Management Practices for Health Service Organizations … · Management Practices for Health...

Management Practices for Health Service Organizations and Medical Professionals Program: Healthcare Delivery Administrators Objective: Today, the success of healthcare organizations is based on far more than the skills of individual doctors and caregivers. Faced with pressure to cut costs, new service delivery models, and demands for greater transparency, organizations require effective operational and financial strategies—as well as strong leadership. Recognized for its multidisciplinary approach to training, Jagran Institute of Management enables senior healthcare executives to drive improved performance through Healthcare Delivery: Achieving Organizational Excellence. Duration: 6 Months Fees: Rs. 18,000 Classes: Flexible Timing: Flexible Program Modules 1. General Management Principles Management involves making judgements about competing demands on available resources. All practising doctors are responsible for the use of resources. Most of the doctors will work in managed systems, whether in the hospitals or in the independent capacity. Doctors have responsibilities to their patients, employers and those who contract their services. This means that doctors are both managers and are managed. This course module will be particularly relevant if you have a management role, but will be helpful for all doctors. 2. Business Essentials Medical professionals’ management roles often involve responsibility for managing teams, people and the resources. Business is all about procurement, utilization and management of available or desired resources in most effective manner. This module focuses on various aspects of business and its related functions.

Transcript of Management Practices for Health Service Organizations … · Management Practices for Health...

Management Practices for Health Service Organizations and Medical Professionals

Program: Healthcare Delivery Administrators

Objective: Today, the success of healthcare organizations is based on far more than the skills of

individual doctors and caregivers. Faced with pressure to cut costs, new service delivery

models, and demands for greater transparency, organizations require effective operational

and financial strategies—as well as strong leadership. Recognized for its multidisciplinary

approach to training, Jagran Institute of Management enables senior healthcare executives

to drive improved performance through Healthcare Delivery: Achieving Organizational


Duration: 6 Months

Fees: Rs. 18,000

Classes: Flexible

Timing: Flexible

Program Modules

1. General Management Principles

Management involves making judgements about competing demands on available resources. All

practising doctors are responsible for the use of resources. Most of the doctors will work in

managed systems, whether in the hospitals or in the independent capacity. Doctors have

responsibilities to their patients, employers and those who contract their services. This means that

doctors are both managers and are managed. This course module will be particularly relevant if you

have a management role, but will be helpful for all doctors.

2. Business Essentials

Medical professionals’ management roles often involve responsibility for managing teams, people

and the resources. Business is all about procurement, utilization and management of available or

desired resources in most effective manner. This module focuses on various aspects of business

and its related functions.

3. Leadership Excellence

The Medical professional, by the virtue of the requirements of the profession has to manage a

team. In the process to achieve the results, they are expected to work with other professionals. The

top priority here becomes delegation and successful delegation starts from matching the people

and tasks. Another key responsibility is keeping the team motivated. For this one needs to

understand the needs of the people working with them and accordingly manage different groups of

people differently. This module enables each participant to maximize the potential within and

create a personalized leadership style suitable for different situations.

4. Finance for Non Finance Professionals

Finance is an essential area of management that needs to be understood precisely from decision

making perspective. This module emphasizes rigorous analysis tools and techniques but avoids the

complicated formulas that have no direct application to decision making. The main focus of this

module is to provide an analytical framework for understanding the business finance – such how to

read and interpret the financial and cash flow statements as well the art of value and wealth

creation to name few.

5. Visualization (Scenario Planning)

Visualization is a process that challenges the individual and organisational mindset. It allows us to

step beyond our mental models into new substantive terrain so that we can really understand

issues that previously were not raised or were only briefly considered and discarded through

conditioned mental filtering. Visualization is a process of creative thinking that fits well with

‘future-proofing’’ because it helps them to be adaptive. This module allows participants to build

systems thinking skills that are dynamic and creative. Scenarios are an investment in learning. A

set of several significantly different scenarios helps “bound the uncertainty” of the future so that

organizations can systematically plan for future contingencies and clarify their vision of the future

they prefer. Scenario thinking is real and not the end product, but merely a powerful tool.

6. Employee Engagement

Energy, not the time, is the fundamental currency of high performance. This module aims to

revolutionize our thinking about what drives enduring high performance. The premise of this

module is based on the fact that Performance, health and Happiness are all grounded in the skillful

management of energy. This module lays foundation as to how the employee engagement can

increase the overall performance.

7. Workplace Effectiveness

Today the concept of healthcare is like a jigsaw puzzle that consists of a large number of pieces.

The whole healthcare picture can only be seen once all the pieces are fit together. Technology can

help us see the entire picture at one time. The amount of data that can be managed by means of

the new Information and Communications Technologies is growing with each passing day, and

these data must be properly used to improve the reliability, efficiency and quality of the health

care sector. This module deals with the factors that help enhance the workplace efficiency and

eventually productivity.

8. Professionalism

Throughout our working lives, most of us will have many different jobs, each requiring a different

level or set of skills. No matter the industry – from customer service to an office job to construction

and the trades – all of these jobs have one thing in common: in order to succeed and move ahead,

you need to demonstrate professionalism. Professionalism does not mean wearing a suit; rather, it

means conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. It means

communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive. This

module focuses on various aspects of professionalism at work.

9. Mind and Body Management

Management is a continuous process of Resources to Results. Results are those we want, desire,

retain and achieve. Resources are the 3 M – Man (Mind), Machine (Body) and Materials (Nature).

While the Nature belongs entirely to the unknown Almighty Force, the Mind and Body belongs

partly to the individuals. This module dwells deeper into spiritual aspect of our very being thereby

allowing participants to take their responsibility to make the best use of Resources (Mind Body) to

achieve the desired Results (Health, Prosperity and Peace)

10. Attitude Awareness and Positive Thinking

Know Yourself, Choose Yourself, Give Yourself. It all starts with your thinking. Your thinking is the

primary source of all of your choices. Addressing how you think makes it possible to produce the

results you really want. This module allows participant to find tools to enhance self awareness, and

to cultivate a positive attitude, and guidance on how to take the right action. As you increase your

awareness you will begin to understand how your mind works and how your attitude impacts your

thinking, emotions, and body language. This understanding enables you to come from positive

intent, builds a positive attitude, and inspires you to take the actions in your life that will make a

difference. Your actions, in turn, reflect your choices that build awareness and feed your attitude.

Positive Intention builds momentum that spirals upward and improves your life and the lives of


11. In pursuit of Happiness

As the famous saying goes “The world is your Oyster. It is up to you to find the pearls.” It's

impossible to define "happiness", and that's the beauty of the phrase. It's left to each of us to

define what "happiness" is going to be and how we're going to go about pursuing it. We cannot

achieve true happiness instantaneously; it comes from the pursuit of that happiness. This module

focuses on various aspects of self awareness and acceptance as key to happiness and bliss.

12. Personal Branding

Brands are often viewed as the most important asset, yet unlike traditional assets, brands are

intangible, dispersed, and often ill-defined. Just like any other product or services we can also

brand ourselves. This module focuses on various aspects of Personal Branding.

13. Service Excellence - Moments of Truth-Your Patients, Your Advocates

The most important aspect in operations of services is managing the service experience. Service

excellence is the consistent delivery of an experience regardless of who happens to be on the front

lines of the delivery process. It is the systematic output of a service model that is designed explicitly

to produce it. This module basically deals with elements that help in creating a positive and lasting

impact with the patient. Apart from you, it is your staff and entire team that creates an impact on

the patient and even if you do you work with full sincerity, the results may not be the same if the

other members of the team falter. Thus emerges the importance of “Employee Engagement” and

the need to create and sustain a culture of excellence.

14. Chaotic Intelligence

The future is fundamentally uncertain, yet there are discernable directions, even if signs point to

conflicting and multiple outcomes. For some, uncertainty justifies not thinking about the future,

while for others the uncertainty is a source of opportunity. Without a concerted effort to be future-

focused, organizations run grave risks of diminished importance or even oblivion in the fluctuating

world of the early 21st century. Thinking about the future increases the likelihood of success in the

long run. This module talks about chaotic intelligence

15. Presentation Skills

Knowledge, technical skills, experience and managerial skills are all important determinants for

career advancement. Presentation however is very critical, how well you communicate with your

staff, peers and for that matter, any group that you address is the key to success. Excellent

presentation skills give you a platform to demonstrate your communication skills, influencing

abilities and leadership qualities. This module deals with the most important aspect of

communication i.e. ability to present convincingly.

16. Secrets of Body Language

Body language is powerful and indispensible in communication. Our verbal descriptions would fall

flat without non-verbal accompaniments. This module systematically explores the various aspects

of our body language in reference to our gestures, postures and mannerism.

17. Business Etiquettes

Etiquette is variously defined as politeness, consideration, thoughtfulness, good manners and

behaviour. It is treating others as you would like to be treated – with thoughtfulness and courtesy.

With greater awareness of grooming and etiquette skills participants can increase their poise and

confidence that significantly changes the impact in any formal, professional and social situations.

18. Socially Responsible Practices

In this world there are two professions that are deemed to be most noble – Medicine and Teaching.

The former deals with the physiology of humans whereas the latter with the psychology of them.

Thus as medical practitioner you are already fulfilling your responsibility towards the society, but,

Social Responsibility is not just about committing acts of charity or working for communities where

one has material interest. It is also about making decisions on what is good for greatest number of

people and which treats everyone fairly and consistently. It is a tool for social change.