m•m• -·········· - Mobile Marketing | The...

••••••••••m•m• ..... .......... ......_ -··········- ····-·- Quick Guide: Mobile Marketing Strategies to Millennials

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� Quick Guide: Mobile Marketing Strategies to Millennials

Quick Guide: Mobile Marketing Strategies to MillennialsMarketers seem to experience so much trouble when trying to determine proper mobile marketing strategies to Millennials (ages 20-34.) Reaching this generation of consumers is crucial for a wide variety of products and services, such as social media products and eCommerce. But many advertisers will tell you that this audience is difficult to reach.

Are you wondering why it's so important to get the attention of Millennials? It's because that they are the consumer marketing of the future. They are tech savvy and heavy users of social media. Millennials experiment with the behaviors, technology, and fashion that will become trends for the masses. It is why all businesses want a large segment of the Millennial generation in their demographic.

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Who Are Millennials? They are known as sophisticated, tech-sawy and highly connected to egocentric and impatient. Milennials don't trust traditional marketing and sales pitches. They engage more personally, emotionally, and extensively when compared to other generations. Further more, Milennias are the ones forming new consumer preferences and habits.

Millennials have grown up in times of economic disruption, globalization, and technological change. What this gives them is a different set of experiences and behaviors - their affinity to technology affects how they work, communicate, and shop. They want instant access to product information, price comparisons, continuous feedback on their choices, and reviews from peers. Annual consumer spending has Millennials accounting for $1.3 trillion, and it's estimated that they will outnumber Baby Boomers by 20 million by the year 2030.

Conventional marketing techniques don't work with Millennials because they see through the constant brand bombardment and psychological trickery. They pay less attention to ads, watch less television, and enjoy music, events, want personal two-way connections and authenticity. And because the smartphone is a Millennial's best friend, we're here to discuss ways in which you can leverage mobile marketing techniques and tools you can use to capture their attention.

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Mobile Marketing Strate�ies--­to Millennials

Mobile marketing is defined as the sharing of a business or brand in a way that's optimized for mobile devices throughout websites, social media channels, and apps. A mobile marketing plan has become an integral part of every digital marketing strategy ever since mobile search surpassed desktop search. Today, about 85% of Millennials own a smartphone, so for targeting this group, leveraging mobile is a must. Take a look at these 2018 mobile strategies you can implement to connect with Millennial users.

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- Tablet View

- Desktop View

- Mobile View


Are you ready for your mobile users? Your landing pages, emails, website and other digital content have to be optimized for mobile. You , must be mobile friendly. When mobile users have troubles accessing a mobile site, they are unlikely to return to it and visit a competitor's website instead. Mobile users don't tolerate lousy mobile experiences anymore. To solve this problem, you need to employ a design that recognizes whether the user is on a mobile or desktop device.

When it comes to mobile-readiness, you should design your website pages with mobile users first in mind. Make the navigation consistent and clear. Don't overload it with content and optimize your page loading speed. Millennials are impatient and want their web pages to load asap. Once you're done fine-tuning, test and verify your web pages.

Are You Mobile Friendly?

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Live streaming video via social media provides an opportunity for creating immersive social media experiences. lnstagram Stories, Facebook Live, Periscope for Twitter, and Video Chat for Snapchat are the big players in today's social media landscape. How does it engage Millennials? Wen, live video adds a sense of urgency to your interactions. Your followers will want to be ready and set to watch, comment, and react when you're live.

And you can respond to them in real time as you stream.

Go Live



In the U.S., more than half of the Millennial generation is active on lnstagram. Encourage your target audience to join in with their photos of your procf uct by posting them and adding your branded hashtag. This way, you will make your brand a part of their lnstagram feed.

For example, Red Bull launched a hashtag campaign #PutACanOnlt in 2015, and it went viral almost instantly. It was simple, fun, and allowed consumers to be creative. On the other hand, the campaign cost was equal to zero, while it generated tons of attention. Encourage your fans to document their experiences with your brand and spread their images along with your branded hashtag.

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If you're a retailer, you can use technology and the Internet to appeal to Millennials. For example, Starbucks created a mobile app that attracts young coffee aficionados with interactive functionality features, and about 11 % of their in-store transactions occur through mobile devices. Millennials like having the ability to find the nearest store, earn rewards, shake to pay, and tip and pay via a mobile device

Want to watch a movie? Download it. Want to buy a product? It will be delivered to your front door. Millennials want instant gratification, and they can buy anything with their smartphones. Millennials don't want to wait to get to their desktop to buy something! They want to do it right then from their mobile devices. So, finding ways to make the purchasing experience as convenient as possible for mobile is crucial. Consider making special offers and shopping discounts.

For example, this research shows that 64% of Millennials follow a brand on Facebook to get a discount or a coupon on their next purchase. So, when you design your special offers, link directly to the product page. Make your Call-To-Action simple and obvious. Then be sure to follow up on abandoned shopping carts, and use purchase history to offer similar products and services they might like. It will make it easy for them to make an impulse buy.

Go Local

Mobile devices have location-sharing capabilities and built-GPS systems. Marketers can use this technology to send promotions to potential buyers in a particular geographic area. This is known as geolocation advertising. Google, Twitter, and Facebook allow marketers to buy geo-aware ads such as coupons for people located within a three-mile radius of their store.

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Implement Al and Chatbots

Screen size is one of the impracticalities of smartphone browsing. Consumers can struggle to input information, such as delivery address or credit card numbers, which may result in cart abandonment. Chatbots and Al offer a solution, because mobile users communicate with brands, pay for goods, and browse easier with voice technology. Your customers' shopping process becomes easier if they can use a chatbot, especially for the Millennials.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, marketers and retailers are forced to adapt their strategies all the time. What pushes them are the changing buying habits of Millennials. Mobile and digital are the prime buying method for Millennials and must be the primary focus of a Millennial-targeting strategy. Make sure that your advertising attempts are reaching your target audience's mobile devices. Stay on top of the latest trends in mobile marketing, and you'll start generating new leads and increase conversion rates.

Thank you, be sure to visit the website for more DIY tools and further info on how I can help you!

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