Making Your School Shine: Tips for Increasing Enrollment



Bullpen is a marketing agency based in Houston, Texas. We specialize in Academic Marketing for private schools. We figure out what makes your school unique, then help you stand out from the crowd. This is a presentation to help private schools shine by increasing enrollment.

Transcript of Making Your School Shine: Tips for Increasing Enrollment

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• Marketing 101 • What marketing says about your school • I want a billboard • Marketing Audit • Why do parents choose your school? • Enrollment Marketing • Pictures role in marketing • • School brochures • Resources

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Marketing 101

Marketing is getting people with a specific need to know, like and trust you.

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Marketing 101

Marketing is the set of activities used to: • Get your potential customers’ attention • Motivate them to buy • Get them to actually buy • Get them to buy again (and again…)

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What does marketing say about your school?

• Everything! • Good marketing helps to:

– Attract new students – Reduce student attrition – Bond alumni and past parents – Keep good teachers – Raise funds – Build your school’s image in the wider


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I want a billboard

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I want a billboard

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Perform a Marketing Audit

• Get an outside-in perspective of your school • You’re too close to the situation – “can’t see

the forest for the trees” • Helps evaluate a school's efforts and budget • Assign a person or a team to perform the audit • What are your goals?

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Marketing Audit

• Consider all of your prospective parent/student touch points

• Spread out all marketing materials and external communications on a table – Brochure – Advertisements – Website – Email communications – Open house information – Registration process

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Marketing Audit

• Listen to what your constituents say about their perception of your school and what they like and don’t like – and what they would like to see – Student leaders – Parents – Alumni – Faculty and staff – Prospective students

• Walk around your campus with a camera • Look at what your competition is doing

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Marketing Audit

• Evaluate results • Look for marketing disconnects • Determine what needs to be done • Create priorities, timeline • Marketing plan

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Recruiting is seeking families to your school who will be: • Great students • Supportive families • Great referral sources • Generous donors

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• Customer Service • What sets you apart • Make them feel


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• Include them in your team

• Spotlight their kids • Be authentic

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• Always ask for a referral from your superstar parents

• Most schools admit that referrals are by far the best source of new students

• Train them. Teach them.

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Why do parents choose your school?

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Why we chose JP2 Catholic School?

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Enrollment Marketing

• Things to do… – Foundation pieces – Website – Open house – Brochure – Advertising – Direct mail – Church bulletins – Make it easy!

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Foundation Pieces

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A picture speaks a 1,000 words…

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Pictures Tell Your Story

• Emphasize: – Faith – Academics – Athletics – Extracurricular

activities – Spirit

• Show diversity

• Simple close-ups • Unaware action shots • Parent photographers • Stock photo files • “Pictures have legs!” • Talent waivers

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• THE most important marketing tool • Targets internal and external audiences • Keep it current, simple, clean • Focus on recruitment and retention • Publicize web presence everywhere • Make it a top priority

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Your Front Door

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Enrollment on the Web

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School Brochure

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School Brochure

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Additional Resources

• • Sign up for newsletter at • 10 Commandments of Academic Branding


• – Tools4Schools

• Fellow Catholic Schools – what works, what doesn’t, best practices

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