get into

a good university in Mumbai after paying for his sister’s marriage.

During the ride, in the midst of all the noise, we managed to speak

about the political and economic systems of India and the potential

that the country held. We even spoke about recent events in Dubai

and the current economic situation that the city was under. His

awareness on subjects that lay outside the country impressed me.

Moreover, upon mentioning the noticeable change in cleanliness,

Raj spoke about how his community was making a difference by

separating the trash from plastic and paper. Their awareness and

knowledge increased through various TV ads that educated the

audience about such topics.

Not realizing that I had already reached my destination within a

timeframe that would otherwise feel like forever, I stepped down

and paid the rickshaw fair. At that moment Raj stood up to say,

“Ma’am, thank you for listening to me. It is very rare that people

talk to me. And no one has ever asked my name. So, I want to

thank you and I will always remember you.” I wished him luck and

moved ahead thinking to myself that I should be the one thanking

him. Through this conversation I learned that knowledge and

information is available to each one of us. Those who are eager to

learn, create the opportunity instead of waiting for one. I learned

that making a difference does not limit you through social classes

or professions. Finally, I learned that we all have dreams. The non-

giving up attitude of this man encouraged and motivated me to

stick to my goals no matter what comes my way.

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“None of us is as smart as all of us”. This is a Japanese proverb that

my basketball coach used every single time he witnessed a one man

game on court. He used it as many times as he needed to make us

remember it in our sleep. As a team member of the school team, I

learned a lot about teamwork and team spirit during some defeated

and some triumphant journeys. Moreover, following a great captain

and coach helped me to lead my dance team in high school in the

best possible manner. It helped my work as a team player than just

a captain.

Every time I am in a challenging situation at work, I reminded myself

of the wise proverb that my coach used ten years ago. It helps me

back track a little and get back to the basics. Let me give you an

example. Recently, I received a brief to design an advertorial for

an existing campaign. The brief was simple and the work was far

from challenging. But, we had other obstacles. We had a brand new

creative team on board along with a very tight timeline to produce the

artwork. At this point I had just been introduced to the new creative

team. It would be natural to think that the creative team could come

up with a great idea and leave them to work on their part of the job.

However, I could hear a whisper in my head which said “None of us is

as smart as all of us”. So, instead of leaving it to them, I sat with the

team and went through the history of the campaign and guidelines

before the scheduled orientation. Of course, this would take up extra

hours from my time. But, the end result was a beautiful layout that

the client loved in the first go. Moreover, this developed a sense of

assurance for the client as well our team.

We tend to work in teams more often than not. We work in different

team settings at work, in a dance class, with a personal trainer at the

gym and even as a family. As a Senior account executive, I work in six

different team settings at TBWA\RAAD. Two are internal teams and

four are teams of each of my client. Working with different people

toward different goals at the same time has taught me to be patient,

understanding and firm at the same time. Teamwork is not just about

working harmoniously. I have learnt that it is important to be honest

with each other and respect each other. For instance, a client was hell

bent on working with a strategy for a particular campaign. It would

have been a safe route to agree with the client and provide with a

product as per their inventive approach. But, I did not agree with the

client and saw the strategy as a far shot. After discussing with the senior

management I worked with the planner on a rationale to provide them with

a solution that would meet their objectives through a different angle that

we believed as workable. The honesty, led the client/agency team toward

producing a great idea and execution thereafter.

I have been given great opportunities by my superiors to lead certain

projects. One such project was a disruption workshop for our client Ferrari

World Abu Dhabi (FWAD). It was during a time where the account manager

and director were tied down in a weeklong conference. My responsibility

was to gather adequate information that would help in the analysis during

the workshop. I initiated by inviting people from different teams to take part

in the preparation. Four individuals decided to help and I delegated different

sections to each member of the newly found team. Each of us had to look

up for certain information on 8 competitors of FWAD. Keeping the team

motivated by treating them to lunches and providing different work settings

to boost a rather mundane process we managed to spend seven long nights

at work that resulted in a very active and fruitful workshop for the client. I

would like to mention the appreciation received from my superiors for a job

well done by the entire team. I would also like to mention that I was leading

a team of 2 senior account managers and 2 account directors and not once

was there I clash of ego or attitude.

Teamwork and leadership go hand in hand. In order to reach goals there are

times in life where you tend to even lead yourself in becoming a better team

player. A combination of patience, confidence, understanding and optimism

not only makes you a better team player or leader; it allows you to become

a better individual overall.

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