Manage your Social Media Monitoring ‘Feeds’



Social media monitoring feeds have potential of helping you boost your business like never before. Here is how to digest those feeds well to energise your brand on social media platform.

Transcript of Manage your Social Media Monitoring ‘Feeds’

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Introduction to Social Media Monitoring Feeds

Recently, Omllion has started to publish a series of social

media monitoring reports on various Indian industries and

celebrities. So far Travel, Insurance and Rajinikant have been

covered in this series of Social Media Monitoring India. The

blogs garnered immense response, especially because various

interesting case studies surfaced. One of which was of

MakeMyTrip that proved excellent for excellent case study for

online reputation management, another was that of Rajinikant

that proved that content is king and being sharable on the

social web is the only key to survival and boosting your brand

reputation online and in the insurance industry it was observed that how various mediums

can help in boosting social media presence, if the done correctly.

While doing the activity many of our readers mentioned how they considered monitoring a

task with so many conversations surfacing each moment, sorting and making sense of them

seems impossible for them. A few of them even asked us how we drove to such conclusions

what was the process that we followed and so on. Hence, we decided to address this subject

and ensure that all our readers understand how to identify what social media monitoring

feeds them and how to make sure that they get maximum vitamins, minerals, etc to energise

their brands on the online social media scenario.

Each time you login to any of your social media accounts or simply even look up the net for

something related to your brand, competitor or industry, you are getting smarter and

knowledgeable; because each time you are fed something by social media, it could be

compliments, complains, some tips, grapevine, news, suggestions, etc. with mammoth of

information target towards you, keeping tab on them or making any sense of them is also

not all that easy, also you would not want to miss any of them at any given day or time.

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Hence, the social media monitoring makes its way to your assorted platter of

communications, where you can easily segregated the delicious social media feeds from the

ones that go stale and actively enact on them. So, when your monitoring tool feeds you huge

chunk of social media mentions, and then what do you do with it all? Suddenly people think

that the tool which was supposed to reduce their social media work pressure is not creating

a huge nuisance and especially when the results fetched are not very accurate and full of


Social media feeds you a lot of data like a buffet and it is up to you to pick and choose the

delicacies that you want to try that would benefit your health. It feeds you all the small-big,

loud-quiet, interesting- boring, helpful- destructive, relevant- irrelevant; all of them

together. It is better to be well fed with all the social media conversations surrounding your

keyword and work your way to top than being malnourished with the handful of

conversations which lead you nowhere.

Scroll ahead to discover how social media monitoring can play a vital role in energising and

boosting your brand my making sense of all the real time feeds.

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Making of Social Media Feeds

Social Media is increasingly making its dynamic

presence felt in every organisation’s communication and

marketing plans. But even the biggest of corporate

giants struggle to retain their senses while bringing the

best of social media delicacies on board ensuring that

the brand breathes and live a healthy online life which is

well followed and received by all the audiences that

look at them with hawk eye.

The making of these social media feeds is not entirely in the hands of your Community

Manager or your Social Media Strategist. Social media being an open medium, each having

right to voice his or her opinion, each becoming the journalist, author, commentator, critic,

etc has immense power of influencing people’s decision. With so much control of one’s

brand in the hands of the audience, it is obvious that you would have to be on your toes,

virtually, to ensure that your brand is not maligned and grows relentlessly.

Making of social media feeds is now in the hands of your Audience, each of which has a

huge power with them disguised as social media!

So how are these social media conversations made? How to brand figure in it? Even before

you start monitoring you need to have your foundation about the making of these

conversations very strong or else you would never really understand the gravity of the

situation and end up being a loser. Time and again most social media monitoring

experts/strategists/enthusiasts/managers have to realize it is not only them who are making

the noise, but also the whole world out there which does it and hence, they need to

understand goes in making the noise.

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Also, it is necessary to understand that not always is the chatter around negative, but it can

also be positive in terms of compliments or business development opportunities or simple

sharing of your content that aids in buzz creation about your brand.

Recipe to the making of social media feeds widely involves a strong negative or positive

connection or emotion of the audience towards the brand. Most social media stagiest with a

view of making the brands aware about the importance of social media monitoring, scare

them by stating how the unnoticed negative conversation can malign their image. While it

will true to a great extent, even ignore the positive ones can also be of some loss to your

brand. Not reverting positive and encouraging conversations may make brand look like too,

stringent unapproachable which is a disaster on social media scenario.

On social media platform, the feeds are impromptu and not planned in advance, not at

least the ones which are created by you- blogs, videos, tweets, etc. Your audience is very

active and would not wait to take action on, what they like or don’t, for a long duration. They

like what was served at your restaurant, they would immediately update on their Twitter

which is probably in sync with their FourSquare. If your customer care guys are not helping

them fix their laptop, they would definitely ensure to let the world know how disappointing

your technical team is. If someone is looking for a new vendor of your industry and you are

first one to know, definitely you have better chance of getting the deal. Also it shows you

what your employees are doing to your brand. Is their banter, in anyway, proving to be

disastrous to your brand image in the industry?

Chatter about your brand will have numerous online profiles and most of them would

probably in sync with other social media sites and the word would spread like a wild fire. The

activities of the company, online or offline have a major influence of the kind of response

that it generates on social media. On many occasions, the influential online identities end up

enticing others to be part of their action which invariably multiplies. One person complaining

about their unsatisfactory experience with your salesmen at a local store would

unremittingly attract immense reaction, which can be positive or negative and has complete

potential of snowballing into a chatter that is trending on all the leading social media sites.

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Such snowballing can be avoided by staying informed about it as and when it happens, so

that you can be part of the conversation and not be just a spectator to the gossip, it gives

you an opportunity to interact with the influencer in a positive manner, which stands as a

live example for many others on his list to be inspired by you. Even this activity that you do is

a social media feed that you create for your brand on the bigger picture.

In short, social media monitoring feeds as not just cooked by your audiences and unknown

social media gossipers but also by you and your people who are constantly interacting on

behalf of you. These entire well or half cooked feeds are served to you on the platter of

social media by your monitoring tool. Hence, it is essential to remember always that your

social media monitoring feeds are never generated by just others, but by you, too; and each

of them needs and deserves your attention, equally.

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Monitoring of Social Media Feeds

You no more need to know the ‘why’ of monitoring

social media. Managing social media feeds begins with

first monitoring them closely. You must choose a tool

that allows you to filter the social media data in a

customized manner, so that you can segregate each of

them with amazing ease. Hence, before you begin the

managing and taking action on the various social

media feeds, here is a short remember-list that one

must keep in mind, so that they are not diverted while

actually acting on them. It also enables you to know

where to begin carefully and make smart moves with

focus vision so that you can manage all the social

media chatter with immense ease and smartness, getting more out of very less time and

money invested.

Here is what you must remember before beginning with the monitoring of all the social

media feeds, you may call these points as ‘appetizers’.

• Recognize the benefits and risks associated with the new age social networking tools

which need to be dealt very easily and clearly keeping in the mind the new age industry

needs and wants. It could relate to security, brand protection, online reputation, image

building, etc.

• Best practices to address the risks posed by the media and to improve the preparation and

organization of awareness, once you are aware about the risks it becomes easier for you to

handle the social media data that is soon to bombard you big way.

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• Develop a strategy to cope with the feeds. Just like you set a pattern on having one dish

with another customizing as per pleasing your taste buds, you need to strategise well

ahead how are you going to deal with it all in limited amount of time that you have.

Identify the aspects of the tool that you would first begin with, slowly moving down the

trail to less important ones.

• Explore tools to come down to the one which you are comfortable with and provides you

all the features that are of great use to you and are totally user friendly and navigation

friendly. They must not bombard you with too many windows, making the whole process

even scarier.

• Typically, the community manager or the social media strategists handle the monitoring

side; too, as they understand very clearly what the chatter is all about. Hence, one usually

uses combination of social media monitoring tools which may include free and paid tools,

that aid in not just monitoring but in measuring and analyzing, too.

Choose your social media monitoring tool wisely, because you would be giving a lot of your

brand’s responsibility to the tool and it is going to pave the way for your brand’s

performance in the both long and short run.

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Manage your Social Media Feeds

Buck up now we take you through a tasting of

how to handle and manage the social media

feeds that are served to you by monitoring

tools in the form of an assorted platter that is

so full of so many varieties. Worry not! It is all

simplified and listed down in this one ebook

for you to gobble down so that when it is turn

for facing the social media feeds it would be

easy for you to digest.

Handling and Managing Social Media Feeds


Monitoring tools like Omllion offer various filtering options at each level of monitoring.

Different people begin with different levels of filtering, after regular use of the monitoring

tool you will be able to identify which one works best for you. Unless you do not learn

filtering down to the relevant social media conversation, you would never realize how easy it

is actually to segregate and strategise you work and get maximum out of the social media.

Filter down the spam, then to certain sources to sentiments to group of words or custom

search and look for only certain conversation that you want to analyse for a purpose. Filter

down each level and deal with the problem there and then itself.

Scan and Process:

As you go filtering, go on marking or commenting so that you are aware, that these

conversations are already looked at or have been addressed.

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It helps you make pointers as to help you make a to-do-list of action on all these feeds. Scan

for the business opportunities, for the customer care difficulty, for marketing

opportunities, support or foundation for research and development of some new product

or service. Scan with your hawk eye with a clear intention in your head, and then go on

processing the data, making fine notes, posting comments for even other users to see and

make a note of them and take time action without wasting mammoth of time by going over

the same thing again and again.

Scan and process each conversation by commenting on them.


No matter which industry or department you are in, you will never get ahead or get

anything done unless and until you have prioritized your work well. With mammoth of social

media feeds thrown at you, you would probably fear of the indigestion that it would cause,

but that is only because you are thinking of having it all at once. You need to slow down and

choose what you need to eat one by one. Prioritise your data filtration, scanning and

processing so that you are never stuck at where to begin and how much time to a lot on

certain action that needs to be taken. In all probability you would be having a difficult time

in keeping up with it in initial days, but slowly and surely you will find your way around.

Prioiritise which type of conversations you need to first focus on and how do you plan to

handle them. Learn from your past, observe and analyse how have your acted in the past on

various feeds, how you sensed the importance of them and accordingly distributed your

priority to them.


Cut through the rough edges and the things that are there only to waste your time. Many

a times you would come across the junk social media feeds, which would be of no good to

you and are probably not even widely related to your brand or industry, it happens

commonly when the keywords are very common name say- travel or when there are lot of

abbreviations involved like in the case of LIC (Life Insurance Corporation).

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In such a case chances of garnering unwanted social media feeds are very high and you

have to be patient and prune past them to significant ones. Do not think twice before

deleting this junk data and lighting your monitoring tool and reducing your further managing

efforts of social media.


Certain news or feeds are of such an amazing importance that you just cannot choose

ignore and hate to browse through the mammoth to see how they are performing at given

point of time. For instance if someone blogged negatively about your brand and inspire of all

the online reputation management action you have taken, the fire of the blog fails to die

down, what do you do, let it be? Each day or hour search through the feeds to see if any

addition has been done to the blog any more negative comments made and so on. In such

a situation it becomes vital that you have a watch list where you can see how certain

conversation in performing online. It makes your life a lot easier.


Store all the relevant social media feeds in the form of various exportable documents, so

that each time you sit for monitoring and analyzing it would become easier to pick from

where you left. Store the data as and when you get opportunity so that there is never a

lapse of any crucial detail that you may want to look back at for reference.


Once you have screened down to all the relevant data, it is time for you to measure it. You

need to check where you stand in the social media as on that particular moment, as it would

in a way show the results of your efforts on this dynamic online scenario. It is time for you to

determine which mediums are working for you, what kind of conversations are fetching you

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the maximum response, are your top authors not part of your firm, if your negative influence

is still playing a strong role in maligning your image and so on.


Once you have known where you stand on the social media scenario, it is time for you to

analyse it against your competitors and industry. Hardly any company, who monitors

themselves on social media, would not monitor their competitors, too. It is a must especially

if you have a cut throat competition in your line of work. Just like you would measure your

progress against that of your competitors in every aspect of the business, it should be of no

surprise that you must do it on social media monitoring, too. You must analyse your online

position as against your competitors and your industry so that you have clear picture about

how well you are doing. Managing this stage of social media monitoring is simplified by the

pie charts and the graphs that are provided by monitoring tools.


Each company has certain engagement plans already in place. All you need to ensure while

monitoring is that you stick to the plan and make only minor adaptations here and there so

that you would not have to run amok at the last minute to make amends. A lot of engaging is

also done while you are scanning and processing as some of the data requires urgent

attention and at action.

Managing social media monitoring feeds is not all that a difficult task if you can smart your

way around and get to the bottom of all the significant feeds which are easy to digest and

infuse great energy into your brand on social media.

Manage your Social Media Monitoring ‘Feeds’

Chapter IV Manage your Social Media Feeds MAY 2011



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