Make It Happen Manifesto 234

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    Copyright 2011


    Make it Happen


    How to Live the Life you WantAND

    Make the World a Better Place at the Same Time

    By Arvind Devalia

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    This report is 100% non commercial and does not contain any affiliate links

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    Copyright 2011


    Make It Happen ManifestoCopyright @2011 Arvind Devalia. All rights reserved.

    Layout byAyd Instone and typesetting byAlexandra Stratiichuk.

    Suggestion:- I recommend that you PRINT this report you will get so much more out of it. This document is something that you will want to take around with youand write on. Of course you can follow any hyperlinks in the report next time you are at a computer.

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    PART ONE: WHY WE NEED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW!PART TWO: HOW TO START MAKING IT HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE2.1 Simplify Your Life2.2 Healthy Living and Eating2.3 Strive for Excellence2.4 Relationships2.5 Career / Work / Vocation / Business2.6 Fun & Leisure Find your Joy!2.7 Personal Social Responsibility2.8 Build your Legacy



    The dif f erence between what we do, and what we ar e capable of doi ng, w ould solve most of

    t he wor l d s pr ob lems

    - Gandhi

    Make it Happen Table of Contents

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    Part One: Why we need to Make it Happen now!

    This is t he t r ue j oy in l i f e, t he being used for a purpose r ecognised by yourself as a mighty one; t he being a for ce of

    natur e inst ead of a f ever ish self ish l i t t le clod of ai lments and gri evances complai ning t hat t he wor ld wi l l not devote it self

    t o making you happy.

    I am of t he opinion t hat my l i f e belongs t o t he whole communit y and as long as I l i ve it is my pr iv i lege t o do f or i t what ever

    I can.

    I want t o be thoroughly used up when I die, f or t he harder I wor k t he more I l i ve. I rej oice in l i f e for i t s own sake.

    Li f e is no Bri ef Candle t o me. I t is a sort of splendid t orch which I have got hold of f or t he moment and I want t o make it

    burn as br ight l y as possibl e bef ore handl i ng it on to f ut ure generat ions. George Bernard Shaw


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    Part 1: Why we need to makeit happen now!


    A choice for love creat es love.

    A choice f or f ear creat es f ear.What choice do you think has

    been made t o cr eate t he wor ld

    you call y our home? Thi s wor ld

    was creat ed by y our choice,

    and a new w orl d can be creat ed

    by a new choice. But you must

    rea l ize t hat t h is is a l l t here is .Love or l ack of l ove. Love is all

    t hat is rea l .

    Mar i Per r on____________________________

    How much you cont r i bute t oothers wi l l det ermine j ust how

    r i ch your l i f e wi l l be Sadhgur u Vasudev

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    We really need to begin to think outsideof the box and contemplate changes ona global scale.

    For example, what would it be like if thetime had come for the concept of war toend?! Or the concept of the end of worldhunger?

    A man has a right to look down on

    someone only when he is helping himget up Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    In the same way that the world knewthat apartheid in South Africa was nolonger feasible, there will surely come aday soon when we, as humanity, will

    decide that enough is enough, and wewill wholeheartedly embrace worldpeace, food for all and social justice.

    Remember that the possibilities ahead ofus are much greater than the challengeswe face.

    Let us all work towards making thathappen.

    In the same way that one man, NelsonMandela, took a stand in South Africa forthe end of apartheid and a peacefultransition, we all need to do our bit and

    take a stand for what we all intuitivelyknow to be the truth and the right thingto do.

    It just takes one person to change theworld.


    Never under est imat e t he

    pr ofound resi l iency of yourhuman spir i t , nor how swi f t ly

    t hings can change for t he

    bet t er - of t en overn ight

    - Sour ce unknown____________________________


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    Why me and who am I tomake it happen?

    After a varied careerin computers,banking, foodmarketing and dotcom start-ups, I havespent many years on

    a personal journey ofself-development.

    I am a social entrepreneur, author andmost importantly a proud member of thehuman race. I am also the founder ofthe Make It Happen Club.

    I am grateful for the life I have and thepeople, opportunities and resources thatmake my life what it is.

    Having coached many individuals andwritten a few books, I feel it is time for

    me to take my own game to a higherlevel.

    Everyone has a purpose to make themost of their life and to contribute andbe of service in some way. Mine is to

    spread my message about what I believein - this report is the beginning.

    My writing and my work is focused onputting my beliefs into practice andbringing my message and ideas to manymore people.

    I have already achieved some of my ownlife goals - published books, run a

    marathon and got involved with a charityschool in India. Now there is a lot moreto come travel and see more of theworld, bring people and communitiestogether, do more peace work, createmy legacy, write a truly world changingbook. And lots more I am sure.

    For a long time now, I have experiencedthis growing unrest and a desire to raisemy game and play on a bigger stage.Then there comes a time when one mustlisten to and follow that inner calling!

    So it is now all about making it happen for myself and for all the people in myworld. At the same time, it is aboutenjoying what I do, getting rewarded forit and having fun whilst making apositive contribution to the world.

    My ultimate aim is for all of us to leadhappy, fulfilling lives whilst we all do thebest we can without harming those

    around us and the environment.

    I have been actively involved in thisamazing charity school in South India,Nirvana School for the last 10 years andit has been a truly humbling yetinspirational experience.

    This experience has taught me to bebigger than myself, appreciate what Ialready have and look for ways ofmaking a difference.

    I do believe that we all deserve to lead

    healthy, wealthy and the best possiblelives we can. Through this document andother related projects, I feel it is nowtime to make it happen for more of us.It is also about building my legacy andhelping you build yours.


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    I am the author of:-

    Get the Life you Love and Live it


    Personal Social Responsibility

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    To me life is about having greatrelationships, vibrant health and fulfillingwork. It is also about growing your self-

    awareness and achieving your goals -whether they are to make more money,find your life partner, express yourcreativity, become healthy and fit, and ofcourse to contribute to the world insome way.

    What is Success?____________________________

    To l augh of t en and much;

    To win the respect ofintel l igent people and the

    af f ect ion of chi ldr en;

    To earn the appreciat ion ofhonest cri t ics and endure t he

    bet raya l of f a lse f r iends;

    To apprecia te beaut y;

    To f ind t he best in ot her s;

    To leave the wor ld a bi tbet ter , whether by a heal thy

    chi ld, a garden patch or a

    r edeemed social condit ion;

    To know t hat even one l i f e hasbreathed easier because you

    have l ived; this is to have


    Ral ph Wa ldo Emer son____________________________

    WWhhaatt II bbeelliieevvee::--1. We can all have abundant, peaceful and happy lives.

    2. We are here to make the most of what we have and leave theworld a better place than we found it. This includes creating

    financial abundance for ourselves, living healthy lives and havingloving relationships.

    3. Everyone has a right to live with dignity and respect.

    4. There is no limit to our ingenuity in improving the lives of ourfellow human beings we just need the will and desire to do so.

    5. Ultimately, we all want to live peaceful lives of contributionand making a difference to others in our own small or big way.

    6. We are here for a short time on the earth and it is up to eachone of us to create a lasting legacy for those who will follow us.

    7. Though we may face challenging and at times seemingly

    impossible odds, we will ultimately prevail and the world will be abetter, more just and safer place.

    - Ar vi nd Deval i a


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    Copyright 2011

    Part Two: How to start Making it Happen in your life

    When we tal k about sett l i ng t he wor ld s pr oblems, we r e bar king up t he wr ong t ree. The wor ld is perf ect . It s a mess. I t

    has always been a mess. We are not going t o change it . Our j ob is to st r aighten out our own l i ves.

    - Joseph Campbel l


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    Part 2: How to start Making itHappen in your life


    "Human pr ogr ess is neit her

    automat i c nor i nevi t ab le . . .Every st ep towar d t he goal of

    j ust i ce r equi r es sacr i f i ce,

    suf f er i ng, and st r uggle; t he

    t ir e less exert ions and

    passi onat e concern of

    dedicated individuals."

    - Dr Mar t in Lut her King, Jr____________________________

    "Right act ions in t he f ut ure aret he best apologies f or bad

    act i ons in t he past ." ~

    Tr yon Edwar ds____________________________


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    T he f ast est way t o f ind your

    self is to l ose your self i n t heservi ce of ot hers

    - Gandhi____________________________

    Let us begin by looking at just whereyou stand in the world.

    Firstly, there is already so muchgoodness in the world and in our lives.Perhaps the first step is to becomeaware of the magic happening all aroundyou.

    Look for the magic in the moment. Forexample, as I write this in my garden, Ican see bees hopping around fromflower to flower, continuing their naturalcycle from millions of years ago.

    Every bee and every flower matters.Together they are part of this wonderfultapestry we call life. Nature just takes itscourse and you are just as important apart of all this magic happening aroundus. YOU matter too.

    That is my key point each one of youis special with your own unique gifts to

    offer the world. Remember that we areall interconnected so your gifts make adifference to everyone else.

    So the key is to be aware of just whatyou have to offer.

    Ask yourself:-

    What is the greatest gift I can

    give to the world?And how can I best make adifference to the world?

    You can take this work even further byworking through the 2 questions posedby Chris Guillebeau in his excellent guide

    to world domination.

    He poses these 2 questions:-

    What do you really want to getout of life?

    What can you offer the worldthat no one else can?

    Once you know what you really want toget out of life and also what yourgreatest gift for the world is, you are

    ready to begin your journey to make ithappen in your life.

    Then I suggest you insert your nameand your pledge in the statementbelow:-


    commit for the rest of my life to

    contribute to the world by sharing mygreatest gift to the world which is

    I am going to take you through ajourney to make it happen in your life. I

    will share what has worked for me aswell as some inspirational examples fromaround the world.____________________________

    Give me a pl ace t o st and and Iwi l l move t he wor l d

    - Ar chimedes____________________________

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    Stop gossiping about others as it willinevitably come back to you. Learn toonly say good things about others by

    doing this one thing alone, yourrelationships will improve dramaticallyand you will get on better with others.

    And more than ever before, the worldneeds people to get on better with eachother.


    T he love you fa i l t o share ist he only pai n you l ive wi t h

    r i ght now in your l i f e

    - Shor e Slocum___________________________

    "All human beings ar e born f r eeand equal in dignit y and ri ght s.

    They ar e endowed wi t h reason

    and conscience and should act

    t owar ds one another in a spir i t

    of brot herhood"

    - Univer sal Declar at ion of

    Human Right s Ar t i cle 1___________________________

    77 KKeeyy sstteeppss ttoo iimmpprroovvee aallll mmyyrreellaattiioonnsshhiippss ttooddaayy::

    1. I accept people totally and completely as they are and I allowothers to be as they are. I know that they are perfect teachers formy journey of acceptance and understanding.

    2. I look for opportunities to connect with, contribute and make adifference to another person at least once a day. This is whatleads to true connection and fulfillment.

    3. I am deeply grateful for all the people in my life who make mylife so easy and rich. I show my appreciation at every possibleopportunity.

    4. I take nothing personally and accept that everyone is on theirown journey of growth and learning. I forgive and let go of anypast grievances.

    5. I look for the love and goodness in others for love is all thatmatters.

    6. I bring more joy, happiness and love in my life and otherpeoples lives.

    7. I practice an attitude of gratitude daily.

    - Ar vi nd Deval i a

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    Smile! Sounds simple and it is. Dosomething for someone else. Random

    acts of kindness are magical and givingof yourself is one of the best joys of life.

    Become conscious of the joy you getfrom all your positive acts. When yougive the gift of a smile or a kind word,you create a wonderful ripple effect of

    joy that touches many, and helps buildbridges between everyone.

    From today onwards, remember - it is acrime to go around with a miserableface!


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    BBee HHaappppyy..NNOOWW!!

    We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that all will be well when they are older.Then we are frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely well be happier whenthey grow out of the teen years.We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, whenwe can take a vacation, when we finally retire.The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.If not now, then when?

    Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start. Real life.But there was always some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, some work to be finished, some timeto be given, a bill to be paid. Then life would start.

    I finally came to understand that those obstacles were life.That point of view helped me see that there isnt any road to happiness.Happiness IS the road.So, enjoy every moment.Stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, toget married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage to be paid off, forspring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the

    radio, to die, to be reborn before deciding to be happy.Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.There is no better time to be happy than NOW!Live and enjoy the moment.

    - Aut hor unknown


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    LLiivvee wwiitthh jjooyy!!

    Here are some relevant words from Nadine Stair, apparently aged 85 and suffering terminal illness when he wrotethem:-If I had my life to live over Id dare to make more mistakes next time. Id relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip.

    I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would take more trips I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but Id have fewer imaginary ones. You see, Im one of those people who lived sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, Ive had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, Id have more of them. In fact, Id try to have nothing

    else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. Ive been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoatand a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds.

    I would pick more daisies.

    So make time today in your life for all of these things. And of course do pick some daisies.

    Find your joy!

    - Nadi ne St ai r

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    2.7 Personal SocialResponsibility


    " In t erms of power andinf luence you can f or get about

    t he church, forget pol i t ics.

    There is no more powerf ul

    inst i t u t i on in socie t y t hanbusiness... The business of

    business should not be about

    money, it should be about

    r esponsibi l i t y. I t should be

    about publ ic good, not pr ivat e


    - Anit a Roddi ck


    More than ever before, the world needseveryone to take responsibility for theiractions and how they choose to live theirlife. I feel it is really time for all of us to

    take on Personal Social Responsibility(PSR).

    In the same way that in recent years,businesses have finally begun toembrace the concept of Corporate Social

    Responsibility (CSR), it is time for us asindividuals to practice PSR.

    PSR is all about doing to others whatyou would like others do to you. It isabout recognising how your behaviouraffects others, and holding yourselfaccountable for your actions.

    For example, contrast someone beingwell mannered with someone beingrude. Ideally a PSR aware person will:-

    Always endeavour to have apositive impact on others.

    Have a mindset to contribute.

    Refrain from causing negativityin the environment. For example,by not littering or gossiping.

    Remember that any social andeconomic activities will have apositive or neutral impact on theenvironment.

    PSR is all about addressing how we liveour lives and the impact we have on

    everything and everyone around us,both locally and globally.

    The point is that everything we domatters and makes either a positive or anegative impact on everything aroundus. The time has come when we cannot

    just rely on others - each one of us hasto do our bit.

    Remember Gandhis famous quote -Bethe change you wish to see in theworld.

    From the being, comes the doing andultimately the having. So we now havethe message -Do the change youwish to see in the world.

    A socially responsible person willendeavour to have a positive impact on

    others and enrich the environment.Strive to make a positive contribution,and do not pollute the atmosphere, bothphysically and metaphorically.


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    So from today onwards, start by firstlybecoming aware of the concept of PSR.By coming from a place of being socially

    responsible for all your actions, you willimmediately begin to think differently.

    Then start acting from this new foundawareness of PSR. For example, even bygiving way to a motorist when its yourright of way will help improve the world.

    Recall how great you felt when you havedone just this in the past, and the otherdriver has graciously acknowledged you.

    So you see, everything you do doesmake a difference.

    Make your life and your actions count

    from today. Make it happen.___________________________

    Come fr om a place of beingsociall y r esponsib le - you owe

    i t t o our f u ture generat ions.

    - Ar vi nd Devali a___________________________


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    2.8 Build your Legacy


    " I don' t know what y our dest inywi l l be, but one t hing I do

    know: t he only ones among you

    who wi l l be rea l ly happy are

    t hose who have sought and

    f ound how t o serve."

    - Dr Alber t Schwei t zer___________________________

    I believe that we all have a gift and a lifepurpose that we yearn to fulfill.

    Today with the world facing so manychallenges, we need more and morepeople to step up and declare what theystand for.

    We need more people to build theirlasting legacy. There are so many areasthat one could dedicate their life andmake a difference such as becoming a

    peace activist, saving the environment,finding sustainability solutions and so on.

    How can you bring more peaceinto your world?

    What grievances and wrongs areyou willing to accept and let go?

    What cause can you take up?

    The point is we all want to live an

    inspired life! Make your personal visionas big as a global vision. We are nothere to play small.

    Everything we do matters! We dontreally know what an impact we can havein the world unless we get ourselves out

    there. The world is waiting for morepeople to live inspired lives!

    You can of course choose to be anentrepreneur and seek out monetaryrewards for yourself as well as forothers. More and more wealthy, self-

    made entrepreneurs are sharing whatthey have created with others.

    Indeed, the material rewards alone arenot something that drives manysuccessful entrepreneurs they aremore interested in the contribution they

    can make to the wider community andknow what they are building can make adifference to others rather than a

    monetary gain for themselves.

    Live a life of integrity and of beingauthentic to your true self. The momentyou realise you have something amazingto give the world, the world will valueyou.

    If your why is big enough, the hows willtake care of themselves.

    Find a mentor and some role models read about others who are living the sortof life you wish to. Connect with thosepeople who are inspiring others andmaking a huge difference.

    Consider what you would do, if you hadall the time and money in the world andknew you couldnt fail at whatever youattempted.

    How would you feel if asked thisquestion in the years to come: What doyou wish you had done in your life?


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    To answer authentically and to prepareto build your legacy, spend some time

    reflecting on and answering thesequestions:-

    How can you make the world abetter place in your own way?

    What would you need to havedone, for you to feel that you havefully lived your life purpose?

    What legacy do you want toleave behind?

    What one thing must you do inyour lifetime?

    When will you begin?

    The clock is ticking..


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    What is Success?

    To l augh of t en and much;

    To w in t he respect of i n te l l i gent people and the af f ect ion of ch i ldren;

    To earn t he appr eciat ion of honest cri t ics and endur e t he betr ayal of f alse f r iends;

    To apprecia te beaut y;

    To f ind t he best in ot her s;

    To leave the worl d a bit bett er, whet her by a healt hy chi ld, a garden patch or a r edeemed social condit ion; To know t hat even one li f e has breat hed easier because you have li ved; t his is t o have succeeded.

    Ral ph Waldo Emerson

    Part Three: Go! Make It Happen!


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    Part 3:

    Go! Make It Happen!___________________________

    If you want happiness f or anhour t ake a nap.

    If you want happiness f or a day go f i shi ng.

    If you want happiness f or ayear inheri t a f ort une.

    If you want happiness f or al i f et ime help someone else.

    Chi nese pr over b


    I expect t o pass t hrough t hiswor ld but once. Any goodt herefor e that I can do, or any

    ki ndness t hat I can show t o a

    fe l low creatur e, let me do i t

    now. Let me not defer or

    neglect i t , f or I shal l not p ass

    t his way again.

    Wi l l i am Penn___________________________

    I bel i eve l i f e is const ant lyt est ing us f or our l evel of

    commitment , and l i f e s

    greatest r ewards are reserved

    f or t hose who demonst rat e a

    never-ending commit ment t o actunt i l t hey achieve. T his level of

    r esolve can move mountai ns, b ut

    i t must be const ant and

    consistent . As simpl ist i c as t his

    may sound, i t is st i l l t he common

    denominat or separ at ing t hose who

    l i ve their dr eams f r om t hose who

    l ive in regret . Ant hony Robbi ns

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    with me for always. We were all in aspecial zone and the learning was thatwe could and should appreciate the

    good points of our loved ones whilstthey are alive and with us rather thanafter they have left us.

    Also, we should all learn to notice andappreciate the good side of peoplerather than simply focus on their faults,as most people do. We all tend to

    quickly forget the togetherness and thegood, supportive times we share withour families but such memories remindus of how short life is, and how weshould all make the most of what wehave.

    So ignore the negative people aroundyou and find like minded people.

    We are clearly in a race against time tostop global warming, cure diseases &save the environment and come to oursenses before we expend all our planetsresources.

    And if you have got this far in thisreport, then you are not the only onewho thinks like this.

    We can win this race if we work togetherand help one another.

    Earlier this year I attended a Be TheChange Symposium and their statementof commitment really resonated with me.

    I am committed to bringing forth anenvironmentally sustainable,spiritually fulfilling and socially justhuman presence on this planet as theguiding principle of our time.

    The commitment to a committed life

    takes over your life and is larger thanyou.

    Remember the power of one man inTiananmen Square in 1989 one singleChinese student defied a battery of armytanks in what became a symbolic imageof taking a stand.

    None of those tanks ever moved. That'sthe power of one person.

    Finally the biggest and most fulfillingchallenge you may face is actuallybuilding your legacy.

    Get Inspired!

    There is no better time to get started

    with building your legacy. Be inspired bythe many people all around the worldwho are making it happen.

    Miraculous things do not happenovernight, but if you leave the world 5%better than when you found it, you haveachieved your life purpose.

    I am delighted to share the inspiringstories of some of the people who I havehad the honour and privilege of beingconnected with and meeting over thelast few years.

    I have met a couple of Nobel Peace prizewinners recently, both of them carryingout amazing work in their own countriesand abroad.

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    business investment - an investment inhuman well-being.

    Such noble projects such as Sadhgurusschools will only happen when there areinspired people around to run them.

    This is where people like you come intothe picture!

    Another Nobel Peace Prize winner,famed for her work with theenvironment, is Professor WangariMaathai, who became the first AfricanWoman, and the first environmentalist towin the prize in 2004.

    She is an environmentalist, a civil rights

    and women's rights activist and livingproof of what can be achieved byresolving to stand by what she believedwas the right thing to do against hugeodds.

    I guess we just need a few more


    There are so many other inspirationalexamples from around the world of

    people leading extra-ordinary lives andmaking a difference in their own way.

    One of them whom I have alreadymentioned is Chris Guillebeau, who leadshis tribe to a life of beingunconventional and teaches the art ofunorthodox living.

    Shama Kabani(formerly Shama Hyder)is another young person making ithappen in the world of social media andchanging many lives and businesses.Dubbed "an online marketing shaman",Shama, who is only 23 year of age, isshowing what is possible when one haspassion for their work and their intentionis to contribute and make a difference.


    We have many inspirational peoplearound us, but what else do we need?

    When we have events such as Tsunami,

    Katrina, 9/11 and 7/7, it is alwaysuplifting to hear stories of heroism andhumanity coming through after the initialshock and horror.

    In the aftermath of such tragedies, whatwe feel and express is clearly somethingprofound and deep - compassion.

    It seems to take a Tsunami or a 9/11 forthis compassion to be displayed. Yet thiscompassion is always there within us.

    The challenge for all of us today is tochannel this compassion, and thencreate and ultimately manifest our ownvision of a better world.

    What is your vision for the world?When will you begin to manifestit?

    Remember, it only takes a few peoplewith a vision to change the world for thebetter in a very short time. Just lookwhat Dr Martin Luther King achieved in arelatively very short time.

    We can all have a dream for a betterworld. As someone said it is great todream and build castles in the air. Now

    just go and build some foundations forthose castles.


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    Copyright 2011

    1100 SSiimmppllee TTiippss ttoo

    MMaakkee IItt HHaappppeennEEvveerryy DDaayyWhat would our lives be like if we could

    just simply cut out the drama? How canwe make something happen in our livessmoothly and simply so our life becomes

    joyous and free flowing?

    Simplicity is key. With a clear intentionand just a little bit of prior reflection andplanning, everything can be made easierand simpler.

    1. Keep it simple.Spend a few minutesreflecting on how you can do somethingsimpler. Cut out the drama.

    2. Just do it! Get started and into theflow of things. The rest will be easy onceyou have got the momentum

    3. Ask others for help. Learn to ask there is no weakness in seeking help.Delegate if appropriate.

    4. Dont do it ! Ask yourself does itreally need to be done?! You could be

    working on the wrong thing. You caneven decide never to do it.

    5. Clear up as you go along.As youfinish one task, tidy up your space andminimise your clutter. Of course, havingvery little or no clutter in the first placewill really help.

    6. Be smart about doing it. Learnnew tools and techniques to help you dothings. Focus on the end goal and dontspend all your energy on learning for thesake of it.

    7. Set a tight deadline. Be realisticbut at the same time stretch yourself.Get some strict accountability if it helps


    8. Make it fun. Otherwise why do it?Make what you do as enjoyable as youcan.

    9. Focus on the end goal. Be very

    strict and disciplined with yourself andstick to the task until done. Cut out alldistractions.

    10. Celebrate when you have doneit. A key part of achieving anything acknowledge yourself and those who

    have helped you get there.

    We are capable of doing so much moreand applying these tips will certainly helptowards making that a reality.

    Start today by doing that one thingwhich you have been putting off for solong.

    Bonus Tip Mind your ownbusiness! Let others be and follow theirown journey you get on with your ownlife.

    Focus on yourself for now - andsoon we can begin to look at thebigger picture and solve the worldschallenges!

    - Ar vi nd Deval i a

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    I urge each of you to aspire to create alife that will also make a huge differenceto others. Commit to making the world a

    better place in whatever way feels rightfor you small or big. And then ofcourse go and do it.

    As Gandhi also said, be the change thatyou want the world to be. Bring peaceand love into the world in every way youcan but begin with yourself.

    And one day, a generation of children tocome will indeed ask their parents if warand starvation ever even existed.


    "The power of one man or one

    woman doing t he r ight t hing f ort he r i ght r eason, and at t he

    r i ght t ime, is the great est

    inf luence in our societ y."

    - Jack Kemp


    Remember that your life counts and make itcount.

    You are unique.There is no one like you on this planet.

    Never has been and never will be.

    Do not sell your self short.

    Do not sell the world short.

    This is your life love it, live it.

    One life, one chance grab it.Get the life you love and live it.

    Ar vind Deval ia


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    Here are some inspirational words

    from Marianne Williamsonwhich make us realise

    just how powerful and amazing we all are.

    Our Light

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.We ask ourselvesWho am I to be so brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually who are we not to be?You are a child of the universeYour playing small doesnt serve the world.

    There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that otherswont feel insecure around you,We are all meant to shine, as children do,We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously giveother people permission to do the same.As were liberated from our fears, our presence

    automatically liberates each other.

    Marianne Williamson (From her book A Return to Love)


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    A number of people inspired the writingand helped to fine tune this report.

    FirstlyChris Guillebeauwho transformedmy thinking and approach with hismanifesto A Brief Guide to WorldDomination

    Thanks to my friendsAyd InstoneandAlexandra Stratiichukwho did thegraphic design for this report andsuggested numerous ideas for thecontent and images. If you ever needsomeone to create almost anything for

    you, then Ayd is your man. He is also avery funny guy too!

    Then my friendsShilpa Panchamatia,Gail Bradleyand Fiona McCudden whoheld me accountable to my writing andgave me some great feedback and ideas

    along the way, as well as editorialsupport.

    Finally the many inspirational people Ihave mentioned and others who havegiven me so much inspiration from theirwork and their lives.


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    Make It Happen!Would you liketo:

    Find out what you real ly wantf r om l i f e?

    Take your l i f e to new height s inever y area?

    Get t he most out of every dayf rom now on?

    Be healt hy, f i t and st ress f r ee?

    Be in a fulf i l l i ng r elat ionship?Have more j oy and love in yourl i fe?

    Be connect ed t o li ke mindedpeople?

    Help ot her people in every w aypossible?

    Make a dif f erence in the worl d &change i t f or t he bet t er?

    Leave your legacy f or t hegenerat ions to come?

    Then visit my blog today to learnmore about how to Make It Happen.