Malaysian University English Test (MUET)



Malaysian University English Test (MUET). Speaking. Listening. MUET. Reading. Writing. Paper 1: Listening Candidates will be required to listen to recorded texts twice and answer questions on them. There is a total of 20 questions consisting of: information transfer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

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Paper 1: Listening

Candidates will be required to listen to recorded texts twice and answer questions on them.

There is a total of 20 questions consisting of:

a)information transferb)short-answer questionsc)3-option multiple-choice questionsd)4-option multiple-choice questions

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Candidates will be required to perform two tasks:

Paper 2: Speaking

a) Individual Presentation

-Candidates will be given 2 minutes to prepare for the given task and 2 minutes to present.

-Candidates will also listen to the other candidates while they are making their presentations and take down notes for the group interaction.

a) Group Interaction (4 candidates)

-Candidates will be given 2 minutes to prepare points to support or oppose the other candidates’ views.

-After listening to everyone in the group, candidates will try to come to a conclusion.

-The group will be given 10 minutes for the group interaction.

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Paper 3: Reading This paper comprises 45 multiple-choice questions based on passages from texts which may be taken from:

- journals- newspapers- magazines- academic - electronic sources.

Questions are in the form of 3-option multiple-choice and 4-option multiple-choice questions.

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Paper 4: Writing

This paper comprises two writing tasks:

a) transferring information from a non-linear source to a linear text and b) a piece of extended writing.

The stimulus may take the form of linear and/or non-linear texts.

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Paper Code Component Time(minutes)

Weighting (%) Maximum Score

800/1 Listening 30 15 45

800/2 Speaking 30 15 45

800/3 ReadingComprehension

90 40 120

800/4 Writing 90 30 90

Total 100 300


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Six-Band Grading SystemAggregated

ScoreBand User Communicative

AbilityUnderstanding Task


260-300 6 Highly proficient user

Very good command of the language

High level of understanding of the language

Functions extremely well in the language

220-259 5 Proficient user

Good command of the language

Good level of understanding of the language

Functions well in the language

180-219 4 Satisfactory user

Satisfactory command of the language

Satisfactory level of understanding of the language

Functions reasonably well in the language

140-179 3 Modest user Fair command of the language

Able to understand but with some misinterpretation

Able to function but with some effort

100-139 2 Limited user Limited command of the language

Limited understanding of the language

Limited ability to function in the language


1 Very limited user

Poor command of the language

Poor understanding of the language

Hardly able to function in the language

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Tips for Listening

• Listen attentively! Focus!• You can write down notes – use short forms.• MUST AVOID grammatical, sentence structure

and spelling errors.

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Tips for Speaking

• Ask the examiner if you don’t understand the terms.

• Divide your paper into 4 sections; A B C D.• Write your points in point form to avoid

reading.• Alert with the time.• Elaborate at least 3 points.

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Speak according to this format:

1. Greetings (Good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates).2. Repeat situation (Today we are talking about...etc.)3. Main Point (The point I would like to discuss is... etc.)4. 1st point (Firstly,.. , This is because,.., Moreover,..., For example,.. , Therefore,... )5. 2nd point (Secondly,... , This means that,... , Furthermore,... , For instance,... , Thus,...)6. 3rd point (Finally,... , This is due to the fact that... , In addition, Take for example..., Hence,... )7. Conclusion (In a nutshell, etc.)

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•Use your hands to gesture and explain your points.• Marks will be awarded for 3 categories:

1. Task fulfillment - Did you understand the question and give a relevant and mature


2. Communicative ability - Did you have good eye-contact, body posture, gestures, cooperation?

3. Language - Do you have good command of the language with extended vocabulary?

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• Do not dominate the discussion or be too passive.• Be cooperative – agree or disagree or provide information when asked.• Respect the opinions of others.

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• 1. Good morning to everyone. • 2. Good morning to the examiner and all my fellow candidates. • 3. A very good morning I wish to the• examiner and fellow candidates. • 4. Today we are talking about…• 5. The situation I have been given is… • 6. According to the situation… • 7. Based on the situation given• 8. I have 3 reasons to justify my point.• 9. First and foremost,…• 11. Firstly,…• 12. Secondly,… • 13. My second point is… • 14. Another reason is… • 15. Finally,… • 16. Lastly,…• 17. Last but not least,… • 18. Moreover,… • 19. In addition,…• 20. Furthermore,…

• 21. Therefore,… • 22. Hence,… • 23. Thus,… • 24. However,…• 25. Other than that,…• 26. On the other hand,…• 27. Conversely,…• 28. Consequently,…• 29. Subsequently,…• 30. In contrast,…• 31. For example,…• 32. For instance,…• 33. Take for example,…• 34. … and so on. • 35. … and many more. • 36. … and others. • 37. In conclusion,… • 38. As a conclusion,… • 39. In short,… • 40. In a nutshell,…

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• 1. Let’s kickstart this discussion by • starting with..• 2. Allow me to begin… • 3. May I begin by saying… • 4. I agree with you. (NOT:I’M agree)• 5. That’s a great idea!• 6. I see your point! • 7. That’s an interesting perspective.• 8. I like your suggestion. • 9. Indeed!• 10. I concur with your point of view.• 11. I’m sorry but I disagree. • 12. I’m afraid I have to disagree with your idea. • 13. I don’t see eye to eye with you. • 14. That’s not a good idea/suggestion. • 15. I beg to differ. • 16. I’m sorry for interrupting but…

• 17. Excuse me, may I interrupt please. • 18. Pardon me for interrupting but..• 19. I’d like to add something please. • 20. May I say something?• 21. Could you please hear me out?• 22. So what do you think, Candidate X?• 23. How about your point of view?• 24. Candidate X, what is your opinion?• 25. Does anyone agree with me?• 26. Why don’t we consider the other points?• 27. I don’t understand, can you please repeat?• 28. I’m sorry I don’t understand, can you please

elaborate again?• 29. In conclusion, ALL OF US agree that…• 30. To conclude, MOST OF US agree that…• 31. In a nutshell, SOME OF US agree that… while the

rest prefer… • 32. As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US

can’t seem to agree on a single point so…• 33. That’s the end of this discussion, thank you.

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Surfing the internet has many advantages. However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern about the negativeeffects of the internet on young people. At a forum organisedby your college, you have been asked to speak on one methodof decreasing the negative effects.

In your opinion, the best method of decreasing the negativeeffects of the use of the internet is:

Candidate A: More parental controlCandidate B: stricter laws on cybercafesCandidate C: increased government control over the InternetCandidate D: guidance on Internet surfing provided by schools

Elaborate on your point.

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Tips for Reading

• Alert with the time!• Underline important points.• Not sure with the answer? Skip the question,

attend it later.• Don’t know the meaning of the words? – Try

to guess them from the context.• Start increasing your vocabulary NOW! Read

newspaper, magazine and any other material.