Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment...

Mamaku Messenger April Editor:- Lyn Fleet Next deadline 2018 Email:- [email protected] 26th April, 2018 Printed with the support of NMF Rotorua Lakes Council Excerpt from Alice Guy’s arcle in the Daily Post on Wednesday, March 21st, 2018. A notorious stretch of road north of Rotorua that has claimed two lives in the past three months is set to see improvements. Two areas of State Highway 5 have been idenfied by the NZ Transport Agency as, “needing improvement” Bay of Plenty transport systems manager Rob Campbell said the agency had met with the community who live on and use the area around the intersecons of Maraeroa Rd and Oturoad Rd. On Christmas Eve last year 23-year-old student Jie Hu, known as Sunny, was on her was home for Christmas when she died in a three-car collision near the intersecon of Maraeroa Rd. Last Monday Hori Kaiwai, a 67-year-old former Rotorua Boys High school teacher, was killed when his car collided with a campervan less that 2km north of the December crash site. “We agree some safety improvements can be made,” Campbell said. “In the interim, we will be installing signage to advise road users that they are approaching these intersecons.” “We will also be looking at some right-turn facilies can be provided at these intersecons, along with other appropriate safety improvements” “He said the invesgaon process into safety improvements had started.” “In the 10 years between 2006 and 2015 four people lost their lives and 10 were seriously injured on this stretch. ”Campbell said ’Most of the crashed were caused by loss of control and involved people running off the road or crashing head on.” Early last year, the community was asked to provide feedback on the stretch of road. This included quesons of installing road- side safety barriers and installing rumble strips. ’To prevent serious injury when these crashes occur, we have already trimmed some vegetaon that was causing visibility is- sues. Campbell said. “We are also looking at widening the road slightly, pung in side barriers at high risk locaons, a wider centre line, rumble strips and improving signage. We will speak to the community again about the safety improvements on this secon later this year. Next Mamaku Residents Associaon Meeng—11th April, 7pm Memorial Hall.

Transcript of Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment...

Page 1: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is

Mamaku Messenger April Editor:- Lyn Fleet Next deadline

2018 Email:- [email protected] 26th April, 2018

Printed with the support of NMF Rotorua Lakes Council

Excerpt from Alice Guy’s ar�cle in the Daily Post on Wednesday, March 21st, 2018. A notorious stretch of road north of Rotorua that has claimed two lives in the past three months is set to see improvements. Two areas of State Highway 5 have been iden�fied by the NZ Transport Agency as, “needing improvement” Bay of Plenty transport systems manager Rob Campbell said the agency had met with the community who live on and use the area around the intersec�ons of Maraeroa Rd and Oturoad Rd. On Christmas Eve last year 23-year-old student Jie Hu, known as Sunny, was on her was home for Christmas when she died in a three-car collision near the intersec�on of Maraeroa Rd. Last Monday Hori Kaiwai, a 67-year-old former Rotorua Boys High school teacher, was killed when his car collided with a campervan less that 2km north of the December crash site. “We agree some safety improvements can be made,” Campbell said. “In the interim, we will be installing signage to advise road users that they are approaching these intersec�ons.” “We will also be looking at some right-turn facili�es can be provided at these intersec�ons, along with other appropriate safety improvements” “He said the inves�ga�on process into safety improvements had started.” “In the 10 years between 2006 and 2015 four people lost their lives and 10 were seriously injured on this stretch. ”Campbell said ’Most of the crashed were caused by loss of control and involved people running off the road or crashing head on.” Early last year, the community was asked to provide feedback on the stretch of road. This included ques�ons of installing road-side safety barriers and installing rumble strips. ’To prevent serious injury when these crashes occur, we have already trimmed some vegeta�on that was causing visibility is-sues. Campbell said. “We are also looking at widening the road slightly, pu�ng in side barriers at high risk loca�ons, a wider centre line, rumble strips and improving signage. We will speak to the community again about the safety improvements on this sec�on later this year.

Next Mamaku Residents Associa�on Mee�ng—11th April, 7pm Memorial Hall.

Page 2: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is

Editors Note.

Tawhero street east residents enjoyed their Annual street party, making the most of the fine weather to get to-gether to share common concerns about their street, community and to just catch up with their neighbours.

Great to see a local no�ce board in place at the General store. If you wish to add something to it just contact Dave Willis at 3325-847 a�er 4pm. It’s a great addi�on to our community. Come on Local service providers get you business cards up to let the community know your details. Do we have a carpenter, plumber, electrician, panel beater, wood merchants etc. who live locally? let the people know.




Held every WEDNESDAY (unless it is a public holiday) at 10am at the Presbyterian church on Kaponga st.

everyone welcome.

Queries to Janine Dorman. Contact 027 264 8303

Mamaku Garden Circle, held their monthly mee�ng at the home of Denise Karl, with Denise conduc�ng a lively quiz, won by Pat Ru�er. Discussion was held on both carrot fly and daffodil fly and methods that can be used to control these pests.

The use of urea for citrus trees was also discussed. Members also share their success and failures in the garden this month, show-

ing the wide range of plants grown within this group of keen gardeners, which is lovely to see. The nest mee�ng will be held at Noreen Mar�ns, in Maraeroa Rd 1 o’clock on the 9TH April. A quick mee�ng will be held, be-fore the A.G.M

All most welcome.

25 regulars meet again this month to catch up and share a bit of friendly rivallary at indoor bowls and cards etc as well as enjoy a great morning tea and a catch up. Shirley won the raffle and Diane aced the brain teaser. Well done. Next Drop in will be on the 17th April at 10 am in the Me-morial Hall. See you there.

In response to last months front page ar�cle. We too over the years have not hesi-tated to help out passing motorists who have come to grief one way or another on Dansey Rd, be it break down, out of fuel or a tow out of the ditch. For our efforts we have had cans full of petrol taken on a promise of their return but it never happens. We had one recently the week before Xmas. I tracked down one local and retrieved the can and am on the hunt for the latest local. Unless the petrol and can are returned any informa�on I get will be handed to the police. There is a problem with spotligh�ng and shoo�ng illegally on Dansey road. We discovered another wounded ani-mal amongst our stock which had to be dispatched . A previous vic�m was a horse having been shot in the back leg. Fortunately the wound wasn’t fa-tal but cost $700 in vet bills.

We are taking steps to iden�fy these midnight cowboys.

Live Pro Wrestling re-turns to Mamaku.

Saturday 28th April at the Memorial Hall.

Tickets:- Kids $5.00

Adults $10.00

Was a great show last �me they came to visit, so get yourselves along and enjoy the show. Follow on facebook @pwe_wrestling for up-dates.

Page 3: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is

With Jean What’s on in April.

Every Wednesday—New coffee Group for mums and their children. Presbyterian church.– 10am (unless a public holiday) contact Janine 027 264 8303

FREE Mamaku Weaving Group— Every Sunday 1-4 pm at No. 49 Tarena Street. Phone:- Lorraine 0273325 683 1st—Easter Soundshell Market , Rotorua. 8th, Market Day, Memorial Hall. 10th Indoor bowls Ngongotaha 10am Ngo. Hall 11th Mamaku Residents Associa�on Mee�ng—7PM Memorial Hall 13th School Holidays start. 15th Soundshell Market, Rotorua Village green. 17th Drop In 10am Memorial Hall 24th ANZAC DAY. 29th Soundshell Market Day, Rotorua Village green. 28th Live PRO WRESTLING, Memorial Hall 29th End of school Holidays. 30th School term starts.

Experienced Gardener. The women applied for a job in a Florida lemon grove, seemed way too qualified for the job. “Look Miss” said the fore-man “have you any actual experience with picking lemons?” “Well as a ma�er of fact yes!” she re-plies. “I’ve been divorced three �mes.”

Gardens, are like the gi� that keeps on giv-ing, at this �me of the year. Harves�ng crops like beans, sweetcorn, beetroot, to-matoes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes to name a few. These are all ready to be picked, bo�led, frozen, pickled or instantly consumed. With the price of vegys in the shops, it really makes it all worth while, and the taste is so much nicer.

Dry and save seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, sun-flowers. Store in paper bags or envelopes ready for spring. Remember don’t store in plas�c bags and that gm seeds can’t be saved.

Plant cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, le�uce, mesculan, kale, varie�es of small turnips and carrots, for harves�ng later in the year.

Apples, pears, chestnuts, hazel, plums and grapes have been or will be ready to harvest with Easter coming up. Keep an eye out for pesky birds, my lovely crop of ea�ng apples, which looked lovely from the house, had been half eaten away from sight.

If your vegetable garden is not to be used over winter, re-member to plant a green crop, to protect the soil over win-ter.

It’s lovely to drive around the village and see the gardens displaying a colourful sight, the dahlias especially seem bright and lovely. With Easter coming up, remember to plant your spring bulbs. Hanging baskets can also be plant-ed for a bit of winter cheer, with Lobelia, polyanthus, flow-ering kale, primulas, violas, and sweet William.

Prune back summer flowering perennials, and �dy up gar-den beds before the weather gets too cold. And save and fry seeds from your garden for spring flowering. e.g. cos-mos, sunflowers, dahlias, cornflowers and marigolds.

Herbs can be harvested and dried for use over winter, when growth is minimal. Rosemary, sage, thyme, chives, or any-thing else that you like can be harvested for use.

Enjoy your harvest, and the fruits of your hard work, and remember:

A garden is a grand teacher. It teachers pa�ence and careful watchfulness; It teaches industry, and thri� and above all it teaches en�re trust.

Gertrude Jekyll.

Page 4: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is

Two drunk furniture removers spent one hour trying to budge a chest of drawers from its posi�on halfway up the stairs. Finally, exhausted, one of them an-nounced: “I’m giving up. It’s impos-sible. We’ll never get it up the stairs.” “What are you talking about.” said the other. “I thought we were trying to take it downstairs”

Hayley Hindle 35a Kingsley Dr. NGONGOTAHA

Phone 021 0640 707

MAMAKU RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION. 24 people turned up to hear Long Term Plan for Rotorua. It was mainly based around Rotorua city so it is very important that residents come along to our monthly mee�ngs and be ac�ve for the good of our community.

“Thanks for a wonderful evening last night and 24 people was a great night. I know I heard some messages loud and clear and so did a couple of very engaged Councillors” (Shirley Trumper, Rural Board Chairperson.)

Sewage system for Rotorua rural communi�es:-


The community formed a steering commi�ee with affected par�es within the Lakes “A” Zone. This in-cluded experts and Iwi. The lobby groups applied for and received a small amount of funding from the Council to assist with

* Environmental impact report.

* Cultural report

* Land suitability. Many mee�ngs and many issues aside the group then lobbied Central Government for funding—There are proviso’s with this funding Council then were able to confirm a $1500 per household contribu�on. Regional Council however, said no as Tarawera did not meet the threshold for funding applica�ons. What Regional Council can offer them though is Third Party infrastructure funding which would be on the rates for a period of �me to be decided by Council. Local Council proposal for Tarawera to be successful is that residents must pay the full amount of up to $20,000 each connec�on. There is no guarantee for a commencement date.


Do not have that situa�on as they have received addi�onal funding from a number of sources but they must pay up to $14,000 each or $1400.00 per year for the scheme—and an addi�onal maintenance fee. This scheme has been to the environment court and taken a long number of years.


-Like all communi�es in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is that there is absolutely no external funding for this op-�on. So in order to keep Mamaku under the BOPRC radar then RLC have include Mamaku in the LTP to ensure there is no pressure on the par�es to comply with the current policy for an Oset, which costs up-wards of $20,000 per system.

The benefit for Mamaku is we have the drive to set up a steering commi�ee once the LTP is adopted.

Once the steering group is established then we can lobby Council for funding to help with costs for a con-sultant for both iwi and Environmental and work on viable and sustainable solu�ons.

Rotoi� took over 5 years to get this far. Tarawera are just on the radar and Mamaku is in the vision.

The Beauty Room is a home based salon located in Ngongotaha. I specialise in waxing, gel nails, and eye-brows. I have been a beauty therapist for over 12 years. The Beauty Room is a baby friendly and relaxing environ-ment. Feel free to contact me on my mobile or via my Facebook page. Open Wednesdays, Thursdays & Friday—10am to 3pm. Late nights and weekends by appointment only.

Page 5: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is


Page 6: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is


RIDDLE-ME-REE My first is in SIMCARD and CAMERA. My second’s in KEYPAD and CHARGER. My third is in SELECT and RINGTONES. My fourth is in CALLS and PHONES. My fi�h is in BATTERY and NAMES. My sixth is in SIGNALS and GAMES. My seventh’s in NETWORK and MENU. My whole is something text to you.


Three of the objects in these pictures appear in all four boxes. Which ones are they?


Page 7: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is


Code cracker.



BAMBOOZABLES 1. Tulips, 2 Back in 5 minutes, 3, One Life to Live.

4. First thing in the morning. 5. Go through the mo�on. 6. The coast is clear.


WHAT’S THE SAME—Bull, Microphone, toucan.

The March of �me.—You know you’re ge�ng older when you bend to �e your shoelace and wonder what else you can do while you’re down here.

Page 8: Mamaku Messenger · Mamaku: -Like all communies in and around water and within the BOPRC catchment Oset systems are in the poli-cy. The issue with Oset (On site effluent systems )is

Q What do you call a man si�ng on the doorstep? A Mat. Q What did the lobster say to the rock-pool? A. Show me your muscles. Q. What’s black and white, smells and is found at the north pole? A. A lost skunk. Q. What’s the best cure for a runny nose? A. A tap on the head.

Dot to dot and colour.

At the Mamaku school gala it was a chance for everyone to get involved. Congratula�ons to all those who par�cipated to make this a fun evening for all. Plenty of food and enter-tainment from water dunking, rides on ponies and mini fire engine, white elephant and a variety of games designed and organised by the students. Well done.