[man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat...


Transcript of [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat...

Page 1: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 2: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 3: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

1. a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives


Page 4: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 5: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

And we believe hard.

We believe that solopreneurialism should come in all shapes and sizes.

Confused, messed up and inexperienced? We believe the world needs you all the same.

Can’t seem to commit to anything? We LOVE that about you.

Don’t feel like you measure up to the rest? We believe you’re using the wrong yard stick.

If you have the faintest flame in your heart for doing something good with your time on this Earth, we believe in you. If you have a story to tell, we believe you can - and must - find a way to tell it.

We believe in earning a good living...simply by being just who you are.

We believe in the right to do business in a way that uplifts your spirit...AND your bank account.

We believe in sincerity over status. Authenticity over illusion. Generosity over greed.

In celebrating the things that matter (and not how many names are on that list).

We believe in YOU.

Because...why not?

We believe.

Page 6: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 7: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

We want to see more people starting businesses they love...and staying in love with them.

There are too many crazy, beautiful, inspiring, change-making people in this world not doing what they are here to do.

Not being crazy.

Not believing in their beauty.

Not believing in their ability to inspire.

Not making the change they know they can make.

And we want to see an end to that.

We know we play only a small part, but that’s the whole point: all the small parts add up.

If everyone played their own little role, just think what we can achieve as a whole.

A world where we deal in the currency of kindness.

A world that is safe for our children to grow up in.

A world that inhales and exhales softly, safe in the knowledge that it’s in good hands.

We want to see fewer people holding back from playing their part because they’re not sure who they are, or why they matter.

We want to see YOU doing your thing, doing it well, and getting paid well for doing it well.

Because...why shouldn’t you?

We want to see...

Page 8: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 9: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

To proving that you CAN be successful...without sacrificing your soul.

To saying it like it is. (Sugar-coating only leads to one place in the end: disappointment).

To being vulnerable where it counts. To being who we are - fearlessly.

To keeping it simple. Easy to understand. Using as few words as possible.

To sharing what we know or feel, without claiming to be ‘expert’ at anything.

To listening to others (while staying true to our own instincts).

We’re committed to being the best catalyst we can be for good things to happen.

To inspire people to do what they can - right now - with what they have.

To doing more, with less.

For the confused to be confused...and do it anyway.

The overwhelmed to be overwhelmed...and do it anyway.

The insecure to feel insecure...and do it anyway.

We’re committed to marketing in a way that is ethical, and loving - not manipulative and aggressive.

To focusing more on giving than getting.

To trusting that our instincts are always right (no matter how questionable they may seem to others).

To running this business first from the heart, then from the mind. Doing things because they feel right in our heart, not because they look good on paper.

We’re committed to...

Page 10: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 11: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

In a word: Validated.

We also make them feel (in no particular order of importance):


Like they’ve come home to themselves.

We make people feel...

Page 12: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 13: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

We have something that makes us special.

That ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding.

We’re not the first to use archetypes in this way, and we’re absolutely certain that we won’t be the last.

But over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to bring things to light that have been hidden for too long.

We’ve learned how to take the intangible, and make it tangible. (And yes, it almost does feel like magic).

There’s no hoodwinkery. No fluff.

Just a way of doing business that’s rooted in time-tested, solid, psychological theory.

Our methods may be inspired by Carl Jung, but they evolve (and continue to evolve) through hands-on experience.

Our Primary Archetype Test has been taken 41, 780 times (at the time of writing this manifesto in March 2017).

We’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of solopreneurs figure out who they really are at a soulful level, and how they love to do business.

We’ve witnessed validation at a raw level. Tears of joy, tears of confusion - and everything in between. We’ve witnessed epiphanies, breakdowns, the birth of new ventures, and changes of direction.

All because of our commitment to growing our knowledge and experience of archetypes, and the role they play in soulful solopreneurialism.

Others may copy our work, or lift our words. But we know where we’ve been, and that experience can’t be replicated.

And we think that’s pretty magical.

Our magic ingredient.

Page 14: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 15: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

Our thoughts and experiences on building and running a business, ethically and soulfully.

Things that uplift and invigorate.

Everything and anything that we believe might truly benefit our community.

We share...

Courses and resources to pass on what we’ve learned.

Beautiful things.

Beautiful online spaces for solopreneurs to evolve from, and grow into (through Cerries Mooney Creative).

We create...

Good, honest energy.

Opportunities for like-minded people to come together.

Space for reflection, asking great questions, and challenging the status quo.

We generate...

Page 16: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
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Create work worth sharing.

Be generous.

Go out of our way to be helpful.

Our Core Marketing Plan:

Page 18: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 19: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

We feel blessed and priviliged that we get to do something we love every day.

We appreciate the role that great (yet simple) design has played in our journey so far...

...And we believe in passing it on.

In 2017, we launched The Seed Scheme: an innovative program that helps others grow their businesses or good causes through the medium of great design.

As often as possible, our sister company - Cerries Mooney Creative - will support charitable causes (or solopreneurs who fit a certain criteria) by helping them communicate in a more beautiful, effective way.

We believe that great design can greatly benefit any business - financially and otherwise - and we don’t see why those genuinely running on empty should miss out on the good stuff.

Giving back.

Helping others growthrough design

Page 20: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 21: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first

We’re small in numbers, and that’s how we like it.

Above all, we’re human beings. Life comes first. Kids get sick? Take the day off. Car broken down? Go get it fixed.

We’ve built this business so that it accomodates and bends to the demands of life. Nothing - nothing - in business is worth losing sleep over. (Unless it’s due to excitement - then that’s ok).

We support each other. We pick up the slack when needed. We go out of our way to try to be helpful, and kind.

We encourage each other to stay true to our strengths. If we see someone acting outside of their genius, we’re not afraid to call them out on it.

We’re excited to share our ideas, knowing that they are appreciated no matter how weird or inappropriate they seem. We work together to celebrate creativity, openly and without fear of criticism.

We actively look for ways for everyone to feel valued, and appreciated.

We don’t take things personally.

We’re not afraid or intimidated to say we screwed up. Everyone does it, and a business based on soul can’t be without screw-ups.

If we spot an opportunity to do something better, we act on instinct - not simply doing what we’ve always done.

We know that learning how a team works takes practice, and we might not always get it right. But if the intention to be a team player is there, we know we’ll figure it out in the end.

How our team works.

Page 22: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first
Page 23: [man-uh-fes-toh] - Cerries Mooneycerriesmooney.com/wp-content/uploads/MANIFESTO.pdfThat ‘something’ is our archetypal approach to business and branding. We’re not the first