malic stimulated ideniid · 2014-05-19 · Hi* idea of "Republican Senators beingI boundby...

r~ V ^ ;; ' SLACK ^VBUcIsllTVOGniSY. : .rx . .v/, .-, ... ,. The N. Xews 8A/»: fcThe recent debate in the Senate, in which Mr. Davis, oi Kentucky, jSS'wi Mr. Hale, of New llMnpsb'irc, took part, was a mol! pitiable rerefcrtion of'.hj imptnieijp , of Abolition hrpocri^r» The were and just j stricture of Mr. Daviw npou the course of tin 1 I' Administration in their manner of conducting ! tbb iw, and ha assertion j Jkred this war was to be continued until after j the Presidential election, tmt the %na! for a great display of very virtaoa* indignation oo the rmrt of Mr. John P. Halo. All that stimulated indignation was in the very funny Senator j fman Now Hampshire*s best rein; bat no owe \ who has boon in the habit of listening to his 1 Jokes in the Senate believed for a moment that j *e was in earnest* & ; ^ ' j Hi* idea of "Republican Senators being I bound by the sanctity of their oaths to sustain ] the coon try and the Constitution/* when for 1 4 St* t«t lk«r tmvn hiwn r*nrli>ifAr«! VUV NW« «»vv »'»'V j in# to destroy the one, am! to overthrow the! other, » perfectly sabltmc in it unapproachable j impudence; And w hen be added lo it the m- j ' M wtioa ibit ^eedcstittiss of tbk country have I Weo the Republican Senators, wc . ~ could not hot think ftoio the experience of the het three jwn, that » wj» fa very unsafe < r#>- - hand*. tfnefe fefer JukI t«6 kloLs ia hi* bead [ W 'iMtodf fea bowling grwB**ml the other of £ the widow YV&dmah. IJr. /^!c bag one.] that slate?t ts it mm horrible evil.and ih*x> x«therf that war » one of God\' hcaten-*cnu [ ageeck# to overthrew it; attd «o be iwattit* ic i a ttoet proline way abbot tryiag tb j woestioe of free ijoWnment l*ferc the worlds ! *mj mm* fi» tieite! ttsa* tic u%* etnnm&i me ? to the bxojb of the] Kepobhcao party,* C«od help the fJy if they! are to work op it* destinies. If th«£ ® am* I fctber man, «S%ay* excepting Mr- Hmnmr* %$ spdfwible for all the innocent bk»d thai fca» j I: - we» «h<ah and &li the desertion that j aw «*> it ** ibis rerr Senator Unfa; Does he j mifpm that he can kind the era "of fcfc ocHttte| irrroeo to tfcw &et,k tfw*c eyeW*in*5 iwptt ^patriots**?* t Bwt the riclwa f©n it> th t r I P*? when he Wed himself iftlo « bttfat j of iodi^iattoii over the $mertf#h by -Mr. Darit j *$bt& the Kepoyieao pftttf wicked to prolong* the w&t &r * politic**! 0%cC *<m*krj whether the indignant Senator held fctgoum « r'.- ^ v;: f*$ - Mr. Sewf* *peedb at Aeharn, whew hea&id: j ^Abraham l^oeofo w»* elected m !B«0 to be | not of * part tel ofthe whole of the \ U w®»; tot he h** ham t*mMy kept mi of a| part of the United State*. There can op « t grace and fG&$ 1am*l Abraham Lincoln » President emier the next election &>r the whole If: Uialod Sjatwi*! We* voider if he #uppo*r* lba£ lb* poopte *fr*o Urnd-usm to gj&om tb« plan f&wstff dovolopwl h Mr. Uocoln'a mc«^yt of the f^umtb *ch*m* of recoostnwtson, «n ft mc*4 fcasibU* p!»o t*T vitftse of lb« Inro&cl *t*l 10 pci^oMlte bk powor, Cfuaatse wtmwr Aww..Wo hat* (V*» <jsimilr keanl, »«y» t!i« WpriJi«<. l}i*» C'larfoa, rfwwop.^ the V»nfc<w%" S-nf 1J1.* j We mvinnblc kvrt fer.tiM sish t>m«i<-f at*» 8x,*d Sajosea. Jt retttnlcni fer Frww*i. »fc,| f*st Lecattiiii^ lilt* Mlsm! {>f Slit* mat, to ift-j i wgomte mi mmi»jr »tUwrt» veaftatt! of *tijr WMCiiptJoii. lo !?>* r^crnt trtfeat from * Jacket, Te«m**e?v arudkai b* ,th« f ^ Yatikm iwar tbe line of tb« Mcrngtlut and h*tU#tm lUilra^l, and bt**tra*d fo? U». bo ordo ibo Df* **mI ia aaatber, bad »** r*-*ir4d sw 101 dbfttgetbe mmrnp 7hvy twm Jhteh rmh«*1; &r*ard, and sbe Yankees, a^ootstlod at tb«l fowo sowing towanfc tboai. gad So all diw- ] A. >?,-* .- X- aA JI i 1 !>ons, \ni\% * clear n>»<i to nsiottJ. Tfe» r*** d* puerfr h ft Huh* ahead of anything : thai we b**e yd sac* cbroftkle&i ' *** A -- * <abM»- ' :- J Tii* Fao*?..Tbc fadfc*ih>&* 3***1 10 a *«* j t*kk?i tfml lb* *#tm*y «Mdicift*tt a r»!4 bj KoMf bat mcb pffpiiittiow will thwart »«y j <iao»^ b**o ix^n co»jpW bv oar isihon- J lie* ia front* « #&*.: A !*rge eacaJry fbwof* $n thai region, which will bo supported. The enemy hare »o picket* Osi* lido of fcft* aioaarr Kidg*, and ftoi &tH#e tern thousand, men in Cbatunoogv oar toon**, recently r©» torood thence, rtpoi^ Gc». Mark*! k ftt" Dftfeoo. We contented froely with parties recently ont from Middle Teasr****. Tber say that! the liihabitantA look wiUi peat confidence to the return of our arrow* by ham*t time Heavy prepaiaUofift an? being made .0 receive en. there le« g»*i«g *»t than them w«a after the retreat from Corinth, becau*; the propt« hare become nw»d to the ebbs and flows of the war, and are not *t> easily deprtMwed by j retrograde The r«5k?f of Gea Bragg »»« bailed with am versa! jo? and resAiu a«e ex- i pectad trader the lead of 4ol»atWf»». Cofifcdertiey. . ~JL. From Jonieaox'a Awir..Onr account from North Georgia aro very cheering. Brigade after brigade baa nnammondj reived to re enlist "for the warrant! their proceedings breathe the moat onfaheripg patriotism. The wc*rod«4 I at Cbickamanga and Mwai<*iary Eidgc, «hstfn«j P tee* find straggler*, are retonmrg to tb^tr poet*,r and the array is represented to be t* m splendid Addition aed high spirit*. ' k1 » i * - * Th* Noblk Spirit or ocb cotxtbtwomkjf. .[Extract of a letter from a highly intelligent lady of Mobile to a member of the House of Representatives in Congress!] tb uIt has been suggested fn one of the Rich- Jj mood paper? that _t& people of the Confederacy a be called upon to yield up Uicir plate to bo j ib coined to sustain the credit of the Government. ] dc "A mere newspaper or any unauiboritivc call | ^ would be of no we; bat I feel fall confidence i ^ in the willingness of the women of the South,\ $ if ft proper appeal is made, to give op every d* article of loxury, whether, of personal adorn-1 «* ment or household eiegaaco, to advance the p. sacred cause of freedom. j ^ If the time ha* indeed arrived, and I truly \ n believe it has, to bring forward ©or treasure and I Hi place them at the service of the Government, f ^ let Qawgress'inake an appeal to the women of j jjj the South in the shape of aw address. Whether: ^ indemnity in the lone of Confederate bonds Hi should be proposed, or whether a free will offer- j ty ing should be called for, let vWr and better in-1b* formed irosds determine. In cither case, freely, \ ^ joyfully, would all be rendered. 1 judge other*; ft* by myself. I am prepared, upon the instant, to j e? give all that I possess, I should esteem it a fit» - « t >k:.u wl ling »»U wcroi «K UI RII nuicrtuiiiw. > »UIHH ^ there will be a peculiar propriety ia iwldre^ftg j ^ the est?! for plate to the women; for m them, by ^ custom ami opinion. fenScd Use own<*f*btAf ail atrictly hotmehold riche*. Such is the lifcljj ality &nd indulgence of American hatbands that ] I imagine it wonhl occur to very few men to \ ^ qtR^Uofl Mf d bjHawtior?Jihcir trjvct might mate :! of botrioid gear, jm "S beg that too will consider the matter, and\ consult others.thoughtful ami experienced j J* men.ami act ** y«or combined judgment' dictate*: but, my dear «rf let no mbtakeft ten*\ *** dertam ami &m*&?m>ott for your country- j ** women prevent y«m from calling* upon them for l thb or any other aacnflee that the tree inter- Hi ctt* of the cour.iT call for* * - * j an Miur Scrruas*.We learn that tho com | pi vtwaaty agenu in diferott part* of the Saolh } It are taking a ceaaua of stuck, not a* a, demand for #Ii p&rfc Jti CXteW Of 130 pmtnd* 9*t c«r!i **' head in the rather U> a*ccrtam ?h«i ^ probable ^nantity of pork *h»ek cao W for the ptwrtil »*e of the sirmr, ami to form an s A< estimate, from the ftsrobcr ofctock h««g* ami jwi CMih^of the fiitur* roourccs of the contijry, ? ** The ddfaay of the hog» on f»joi » now <h?»! ^ manded by the 6<kci omtnt agents, The l<^ ! go of onr Wtl-ntmift^ territory wes^of the Mw«* j ** **ppi ty the fault of Vtcfobttrg am] l>6rt Had- j *ob reduced the «*>ppfy of this artid<\ and vtg- j ^ omtw fDCJUktSftf are rolled to keep the troop* j !o i# mat Ttie oUhl of the hogs which t* fit ? im. for hod, ttich ft* the 'bead*, backbone* and j th gotst to sttpgdy this deficiency, and » fomdfod and shipped to the soldiers; sacti of ; ^ the refuse from the *hmgbterd»Mi«** »« cannot J p* he o*ed by the troops n iwermmty for *o*p J p great c, #oap bring an itidmpeii**!4o to the ln d&udi&eas aod hem* to the health; comfort and K'&r«"*pcct of the soldier*; the lard i* u naked »* a *9t»tttato for bacon, ami no portion fa of the ln>g s* lrt%l to tin* vrvfe Tim Jwa<*gH* *b faring h m»i tamgdone on contract, lust t* on-1 J* «for the charge of »n ofii^r of the Gorirt n merit j specttily aligned to tbt* doty, j ^ Uivai eeonoitit i# »ece***rv in the use of oar 1 "u.*t »/«»uk!,,« ti tiMk l«M<tt pv-i, "- ifl nwk*3 that <*or people *nt the gte*i«*t conn-j. *** aymer* of imi4 thai liar? ew e*wfed in lite * 5d world, bilker in ur modern tim« j fa Owing to tb« poiMlH) awl ahnndance thai] ft have hctttfo&re bt»n in thi* eoantir, oo stfnl j or limit ha* tof-h |mi upon etm rwptioti of atth1JJ nml am! m food ik a athmifatft, j o, hit* all other aliwalaflt*, the indulgence in & ere*** the appetite.* The brnreK an J hard hat ** aoklier* that tot worlil ha* <v?cr «h»« &d prio* dp*<l? upon bread; ami* in modem Eu?oj«e, the people am) the amok* eeis«iiro« not «»n« t* third nofthti of the amiim*! food that « com anmed en th» continent in proportion, *j Ritljwwi Kramintr. , ?&£ ...*" x; 1*ats»t nwV Mtafttarm Kir**..We pre ^ dieted «MM limn miicc thai R«%. %)» uca *i* would «oon {tin* a favorable account of tho es« . pedtiion he wa* then engaged in. Wo have piat learned an official report of bt* operation* jj£ the Mh»&ft«ppt river ha* two received at m (yon, Jaefeaon't bcadmtnrlm Scat Greenville, Washington eoontr, Mifa, he planted hi* hattene* on the hank of the rirrf, ami m*>ii had n chance !o try their eh ficiencr, The *r»h*odkl *u«mcr Urlta eawc ed nnffintr nmudJv aimtt*. homo on the hro*d bo* H I "" ^ f » JN win) of the Father of Water*, when the hatte-1 U tie- «oro op iw<i npott h?r and *ho wa* *ent > f to the bottom.another evidence of the tropo»* citotily of wirig* itig the Mb«M«*sppi except by mstUul agretmofit, and casting into ridicule . the boastful orJcf of General Hanks that the Mtjic *«.« not.* open for navigation and trade,. Soon after ik uniting of the Delta, a %iw* ] boat made it# appearance ami engaged the Imt- £ terie*. .\ftcr a spirited fight Of^Sfie half hoar, ^ he *nu> to badly cripplod th*S *he floated ' down the river in a helpfe** condition. J Gee. Rom will Ut placed in a very re*pon«i- j K< We portion, and hit friend* and commanding ^ officer* confidently ex|*ci be will win golden opinions and inflict great damage on the one- j my,. CaMm Citii**, * £ £?>. * j£j»g if ' ..f V-';: & - %-- - -J.*"' _ - «i OBITUARY. IS mbuorujc Imparted thia life, at hto rc»dence io thia town, on. e 2Sth December, 18(53, Zacisaruu J. DkHat.. e was born near Charleston. M 14th Xovetnber, ft 9. whore the greater part of wiriy life tra* spent few pears bo lived in Columbia, wl^ne he kerned c business of au apothecary. Ho removed to Cam* x. the lat of January, 1848, where be entered upon * more active duties of Ida calling, a burisesa for p Uidi bo waa admirably adapted, from his *'<*malic habit* and general attention given to »t. itinty after hut removeUo (Camden he became ideniid with the great Temperance Reform; was tho» Reruing Scriba of Wateree Divawon, and for several art Grand Scribe of the Grand D.tiGon, don* of rmpcraace. of South Carolina, which dotk* he perrmed to the entire *3l#fact;o8 of the membere.. w record, hko bis character, was without a blot.. \ e w«a a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, and i 9 »nckt>i brotheriniod cf Free Masoes. with «rhos6 j j ipiwwire burial amice \m remans/**tv> wmstgned j t their JUsl rearing place. For upwards of five jj' era he suffered nncsanphiinittgly the « ted of bw \ evenly Father; which depr.ced him of all abili-\ id tbc**> V(hcm he «o tenderly totftf. * But In j ica&e waft' ibswttftttrd be*mifutJy the language of the j 'eet Sanger of Israel: i have nevera-en the right- < MA fitMitlrilMl AM 1 ttMvi lv<A«nn<« Wiff, « i *rh ^r*y- »*c«- ,%r** <*3^ ;»* -- »**» : !J lft»t in tfc© ftvrrrit* of hi* K^mR*?, be ob#*4 hi* * <5* os; *U ftiHh^r t&ag% to Htfaf iho re*; qf $oU% \ At dyidwj. Al»y He who fata* the Jrwios- rt»**n» j j wo tfcey «r fc* a ttuabaiid to Ike widoww&4a lather » tteAthiftaat, v.- .f , |( ou t roa soi oiEav r* mimes, BY Tjftoe of Qm Ac* of tfco Cfesml Atwo&ty', ftiwJ ITifc D«*mbcr, lS£3e ^to t»*k« pwis&e© &r c#opp«*i$f CsttiiUo* of «o&Jfof*o! thfe &Stffc\ &r~. * IhMrki^f K-rrs&iW fa* tofe diM into tweJto Cttattk* with « m&nber of II* Board in eadi: &mk* Bfc t, webraaw tfc» itmuitj torn Somtor ^ * to ht»k4 w.#r»of £M?t Cnwk, Um&m* to ffagtnaf , fit. {fame* to UcKsr.n'.'q"* old wa&d, tbe&o* to S»»- Crffc, a*d drrtrn fe to it* rim, a»4 dtfTO th« 1 » *hk of Watefw Rim to Btstotor hi* No. X tlw» twtmtfr fcwa ittmsih «f Wfcfop ik Cmk to Ifcaw C>**k R**4 tto»o to tetj* ' ill Rr*i Htw, to Bt*, tfavgv to ik* river 1 Tl«<*f i#t> a&tit*)* will bars tt jat#> «srpta9 i»f ' s*it derived fh**i tlx? iw*» |#r c<p*tt Tax fo K'md *icb »q*s k dftifltattaS to oUs^r of *W 3 «Uict wbm tfe^to arc l*r?p- ipioy ebkf* io Utt i w«t Fnx» the Oaia t»ow be had. It b <&ri*ift itar* ' ittbca tfeefrSeOe? of wter Earn thousand fa&brt* oi 1 afc to Mpptj tfewt pe«*ao* it* th* Dittifk* vntUte* { mlor {!»(* *d at lb# ra»t« of tio bu*b&i* to lb* po?*£n. ! Th» member* o? th<? &»*rd «i* rejoined under the \ A "to draw hi* ofdtr ^ latwf tot w »a; producer 1 ithzti Id* w?k»n. to btt ddtafcftd to wxfc pet**.* of 1 rrtgi* a* way tw named iWvm" ' It *e&{d bcr eXiwiitisiujtt* burtfos&Of&t, If mA |m&r Bjftftf ptrami m il** to lb* rim pfeaWf# b*kr* Camdon ( rtofv the £n»in sufalr hi Section K«t J,) and fr>m Iamo« haul U*r urii aha?*.. It aba hire* tho lratwj*y tattoo of iv I* wotud ©cwsuwe fib* j»n« ! amount of mofwjr allow* 1 b*r by U>e Suto The nata* «tsto of foct* <aiM* « p<«r*orwi RWRtf fbatfoa No. 3. wrjih ord*'* f^xa dadoaot DwrktA. and wgQjd d&Toat the 1 bje*'. o( 9 ill pf Osr (AtfittStUf* so A IsrsTP meadow. Many aaJe*. vitfa dhtfdncrh, <witd bgc'do litK a»d wrxiid fB to ip trithoot the sp+ia f*?»f»d*d fat them. and «« ntsflfof, tfc«y ftfcd their titUe oat*, and paaalfefr Haul from boo^tr. T«cj eW« of pw**3* are i&dt* of *&d tifKt^hio*«->o itfecRtl drtfi, and ****** h»f* j * a horMb Setee of Uwso iastv*/#* n^y ta»w I** t iflt&x t2rt> tnfcho rood* frith their «lkw»»e<i of meat \ Mr l«tfeU esrrriti# it for aula*. T?»?' mat# rt*. ttf*4 »rr in lit* «fs*»V 4^w* 8$iht»»r ilotr and ptr%\. « ; Is ritr hv«*t tr» atrun? tl»« pttfMilty ami the Jifw* nf f -r»r i ftt. lM'««r, 1W -Nridvfj^C Ile^ f, lltele. * Batte l that fh%Myofi of Wtl. tax i n4 ctf ir'*ia» sr«t?pa wut ijatit ihlrtr as ISRaSt xb fa who, *ud thtSjo i= ir«!ka» 3fo. Z *41 , i3iv«*r Uoif r^n at thO odH of %t? i«d»« t.t«»5t«o< If *S * tt. r..i 9, ii« itf» 'a» KiitiitHo ittii* Ia 9 A «*«--» # »*" J-'" - «,?V Tfr *.»<*** ¥? W g i«s«S«y» i?t& i; #-'*1 t W?Jr A' U*frif «tkf» »4iS &»? iwSslJ-C -> & u»ltscA. Tto* ton! « ****!» <p*f«*¥*ty atfci *s«!i to t#*tr I s!» tow* turn) »«f<s«w to »*&rt fcttd dUii fcia&rifr to if---* master, tbe ixjlto*1 ta Cas^ft, V. (to «* «%- of I «tot«% *cm£ S*? *ill I* tto* ajfrfel is-ba w*i'' p gffcto *»J wvipto Ito^rdVc tod f^tta&to*. \, |*W mfcl, *11 tlx* «fc» PA, Ubu <*f U,^ i#¥ j>»)^. s4 I cir to* flfij) Sip Vft 4i iW Tfii* row** *r4S > rttfc* ii itfmft <w pt*d*g%ri for] s*U AWNEOiA qf ftnifo. «s1 £**>«ql* Bjr a*4er of &* SoitiWr* ***ed of JUilei 4K0, H P^At'^rkK, Owitnw*. J*mm? & f $ |, *Tixi;rurx HUB Ctfkrtoc* *f O*? hTATK TAX Sor \b* W** j L Kit if! VJHtOX *m isiAivsta^i itm Mu Ibr j « '& T*ir* &!« >*» 4 f* *t! *1 ENttnter, | $% wjH U hwtd* fee <Mir«fjr »t U* tiwMrqr? of U* j «rer Hit «*toc, ia Ot*matoi*, <m Ta«*l*jr, ti« ?$tb efc»8t TV *dfcrtWtt *?» W*|*is*s»i tithef to for ibeif i64.4 *l or to jghr* wrljr ooflR^Uoa ** to fiat pUt** lib* fe&tik* ctoi*? to? for*tp3M to ffcena bj tttf«*s4 or Ktp** An alk>*r*f»« »t»S I** m»4* for W J LAVAU* Tr*3*itfr^ Siato Trwawr kcrnef tHrMop, fotohifeU Jacjuarj l*tl Jatsuart 2 £3T" Tte p»f«rf» tot* Ui*pr ft» rt^uwi* to | \i*f qbr.vt t»m« v S* acw. .... '' '*" >r J- McCati & Dr. B. H Matheson. ] \rac#~Two ixxwa Attuvs nra jiraxcii\ J It A NR. I»r ;*o, KCV*A.- wi » aanira#* j January S'J 41 coxhwriutk frrATRS rho drpt. & c, j j CuiRU^lOX, H C Jan. 20 3sC3. j | XiR cetVn;B rva*«?ft tfc? c*i«Mftati4is*2 On#-rat m*« ? ia vttii<if )w tb« n^q.i Ultima. to*«k oo Uw» iQBod ihi'i»bxi, far k&EPT U> farbifthed on llitf 2d j thw**t ar*t >ol*r«!i»un4iay, wl 'i mar w*xl in com pit|C* triih tfe« mjttijMtiao, w>Ii m«iw otwIU in the j at** call &mk$$ on thai ti.-* ctwat.iujj month. I Ti>* Ubw U much .BfcKted, %ud ii U de*»rou« thaij * revocation of rt-q<ji*itk*n may not reduce the j mntr*i }r.tet?U^<l to be#rat WM H. KCHOLS. j January 29 Ma ^r aai OiY. Kng. A ., . 4. >:. >z -" .. , ^ "~.*K-V-::' ». . ' ? ' # ,'' .V, J p...« . A CALL!FOR VOU.'STEERS "OK TWELVE MONTHS' CONFEDERATE SERVICE IN THE STATE. . CoLCKm, 8. C., 4«J. 22, 1804. HAV1XG it^ived iasmwSioBfi Iran Ibe Bureau , of CeaacriptkMi *t Ridgjjond, through the Commandant of Cor»w;ripii for South Carolina, nS raise SIX COM PAX IKS OF MGUXTSD MEN lor the purpose of arresting deserter# and delinquent# from conscriptkrti, and ni«o for the purpose of resisting any "local lavfinouT or raids that rtu*r be attempted by tht Abtdi&ioifls, Such authority oti my part it thus mode kxovrn to the diiaen* of the ,State m onkr thai this aw»t important swykk mat be rendered the great catwRr ot ftouthcrn Independence * t It w pr%»pofeHl to form the BattaEcn from * Exwapta and Notwoo^cripteEsch company to consist of cot less than sixty, nor more than one hundred, rank and file; Id elect if* own officers and to fumbU hi* ova honse*. Arms and carbine) and »c- * iroulfDmenU will bft fufniebed by the Confederate Government; and petaotw -ieiiirooj* of joining the corps cat) report r.tiw r :ad»ew©ftilr or in organized com petite*, to the nearest Ihefrfot or Cong*e®k»oaf KoroJing LriSoef.whom authwrUed muster ia tod report them to me at these Headquarter* The term of wrvieo A be for twelve months, tad \i& ?Wrfrieof action focal.that at within the State. ALLRX J. GREEN. January 2$ -4 Major and Enrolling Officer. " Ad Country papers is the State publish one® i vwk for ««c month, r#d tersrard their bilk to the Gnardkn office LA BOH FOB THE COASTDITK&IO* AO. 2. rTFIK iVnm«*iot»er* of the Roads and the Town Authorities within the j>.»c;ct») Dktrktff of Lacowter. Knftfctw. Cbestet&rid. Marihoroajtfc. DatUsgloo. Marion. Sumter. Cforentton, Williamsburg and liofTy, bdudtog C| per All Sninta. will forth with #t«n- * nx>t;«U in pOMMmtai of alares within their Nttisdnsliott to dehnsf eo^founh of th^sr slave* H«b&» to HosmI 4o(t At the IVjxtf* twarert their owiscr* rettfaoct, oo ilOXDA Y.tlrt> 22d 4*y of February prox^ %\ 20oH«c& a. fa. there so *vr«i; tn*a*po tati^! to Par thirty da>*" U>«r on tit* fofti&cstkxni, H. Tbc (.-'own snaioiw!* and Authority* fg»tud ir3i, *t the tan** time, ttnfirvs* end tonr*rd <>&e toortii of el) fOoW free ncjTor* between lb© ag^i of sixteen lod fifty years, resident, within the licit* of their »oSisority. * III. The owners of only cvr Road baud an exempt by tew. " IT. fty the Art of Dwtttbcr lart. the **id Authoritrea twe required to make full returns to me of all rcadkfidi liable in thirty days. Tk( doty has been paftatfiy and very imperfectly done.m tawny injitaa e* the" return giving no indication, not even by Ha >**t2tt&&. of the District (raen whteb it emanate*. . the who!* scheme of the araadmemi of December i «m) i.fcUwt Ink* AM (VMmJ^A (IVr1* VM »4»*ap' wtn uutcm n«^ »tT .. Lbc *r**cw &.u*; Sail it&d »4* tabor h* *uj plied entirely ;ZKpTf?«sfrvrta i * WH. 31. SHAStfOK, A$»at of U* Su£* of Sot«h Carolina. C»»dfco. a C , Jan. 20, 1&*4. Jtam»*y 29 4 Ail tbo pftpe** vritbls ii#> Dirisioa pufcHsb coco ft re** flw &t>r* w«rto». """ nKADftiJAiimir OOfJ??<?RlfT DBfAaTXIETT,. CoU'Vfcu. S. C, January 21, ISfii. SPSCTAl AO- IS. -: * « 9*9 * nf HKRKAHTKR applxaiiofct for detail* mad* lo U»*e Re*4fs**»ftm will not-bo cc&9*i*red rak** * eatf8ja»t>ted wiOf "dcacripiiT* Batt** of tbfe ft?r -xUvm u* application «$ and*?. V. too! temslfciffi? Ot&om *re bmfcy ordered to »»k# fvtam tbcw llr«4|wjricm oa or before iho IK d*r of irtbnsaty wiU of *11 »*a dott&dJby{tbesn wiiliid roo*cT\pI *t*, # * EN" x&ammA of Mej B ujcum; Ad. Com. Goo ISAAC IUYXE, January 29 L&ob and Adj. J3T* Afl to tb* StateVBI pfeftft* copy ooco. ton Hi«MHV XOT1CE. r|MSE PL-VSTKUS of K«siaw Kattict «re r»- 1 qo^ifsd V> bHag in U*tr tlilw of salted 1'otfc, a Hhwt delay, By to dtfbig. ibey may rrliett? tfcom- * » »«it£* firm liw pfwtitf# of tb# Sxatf-ff yortie* ^pov id tlx* DWifct Jf3is% pra* ttnn, Ac., vill also » rtv k. l.'»rk »iwi .MM.nltKi ktf ikt iKifc t.'tJCt' M1^ * * *-r.w . -* .^.^- . J. JL DEVKIiKCX, JtnuArr JO FOt\VS)» OX tfc« fth Sasiam!, «a l rf»fc*r«, Uiwwj KtflgfYifit & P0CK.KT SOOK, co.itaioifiS HiAficr fctKt pjj-'tn, wi.jCb itrt» OWUCJ can by <&t iha $ui»*<rt\lvtf ocur 1 -Jk K«nr, $. C.t *ud p^>vifcjf tbe MibC'. HOUKUT HKAVKS. JS , 1* AUCTION..SALE T WILL wIL ot; M«wl*v. Kotemarr I at, at Uv» «u>m 1 of J. M A F.&'fc LOT OF FKEACH CHI XA ; LKATRKR. ujy*r aw4 so|e. ZHT pu#ituc--T<mn* ca<fh, % > J. K. WlTBEaSFOOX, J&titurr 20 | Auc&osccr. South Carolina.Kernhaw District. *% - » Estf*rit* CfeMVAST. \irnKRlU8, mrs « a ltles. arru®& f to its# fa 2-<?t?er» of AUzn;m§w»txtJ cm *11 and vitigsUr tfo ccxod* end cfcatdc*, ngbt* »>od credit* o V. Lrto#. late of the Dittrict atorraaid, dc« owitfd: Tli*«» Art, tf scivfor*, to cite am) admonish *tl And, the kindred and creditor* ot the *aid dtoww«>1 to 9Se tod *pfw»r itcftw mo it our next OrdSfeary'* * a Cocit for the earn District, to Itotden it XwnhaW M Court Hawse on U«* fourteenth dar of Wsmry best ^ to show celiac, if any. why the e»!d sdftnu.MrfcUoa £feculd n-H be granted 4" Given under mj fluid and Seal, tbiA 29lh* day of January. in tJ*e year of our Lord out th-niwid , eijrhl hundred and =»i*tr four «:*S m the c^t^Hwgfrtfe , yt*r of the Independence a»d fiorerei^uty of th» 8<»te * ( &>utfc Carolina J»vuwy 29 2 ALXcV0SALT),OK.D. SPffilTS TTOPfNTINE "A RBM *n> TIRI'KlfTJB f)\f ron *alk. fcJT~ Persons living at a distance can address / January 3 «JOURNAL OFFICE." « Ja.

Transcript of malic stimulated ideniid · 2014-05-19 · Hi* idea of "Republican Senators beingI boundby...

Page 1: malic stimulated ideniid · 2014-05-19 · Hi* idea of "Republican Senators beingI boundby thesanctity oftheir oathsto sustain] thecoontryand the Constitution/* when for1 4 St*t«t

r~ V^


SLACK ^VBUcIsllTVOGniSY.: .rx . .v/, .-, ... ,.

The N. Y« Xews 8A/»: fcThe recent debatein the Senate, in which Mr. Davis, oi Kentucky,

jSS'wi Mr. Hale, of New llMnpsb'irc, took part,was a mol! pitiable rerefcrtion of'.hj imptnieijp ,

of Abolition hrpocri^r» The were and just jstricture of Mr. Daviw npou the course of tin 1I' Administration in their manner of conducting !

tbb iw, and ha assertion b£ jJkred this war was to be continued until after jthe Presidential election, tmt the %na! for a

great display of very virtaoa* indignation oothe rmrt of Mr. John P. Halo. All that stimulatedindignation was in the very funny Senator jfman Now Hampshire*s best rein; bat no owe \who has boon in the habit of listening to his 1Jokes in the Senate believed for a moment that j*e was in earnest* & ; ^ ' j

Hi* idea of "Republican Senators being Ibound by the sanctity of their oaths to sustain ]the coontry and the Constitution/* when for 1

4 St* t«t lk«r tmvn hiwn r*nrli>ifAr«!VUV NW« «»vv »'»'Vj

in# to destroy the one, am! to overthrow the!other, » perfectly sabltmc in it unapproachable jimpudence; And w hen be added lo it the m-j

' M wtioa ibit ^eedcstittiss of tbk country have IWeo the Republican Senators, wc .

~ could not hot think ftoio the experience of thehet three jwn, that » wj» fa very unsafe <

r#>- - hand*. tfnefe feferJukI t«6 kloLs ia hi* bead [W 'iMtodf fea bowling grwB**ml the other of

£ the widow YV&dmah. IJr. /^!c bag one.]that slate?t ts itmm horrible evil.and ih*x>x«therf that war » one of God\'hcaten-*cnu [ageeck# to overthrew it; attd «o be iwattit* ic ia ttoet proline way abbot tryiag tb jwoestioe of free ijoWnment l*ferc the worlds !*mj mm* fi» tieite! ttsa* tic u%* etnnm&i me ?

to the bxojb of the]Kepobhcao party,* C«od help the fJy if they!are to work op it* destinies. If th«£ ® am* Ifctber man, «S%ay* excepting Mr- Hmnmr* %$spdfwible for all the innocent bk»d thai fca» j

I: - we» «h<ah and &li the desertion that jaw «*> it ** ibis rerr Senator Unfa; Does he jmifpm that he can kind the era "of fcfc ocHttte|irrroeo to tfcw &et,k tfw*ceyeW*in*5 iwptt^patriots**?* t Bwt the riclwa f©n it> th t r

I P*? w» when he Wed himself iftlo « bttfat jof iodi^iattoii over the $mertf#h by -Mr. Darit j*$bt& the Kepoyieao pftttf wicked to prolong*the w&t &r * politic**! 0%cC W« *<m*krjwhether the indignant Senator held fctgoum «

r'.-^ v;: f*$ - Mr.Sewf* *peedb at Aeharn, whew hea&id: j^Abraham l^oeofo w»* elected m !B«0 to be |

not of * part tel ofthe whole of the \Uw®»; tot he h** ham t*mMy kept mi of a|part of the United State*. There can b« op

« t grace and fG&$ 1am*l Abraham Lincoln »President emier the next election &>r the whole

If: Uialod Sjatwi*! We*voider if he #uppo*r*lba£ lb* poopte *fr*o Urnd-usm to gj&omtb« plan f&wstff dovolopwl h Mr. Uocoln'amc«^yt of the f^umtb *ch*m* of recoostnwtson,«n ft mc*4 fcasibU* p!»o t*T vitftse oflb« Inro&cl *t*l 10 pci^oMltebk powor,Cfuaatse wtmwr Aww..Wo hat* (V*»<jsimilr keanl, »«y» t!i« WpriJi«<. l}i*» C'larfoa,

rfwwop.^ the V»nfc<w%" S-nf 1J1.* jWe mvinnblc kvrt fer.tiM sish t>m«i<-f at*»8x,*d Sajosea. Jt retttnlcni fer Frww*i. »fc,|i» f*st Lecattiiii^ lilt* Mlsm! {>f Slit* mat, to ift-j

i wgomte mi mmi»jr »tUwrt» veaftatt!of *tijr WMCiiptJoii. lo !?>* r^crnt trtfeat from *

Jacket, Te«m**e?v arudkai b* ,th« f^ Yatikm iwar tbe line of tb« Mcrngtlut and

h*tU#tm lUilra^l, and bt**tra*d fo? U».bo ordo ibo Df*

**mI ia aaatber, bad »** r*-*ir4d sw 101dbfttgetbe mmrnp 7hvy twm Jhteh rmh«*1;&r*ard, and sbe Yankees, a^ootstlod at tb«lfowo sowing towanfc tboai. gad So all diw- ]

A. >?,-* .- X- aA JIi1!>ons, \ni\% * clear n>»<i to nsiottJ.Tfe» r*** d* puerfr h ft Huh* ahead ofanything :thai we b**e yd sac* cbroftkle&i


*** A -- * <abM»- ' :- JTii* Fao*?..Tbc fadfc*ih>&* 3***1 10 a *«* jt*kk?i tfml lb* *#tm*y «Mdicift*tt a r»!4 bj

KoMf bat mcb pffpiiittiow will thwart »«y j<iao»^ b**o ix^n co»jpW bv oar isihon- Jlie* ia front* « #&*.:A!*rge eacaJry fbwof* $n thai region, which

will bo supported.The enemy hare »o picket* Osi* lido of fcft*

aioaarr Kidg*, and ftoi &tH#e tern thousand,men in Cbatunoogv *» oar toon**, recently r©»torood thence, rtpoi^ Gc». Mark*! k ftt"Dftfeoo.We contented froely with parties recently

ont from Middle Teasr****. Tber say that!the liihabitantA look wiUi peat confidence tothe return of our arrow* by ham*t timeHeavy prepaiaUofift an? being made .0 receiveen. there i« le« g»*i«g *»t than them w«aafter the retreat from Corinth, becau*; the propt«hare become nw»d to the ebbs and flows ofthe war, and are not *t> easily deprtMwed by jretrograde The r«5k?f of Gea Bragg »»«bailed with amversa! jo? and resAiu a«e ex- ipectad trader the lead of 4ol»atWf»».Cofifcdertiey.

. ~JL.From Jonieaox'a Awir..Onr account from

North Georgia aro very cheering. Brigade afterbrigade baa nnammondj reived to re enlist"for the warrant! their proceedings breathethe moat onfaheripg patriotism. The wc*rod«4

I at Cbickamanga and Mwai<*iary Eidgc, «hstfn«jP tee* find straggler*, are retonmrg to tb^tr poet*,rand the array is represented to be t* m splendidAddition aed high spirit*. '

k1 »

i *



Th* Noblk Spirit or ocb cotxtbtwomkjf..[Extract of a letter from a highly intelligentlady of Mobile to a member of the House ofRepresentatives in Congress!] tb

uIt has been suggested fn one of the Rich- Jjmood paper? that_t& people of the Confederacy abe called upon to yield up Uicir plate to bo j ibcoined to sustain the credit of the Government. ] dc"A mere newspaper or any unauiboritivc call | ^

would be of no we; bat I feel fall confidence i ^in the willingness of the women of the South,\ $if ft proper appeal is made, to give op every d*article of loxury, whether, of personal adorn-1 «*

ment or household eiegaaco, to advance the p.sacred cause of freedom. j ^If the time ha* indeed arrived, and I truly \ n

believe it has, to bring forward ©or treasure and I Hiplace them at the service of the Government, f ^let Qawgress'inake an appeal to the women of j jjjthe South in the shape ofaw address. Whether: ^indemnity in the lone of Confederate bonds Hishould be proposed, or whether a free will offer- j tying should be called for, let vWr and better in-1b*formed irosds determine. In cither case, freely, \ ^joyfully, would all be rendered. 1 judge other*; ft*by myself. I am prepared, upon the instant, to j e?give all that I possess, I should esteem it a fit»- « t >k:.u wlling »»U wcroi «K UI RII nuicrtuiiiw. > »UIHH ^there will be a peculiar propriety ia iwldre^ftg j ^the est?! for plate to the women; for m them, by ^custom ami opinion. t» fenScd Use own<*f*btAfail atrictly hotmehold riche*. Such is the lifcljjality &nd indulgence of American hatbands that ]I imagine it wonhl occur to very few men to \ ^qtR^Uofl Mf dbjHawtior?Jihcir trjvct might mate :!of botrioid gear, jm

"S beg that too will consider the matter, and\consult others.thoughtful ami experienced j J*men.ami act ** y«or combined judgment'dictate*: but, my dear «rf let no mbtakeft ten*\ ***

dertam ami &m*&?m>ott for your country- j **women prevent y«m from calling* upon them for l o«thb or any other aacnflee that the tree inter- Hictt* of the cour.iT call for*

*- * j an

Miur Scrruas*.We learn that tho com | pivtwaaty agenu in diferott part* of the Saolh } Itare taking a ceaaua of stuck, not a* a, demandfor #Ii p&rfc Jti CXteW Of 130 pmtnd* 9*t c«r!i **'

head in the rather U> a*ccrtam ?h«i ^probable ^nantity of pork *h»ek caoWfor the ptwrtil »*e of the sirmr, ami to form an s A<estimate, from the ftsrobcr ofctock h««g* ami jwiCMih^of the fiitur* roourccs of the contijry, ? **The ddfaay of the hog» on f»joi » now <h?»! ^manded by the 6<kciomtnt agents, The l<^ ! goof onr Wtl-ntmift^ territory wes^of the Mw«* j **

**ppi ty the fault of Vtcfobttrg am] l>6rt Had- j*ob reduced the «*>ppfy of this artid<\ and vtg- j ^omtw fDCJUktSftf are rolled to keep the troop* j !oi# mat Ttie oUhl of the hogs which t* fit ? im.for hod, ttich ft* the 'bead*, backbone* and j th

gotst to sttpgdy this deficiency, and »fomdfod and shipped to the soldiers; sacti of ; ^the refuse from the *hmgbterd»Mi«** »« cannot J p*he o*ed by the troops n iwermmty for *o*p J pgreatc, #oap bring an itidmpeii**!4o to the ln

d&udi&eas aod hem* to the health; comfortand K'&r«"*pcct of the soldier*; the lard i* unaked »* a *9t»tttato for bacon, ami no portion faof the ln>g s* lrt%l to tin* vrvfe Tim Jwa<*gH* *b

faring h m»i tamgdone on contract, lust t* on-1 J*«for the charge of »n ofii^r of the Gorirtnmerit jspecttily aligned to tbt* doty, j ^

Uivai eeonoitit i# »ece***rv in the use of oar 1"u.*t »/«»uk!,,« ti tiMk l«M<tt pv-i, "- ifl

nwk*3 that <*or people *nt the gte*i«*t conn-j. ***

aymer* of imi4 thai liar? ew e*wfed in lite *5d

world, bilker in ur modern tim« j faOwing to tb« poiMlH) awl ahnndance thai] fthave hctttfo&re bt»n in thi* eoantir, oo stfnl jor limit ha* tof-h |mi upon etm rwptioti of atth1JJnml am! m food ik a athmifatft, j o,hit* all other aliwalaflt*, the indulgence in &ere*** the appetite.* The brnreK an J hardhat **

aoklier* that tot worlil ha* <v?cr «h»« &d prio*dp*<l? upon bread; ami* in modem Eu?oj«e,the people am) the amok* eeis«iiro« not «»n« t*

third nofthti of the amiim*! food that « comanmed en th» continent in proportion, *jRitljwwi Kramintr. ,?&£ ...*" x; u»

1*ats»t nwV Mtafttarm Kir**..We pre ^dieted «MM limn miicc thai R«%. %)» uca *i*

would «oon {tin* a favorable account of tho es« .

pedtiion he wa* then engaged in. Wo havepiat learned an official report of bt* operation* jj£m» the Mh»&ft«ppt river ha* two received at m(yon, Jaefeaon't bcadmtnrlm

Scat Greenville, Washington eoontr, Mifa,he planted hi* hattene* on the hank of therirrf, ami m*>ii had n chance !o try their ehficiencr, The *r»h*odkl *u«mcr Urlta eawc ednnffintr nmudJv aimtt*. homo on the hro*d bo* HI "" ^ f » JNwin) of the Father of Water*, when the hatte-1 Utie- «oro op iw<i npott h?r and *ho wa* *ent > fto the bottom.another evidence of the tropo»*citotily of wirig* itig the Mb«M«*sppi except bymstUul agretmofit, and casting into ridicule .

the boastful orJcf of General Hanks that theMtjic *«.« not.* open for navigation and trade,.

Soon after ik uniting of the Delta, a %iw* ]boat made it# appearance ami engaged the Imt- £terie*. .\ftcr a spirited fight Of^Sfie half hoar, ^he *nu> to badly cripplod th*S *he floated '

down the river in a helpfe** condition. J c«

Gee. Rom will Ut placed in a very re*pon«i- j K<

We portion, and hit friend* and commanding ^officer* confidently ex|*ci be will win goldenopinions and inflict great damage on the one- jmy,.CaMm Citii**, *

££?>. * j£j»g if

' ..f V-';:

& - %-- - -J.*"' _ -



IS mbuorujcImparted thia life, at hto rc»dence io thia town, on.e 2Sth December, 18(53, Zacisaruu J. DkHat..e was born near Charleston. M 14th Xovetnber,ft 9. whore the greater part of b« wiriy life tra* spentfew pears bo lived in Columbia, wl^ne he kernedc business of au apothecary. Ho removed to Cam*x. the lat of January, 1848, where be entered upon* more active duties of Ida calling, a burisesa for pUidi bo waa admirably adapted, from his *'<*malichabit* and general attention given to »t.itinty after hut removeUo (Camden he became ideniidwith the great Temperance Reform; was tho» ReruingScriba of Wateree Divawon, and for severalart Grand Scribe of the Grand D.tiGon, don* ofrmpcraace. of South Carolina, which dotk* he perrmedto the entire *3l#fact;o8 of the membere..w record, hko bis character, was without a blot.. \e w«a a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, and i9 »nckt>i brotheriniod cf Free Masoes. with «rhos6 j jipiwwire burial amice \m remans/**tv> wmstgned j ttheir JUsl rearing place. For upwards of five jj'era he suffered nncsanphiinittgly the « ted of bw \evenly Father; which depr.ced him of all abili-\id tbc**> V(hcm he «o tenderly totftf. * But In jica&e waft' ibswttftttrd be*mifutJy the language of the j'eet Sanger of Israel: i have nevera-en the right- <

MA fitMitlrilMl AM K« 1 ttMvi lv<A«nn<« Wiff, « i*rh ^ r*y-»*c«- ,%r** <*3^ ;»*-- »**» :

!J lft»t in tfc© ftvrrrit* of hi* K^mR*?, be ob#*4 hi* *

<5* os; *U ftiHh^r t&ag% to Htfaf iho re*; qf $oU% \At dyidwj. Al»y He who fata* the Jrwios- rt»**n» j jwo tfcey «r fc* a ttuabaiid to Ikewidoww&4a lather »

tteAthiftaat, v.- .f , |(ou t roa soi oiEav r*mimes,BY Tjftoe of Qm Ac* of tfco Cfesml Atwo&ty',ftiwJ ITifc D«*mbcr, lS£3e ^to t»*k« pwis&e© &rc#opp«*i$f CsttiiUo* of «o&Jfof*o! thfe &Stffc\ &r~.* IhMrki^f K-rrs&iW fa* tofe diM into tweJtoCttattk* with « m&nber of II* Board in eadi:&mk* Bfc t, webraaw tfc» itmuitj torn Somtor ^* to ht»k4 w.#r»of £M?t Cnwk, Um&m* to ffagtnaf ,

fit. {fame* to UcKsr.n'.'q"* old wa&d, tbe&o* to S»»- Crffc,a*d drrtrn fe to it* rim, a»4 dtfTO th« 1

» *hk of Watefw Rim to Btstotor hi*No. X tlw» twtmtfr fcwa ittmsih «f Wfcfopik Cmk to Ifcaw C>**k R**4 tto»o to tetj* '

ill Rr*i Htw, to Bt*, tfavgv to ik* river 1

Tl«<*f i#t> a&tit*)* will bars tt jat#> «srpta9 i»f 's*it derived fh**i tlx? iw*» |#r c<p*tt Tax fo K'md*icb »q*s k dftifltattaS to oUs^r of *W 3

«Uict wbm tfe^to arc l*r?p- ipioy ebkf*io Utt iw«tFnx» the Oaia t»ow E» be had. It b <&ri*ift itar* '

ittbca tfeefrSeOe? of wter Earn thousand fa&brt* oi 1afc to Mpptj tfewt pe«*ao* it* th* Dittifk* vntUte* {

mlor {!»(**d at lb# ra»t« of tio bu*b&i* to lb* po?*£n. !Th» member* o? th<? &»*rd «i* rejoined under the \A "to draw hi* ofdtr ^ latwf tot w »a; producer 1

ithzti Id* w?k»n. to btt ddtafcftd to wxfc pet**.* of 1

rrtgi* a* way tw named iWvm"'It *e&{d bcr eXiwiitisiujtt* burtfos&Of&t, If mA |m&rBjftftf ptrami m il** u»to lb* rim pfeaWf# b*kr* Camdon ( rtofv the £n»insufalr hi Section K«t J,) and fr>m Iamo« haul U*rurii aha?*.. It aba hire* tho lratwj*y tattoo of ivI* wotud ©cwsuwe fib* j»n« ! amount of mofwjr allow* 1

b*r by U>e Suto The nata* «tsto of foct* <aiM* «

p<«r*orwi RWRtf fbatfoa No. 3. wrjih ord*'* f^xar» dadoaot DwrktA. and wgQjd d&Toat the 1 bje*'. o(9 ill pf Osr (AtfittStUf* so A IsrsTP meadow. ManyaaJe*. vitfa dhtfdncrh, <witd bgc'do litK a»d wrxiidfB to ip trithoot the sp+ia f*?»f»d*d fat them. and«« ntsflfof, tfc«y ftfcd their titUe oat*, and paaalfefrHaul from boo^tr. T«cj eW« of pw**3* are i&dt*of *&d tifKt^hio*«->o itfecRtl drtfi, and ****** h»f* j* a horMb Setee of Uwso iastv*/#* n^y ta»w I** t

iflt&x t2rt> tnfcho rood* frith their «lkw»»e<i of meat \Mr l«tfeU esrrriti# it for aula*. T?»?' mat# rt*.

ttf*4 »rr in lit* «fs*»V 4^w* 8$iht»»r ilotr and ptr%\. «

; Is ritr hv«*t tr» atrun? tl»« pttfMilty ami the Jifw* nff -r»r i ftt. lM'««r, 1W -Nridvfj^C Ile^ f, lltele.* Batte l that fh%Myofi of Wtl. tax l« i

n4 ctf ir'*ia» h» sr«t?pa wut ijatit ihlrtras ISRaSt xb fawho, *ud thtSjo i= ir«!ka» 3fo. Z *41 ,

i3iv«*r Uoif r^n at thO odH of %t? i«d»« t.t«»5t«o<If *S * tt. r..i 9, ii« itf» 'a» KiitiitHo ittii* Ia

9 A «*«--»#»*" J-'" - «,?V Tfr *.»<*** ¥? Wgi«s«S«y»i?t& i; #-'*1

t W?Jr A' U*frif «tkf» »4iS &»? iwSsl J-C-> & u»ltscA.Tto* ton! « ****!» <p*f«*¥*ty atfci *s«!i to t#*trI s!» tow* turn) »«f<s«w to »*&rt fcttd dUii

fcia&rifr to if---* master, tbeixjlto*1 ta Cas^ft, V. (to «* «%- of I«tot«% *cm£ S*? *ill I* tto* ajfrfel is-ba w*i''

p gffcto *»J wvipto Ito^rdVc tod f^tta&to*. \,|*W mfcl, *11 tlx* «fc» PA, Ubu <*f U,^ i#¥ j>»)^. s4 Icir to* flfij) Sip Vft 4iiW Tfii* row** *r4S >

rttfc* ii itfmft <w pt*d*g%ri for]s*U AWNEOiA qfftnifo. «s1 £**>«ql*Bjr a*4er of &* SoitiWr* ***ed of JUilei

4K0, H P^At'^rkK, Owitnw*.J*mm? & f $ |,

*Tixi;rurxHUB Ctfkrtoc* *f O*? hTATK TAX Sor \b* W** jL Kit if! VJHtOX *m isiAivsta^i itm Mu Ibr j« '& T*ir* &!« >*» 4 f* *t! *1 ENttnter, |$% wjH U hwtd* fee <Mir«fjr »t U* tiwMrqr? of U* j«rer Hit «*toc, ia Ot*matoi*, <m Ta«*l*jr, ti« ?$tbefc»8tTV *dfcrtWtt *?» W*|*is*s»i tithef to for ibeifi64.4 *l or to jghr* wrljr ooflR^Uoa ** tofiat pUt** lib* fe&tik* ctoi*? to? for*tp3M to ffcena bjtttf«*s4 or Ktp** An alk>*r*f»« »t»S I** m»4* for

W J LAVAU*Tr*3*itfr^

Siato Trwawr kcrnef tHrMop, fotohifeU Jacjuarjl*tl

Jatsuart 2£3T" Tte p»f«rf» tot* Ui*pr ft» rt^uwi*to | \i*f qbr.vt t»m« v S* acw.

.... '' '*"

>r J- McCati & Dr. B. H Matheson. ]\rac#~Two ixxwa Attuvs nra jiraxcii\J It A NR.I»r ;*o, KCV*A.- wi » aanira#* jJanuary S'J 41

coxhwriutk frrATRS rho drpt. & c, j jCuiRU^lOX, H C Jan. 20 3sC3. j |

XiR cetVn;B rva*«?ft tfc? c*i«Mftati4is*2 On#-rat m*« ?ia vttii<if)w tb« n^q.i Ultima. to*«k oo Uw»

iQBod ihi'i»bxi, far k&EPT U> i» farbifthed on llitf 2d jthw**t ar*t>ol*r«!i»un4iay, wl 'i mar w*xl in com pit|C*triih tfe« mjttijMtiao, w>Ii m«iw otwIU in the jat** call &mk$$ on thai ti.-* ctwat.iujj month. ITi>* Ubw U much .BfcKted, %ud ii U de*»rou« thaij* revocation of rt-q<ji*itk*n may not reduce the jmntr*i }r.tet?U^<l to be#rat

WM H. KCHOLS. jJanuary 29 Ma ^r aai OiY. Kng. A

., . 4. >:. >z -"..

, ^"~.*K-V-::'


' ? '# ,'' .V,



CoLCKm, 8. C., 4«J. 22, 1804.

HAV1XG it^ived iasmwSioBfi Iran Ibe Bureau ,of CeaacriptkMi *t Ridgjjond, through the Commandantof Cor»w;ripii for South Carolina, nS raise SIXCOMPAX IKS OF MGUXTSD MEN lor the purposeof arresting deserter# and delinquent# from conscriptkrti,and ni«o for the purpose of resisting any "locallavfinouT or raids that rtu*r be attempted by tht Abtdi&ioifls,Such authority oti my part it thus modekxovrn to the diiaen* of the ,State m onkr thai thisaw»t important swykk mat be rendered the greatcatwRr ot ftouthcrn Independence * t

It w pr%»pofeHl to form the BattaEcn from * Exwaptaand Notwoo^cripteEsch company to consistof cot less than sixty, nor more than one hundred,rank and file; Id elect if* own officers and to fumbUhi* ova honse*. Arms and carbine) and »c-*iroulfDmenU will bft fufniebed by the ConfederateGovernment; and petaotw -ieiiirooj* of joining the corpscat) report r.tiw r :ad»ew©ftilr or in organized competite*,to the nearest Ihefrfot or Cong*e®k»oaf KoroJingLriSoef.whom authwrUed muster ia tod reportthem to me at these Headquarter*The term of wrvieo A be for twelve months, tad

\i& ?Wrfrieof action focal.that at within the State.ALLRX J. GREEN.

January 2$ -4 Major and Enrolling Officer. "

Ad Country papers is the State publish one®i vwk for ««c month, r#d tersrard their bilk to theGnardkn office


rTFIK iVnm«*iot»er* of the Roads and the TownAuthorities within the j>.»c;ct») Dktrktff of Lacowter.Knftfctw. Cbestet&rid. Marihoroajtfc. DatUsgloo.Marion. Sumter. Cforentton, Williamsburg and

liofTy, bdudtog C|per All Sninta. will forthwith #t«n- *

nx>t;«U in pOMMmtai of alares within theirNttisdnsliott to dehnsf eo^founh of th^sr slave* H«b&»to HosmI 4o(t At the IVjxtf* twarert their owiscr* rettfaoct,oo ilOXDA Y.tlrt> 22d 4*y of February prox^%\ 20oH«c& a. fa. there so *vr«i; tn*a*po tati^! to

Par thirty da>*" U>«r on tit* fofti&cstkxni,H. Tbc (.-'own snaioiw!* and Authority* *£ fg»tud

ir3i, *t the tan** time, ttnfirvs* end tonr*rd <>&e toortiiof el) fOoW free ncjTor* between lb© ag^i of sixteenlod fifty years, resident,within the licit* of their »oSisority.*

III. The owners ofonly cvr Road baud an exemptby tew."

IT. fty the Art of Dwtttbcr lart. the **id Authoritreatwe required to make full returns to me of allrcadkfidi liable in thirty days. Tk( doty has beenpaftatfiy and very imperfectly done.m tawny injitaa

e*the"return giving no indication, not even by Ha>**t2tt&&. of the District (raen whteb it emanate*. .

the who!* scheme of the araadmemi of Decemberi «m) i.fcUwt Ink* AM (VMmJ^A

(IVr1* VM »4»*ap' wtn uutcm n«^ »tT ..

Lbc *r**cw &.u*; Sail it&d »4* tabor h* *uj plied entirely;ZKpTf?«sfrvrtai

* WH. 31. SHAStfOK,A$»at of U* Su£* of Sot«h Carolina.

C»»dfco. a C , Jan. 20, 1&*4.Jtam»*y 29 4Ail tbo pftpe** vritbls ii#> Dirisioa pufcHsb coco ft

re** flw &t>r* w«rto».""" nKADftiJAiimir

OOfJ??<?RlfT DBfAaTXIETT,.CoU'Vfcu. S. C, January 21, ISfii.

SPSCTAl AO- IS.-: * « 9*9 *

nf HKRKAHTKR applxaiiofct for detail* mad*lo U»*e Re*4fs**»ftm will not-bo cc&9*i*red

rak** * eatf8ja»t>ted wiOf "dcacripiiT* Batt** of tbfeft?r -xUvm u* application «$ and*?.

V. too! temslfciffi? Ot&om *re bmfcy ordered to»»k# fvtam *© tbcw llr«4|wjricm oa or before ihoIK d*r of irtbnsaty wiU of *11 »*a dott&dJby{tbesnwiiliid roo*cT\pI *t*,

# *

EN" x&ammA of Mej Bujcum; Ad. Com. GooISAAC IUYXE,

January 29 L&ob and Adj.J3T* Afl to tb* StateVBI pfeftft* copy ooco.


r|MSE PL-VSTKUS of K«siaw Kattict «re r»-

1 qo^ifsd V> bHag in U*tr tlilw of salted 1'otfc,a Hhwt delay, By to dtfbig. ibey may rrliett? tfcom- * »

»«it£* firm liw pfwtitf# of tb# Sxatf-ff yortie* ^povid tlx* DWifct Jf3is% pra* ttnn, Ac., vill also » rtvk. l.'»rk »iwi .MM.nltKi ktf ikt iKifc t.'tJCt'

M1^ * * *-r.w . -* .^.^- .J.JL DEVKIiKCX,

JtnuArr JO

FOt\VS)»OX tfc« fth Sasiam!, «a l rf»fc*r«, Uiwwj KtflgfYifit

& P0CK.KT SOOK, co.itaioifiSHiAficr fctKt pjj-'tn, wi.jCb itrt» OWUCJ can by

<&t iha $ui»*<rt\lvtf ocur 1 -Jk r» K«nr, $. C.t*ud p^>vifcjf tbe MibC'. HOUKUT HKAVKS.

JS ,1*

AUCTION..SALET WILL wIL ot; M«wl*v. Kotemarr I at, at Uv» «u>m1 of J. M A F.&'fc LOT OF FKEACH CHIXA ; LKATRKR. ujy*r aw4 so|e.ZHT pu#ituc--T<mn* ca<fh, % >

J. K. WlTBEaSFOOX,J&titurr 20 | Auc&osccr.

South Carolina.Kernhaw District.*% - » Estf*rit* CfeMVAST.

\irnKRlU8, mrs « a ltles. arru®&f to its# fa 2-<?t?er» of AUzn;m§w»txtJ cm *11 and

vitigsUr tfo ccxod* end cfcatdc*, ngbt* »>od credit* o

V. Lrto#. late of the Dittrict atorraaid, dc«owitfd:

Tli*«» Art, tfscivfor*, to cite am) admonish *tl, the kindred and creditor* ot the *aid dtoww«>1to 9Se tod *pfw»r itcftw mo it our next OrdSfeary'* * a

Cocit for the earn District, to Itotden it XwnhaWMCourt Hawse on U«* fourteenth dar of Wsmry best ^to show celiac, if any. why the e»!d sdftnu.MrfcUoa£feculd n-H be granted 4"

Given under mj fluid and Seal, tbiA 29lh* dayof January. in tJ*e year of our Lord out th-niwid ,

eijrhl hundred and =»i*tr four «:*S m the c^t^Hwgfrtfe ,

yt*r of the Independence a»d fiorerei^uty of th»8<»te * ( &>utfc CarolinaJ»vuwy 29 2 ALXcV0SALT),OK.D.

SPffilTS TTOPfNTINE"A RBM *n> TIRI'KlfTJBf)\f ron *alk.

fcJT~ Persons living at a distance can address /January 3 «JOURNAL OFFICE." «
