Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory...

Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory Implications Vietnam Supply Chain Congress 2011 By: Than Xuan Thinh, Ernst & Young

Transcript of Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory...

Page 1: Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory… · Page 8 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax

Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory Implications Vietnam Supply Chain Congress 2011 By: Than Xuan Thinh, Ernst & Young

Page 2: Major Business Structures: Tax & Regulatory… · Page 8 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax

Page 2 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Discussion outline

►  Offshore Principal & Vietnam’s Representative Office

►  Offshore Principal & Toll/Contract Manufacturer in Vietnam

►  Vietnam’s Manufacturing Subsidiary

►  Vietnam’s Trading and Distribution Subsidiary

►  Case Study

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Page 3 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Offshore Principal & Vietnam’s Representative Office

Advantages: ►  Simple setup ►  No capital requirement, no

income tax fillings ►  Market research, support

to distributor


Local 3rd party distributor Vietnam’s RO

Distributor’s agreement

Business development, contract support & control

Disadvantages: ►  Limited activities ►  PE risk ►  Increasing scrutiny on

“illegitimate activities” by authorities

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Page 4 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Offshore Principal & Toll Manufacturer in Vietnam

Advantages: ►  Control the sales, thus

higher profit in a lower-tax jurisdiction


Distributor Toll manufacturer

Sale of goods

Delivery of goods

Disadvantages: ►  Import VAT may not be

recoverable to principal, unless applying “hybrid” status

►  1% withholding tax ►  Possible “Trading-in Vietnam”


Materials / IP Title of goods

Legal title

Physical flow

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Page 5 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Offshore Principal & Contract Manufacturer in Vietnam

Advantages: ►  No license requirements,

unless setting up the distributor


Distributor Contract manufacturer

Sale of goods

Disadvantages: ►  Limited control over sales ►  Higher profit left & taxed in



Distributor’s agreement

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Vietnam’s manufacturing subsidiary

Advantages: ►  Common structure in

Vietnam, manufacturing is still encouraged


Distributor Manufacturing subsidiary

Sale of goods

Disadvantages: ►  Headline tax rate of 25%,

possibly higher effective rates

►  Capital commitment


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Page 7 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Vietnam’s trading subsidiary

Advantages: ►  Allowed since 2009 ►  Control import/export and

sales to distributors


Distributor/supplier Trading subsidiary Sale of goods

Disadvantages: ►  Limited tax deduction for

A&P expenses ►  HS codes must be stated

in license ►  Lengthy licensing process

Sale of Goods

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Page 8 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Vietnam’s distribution subsidiary

Advantages: ►  Allowed since 2009 ►  Control import/sale to end-



End-users Trading subsidiary

Sale of goods

Disadvantages: ►  Limited tax deduction for

A&P expenses ►  Lengthy licensing process ►  ENT for additional retail


Sale of Goods

Suppliers Sale of goods

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Page 9 Major Business Structures and Associated Legal/Tax Implications in Vietnam

Legal title

Physical flow



Ownership of materials

Deliver materials

Deliver goods

Processing and warehousing services

Product sales

Sale of finished goods

Management services

Product development

services Admin services

Functions ►  Local market analysis ►  Channel management ►  Recruitment and training ►  Local sales Risks ►  Cost control ►  Operating efficiency ►  Sales effectiveness Returns ►  % of sales

Case Study: An MNC with manufacturing facilities in Vietnam looking to restructure its supply chain

Functions, risks and profits are centralized in a Principal Trading company with a low effective tax rate



Shared services Product development

Sales companies


Principal Trading co’s


Functions ►  Production scheduling ►  Quality control ►  Recruitment and training ►  Local sourcing Risks ►  Capital investment ►  Operating efficiency Returns ►  Cost plus

Functions ►  Business strategy and planning ►  Marketing strategy and brand management ►  Strategic sourcing ►  Supply chain management Risks ►  Market risk ►  Intangibles ►  Inventory Returns ►  Residual profit

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Case study (cont): the challenges

►  Regulatory restrictions on Principal’s trading activities in Vietnam: title of goods may not be shifted

►  Split of manufacturing and trading functions of the current full-fledged manufacturer

►  Commercial rationale for restructuring

►  Arm’s length pricing & proper Transfer Pricing Documentation to defend the structure

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►  Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited located in the U.S.

►  This presentation is © 2011 Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited. Any reproduction, transmission or distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in violation of U.S. and international law. Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited expressly disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its contents by any third party.

►  Views expressed in this presentation are not necessarily those of Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited.


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