Making of the double page spread

Media AS Making of the Double Page Spread

Transcript of Making of the double page spread

Page 1: Making of the double page spread

Media AS

M a k i n g o f t h e D o u b l e P a g e S p r e a d

Page 2: Making of the double page spread

Photo’s for Double Page Spread

Page 3: Making of the double page spread

I have drawn my double page spread plan by hand and scanned it in. As you can see I have sketched roughly where I want the photographs to be, in comparison to the text. As before the colour scheme will be the same as my cover and contents page. This will create fluidity.

Double Page Spread Plan

Page 4: Making of the double page spread

Editing the Main Image

I imported my photograph and change the levels and curves to enhance the image. Then what I did was cut it out of the

background noise.

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This is the canvass for my double page spread. I have made it twice as wide as the cover and contents page. The witch is 418mm rather

than 209.

Creating the Canvass

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Here you can see the background gradient and the image itself. After I had cut it out and pasted it onto the background, I saw that

it was messy, and didn’t look great.

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So what I ended up doing, is cropping more of the image and softening the edges. To top it of a changed the gradient for the

background to a softer style. This makes it look a whole lot better.

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Then once I was happy with my background I started on the article. I made white box’s in the areas I wanted my text to go (I was

planning on changing the colour etc later).

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You can see I here I have started changing the style of the box’s and experimenting with different colours and effects.

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So I found it hard to get a colour and shade that will allow the writing to stand out, but I settled for a soft red, which goes with the colour scheme. You can see the article starting to take shape


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I have added a secondary article on the top right of the double page spread. At this point I am experimenting which photo placing.

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I decided to get rid of one of the photographs connecting with the secondary article because I felt it was cluttering up the writing.

Finally I added a banner to give it that extra touch at the bottom.

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Final Contents Page This is the final double page spread I produced on Photoshop. In this I have included a main title, photographs, the main article and a secondary. I continued to follow the colour scheme from the rest of the magazine I produced. I used the guitar head as a lead for the article and created those box’s to have a path for the text to follow. This creates a good connection and flow between the writing and text.I also included a carry on banner, as internal advertising at the bottom. The idea behind this is to encourage existing readers to bye next's weeks issue.

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By having a pre made plan for what my double page spread was going to look like, really helped me because I had an idea that I was able to follow. Having said that a few things changed from the plan with the final, such as the positioning of the photographs.

I continued to follow the colour scheme and I felt that went really well. I made sure all the text was easy to read and went well with the background colours. The main article had black writing and the secondary had white writing, this just allows the reader to be able to distinguish between the two.

I also added a banner at the bottom, as stated before I did this as advertising and feel this is a good additive.

The double page spread looks good and follows the rest of the magazine, which is good for the continuity. I like the images and the colours as well as the way everything flows together well. This would make a nice easy read for the audience that is easy on the eyes.