MAL 11 Sampling Design and Procedures

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  • 8/7/2019 MAL 11 Sampling Design and Procedures


    Sampling:Design and Procedures

  • 8/7/2019 MAL 11 Sampling Design and Procedures



    Sample vs. CensusTable 11.1

    Conditions Favoring the Use of

    Type of Study

    Sample Census

    1. Budget



    2. Time available

    Short Long

    3. Population size

    Large Small

    4. Variance in the characteristic

    Small Large

    5. Cost of sampling errors

    Low High

    6. Cost of nonsampling errors

    High Low

    7. Nature of measurement

    Destructive Nondestructive

    8. Attention to individual cases Yes No

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    The Sampling Design Process



    Define the Population

    Determine the Sampling Frame

    Select Sampling Technique(s)

    Determine the Sample Size

    Execute the Sampling Process

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    Define the Target Population

    The target lationis the collection of elements orobjects that possess the information sought by the researcherand about which inferences are to be made.

    The target population should be defined in terms of elements,sampling units, extent, and time.

    1 An elementis the object about which or from which theinformation is desired, e.g., the respondent.

    2 Asamplingnitis an element, or a unit containing theelement, that is available for selection at some stage of thesampling process.

    3 Extentrefers to the geographical boundaries.

    4 Time is the time period under consideration.

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    Define the Target Population

    Important qualitative factors in determining thesample size

    the importance of the decision

    the nature of the research the number of variables

    the nature of the analysis

    sample sizes used in similar studies

    incidence rates

    completion rates

    resource constraints

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    Sample Sizes Used in MarketingResearch Studies



    Type of Study

    Minimum Size Typical Range

    Problem identification research

    (e.g. market potential)



    Problem-solving research (e.g.


    200 300-500

    Product tests

    200 300-500

    Test marketing studies

    200 300-500

    TV, radio, or print advertising (percommercial or ad tested)

    150 200-300

    Test-market audits

    10 stores 10-20 stores

    Focus groups

    2 groups 4-12 groups

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    Classification of Sampling Techniques

    Fig. 11.2

    Sampling Techniques

    NonprobabilitySampling Techniques

    ProbabilitySampling Techniques















    Other SamplingTechniques

    Simple RandomSampling

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    Convenience Sampling

    Conveniencesampling attempts to obtain asample of convenient elements. Often, respondentsare selected because they happen to be in the rightplace at the right time.

    use of students, and members of socialorganizations

    mall intercept interviews without qualifying therespondents

    department stores using charge account lists

    people on the street interviews

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    Judgmental Sampling

    Judgmental sampling is a form of conveniencesampling in which the population elements areselected based on the judgment of the researcher.

    test markets purchase engineers selected in industrial

    marketing research

    bellwether precincts selected in voting behavior

    research expert witnesses used in court

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    Quota Sampling

    Quotasampling may be viewed as two-stage restricted judgmentalsampling.

    The first stage consists of developing control categories, or quotas,of population elements.

    In the second stage, sample elements are selected based onconvenience or judgment.

    Population Samplecomposition composition

    ControlCharacteristic Percentage Percentage NumberSexMale 48 48 480Female 52 52 520

    ____ ____ ____100 100 1000

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    Snowball Sampling

    In snowball sampling, an initial group of respondentsis selected, usually at random.

    After being interviewed, these respondents are askedto identify others who belong to the targetpopulation of interest.

    Subsequent respondents are selected based on thereferrals.

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    Simple Random Sampling

    1 Each element in the population has a known andequal probability of selection.

    2 Each possible sample of a given size (n) has a knownand equal probability of being the sample actuallyselected.

    3 This implies that every element is selectedindependently of every other element.

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    Systematic Sampling

    1 The sample is chosen by selecting a random starting point and thenpicking every ith element in succession from the sampling frame.

    2 The sampling interval, i, is determined by dividing the population sizeN by the sample size n and rounding to the nearest integer.

    3 When the ordering of the elements is related to the characteristic ofinterest, systematic sampling increases the representativeness of thesample.

    4 If the ordering of the elements produces a cyclical pattern, systematic

    sampling may decrease the representativeness of the sample.

    For example, there are 100,000 elements in the population and asample of1,000 is desired. In this case the sampling interval, i, is100. A random number between 1 and 100 is selected. If, forexample, this number is 23, the sample consists of elements 23, 123,

    223, 323, 423, 523, and so on.

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    Stratified Sampling

    1 A two-step process in which the population is partitionedinto subpopulations, or strata.

    2 The strata should be mutually exclusive and collectively

    exhaustive in that every population element should beassigned to one and only one stratum and no populationelements should be omitted.

    3Next, elements are selected from each stratum by arandom procedure, usually SRS.

    4 A major objective of stratified sampling is to increaseprecision without increasing cost.

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    Stratified Sampling

    The elements within a stratum should be as homogeneous aspossible, but the elements in different strata should be asheterogeneous as possible.

    The stratification variables should also be closely related to thecharacteristic of interest.

    Finally, the variables should decrease the cost of thestratification process by being easy to measure and apply.

    In proportionate stratified sampling, the size of the sampledrawn from each stratum is proportionate to the relative size ofthat stratum in the total population.

    In disproportionate stratified sampling, the size of the samplefrom each stratum is proportionate to the relative size of thatstratum and to the standard deviation of the distribution of thecharacteristic of interest among all the elements in that stratum.

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    Cluster Sampling

    The target population is first divided into mutually exclusive andcollectively exhaustive subpopulations, or clusters.

    Then a random sample of clusters is selected, based on aprobability sampling technique such as SRS.

    For each selected cluster, either all the elements are included in

    the sample (one-stage) or a sample of elements is drawnprobabilistically (two-stage).

    Elements within a cluster should be as heterogeneous aspossible, but clusters themselves should be as homogeneous aspossible. Ideally, each cluster should be a small-scalerepresentation of the population.

    In probabilityproportionatetosi e sampling, the clustersare sampled with probability proportional to size. In the secondstage, the probability of selecting a sampling unit in a selectedcluster varies inversely with the size of the cluster.

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    Types of Cluster SamplingFig. 11.3 Cluster Sampling




    Simple ClusterSampling


    to Size Sampling

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    Technique Strengths Weaknesses

    Nonprobability SamplingConvenience sampling

    Least expensive, leasttime-consuming, mostconvenient

    Selection bias, sample notrepresentative, not recommended fordescriptive or causal research

    Judgmental sampling Low cost, convenient,not time-consuming

    Does not allow generalization,subjective

    Quota sampling Sample can be controlled

    for certain characteristics

    Selection bias, no assurance of

    representativenessSnowball sampling Can estimate rare


    Probability samplingSimple random sampling(SRS)

    Easily understood,results projectable

    Difficult to construct samplingframe, expensive, lower precision,no assurance of representativeness.

    Systematic sampling Can increase

    representativeness,easier to implement thanSRS, sampling frame notnecessary

    Can decrease representativeness

    Stratified sampling Include all importantsubpopulations,precision

    Difficult to select relevantstratification variables, not feasible tostratify on many variables, expensive

    Cluster sampling Easy to implement, cost


    Imprecise, difficult to compute and

    interpret results

    Table 11.3

    Strengths and Weaknesses ofBasic Sampling Techniques

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    Procedures for Drawing Probability Samples

    Fig. 11.4

    Simple Random


    1. Select a suitable sampling frame

    2. Each element is assigned a number from 1 to N(pop. size)

    3. Generate n (sample size) different random numbersbetween 1 and N

    4. The numbers generated denote the elements thatshould be included in the sample

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    Procedures for DrawingProbability Samples

    Fig. 11.4 cont. Systematic


    1. Select a suitable sampling frame

    2. Each element is assigned a number from 1 to N (pop. size)

    3. Determine the sampling interval i:i=N/n. If i is a fraction,round to the nearest integer

    4. Select a random number, r, between 1 and i, as explained in

    simple random sampling

    5. The elements with the following numbers will comprise thesystematic random sample: r, r+i,r+2i,r+3i,r+4i,...,r+(n-1)i

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    1. Select a suitable frame

    2. Select the stratification variable(s) and the number of strata, H

    3. Divide the entire population into H strata. Based on theclassification variable, each element of the population is assignedto one of the H strata

    4. In each stratum, number the elements from 1 to Nh (the pop.size of stratum h)

    5. Determine the sample size of each stratum, nh, based onproportionate or disproportionate stratified sampling, where

    6. In each stratum, select a simple random sample of size nh

    Procedures for DrawingProbability Samples

    Fig. 11.4 cont.

    nh = nh=1




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    Procedures for DrawingProbability Samples

    Fig. 11.4 cont.



    1. Assign a number from 1 to N to each element in the population

    2. Divide the population into C clusters of which c will be included inthe sample

    3. Calculate the sampling interval i, i=N/c (round to nearest integer)4. Select a random number r between 1 and i, as explained in simple

    random sampling

    5. Identify elements with the following numbers:r,r+i,r+2i,... r+(c-1)i

    6. Select the clusters that contain the identified elements7. Select sampling units within each selected cluster based on SRS

    or systematic sampling

    8. Remove clusters exceeding sampling interval i. Calculate newpopulation size N*, number of clusters to be selected C*= C-1,

    and new sampling interval i*.

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    Procedures for Drawing Probability Samples

    Repeat the process until each of the remaining

    clusters has a population less than the

    sampling interval. If b clusters have beenselected with certainty, select the remaining c-

    b clusters according to steps 1 through 7. The

    fraction of units to be sampled with certainty is

    the overall sampling fraction = n/N. Thus, for

    clusters selected with certainty, we wouldselect ns=(n/N)(N1+N2+...+Nb) units. The units

    selected from clusters selected under PPS

    sampling will therefore be n*=n- ns.


    Fig. 11.4 cont.

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    Choosing Nonprobability vs.Probability Sampling











    Variability inthepopulation



    tatistical considerations

    nfavorable avorable

    Operational considerations avorable nfavorable

    Table 11.4 cont.

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    Tennis' Systematic Sampling Returns a Smash

    Tennis magazine conducted a mail survey of its subscribersto gain a better understanding of its market. Systematicsampling was employed to select a sample of1,472subscribers from the publication's domestic circulation list. Ifwe assume that the subscriber list had 1,472,000 names, the

    sampling interval would be 1,000 (1,472,000/1,472). Anumber from 1 to 1,000 was drawn at random. Beginningwith that number, every 1,000th subscriber was selected.

    A brand-new dollar bill was included with the questionnaire

    as an incentive to respondents. An alert postcard wasmailed one week before the survey. A second, follow-up,questionnaire was sent to the whole sample ten days afterthe initial questionnaire. There were76 post office returns,so the net effective mailing was 1,396. Six weeks after thefirst mailing, 778 completed questionnaires were returned,

    yielding a response rate of56%.