Making the Case for Social Media Inside the Organization

Making the Case for Social Media Inside the Organization by Connie Crosby @conniecrosby Crosby Group Consulting Knowledge Workers Toronto #kwTO June 20, 2012


Presented to Knowledge Workers Toronto on June 20, 2012. This was a facilitated session. Video of this session available on uStream: (it starts at the 6:40 minute mark). Earlier this year our Knowledge Workers: Technology group explored social media/social intranet layer offerings for the enterprise including Speechbobble, Working Rooms and Pintegrate. However, what is the business value of these tools? Why would an organization put money, time and effort into implementing social? External drivers for use of social media are familiar to us: public relations, marketing and recruitment. But what are the internal drivers? And how does this relate to Knowledge?

Transcript of Making the Case for Social Media Inside the Organization

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Making the Case for Social Media Inside the

Organizationby Connie Crosby

@conniecrosby Crosby Group Consulting

Knowledge Workers Toronto#kwTO

June 20, 2012

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Where is Enterprise 2.0 today?

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• 2 years ago we were primarily talking about adding in tools/applications such as blogs, wikis, and Twitter-like microblogs such as Yammer to the intranet.

• Today we are seeing a race to create/implement full-on social layers to the intranet or social intranet platforms e.g. Jive, Speechbobble,ThoughtFarmer and others.

• Yammer is now a full-blown social platform and there are rumours of Microsoft planning to purchase it to fill the gap in their offerings.

• The Enterprise 2.0 conference is taking place in Boston as we speak. Follow #e20 on Twitter.

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What are the challenges in making the business case for


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Challenges (1)• history of being an entertainment


• keeping people engaged

• privacy issues

• investment in people needed, too (e.g. training, support)

• cost to implement higher than expected

• unmoderated; loss of control

• general business case issues, eg. ROI, addressing risks, business use “Why”

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Challenges (2)• reputational issues - for both

individuals and the organizational culture

• “just don’t get it”

• who is going to pay for it?

• “free” tools are not free

• engagement/creation of content - does the 1:9:90 rule apply? (i.e. 1% create content, 9% comment, 90% only read)

• information overload

• is the business case based on the reality of the organisational culture?

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Will social create a sharing culture?

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1. The right tools will make us collaborative.

2. Collaboration is inherently a good thing.

3. Collaborating takes extra time.

4. People naturally will/will not collaborate.

5. People instinctively know how to collaborate.

5 Myths of Collaboration

Gartner - Press release June 3, 2011


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Some invalid assumptions

• The purpose of collaboration is obvious

• Bigger is better

• Build it and they will come

• The real value in collaboration is connecting people to content

Source: Sara Roberts, Roberts Golden Consulting, Inc. & Margaret Schweer, Tammy Ericson & Associates

at Enterprise 2.0 2012 - notes by V. Mary Abraham

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• Sharing knowledge is always voluntary. No one can ever be forced.

• We share knowledge when we have the right audience, that motivates us and creates the right context.

• Social software alone is not the solution to the old problems of knowledge management.

Source: T-systems Multimedia Systems

Here’s what T-systems says:

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Building the

business case

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Marketing / Communications

• Communicating from the top down

• Getting staff on board

• Keeping a wide-spread team (such as sales) on message

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Human Resources

• Recruiting

• Employee on-boarding

• Training

• Employee work satisfaction

• Retention

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Library / Research

• Current awareness

• Aggregation of resources - internal & external

• Shared work / research space

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Professional Development

• connecting with colleagues, mentors, experts

• attending seminars at different times, in different locations (webinars)

• learning on demand

• finding support from peers

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Knowledge Management

• encourages culture of sharing / collaboration

• retaining content / knowledge (outside of email)

• making tacit knowledge explicit

• sharing knowledge for succession purposes

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• space in which to develop policy

• record and maintain quickly changing procedures

• engage everyone

• and: how can you “do more with less”??

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And more:• crisis/emergency communications

(internal & external)

• customer service - co-ordinating issue resolution

• communicating & recognizing staff success stories

• crowd sourcing (if big enough staff

• research - mining content for major topics/themes of interest; providing real-time info on these themes

• library - social layer in the catalogue providing reviews, tagging, ratings, recommendations

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T-systems says:

• It is no longer about storing knowledge...

• but about knowledge just in time

• this happens in formal networks

• ...and even more in informal networks

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Social tools

• Crossing boundaries between employees

• Crossing boundaries between organizations

• Crossing boundaries between organizations and their clients or stakeholders

• Crossing boundaries among clients and stakeholders to create communities

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Social media is people!

• Connect

• Communicate

• Share

• Collaborate

• Learn

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“Idle chatter” is how:

• staff learn to use the tools

• tacit knowledge is transferred

• teams are reinforced

• staff are engaged

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Recommended Reading

The Social Organizationby Anthony J. Bradley & Mark P. McDonaldHarvard Business Review Press, 2011

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Recommended Reading

Open Leadershipby Charlene LiJossey-Bass, 2010

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Recommended Reading

Leading Across Boundariesby Russ LindenJossey-Bass, 2010

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Recommended Reading

Business Cases for Info Prosby Ulla de StrickerInformation Today, Inc., 2008

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Effective Blogging for Librariesby Connie CrosbyThe Tech Set series,Neal-Schuman Publishing

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Connie CrosbyCrosby Group Consulting

http://[email protected]



Thank you!

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Image Credits

• “Podcamp Montreal 2008 71” (Jay Moonah) by Eva Blue - Flickr - used under Creative Commons -

• successful business woman on laptop by Search Engine People - Flickr - used under Creative Commons -

• “A lot of networking going on..” by Jacob Bøtter - Flickr - used under Creative Commons -