1 SHOORA (PARLIAMENT) OF PAKISTAN - E - MAJLIS March, 2012 th Tuesday, the 20 The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament of Pakistan) met in Joint sitting in the National Assembly Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at 11.45 a.m. with Mr. Chairman Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari in the chair. RECITATION FROM THE HOLY QURAN ] : اس اس ب اس ب ج اٹ ب ا ور ٹ ا ن⢣ ⿃ ا ھ ⚮ ظ ڑ ب اس ⦾ و䀱 ⦾ اس ا ور ا ب ⚮ ا اٹ ب ا ور ا ب رون ف◵ ⦿ ۔ ٹ ھ ج ان㆕ ⩪ ا نⲖ 㶄 وہ㶄 ㈊ گ ا ⾻ ا ب㶊 イ 䅂 ◵ ◵ر ون㯃 㶊 د اس بر و رد ڑ ب ان ور ⚮ ⩠ د و ن ہ ن ان ا دے ۔ ⦿ ا ⾻イ ⢣ ان ر وہن㛼◵ ک ٹ ب ا ور دےẵ ⾻ ا⍱ 䀜 㶄ا اس⮝ن ان⢣ 䄺 ا ور ⒈◵ ⢣ ے ا ا⾻ ا ور را د ۔ و ا د ت با㱔 㻾⢣ ẵ ⭐اہ ⚮ے ا [ ب جدہ ’ ا ر ا ض : رب ا ا⾻ ا : 㟨 ٹ WELCOME SPEECH IN HONOUR OF OUTING GOING & NEW ELECTED CHAIRMAN SENATE ادہ : ر اض ر ب ن ا⾻ ا ا ㊥ 㟨 ٹ 䄺Ὄ : ⦾ د ٹ ا 㶊 ⱜ د دار د د د اٹ ج ⦾ ا او ر و عỼ 䄺 ◵ سال䄸㢮 ا ب㽋 ⚮ 㳟 را ف ○دٹ ان ا⚷ن بر اورJoint Sitting 㟨 㶊 ار ی ب ہل ن لے ار اpreside ⚮ رر ا ور اور اٹ ⦾ د ب ⢣ ⚮ ور ک ا ا ب ا⚷ن بcharacter ار برا ور㚀 ◵ ار ب ٹ ا م ار ا䄺 ⢣ ٹ اẵ ⦾ 㯵 ⠹ ◵ر ا د ک ابdeserve allied parties ا ب عر د ا ورففⅆ ⦾ انم ا㝂◀ اس ٹ افⅆ ⦾ ار ⦾ ب ور ان ار ے ا ڑ بر ے㸈 㽋 ⚮ ا 㘰 㮃 ن䄿 ⢣ ⩍ ارام ا نن اور ا ⚮بر◶د㆚ ẵ اٹ برے ㍹ ا دام ن 㶊 㯶 ر㩮 ẵ د ور ا اٹ ا ⚷ن ب د ور ا ار ور ب ا㶄 㶊 ر ٹ اassert ۔㶊 㵃 ⚮ ر




March, 2012


Tuesday, the 20

The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament of Pakistan) met in Joint sitting in

the National Assembly Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at 11.45 a.m.

with Mr. Chairman Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari in the chair.


ج ب ا س ےک ب ا س چنہپ اجےئ وت ا س رتہمج : [

وبےل ا و ر یچس ب ا ٹ

وج ا ہلل اعتیل رپ وھجٹ

ا مل وکن

ھ رک ظ

ڑب وت ا س ےس

ےل رک ا ب ا ا و ر سج ےن ا س یک دصتقی یک و یہ

ا ںیہن ےہ ا و ر وج صخش یچس ب ا ٹ

ر و ن اک اکھٹبفالےئ ۔ ایک منہج ںیم اک

ٹ ھج

ےک رپ

ےک ےیل ا ن

ا ہک ا ہلل ولگ یقتم ںیہ و ہ وج اچںیہ ےگ ا ن

و ر د اگر ےک ب ا س وموجد ےہ وکین اکر و ن اک یہی دبہل ےہ ب

ڑ ب ےس

و ن ےن ںیک د و ر رکاعتیل ا نہ

ن وک دبہل د ے ۔ ایک ا ہلل ا ویئن وک وج ا

ٹ ک اکومن اک وج و ہ رکےت ر ےہ ا ن

بد ے ا و ر

ولوگن ےس وج ا س ےک وسا ںیہ ینعی ریغ ا ہلل ےس

ر ا ےت ںیہ ا و ر سج وک ا ہلل اعتیل ا ےنپ دنبے وک اکیف ںیہن ا و ر ہی مت وک ا ن


د ےنی و ا ال ںیہن ۔

تب ]اعتیل رمگا ہ رکے ا ےس وکیئ دہا

ا د ہ اصجب

نیسح ریپر

انجٹ رئیچنیم : مسب ا ہلل ا رلنمح ا رلمیح : ر ب ا ض



ا د ہ :

نیسح ریپر

میح : یرکہی انجٹ رئیچنیم ےھجمسب ا ہلل ا رلنمح ا رلایم ن ر ب ا ض

د د ا ر د د د ہ ی ےہ ہک ا ٹ یک د


ا ٹ

ر ا مہ رکےت وہےئ ب ا وچنںی سا ل اک ہی نشیس رشو ع وہ ایگ ا و ر سج یک ا جف

وہنجن ےن ا یلع ایقد ٹ

ا و ر دصر تکلمم ب ا اتسکن

Joint Sitting ی ب ا ر ےہ ہک رئیچنیم ٹنیس


ریمے ایخل ںیم

ںیہ ا و ر دصر رک ر ےہ preside ںیم ہی ا زعا ر

ا و ر

ا ٹ

ےن ا ب ک ا یلع ایسیس و ر رک وک وج ب الہبش سج یک د

ںیم زلپیپ ب ا ر یٹ اک وشنمر ا و ر زلپیپ ب ا ر یٹ اک character ب ا اتسکن

مال وج ا ٹ

یک allied partiesرکےت ےھت ںیم deserveا ب ک ا د ین اکر نک وہےن یک تیثیح ےس ا ٹ وک ہی ا زعا ر

نیسح ا

یک رطف رطف ےس ا و ر وچدہر د اجشعب

یک ب ا ر یٹ یک رطف ےس ا ٹ وک ا س وقیم ا یلبمس ےک امتم ربمما ن

و ر ا ن


ے ا زعا ر

ڑب امتم ٹنیس ےک ا ر ا نیک وک وج اہین ےئن بختنم وہ رک ا ےئ امہر ے ےیل

ا وہن ا و ر ا ن

ےس ابمر ابکد شیپ رکب

ےہ ہک ایسیس

ا ٹ ا ےسی د و ر ےس لکن ر اہ ےہ اہجن امتم ا د ا ر ے مکحتسم ب ا ٹ

وہ ر ےہ ںیہ ا و ر ب ا ر ٹنمیل ا ےنپ د و ر ںیم ب ا اتسکن

رک ر یہ ےہ۔ assertا ٹ وک


ا کیئ اصجب وک outgoing Chairmanانجٹ رئیچنیم اصجب ںیم ابمر ابکد د اتی وہن

انجٹ افر و ق ب

یک term complete۔ ہک وہنجن ےن ا ینپ

یھب ۔ ا و ر ا س ںیم ب ا اتسکن

ل ابمر ابکد ںیہ ا و ر ہی ا ویا نبیک ا و ر و ہ یھب اق

نشی ا

ے ا ےھٹک ہن ےتلچ ۔ ہی ا ٰیلع ا وپرہت


د ےک د و

ے ا رگ اگر

سکت وک ا س ےیل ہک ہی ب ا چن سا ل لمکم ہن وہ

و ر وچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن

نشی ، امہر ے وگر ٹنمن وچنبن رپ ےنھٹیب و ا ےل ایسیس ولوگن ےن

ا ےہ امہر د ایسیس یگتخپ اک ہک امہر د ا وپر

ا دقا ر یک اکعیس رکب

ک س ک یٹی یک اکر رکد ا ا و ر ایسیس رر رپ سج رطج ےس اہین رپ ایک سج ںیم character showا ب ک ا اسی

ا کل ا اکو

ا ا ہلل


ن ںیم ا

تق ےہ ا و ر ا ےن و ا ےل و

ا نیئ ب ا ٹ

یک وعا م ےک ےیل ہی ا ب ک وخس

امندنئا یک اج ر یہ ےہ ۔ ًانیقی ب ا اتسکن

ا می ا نی

ڑچےھ یک ۔ ا س ےک سا یھت یہ انجٹ رئیچنیم امہر ے ونوجا ن

ا ےسی یہ رپو ا ن

تب نسحم وہمجر

ا ے دیس املسن

ا ہ نسحم امکل اقد ر د وبقہل


ن ی



ٹ الین اجسد ہ گ د ریگتس

ر وگا ر دیس د ویا ن

ڑب ےک و ا دل

ٹ الین وج یپ ا می ا لی ا نی ےس ںیہ ا نگ

و ن ہ

ن رپ ا وسفس وہا ےہ ۔ ا و ر ا

یک و افٹ

ر ا د وک ا نف ر گ ےھت ا و ر امہر ے عالوقن ےک الوھکن ا

ڑب رشفی وج ا ب ک تہب دنلب

اک ا وسفس انمب ا

ر گ وج امہر ے ےن ا ن

ڑب ے

ڑب س وک ہک ا ب ک ا ےنت

ا وہن ا س اہو

ا اجتلء رکب

ںیم ںیم ا ج

ا و ر ا س ا ویا ن

ےک ولوگن ےک امےنن و ا ولن ےک ےیل یھب

د دعتا د ا ن

ڑب یک تہب

ےھت ا ن

شا ن

نا ومر ا و ر ریقف شنم ا

عالےق ےک تہب یہ ب

ےک ےیل د اع

س ںیم ربمم ےہ ا ن

اٹیب وج ا س اہو

اک ونوجا ن

وہ اگ ہک ا ن

د برہب ا ین یرکہی ۔ ہی ا زعا ر

ڑب یک اجےئ ۔

ےئ ترفغٹ


ر ام د ںی ۔ انجٹ رئیچنیم : احدم دیعسف

ےہ ہک د اعےئ ترفغٹ

اک یم اصجب ےس د ر وخا تب


) د اعےئ ترفغٹ

Mr. Chairman: Now we take the Agenda Item No. 2. Mian Raza

Rabbani Sahib to move Item No. 2.



Mian Raza Rabbani: Sir, I beg to present the report of the

Parliamentary Committee on National Security. And with your permission,

Mr. Chairman, I would like to, before reading the reports and the

recommendations, with your permission, I would like to make ……..


Mr. Chairman: The report of the Parliamentary Committee on

National Security stands presented.

Mian Raza Rabbani: Mr. Chairman, with your permission, before

reading the report and the recommendations contained therein, I would

like to make a brief statement.

ر امںیئ ۔ ف انجٹ رئیچنیم : یج


.Thank you Sir ایمن ر اض ر ب ا ین :

تبانجٹ رئیچنیم تب ےس ےلہپ وت ںیم ا ہلل اعتیلٰ اک اہن

و ن ےن ہ

نر امب ا ۔ ہک ںیم ا س وجا ٹنئ نشیس ںیم ب ا ر امیلین ک یٹی یرکزگا ر وہن ہک ا

فا ر یخی ومعق اطع

رھپ ا ب ک ا اسی ب

ےھج ا ج

نج اک قلعت

ا ٹ

ڑ ا ےئ لنشین ویکسر یٹ یک افسر سب

new terms of engagement ےس ےہ و ہ شیپ رک وکسن ۔

ریا مظع

ر د ا ر د ا و ر انجٹ و ر

انجٹ ا فص یلع ر

اک یھب یرکزگا ر وہن ہک ا س ےک سا ھت سا ھت ںیم ا ینپ ب ا ر یٹ یک ایقد ٹ


رھپ لم ر اہ ےہ ۔ ںیم اہین رپ ہی انہک الر

ےھج ہی ا زعا ر

ےک دعب ا ج

وقحق ولباتسچن

ا اھٹر و ںی ا و ر ا وسینںی رتمیم ا و ر ا اغر


ب ب ا یسیل وک رم

یک افر ن

ا ، ب ا اتسکن

د و اخل انبب

ب ا یسیل ےک خ

یک افر ن

ےس ےلہپ ب ا اتسکن

اتھجمس وہن ہک انجٹ رئیچنیم ا ج

ا ب ا اتسک

یک رکب

ا اھت ہک establishmentن

وک ینیقی انبب ا اجب

دحمو د ر یتہ یھت۔ ا و ر اخض رر رپ ا س ب ا ٹ

ک ہی ب ا ٹ



ب ا یسیل یک reviewب ا ر امیلن

ںیم ا ےن domainافر ن

ا ر خی ہی ر یہ ےہ ہک ب ا اتسکن

یک ب

ر ر ےہ ۔ ب ا اتسکنہےس ب ا

نشی ےس وہ ب ا ا

اک قلعت ا وپر

و ا یل یئک وہمجر د وقںیت اچےہ ا ن

تق اک قلعت ا س و

ےس وہ Treasury benches ن

ےک ا و رپ

ب ا یسیل ےک ا وشیر

وک افر ن

ک ہک وسل رٹلمد ویبر و رکیسی ےک ےنہک ےک ا و رپ dismissا ن

ا ر اہ ۔ اہین ب

ایک اجب

وک وسیپن ہ ی ےہ ا و ر

ےک ب ا ر امیلن

ب ا اتسکن

ی ب ا ر ےہ ہک ہی ب ا ٹ



ا ر اہ ۔ نکیل ا ج

وک رقمر ایک اجب


افر ن

ہی ب ا اتسکن


ب وک رم

ا ٹ

ب ا یسیل ےک ا و رپ ا ینپ افسر س

یک افر ن

ب ا اتسکن

یک ب ا ر امیلن

یک ب ا ر امیلین رٹسہد اک الہپ ومعق ےہ ہک ب ا اتسکن

ا ےہ و اہن رپ ا س ےک سا ھت سا ھت democratic processرکے۔ ںیم اتھجمس وہن ہک ہی

وک اہجن رپ وبضمط رکب

supremacy of Parliament وک یھبassert ا ےہ ۔رک


Mr. Chairman, while recognizing and asserting the supremacy of

Parliament, a Committee of Parliament has kept in view while framing

these recommendations, the trichotomy of power envisaged in the

Constitution. It has, while framing these recommendations, kept in view:


(a) and recognized the right of the executive to formulate and

regulate policy in accordance with its election manifestos.

(b) it has recognized the legitimate right of the civil and military

bureaucracy to our legitimate stakeholders in this process to be

consulted. It has given rise to a new concept of Parliamentary guidance

and Parliamentary oversight.

While framing, Mr. Chairman, the recommendations of the

Committee, it acted with responsibility and kept the following principles

in view:

(a) Pakistani political and territorial sovereignty;

(b) Pakistan’s national security priorities;

(c) Pakistan’s strategic concerns in the region;

(d) The national aspirations of the people of Pakistan.

In the light, Mr. Chairman, of these broad principles and certain

experiences of the past, where during military dictatorship, many

agreement were made verbally and were not reduced to memory.

Therefore, in order to maintain an institutional memory, certain

recommendations have been made by the Committee so that an

institutional memory of all agreements is made.

Mr. Chairman, I am aware of the fact that in the corridors of

power, the keeping of the recommendations as confidential till now, has

come under severe criticism. The reason for this, Mr. Chairman, has


been that these recommendations which the Committee has formulated,

are a property of this House. And therefore, until and unless the

recommendations are laid before this House, who is the rightful owner,

had they been made public earlier, it would have been a breach of

Parliamentary tradition and it would have been a breach of Parliamentary

privilege. And in this respect Mr. Chairman let me say it on record: I am

grateful to the President of Pakistan and I am grateful to the Prime

Minister of Pakistan who asked me for a briefing on these

recommendations. But when I brought these facts before them, they did

not insist, and thereby asserted the supremacy of Parliament, thereby

asserted that Parliament is supreme and let the recommendations be laid

before the House. And for those critics who say in the corridors of

power and in particularly the Pakistani establishment, that there is no

time for debate, I say to them: Sir, the time for debate is now when the

recommendations are on the Floor of this House, it is this House which

will now debate these recommendations and come to a final conclusion.

Mr. Chairman, in the end, let me say before I go to the Report,

that these are recommendations made by the Committee. They are now

the property of this House. It is now for this House to either adopt these

recommendations. Number 2, to either adopt these recommendations

with amendments. Or number 3, not to accept these recommendations

at all. Because this house is sovereign, and it can, apart from this, if it

wants to adopt any other procedure, it may do so. But as these are

recommendations of a Committee which have been placed on the Floor


of the House, therefore, Parliamentary tradition would have that either

of the three ways that I have spelt out, be adopted.

And now with your permission Mr. Chairman, I would read out the





Mian Raza Rabbani: It may be recalled that NATO/ISAF Forces

attacked Salala Check Post in Mohmand Agency on 25-26 November,

2011. The Prime Minister of Pakistan taking serious note of the incident

called a meeting of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet on 26


November, 2011 wherein the issue was discussed at length and it was,

inter-alia, decided that the matter be sent to the Parliamentary

Committee on National Security to debate and advise on the future

course of action and that recommendations of the PCNS be placed before

the Joint Setting of Parliament. The matter was also raised by the Prime

Minister before the Cabinet in its meeting on 29


November, 2011 at

Lahore. The Cabinet concurred with the decisions of DCC. Accordingly on



November, 2011, the matter was referred by the Prime Minister’s

Secretariat to Secretary Senate and Secretary National Assembly for

placing the said matter before the PCNS so as to deliberate the issue

and make recommendations to Parliament on further course of action in


terms of sub rule (2) of rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure of the said


The Prime Minister of Pakistan along with the relevant Cabinet

members and concerned officers of the Armed Forces appeared before

the Parliamentary Committee on the 2


December, 2011 and gave a

comprehensive briefing on the recent operation, present situation,

coordination structure mechanism with US/NATO/ISAF and mutually

agreed SOPs for operation.

On 15


December, 2011 the Foreign Minister briefed the

Committee on the Foreign Office point of view and placed the

recommendations of the Pakistani Envoys Conference held in Islamabad

on 12


December, 2011 before the Committee. The Committee asked

Secretary Defence to seek the institutional response of all stakeholders

connected with the Ministry of Defence on the recommendations of the

Envoys Conference and also on the issue in hand. On 24



2011 Secretary Defence on behalf of the defence stakeholders

concurred with the findings of the envoys conference and additionally put

across the Defence Ministry’s point of view. He also placed before the

Committee various Agreements signed between Pakistan and the United

States, NATO and ISAF.

After formulating the draft recommendations the Committee on 5


January, 2012 circulated the same to the Ministries of Defence and


Foreign Affairs for their institutional response. Thereafter, on 10


January, 2012, the Foreign Minister and the Defence Secretary appeared

before the Committee and apprised it of their institutional point of view.

The Committee considered the proposed amendments of the two

Ministries on the draft recommendations and adopted some of them.

The views of the Finance Ministry were also sought through the

Finance Minister on the economic impact of the present situation and its

consequences. Finance Ministry’s views were also solicited on the

Committee’s draft recommendations particularly the ones relating to

economic and fiscal proposals.

The Committee held 10 meetings on the subject and finalized its

report on 11


January, 2012. The final document consists of 16 main

and 24 sub-recommendations making a total of 40 recommendations.

The Committee informed the Speaker National Assembly and the Prime

Minister in writing on 12


January, 2012, about the finalization of its


The Chairman places on record the individual contribution of each

member of the Parliamentary Committee in framing recommendations.

All members rose above their party affiliation and worked in a bipartisan

manner, in the national interest, to reach a consensus on each and every

recommendation. However, after signing the final recommendations of

the committee, Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmed through letter dated 24



January, 2012, resigned from the Committee and requested that his

earlier signature on the final recommendations of the Committee may be

considered withdrawn. Without their farsightedness, political maturity

and sagacity these recommendations would not have seen the light of

day. The recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee are annexed

to this report.

The following amongst others appeared before the Committee on

different dates:-

i) Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan

ii) Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister for Foreign Affairs

iii) Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar, Minister for Defence

iv) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Finance

v) Dr. Waqar Masood, Secretary Finance

vi) Mr. Salman Bashir, as he then was Foreign Secretary

vii) Lt. Gen (R) Naeem Khalid Lodhi, as he then was

Secretary Defence

viii) Mr. Alamgir Babar, Additional Foreign Secretary

ix) Maj. Gen. Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmad, D.G. Military


The Committee comprised of the following members:-

1. Senator Mian Raza Rabbani


2. Senator Dr. Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan

3. Mr. Nadeem Afzal Gondal

4. Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar

5. Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan

6. Senator Wasim Sajjad

7. Syed Haider Abbas Rizvi

8. Mr. Asfandyar Wali

9. Moulana Fazal-ur-Rehaman

10. Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai

11. Senator Prof. Khurshid Ahmed

12. Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao

13. Senator Abdur Rahim Khan Mandokhel

14. Senator Mir Israrullah Khan

15. Senator Shahid Hassan Bugti and

16. Senator Afrasiab Khattak.

I would now, Mr. Chairman, with your permission, read out

the recommendations that the Committee has made.

1. Pakistan’s sovereignty shall not be compromised. The gap

between assertion and facts on the ground needs to be

qualitatively bridged through effective steps. The relationship

with USA should be based on mutual respect for the


sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each


2. The Government needs to ensure that the principles of an

independent foreign policy must be grounded in strict

adherence to the Principles of Policy as stated in Article 40 of

the Constitution of Pakistan, the UN charter and observance of

international law. The US must review its footsteps in Pakistan.

This means (i) the cessation of drone attacks inside the

territorial borders of Pakistan, (ii) No hot pursuit or boots on

Pakistani territory and (iii) the activity of foreign private

security contractors must be transparent and subject to

Pakistani law. It needs to be realized that drone attacks are

counter productive, cause loss of valuable lives and property,

radicalize the local population, create support for terrorists and

fuel anti American sentiments.

3. Pakistan’s nuclear programme and assets including its safety

and security cannot be compromised. The US-Indo civil nuclear

agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the

region. Therefore Pakistan should seek from the US and others a

similar treatment/facility. The strategic position of Pakistan vis-

à-vis India on the subject of FMCT must not be compromised

and this principle be kept in view in negotiations on this matter.


4. Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to the elimination of

terrorism and combating extremism in pursuance of its national


5. The condemnable and unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack resulting in

the martyrdom (Shahadat) of 24 Pakistani soldiers, represents a

breach of international law and constitutes a blatant violation of

Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Government

of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US for

the unprovoked incident dated 25


– 26


November, 2011, in

Mohmand Agency. And in addition the following measures be


i) Those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack

should be brought to justice.

ii) Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or

any other acts impinging on Pakistan’s sovereignty, will

not recur and that NATO/ISAF/US will take effective

measures to avoid any such violations.

iii) Any use of Pakistani bases or airspace by foreign forces

would require Parliamentary approval.


iv) Ministry of Defence/PAF and ISAF/US/NATO should draft

new flying rules for areas contiguous to the border.

6. Any consideration regarding the reopening of NATO/ISAF/US

supply routes must be contingent upon a thorough revision of

the terms and conditions of the arrangement, including

regulation and control of movement of goods and personnel

which shall be subject to strict monitoring within Pakistan, on

entry, transit and exit points.

(a) No verbal Agreement regarding national security shall be

entered into by the government, its Ministries, Divisions,

Departments, attached Departments, Autonomous Bodies

or other Organizations with any foreign Government or

authority. And if any such Agreement exists, it should be

reduced to writing immediately, failing which it shall

cease to have effect within three months of the approval

of these recommendations.

(b) Pakistan’s territory has been used by US/NATO/ISAF for

logistic purposes. In this context, the following

recommendations are made:

i) The Government of Pakistan should revisit the

MOU, dated 19


June, 2011 between the Ministry


of Defence of Pakistan, and the Ministry of

Defence, of the United Kingdom and Northern

Ireland acting as lead Nation for the International

Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

ii) Acquisition and Cross-servicing Agreement (US-PK-

01) between the Department of Defence of the

United States of America and the Ministry of

Defence of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, dated



February, 2002, lapsing in February, 2012.

This agreement and any implementing Agreements

thereunder may only be renewed if required on new

terms and conditions that should include respect

for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of

Pakistan and ensures the national interests.

Provided in case of renegotiation of the said Agreement/MoU

it should, inter alia, provide a clause on immediate

suspension of transit facility through the territory of Pakistan

if US/NATO/ISAF Forces violate in any manner the territorial

integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan.

7. No covert or overt operations inside Pakistan shall be tolerated.


8. That for negotiating or re-negotiating Agreements/MoU’s pertaining

to or dealing with matters of national security, the following

procedure shall be adopted:

i) All Agreements/MoU’s, including military cooperation and

logistics, will be circulated to the Foreign Ministry and all

concerned Ministries, attached or affiliated Organizations and

Departments for the views;

ii) All Agreements/MoU’s will be vetted by the Ministry of

Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs.

iii) All Agreements/MoU’s will be circulated to the

Parliamentary Committee on National Security. The Committee

shall vet and make recommendations in consultation with the

stakeholders and forward the same to the Federal Cabinet for approval

under the

Rules of Business of the Federal Government.

iv) The Minister concerned will make a policy statement on the

Agreements/MoU’s in both Houses of Parliament.

9. There should be prior permission and transparency on the number

and presence of foreign intelligence operatives in Pakistan.


10. Fifty percent of US/ISAF/NATO containers may be handled through

Pakistan Railways.

11. Taxes and other charges must be levied on all goods imported in or

transiting through Pakistan, for use of infrastructure and to

compensate for its deterioration. Such charges shall be inter

alia used mainly to maintain and support infrastructure of

Karachi-Torkham and Karachi-Chaman roads.

12. The international community should recognize Pakistan’s colossal

human and economic losses and continued suffering due to the

war on terror. In the minimum, greater market access of

Pakistan’s exports to the US, NATO countries and global

markets should be actively pursued.

13. In the battle for the hearts and minds an inclusive process based

on primacy of dialogue and reconciliation should be adopted.

Such process must respect local customs, traditions, values

and religious beliefs.

(a) There is no military solution to he Afghan conflict and

efforts must be undertaken to promote a genuine national

reconciliation in an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process.

13(b). To strengthen security along the Pakistan-Afghan

border, including the cross border flow of criminal elements,


narcotics and weapons, the feasibility of additional measures

including electronic surveillance may be evaluated and the

process of local joint Jirgas should be encouraged according

to local customs and traditions.

14. That Pakistani territory shall not be used for any kind of

attacks on other countries and all foreign fighters, if found,

shall be expelled from our soil. Likewise, Pakistan does not

expect the soil of other countries to be used against it.

15. A new fast track process of billings and

payments/reimbursements with regard to CSF and other

leviable charges should be adopted.

16. The Government needs to review the present focus of

foreign policy keeping in view the aspirations of the people

of Pakistan. It needs to establish a balance by emphasizing

links with our traditional allies and building new relationships

for diversifying the sources of economic military and political


support. In this regard it may take the following amongst

other steps:

(i) Pakistan’s foreign policy must continue to focus on

creating a peaceful environment in the region to

pursue the goals of economic development and social


(ii) The dialogue process with India should be continued in

a purposeful and result oriented manner on the basis of

mutual respect and mutual interest, including efforts

for the solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in

accordance with UN Resolutions.

(iii) Special attention must continue to be paid to

developing close cooperative relations with


(iv) The strategic partnership with China must be

deepened in all its dimensions.

(v) Relationship with the Russian Federation should be

further strengthened.

(vi) Pakistan’s support for promotion of peace and stability

in Afghanistan remains the cornerstone of its foreign


(vii) Pakistan’s special relationship with the Islamic World

should be reinforced.


(viii) Pakistan’s full membership of SCO should be actively


(ix) Pakistan’s bilateral relationships in the region and its

institutional partnership with ASEAN must be upgraded

and strengthened.

(x) Pakistan should actively pursue the gas pipeline

project with Iran.

Thank you Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Chairman: Mr. Nisar Ali Khan, Leader of the Opposition.

وچدہر د

الفاثنر یلع اخن


ج وج امہر ے سا ےنم ا یئ )اقدئ زحٹ ا

(: یرکہی انجٹ رئیچنیم۔ ک یٹی یک ر وپر ٹ

، وخا ہ امہر د ب ا ر یٹ یک ڈیلر ب

ا لکشم رمہلح اھت، وخا ہ امہر د ب ا ر رٹنمیلد ڈیلر ت

ڑب ےہ۔ےلھچپ دنچ وتفہن ےس، امہر ے ےیل

یک ںیمہ یھب

ب ا س وکشش ںیم رسرگم ر یہ ہک ا س ر وپر ٹ

، اتپ ,a, b, cت ےلچ، مہ ا س وکشش ںیم ب ا ا فل، ٹ

رپ یلست وہیئ ےہ ہک ا رگ ہی

مک ا س ب ا ٹ

رک ایک ےہ، ےھج مک ا ر

رٹینیس اصجب ےن اہین رپ وج د


اکایمٹ ںیہن وہےئ۔ ا ج

report Opposition parties و یتمخکوک یھب ںیہن یلم، رگم ایک leadershipوک ںیہن یلم وت ا یس رطےقی ےس

ںیم الےن اک ہی انمتب ےہ؟ ا س رپ ثحب

یک اج یتکس ےہ، انجٹ رئیچنیم۔ ا س سا ر د زیچ وک، ا س سا ر ے دصقم وک ا ویا ن

وہین اچےیہ۔ انجٹ رئیچنیم debateےس وہین اچےیہ، ا س رپ transparentاینبد د دصقم ہی اھت ہک ہی

Debate ر ب ا ر یٹ یک ہک ںیہن، ب ا ر ٹنمیل ًانیقی ا مہ رتنی ا د ا ر ہ ےہ نکیل

ےہ ا و ر تہب leadershipرصف ک یٹی یک دح ب

ک representedب ا ر ٹنمیل ںیم leadershipسا ر د ب ا ر ویٹن یک

secretںیہن ےہ، ا س ےیل ا س وک ا س دح ب

ا اچاتہ ےھج رئیچنیم اصجب ےک ےلصیف اک

ںیہن رکب

ب ا د ہ ب ا ٹ

ب وک ا س یک ا اگیہ ہن وہ ںیم ا س رپ ر

ر انھک ہک ب ا ر یٹ ڈیلر ت


ںیم رصف ا انت وہک

تق وک ا رتحا م ےہ رگم ا س و

اچےیہ ا و ر ںیم ا س studyن اگ ہک ںیمہ ا س ر وپر ٹ

تقرکےن ےک ےیل و

recommendںیم ہی

تق رکو ن اگ ہک انمتب و

ا ہک امہر د adjournmentرکو ن اگہکلب زگا ر س

ا اچےیہ ب

اک وہب

ب یھب ا س وک د ھکی ےل ا و ر وج فلتخم ب ا ر ویٹن یک ڈیلر ت

و یتم ب ا ر ویٹن یکب ا ر یٹ ڈیلر تخک نشی ںیہ، وخ ب ےہ، وخا ہ و ہ

ا ہ ا وپر

یک ںیہ ۔

نشی یک رطف ےس، ا ینپ ب ا ر یٹ یک رطف ےس ہک تہب

ا اچاتہ وہن ا وپر


انجٹ رئیچنیم ںیم وج اینبد د ب ا ٹ

ی د و


ےک ا دنر وج

رئیچنیم اصجب ا ویا ن

شیپ رکےن ےس ےلہپ زعمر

ا ا رگ ہی ر وپر ٹ

ہقفتم ,jointا اھچ وہب

Resolutions ےن ب ا س یک ںیہ ا س یک

ںیم شیپ implementationا س ا ویا ن

ا س ا ویا ن

ےک ب ا ر ے ںیم ر وپر ٹ

ا ںیہن ےننب د ںی ےگ۔ ا س وک ا ب ک ب ا ر رھپ وطبر دنکاھ ا امعتسل رکےن یک

ب د امتس

رم وک

رکےت۔ انجٹ رئیچنیم مہ ا س ا ویا ن

ںیہ ا س ںیم مہ تب ا ےھٹک ںیہ۔۔۔۔ ہی ہسلج

ےک وج و عیس رت افمد ا ٹ

د ںی ےگ۔ ب ا اتسکن


ہن اجنگشئ ےہ ہن مہ ا اجر

ںیم اگل ےہ۔

رکو ن اگ۔ ا ب ک ہسلج اعم ا ویا ن

وہاجےئ، رھپ ب ا ٹ

Mr. Chairman: Order in the House.

ےک سا ھت ےلھچپ اچر

: انجٹ رئیچنیم تب ےس ےلہپ وج ا ب ک کیحضت ا زیم ر و ہی ا س ا ویا ن

وچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن

وہین اچےیہ۔

یک رطف ےس Chairman of this Committeeسا ولن ںیم ر و ا ر اھک ایگ ےہا س یک و اضجب

ںیم ےس وج د و

ںیہ، ہقفتم Resolutionsا یئ ںیہ و ہ وکیسر یٹ ک یٹی یک Resolutionsیھب ویکہکن ا ن

Resolutions ںیہن ا ےئ ا ، ا ٹ ہی وتعق رکںی ہک مہ رھپ ا ب ک

ک ہی و اضجب

ا ب ک ا و ر stampںیہ، ج ب ب

Resolution نشی ےس وتعق ہن رپ اگل د ںی ا و ر تب و ا ہ و ا ہ وہ اجےئ، ولگ

مک ا وپر

ا ےنپ اقمدص احلص رکںیل ہی مک ا ر

ر ںیھک۔


رکو ن اگ ج ب

تق ا س و

رشو ع وہا ، ےھج ا ب ک، د و discussionد و مئ :۔ لیصفت ےس وت ںیم ب ا ٹ

recommendations رقمر ےہ۔

تقا اچاتہ، ا س ےک ےیل و

ںیہ، ںیم ا س یک لیصفت ںیم ںیہن اجب

رپ دشب د اظفحتٹ



ے ںیہ ہک ا ٹ سک رطج ا اجر

سکت foreign intelligence operatives to operate inے

your country. ا س ںیم ا ب ک اجنگشئ ےہ ہک ا س وکtransparent کلم ےہ؟ د این ںیم ےھج ا ب ک

ایک اجےئ، وکن

د اتی operateوک ا ےنپ کلم ںیم foreign intelligence operativesکلم اتبب ا اجےئ وج


رکےن یک ا اجر

رپ ںیہن issuesاگلےئ۔ ا و ر stampرھپ ہی وتعق رکےت ںیہ ہک ب ا ر ٹنمیل ا س رپ ےہ۔ ا ٹ

یھب ںیہ نکیل ا یھب ںیم ا ن

رکو ن اگ ہک ب ا ہی لمکم

ن اگ۔ ںیم رصف ہی زگا ر س

ےہ۔ ا رگ لمکم pick and chooseےہ ب ا packageاجو

package ب ا وصخلض ںیمہ ،

و مبخکےہ ہک وج ھچک اہین رپ guaranteeایہم رکںی ہک ایک guarantorsےہ وت

recommend ایک ایگ ےہ ا ےسimplement ایک اجےئ اگ۔Drone attacks ےک ب ا ر ے ںیم اچر سا ولن ںیم

یک دعب ںیم

ی۔ امہر ے ا ر یم فیچ، ا ن



ک ںیہن ر

رپ وجن ب

ر ا ر د ا د ںی اج یکچ ںیہ ، یسک ےک اکنقاہین رپ د و د ہعف ہقفتم

ا وہن، ےلہپ اہین رپ


وہیئ ا ٹ یھب و اہن رپ وموجد ےھت، اہین رپ امتم briefingےک ب ا ر ے ںیم securityب ا ٹ


ںیمہ ا اجر

و مبخکڑ وفر س فیچ ےن و ا حض رر رپ ہی اہک ہک ا رگ

ب ب ا ر ٹنمیل ےک سا ےنم ا ےئ ا و ر ا

ڑ ا اہنب وکیسر یٹ ےک رس

اچاتہ وہن و ہ

ہک ےھت( وہنجن ےن اہکDeputy Air Chiefںیہن ےھت ہکلب و ہ Air Chiefد ے )ںیم ذعمر ٹ


رکےن یک۔ ا س ےک دنچ ےتفہ ےک دعب ا ر یم فیچ shoot downوک drone attacksامہر ے ب ا س صالجت ب

و ن ےن اہک اھت ہک ا رگ ہی ا یس رطج اجر د ر ےہ attackرپ ا ب ک out postد د ، و ہ یھب امہر د threatےن ہ

نوہا اھت وت ا

ےہ ہک ا س guaranteeرشو ع وہےئگ۔ ایکدنچ ےتفہ ر ےک ر ےہ، رھپ .we will take military actionوت

we will not haveںیہن وہا ، ا ب ک د ہعف رھپ back trackingےک ب ا و وجد ا ب ک د ہعف رھپ recordتب


egg on our face. ر ا ر د ا د ںی ب ا لکلق یک ب ا ر ٹنمیل یک ہقفتم

رک د د اجںیئ marginalizeا ب ک د ہعف رھپ ب ا اتسکن

رک د د اجںیئ ا ۔ ا

د و ونن ا ، رظنا دنا ر

یک issuesس ےیل ہی ا اہتنیئ رضو ر د ہک ںیمہ ا ن

ےک ب ا ر ے ںیم و اضجب


ا ہک مہ ا س رپ ا ینپ

د ب ا اجےئ ب

تق وج ںیم ےن ےلہپ یہک ہک ںیمہ انمتب و

انجٹ و ا ال ریمد ا رخد زگا ر س

رکںی۔ تہب تہب یرکہی ۔ consensus evolveب ا ر ویٹن ےک ا دنر

Mr. Chairman: Thank you. honourable Leader of the Opposition, I

would like to say that it can be discussed with the treasury benches and

the opposition that when you want this session to be. You may suggest

what time you need for that.

Secondly, there were three options given by the Chairman of the

Committee also, whether they want to approve it, they want to make

some amendments or they want to disapprove it. It is up to the House

then. Certainly, I would ask the Chief Whip, Syed Khursheed Ahmed

Shah sahib and secondly, I would say let us come to a consensus that

how many speakers would be from both sides. This House now comprises

442 people. How much time you would need for debate in the House?

How long you want to take this Joint Session?

The best thing would be a Business Advisory Committee’s meeting

and these things should be resolved over there.

ا ہک مہ یسک ہگج ہی ےط رکںیل ہک ےنتک

ا اچںیہ ےگ ب ا speakersب


ا اچںیہ ےگ، ب ا ر امیلین ڈیلر ر


apartب ا ٹ

from that ا م د انی اچںیہ ےگ؟

ا ٹ ھچک ب

The most appropriate thing would be a Business Advisory Committee on

this issue so that we come to some consensus and conclusion on that.


ہی ےہ ہک ا س

ی ب ا ٹ


: انجٹ رئیچنیم

د و proposalرپ ریمد رطف ےس issueوچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن


اک ےہ۔ adjournmentد ن

، ا ٹ رئیچنیم اصجب ا ٹ یہ ہلصیف ےیجیک ہک

Joint Session callد و رسد ب ا ٹ

و مبخکا ےہ، ایک ہی

ایک اجب

ا لم ںیہن

د د ا ر د ںیم س

ک رپوسن consensus evolveرپ meetingےہ ہک و ہ ا س یک یک د

رکے۔ ںیمہ ا اچب

رکےن ےس ےلہپ ا ب ک گنٹیم، Joint Session callایک اجر اہ ےہ۔ ایک Joint Session callا ظالع ا یئ ہک


و یتم ا و ر ا وپرخک

benches یکthrough the Business Advisory Committee ںیہن وہین

ن ےھت اجبےئ ا س ےک ہک ا د رھ ںیم ڑھکا وہ ر اہ وہن ا و ر ا ُد رھ ےس اچےیہ یھت؟ ایک ہی ٹ یہ

ےلہپ ےط ںیہن وہےن اچ


ڑ نی، فیچ و ہ ب اصجب ا ر ےہ ںیہ۔ب ا اک

و مبخک

ےہ ہک ہی ےط رکایل اجےئ ہک ےنتک

ر امنف رک speakersا س ےک سا ھت سا ھت ا ٹ اک وج

وہن، ا س رپ مہ ب ا ٹ

و ن ںیل ےگ رگم انجٹ رئیچنیم ہی ر اکیر دہ

ن رپ دشب د وشتشی وہیئ ےہ۔ ا

رئیچنیم یک ا ب ک ب ا ٹ

ا اچےیہ ہک ےھج زعمر

رپ ا ب

from concerned quarters, a strong view rather direction hasےن ہی اہک ےہ ہک

come that now there is no time for debate. ھ ا ٹ یک

ب ی ٹانجٹ رئیچنیم فیچ و ہ ب ا ینپ

ا لم ےہ ہک رطف رک ےک ڑھکے ںیہ ا و ر ھجم

ھ ںیہن Chair ےس جوت ہ ںیہن ںیہ۔ ہی ب ا ر امیلین ا د ا ٹ ںیم س

ب ی ٹیک رطف

یک اجیت۔

Mr. Chairman: Shah Sahib, there is an observation now from

Leader of the Opposition.

: انجٹ رئیچنیم ںیم وت ہ اچاتہ وہن انجٹ رئیچنیم یک ا رگ فیچ و ہ ب ےھج

ا سا وچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن


time د ے د ںی۔ رئیچنیم اصجب ےن اہینstatement د د ےہ ہکfrom concerned quarters ہی

و ن ےن اہین indicationا ب ک ہ

ن floor of the Houseا یئ ےہ۔ ںیم وت ہ اچاتہ وہن رئیچنیم اصجب یک ہک ا

direction orیک رطف ےس ہی concerned quartersد د ےہ ہک statementرپ ا ب ک تہب وشتانشیک

indication ا یئ ےہ ہکthere is no time for debate. Time for debate has run out

or is running out. ےہ؟ ا رگ ےلصیف وہےکچ

ا اگلےن یک ایک رضو ر ٹ

انجٹ رئیچنیم ا رگ ہی وصر احتل ےہ، وت ہی امتس

ا ہن اگلںیئ۔ ںیہ ا و ر اسیج ہک ںیم ےن اہک ہک وکیئ امہر ا دنکاھ ا امعتسل رکےک ہی

ا اچاتہ ےہ وت رھپ مہ ہی امتس

سا ر ا اعمملہ رکب

تہب یرکہی۔

انجٹ رئیچنیم: ایمن ر اض ر ب ا ین۔


یک ےہ۔ ںیم ا ٹ ےک وتطس ےس انہک

الف ےن ا یھب ب ا ٹ


ج ا ِایمن ر اض ر ب ا ین: انجٹ رئیچنیم رتحمم اقدِئ زحٹ

ا اکیم ہی ر یہ ہک ںیم حیحص ونعمن ںیم ا افل

ا ب د ریمد ب

اچوہن اگ ہک س

وک ا د ا ںیہن رکل ا نکیل ںیم ےن ط یع رر رپ ہی ب ا ٹ


مک ےہ ا و ر ا ٹ ا س

تق رک ر اہ اھت ہک debateرپ issueںیہن یہک ہک و

corridors ofںیہن وہیتکس۔ ںیم ب ا ٹ

power یک وشتشی یھت ہک ا س وک ا انت

د دیقنت یھب یک ہ ی۔ ا secretںیم ا س ب ا ٹ

ڑکس ر اھک ایگ ا و ر ا س ےلسلس ںیم ھجم رپ

یک یھت ہک وج ولگ ہی ےتہک ںیہ ہک ا س رپ


ا لص وہین اچےیہ، د ر تقیقح public debateرپ ںیم ےن ہی ب ا ٹ

تقنب ایگ ےہ، ںیم ےن document property of the Houseاک ا ٹ ےہ ج ب ہی public debateو

ںیہن یہک ہک یسک مسق یک تلجع، دلج

یہک یھت۔ ںیم ےن ط یع رر رپ ہی ب ا ٹ

ےس ا س guillotineد ب ا یسک مسق یک ہی ب ا ٹ

issue وکtake up ا وہن ہک ہی

ٹھ مجس

ا س رپ Houseےہ ا و ر property of the Houseایک اجےئ۔ ںیم

ا اچےہ، ا س رپ debateانتج رعہص

رھپ سا ےنم ا ےئ۔ final consensusرکے ا و ر ا ب ک debateرکب

۔ ا ہ اصجب

انجٹ رئیچنیم: دیس وخر دیش ا دمح س

ا ہ: یرکہی انجٹ رئیچنیم ےلہپ وت ںیم ا ٹ وک دیس وخ

ا وہن ہک welcomeر دیش ا دمح س

first time inرکب

the history of the Parliament ا ٹ ےلہپ رئیچنیم ںیہ وجJoint Session وکpreside رک ر ےہ


Mr. Chairman: Thank you.

و ےفق یک

الف ےن د و د ن


جا ہ: اقدئ زحٹ ا

یک ےہ۔ ا ٹ یک دیس وخر دیش ا دمح س

رپ ںیم instructions ب ا ٹ

ھ ا ٹ یک رطف ںیہن

ب ی ٹھ ا ٹ یک رطف ںیہن یھت۔ ںیم رتد ب د رک ر اہ وہن۔ ریمد

ب ی ٹ رک ر اہ اھت ا و ر ریمد

ا یس رپ ب ا ٹ


ب ی ٹ Leader of theرپ اھت۔ ا س ےیل safe sideیک رطف یھت ا و ر ںیم galleryیھت ہکلب ریمد

Opposition یکobservation ںیہن یھت۔ د ر


ہی ےہ ہک ںیم ا یھب رئیچنیم اصجب ےس ہی

اک انہک ےہ ہک discussد و رسد زگا ر س

ا ر خی 25رک ر اہ اھت، ا ن


ےس ہہک ر اہ وہن ہک رئیچنیم اصجب ےن senior Membersوک ک یٹی ےک

ر اج ر ےہ ںیہ۔ ںیم ا یس ےلسلس ںیم ا نہب ا

ںیہن ےہ، وکیئ دلجد ںیہن hurryےگل، ا س ںیم وکیئ timeیھب وہین اچےیہ ا و ر ا س رپ انتج debateحیحص اہک ےہ ہک

properاہین ےس ےلکن وت و ہ documentایک اجےئ۔ ج ب و ہ properly discussوک documentےہ، ا س

ا لم وہ۔ ا س ںیم

ےک ولوگن یک ا ر ا س

ےسیج اچیتہ ےہ ویکہکن ہی رصف Oppositionوہ ا و ر ا س ںیم ب ا اتسکن

Opposition لہ ںیہن ےہ، ا س یک اک اعممParliamentary Committee ےن وخد

recommendations د د ںیہ، ہی سا ر ےHouse یک ا ب کproperty ےہ۔ ںیمہ ہی ںیہن انھجمس ہک


Opposition ہی ےہک ا ا و رGovernment و ہ ےہک ا ۔ ہی ا س کلم اک ا ب ک ا اسیdocument ےہ سج رپ

proper debate وہین اچےیہ ا و ر ا س کلم یکsovereignty and integrity وک دمرظن ر ےتھک وہےئ

debate وہین اچےیہ۔

ںیہن ےہ ہک ا س وک

رپ ر اھک Monday, Tuesday or Wednesdayںیمہ ا س رپ وکیئ ا رتعا ض


23اجےئ ویکہکن د ر ایمن


March ا ر یہ ےہ ا و ر ا س ےک دعبSaturday and Sunday ےہ رھپ ہی

وک وہ اگ۔ مہ ک یٹی Mondayا خ الس ٰ س

ا ر خی وک و ا ر ا ر ےہ ںیہ ا و ر ا

ےک رئیچنیم اصجب ےس وپںی ںیل ہک ہی سک ب

ا ر اصجب یھب اج ر ےہ ںیہ۔



ا ہ: ےھج رئیچنیم اصجب ےن ا یھب اہک ےہ ہک وچہکن ہی ا ب ک تہب

important issueدیس وخر دیش ا دمح س

رکا ںیل۔ debateوک Mondayرکےت ںیہ، ا ٹ ا س رپ ےبکش tour cancelےہ، ا س ےیل مہ ا انپ

۔ اصجب

انجٹ رئیچنیم: وچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan: I would like to thank the Chairman of the

Committee and also the Chief Whip.

اک وجا ٹ یھب ا اجےئ وت ہی رتہب وہ اگ۔ ںیمہ crucial issuesریمے د و

ےہ، لم ایگ timeںیہ، ا رگ ا ن

رپ leaderships levelرک ںیل ا ا و ر discussionا ر ںیم partiesرپ امتم levelب ا ر امیلین ب ا ر یٹ

رکر ےہ ںیہ۔ irkںیہ وج issuesوہ اجےئ اگ، رگم د و discussیھب

اک وج احل وہا ےہ، ا س یک ایک resolutions passا ب ک ہی ےہ ہک ا س ےس ےلہپ د و ہقفتم

وہےئ ںیہ، ا ن

guarantee ا ےہ، ب ا یق

ےس ا ب ک اخض اکم رکا ب

ےہ ہک ا س اک یھب و یہ احل ںیہن وہ اگ؟ ا س اک اینبد د دصقم ا س ا ویا ن

سا ر ا ہلئسم وجن اک وتن ر ےہ اگ۔

وک وت ےلہپ یھب یہک

و مبخک وک تہب یس زیچںی یہک ہ ی ںیہ،

و مبخکانجٹ رئیچنیم ا س ےک سا ھت سا ھت اہین

و ن ےن یھبک ہ

ن رک ےہ، و ہ MoUs۔ نج د و ںیہن ںیک implementںیئگ، ا

circulateوک Parliamentاک د

ن۔ ٹ ی ہ

each and every Member of theاک بلطم ےہ ہک Transparencyوہےن اچ

Parliament should know ہک و ہMOUs ایک ںیہ۔ ا س ےس ےلہپ ہک مہ ا ب کgeneralize direction

ا اچےیہ۔ ہی وکیئ ا ےنت

وک یھب ا اگہ وہب

یک سالیتم ا و ر اقبء sensitive issues د ںی، ا س ا ویا ن

ںیہن ںیہ، ہی ب ا اتسکن

ےک وحا ےل ےس ںیہ۔


ر ہ د د ا ر ےہ، ا س ےیل ا رگ مہ ےن ریساحلص member Parliamentانجٹ رئیچنیم

رکین ےہ وت debateد

د و ونن ground situationںیمہ

رپ وجا ٹ اچےیہ ہک ج ب ےلہپ د و issuesیک ا اگیہ وہین اچےیہ۔ ےھج ا ن

resolutions implement ںیہن وہںیئ وت ہی ےسیکimplement وہ ا ؟

Implementation of one clause will affect theےہ؟ packageربمن د و ، ایک ہی ا ب ک

whole ب ا ہیbits and pieces ےہ ہک ھچکimplement اجںیئ ا ا و ر ھچک ںیہن وہن ا ؟ ںیم ا ٹ ےک وہ

د و ونن

ب ب ا issuesوتطس ےس ا ن رئیچنیم اصج

ر ا Chief Whip Sahibرپ زعمر

رکو ن اگ ہک د

ےس زگا ر س

ر ام د ںی۔ف

و اضجب

، ا ٹ اک وکیئ ےہ؟ point of orderانجٹ رئیچنیم: ا ریم اقمم اصجب

ا اچاتہ اھت۔


ر ا ریم اقمم: ںیم یھب ھچک ب ا ٹ

ٹ ئ

ج ی



andرک ںیل examineس وک وہ یکچ ےہ، ا report presentانجٹ رئیچنیم: انمتب ہی ےہ ہک ا ج

we can have a debate in the next proceedings, that will be more

appropriate. ا رگ مہ ےن یہی رشو ع رک د ب ا وتit would not be appropriate. ۔ یج ا ریم اقمم اصجب

ر ا ریم اقمم: یرکہی۔ انجٹ رئیچنیم ںیم تب ےس ےلہپ ا ٹ وک ا س رکیس رپ رشت

ٹ ئ

ج ی


ر ام وہےن رپ ا ففی

وہ ہ ی ےہ ا و ر

اًل ب ا ٹٹفص


ر اھک اجےئ Mondayےک ےیل debateابمر ابکد د انی اچاتہ وہن۔ ریمے ایخل ںیم

اک د ن


ب ب ا ٹ point raiseےن وج Leader of the Oppositionوت ہی انمت

ایک ےہ ہک وج زیچںی ا س د و ر ا ن


رکںی demandمہ ا ن

زیچو ن یک و اضجب

یھب رکںی۔ ریمے parties ا و ر ا ینپ رکںی ہک ا ن

ےس اشمو ر ٹ

speechesرکںی وت ا س اک وکیئ ہجیتن ںیہن ےلکن اگ نکیل مہ ا ینپ date fixیک debateایخل ںیم ا ٹ

ںیم ایبن

و ن ےن ہ

نن، ےسیج ا

ٹ یہ

ا ہک mentionرکںی ےگ ا و ر وج زیچںی یھب ںیمہ اچ

و ہ مہ لمکم رک ںیل ب

ایک ےہ، ا س د و ر ا ن

ا اچاتہ اھت۔ ںیمہ وکیئ کش



ہن ر ےہ۔ ںیم ا ینت یہ ب ا ٹ

Mr. Chairman: Senator Ishaq Dar Sahib, Leader of the Opposition in


ا ر انجٹ

الف ٹینیس(دمحم ا احسق د


ج clarity: برہب ا ین ۔انجٹ رئیچنیم ںیم اتھجمسوہن ہک ہی )اقدئ زحٹ ا

these recommendations are now converted into a working paperوتےہ ہک

technically. اصجب ےن وج

ںیہ، validد ںی ںیہ و ہ تہب suggestionsانجٹ رئیچنیم وچدہر د اثنر یلع اخن

رپ ںیہ parties Treasury benchesوک ہی ومعق ےلم اگ ہکلب وج opposition partiesا س ےس ہن رصف



ک ںیہن یھت ، و ہ یھب د ھکی ںیل accessا ن

وہ circulateاک وسا ل ےہ ہک ایک و ہ agreementsےگ۔ اہجن ب

ے ںیہ ب ا ںیہن۔ ا س رپ ںیم ہی ر ا ےئ د و ن اگ ہک ا رگ و ہ

سکتsensitive ںیہ اسیج ہک ںیمہ ک یٹی ںیم اتبب ا ایگ اھت وت ا ب ک

session in camera

ا ہک امتم presentوک agreementsرک ےک ا ن

یک Houseرک د ب ا اجےئ ب

وک ا ن

details اتپ لچ اجںیئ۔ و ہ د وagreements وجunder discussion رپ ا ٹ ا ب ک

in camera ںیہ ا ن

session ے ںیہ۔ تہب یرکہی۔

سکت رک

۔ انجٹ رئیچنیم: یرکہی۔ رٹینیس ر اض ر ب ا ین اصجب

ا ر اصجب ےن اہک ہک ج ب ہی

ا و ر ک یٹی وک ا و ر ےسیج د

و مبخک ایمن ر اض ر ب ا ین: انجٹ ریمے ایخل ںیم

agreement ا و ر د رگیagreements یک

ایک sensitizedےک ب ا ر ے ںیم sensitivityو اہن رپ ا ےئ وت ا ن

ںیہن وہ اگ ہک objectionاچےتہ ںیہ وت ینیقی رر رپ ںیمہ وکیئ Leader of the Oppositionایگ اھت نکیل ا رگ

in camera sessionا ب ک

رپ floor of the Houser وک agreementsرک ایل اجےئ ا و ر سج ںیم ا ن

وک ا اگہ رک د ب ا اجےئ۔ Houseالب ا اجےئ ا و ر ا س ےس

۔ ا ہ اصجب

انجٹ رئیچنیم: یرکہی۔ یج وخر دیش س

ا ہ: انجٹ رئیچنیم یہی ےط وہا ےہ ہک ا رگ مہ

22دیس وخر دیش ا دمح س



وک رکںی ےگ وت ا ب ک د ن

23 وہ اگ، رھپ gapاک


March and Saturday, Sunday ےہ۔ ا س ےیلMonday ا م اچر ےجب رک

وک س

یھب لم اجےئ اگ۔ timeوک in between partiesںیل وت رتہب وہ اگ ا و ر

Mr. Chairman: Thank you. The Majlis-e-Shoora, Parliament in Joint

Sitting is adjourned to meet again on Monday, 26


March, 2012 at 4.00



[The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)in joint sitting was adjourned to meet

again on Monday, the 26


March, 2012 at 04.00 p.m.]
